app development

Submit Your App on Apple App Store – A Step By Step Guide

Is your app quite ready to appear in the App Store but you don’t exactly know how to do that? We’re here to help you out, at least with the first few steps. We’re assuming here that you already have an Apple ID as well as a distribution certificate, and we’re starting from there. Let’s get started. There are four steps you need to go through, so we have a lot of information to go through. Let’s get right into it. Here’s the list with the four steps: Make up the distribution provisioning profile for your application Get an iOS certification Create and include all the data in your listing in iTunes Connect Lastly, you need to submit your work for certification (using Xcode) Creating the distribution provisioning profile If you’re reading this article, you already have made your development provisioning profile necessary for your app, so this process shouldn’t be that difficult. There is a difference between the two that you should know from the beginning though: while the development provisioning profile allows you to include numerous development certificates, the distribution profile doesn’t work the same. In the first one, you are allowed to have more app developers working on the app, but the distribution certificate has to be unique, as well as the signing in information. When you generate the archive, you will need this distribution certificate to code sign your app among the thousands of apps in the App Store. Now, let’s get right down to the steps you need to follow to get your distribution provisioning profile. Start by logging in into iOS’ Developer Provisioning Portal, where you’ve already created the provisioning profile for development. Go ahead and choose the Distribution Provisioning Profile section and tap on that plus button on the right side of the screen. Here you will need to choose your option, which in the present scenario is “App Store” and click “Continue”. Go ahead and also select your application’s ID and choose “Continue”. We hope you’ve already requested a distribution certificate, because this is the place where it would be available. If you did, just select that and press “Continue”. From here on out, we’re almost finished with this step. Click on “Generate” after you’ve given a name to your profile. After this, you can download and install the profile by double clicking on it. Receiving an iOS certification The operating system has to clear your app for it go out in the App Store – they check for malicious programs, any rule breaking or other issues the app might have that the user wouldn’t enjoy very much. If you’re interested in the App Store’s guidelines for their review, you can easily find them on the internet, they are available for everyone to see. After you’ve checked your app for any issues, you can go right ahead to select the root node in the file navigator. Click on the menu “Project Settings”, then on the submenu “Build Settings”. In this submenu you need to choose “Code Signing”, and after that, “iOS Distribution”. This feature connects you automatically with your Distribution Signing Identity. If by any chance, you have numerous of these identities, you should choose your desired identity specifically. After you’ve done that, you can go right ahead to creating the Release build so you can send it to the App Store. You need to select iOS Device for your deployment target. Going further, you need to select “Product menu item”, and afterwards, “Archive”. After this, your app’s archive will be automatically created in Xcode Organizer. You will also be able to see any previous archives you’ve created in this section. Switch to iTunes Connect and complete the App Store listing with all the info needed. Switch once again to the Xcode Organizer and you can alre ady submit the app. Creating the app listing The third step you need to go through is developing the listing for your app in iTunes Connect, a dashboard which will be very helpful to you from now on. You can do various actions in this program, from managing your contacts, to checking out performance reports of your app in the App Store. Start by selecting the button “Manage Your Apps”. After that you can go right ahead to click on “Add New App”. In this section, you will have to enter various data about your app from basic info to pricing and availability. Let’s start out with app information. Press on the bundle ID you’ve created before, and write your app’s name. This will give you the SKU number of your app, which is basically a barcode for your ‘product’. It has no use for iTunes, just for you to identify your product by a unique string of characters. When you’re done with entering all the data necessary here, you just press on “Continue”. Now you’re faced with your App’s Availability: here you need to decide when you want your app to be released into the App Store. You can set it for today, if you want it to go out as soon as possible. This way, after it goes through certification, the app will be released in a matter of 24 hours. If you set it later, but decide in the meantime that you’d want it released earlier, you can manually release it after certification with the help of iTunes Connect. If you want to monetize your app by setting a price of installing, you will need to enter in the “Contracts, Tax and Banking” menu of iTunes Connect, a few pieces of information about your banking account, where all the money will go. After this basic info, you also need to provide info about the app version, contact, art assents, metadata and EULA. With all of these, you should address your developer to help you out. Submit your app via Xcode We’re finally down to the forth step which is submitting your application by using Xcode. Enter Xcode, and select the “Organizer”

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Top Reasons To Invest in Kids Education App for Startups

