mobile app

Implementing Chat Feature in Your App – Worthy or Not

The communication process has undergone a drastic change over the years. It has travelled quite a long distance right from the era of sending handwritten letters to the present age of instant messaging. Today business is encountering a fierce competition in the market and so the need for real-time communication has augmented. Just a decade ago, the SMS was the order of the day, but with the evolution of time, the popular chat based apps have substituted its place. And it be clear-cut, one must thank the emergence of the Smartphones which has played a dominant role in bringing these apps to the forefront. The current scenario is that no business can excel without offering an optimal customer service. Therefore, when you think of this indispensable feature, the first thing that crosses your mind is providing a Chat option to the esteemed customers. Another important aspect is when you opt for a global research; you will be surprised to note that instant messaging apps like Whatsapp has already crossed more than 1000 million users (1200 in January 2017) followed by others such as Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Viber, Instagram, Skype, Google Hangout etc. So, obviously you don’t want to fall short in this tough race. According to the recent market survey, the audience will be demanding more for such apps in the near future. Why Your Mobile App Should Have a Chat Feature? So, you need to necessarily add the chat feature in your application due to these prevalent features: Involves the Customer-Centric Approach By adding the chat feature in your application, you are moving towards the customer-centric approach which means you are concerned regarding your clients. You might have provided Toll free numbers or the email option, where the customer can ask his queries but with the passage of time, they are not preferred options. Most of the clients appreciate quick response which the emails and the call centers fail to provide. Another problem that props up in this regard is that of the language. You might have to train your staff before they can sort out the queries of the customers. However, the biggest drawback here is that clients have to wait, which they abhor because it’s time consuming. A Predominant tool for Business Promotion If you are planning for a business start-up or having a small business, then the chat feature can be a great boon to boost your future business prospects. It not only helps in increasing your productivity, but also can hike visibility, marketing and brand promotion. You get an opportunity to directly showcase your products and services to the customers and also get instant feedback from them on the same. The Importance of SMS cannot be denied Well, you might say that SMS or Short Hand Messaging seems to be the master tool of previous years, so why is it important? To answer your question, first of all SMS is a chatting option. It is one chatting alternative which allows you to reach millions of people around the world. Remember this that not all people are using Smartphones or have internet connectivity in their mobile. Hence, in such cases you can say that SMS is more than essential tool. Moreover, it is an instant communication two-way process involving the sender and the receiver. Whether it is updates regarding your business or products or the banking services all are informed smoothly by text messaging. Even the popular cab companies like Uber or Ola inform their customers regarding the arrival of cab through SMS only. It also allows the customer to keep a track record of their interaction with the company for any further purpose. Chatting Tools offers Wide Range of Facilities If you think that the different chatting tools are only for sending text messages, you might have to reconsider your decision. They are one of the most vital apps for social media networking nowadays and surely they have lot more to offer. Group chats, free calls, video calls even to international numbers are some of the facilities provided. In order to ensure user is completely secured, it offers end to end encryption. Valuable Customer Information to Store in Database Just think, how benefited you would be if you are aware of your customer’s preferences or dislikes before hand? It will be a blessing because you can frame or reframe your business strategies accordingly. You can also bring improvement in your services based on their feedback. So, in short chat will help to solidify the bond with your clients. Now what information can you gather? Let us see. Precisely it can be the phone numbers or email ids, the country and city in which he resides, what brand does he prefer to use (same as your product), the internet user he uses and so on. In this way you are preparing a database of the clients, which is obligatory for the business. Having Enterprise Chat App as an Asset Have you heard about Enterprise Chat App? Well, it can be a great asset for any business just because it offers different services to the customers that include banking, online shopping or sending cabs. One of the plus points with this chat app is that it can be fully customized and secure your official communication. According to current statistics, it has become one of the most preferred chat tools for corporate communication in the offices. And it is suitable for all types of business be it a manufacturing or retail or online. Getting New Customers on the Board Now don’t restrict the benefits of chat to just pleasing the existing customers by solving answering their questions, but rather see this as viable opportunity to find new clients on the board. Today people have become more interactive and they are searching for new unique products or want to avail information on some. So, here is your opportunity to score the goal. Don’t let it go off easily! This has become more plausible because the numbers of online

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How to Develop a Multilingual App that Outshines Others

