app development

5 Marketing Tactics to Generate App Downloads

When launching a new app, it is likely that you will pay attention to one metric above all others: the number of downloads you generate. Generating downloads is about far more than simply building a killer app. If no-one knows that your app is out there, or if they can’t find it easily, you are losing out on many potential users. Marketing a new app is all about building momentum, and in most cases this will mean engaging with users (and potential users) to generate glowing reviews, word-of-mouth marketing, and recommendations by key influencers. If done correctly, the initial marketing for your app will provide returns many times greater than your initial investment. Once you have your first 1000 downloads, you should leverage the experience of your first customers to build a ‘snowball’ effect, where every new user of your app generates more customers. There are some easy ways of achieving this. Let’s look at the five most important. Prioritize App Store Optimization App Store Optimization (ASO) is a set of techniques that seek to maximize the visibility of your app on the app stores it is listed on. ASO is essential for any new app because before you have built a brand name, most users will search for a new app using keywords. At a basic level, ASO involves optimizing each metadata element in your app. This includes the title of your app, the screenshots users see when they view it on an app store, and the keywords you use to describe it. Despite its importance, ASO is often overlooked in the rush to get a finished app to market: having spent hundreds of hours designing an app, there is a tendency to regard ASO as an afterthought. Whilst the way in which app stores rank apps can appear complicated, there are plenty of online tutorials to teach you the basics of ASO, and any quality app development company should be able to help you in achieving good visibility. Make Your App Free at Launch One of the most effective tools to generate your first downloads is to offer your app for free. The majority of successful apps – and even those that generate income via paid downloads – will be free for a few weeks after launch, in order to get attention from influencers. Whether offering your app for free represents a good long-term strategy for you will depend on your business model. If you plan to generate income from selling the app, it is still worth offering a free introductory period. Similarly, you could offer a free version of your app with limited functionality (or ads), and encourage users to upgrade. Offering your app for free will also generate advantages beyond increased downloads. App stores rate free apps higher than paid-for apps, giving your app a much-needed boost during its early stages. Ask Your Users to Rate & Review your App One of your biggest assets, during the initial launch of your app, are the people who download it first. You should value them, and use their experience to generate marketing momentum. The first few reviews that your app receives are a critical part of its success, and many apps are killed off by just one or two users posting an early negative review. You should encourage users to review your app and do so at times when they are likely to give positive feedback. This can be done with pop-up windows that appear at times when users are likely to feel positive about your app. Engage in social media Building momentum behind your app involves more than just encouraging users to leave feedback. Most people get their information about which apps to download via social media (read more about SMM in apps promotion), and as a result it is important to nurture and encourage your early users to talk about your app on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Encouragement to do so should be built into your app, at least for the first few months. It is also important to respond to such postings as quickly as possible. This can involve saying thank you for positive comments on social media, but should also include prompt responses to any criticism. Even highly negative comments can often be quickly defused by responding to users’ comments, and doing so provides an opportunity to turn a potentially damaging experience into one that builds trust in your brand. Influencer and Community Outreach Influencers have a lot of influence! As a result, they should form a key part of your marketing strategy. A positive recommendation by the right influencer can significantly improve the number of downloads you are able to generate: research has found that 70% of millennials pay attention suggestions put forth by their influencer peers. Reaching out to influencers involves a few key steps. First, if you haven’t already done so, you need to identify the key influencers in your sector. Second, offer these individuals incentives to download and review your app, even if this is as simple as a free download. You should also try, as much as possible, to limit any negative feedback from influencers, but if this occurs it is not the end of the world. Engaging with their concerns can turn a potentially disastrous situation into a chance to show that you are a company who listens! Stay Engaged! Ultimately, you should see the process of launching a new app as a collaborative project between you and your customers. Each user who downloads your app is a potential asset in generating further downloads, and so engaging with your early adopters is critical. This means getting the basics right  – such as the pricing and name of your app – but also encouraging users to leave reviews, to mention your app on social media, and to give you feedback on aspects that could be improved. With the right strategy, you should be well on your way to generating millions of downloads and becoming the next killer app.

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How To Keep Users Aware Of Delivery Status

