mobile app

How to Explain Your App Idea to App Development Team Effectively

Once you have finally made up your mind to build a mobile app for your business, the next step would be finding the right set of team for catering the project. But more than that, it is imperative to explain the details of the project and establish an effective communication with the app developers. In fact, you must know that most of the apps also fail to get the user attention because the idea of app development is not spelled out properly and as a result the app has to suffer after its release. Yes, it’s true that the app development employ their own ideas and creativity but the entrepreneur also has to provide some details regarding what type of app he is looking for. Moreover, if you fail to communicate your ideas, the app development process will also hamper and it will not complete within the stipulated deadline. This can also result in increasing the estimated cost of app development. Therefore, approach the app development team with a clear mindset and try to give as many details possible. Briefly Introducing Your Company So, first things first, you have to introduce your company to the app development team and tell them why you want an app. The developers will get to know what industry your business belongs to. The next thing is giving details about your target audiences or which age group people would be using the app maximum. Then you also need to tell the team whether you are the entrepreneur or a professional representing the company. The Composition of App Development Team Well, to start off, the composition and structure of the app development team depends on the size of the project. It mainly comprises of a project manager, android or iOS developers or both, backend developer, UI and UX designer and app tester. Thus, when you are discussing your project, you have to mainly deal with these professionals who play different role in app building process. While you explain the project, it’s important to listen attentively to their ideas too because it is two-way communication here. Segregating your Project into Different Segments If you want to offer a full-proof explanation and make the development team understand your vision, the best possible way out is to categorize the entire project into different categories and divide it into small bits. Of course, app development task is a complicated and long process, so better take it part by part. Discussing everything at one go can create confusion and this is not the right approach. Begin with the Minimum Viable Product or MVP So, when you are opting for the app development, the first step is this regard would be building a Minimum Viable Product or MVP in which a fundamental version of the mobile application is presented without much of functionalities and features. The MVP comprises the most important features of your app. However, the other features can be added later. The main purpose of creating the MVP plan is to authenticate the idea of app into the market. You also get an idea about how the users will be using your app after its release. Getting into the minute details of the project is not needed at this junction. The development team will form a core of the idea. Taking Help of the Flow Charts In order to explain your app idea more effectively and clearly, better take the support of the flow charts with the help of images and diagrams. Here usually you would focus on describing the app functionality. It means the user gets familiar regarding what takes place when he clicks or taps a function. Explaining the Functions Clearly This is a crucial part which you have to explain clearly. The functions must be clarified properly that needs to necessarily included in the app. Now this is one area where an elaborate description is required in simplest of words. You can also take suggestions from the app developers if you are missing out on some. Asking for the Quotation and Project Deadline Well, you are aware that budget is the indispensable factor when it comes to app development and most entrepreneurs keep it on the top of their list. Obviously, when you contact the app development team, you would be asking how much does the app development cost. The development team of course would enquire about your budget estimate or money you are willing to invest in the project. Ask for free quotations through emails, online video chat or even when meeting the professionals directly. You need to also take into account the deadline of completing the project. You have to mention whether you are flexible with the deadline or following a strict schedule. Developing the Graphs and Visual Mockups The visual mockup is essentially related to the designing of the app and so it has to be communicated with the UI and UX designers. In this vital step of communication, the mockups are created that will further help the development team to get an idea regarding the visualization of the mobile application. The owner usually holds talk about the app design, color, icon, fonts, etc. The Importance of User Success Stories When you are communicating with the app development team, it is pivotal to emphasize on the user success stories as well. It basically throws light on the targeted audiences of the app and their expectations from the app. This would probably help in inclusion of all important features and provide an optimal user experience to the end users. Each of the stories highlights a separate feature and increases the value of the app. Establishing a Healthy Communication with Team The app development team enjoys working with clients who value their hard work and establish a healthy and long term relationship with the App Development Company. But the communication link has to get connected from both the sides. It is important to understand each other ideas and communicate freely and clearly without any ifs

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The Importance of Color in Mobile App Design