The word linguistic often associated with the language is like a vast ocean. People throughout the global arena speak N numbers of languages and we all live in a multilingual society. The same statement can be issued for India as well, which has several languages and dialects. Now according to the latest statistics issued by the Internet World Stats, English has the highest number of speakers around the world, followed by Chinese, Spanish and Arabic. However, most corporate houses encounter problems with the language. It is because not all people worldwide know or speak English. Therefore, they need to hire translators or interpreters to do that job. But the linguistic apps have come as the biggest asset and brought a drastic change in the communication process. You get the exact translation of the words or texts and thus your job becomes much easier. According to a report published by UNESCO on Global Language Diversity Africa tops the chart, while Oceania and South East Asia lies in the second and third spot respectively. In order to eliminate this barrier of language, during business communications, the app developers are developing linguistic apps. And if you are planning to create the same, then it’s essential to get some useful tips in the beginning. So, just continue reading. The Important Guidelines to Developing a Multilingual App When you are creating a multilingual app, the first and foremost step to keep in mind is providing a comprehensive and satisfactory user experience. This means that your app shouldn’t just focus on simply translating the text of one language into another, but it should also understand the symbols, etiquettes or values. It needs to be both technically and culturally sound. Remember that a successful app is that which can be familiar with the culture of that region. Framing a Strategy for the Localization When you are making your apps ready for the localization, this procedure is referred to as internationalization. When you are about to begin, the first step should be focusing on the app designing process. You can lay out your screens and don’t just concentrate on a single language. While doing so just keep in mind a few vital points such as: Leaving some space so that the user can expand the text or for the process of coding during UI expansion programming. It becomes necessary because most languages such as Hindi use more space for translating. Try writing the string using the UTF-8 encoding because it is swifter and there are less changes of committing the mistakes. When you are localizing, it would be better to use their specific formats in your software including the date, time and currency. Offering the substantial support for the local language is very essential both from the app’s point of view as well as maintenance and help guides. Each of the languages should necessarily have a customized keyboard. Preparing the Visual Layout Designs While you are laying the visual design layout, the one aspect to remember is putting everything in a properly organized manner. The app should appeal to the targeted audience. It is possible that the app during the translation process may have to use a different style of writing, diction, the spellings can also change for which the existing layout designs may not work. As a result, the app can lose its relevance. In such a case it is advisable to develop a new layout design for the multilingual app. In this way you don’t have to deal with this problem. But this solution is not appropriate in many cases. Therefore, you might have to reduce the length of your string as well. Another method is to develop different types of layouts for different languages. When you are making the layout designs it’s crucial to: Don’t use any line for UILabels and nor indicate the number of lines. The main text will not come to the forefront because the pompous language will spill out correctly. You need to fix the width of the UILabels but do not set the height. Set up the flow of the content correctly and give due importance to all the vital aspects using proportional layouts and widen the white space. Give proper names to your controls which are free from content names. The Process of Translation It has been predominantly observed that creating a multilingual app can be both expensive and time consuming when compared to other normal apps. But we all know how important translation is specifically in today’s scenario as it connects two people from different cultures. As such there are three types of translation that we usually come across:1. Machine Based Translation2. Translation done by man3. Translation done by professionals The first translation is categorically easier because it is done with the help of computer such as the Google Translate. The outcome is also quite fast and this type of translation is not costly at all. Many companies and even the government department employ translators who may be professional experts to do the job. It is expected that they have good understanding of both languages, including the source text and the translated one. These persons may also be inexperienced and so they have their own limitations. Then we have professional translators who have wide experience of the field and use their knowledge database to produce a quality translation work. They prepare a glossary of terms that basically appears on your mobile screen. There needs to be a strong collaboration amongst the app developers and translators to create a significant and meaningful app. Getting Translation Management System (TMS) Right The major function of Translation Management System (TMS) is monitoring the control of translation process in a precise manner. They are generally a platform or a program that assists in mechanizing the important steps in reducing the time span for downloading or uploading procedure and also for communication. They also make the team work better so that each of the members developing the app can work together and monitor

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A Catalogue of Key Mobile App Features That Stands Out in Crowd

