app development

Know How Enterprise Apps Benefit in Streamline Your Business

Business applications or enterprise applications are popularly used in present times in corporate environment. Enterprise apps are large apps and become scalable, user-friendly, and data-centric as well as deliver great advantages to enterprises. With advancements in mobile app development technology, enterprise apps become popularly used by the small, mid and large sized businesses to streamline their critical processes and enhance efficiency. Based on the need of your business, you can plan to develop an app that delivers profitable outcomes with definite growth. It not only helps in increase employee engagement with an organization, but also boosts customer satisfaction, defeat rivals, improve decision-making process, boost productivity as well as proffer many more benefits. Development of Different Types of Bespoke Enterprise Apps for Businesses The trend of enterprise mobility increases that in turn helps in accomplishing the necessity of businesses to manage and empower their employee mobility. With the right conceptualization, design and development, you can make your enterprise app innovative in terms of gaining positive results for swift growth. There are several enterprise apps utilized by the organization based on their business needs such as: Enterprise Resource Planning App (ERP App) – This app helps you to incorporate all systems of your organization to access the data as and when require. In large organizations, where there different departments, such as sales, purchase, export, account, and others, with an efficient ERP app, it becomes the ease for top management to make their IT operations up-to-date. Content Management (CMS App) – It gives ease in managing different types of content including documents, presentations, product information, and many other data. CMS makes easy to manage and administrate bulk content. CMS becomes a basic necessity for every business in recent days. Customer Relationship Management (CRM App) – In order to deliver better service to your customers, CRM app helps your company in simplifying the work of sales and marketing team. In order to boost marketing activities as well as getting the response of customers or giving instant feedback, CRM app helps in increase proficiency of your customer relation department. Order Management App – It helps in keeping complete track of order system from its inquiry stage to successful delivery of products to customers. This order tracking helps in giving quick feedback of customers’ inquiry. With different criteria, you can get instant reports based on your requirement. It simplifies the task of sales and marketing team and enhances their performance with easy access of data, especially when they are in the field. There are several other types of enterprise apps used by the organizations such as Human Resource Management (HRM App), Financial App, Export Sales App, Billing App and many more based on bespoke needs of companies’ internal operations. Developing a customized app based on the precise need of your company helps you in many ways to overcome challenges. Enterprise Mobility Helps Businesses to Grow Rapidly With an enterprise app such as ERP, it makes management easy to get instant reports anytime from anywhere that not only helps them to accomplish their task efficiently, but also helps in taking the right decision without any delay. Integration of your system with an enterprise app helps to make your complete system up-to-date and get MIS reports or other financial details instantly. No matter, type of your business, you can hire an expert enterprise app development company, who can comprehend your business need and develop an app that precisely meet changing needs of your business. Understanding future growth in mind, a well-developed app by a professional and experienced mobile app developer can give your business complete return on your investment. The Reasons for Growth of Enterprise App Market are: It offers advantages of better business operations. With increase in the number of mobile users in the workplace, it enhances work performance of employees while they are on the move. Nowadays, businesses totally rely on software applications and other automated tools for their internal processes, whether it becomes data analytics, customer relation, communication, billing as well as communication within an organization, business network and customers. An enterprise app become an excellent solution that work as a centralize interface. Besides, it optimizes utilization of existing resources using efficient integration. Depending on different software systems to streamline your business processes becomes costly and time-consuming matter. Creating an app that works as a bridge for your existing systems carry out a gap between your employees, data and management as well as systems. Another reason that has increased trend of an enterprise app is that it has given mobility to complex business processes and enable to access data from any site locations and make the work culture flexible. It has augmented the interest of employees in their work and reduces their workload and duplication tasks. It helps in making data management operation effective and trouble-free. Based on one survey, there is approximately a 731% rise in activating custom apps in the last year as top management prefers a complete organized mobile strategy. Creating powerful mobility tools help organizations to compete the critical market challenges and its rapid changes. With simple plug-and-play solutions which helpful for even layman having no technical knowledge can easily operate and serve the complex tasks. Thus, such mobile based business application takes companies to go forward with flexible options. The success of any enterprise app completely depends on how efficiently it designed and developed. It becomes necessary to find a knowledgeable and reliable mobile app development company having a team of skilled mobile app developers with in-depth understanding in system architecture and development process for different mobile platforms. Conclusion With changing global trend, swift growth in utilization of enterprise apps has given new horizons to small, medium and large sized businesses to grow quickly by streamlining their processes. Any enterprise app designed for bespoke need of an organization gives booming outcomes, if it is designed by the expert mobile app development company having proficiency to comprehend the in-depth need of your business, latest mobile technology, and future trend to

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Choosing the Best Location-Based Technology for Mobile Apps – GPS Vs Beacons Vs WiFi