There is nothing more frustrating than waiting for a package, but many e-commerce companies seem to forget this. Customers can easily become frustrated if products they have ordered online do not arrive quickly, and this is a common source of negative user feedback for many e-commerce companies. From the company’s perspective, such negative feedback can undermine the success of an otherwise effective marketing strategy: all the work that has gone into marketing a product, and convincing customers to buy it, can be undone by slow delivery. Most e-commerce companies are still dependent on third-party couriers, and so unfortunately little can be done about late or missed deliveries. However, the frustration caused by this can be effectively reduced by providing your customers with a system for tracking their packages. Today, there is really only one way to inform your customers as to the delivery status of their packages: an app. Any quality app development company will be able to provide a system for updating customers, often in real time, about precisely where their package is. The best way to implement a delivery tracking system on your app will depend on your specific circumstances, but these systems commonly make use of three tools: a standard status tracker, a way of pushing notifications to users’ phones, and GPS tracking. Status Tracking Systems that track the delivery status of packages have been around for a long time: Amazon.com rolled out such a system almost 20 years ago, and today it forms an important part of their customer experience. While such systems are not new, today customers have different expectations of them. In short, not offering a delivery status tracker as part of your website or (even better) your app is likely to cause frustration among your users, and eventually generate negative feedback. Systems to inform your customers about delivery status do not need to be complicated, but they do need to be integrated into any other systems you use to communicate with your customers. When developing an app for an e-commerce store, a way of tracking the delivery of items should form part of the initial design brief. Such is the ubiquity and importance of these systems that almost any app development company will be able to offer you off-the-shelf solutions. At the most basic level, these could consist of a link to your courier’s website, and a small script that copies a tracking number into an automated form. Status Change Notifications A more complex implementation of a delivery status system can involve push notifications. In these systems, a notification is delivered to a user’s phone whenever the delivery status of their package changes: when it is dispatched, for instance, or when it has been delivered. Systems like this have long been standard in sectors where transit time is a critical factor, such as in healthcare and food supply chains. Nowadays, they are being used for more everyday applications. Pushing notifications to user’s phones, however, requires that utility is balanced with convenience. Though users commonly report that they want to be kept informed as to the status of their packages, too many notifications will simply annoy them. The trick, therefore, is to send enough notifications to provide useful information, while not bombarding users with too much information. Used correctly, delivery status notifications can also be used for other purposes. Many extra elements can be included in a standard notification, for instance. These might advertise items similar to those being delivered, or provide an opportunity for a user to give feedback. A particularly effective technique is to ask for user feedback in a notification that an item has been delivered: having just received their eagerly anticipated new product, customers are likely to leave glowing reviews! GPS Tracking The state of the art, when it comes to delivery status systems, is the use of GPS tracking. In these systems, a user can see precisely where their package is on a map, and can watch it speed its way across the country. In a similar way to push notifications, your decision on whether to use a system like this should depend on an understanding of the needs of your customers. In some cases, providing such functionality will simply not be required. On the other hand, providing as much information as possible to your customers can greatly reduce the time you spend responding to queries and questions. Using a GPS tracking system also has another huge advantage: it presents your company as one that embraces new technology, and goes the extra mile. Such systems are still quite rare, and users are typically impressed by the ability to see where their packages are in real time, and as such providing this service can help to cultivate an image of your brand as technologically advanced. Integration and Partner Selection Implementing any of these systems relies on two factors: the design of your app, and the partners you chose to work with. Sadly, many delivery companies lag behind when it comes to cutting-edge technologies. Many cannot provide real-time information on the location of packages, for instance, and in this case providing your customers with this information becomes impossible. This fact, in turn, illustrates a broader one: that in today’s business environment, your choice of partners should be based on far more than just the cost of their services. Rather, in selecting partners you should consider how well their systems will integrate with your own, and how willing they are to share information. The same is true for your choice of an app development company. In developing your app, your developer should take the time to understand your needs and those of your customers, and be able to provide systems that work well together. In the end, using a delivery status tracking system is about providing both you and your customers with more information. This means that your customers are less likely to get frustrated by slow delivery, and allows you to focus on more important matters.

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Improve Your Company Image With An App