Needless to say that today the software market is flooded with a plethora of mobile applications. However, very few survive this cutthroat competition as most of them fall flat soon after their launch and perhaps, are lost in the oblivion. So, if you wish to stand out in the crowd and stick to Darwin’s Theory-“Survival of the Fittest,” then go on reading further for the booming launch of next mobile app. Do you have any idea why most of the mobile apps fail to grab the attention of the users? Well, it is due to lack of venerable content and secondly because they are too intricate to handle. Hence, it becomes more than essential to be on familiar terms with the key mobile app features before releasing it and gearing up for the contest. Chalking Out a Plan and Extensive Research Every business requires a predictive strategy which commences with laying the foundation of robust planning and an extensive research. Firstly you need to decide what kind of app you are willing to launch. Before you take a plunge into the water, grab a thorough information on who your competitors are? For instance, if it is an app for E-commerce website, then you might have to compete with giants like Walmart, Ikea or Amazon. Make a list of all the successful Mobile Apps which are being downloaded by the users and take a note of their success story. An extensive research is beneficial for the long run as it will assist in sufficing the specific customer needs. For this, it is advisable to collect some useful data of the previous year’s regarding the market response and how consumer behaviour has undergone the change. Upgrading with the latest available technology is very crucial to stay afloat in this business. The other significant criteria being trends, competitors and potential customers. The Why Factor or Simply the Purpose Each of the products is launched with a definite goal or aim. It is very essential to get the answer to the question- ‘Why do I need to launch the particular mobile app in the market?’ Once you get the reply, your task will become much simpler. While defining the purpose you will get to know who your customers are and what the users can expect from your app. According to the survey, about 97% of teenagers and youngsters have Smartphone whose age group fall from 25 to 34. Therefore, you cannot neglect this target audience who are mostly hooked into their Smartphones looking for unique apps. Picking up the Best in Class Features for the App Selecting the best features for the mobile app is indeed the trickiest part of the decision making process. Its necessity is evident from the fact that it will altogether define your product in the market. This surely is a team effort as it relies on identification of problems, supporting of the objectives and usage of case scenario. All these facts need to be well understood before their final implementation. Concept of Successful App Features What is your concept behind a successful product? On what grounds do you say that the launching of the product has been accomplished? Determining the success rate of your app is important as it will help the app developers in deciding what feature they need to add before releasing it. Let us illustrate this with an example. Suppose you app is for online payment and receiving of money and the feature allows the user to do the job through a single window, the goal is accomplished. Set the Features According to Priority One of the vital areas where you need to work out is setting the features in accordance with their order of preference. You will have to think wisely and select the features which according to you can play a crucial role in the success of your app. This needs to be done based on the importance of the features. Now if suppose you have developed some app features. You can decide which needs to be launched first and others that are not as important as the earlier ones. Once you have categorically divided these features, the decision becomes easier. You might at some point of time have to make changes in the project or features based on the suggestion of the team members. This is known as Scope Creep which might also lead to the project failure. In such a scenario, the product definition becomes critical as it helps in accomplishing the target and also time saving. Adding Social Sharing Feature Undeniably, the social media has become of the most powerful and effective tools for the success of any business venture. Adding social sharing feature will certainly give you an upper advantage to connect directly with the users on various platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Watsapp and others. Offering the Best User Interface and Functionality One of the important app features through which you can engage your users is by offering the best user interface and functionality. It includes types of buttons, page accessibility and user-friendly functionality. The app must be developed in such a manner that it can help the user in day to day tasks you can add additional services such as back-end data integration, coupons and other special offers. Remember, if you fail to provide the functionality, the user may uninstall your app from his mobile. Some of the apps which have been chosen by various agencies for their outstanding User Interface in 2017 include Snapseed by Google, Pear by Pear Sports etc. Developing App Features Based on Internet Speed Now this is another vital mobile app feature that will ensure your position ahead of your competitors. You must note that not every Smartphone user uses a 4G or a higher internet speed network on their mobiles. Therefore, you need to design an application which is interactively suitable for phones browsing internet on 3G or even slower network. Here again the functionality feature will come into play. It

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Developing Live Video Streaming App: How to Go About it

Gone are the days when people used to glue at a television set to watch a live cricket match or a movie and a living room would get converted to a stadium or a cinema hall. But all the attention and attraction that the cable television had obtained more than a decade ago seems to have lost its vigor; all credit to the arrival of a new guest in the form of a live streaming video app. What is more exciting is the fact that you can enjoy your favorite movies and other shows without any hindrances, which means they are free from commercials. And let’s be clear. The live streaming video apps are not just meant for fun and entertainment purposes. It can be handy for business as well as for personal use. For instance, it can prove worthy in the case of live video conferences, offering live tutorials for students and any other demonstration, impart training lessons, useful in culinary classes, and lastly act as a safety device to keep an eye on children or pets. Ever since the video streaming or live streaming apps have bagged the limelight, there has been a sea of such apps in the market. According to the statistics presented by Uscreen, In March 2020, 22% of individuals in the U.S. and U.K. started streaming more live video since the pandemic. The Two Categories of Video Based Apps Now before you begin your job of creating a live streaming video app, it is imperative to know that video apps may be categorized into two different categories namely: Apps for Live broadcasting Apps for video streaming As the name implies these video apps are created for live broadcasting that allows the user to view a live concert or match etc. The live online broadcast videos are only available to those users who have subscribed to a specific channel in real-time. The storage duration of such videos is short and they are removed or deleted afterward. In the second case, there is no such time limitation as far as storing the video is concerned. This means the videos are stored in the app’s server in advance and the user can play it according to his wish and convenience. Composition of the Development Team The development team involved in a project usually consists of the same professionals usually included in any app design. The project manager manages and supervises the entire project and designates the role of other members. Then comes the app developers who have experience in Android and iOS app development. The important contribution of the UI and UX designers, the backend team members and lastly the quality app testers can also not be denied. All these people play their decisive role in the successful making and launching of a live video streaming app. Things to Consider Before Developing a Live Video Streaming App As a developer, the following things to be considered when you commence the project: Accessibility to a Large Number of Audiences The above-mentioned stats has already provided ample evidence regarding the increasing number of subscribers to the live video streaming apps. So, you have to create apps with a highly accessible backend that can cater to a large number of audiences. Should Support all Video File Formats The live application videos streaming in your app should necessarily support all types of file formats so that the user can run his video seamlessly without any problems. Securing the Uploaded Videos There is always debate over pirated or plagiarized videos which often leads to the infringement of the copyrights. Therefore, the developers need to ensure to provide adequate security to the apps to avert such situations. Once you have got the important tools in the right position, you can begin the work of app development. Selection of a Viable Platform First things first, what needs to be done is choosing the appropriate viable platform for the development of the application. The knowledge of Minimum Viable Product (MVP) will be helpful during the early stages of the designing process. An application is mostly built on either a native or a hybrid platform, and so this is the initial option to choose from. As for the hybrid platform, it will support various languages such as HTML, JavaScript, etc. If you want to create your live video streaming app using a native platform, then it is recommended to first select the specific Operating System – Android or iOS for which the app is getting developed. The Features to be Implemented in Video Streaming App After you have chosen the right platform, it’s time to proceed further with the journey. Creating the Registration The user registration is the first basic requirement when the customer is rooting for live streaming video apps. He has to be provided with various options to register his account. The options may include registration through email id or mobile number using OTP verification. Besides that, you can include the option of registering through social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, etc. And please do not forget to include the option where the user can recover his forgotten password. Creation of User Profile Having a useful inventory that comprises personal information about the user is always helpful. So the next job in hand for the app developers is to create a platform where the customer can fill in his profile that would include his name, email id, mobile number, preference of video genres such as sports, movies, etc. subscription list and all. Search or Suggested Videos The app developers necessarily need to add a search box in the app that allows the users to search for a particular video in a specific category. Now the search category needs to be a little wider. It should be based on the interest, the age factor, location, and language of the broadcast, the number of total views, and so on. Reviews, Ratings, and Feedback You know very well that the popularity of the video increases