There was a time when having a mobile phone meant you carried a huge block-looking object with a big antenna around, and everyone considered you the bee’s knees. Not everyone could afford that kind of luxury back then. But times change, and we have arrived in the age of the smartphone. First it was introduced to the public, then the public started embracing the concept more and more, and now we have reached the point where even the children have personal smartphones, so it is safe to assume that it is no longer a luxury, but rather a given. Mobile App Market The mobile app market is reaching stunning highs as it grows alongside the mobile device market as well. The total number of people that do not own a smartphone has dropped considerably since these smart devices came to popularity, and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. As each year, manufacturers line up their newest and flashiest devices, users will want to customize and populate their devices with useful apps. Education App Category Some app categories are more profitable than others for developers, due to the nature of the apps, and also the demand of that type of app. One of the most sought after app category, according to statistics regarding the total number of apps present on the market and also most downloaded, is education. More specific, kids education apps, that provide a learning experience for the youngsters and draw the attention of their parents. With an average price of about $4, kids educational apps are getting a lot hits on the app market. While this is a profitable opportunity for all developers, new coming developers looking to start up have even more reasons to invest in a kids education app. Generate Income There are several ways to generate income from these applications. You can charge a flat amount straight from the beginning, and if your app is better than any existing competition, the customers will eventually roll in. However, if there is a free alternative on the market that does the same thing as your app, without sacrificing quality, you will most likely lose customers, because free is better. Another way you can monetize your efforts is by releasing the app for free, but using placed advertisement within the app. There are several ways to do this as well. The application is for children, but the ads can target the parents, assuming the app is made in such a way that it requires parents to overlook their child’s activity. By partnering up with an ad provider, your app can be both free and profitable. There is also another way that involves purchases within the app. You give out the basic functions, or the standard version of the app for free, but offer premium or deluxe services within the app that the parents but pay for if they want to unlock them for their kids. For example, if your app focuses on learning through songs that the kids sing along to, you can offer extra song packs or images for a small fee. According to statistics, 76% of all apps from the Google Play Store in the US are using purchases within the app to generate the majority of the market’s revenue. Taking that into consideration, the other income generation methods can produce revenue just as well. The most important focus on is that the app has something worth buying, one way or another. If it is bland and unoriginal, the developer will get lost in the sea of apps that can’t be differentiated one from another and revenue will be a few problems too far to be relevant. There can be large variation on approached topics, from learning the basic math and spelling to learning about animals and plants, even improving handwriting and hand-eye coordination. These apps can be used not only at home as a casual learning tool, but also within the educational system where they can help school teacher get through to the kids easier. Conclusion That being said, what people can take from all this is that kid’s education is not only a means to form the minds of young people and prepare them for the future, but also an opportunity for young up and becoming developers to shape their careers and capitalize on today’s integration of technology into age-old concepts such as the education of children. Making hay while the sun is out is key, and a good developer that thinks on his feet will take the opportunity to get on the kids app ride. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/top-reasons-to-invest-in-kids-education-app-for-startups/

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Wireframes and How They Affect The Mobile App Development Industry