We are well familiar that both user experience as well as user interface plays a significant role when it comes to engaging more users. However, you cannot deny the influence of various colors in app design. The fact is the app designers shouldn’t just concentrate on making the app user friendly but also equally emphasize on selecting the right proportion of hues for the app design. Yes, people would love a colorful and attractive app, which helps in interpretation of your app’s content. However, the question before the app designing is choosing colors for different segments of the mobile app. You have to choose the color for your app icon, the logo, and the primary colors and most importantly, select the color scheme. The Significance of Various Important Colors The app designers in most cases would follow the latest trends in app design while selecting the colors, which isn’t a bad idea. You must note that each of the hues have an impact and communicative power with the user. So, let’s analyze a few vital colors that see what meaning they convey. If you are using red, it would simply imply the call to action and is more impulsive. The yellow is related to delight and optimism. Green is more associated with the nature and environment and is connected with money and wealth. Orange represents excitement and enthusiasm. Blue is again a dynamic color known for prosperity and serenity. Choosing the Color for the Icon If you visit the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, you can view numerous app icons having plethora of colors. The color of the icons is mostly chosen depending on what type of app is it? So, here your understanding and knowledge of the hues will come into play. You have to make the selection very cautiously. The possible way out is following the current design trends and then may be choose the prevalent colors such as red, blue or green. If you have done a thorough research, you must have seen that blue is the most widely used color found in popular apps such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, Safari etc. But if you want your app icon to look different, then you can use the various shades of green.\ Picking up the Right Color Scheme You should know that selecting the right color scheme is indeed one of the critical jobs that you have got in hands. Thus, when you go out for making the choice, there are different aspects that need to be taken into consideration such as color associates of your region and brand colors. What you need to do is choose the simple colors to enhance the UX. The simple colors look pleasing to the eyes and at the same time, it becomes easier for the user to read the content. In fact, according to one of the researches, it has been found that most users prefer like simple colors while using Adobe ColorCC. When you are using simple colors, it is better to go with two or most probably three colors. While developing the color scheme you can take the help of color wheel that contains several predefined schemes making the task easier for the designers. Types of Color Schemes Used Monochromatic This is one of the simplest color scheme used for designing apps as you have to take each of the color right from the base. It will have a good impact and will give a sober look. It contains only one color along with shades, tones and tints. You can create elegant innovative designs with it. The blue and green will be soothing for the eyes. Analogous This color scheme is prepared from associated colors where one is used for prominence, while the other is used to enhance the scheme. In the Analogous color scheme you have to mainly use three hues, which are closely related to each other. In this case, the main challenge is to decide which color to use as to give the app a more sophisticated look. An instance of an app using analogous color is Calm meditation app making use of green and blue so that users feel more relaxed and at peace. Complementary These are mostly contrasting colors and contrary to each other. Their main purpose is to gain the focus of the user. So, here basically two colors are selected; one remains dominant while the other is contrasting or balancing it. However, must be ensured that colors are chosen carefully for the content does not look very bright. Custom Color Scheme When you are deciding to implement the custom color scheme, use the color wheel intelligently. But it is not that only experienced designers can lay their hands on it. If you have just started, then the advice would be to use more of traditional color scheme and if you want to succeed then try using only one or two base color. Compound Color Scheme Also known as the split-complementary scheme, it combines base color as well as a couple of analogous colors. It is similar contrasting as complementary color but does not have a good visual outlook. Choosing the Color Shades Selecting the color shade of the app is also important and here the designer needs to blend black with the base color. Its main objective is to make the mobile design more attractive. It also highlights certain specific areas of the app such as its functionality. The Use of Adobe Color CC The main function of Adobe Color CC is to make the job of the designers easier by simplifying the task of selecting required color. As such you can choose any color as base color and also add and save the palettes directly. The Effects of Color Contrast The designers need to make use of the color contrast (using two opposite colors) to prevent the eyes from strain. It divides the colors of the app so that user can easily get the attention. The colors

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Why Small Business Should Invest in Mobile App?

Does your small business need the help of mobile application? Well, if you ask this question, then the reply would be a definite yes. Now, you may wonder how the mobile application can prove to a great support for flourishing your small business enterprise, considering the fact that mobile app is a costly affair. However, this is merely a misconception because with numerous numbers of mobile apps getting developed nowadays, availing the services of an affordable Mobile App Development Company has become easier compared to the previous years. In fact, as time is progressing, more and more business owners have started to understand the value and benefits that mobile apps offer to their existing business. According to a survey, about 42% small business already owns a mobile app, whereas, nearly 30% are planning to invest in building one. The same study reveals that nearly 55% of the millennials owning a small business have a mobile app. You Can Engage More Customers With Minimal Effort Even if you are a business owner of a small enterprise, your sole aim is to get across more and more customers. Until now, the small business have been employing traditional methods to increase the customer base such as advertisement through hoardings and pamphlets, newspaper, etc. but, times have changed and you have to adopt new techniques to each out potential consumers. The mobile apps will provide that scope where you can directly communicate with your target audience in real time. You can promote your products and services at a rapid pace. The mobile apps also help in taking the customer opinion poll, which further helps in to prepare strategies thereafter. Mobile Apps are Great Marketing Assets Indeed Ever since the concept of digital marketing has evolved in the strata of business promotion, we have seen how websites have brought a major change. However, now this place has been substituted by mobile applications that are proving to a great marketing tool for any business on the floor. Now, this marketing tool has rightly joined hands with the geolocation and beacon technology. This is helping the business owners to track their customers in real time and more importantly, they can send specific messages as soon as the customer is nearing their store location. This also helps a great deal in decreasing the cost of marketing expenses. The business can focus on their customers and deliver what they are looking for. Allows You to Take the Valuable Feedback Nowadays, you know about the stiff and hard-hearted competition prevailing in the market. It is very difficult to keep your customers interested for a long time. However, having said that if you are taking their valuable opinion and views, then you can improvise a lot and offer far better products and services. Whether you have an Android or iOS app, the ratings and reviews certainly mean a lot in the Google Play Store or iOS app store. It is a parameter that helps you to judge your products and services. If you are constantly receiving negative feedback, then you can look into the matter as to what is going wrong. You have to take the reviews and ratings of the customers seriously if you want to excel further up. Simplifies the Entire Payment Process Small businesses often mess up with payments as they basically deal or conduct business transaction in cash. But now, it’s time to go for the cashless system which will not only make your transactions simpler and stress-free but also will help in saving a lot of time. Gone are the days when you needed a calculator to doing all the mathematical operations. The introduction of payment gateway will provide a huge relief from all these hectic tasks. Whether you are receiving a payment from a customer or party, it will directly be credited into your account with just a few easy taps. In the same way, if you have to pay someone, say wholesalers, you can also follow the same process. You don’t need to maintain separate registry or book for recording the transactions as everything will be available in the mobile app. Offering the Loyalty Programs to Customers With the introduction of mobile apps, we have seen the concept of loyalty programs. This is a kind of promotional strategy where you offer rewards in the form of cash backs or coupons to all those existing customers who have been using your mobile app for a long period of time or in other ways have been loyal to you. The loyalty programs not only help in engaging the customers but also assist in collecting the valuable information and inputs about his likes and dislikes and how he feels regarding your business. The loyalty programs will enhance the user experience as well. Sell Your Products Faster and Build a Brand Image Mobile apps can change the conventional selling methods where business owners waited for customers to arrive at their store. It helps you to sell your products online at a much quicker pace and here you don’t have to convince the customer to buy your item. The customer relatively chooses the product from the concerned category, pays the amount and the product is sold. In fact, you are also creating a brand image by owning a mobile app for your business. You get to see a positive response when customer visit your app and navigate through the various items on display. Scheduling the Appointments and Reminders For those business owners, who are basically service providers such as saloon or laundry business, you can provide the facility of scheduling appointments and reminders to the customers. The customers will schedule an appointment to visit your saloon and they don’t have to waste their time in waiting for other customers. Similarly, if there is a coaching class, it can send reminders to the students that they have to attend classes at the appointed time. You can do so by sending bulk SMS at the same time. Offering the Support