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Viable Strategies to Retain Your App Users and Keep Them Engaged

We are already into the beginning of 2018 and the road ahead is going to be more testing and truly challenging from here. The Mobile Application Development industry is actually passing through a transformational phase, wherein, the app development and designing trends are undergoing quick changes. Yes, satisfying the end users is becoming harder; but the most difficult job perhaps at this present moment is retaining your users and keep them interested in the app. Why? The reason- according to an online survey 77% of the users do not bother to return back to the app 72 hours after its installation. The same site states that this percentage increases to 90 after a month. Now let’s know why customer retention is important keeping in view the revenue of the company. You will be pleased to note that according to a report 5% hike in customer base will increase your profitability by 75%. Even Gartner has stated that 20% increment in users can generate 80% of company’s revenue. All these facts and figures are really encouraging for the app developers. So, let’s move on further to discuss some of the useful and viable strategies that will hook more end users and keep rolling the existing ones. Effectively Targeting the Target Customers One of the best ways to drive your users to your app is effectively targeting the customers. That is the golden rule for any business. You need to primarily focus on applying your sharp marketing skills that fits within their persona. What you can do is create personal profiles of your target customers in which you can add details pertaining to their likes and dislikes. The persona would usually contain their names, gender, age, location, areas of interest, the mobile platform they use (whether iOS or Android), social media platforms they use like Facebook, Twitter etc. The experts are of the opinion that creating personas will help a great deal in making your marketing tasks easier. Winning the Battle in First Impression Well, you must have probably heard about the idiom that “First Impression is the Last Impression” and this goes perfectly true in the case of app development industry where the competition has gone into some other level. So, in such a scenario, it becomes important to grab the attention of the users right from the word go. But the question is how to approach in that direction? The User Interface and User Experience of your mobile app plays a distinctive role in this aspect. It must be noted that both UI and UX are different tolls, but they must complement each other well; in short the UI of your app should perfectly match with the UX. Try to make your app navigation as easier as possible so that a person who is absolutely nil in operating an app can use it effectively without any problems. What else can be done in this respect is add the features at draws the attention of the users. You can add features that will enhance and improve their day-to-day life. If the user fails to connect with the UI or UX of your mobile app, he would probably never return back again. Optimum Performance is Key to Success Whatever step you ensure to retain the users, the app performance should on the top of the priority list. This is a great vehicle through which you can establish a strong bond with the target customers. Now does the consumer demand here in this segment?Firstly, you have to take into consideration the load time of your app. If your load time is higher, then you will have to suffer the outcome as Google will take you back in SERPs. Make sure the users do not face any difficulty on that front and their experience remains error-free. Once you fall back in SERP, the bounce rate tends to rise. If the loading time is slow than 2 seconds, then your app falls into the slow category zone. Keep Your Apps Always Up-to Date O.k. this point also goes well with the performance of your mobile application. The updates of apps is very essential because it will provide you a scope to add extra features and remove the unnecessary ones in accordance with the demand of the customers. The Updated apps will navigate at face pace and the loading of the pages will also be quick. Thus, the experience of the users will be highly satisfactory they would not only prefer to keep your app in their smartphone but also use it on regular basis. On the other hand, if you are not updating your app, you are surely losing the ground. The updated app will provide an opportunity to improve your ranking in the download rate will also go up. You can identify the bugs and remove it to make it more user friendly. Engaging the Customers by Personally Reaching Them You must remember that is you who has to take the pains of reaching the target users through personal engagement. As such you can try out various techniques in this regard but the ones that will be fruitful is using the Push Notifications. Here you send messages in which you are offering attractive deals and discounts. This can also include freebies, coupons and other offers that may be alluring for customers. But at the same time it must be kept in mind that you don’t frustrate the uses by sending the same message again and again. And please make sure that the content of the message is completely relevant in accordance with the app. Personalizing every message is a good strategy to follow. You can directly write the name of the person to whom the particular message is being sent to. The customers enjoy such kind of personal attention. Another way of engaging the customers is getting the valuable feedback in the form of ratings and reviews. You should always ask for suggestions of improvement from the users and take them into account