Just like any other “construction” that is structured into multiple layers and phases, a mobile application has a plan layout, a blueprint of sorts. This blueprint comes in the form of wireframes, and they pretty much set the tone and direction of the app, regardless of what changes may come up to the original visualization in the process. You will find mobile app developers that could go on and on about the importance of wireframes, and how massive their impact is on the overall development of a mobile app. Wireframes represent the core and fundamental tool of an app developer, which is used for any given screen. They are in a way, offering a visual of the app before there is no visual of the app. With wireframes, developers can get the basic ideas about an app before content is introduced. Wireframes do not focus on giving does involved foresight on the app’s aesthetics or button placement necessarily, but are more engaged in laying down the structure of the app from a functionality point of view. What this means is that wireframes make sure everyone involved in the project known what each screen will be capable of doing. It is thanks to wireframes that developers are able to fully understand what type and amount of coding needs to go into each particular screen, and how they will be wired together in the final assembly, after it goes through all the other different phases that are included in mobile app development, after wireframing. Versatility Wireframes are not only a structural pylon from which all other development elements branch out, and can have multiple pertinent uses. Just as a developer uses wireframes to setup what the app’s functions will be, so can it be used as a safety measure. An example of this would be a situation in which the customer for which the application is being created decides a specific element or function of the app should be removed or replaced. In this case, the developer must start taking the necessary steps for doing so, and by doing that he might cause a chain of other conditions to apply. To fix those conditions or to avoid them completely, the developer must go through the app’s mainframe and re-track their steps through each loop and crossing that took place during development, and the more complex the app is, the harder it gets. Wireframes can act as a guide that severely ease the job in this situation, allowing steps to be efficiently tracked back to their inception, while also giving valuable information about which route has to be taken for each action. If any bugs or problems appear on the way, they can also be substantially easier to remove thanks to journal-type mapping properties of wireframes. Sharing progress in real time As briefly mentioned earlier, wireframes enhance the communication between multiple parties tenfold, meaning that one member of the development team can use wireframes to swiftly get his ideas and work progress across in a manner that allows the other team members to be kept in loop. For a successful app development, a crisp and clear communication policy must be instated. If there is no synergy between what the mobile app developer does and the work that the UI designer puts in. If these two aren’t synchronized there could be massive negative repercussions not only in aesthetics, but also functionality. The client must also be kept informed, and through wireframes, they can always know where the team is at. Draw lines, save dimes It is incredible how simple the actual process of wireframe drawing can be in contrast to how efficient and valuable of an asset it can become. With wireframes, you also have a powerful marketing opportunity at your disposal, which can show customers how the app development looked like, right from the beginning. You most likely have witnessed wireframes being used in marketing before, but have not realized what you were seeing. Wireframes can be used to effortlessly display how the main ideas behind an app came to life and how the process took the team to uncharted territory while maintaining the core principles that they set out with. Conclusion In conclusion, it is pointless to argue the shear value that wireframes bring to the table when creating a mobile app, as it proves that with mobile apps, just like pretty much anything else in life, a strong foundation is the first step to a grand conclusion. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/wireframes-and-how-they-affect-the-mobile-app-development-industry/

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Most Notable Differences Between iOS and Android While Creating Apps

Apps have reached a point where they are seamlessly integrated in our daily routines. Younger generations grow up with apps and can’t imagine a time where people didn’t have smart devices full of apps. There is no boundary when it comes to app categories, as they range from casual gaming to high end business assistants. Mobile applications tend to cater to the needs of all demographics with a wide spread across several platforms. Of course, there will always be fans on each side of a debate involving Android and iOS, but from the perspective of a developer, petty fan wars aren’t of much help when trying to decide which platform would better serve and suit a venture. In this article, we’re going to explore the various differences between developing an app for iOS and one for Google’s Android. Market Places Multiple platforms mean multiple market places where apps can be listed and sold in accordance with the guidelines imposed by each particular market administrator. Currently, the largest app market is the Google Play Store, where apps for the Google operating system Android are officially sold. Android blankets a vast majority of market shares, taking the lead for the popular search engine developer. However, that being said, there is still tough competition coming Google’s way. Another tremendously popular platform is Apple’s iOS, which differentiates itself from Google’s through a number of aspects, such as guaranteed extra security when compared with an Android handset, due to its tighter policy on software alteration. While other platforms are available, with their own app stores in place, it is generally acknowledged that Google Android and Apple iOS are the market leaders, and no matter how the scale tips between the two of them, they are the two best options. Development A developer must take into consideration how an app behaves and what its characteristics are from a customer point of view, but also adapt to what they’re most comfortable working with, and beyond that, what they actually know how to use. When it comes to app platforms, Android and iOS are very different constructs. Developing apps for each of them requires knowledge pertaining to a specific programming language. Android apps are creating using Java, while iOS apps are made using Objective-C. There are pros and cons for both languages, so an important detail to factor in is which better complements your style. It is considered that Java is a newer and much easier to use language, which can also help developers branch out into PC software development. The fact that it’s easy to learn makes it a developer favorite. Objective-C on the other hand is an older programming language that most consider to be more time consuming when it comes to actual coding. However, others argue the superiority of Obejctive-C, saying that it feels like the iOS coding language is cleaner. IDE IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment, and if coding languages represent the app’s recipe, the IDE represents the bakery where the magic happens. There multiple IDEs out there, but there are two in particular that are relevant to the topic, namely XCode and Android Studio. While there several other IDEs out there, Apple and Google respectively have declared these two as the recommended solutions in terms of IDEs for developers to use when creating apps for each individual platform. Obviously, Android Studio is used by Android whereas iOS uses XCode. Google has replaced its previous IDE with Android Studio in hopes of improving all affected stats. Apple on the other hand stuck with XCode for a longer time and instead just supplemented updates to keep it relevant. Testing the app Apple’s coding platform and affiliated tools make it so that developers can more easily and effectively test apps through their development. Apple developers even get to work with UI testing feature which allows for even more control over the work in the progress. Google on the other has been rated as much lower when it comes to testing. Their setup makes it so that developers have a harder time testing than iOS developers. Requirements With the risk of sounding repetitive with the excessive use of the word “platform”, it’s inevitable that we must hear at once again, because developing apps for iOS or Android truly is a matter of platforms. Developers that want to create apps which will eventually end up in Apple’s AppStore must use a Mac computer. There is no other way about it, as Mac computers are the only ones that support iOS app development. Android on the other hand is supported on more platforms. This means that an Android app creator can choose between working on a Windows PC, a Mac PC, or even Linux. This gives Android an important edge as Macs aren’t that accessible for everyone. App design Developing apps for either platform is an opportunity to express yourself and be original. However, there are still guidelines to what your app design should include or not include, depending on the platform you choose. These app design guidelines are firm parts of each platform’s policy, both Google and Apple wanting developers to create apps in a certain style. This helps create a unified space and bring more unity between different apps on the same platform. If you want your app on the App Store or Play Store, you must take these guidelines very seriously. Google is overall way more specific than Apple when communicating their desires to the developer community. They even put a toolkit at their disposal that makes working with Material Design (Google’s UI philosophy) a lot easier. Apple on the other hand is not as specific, although it still requires its apps to be of a certain standard. In recent times, Apple has also transitioned towards a flatter design scheme, but Google manages to do a better job. Submission cost There is also money involved. Not as in receiving money, which everyone takes into consideration as an important factor before venturing into app development,