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Tips on How to Identify the Target Audiences for Mobile App

So, you have completed the mobile app development and planning to proceed to the next stage, which is launching it. But just wait for a minute! Have you done a proper and thorough research on your target audiences before releasing the app? If yes, then you are on the right track and if not, then first you have to identify who your potential customers are and then go ahead on the way. Well, don’t take the research work casually because your ultimate aim is to get more users on your app. In fact, one of the studies reveal that about 14% of the startups failed to get any user attention because they ignored users and indulged in poor marketing strategies. All this happened because they did not know properly about their target audiences. This is the age of sternest competition where you have no room for creating an error. Once the users churn your app, he would barely return back again. So, why should offer such an opportunity. You may have a great app idea and you think that could entire large number of customers, but let the audience decide whether that idea is really unique or not. You can get familiar with the taste of the users only by conducting a research. So, first you have to take some time out and decide firmly on your potential users. In fact, it will also help to save much of your time and money and developing the app would rather be uncomplicated. How Identifying your Audiences Can Prove Useful Well, as said that if you define your target audiences in advance even before starting to develop the app, it could prove highly beneficial. It improves the chances of achieving success becomes higher. In addition, it will allow you to add the app features and functionality according to the needs, taste and preferences of your audiences. Apart from that, it will also help to develop the optimum monetization scheme and prepare the best app specification. It also allows you to launch an effective marketing campaign. The Initial Steps of Conducting Research on Target Audiences Today millions of people are using Smartphones and various gadgets, having an access to N numbers of apps on both Android and iOS platforms. The consumers are looking something exclusive and unique in apps. For instance, if we take about the eCommerce apps, then according to one of the surveys, 85% people want to avail discounts on products similar to the ones last purchased. So, it would be more suitable if you divide your findings into two parts; general understand and secondary market research. The General Understanding In the general understanding you get to know the first nerve of your audience and you actually gather knowledge on the initial lines of market. For instance, if it a grocery app, then your target audience would include almost all people belonging to different age groups. However, since grocery shopping is largely associated with homemakers, your specific focus would be on women living in a particular region or state. But you cannot say that only women are your potential customers as men, students and others also use the app to buy items. Secondary Market Research Well, in the secondary market research, you have to go with a broader prospective and approach as it is a deep exploration. You must not forget to keep your eyes intact on the competitors and give special attention on people who would use the app more than others. Taking the grocery app example, you should concentrate on how often people order products from grocery app and what are the common items they buy, what is the popular mode of payment etc. You also have to consider the app reviews and ratings as well. Converting your Marketing Strategies More Effective Hiring the Services of Marketing Agency If you go to the Google, you would come across a number of local and offshore marketing agencies who are willing to offer their services to the client. You just to contact the professionals, explain what kind of app you have and pay their chargers. The big corporate houses can afford the price but for startups and small business, it could prove costly. So, Why Not Adopt the Cost-Effective Method Well, the best option is choosing the market research strategies that won’t pinch your pocket at all. To tell you more, there are a number of ethical and reliable websites and online statistics available, which could prove to be more than handy. When you search on the Google, you would get across many such as the Statista. It contains most valuable information, stats and other figures related to mobile apps, markets and revenues etc. You can draw a lot of info from there. Similarly, you have App Annie, which also provides important numbers on marketing insights. A lot of other websites offer figures and stats on different app categories. The Google Adwords or Google Trends will help you in getting familiar with who are currently online and what they are searching at present. For instance, if you find they are specifically searching for a particular product, you can add that into your category list. Then, there is Reddit that assists in figuring out what the target audience actually wants. Understanding the Demography, Behavior and Audience Lifestyle Well, you want to set best output from your efforts through research then you have to understand the demographics, lifestyle and behaviors of your audience. It is important to identify their gender, age, location and culture. This becomes more imperative if you have a travel or a restaurant app. Conducting Surveys In surveys, you directly go to your audience and ask about their preferences. Well, there are different ways in which you can conduct a survey. The first is combining landing page with Facebook advertising. In this method you develop different pages for different types of target audiences and connect them to a landing page, which contains the details of your products and services.