With an enhancement in deployment of mobile apps by almost all types of businesses, the need for location based services (LBS) is also increasing rapidly in developing techno-driven mobile apps. The mobile app developed using the location-based technology offers your customers’ immediate access of any information related to your products or services. Using the location based mobile app, you will have the opportunity to gain a competitive advantage to reach your target audience in close proximity, and enhances the possibilities of direct sale. If you are looking for development of an innovative location based mobile app, you need to ensure about the different location based technology utilized in the app development process. In order to gain the advantage of the latest technology, choosing the right location based technology, make your mobile app development worthwhile and growth-oriented. In this blog, we have discussed about the different location based technologies popularly used in present times for mobile application development. It becomes necessary to select the right technology based on the precise need of your business in order to gain precise technology benefits. Beacon – A Useful Location Based Technology used by developers for Indoor Business Environment Nowadays, Beacon is popularly used small transmitter device useful to transmit a signal which is identified by devices having Bluetooth enable within a range. It utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Beacons are available in different shapes and formats such as small coin cell, USB sticks, etc. It works with the latest version of the iPhone (4S and above) and Android (4.3 and above) phones. It triggers push notifications when visitors enter within a range of a beacon. For tracking specific data of customers, beacon apps are popularly used by many shopping malls, restaurants, retail shops and more. Mobile app development using beacon technology is helpful for different industries such as Travel, Food, Entertainment, shopping hub, Automation, Health, Retail and many more. Beacons allows you to send customized messages on-site in order to enhance shopping experience based on a certain criteria such as consumer’s shopping habits, preferences, location and other details. It enables creating relevant and interactive messaging at the time of purchase helps customers to make their shopping pleasant and fast. For a location-based push notification and power alerts, beacon apps become very useful. It has increased its reach from just retailer apps and started adopting by the small and large sized businesses, today. Its benefits include low battery usage helps in extending battery life of the device, an ideal choice for context-aware messaging, offers accurate results for proximity detection, as well as work across different devices and platforms. When you need to develop an app for indoor environment of your organization or shopping mall or hospital or retail hub, ibeacon app development becomes a better option for your business. GPS – A Popular Location Based Technology used by developers for GPS-based App Development Another location-based technology, GPS (Global Positioning System) is used to track a user’s location using the given search criteria. More than showing information about the location, date or time as well as providing driving direction, GPS based technology is useful in many ways. Location based mobile app using GPS allows you to use your smartphone as a GPS tracking unit. There are several benefits of this widespread technology as there are no constrain of range, and highly available. More than providing information of current location, it provides voice guidance to give driving instruction, know your location in real time, tracking device, and lots of more useful information. With precise search criteria, your GPS Mobile app delivers your customers complete information based on their search. For transportation, travelling and cab services as well as other location-based services, GPS apps give businesses efficient outcomes with even improved customer services. As GPS offers satellite tracking services, it is very useful for a gamut of personal and commercial applications. It is a good choice for outdoor environment and also where location/distance/traffic and other information require. The disadvantage of this service is, it consumes more power, and hence the device needs frequent charging affects the battery life. The next generation apps avail scope of Geo-location to give virtual tours. Businesses can gain advantages of GPS based app to proffer their customers virtual experience to navigate their products or services. In the latest development of Apple’s iBeacon technology which is location sensing helps in offering unmatched advantages to shoppers and customers with unsurpassed possibilities. Using the geo-location technology in the right way, businesses can offer more efficient, quick, personalized and advanced services to their customers and gain profitable outcome for swift growth. WiFi – An Efficient Location Based Technology Useful for Indoor Environment WiFi is popularly used in offices, business centers, public places that enable users to connect to networks using some security measurements including username and passwords. Based on the capability of network, it provides connectivity to its users. Including small and big industries, it becomes widely used by businesses to offer better services to customers. It does not require any app to use. All types of devices can utilize WiFi networking and becomes widely accessible. It requires authentication prior to connect to the network as well as become not a good option for context-aware messaging. Mainly, it is useful for indoor environment as well as to share or utilize data on the different devices. Conclusion With an advancement of the location-based technology for mobile apps, it helps businesses not only in increasing growth and profits, but in terms of offering efficient, cost-effective and satisfactorily services to their customers. Taking an advantage of next generation technology helps your business to explore new horizons with fresh opportunities and earn a good reputation with the financial stability. Hire an expert mobile app development company having experience to develop beacon apps or GPS app development in order to develop the right type of location based mobile app. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/choosing-the-best-location-based-technology-for-mobile-apps-gps-vs-beacons-vs-wifi/

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News App Can Prove To Be A Boon For Your Online Magazine