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The Pros and Cons of Hiring Mobile App Developers from Overseas

Mobile app development can be a tricky process. Not in terms of actually getting the job done, as today there are lots of trained professionals which can supply high quality services, but more in terms of actually finding the right app developer to do so. When thinking about hiring someone, regardless of the job’s nature, the employer will extend the search radius from inside out, meaning that first he will look locally, then district-wise, followed by going national and in the end even international. Depending on what kind of company we’re talking about, every employer can choose to skip some of these steps and go straight to their desired search criteria. This brings us to the question at hand, namely how much can you benefit from hiring mobile app developers from abroad? The Language Barrier When talking about relations between people from different countries, the language barrier is always something to consider. Fortunately, we live in an era where English media has propagated to such extent that the chances for a random person you meet to know the English language are very high. It might not be the case for everyone, but knowing English has transcended from being something that looked really good on your resume, to something that is actually expected of you, if you want to be taken seriously, especially in an international environment. Employing someone that speaks another language could seem like a hassle, but it could be something pretty great for your business. Depending on what nationalities we’re talking about, maybe it will influence you to broaden up the reaches of your app and develop it for that particular language as well, despite not being initially on your to-do list. But hey, back then you didn’t have a native speaker on your team. The situation can also be quite daunting when the language barrier actually exists. Like a lot of other domains where multiple people are working on the same thing, a certain level of communication is required, to make sure that all parties are in sync. If your new employee has no idea what you’re saying, he’ll probably have a hard time understanding your demands and applying them. This is an example of how outsourcing could backfire. Still, these kinds of problems can be easily spotted and avoided when conducting an interview. There you can see if they have the required language qualifications. Cultural Infusion Another country also means another culture. This could come in handy especially if you are planning to develop an app that’s targeting that country as well. A local can help you better develop an app that would be well received by his people. It’s not a matter of good vs bad, but rather of preferences and what the people over there like more. Even if you don’t intend to develop an app for that country, giving your app an international kick could differentiate it from the rest of the pack. While app development is not something to generally assume is completely different in other countries, there might be some small details tied to another nation’s thinking process that could benefit your business as well. Different Markets, Different Prices A very important aspect to take into consideration is the financial one. If the salary or fee you offer isn’t good enough to attract local talent of sufficient skill, you might find it easier to outsource since each country has its own economy. Different economies and markets also involve different standards and prices that are considered norm. A developer from another country where the standard monetary compensations are lower than in your country might be delighted to be onboard your project, for the same pay that a local wouldn’t look at twice. On the same note, depending on the involved countries, there will be additional taxes that need to be paid, such as VAT (Value Added Tax), which can be both larger or smaller than your country’s equivalent. Time Zones One definite issue with outsourcing is the involvement of time zones. If your foreign employee or associate lives enough time zones away, you could find yourself staying up until very late at night, or waking up at the early hours of the day so you can have a meeting with said employee. Or it could be the other way around, but either way, one party will more than likely dislike the time zone issue quite a bit. Conclusion There are both positive and negative aspects tied to outsourcing. The only thing remaining is for you to weigh all the pros and cons and see how beneficial it can be for you. In this article we have gone over the pros and have managed to prove that hiring foreigners can add good things to the table. Remember that all the issues that could appear are situational and not guaranteed. It’s up to you to make sure your potential employee’s country of residence doesn’t put a strain on your operation more than it helps it. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/the-pros-and-cons-of-hiring-mobile-app-developers-from-overseas/