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Vital Factors Taken into Consideration Before Publishing an App to The App Store

Maybe you think that you have created an outstanding mobile application. However, the end users may have contrary views. You only get to know the final result once the app gets published into the app store. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to predict anything towards the beginning whether your app will be successful or not. However, if you want to get more consumers on the board, you have to ensure a few vital steps before publishing the app in the app store. You must know that both iOS and Android have provided detailed guidelines or checklist for the developers, which must be strictly adhered to. Thoroughly Go through App Store Polices and Guidelines In fact, Apple, in its official blog has cited a number of reasons that ultimately leads to an app rejection. It follows a very strict policy related to app publication and if you don’t stick to it properly, you will surely miss the bus completely. Similarly, the Google Play Store has also given a list of launch checklist on its official blog page. All the tasks must be followed sequentially, so that you don’t miss out any step. Deciding whether it’s a Free or Paid App One of the pivotal decisions you have to take is regarding the app monetization policy. This means you have to decide whether you are offering the app for free or the users will have to pay a fee to subscribe it. If it is priced, then you have to decide upon the pricing model of the app. However, before that, spare some time to ponder whether your app is really worthy of getting a status of the paid app. It is recommended to go for the freemium model in the beginning if you are aiming to get large customers to your app. However, if you are offering any painstaking service such as live consultation with the doctor, then it has to be subscription-based app. Also, it must be remembered that most of the popular gaming apps are also not free but it’s completely your call. Extensive Research of Market and Competitors This is one of the most time-consuming jobs; but there’s no other option, you have to undertake it. The research is one of the most vital steps, which probably goes parallel with every step of development process. You have to get the impulse of the market and find your competitors when you are planning to launch the app. This will help in understanding what features and functionality of similar apps are popular and what percentage of users is using such apps. Conducting the App Testing Before Publishing Well, this goes without saying; you must conduct a test before publishing the app in the app store. It must be ensured that it meets the basic requirements and expectations of the concerned Operating System. The app should literally pass all quality checks with ease without showing any error. In case the app has been designed for the tablets and iPads, it should have flawless graphics and shouldn’t comprise on the User experience and User Interface. So, the suggestion would be to go for the app optimization. The content of the app should be apt and to the point. It should be attractive to satisfy the needs of the customers. Optimizing the App App optimization is important and it needs to be done before you are making your app live on the app store. It must be noted that both Apple and Google follow the same variables when it comes to ranking. Thus, when you are optimizing the app, you have to mainly focus on four important factors that include the branding and visuals of the app, the number of app downloads, the keyword and app description and the number of positive app reviews etc. You should remember that keywords play a vital role in influencing the customers of the app as they find your app through a particular set of words. In fact, according to a study, it has been found that keywords placed in title increased the app’s ranking by 10.3%. Building the Brand Value of your App It is important to create some hike in the market before publishing and launching an app. It is a kind of pre-promotion before actually entering the market to build a brand value. You can take the help of media tools and frame a viable social media strategy. However, the first step would be to find your target audiences, who could relate well with your app. Start searching for the bloggers, journalists, and writers who would connect you to your users. The social media could be a great platform for establishing the value of the app. Go for regular Facebook and Instagram posts and updates and tell people how your app is different from others. Choosing the Location for App Distribution The decision on app distribution solely depends on your choice. It means you have to decide which are the countries and regions where your app will be made available. You can even choose a global presence like Facebook or Whatsapp. It all depends on your business needs and the number of audiences you are targeting. This is one of the crucial aspects that you have decided early as you can finalize the app content based on it. Counting on your Web Presence So, what else you can do to spread the word about your mobile app apart from framing marketing strategies and social media platform. It is by developing a landing page or a website that gathers the emails of users, which could prove more than handy in getting the important data. In addition to that it also helps to communicate the idea of your app and the users find it easy to navigate the content. The collection of emails in the beginning would also help in driving people to download and review your app as more as possible. The Importance of Screenshots and Visuals Another marketing tactic that you can employ

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The Benefits of Having Firebase for Mobile App Development