Online magazines are the popular entertainment content providers that people seek. In today’s world where people are addicted to mobile phones, want all information right on their handsets. Whether it is an ecommerce business or education or news or media, every type of business that has online presence are moving towards having a mobile app developed for their business. Therefore, the native patterns of selling paper magazines and online magazines are changed to more of a mobile version of magazines what we call news apps. News apps can prove to be more profitable as it can help in increasing the reader base of an online magazine worldwide. Every newspaper company in the world, let say, Time of India, New York Times, USA Today, Hindustan Times, etc. are having a mobile application to facilitate their existing as well as new readers and also make more business with online advertisement. Same is the case with magazines like Time, The economist, Elle, Discovery, or National geography. They all have a mobile app to offer the seamless reading experience to their subscribers. This article highlights the factors that can prove that having a news app for your online magazine is indeed a boon for your business: Rich User Interface A news app can have a rich user interface that is interactive as well as eye catchy. An interactive UI allows user to find the content of their choice and also let them zoom in or zoom out, highlight the sections and save for the later read. There can be many interactive features that are incorporated in a new app. You can not only put the written content for your readers, but also show relevant audios, videos, and images. It is said that visual content is more engaging than articles. The content can be dynamically managed, can be edited or deleted as required. The app can be designed highlighting the hot news in the main section. All this designing strategies makes a news app user interface rich and dynamic, giving your customers an extravagant reading experience. A New Stream of Profit Making A news magazine whether it is paper or online, have certain ways of making profit, which are through periodic subscriptions, advertisements, paid articles and sponsored events. More the reader base, more the profits. But when we are talking about smart phone revolution and need of News App, it is mandatory to study how a news app can itself become a new stream of making profits. A reader comes to your news app for getting a real and fresh content related to the topic he likes. No reader is interested in banner ads and mostly they avoid looking at them. Also if you show advertisement pop-ups, even that is ignored and can impact on your reader base, as readers are more interested in reading the content. Therefore, such requirement of giving readers a seamless experience of reading and also displaying the advertisements can be catered by a news app. You can showcase sponsored articles right below the general article, or show a video in the bottom of the page. It will note even annoy the reader, deviating them from the main content and also show up the advertisement. Push Notifications If you talk about paper or online magazines, they can be referred by reader only when he/she wishes to. But if you have your online magazine as new app, you can use push notification feature to let readers be aware about the hot news or latest trends in the market. Every time there is a new article about latest trend that reader is interested in or any hot news, a notification is sent to reader. Moreover, a reader can control if he wants a notification or not, by enabling or disabling push notification service. Only a news app can give such facilities to your readers. Connects with Social Media Those people who are use to read your magazine are your loyal customers. But what about the rest of the world. How do you reach people across the world and increase reader base. To do so, social media are the right place to promote your news app/magazine. Let us take a case of Facebook, it has 1.86 billion active users per month. Promoting your magazine article on such social media app can bring you large audience. A news app can also have a feature to allow your readers to share articles on their social media apps. This way you can improve readers engagement on your magazine and trigger sales of your magazine subscription. Easy Navigation When it comes to magazine, the objective is to give reader something new and interesting to read about related to the subject’s reader is interested in. In the news app you can create numerous categories, a reader can select from. This makes a centralized place to view articles of all genre. Moreover, in an app you can highlight the relevant articles in the bottom of an article. Moreover, you can place a section of live videos, or breaking news, reader can easily access to it. These user friendly and high intuitive experience can be developed in a news app for your online magazine. Get your magazine in the eyes of people across the world by launching a news app. With latest technologies available in the market for iOS and Android platforms, developing a mobile app is not a challenge anymore. Read also: If you are looking to build your own news app for your online magazine, then feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to assist you for the project’s cost estimation, development time and more. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/news-app-can-prove-to-be-a-boon-for-your-online-magazine/

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Mobile App For Real Estate Business Is The New Trend To Attract Customers

With most of the information is available through the medium of mobile apps, consumers are becoming more addicted to their handsets and find it the most easy and trustworthy way of getting information or services. In every segment of businesses around the world, their digital entities are extended from websites to mobile applications. And Real Estate is no different from other businesses in this case. When customers are looking for a house, there are basically two mediums how they will search for a property. One is customer will contact the real estate agents to find the property as per their choice, and pay commission to them, or they will search online. Since a decade, real estate websites are used by approximately 87% of the customers for finding the property of their choice. Such websites, are very dynamic, it has many filter criteria allows direct home owners as well as agents to list their residential or commercial properties. Even properties on lease or rent can also be searched from such sites. Having online presence have given real estate market a big time boost. It has made information easily accessible to customers, decreased advertisement costs for real estate companies as well as brokers, made all information centralized, available at one place, etc. All this factors makes it quite obvious that real estate business grows a lot with having an online portal. However, if we talk about last few years since when the mobile applications has evolved, the real estate websites are now shifting towards having a mobile application. Benefits of Having Mobile App for Real Estate Business A real estate mobile application is the trend nowadays after websites, due to more and more users shifting towards using a mobile app instead of accessing a website. Here are some of the factors that can prove that mobile app development is a good investment for the real estate businesses: Easy User Navigation Not just that users can access the mobile app right from their handset, but a mobile app can represent the user interface in a more user friendly way as compare to a website. The menu and buttons can be arranged such that user can get to view the information or feature they need the most. The navigation of a mobile app can be designed so simple that even a layman can easily operate the app and find the required information. It also looks attractive and creates an impact when your users instantly get the information that they need. Highly Interactive The mobile apps for real estate business are loaded with various interactive features. For example, user can enter search criteria as per their preferences and get the results. They can then select the results data and compare to find the best deal available. There are features like GPS integration that can allow user to navigate the address of the property to find out where exactly it is located and how to reach. Also there are live chat, SMS, Email, and call features integrated in the app itself to directly call the agents or a realtor. Rich and Appealing App Design The real estate mobile is developed keeping an objective in mind to serve the most relevant information that customer is looking for related to various types of properties. When we are talking about selling a property that can worth in the millions, then its appearance also matters a lot. Real estate mobile apps are developed with rich and intuitive user interface. There are high quality property photographs and videos are accessible in the app. This gives customers a first impression of how the property is. Based on how impressive your property is presented on the app, customer decides to pay a visit and take the transaction talks ahead. Push Notification to Market New Schemes Real estate mobile app have push notification feature, which allows realtors to promote any new scheme they launch or any discount on the properties. Mobile app user will get a notification of new schemes launched directly on their mobile phone, without need to open the app. Such notifications help realtors to highlight the news they want to spread and promote sales. It is also cost effective as compare to other mediums like newspaper, radio or TV commercials. Summary Developing a real estate mobile app does incur substantial investments, however if we look at the long term benefits, in the era of mobile apps, then definitely having a mobile app can help real estate companies to grow their businesses. The maintenance of mobile apps are much less than web portals. And boosting a marketing campaigns on apps are more appealing and cost effective. There is one more point to be taken in consideration and that is, its development in iOS or Android mobile development platforms; and if required resources are available to do the development. The app can be developed and launched in both the platform to cater to larger user base. There are many mobile app development companies who have large pool of experienced resources to develop high end mobile apps at cost effective rates. Looking at the demand in the market and how consumers are perceiving mobile apps, it is a good investment that a real estate agent or company should do. Looking to find the right real estate app development company to develop real estate app for your business? then feel free to contact us. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/mobile-app-for-real-estate-business-is-the-new-trend-to-attract-customers/