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Best Ways To Reduce Your App Development Costs?

Everybody knows that mobile app development is a quick way of making money, but in fact there are many situations when the development of a mobile app can actually be an expensive project. Most of the times, these situations occur because people don’t plan ahead and don’t know exactly what steps to follow. It’s extremely important to have a blueprint of the app development project, because it helps in controlling the evolution and thus reduce the costs. Generally, the average cost of a mobile app development varies a lot, according to the number of features included, the type of the app or the mobile platform it is intended for. However, an important thing to remember is not to compromise on the quality of the project. Cutting down on the design or the quality of the product does not mean reducing costs, but technically destroying the project. How To Reduce App Development Cost Let’s see some useful tips and tricks on how to cut down on the app development costs! Share the costs For the noble purpose of cutting down on the costs, it is important that both the business and the developers find a way to share the expenses. This means that the developer can ask the investor for some funds where they can share the possible profit, and this strategy works the other way around, too. However, a company that runs on a restricted budget can choose to fund a developer and then gain full rights to the app, thus making sure that the development project is complete. Focus on the essential parts Think about the fact that the mobile app you are developing doesn’t need to provide everything on Earth for your users. The key here is to focus on the specific of the service and what exactly you intend to provide. Offering too many features not only will confuse the users and make a mess of the app, but it will also cost more time and money, which are very important, especially if you don’t know whether you’ll make profit or not. Do some research Though it might seem that it’s even more time lost, truth is that if you do some proper research about similar apps, about all the requirements and so on, you might save some time by avoiding mistakes. If the developer has a well-made plan, detailed with all the sketches, the goals and the requirements, it will be easier to structure the work and to finish with it faster. Take advantage of the open source app development frameworks With this smart tip, you can cut down on the development costs a lot if you check the free to use cross platform app development frameworks. Just look online for several such services and see which one would fit your project more. Don’t use to many custom processes or graphics Though generally mobile apps are different, there are still common elements, such as buttons, navigation type and other details. This happens because in general users expect mobile apps to behave in a certain way, and so do the App Stores too. For example, the Apple has set some Human Interface Guidelines which must be complied with by all the iOS app if they get approved and featured on the iTunes. For this reason, it might save you precious time and money to use buttons and similar elements that are already created. Of course, do customize your app, but draw the line whenever this is not necessary anymore. Optimize your team Divide the tasks clearly and wisely among the people working on the project, taking into account each person’s individual skills. Some simple tasks can be saved for junior developers, for instance, who might ask for a lower rate per hour, which might lead to cutting down the costs for the app. Offer feedback When working with the developers, it is important to give them feedback in time. Outsourcing the app development is a great idea, but it can turn out inefficient if you’re not handling it well. Since the developer’s time means your money, you might want to pay more attention to how they are working and offer feedback so that they know fast what to correct and what is okay. As you can see, cutting back on the mobile app development costs is not such a hard task. By doing some simple things, such as giving feedback, smartly dividing the tasks, removing the non-essential features and design elements, you will see that there is a lot of time and money that can be saved with just some planning ahead. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/best-ways-to-reduce-your-app-development-costs/

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Get An Early Scoop On How To Create A Great Grocery Shopping App