For all those developers who have been searching for a robust platform for building mobile and web application, you can bank upon Firebase. The Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) that offers the developers a wide spectrum of tools and services to develop high-quality apps at a much faster pace. Now, if we were to define the BaaS, it is a cloud computing service model using which the web app and mobile app developers can connect their applications with backend cloud storage and APIs rendered by the backend applications. Initially, James Tamplin and Andrew Lee had founded the Company in 2011 as Envolve, but after Google acquired it in 2014, Firebase had an emphatic growth to become a unified platform for developers. In fact, it allows the developers to develop feature for apps on different platforms like Remote Configs, Notifications and Real-time Databases. In addition, it also helps you to develop storage for the app including authentication functionality. Moreover, Firebase can also be used effectively for app marketing, enhancing the user experience and user engagement. Advantages of Using Firebase For Mobile App Development Now, let’s analyze the various benefits that Firebase offers to the app developers to make their app development journey simpler: Real-time Database Helps to Store and Synchronize Data The cloud-hosted NoSQL database is offered by Firebase real-time database that helps you store and synchronize data between the clients. This indeed makes it easier for the developers to access the data using any of the devices and helps developing collaborative feature. Another advantage of a real-time database for the developers is that they do not need the support of backend to build apps as it comes with SDKs for various platforms, including Android, iOS and Web. It assists in the execution of backend code responding to events activated by databases. Furthermore, it is optimized for offline use too. Firebase has Become Smarter with Google Analytics Now you can easily track down your user’s journey on a number of devices. It means you would know whether he is using a smartphone, tablet or laptop. You can also export your mobile app data to BigQuery with the help of Google Analytics. It can further support in engaging more users once you match the UX based on user id. Firebase Offers Facility of Crash Reporting to Fix Bugs Quickly It has often been seen that a lot of apps suffer due to bug issues, which tends to slow down navigation speed and users opt out of it. The result is that rating of the app also declines. However, you have to credit Firebase as now it is offering the facility of crash reporting to fix the bugs at the quicker pace and with ease. The app developers and QA testers can identify the problems in the stages, whether it is the app version, the device or the OS. The Firebase SDK provides log crashes that ultimately save much time as you don’t have to find the cause of the problem. The coding database is available for both native and cross-platform apps. Fast and Secured Web Hosting The benefit of Firebase Hosting allows you to set-up a single-page, a mobile landing page, web page or progressive web page with ease. It also helps to deliver the content rapidly anywhere. The developers can deploy the web apps as well as static content at CDN (Content Delivery Network). The Firebase hosting also automatically configures the free SSN certificate for custom domains. You can now deploy a local directory to the web with just a single command. Firebase Authentication Nowadays, most of the apps have the login facility and the developer aims to simplify and secure it better. Therefore, the support of Firebase Authentication is there to do that task with an easy sign-in process. It also provides identity solution for the emails, passwords and other important apps such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. The Firebase UI is also flexible, customized and drop-in dealing with the UI flow of the users. There is no compromise from the security point of view. Firebase Allows the Content Storage with Ease It has become much easier to store the user-dedicated content that includes texts, images and videos. In fact, you can also develop the final phase of your app from prototype effortlessly using advanced technology. The Firebase team has also provided SDK for cloud storage to link-up the mobile for users that aren’t online. As such they can continue to automatically transfer as soon as connectivity is established. Developers have the Accessibility of Machine Learning As we move on to discuss the advantages of Firebase, we also get familiar that it also provides developers the facility of Machine Learning. This benefit is available for both Android and iOS developers as well as experienced or newcomers. The ML kit has ready-to-use APIs for various mobile functionalities such as detecting the face, identifying the text, barcode scanning and labeling images etc. You have a choice between on-device and Cloud APIs that can be selected according to your needs. Send Notifications and Messages to Targeted Audiences The Firebase Cloud Messaging offers you an opportunity to send notifications and messages to your targeted audiences for free across all devices and platforms with the help of battery-efficient connection. So, if you are interested in sending the push notifications to a specific group of people based on demography and their behavior. In addition, you can choose your own particular time for sending the message, which is more convenient. The developers will be pleased to note that they do not require coding to send the notifications. You can try the A/B testing for sending notifications to choose the best version that fits your need. Send the App Recommendation through Dynamic Links Dynamic Links available with Firebase that enables the app owner to recommend his app to people familiar such as family and friends after the completion and launch of the app. You can make your app viral by sharing a small URL. However, if they

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Thinking of Prototyping a Mobile App: Just Follow the Step by Step Procedure