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Things To Know Before Developing A Geolocation Based Mobile App

Geolocation enabled applications helps in detecting users current location. It can be both mobile applications as well as desktop application that can have geolocation technology enabled. Nowadays most of the mobile applications are having geolocation technology. It is not limited to GPS maps and navigation apps that user can find the required location and way to reach there, but in most of the mobile apps nowadays are having geolocation. Applications like Yelp, Justdial, NearBuy, groupon, etc. uses customer’s current location to show them deals or places that are closest to their current location. There are certain type of apps for which geolocation is the main feature, for example, cab services apps like uber or ola uses customer’s current location to provide them cab services nearest and quickest. Weather forecasting apps also use geolocation technology to show the current temperature of the user’s current location. If you talk about social networking apps, like facebook and Instagram, it has features of select the current location to upload photographs or videos in that location. Even travel industry uses geolocation based services to give best deals to the customer. These were some of the apps that majorly use geolocation and are highly useful for daily use to customers. These days even gaming apps are coming with geolocation enabled features. The most relevant example of such a gaming app is Pokemon go, which uses player’s current location and creates images over the real environment images. Such apps are called augmented reality apps, and are currently in trend all over the world. Hence, it is absolutely visible how much geolocation is used worldwide in every domain and every field. It is the fundamental feature that every mobile app is looking forward for. Now that we understood geolocation is in trend, let us know what are key factors of geolocation mobile app development: Geolocation Technologies GPS Geolocation technology works using Global Positioning System (GPS) chip that is installed in smartphones. Generally, all the smart phones have GPS chip. This chip determines and shows the current location of the device by using the data of time and location sent by the satellites. A phone requires data from approximately 4 satellites to give accurate information. Cell ID When GPS data is not available, then phone’s cell ID is used to find the location of the phone by comparing user’s data with station’s data. Wi-Fi There are other technologies also there which are used for determining location. Like Wi-Fi connection is used to determine the location as it has small area coverage and give precise information about the location. Then Google Maps can be used to put it on real map. Google Maps offers APIs for iOS and Android mobile app development and it is easy to integrate while mobile app development and enable geolocation. Geofencing Geofencing is used to determine distance of the users from a specific location. For example, when you book an Uber cab, it shows how far is the driver from your place. Such data is provided by geofencing. There are three types of geofencing: Static geofencing that uses person’s current location by finding nearby landmarks like movie theatre, store, markets, etc. Dynamic geofencing uses person’s current location by changing data stream. Like latest offers at near by stores or advertisements Combined geofencing uses interaction with other users like recent check-ins with applications like facebook, Instagram, etc. API Integration and Availability Application Programming Interface (API) is used for applications to interact with smartphone’s operating system, like iOS and Android. For geolocation technology, there are two types of APIs that are integrated in the application. One is API that uses GPS, Wi-FI or Call ID to determine current location of the user and shows results based on the address entered by the user. Second type of API is used for searching near by landmarks on the maps like cafes or movie theater, etc. Google play services have library of APIs that can be used for integrating geolocation in the application. Mainly IntelliJ IDEA IDE or Android Studio IDE (Integrated development environment) are used for developing geolocation based applications. For iOS based geolocation apps, swift programming language is used for application development. Security Factors There are varied social media apps that displays current location of the user to all the connections. One example of such feature is in Facebook application, where you can see which all of your connections are near by your location. But it is important to consider the fact that every user will not prefer to share their current location with all the connections. Therefore, while developing a geolocation based feature in your app, it is necessary to consider security of your users and give them rights to decide whether they want to display their current location or not. The factors listed in the article proves the importance of geolocation based apps and also the key points one needs to keep in mind before developing a geolocation enabled mobile app. To keep up with the trend and give your users a seamless experience, get geolocation integrated in your app now. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/things-to-know-before-developing-a-geolocation-based-mobile-app/

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Why Need To Develop A Mobile App For Your Hospital?