Things that in the days of old might have taken a long time to complete can now be enjoyed as a very fast and seamless experience thanks to modern day technology and an invasion of mobile app integration to a long list of concepts and services. From the Uber service taking over the traditional taxi business and pizza places all over the place making it possible for customers to order using the business’s official mobile app are just a couple example of the great role smartphone apps play in today’s society and more specifically the vendor-customer relationship. Another similar transition that you probably weren’t aware of is that of grocery stores. Yes, that’s right, grocery stores now use mobile apps to entice customers and provide a valuable set of services which can be accessed from the comfort of your own couch. The list of grocery store chains that have adopted the modern approach for getting your daily vegetables and kitchen supplies includes the likes of Trader Joe’s and Walmart. That being said, many mobile app developers are looking to capitalize on the increasing popularity of grocery shopping apps which, according to the National Grocers Association, have been installed on the smart devices of a third of America’s population. It’s important to know what to avoid and what to focus on so that your app will be not only compelling, but also useful. An app that has no purpose other than to rack in downloads won’t be accessed twice by the same user. Features to include in your Grocery Shopping App When creating such an app, make sure you include a compelling number of features in regards to how it helps customers. Grocery stores that have already adopted a mobile app seem to offer similar features, which include the ability to create a wish list, find franchise locations in town, check up on delivery schedules or rich search option for store products. Push notifications A mobile app for a grocery store is something you install when you absolutely want to know more about what the store offers and all the when, what and how that come with it. Taking that into consideration, it’s safe to assume that people who download your app have no problem receiving push notifications which will let them know what the store’s offers are at all time. Such services are what drive people to maintain a customer loyalty towards the business the app represents. App-based perks We all know that offering some kind of perk or discount based on brand loyalty is something grocery stores absolutely love to implement. The mobile app which caters to the needs of a specific brand’s customers can also implement such perks. Taking coupons for example, your app can offer some as a reward for using the app, reaching certain app milestones that you would ultimately implement, or other similar things. This will push more people to download your app and indirectly support the grocery store. Payment options The mobile app is all about facilitating the customer, right? Well, that’s important to keep in mind when developing the app, and especially when you get to the point where you implement payment methods. Adding multiple ways for people to buy the grocery store’s products, as well as well as multiple currencies will shine like a badge of trust among the store’s clientele. The level of convenience they encounter while using the app directly reflects their feedback and appreciation. Getting personal A physical store’s employees are trained to make every customer feel appreciated, and that should also be part of the mobile app. Make sure that the app’s features and structure facilitate a personalized experience for each user, making them feel important to the business and thus more likely to continue using its services. Give it structure There are several ways to go about a grocery shopping app. For instance, the app can only display helpful information about the store and act as a guide for customers before they enter the store, or it can include online shopping which means that users can shop directly from their smart devices and have products delivered to their homes. Whatever functions you wish to attribute to your app, make sure it all comes together as a structured product and not just a bunch of stuff thrown together with the grocery store’s logo on top. Your job is to guide customers, not confuse them. Conclusion In conclusion, mobile app developer that got the right idea and are looking to start working on a grocery shopping app are advised to take note of these pointers as they can prove quite essential from a bigger picture perspective. Kids, young adults or even elderly folks are probable customers at any given grocery store, meaning that your app should cater to the needs of multiple generations and adapt accordingly in terms of accessibility and ease of use. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/get-an-early-scoop-on-how-to-create-a-great-grocery-shopping-app/

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Common Mistakes App Entrepreneurs Make during Development and Marketing