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How to Create an Extraordinary UI Design for Mobile App that Instantly Draws Attention

What is it that draws the attention of the target audiences towards a mobile application? Well, people may have various opinions on this; while some may prefer a unique feature-loaded mobile app, others might give preference to exclusively designed User Interface and User Experience. Whatever may be the fact, the app designers have to offer a seamless experience to the end users. However, the design of your mobile app is likewise important. According to another statistic, 94% of the first impressions are related to designs. Therefore, you can well understand the significance of User Interface and User Experience while designing an app. At the same time don’t mix and match User Interface with User Experience. Although they might seem to be similar, they are poles apart. User Experience is purely based on enhancing the satisfaction level of the customers and it mainly focuses on offering optimal usability and better access to the app. The UX helps in creating a brand awareness and the users tend to identify the products with the help of UX design. But we are here to discuss how to create an awesome UI design for mobile app that can appeal to the large number of audiences. User Interface is an indispensable tool, which draws the user towards the app. User Interface or UI aims at improving the user interaction through simple and sophisticated designs. In short, the goal of the UI designer is to create user-centric designs. In fact, you can also say that the success of User Experience relies on how well and efficiently the UI has been designed. The UI is not restricted to just designing a few eye-catching buttons and making the navigation simpler. It is about how well the user can get connected with the app. So, you the UI designers not only have to pay attention to the aesthetic beauty but also emphasize on the app functionality. You have to make the app user-friendly and think about various aspects of designing such as placement of the buttons, call-to-actions etc. So, what are the inputs that need to be put so as to make an appealing UI? Let’s have a brief discussion: The UI Designers Should Focus on Clarity One of the important aspects that keep the UI designers on their toes is adding the visual elements to the designing process. They seem to be concerned about how the app would look finally; because their aim is to establish the connection with the user. How about offering a clear shape to the app designing? Well, this is important if you want to enhance the brand awareness. The interface should not be perplexing or confusing but on the contrary, everything should be clear. Avoid adding the element of ambiguity and make the language easier. Try to keep the design as simple as possible. Do not overcrowd your app with the bunch of unnecessary words. This will not create a positive impact as far as interface is concerned. Make Use of Familiar Buttons or Call-to-Actions The UI designers want to implement unique buttons and icons when it comes to designing the interface. There is no harm in doing so, but you also need to remember that trying out too many things at the same time can lead to hampering the design. Create buttons that are easier to understand such as choosing the red color for the delete option. You need to keep in mind that if somebody is using your app for the first time, he should be familiar with the call-to-action keys. Speeding Up The App Performance The app should have a good navigation speed and should not lack behind. It must be noted that according to one of the surveys, 53% lose their interest in the mobile app due to slow speed. It also creates a negative influence on the performance of the app. You can ask for a feedback even if the screen is loading. This will keep the users informed as to what is happening. A highly responsive app will run seamlessly on different operating systems such as Android and iOS and on various devices. Choose the Appropriately Sized Fonts The Font play a crucial role in deciding the fate of the interface whether it is website or a mobile app. So, the UI designers have to take clear stand while choosing the font for the app; both in case of style and size. Don’t go for very stylish fonts that are difficult to comprehend. In addition, the size of the font should match with the interface design as well as the background color. It must be appropriate; neither should it be too small making it difficult to read the content or large so that you face the difficulty in adjusting the entire content. Making it Aesthetically Pleasing is Important It’s good that you are trying your level best to implement the best features and functions into the app; however, your app also need to be aesthetically pleasing to the target audiences in order to attract more. In order to achieve that end, the best way is to incorporate some animations if your app demands so. We know the trends are changing and today the static images and animations have been replaced by the motion pictures. This is one little trick that the UI designs can employ to enhance the performance of the app. Moreover, you can also keep your word of implementing something unique. This is where you can take full advantage of the CSS in giving life to your user interface. Keep Following the Latest UI/UX Trends The UI designers have to make sure that they are up-to-date with the latest trends related to mobile app designing. The trends keep altering and so nothing is constant. If you are not following what’s currently prevailing in the market, your app will lack behind in the stiff competition and there is no other way that you can come forward. Conducting Beta Testing is Necessary The UI designers should also

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Planning to Develop an App: Take These Vital Factors into Consideration