Like all other sectors which are gaining advantage of advanced mobile technology, health sector is also in the race to gain technology advantage. It is always said that advancement in technology is boon for a human being if it utilized for benefits of them. For such reasons, mobile apps for hospitals is also becoming a boon for people looking for emergency treatment or need assistance of specialty doctors related to their disease. In present times, from multi-specialty hospitals to startup clinic, medical professionals and doctors prefer utilizing smart phones to make their task efficiently. As medical professionals need to get ready for any emergency situation, an efficiently developed medical apps offer best assistance to stay attentive anytime and anywhere. Based on one survey, approximately 52% people prefer smartphone to get health related information such as health insurance, prescription information and more. Around 33% doctors make their prescribing decision using a smartphone. Moreover, 80% of doctors make use of mobile phones and medical apps. It also says that in next five years, mobile app for healthcare plays a key role in the medical practice. The research also says that, the global market of mHealth will exponentially grow and it becomes 59.15 billion USD by the year 2020. Normally, most of smartphone users always prefer digital options for their need of healthcare, but yet only a few healthcare providers offer services using mobile technology. Hence, it becomes an appropriate time for healthcare providers, wellness centers, hospitals and medical professionals to decide to gain technology advantage in order to deliver more efficient healthcare services that also gives them lucrative profits for long terms. In this blog, we would like to highlight important reasons to develop a mobile app for your hospital. All across the globe, there are different types of hospitals available in different areas and cities. Though, there are only a few multi-specialty hospitals in every city, more numbers of small, medium or big size hospitals are available in every city. Hence, it becomes difficult for patients to seek a right place and physician to avail the best treatment. This blog provides useful information in order to develop an innovative mobile app for your hospital and how it efficiently benefits you in enhance your reputation, services and profitability. How Medical Apps Benefits Your Hospital Normally, in hospitals, there are several tasks which need to handle efficiently by the team of doctors who run the hospital or the hospital management. From admitting a patient to discharge after his/her successful recovery from hospital, there are a number of tasks which need special attention by a team of hospital staff from ward boys to nurses and the doctor. In addition, there are several departments need to handle their task efficiently. Hospital App For Doctors Nurses to attend patient as well as keep complete reports of patient right from its daily prescriptions to other medical tests, x-ray reports and other information. Hospital apps for doctors and nurses help them to stay connected and share treatment details of patients instantly. Such apps are very useful when the doctor is out due to any reason and it becomes necessary to treat the patient. With the help of hospital app for the patient, doctor can get all details of patient using an app and provide the right treatment by informing the assistant doctor or nurse. The advantage of medical apps for doctor is also useful when a patient get discharged from the hospital and looking for recovery assistance from a doctor. In such situation, the doctor can find his/her treatment history at their finger touch using an app and provide the best suggestions. Hospital Administrative App Administrative department to allocate rooms, beds to patients as well as keep proper track of when a patient get admitted and when to discharge as well as collect medical insurance documents and payment details. They also need to keep all information of each room and all equipments and other facilities are in order or not. This app helps to streamline all administrative tasks in a trouble-free manner. App for Women’s Hospital For women’s hospital, pregnancy apps give several benefits to their patients in offering best treatment. From pre-conception to post-partum, it offers an entire course to guide woman. You can design an app for hospital administration as well as an informative app that guide your patient what to follow and not at different stages of pregnancy. From scheduling appointment to periodic tests or other reports, this app helps doctors to get instant information of their patient just at a touch of their smartphone in case of any emergency. Hospital App for Medical Store In your hospital, you need to keep stock of medicines, medical equipments, and other instruments essential for operation or surgery or medical treatment. In your hospital medical store, maintaining store inventory becomes easy with mobile app. It helps you to know the all the information about stock help you to give orders of medicines as soon it goes out of stock. You can set alerts, if the stock of any medicines goes below the minimum order level quantity, it shows an alert. Hence, it makes possible to keep your hospital store inventory up-to-date and provide any medicine immediately as and when needed. There are several other types of app you can design such as informative app of your hospital that provides all information of doctors and treatment they offer, their contact information, available time to contact and many more that make it easy for patient to approach concern doctor and get immediate assistance. A hospital app for fitness, a hospital app for diabetes, and many more medical apps related to particular treatment can help doctors to manage their complex and emergency tasks efficiently and productively. Developing a successful mobile app for your hospital need to find an expert mobile app development company who comprehends your app requirement and provide you best app development solution using the right platform and technology. Conclusion There are several reasons that convinced doctors to

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Important Tips To Make Your Apple Watch App Development Successful