When looking at the top mobile app marketplaces, you commonly see things like the Top Downloads page, Most Popular page, etc. However, we’re talking about a page. How many more pages are apps no one even knows they exist and will never meet success due to various reasons? Sadly, the answer is way too many to count. But of course just like in any other thing in life, success is achieved by those who put in the work and excel at the little details that make them stand out. Some apps fail because they’re bad, plain and simple, but there are also a lot of apps that have a lot of potential. The latter category fails often due to mistakes they make here and there without even realizing in time. In this article we are to learn what kind of mistakes app creators make under their own noses which ruin the final product. How will your app make you money? There are a lot of steps to take before getting there, but the final step is no doubt choosing a monetization system for your app. A common mistake made by app developers is that they don’t think of this aspect until very late into the project. You wouldn’t be the first one to be sitting idly with a finished app and no idea how to sell it. The result is a poorly applied business model that results in your app not meeting its monetary potential. Let’s break that down for a second. In app marketing, there are multiple ways in which an app can produce revenue and depending on what kind of app you create, the best one can change. It might be more efficient or profitable to release your app under a “free but featuring ads” model, or straight up charge a fixed amount for each download. Having two versions of the app, one free and one paid but with certain benefits is also a popular formula. This must be something that you evaluate and turn over in your head as you develop the app, not after you’ve finished it so that you hinder both the release date and income. Budget managements and resource distribution The way you manage your budget and how you make use of your resources will determine how the final product will look like as well as what impact it will have ( and on whom, for that matter). There are several cases of great apps that never see the light of day because the developers plan their budget in a very sloppy manner and so they run out of funds before development is complete. Another similar example is putting all your money into the app itself with no more funds left for promotion and marketing strategies. There is also a reverse situation where you have a killer marketing campaign for an app that you can’t actually build because, guess what? You spent your entire budget on a killer marketing campaign. Such things differentiate the success stories from the “almost there’s and “what if”s. Rigidness and unoriginality If your app focuses on doing only one thing, and that thing only, it might live out a short success followed by a sudden drop. No matter how terrific a function is, it eventually gets old, outdated, or outdone. This is why it is important to make sure that your app is capable of bringing multiple elements to the table. Sure, you might have sought to create an app that does one particular thing very well, and you’ve succeeded. But if you want to keep building on that success you need to expand your horizon and start thinking of new ways the app can serve your customers. Let’s keep looking here for a second, specifically at errors that occur in what apps provide. If you make an app that achieves the same purpose as other existing apps, you need to make sure you bring something new to the table. Often times people release apps that approach the same successful concepts as already popular apps, but not as well. This is a sure way to make sure that your time and effort are wasted. Conclusion That being said, developing a successful app is never an easy task. There are a lot of elements that are out of your control such as current trends or user tendencies, but there are also lot aspects you can directly influence. Making sure you do everything in your power to succeed and that you avoid errors that can cost you a lot will prove decisive in the end. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/common-mistakes-app-entrepreneurs-make-during-development-and-marketing/

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What To Know Before Starting To Develop Taxi Booking App

Nowadays it seems that more and more people, especially millennials, are quitting the classic taxi service and heading towards taxi hailing apps. At the same time, more and more people quit the idea of having their own car and spending money on gas and all the maintenance cost, and choose instead this type of apps. These apps have most success in the urban areas, and one such example is Uber. This app was founded in 2009 and it has reached unimagined success, so much so that today we find it available in more than 60 countries and 500 cities. Naturally, more and more people try to replicate their success and to create new apps with this purpose. But what should you take into account when planning to develop an app for taxi booking? Let’s see a brief list of some things you should consider in this situation: 1. Take a look at your competition. Before launching an app, it is important to know where you’re standing on the market. At the same time, take into account the area where you want to implement it. If you are in a small town, ask yourself if there really is a need for a taxi service app. 2. Check the interface. With all the things that you have to include in an interface, it’s quite a hard task to make space for all of them and to create a visual harmony that will combine all the elements. Nobody wants an app where it’s hard to figure out what does it offer or where can you find a particular feature. 3. Do you have the right cars? Not every car is suitable for being a taxi, so it’s better to inform yourself in advance. Try as much as possible to have cars that are modified for this type of service and which are safe. Search for ones with clean interiors and lots of space for luggage. 4. Bring a unique and original element in the app. There are already many taxi apps available online, so why should someone choose yours? May be a new design, a new feature or an organized menu will make the difference. Or perhaps the quality of the car, good marketing and professionalism. 5. GPS and maps. Nowadays, geo location has become essential when it comes to taxi or ride sharing. The GPS facility goes together with the Google Maps app. Together they are extremely useful for finding the fastest route and thus saving time. Moreover, the customer is sure that the driver really takes the fastest route. 6. Payment integration feature. This feature is particularly useful, since it lets the taxi users know about the source and the destination of the trip, the distance and the payment details as soon as the ride is over or even when they’re in the taxi. One thing that is really appreciated about the successful taxi apps is the fact that you don’t need to use cash when paying, which is one worry less. 7. Licenses and insurances. Even though it might take you some time, you need to have all the papers in order before starting offering the service. If you are one of the drivers in the app, then you have to own a commercial driver license from your local department. Make sure all the cabs are registered and with all the inspections done, so that they are safe to use. Moreover, you should check the insurance rates and get the most convenient one for your business. 8. Car tracking. Not only this is useful for safety reasons or in case a user orders a cab for somebody else, but it is also an interactive way to attract customers. A realistic design is interesting to see, and many people like to follow the route on their devices. 9. Notification features. Having a push notification feature is extremely useful, and many users reported that they enjoy this particular thing. Often times, apps include in their push notifications welcome notes, information about the payments, thank you notes, the source and the destination of the tripand other details. 10. Keep in mind the driver needs too. Drivers also need to have a clean and easy to use interface, to manage their options quickly and to keep in touch with the users in real time, so pay attention to all these details when planning to develop a taxi app. Moreover, remember that some drivers may not be familiar with technology, so a simple outline will be helpful for them. Conclusion To sum up, it is not an easy task to plan ahead a taxi app, considering that you have to take into account a number of factors, starting from the competition, the local fares, the required paperwork and going all the way to app interface, payment systems and car quality. Want to develop a taxi booking app like Uber? Contact us now. We provide high quality mobile apps at competitive rate. Our experienced mobile app developers team have delivered seamless mobile apps to the global clients. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/what-to-know-before-starting-to-develop-taxi-booking-app/

