Wireframes and How They Affect The Mobile App Development Industry

Just like any other “construction” that is structured into multiple layers and phases, a mobile application has a plan layout, a blueprint of sorts. This blueprint comes in the form of wireframes, and they pretty much set the tone and direction of the app, regardless of what changes may come up to the original visualization in the process.

You will find mobile app developers that could go on and on about the importance of wireframes, and how massive their impact is on the overall development of a mobile app. Wireframes represent the core and fundamental tool of an app developer, which is used for any given screen. They are in a way, offering a visual of the app before there is no visual of the app. With wireframes, developers can get the basic ideas about an app before content is introduced.

Wireframes do not focus on giving does involved foresight on the app’s aesthetics or button placement necessarily, but are more engaged in laying down the structure of the app from a functionality point of view. What this means is that wireframes make sure everyone involved in the project known what each screen will be capable of doing.

It is thanks to wireframes that developers are able to fully understand what type and amount of coding needs to go into each particular screen, and how they will be wired together in the final assembly, after it goes through all the other different phases that are included in mobile app development, after wireframing.


Wireframes are not only a structural pylon from which all other development elements branch out, and can have multiple pertinent uses. Just as a developer uses wireframes to setup what the app’s functions will be, so can it be used as a safety measure. An example of this would be a situation in which the customer for which the application is being created decides a specific element or function of the app should be removed or replaced.

In this case, the developer must start taking the necessary steps for doing so, and by doing that he might cause a chain of other conditions to apply. To fix those conditions or to avoid them completely, the developer must go through the app’s mainframe and re-track their steps through each loop and crossing that took place during development, and the more complex the app is, the harder it gets.

Wireframes can act as a guide that severely ease the job in this situation, allowing steps to be efficiently tracked back to their inception, while also giving valuable information about which route has to be taken for each action. If any bugs or problems appear on the way, they can also be substantially easier to remove thanks to journal-type mapping properties of wireframes.

Sharing progress in real time

As briefly mentioned earlier, wireframes enhance the communication between multiple parties tenfold, meaning that one member of the development team can use wireframes to swiftly get his ideas and work progress across in a manner that allows the other team members to be kept in loop.

For a successful app development, a crisp and clear communication policy must be instated. If there is no synergy between what the mobile app developer does and the work that the UI designer puts in. If these two aren’t synchronized there could be massive negative repercussions not only in aesthetics, but also functionality. The client must also be kept informed, and through wireframes, they can always know where the team is at.

Draw lines, save dimes

It is incredible how simple the actual process of wireframe drawing can be in contrast to how efficient and valuable of an asset it can become. With wireframes, you also have a powerful marketing opportunity at your disposal, which can show customers how the app development looked like, right from the beginning.

You most likely have witnessed wireframes being used in marketing before, but have not realized what you were seeing. Wireframes can be used to effortlessly display how the main ideas behind an app came to life and how the process took the team to uncharted territory while maintaining the core principles that they set out with.


In conclusion, it is pointless to argue the shear value that wireframes bring to the table when creating a mobile app, as it proves that with mobile apps, just like pretty much anything else in life, a strong foundation is the first step to a grand conclusion.

Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/wireframes-and-how-they-affect-the-mobile-app-development-industry/