Based on the survey, the share of Apple watch in the global market is 41.3% in 2016 and by the year 2020, the projected number of apple watch sold will be 31 million. Moreover, as per survey, in 2016, the numbers of apps available in apple watch app store is 19000 in which top app category is Utilities (12% of all apps). Imagine that you can open your hotel room just with a tap of your watch or unlock your car without need of key with your watch when you are closed to your car. Apple watch offers several useful features with its full-fledged apps. Hence, it becomes challenging task for iOS developers to create an effective apple watch app. Here, we have provided some important tips for an apple watch app development: Apple Watch App Development – Identify The Capabilities Apple watch computing capabilities are very limited at present. It required pairing with the iPhone. User requires iPhone 5 or higher version having iOS 8.2 installed or later. It is essential for running 3rd party app on the apple watch. It works as an external display. Parts of an Apple Watch App In order to develop an app for the apple watch, it has been divided into three parts: The WatchKit App – The WatchKit App is the only portion of your app that runs on your apple watch actually. At present, there are no any computation allow by apple to perform with it. Thus, the WatchKit App comprising only User Interface and static resources such as images that user can see it. The WatchKit Extension – The WatchKit Extension is an iOS8 extension of your app that needs to run in the paired iPhone for computation. This extension is useful to set user interface elements such as the image to view an image, text for a text field. In the WatchKit extension, actions are called when the user requires interacting with the WatchKit app interface. With the help of Wi-Fi and BlueTooth, the communication between the WatchKit extension and the WatchKit App are handled. The iPhone App – The WatchKit apps need to deploy using an iPhone app as there are no any standalone WatchKit apps. It is possible to use the functionality of the iPhone app in apple watch app, but, the iPhone app and the WatchKit Extension cannot run under the same process space. Hence, it is not possible to access each other’s function or data, directly. It requires creating a communication channel between them in order to use the capabilities of the iPhone app in the WatchKit Extensions. Moreover, all complex computations need to be done in the iPhone app. App Interactions and Limitations For developers, there are three interaction types with User Interface such as Glances, Actionable Notifications and WatchKit Apps. Actionable Notification and Glances shows only information glimpse on the Apple Watch. A glance provides app content’s context-driven overview. It’s like widgets that display information such as calendar, news or weather. Glances are non-interactive and defined using Apple templates. Actionable Notifications enable you to view, respond or perform some actions using action buttons. The two notification types are Short Look and Long Look. Long notification can be activated by users through interacting with the screen. It gives optional actions and additional information. By tapping on the notification, the user can open the app and view a screen. For apple watch apps, small screen is the big limitation. You should consider different UI for small display size when designing an app. The basic UI objects need to manage includes images, buttons, static text, menus, tables, switches, date and time, maps, etc. Keep icon round and not square. Hide actions or buttons which are not used regularly. Never overstuffed your app and remember, don’t compare your app with iPhone or iPad. Consider icons in place of text, whenever feasible and ensure your content is easily accessible at first glance. Also, you need to make sure that the display only highly relevant and contextual information on screen. Comprehend users’ needs in building an apple watch app is very essential. Remember – Do Not Compared Your Apple Watch App With an iPhone or iPad App Compared to any other smart device, apple watch is the smallest device. But, remember, it is not a smaller version of iPad or iPhone. For apple watch app development, you need to consider the dynamics of the small size of watch screen. Avoid unnecessary messages and alerts that might disturb user’s attention and make it simple to enhance the user experience. Short and concise notification makes great impact. Choose appropriate themes that suits with different sizes and bands of Apple Watch. The purpose of the smart watch is to give users ease to make their work efficiently and quickly. Popular apple watch apps includes utility apps, social media apps, health and fitness apps, games apps and many more innovative apps have made an apple watch a passion watch that delivers significant outcomes of its use. Conclusion With the help of important tips, you can make your Apple Watch App Development Successful. With some limitation and obstacles, using the expertise and knowledge of iOS app development, you can develop an innovative Apple Watch app. Using simple UI/UX and considering other important factors in mind, development of a successful Apple watch app becomes efficient. You can hire an Apple Watch app development company having capabilities to understand your app concept, general complexity, and UI/UX to develop a productive app. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/important-tips-to-make-your-apple-watch-app-development-successful/

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Why Both Mobile Website and Mobile App are Important for Business Prosperity