The mobile app development isn’t just restricted to coding practices and testing exercises. You also have to learn how to prototype a mobile app if you are serious about your successful app launching. It also helps you to gain an upper hand advantage over the competitors and certainly, you can pitch with a better app when targeting the potential customers. However, before you learn the steps leading to a successful mobile app prototyping, let’s have a quick view of what a mobile app prototype is and why it is considered to an essential aspect or part of the app development process. Defining a Mobile App Prototype Well, the prototype is said to be a version of the mobile application, which helps the developer in viewing and testing the key functions. As such, it involves the as least cost and time possible. In fact, the mobile app prototype is being compared with the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) due to the similarity of concept. But the fact is that are invariably different. The iOS app developers should note that unlike the MVP they won’t be able to conduct an open prototype test due to the regulations laid down by Apple, which says that you have to get your app reviewed and approved before publication. So, if you want to test your prototype, the best possible way is to opt for a small sample size. You can conduct the user experience testing by creating small groups of potential users and getting their feedback. Why is Mobile App Prototype Important? When you are prototyping a mobile app, you are actually working on the interactive model and also showing the design as well as navigation process to brings ideas into life. However, if we talk about the benefits of app prototyping: It helps in validation of ideas thereby helping to explore new ideas and designing methods. It is during the testing process that one comes to know which features and functionalities needs an improvement. Prototype helps to bring changes in the project. The mobile prototyping offers you the scope of involving your client and stakeholder in the development process. This indeed allows the developers to take the approval from the clients before moving on to the next stage. The mobile app prototype offers a model or demonstration of how the final product would look like. So, the client who is investing in the project is certain that he is making the right decision once he approves the prototype. Mobile app prototype can also be used to know if there is a demand of a particular app in the market. You just have to run prototype through a user test. Important Steps for Creating a Mobile App Prototype Following are the important steps that will help you for creating a successful mobile app prototype: Identifying the App and Understanding Problem First things first, you have to define your app and specifically understand the problem that it will be solving. In addition, you also have to know who your potential customers are and mobile app prototyping could prove handy. For instance, if you are building a grocery app, where people can directly buy the products, it would be a B2C app. However, when you are opting for the mobile app prototype, you have to consider the unique selling point. So, you have to think if your app has solved the problem or not. Talking about the USP of the given example, the app eliminates the hassles of customers as they don’t have to visit the grocery shop and they can shop everything at one place saving a lot of time and money. Research to know if Idea is Viable If you want to build a mobile prototype, it is quite essential to get familiar whether the app idea is viable or not. This calls for researching the mobile market. The research will help you to understand the needs of target audience, thereby reducing the risks related to designs and development. You can also conduct a reliable survey to avail better results where you can get valuable information. This assists in taking easier and apt decisions. What Features and Functionalities to Implement One of the important steps of mobile app prototyping is to list the various features and functionalities that you want to implement in your app. In fact, you can choose the list of the features even before you have begun to develop the app. Once you have done that you can keep those in the order of preference. You can start by incorporating a few and simple features in the beginning, which are necessary to conduct the test and once your app gains the spotlight, you can increase it depending on user demand. Add the most important features during the initiation and after the completion of prototyping, you can add others as you will get a much better idea of your app. Initiating the First Sketches of Screen Next step while developing the mobile app prototype is focusing on the user experience. So, you have to commence with the creation of a few rough or primary sketches of the screen. You can actually categorize the screen functionalities into three main divisions; namely, the dashboard, the profile and the matches. After the sketches of the screen are prepared, you can proceed with the final creation of screens. Proceed with the Wireframe Once you have your primary screens ready, it’s time to divert the attention towards app wireframing. It is often regarded as the basic structure of any mobile app. This is one area where you can use the various types of prototyping tools and functional wireframes available to craft your ideas into reality. A few examples of these include Xcode or JustMind etc. A wireframe can be defined as a bare skeleton or low-fidelity product that mainly comprises of boxes, lines or descriptions at times. It is through wireframing an app that a developer can determine if he is going in the right direction of app

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Everything you need to know about GDPR as an App Owner

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation, and it is going to be a big change for all apps. GDPR is a regulation that has been passed by the EU law authorities to maintain consumer data protection and privacy. On 25th May 2018, this law was become enforceable, and all businesses must prove data consent from their users. What’s more, the consumers can even withdraw their consent at any given time with utmost discretion. Currently, GDPR is directed towards the citizens of EU and includes users of other regions such as Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein. But this regulation is going to have a global impact on organizations. Especially if you are a business, who process personal data of citizens of the countries above. Even if your company is not registered in EU, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein, you should understand GDPR in depth and start working on an action plan to meet the requirements. However, according to research by W8data, only 25% of the organizations are ready to meet the GDPR requirements regarding the customer data and privacy issues. So, if you are not prepared to comply with the GDPR requirements be prepared to face some severe backlash from users and enforcement authorities. But in this age of technology and mobile-first enterprises, it’s not just the businesses and companies that need to be aware of these rules. App owners should be well educated about GDPR and learn more about how it can impact the use of mobile apps shortly. Explicit Consent Consent is one of the most essential requirements for mobile apps. According to the legislation, all businesses and apps must request consent to collect and use the personal data of the users. Make sure that this request is made unambiguously and legibly. It cannot be confusing in any way. You also need to add a reminder for the users that they are empowered to withdraw their consent as easily as they can give it. This is only possible when apps are designed in such a way that they offer a strong communication with their users. Clearly define the type of personal data you’re app will be collecting and obtain clear consent for this purpose. A good way to ask for consent is to wait for the right moment. Don’t flood the user with a bunch of consent agreements the first time your app is opened. It’s better to wait for a point where consent is relevant to the action that the user wants to perform on your app. Not only does it save the user from being overwhelmed, but also leaves them feeling more satisfied regarding their privacy. The Right to be Forgotten According to GDPR, all European nationals have a right to Data Erasure. Under this right, users can stop mobile app developers from using their personal and private data. They can even stop future publication and prevent third parties from using the data in any way, once the consent has been withdrawn. To put it in easy words, app developers should create a system that gives users an option of being in control of the data that is being collected and opting out at any time. As mentioned in the above point, all this information should be stated very clearly and in simple words so that the user can know their rights. Your app should have an inbuilt option which allows users to delete all their data history and remove it from your records permanently. GDPR aims to put the user in control over the amount of data that is collected by an app. Your app has to be compliant with these rules and regulations to serve European nationals and provide them a top-notch online experience. Mandatory Data Breach Notifications In case of an unforeseen event or a security breach which compromises the security of users’ data, it is liable on all app developers to notify their users and concerned authorities within 72 hours. All users must be informed about the information leak, as data breaches can threaten the security rights and freedom of individuals. Privacy by Design Privacy by design is not a new concept in the world of app development, but thanks to GDPR- it is now a legal requirement. This means that you have to give top priority to user privacy protection before starting the development of the app and make sure that all aspects of your app comply with the rules mentioned in GDPR. According to the GDPR, app developers are only allowed to hold and process user data that is crucial for a project to be completed. Data access should only be given to designated people who are in charge of the processing. So, make sure that proper encryption and data handling procedures are a highlight of your app’s development lifecycle. From the project’s inception to the end, you should be addressing privacy issues all the way. Remember, privacy must be preventative not remedial. If your app is designed flawlessly to keep data secure from the start, offers opt-in processes and has secure systems to manage the data, then you won’t face any problems. Data Protection Officers According to GDPR, you should hire data protection officers, that are employees who will manage data protection related issues. They should be experts on data protection laws and practices. They should be able to manage all the internal records efficiently. Marketing Opportunity If you’re skeptical about GDPR and think that the European Union is trying to make things difficult for foreign app developers, then think again. GDPR might seem a bit rigid, but it’s not going to kill your app. In fact, if you’re a little optimistic, GDPR can open up great marketing opportunities for you. The European markets have many English-speaking people who can be targeted with ads. European customers take their privacy very seriously. If you advertise the fact that you are a GDPR compliant brand, you can win their trust within no time. Mention it in your email footers and in the