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Important Tips To Consider While Developing a Wallet App

There will always be a demand for competent solutions when it comes to financial transactions. Entering the mobile app era, banks and individuals alike are more app-oriented even when considering ways to manage and complete their payments. An app that provides services that seek to accommodate its users and their payments is Paytm. The app is recorded to house 7 million transactions. Care to guess how much time it takes Paytm to register 7 million transactions? The answer is one day. Yep, Paytm is a platform where 7 million transactions take place daily. That being said, it is understandable how a developer would want to replicate that success and incorporate a new app into the payment app scene. If you are looking to develop such an app, this article can serve as guide so that you know what to look out for and what to focus on during development. Following these suggestions will prove quite impactful down the road, when your app is complete: Keep it light The whole point of mobile applications that allow you to manage payments is that it is supposed to be easy and eliminate the hassle of more traditional means. However, if you make an app that just complicates things it completely beats the purpose of the app, so try to keep the app very simple to use. Your goal is to come up with an app that will serve its function in just a few steps. Security From the very beginning of the project you need to realize how crucial security is. Despite the advanced security perks that come with digitalization, it also opens a door for a new type of threat: hackers. Cybernetic attacks can cause a lot of harm, and when talking about a digital wallet type of app, it can be devastating. That is why security should be one of your top concerns all throughout the development process as well as after the app is finished. Location based service You should save your customers from having to go shop hunting. What that means is that they should gain access to information telling them exactly where your app can be used. By implementing a location based service that will alert them about nearby supporting stores and businesses, you can boost your app’s popularity because more people will know about more places where it can be used. Payment status Payment status will promptly update the status of each payment so that all parties involved know at each moment where their money is and what is happening to it. You can imagine that when a transaction fails or something goes south, your users will want to know what is happening. Leaving them in the dark will only cause them to have less trust in your app. Especially when talking about something as important and often times delicate as money transfer, you can’t expect someone not to want info on their transactions at all time. Redeemable coupons Redeemable coupons have seen a massive increase in the last couple of years, and it doesn’t show signs of stopping this year or next year for that matter. Through these coupons, retailers and marketers are able to pinpoint and focus on a specific group of consumers. It would be highly beneficial for your app to incorporate support for these coupons so that they can be scanned and redeemed through your service. That being said, there is a bright future ahead for those that invest in this sort of app. Thanks to the current flow of things and how apps are becoming the center-piece to many businesses’ connection to the world, you can cash in quite a pretty penny through a payment app. App developers that put in the time and effort to come with a great solution and also alternative to Paytm can find themselves raking some serious coin as well as industry rep, which can open more doors in the future. Conclusion The reason for which there aren’t as many competent solutions as you might think, could be the fact that this type of app requires a lot of attention to detail due to the sensitive nature of its objective. If you take into consideration everything that we have gone over in this article, there is no doubt that you will be able to create an app like payment that will spark the attention of important clients. It is important to keep in mind that people are always looking for easier ways to do stuff, and by accommodating this demand you can easily secure yourself a sweet spot in the app market. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/important-tips-to-consider-while-developing-wallet-app/

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