Most of the business startups or even the organizations are often found in a dilemmatic situation; whether to opt for a mobile website or a mobile app when it comes to planning a strategy. The decision lies in their hands. However, if you were to take an expert opinion, both mobile website as well as mobile application is essential for flourishing and growth of the business. You will be surprised to note that with each passing day the percentage of web traffic from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets is increasing at a rapid pace. Currently, it stands at 25% of all web traffic. To support the facts with some more data, one can mention the research related to mobile apps. It states that the revenue of the mobile app market is enhancing and is somewhere exceed to around $189 billion by 2020. However, still, many needs to be achieved and predominantly the twin combination of mobile website and app can do wonders to the business. Now let’s discuss how mobile website and a mobile application can turn the fortunes of your business and why you cannot simply ignore either: Helps to Establish Brand Value in the Market Both mobile website and the application is a vital tool which helps in establishing and escalating brand value for any business domain. It can better be explained through an example. Suppose you are a retailer who has developed a website for your business. When the customers visit your site either by a desktop or mobile, they can avail information on your products and services. On the other hand, developing a mobile application at the same time will get your more customers around; specifically those using smartphones and tablets. You can always request them to access your site through the app which is like killing two birds with one single stone. The app needs to be enticing, speedy and highly functional. Both are Equally Efficient to Cater Consumer Demands Both the mobile website and the mobile application can suffice to the specific customers’ needs. But first things first, you need to have some knowledge about business domain. It is always favourable to identify the targeted audience and then develop the website and the app accordingly. For instance, if you are launching a new product keeping in view the requirement of your targeted audience, then you can use both platforms to promote your item. Both can be linked to Social Media for Business Promotion There is need to tell you the emphatic role of social media in business promotion because you are already familiar with it. What needs to be emphasized is whether you opt for a mobile site or an app, you can add social media buttons on both. So, why not go for the combo. It will certainly benefit your business on two ends. This will offer an opportunity as people will access Facebook or Twitter either through website or through the app. You can Update both without Any Hassle It is extremely vital for you to keep on upgrading your website and the mobile app on regular intervals. And this is a hassle free job. The regular updating will allow your customers to sneak through the latest products and also they can browse your site without it getting hanged. Both Have Facility for Customer Interaction Now customer interaction is one area where you can create a win-win situation for your business. You can communicate with the customers through the Live Chat Window and this is readily possible in both the mobile website and also the mobile app. This is one of the quickest ways to get the customer response and feedback regarding the product or service. This will enable you to improve your product and to enter the market with full vigour. Both can Offer Adequate Security to the Visitors When we talk about the security features, it is one of the major concerns for most of the people surfing the various sites or checking out various apps. It must be protected through a strong password especially if it contains confidential user information. One of the key reasons why websites like WordPress or PayPal have excelled is because they enjoy the customer’s confidence that their confidential data is safe and secured. You can provide this security feature on mobile website and app. Conclusion There is no point of debating on which is better-mobile website or mobile application. We have focused our discussion on the joint benefits of both rather than mobile website versus app. It is comprehensively apparent that both have a decisive role in augmenting the prospects of the business. It should go parallel to each other to produce the optimum desired results. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/why-mobile-website-and-mobile-app-important-for-business/

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How to Improve Your Mobile App Security Knowledge

With the increasing use of smart phones all across the world has created demands of high-end functionality, an uncompromising handiness and extra ease with less effort by its users which has boosted demand of more innovative mobile apps. On the other hands, it becomes a key necessity for mobile users to protect their valuable mobile data getting hacked from mobile hackers. Based on one survey, mobile hackers have successfully hacked many high-end and most popular apps on the app store as well as the play store. There are several popular apps, including iOS apps and Android Apps suffering from vulnerability problems, thus, it becomes a matter of concern to make sure that what makes your app secure? Hence, as a mobile app developer, it becomes essential for you to enhance the security of your app in order to give your users assurance of complete security and let them engaged to use your app for the long-term. Most of the app users left using app due to the lack of security of their mobile information. Hence, as become a mobile app developer or a mobile app development company, you should increase knowledge of mobile application security. Things to consider for increasing your Mobile App Security Knowledge: Know about Mobile Code Security Risks Hackers performing malware activities normally tap bugs in the coding and design or vulnerabilities of their targeted app. Prior to exploit the vulnerability, hackers mostly tend to acquire an app’s public copy to overturn its functionality. They revised popular apps and re-launched it on third-party app stores with malicious code to attract the users those are not aware of such tricks to install the app. Thus, it becomes vital to use tools that help developers to find and overcome security vulnerabilities and set their apps from getting tampered or reverse engineering. Mobile app developers should know about the risks of app code which is mainly vulnerabilities and malicious functionality. The malicious functionality category is a harmful and unwanted code behaviors list that becomes cautiously positioned in an app that trapped users to install it. Users are unknown of such trap and think that they installed a game or an app, but, actually, they installed phishing UI or unknown spyware. The malicious functionality includes data retrieval, activity monitoring, UI impersonation, unauthorized dialing or network connectivity or SMS or Payment, Time bomb or system modification. The vulnerabilities of mobile security are leakage/storage of sensitive data, transmission of sensitive data unsafely, and hard-coded passwords. The mobile app developers should aware about the distinct layers of mobile code security stack that includes the infrastructure layer, operating system, hardware as well as application layers. Know about the Security of Your App Data Normally, mobile apps access data, documents and other useful information are stored on the mobile device. In case of lost of mobile, it becomes harmful for data to loss or shared or misuse. In order to prevent valuable information, encryption of mobile data is a useful way for data security within the sandbox of the app that protects it from malware and other types of unauthorized access. In order to manage app data sharing on the mobile device, it requires encrypting and controlling the individual data elements. Know about the Security of the Device The security of the device is equally important to understand. The mobile app sandbox is dominant in the recent mobile operating system design that requires being protected. Rooting the device causes the harm to the original security model and thus, it is necessary to protect the device from access important data. Besides, rapidly increasing jailbreak technology utilizes to evade detection, hence, deal with such technology is vital to prevent mobile devices from big threats. Moreover, the malware of mobile is not depends on the jailbreak technology every time, hence, in mobile apps, unnecessary use of permissions granted by the users or by default can provide rogue app access or malware to basic services such as SMS used to help scam activities. Thus, app developers should think about the up-to-date intellect sources to manage the associated risk using their app. Know About Your App Testing & Security The most important part of your app development is to make throughout testing of your app. It becomes vital not to hurry to launch your app without checking for its seamless coding and accurate testing. You can use app security tools such as AppScan to make through analysis of your app and validate its behaviors prior to its release. You can use such tools to check security issues of your app. Take help of app security expert to examine your code to identify and fix the bugs, if any in your app before its release. Ensure your app is perfect as far as security concerns. App testing using a third-party app security testing tool helps you to make your app free from bugs and helps in enhancing your app security. Conclusion Improving knowledge of mobile application securities helps mobile app development companies and developers to develop highly secure apps to prevent it from vulnerability. To secure the data of users, app security is the key concern in a foolproof system development life cycle. Improving app coding security knowledge helps you in developing highly secure apps necessary to prevent valuable information of your app users and increase their trust and interest in your app. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/improve-your-mobile-app-security-knowledge/