Today mobile applications have become a necessity and not being an item of luxury. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur of a large business entity to develop a mobile app; according to a survey, about 67% of small businesses have built mobile apps by the year 2017. And even the startups are taking keen interest in getting an app. However, don’t just run behind the crowd; first, define your goal and then go ahead to execute the plan successfully. You might have an extraordinary idea but at the same, it is important that it remains unique and exclusive. Thus, you have to secure your app idea. But the question is how? You must have heard about Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). You can also ask the client to share his ideas under the Non-Proprietary Information where the details discussed regarding the launching of the app is kept utterly confidential. Writing Down the App Specification is Must So, when you are framing a plan on how to develop an app, it is crucial to take the first proper step; write an exceptional app specification that helps in encountering the tough competition. In fact, businesses that don’t have proper app specifications, fail to make their mark on the first attempt. Having app specifications offers a bunch of benefits. Firstly, you get a clear vision of who your target are, what kind of platform you want to choose for the app development. In addition, you also define your goals in a better way apart from adding the specific features in the app. Next, the app developers will give a near about estimate regarding the budget. The app specification is not an essay type long answer but it describes an outline of your app. It also reduces the risk factors if any involved during the development process. Lastly, it brings your concepts and ideas into life. Choosing the Appropriate Platform and Budget Decision Well, if you ask most of the clients often have to tackle with this tricky choice; whether they should opt for Google Play Store or Apple Store. Going by the statistical numbers, the number of Android apps still exceeds over iOS, so, speaking from that perspective, of course opting for the Android launching platform will be fruitful. Also releasing an app in the Google Play Store is relatively easy in comparison to the Apple. However, we should also look at the other side of the picture as well. If you are planning to develop an app for a startup business, it is recommended to choose iOS as it will help them to venture into the new world better. And it has also been seen that iOS users spend more time on their devices in comparison to Android users. Now let’s talk about the budget estimate of developing an app. Since it is an important part of the planning session and therefore, needs to be discussed briefly. There are a number of factors taken into account when calculating the cost of app development. First, the costing will depend on what app are you developing, the choice of operating system, the selection of the platform and charges of the app development company. The App Needs to Address User Issues When you sit down to chalk out a plan for your app, remember that primarily the aim of your app is to solve the user issues. Thus, your approach should also be in that direction. But you have to first identify the problems before you can sort it out. Therefore, an effective tool at this juncture is brainstorming the ideas; an exercise that you can do jointly with the other team members. In this way, you can frame a much better plan proving more than useful for the client’s business. Moreover, it will also assist in taking quick and apt decisions without any second thoughts in the mind. Collect Information on User Demand When you are planning to add some unique and exciting features into your app, make sure you are aware of what the consumer is looking for. Well, this is important if you want your app to sustain in the competition. You can opt for the use case diagrams to decide how users are interacting with your app and what features of the app needs more attention. You can also create a user testing focus group, which will find out what users are specifically looking in an app. You can have a regular discussion on this based on the valuable inputs of the group. The Planning on App Designing When you are planning to develop your app, equal attention needs to be paid towards the designing as well. Upon reaching this stage you need to take decisions on how many screens you want, the UI and UX designs, the selection of the color, the content of the app and much more. The user interface mainly concentrates on the page including the app icon. User Experience on the other hand, deals the personal experiences and creating the brand awareness. For bettering the functionality of the app focus on the wireframes. The architecture diagrams can be used to describe the function of the app especially to the stakeholders. Strategy for Marketing the App Well, frankly speaking promoting your app is as important as developing it. It is through the promotional strategy or the marketing campaign that you can get more traffic building into your app. Now first things first, you need to face the reality and get comprehensive knowledge on who your real competitors are and what their market response is. Emphasize on the online marketing campaigning tools such as using the social media tools for better result. Earning Money through App This should also be a part of your planning process. Here you have to think of innovative ideas on how to get more investors on the board. However, before approaching the investors, make sure you are prepared with all the details including the purpose of the app, your target customers, landing page

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Push Notifications Can Re-Engage Your Lost Customers and Avoid App Churning

The mobile application development industry is passing through one of the most competitive stages where customer retention has become a daunting task. Having said that, the marketing team literally focuses on how to get more users on the board and most importantly keep them engaged. However, experts tend to believe that it is more important to gain the loyalty of the long-term customer than keep on hankering for the new and casual ones. And there is always an apprehension that the excising customers may churn your mobile app, which means saying goodbye on the grounds that they did not find your app useful and worthy. So, your job in hand is to keep them interested and one of the optimal marketing skills that you can certainly implement is using the Push Notifications to good effect. There is no doubt that you can establish a direct communication or interaction with your esteemed used via push notifications. It is encouraging to note that according to a study, push notifications are two times better in comparison to broadcast messages. However, it must also be remembered that the messages sent through push notifications should be relevant and useful or according to a stat, 78% users will turn off the notifications. You have to necessarily plan a strategy and think twice or even thrice as to what type of message you would send to the users and how it will benefit them. The push notification should enhance the user experience and so you can make the best use of the splash screen. The splash screen also helps you to understand your user’s interest. If the user does not any interest in the notification, you have to adopt the wait and watch policy and see how they respond after using the app. Categorizing your Target Audiences When you are first planning to enable push notification, the best thing would be to segregate or segment your target audiences. You must have heard of the popular phrase ‘Content is King’; so, this is one area which needs a special emphasis. You cannot put all your users into a single category because each one has a different requirement. Often the messages sent out the users are based on their tastes and preferences or you may say consumer behavior. Yes, you have to apply your economics knowledge here. The user data that you have probably gathered through the app will come into play here. In fact, the research-based websites have found that during the last two to three years there has been an upsurge in the push notifications from 53% to 65%, whereas the broadcast messages have drastically declined during the same period. Push Notification also improves the lead conversations as well. Personalizing the Content of Notification One of the effective strategies to avoid churning of the users is sending them personalized messages through push notifications. It means to give your users what are searching for. However, this strategy will bear its fruit if you have completed the segmentation of the customers appropriately. Now, you can easily decide which messages are appropriate for a particular group of customers, thus, driving more traffic to the app. If you are personalizing the content, you are making it more relevant to the user. However, at the same time, it is essential to keep an eye on how the user is utilizing the message for his own benefit. Once you get some idea on it, you can send more of such specific messages. Nowadays, the users prefer to have one-to-one interaction and this strategy is just aiming for that. In addition to the personalized push notifications, you can also plan to send the rich notification, which has become a popular tactic nowadays. This is a more interactive messaging tool which comprises of images, audio and video messages apart from the text. Now the users are also getting more tools where they can send their personal response in the form of images and can also save the content. The users will feel satisfied with receiving more attention and their engagement will increase. Focus More on Quality Well, it is a well-known dictum that we probably have heard several times- focus on providing quality rather than quantity. It is rather a universal statement true in many sections. As far as the relevance of push notification is concerned, you have to follow it depend on what your app is dealing with or what service or product does it offer. It is of no use sending push notifications at random intervals so as to frustrate the users. Rather, you need to have a check on the frequency. There is no such time deadline here that has to be followed strictly. It is utmost important that whenever you are sending the notification at whatever time interval, it should carry substantial weight and have a value. Don’t frustrate your users with too many irrelevant messages. They might opt out of push notification and even uninstall your app. What you can do is add some creativity, which will be more engaging. Getting your Users Back on Board One of the ways that push notifications to prove worthy to avoid churning of the users is to bring them back on the board. According to a research, it has been found that about 65% of the users return to the mobile app within a span of one month if the push notification is enabled. Well, what can be done is add some spice to the deals that will allure them to re-engage. You can send them attractive offers and discounts. This is one of the effective traits employed in the mobile app marketing strategy. Tracking the Success of the App through Engagement Metrics You may ask how push notifications help in tracking the engagement metrics. Well, it is through the response of the users, which can give you an idea how successful has your app been. Based on the metrics, you can decide what strategy to follow and bring an improvement in