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Agile Vs DevOps: Major Differences and Similarities

There have been several debates on the Agile versus DevOps in the IT industry as both are the buzzwords today. Although they are relatively different from each other and cannot be interchanged, they also have some similarities as well. Therefore, we need to get aware of both the terms initially and then proceed with their major differences and similarities. Defining the Agile Agile is a Software Development methodology that is aligned with the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto. It is also based on the iterative development, which focuses on the partnership of the cross-functional teams to get the required solutions. The Agile Manifesto basically emphasizes the following aspects: Interaction of the individuals on tools and process Establishing the collaboration with the potential customers over harmonization of terms of the contract Discussion on working software Responding to any changes in the plan You can implement the agile technique in a number of methods such as the scrumban, scrum or kanban etc. The Agile offers a very intensive change in the working process, which at times can disrupt the functioning of the whole business enterprise. Defining DevOps The term DevOps is actually the combination of two words; development and operations. It is a methodology using which the IT teams and developers interact and build the relationship with each other. The DevOps has also been credited for introducing a work culture in the office and enhancing the skills. Like Agile, DevOps can also be incorporated in several ways such as scrum, kanban, but it mainly offers technology to the enterprises for smooth business operations. It also offers the annual software updates seamlessly. So, now that we have given a brief introduction to both Agile and DevOps, it will be liable to throw some light on the key differences between the two. The Basic Difference – Deployment and Methodology The DevOps usually focus on providing readymade software that can be safely deployed and is reliable as well. The DevOps has nothing to do with the software development using the Agile method. The developers can also deploy the waterfall method. On the other side, Agile is basically a software development methodology. The development team is only involved in building the software and launching it. The Number of Members of Team Since Agile mainly focuses on the scrum model, you do not require employing a large team of members to assist in the project. As the number of individuals increases, it would only hamper the working. On the other hand, the DevOps requires the joint collaboration of various teams to work together. They are free to choose and work with different models such as kanban, waterfall or scum, but when the software is about to get unveiled, the various teams have to join together and interact the deployment team to proceed further with the plan. However, the DevOps is not related to any deployment model. Cross-Functionality Vs. Segmentation One of the crucial differences between Agile and DevOps is regarding how teams work on developing software. The developers working with Agile methodology are trained in doing all types of work. You can say that they are the all-rounder. This makes it easier to substitute one member with another without hampering the course of work. Not only does it improves the efficiency and quality of the work, but also betters communication amongst team members and enhances the speed of development as well. However, unlike Agile the DevOps requires to different teams; the development and operation to assist in the work. The team members have to coordinate strongly with one other if they want to obtain best possible results. Difference in Approach to Planning One of the other dissimilarities between the two methods is in their approach to the planning process. As such you need to develop new versions and updates in case of the Agile method at specific regular intervals, such as in a month. Now, this time frame is known as the Sprints. The developer has to choose the closest time frame or sprint along with the different functionalities that have to be implemented. The teams are familiar with the time and increment in the number of functions. They have to take the feedback from the users and test the functionality developed during the last sprint. The major motive behind planning the deployment in DevOps is actually to optimize the business operations. There are two options that you can follow. In the first case, you can deploy each of the updates as soon as it becomes visible or you can opt to wait until a number of updates are visible and deploy all together for optimizing the business. In DevOps, the developers are not in a hurry for deploying the updates but aim to get maximum business operations. Documentation and Interaction The scrum is undoubtedly one of the most common methods for implementing the Agile methodology. Scrum is usually a framework that is basically employed for doing difficult and harder tasks. However, in the beginning it was mainly introduced to develop software but now it helps in completing complex work. The team members focus on improving the communication by holding daily meetings where every member briefs about what work he is done and what needs to be done. This makes it easier for the project manager or team member to allocate the work accordingly. As said earlier the documentation plays an incredible role in the DevOps. The team is divided here into different groups. The operation team must have thorough and updated knowledge on the development procedure to appropriately make arrangements for the deployment. The operation group may also ask the users to test the updates and send their feedbacks. Though the interaction level is not on a day-to-day basis, but it is still important. The Similarities between Agile and DevOps So far, we had an important discussion on the key differences between the two methodologies i.e. Agile and DevOps. Now, we would focus on the common similarities and see how they are related to