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Benefits of Having Geolocation in Your Mobile App

The mobile based technology is constantly getting upgraded with each passing day and as such the users are watching a new feature being added in the mobile applications. The Geo-Location is one such technology which helps in determining and identifying the exact location of any device such as a Smartphone, tablet, laptop, radar and so on. In fact, it is similar to that of Global Positioning System (GPS) in some ways, but there is a difference. It utilizes the cell site triangulation apart from GPS to detect the location. According to Mobile App Market trends and analysis, the 2017 will perceive the emergence of Location Based Service (LBS), besides the present GPS. This will prove to be a boon for the users as it will provide real-time information. Geo-location can be used for a number of applications. In fact, it has been rightly identified as the backbone for several businesses, without which it will be nearly impossible for the owners to operate it. One of the optimal illustrations that one can put forward in this case is cab based apps such as Uber or Ola. There is no denial to the fact that it has also brought a crucial change in the marketing strategies. In addition, the retail industry can also benefit from it by knowing the location of the customer and getting familiar with his or her purchase history. You can spot the location of a place on the map through geo-location. For instance, if you are searching for a particular address of a building on a map, you only need to put an element in the online space of the map, which contextualize it. The Google Map is based on this principle, where the site gets marked adding context to the location. Now, before we move on to the main course of discussion, and focus on the importance of geo-location in the apps, first let’s throw some eminent light on important data and statistics based on the location apps. The Pew Research Center conducted a survey on location based services and it came to the following inferences. About 74% of the adult Smartphone users use geo-location to get the directions and other information based on their current location. About 30% of people have got their social media platforms linked with their posts and this figure is expected to go up. The findings also informed that around 12% of the users use geo-location to track a certain spot or they like to share their location with the friends. So, now that we have adequate statistics, let’s find out the reasons as why geo-location becomes a necessary feature in your mobile app. The Taxi and Cab Industry If a person is booking a cab from a certain point to any destination, he uses the geo-location services with or without knowledge. The Geo-location uses your location adding value to it and refers to it as the pickup location. The same procedure is followed in the case of destination spot which is called drop-in location. The fare generated for the journey is also based on the geo-location. Today, taking rides in taxis and booking them online has become much more simplified than earlier. The Augmented Reality Games and their Popularity It is surprising to note that geo-location has had a great impact on the augmented reality games. This trend gained a good momentum in the 2016. One of the best examples that can be exhibited in this context is Pokémon Go. The geo-location based game became a huge hit and was downloaded by millions of people all around the world. It showed the effectiveness of geolocation when the user becomes more localized. Online Order and Delivery of Food Items Today we all use Smartphones or other devices to place order for online food delivery. There are a number of food delivery apps where an individual can track the status of food and know how far it has reached. You can know the exact location with the help of geolocation. If there is any delivery charge then it is calculated based on the distance travelled. Moreover, geolocation is also helpful in tracing any nearby restaurants. Tracking of Products Brought via E-commerce Site Geolocation is again very handy in tracking the location of your items, which you have purchased from any e-commerce website. You can get familiar with when your item is getting shipped and when you would be receiving it. Here also if there are any shipping charges, then it is done with the help of geolocation only. Benefits of Having Geolocation for offline business If you thought that geolocation is a win-win situation only for online business or e-commerce sites, then you might have to think again. Yes, even the offline business owners can maximize their benefits through the location based apps. It helps the retail and mCommerce industry to track the location of their customers and offer better improved services. In fact, many indoor location technologies can also be found. Helps to Flourish the Dating Industry The geolocation services also lending its helping hand to the dating industry, which helps it in flourishing. Most of the popular dating apps feature helps the user to find nearby dates. It also helps in finding the distance range in setting for the dates. All this is possible because of the location based apps. Helps connecting you to Your Neighbourhood There are some geolocation apps which help in establishing connection with your neighbours. You get to know the person living next to you a much better way. In fact, it has attracted a large number of audiences. Time Based and Memory Apps Geolocation Apps also render their service when the person reaches the location. It then works with Global Positioning System (GPS). The individual gets a reminder via push notification once he reaches the spot. They prove to be of great help when the person is not aware of the exact location he has to go. Helps to Track Sporting Activities Geolocation apps can

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