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The Advantages of Having A Mobile App for Restaurant Business

The mobile applications have created magical wonders for several businesses and industries out there in the market competing against each other. You might be involved in any business, but if you want to make your online presence count, then mobile apps are the major keys to success. The mobile apps have outperformed websites and people are more interested in searching for purposeful apps that can cater to their requirements. The restaurant apps have been successful in drawing the attention of the cuisine lovers, fond of visiting new eateries to try out new dishes. According to a survey, 83% of the people use smart gadgets as smartphones and tablets to find restaurant locations and directions. According to another report, 79% users have stated that restaurant mobile technology has certainly enhanced their overall experience. With restaurant apps, the customers can order the food online and it would be rightly delivered at their home or workplace. The customers also get the facility of loyalty rewards and they can take the benefit of discounts and coupons. Moreover, they also get a variety of options to tantalize their taste buds. In fact, there are some vital factors why you should look for a mobile app to enhance your restaurant business prospects: The Users can Book Table Online Well, most of the customers when visit the restaurant with their friends and family pre-reserve or book a table of their choice in advance. This allows them to save their lot of time as they don’t have to wait for the other people to vacant the chairs. Plus, they can arrange for the sitting arrangements properly according to the number of people visiting restaurant. In addition, they can also select their favorite spot according to the ambience of the restaurant. According to a survey, 36% of the customers believe that online booking of table is an essential feature of the restaurant app. It would certainly be an added advantage if you tie up with some taxi app service to provide the pick-up and drop-in benefit to the existing customers visiting your restaurant. The Benefit of Having Geo-Location We are aware that considering the scenario nowadays, the geo-location services in a mobile app has become a necessity. In fact, it is a crucial feature found almost in every on-demand app. If you include the geo-location facility along with built-in maps and GPS, it would become easier for the food lovers to trace the exact location of restaurant and also they can also choose their preferred table for the pre-booking. Now, it will also benefit the restaurant owner as well. If they know that the customers are within close proximity, they can make the arrangements and decorate the table, manage the staffs and resources etc. However, it would be a plus point if you are using the iBeacon technology to sent alerts and reminders to your customers if they are present within the zone of your restaurant. The Advantage of Placing Online Order The restaurant apps are providing more flexibility to both the customer as well as the owner. It has become much easier for the customer to place his orders online comfortably from anywhere. It reduces the queue and improves the efficiency and service of the restaurant. In fact, it has been predominantly seen that renowned restaurant chains such as Subway and Starbucks have reduced the waiting time of the customers by taking online order. Another advantage of using the mobile app is that it significantly reduces the human errors and improves the satisfaction level of the user. Your staff does not need to waste much time in answering phone calls of the customers for placing the order. The customers can check the order history. The restaurant owners can also take other benefits as well. It will provide the valuable information about your customer’s eating habits, his favorite dishes and so you can send him notifications accordingly. Showcasing the Menu Online Today most of the restaurant apps are providing the users with the option of online menu card. This relatively allows the customer to place his order within just a click of button. What you can do is add the attractive pictures of various cuisines and dishes to entice the end users. This makes it even faster booking. The customer if able to understand the dish by its name can identify it through the displayed picture. Plus, each of the dishes also has its price, which makes it easier for the customer to place the order according to his budget. You also can mention if you are offering free delivery services or it’s chargeable. It should be noted that the digital menu card must be well-organized and each of the cuisines must be placed categorically. The Wonders of Push Notifications Like geo-location services, the push notification can also prove to more than handy for the restaurant business. You can send the important notifications to your esteemed customers informing about special discount offers and other attractive options. In this way you can successfully keep your customers engaged to your app and they would be interested to use such offers. In fact, the customers should have the final word when deciding what kind of push notification they would prefer and choose the span of time. They might get annoyed or irritated if notifications are sent frequently. The notifications act as a promotional for the restaurant app through which they try to increase the customer base and win the loyalty of the users. The In-App Payment Facility You can offer the in-app payment facility to the customers so that they can pay their bill using your app and don’t have to open any other application. When the user processes the payment via your app, he would usually get connected to various options such as using the internet banking, paying through debit or credit card or using payment gateway such as Braintree or Wire Transfer. The restaurant owner directly receives the amount in his account and he does not have to take