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How to Develop a City Guide App for Travelers

For all those travel freak outs, there’s some exciting news there! So if you are already planning to explore a new destination and have begun with packing your baggage, booking the flights and hotels, just wait a minute. Well, the good news is that you don’t need to depend on local guides or the tour operators anymore. Yes, your Smartphone can become your best and most reliable travel guide when travelling to a new destination. Now it’s interesting? You just have to install a City Guide App and relax, enjoy your trip. As the number of travelers and tourists worldwide has augmented in the last few years, the demand for such useful apps has also increased. We already have a few popular examples of city guide apps such as Foursquare, Trip.com, Musement, etc. doing a commendable job in serving the users. However, if you are also planning to travel to the same spot as these and build a city guide app for the travelers, then let’s proceed with this journey further to see how to go about it. The Real Motive Behind Building a City Guide App The main purpose defined behind developing a city guide app is offering comprehensive and up-to-date information to not only the tourists but even the local residents of the city. This information would include everything such as the main tourist attractions, the places of sightseeing, amusement parks and their timings, malls, shopping areas, hotels, restaurants, cafeterias etc. In addition, you also get to know about the popular modes of local transport and conveyances, their fares and proper timings. You also get familiar with the major cultural events or any other celebration occurring around the city. For instance, if you are travelling to Gujarat during Navratri festival, you get to participate in the “Dandiya Utsav”. So, even if someone is visiting the city or place for the first time, he won’t face any problem in availing the important info. It also makes it easier for the tourist to plan is trip accordingly. Who Would Usually Benefit from the City Guide App? Now let’s analyze who would basically benefit from the city guide app or you can say let’s find out who the main target audiences are. The Local and Foreign Tourists The app is readily helpful for both the local as well as the foreign nationals who have visited the place for holidaying. You can provide the relevant info in their respective language, which would be easy to comprehend. The Local Administration of the Place The city guide app would be incredibly useful for the local administration of the place such as controlling and managing the traffic in much better way. Apart from that, the people can also get in touch with the concerned officers of the government agency if they face any problem. The Businessmen and Corporate Houses Many entrepreneurs visit new places to attend corporate meetings or any other business event. The city guide app will give them the exact information on the venue and easiest possible way to reach there. In addition, if the local businessmen have come for purchasing bulk items, it would provide the address of wholesaler or stockiest. Tour Operators and Travel Agencies Even the tour operators and travel agencies are not lacking behind in reaping the benefits of the city guide app. They can get the proper statistics about the rise or fall of tourism in the city and can check the vacancies in hotels or flights etc. The Choice of the Platform Well, the important decision in developing any app is regarding the choice of the platform. And you know the options. It has to be Android or iOS or Cross-Platform. Again the selection depends on three major factors such as: The budget and timeframe of the project Your specific target audience and market The features that you want to include in the app The Key Features of the City Guide App When you are creating a city guide app, it becomes imperative to stuff it with essential features so as to put your application in the category of a great app. So, let’s have a look at the necessary features. The Support for Both Online and Offline Modes Your city guide app should offer venerable services both when navigated in online as well as offline mode. It is possible that the tourists won’t get Wi-Fi internet connectivity everywhere and they don’t want to exhaust their mobile data too. Therefore, in such scenario, the offline navigation facility will come to their rescue as they can browse the information without any hindrance. The Support for Multi-lingual Languages Well, language and communication have also been regarded as one of the forerunners of the travel based app. So, you can’t miss it; it has to be essentially included in the city guide app. It would specifically be a boon for the foreigners who are visiting your city for vacation purpose. As far as the choices of languages are concerned for inclusion into the app, it’s your call. You need to include both local as well as foreign languages. Try to implement languages that are more popular and widely spoken around the world. Full Information on Public Transport Services Next, the city guide app should have complete and full information on the public transport services. It should contain the entire timetable of the buses and their routes including their fares. In addition, you also have to include information about other modes of transport such as train, trams, taxis and ferry. Important Contact Numbers and Places of Parking The city guide app should include the important numbers of emergency contacts such as police stations, hospitals, airport, railway station, taxi operators and so on. You also have to also indicate the places, where people can tourists can park their own vehicles and inform about the charges. You must be aware that the problem of parking is becoming a grave issue and so it is essential to include it. The Addition of Geo-Location

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