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Factors that can Boost the Mobile App Ranking in the Google Play Store

One of the most challenging roles for the app developers today is to optimize the mobile app ranking in the app store. If you are an Android App Developer, then this task becomes even trickier as the numbers of mobile applications on Google Play Store according to a statistics of December 2017 have already crossed 3.5 million. When the customer retention and engagement is very important to keep your app on the top, you need an acute strategy to deal with your competitors. However, the users can churn your app within no time and this would be a major setback to boost your app ranking. So, don’t fall a prey into the pit and just look forward to improving your mobile app ranking in the Google Play Store. How Does Google Play Store Rank the Apps? Well, you must have heard about website ranking on the various search engines; similarly, the apps too are ranked in the Google Play Store. The Google Play Store uses different algorithms and some determining factors to rank the app. These may include the total number of downloads by users, the app ratings and reviews, the app retention time on the Smartphones, how quickly is it getting uninstalled after the download and whether or not it is connected with social media links. The Role Played by App Store Optimization (ASO) You know that App Store Optimization or ASO is very important in determining the success rate of your app. In fact, according to a study, 50% of the downloaded Android Apps were discovered through app store searches. So, it becomes imperative to pay attention on the ASO and if you miss out that your ranking would certainly decline. Undoubtedly, ASO has been identified as the essential marketing channel and here the same process is followed as like someone searching for a keyword. Thus, keyword holds the key. The App Store Optimization also has the potential to attract large set of targeted audiences. It is cost effective too. It also helps in building the trust factor of the users and increases your conversion rate as well. While you are targeting the audience via keyword, it is important to select the right keyword. You need to focus on the relevance, difficulty and traffic while defining the keywords. You have to search for lower difficulty score in order to rank your app higher. Choosing the App Title or Name that Fits Best You already have become aware of how vital the search is so as to optimize your app; and so to further improve the chances of app discoverability, choosing a perfect name or title for the app becomes crucial. Remember, the users will find your app by typing the initial keywords and so it must be selected wisely. Moreover, it should also clearly define what your app is all about even before a user downloads it. You need to use the main keyword in the app title so that finding the app becomes easier. However, don’t go for similar sounding names of the popular apps that are already ruling the market. This will decrease the chances of discovering app as Google will direct the user to the popular app in place of yours. Paying Attention to the App Rating Review and UX The app ratings and reviews hold a key position when it comes to boosting the rank of your app in the Google Play Store. According to a statistic, about 92% customers read the reviews today before downloading an app as compared to 88% in 2014. So, it cannot be ignored at any cost. Every android app developer tries to build an app that receives 5 star rating from the audiences. But only handfuls are successful. This is because in order to get best rating you have to focus on offering compromising product and service with unmatched User Experience. Adding Description of the App So, when you are adding the description of your app, make sure to be precise and short. You need to make your description relevant and at the same time make users aware of what your app does. Please take the note that Google takes the vital keywords from your description and not from the keyword bar in the Google Play Store. Another important fact to keep in mind is that Google allows you a maximum of using 4000 characters only. So, ensure to make the best use of the available space. However, you need to note that your description is not keyword stuffed. You can use it twice or thrice. Lastly, remember that the first 167 character of your description is actually the meta description for search engine. Make your description attractive and appealing to the audiences. Give Due Importance to Screenshots, Graphics and Videos The screenshots and the app designs are optimal techniques one can adopt to get higher ranking on the Google Play Store. It actually shows a glimpse of your app to the user before the final download. So, it needs to be ensured that you are uploading and using High Definition Screenshots comprising of all sizes to boost visibility and bettering the app ranking. With Google App Store you can also exhibit the details of the app through the videos and inform about the highlighting features of the app. So, the users can get a pre-idea of the app. Graphics too plays a pivotal role in improving the ranking and you have to be very careful while designing it. The app icon is another important tool that will instantly draw the attention of the users. Getting Across the Right Set of Customers If the app needs to get a higher ranking, then the developer has to get across the right set of targeted audiences. You would have to take into account which age group people would use your app maximum and define your strategies accordingly. So, the job in hand is to find the right potential audience. Focusing on App Promotion App promotion is one of the

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