Nowadays it seems that everyone and everything has an app. There is a good reason for this. Even if you don’t think you will make many sales through an app, there are certain things that every company needs, and that can be delivered easily through an app. Customer service, for instance, is important for every company today. Using an app, you can allow your customers to contact you directly, and even automate many aspects of customer service. Customers now expect this level of service, and so the consequences of not providing it can be severe. If you are doing well, it is likely that your customers want to leave you positive reviews. If they have something to complain about, you should have a way of easily (and publically) responding to this. An app provides both. Perhaps the most important way that an app can help your business, however, is in allowing you to build and develop your image. Even if you are not able to offer services to your customers directly through an app, the mere fact of having one can help to distinguish your company in a crowded marketplace. At the end of the day, in today’s business environment any company that does not have an app is in danger of being left behind. Cover All The Channels A decade ago, there was a much more distant relationship between customers and companies than there is today. Customers were happy to buy goods and services from the cheapest or closest supplier, and viewed this transaction strictly in economic terms. Today, customers expect a more personal relationship with the companies they do business with. This is especially true of millennials, but is changing the way that business is done across all demographics and sectors. In practical terms, this means that companies must be able to communicate with their customers across as many channels as possible. An app allows any company an easy way to do this, providing a two-way communication channel between employees and customers via social media. Integrating your business into social networks might seem like an obscure way of boosting your sales, especially if you are in a well-established sector, but it is not. Even on the most basic level, allowing your customers to share positive experiences is one of the most effective marketing tools out there. Differentiate Yourself Though it might sound like a simplistic observation, companies that provide apps are more visible than those that don’t. In terms of visibility, what could be better than having your company’s logo on the home screen of the phones of your most valued customers? Another key benefit of developing an app for your company is that it allows you to inform your customers about the sheer range of services you offer. Encouraging your repeat customers to order services through an app not only saves you both time, but it can also provide an opportunity for these customers to explore services and products related to their core business.For some companies, apps can also provide an easy way for customers to customize the products they order. This, in turn, provides customers with a greater level of convenience in ordering goods and services, and will encourage brand loyalty. Beyond these practical concerns, having a well-designed app projects an image of your company as one that is willing to embrace innovation. As a result, even apps with limited functionality, such as those that merely provide a product catalogue, can improve sales by offering potential customers a streamlined way of browsing. Ultimately, what most customers want is an easy way of ordering the goods and services they need, and nothing can provide this better than an app. Reaching The Next Level of Communication People today interact with companies in a different way than they used to, and expect brands to respond to their questions and needs. In addition, they expect companies to be reachable via the platforms that customers use in their everyday lives. As a result, companies need to integrate new forms of communication into their everyday marketing and customer service activities. Having an active presence on social media, for instance, allows companies to highlight positive customer experiences, combat criticisms, and ultimately improve their communication with their customers. An app can be a very effective way of doing this, encouraging customers to share their thoughts. Implementing an app also brings benefits in terms of direct marketing. It is possible, for instance, to develop an app that is able to push notifications to customers’ phones. This can be useful in prompting repeat orders, or simply as a way of eliciting feedback. In the end, using an app for communication ensures that however your customers want to contact you, they can. Do I Really Need An App? I’m afraid that the short answer is yes. Even if your company has happily existed for a hundred years without an app, today the consequences of not having one can be severe. No matter what sector you do business in, it is likely that your competitors are developing their own apps, and so not doing the same runs the risk of you being left behind. The process of developing an app might sound like a complex one, but it need not be. Any quality app development company will be happy to discuss your requirements, and to develop an app that adds genuine value to your business. The development process requires, of course, that you have a good understanding of what your customers want and need from an app. If you are not sure about this, there is a simple way to find out: ask them! Doing this will allow your customers to be involved in development at the very earliest stage, and will allow you to develop your app in a collaborative process between your company, your customers, and your app developer. Even if you don’t think you need an app, it is worth talking to an expert; they might be able to convince you otherwise!

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How to Make Sure Your App Does not Fail After Launch?

Any kind of application your launch in 2023 is a launched business — just like a rocket, it is either gonna fly to the moon or stay on Earth forever. In this article, we decided to help you with the best ideas on how to avoid your app failing on AppStore or Google Play after launch. Step 1 — Research As we said, any app you build is a startup. And, as a good startup, it must begin with a brilliant idea on solving your client’s problems. No problem = no downloads, huh? This could be avoided in case you research your targeted audience and market properly. Think of which platform would you targeted audience use — is that Android or iOS? Is there an existing app that duplicates your idea in major features? Does your business idea actually need an app? Maybe an AMP website would be enough? After you get all the possible answers, test them on your possible users. An MVP (minimum viable product) or even a Type form should be enough to get to know what your potential clients think of you. By the way, you’d better find the best possible user persona, which is a semi-fictional representation of a possible user of your app. Try to include as many details as possible that would describe your potential clients — from their demographics to their behavior patterns.So, once again, research-research-research. Step 2 — Marketing The second most-often encountered reason for an app to fail on the App Store is the fact that the startup team does not invest in marketing. If this application is new to the market (and yes, it is), you will obviously need to promote it to your potential clients. Think of marketing channels you will use, the budget you are ready to invest in promotion, and where you are most likely to meet your targeted audience. Of course, this piece of advice depends a lot on the previous one — research your clients! By the way, do not forget that app marketing is not a one-time event. You will need to continuously work on your marketing strategies and processes. You could market your biggest updates and new features that change the user’s experience within your app. Step 3 — UX & UI After the business model, UX and app design are altogether the most important part of a mobile-based startup. If you get millions of downloads, but the app abandonment rate is high,  you will never get a happy bunch of clients ready to pay you for your services. This part of your work also needs an optimized on boarding process. If you do not get to impress your users quickly with fast and ready-to-use design, your app’s abandonment rate will only get higher, which means that you will lose your customers. So yes, you’d better invest in UX and test it multiple times on different focus groups if you want to get a stable working app with thousands of happy clients. One more thing… While we are not Apple, Inc., and we do not present an iPhone in this article, (this would be a rather bad marketing action, huh?) we must underline that you do need to update your app after you launch it on the market. Believe us, there will be bugs to be fixed even if you test it 2-3 months prior to the release, and you will also want to add new features which would adapt your business to growing and developing market.

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10 Powerful Digital Marketing Tricks to Leverage App Reputation

So, you’ve finally finished creating your mobile app. Congratulations! Now, comes the uphill battle—marketing it. Crafting and fine-tuning your app can be equally as important as digital marketing you do for it. As the number of smartphone owners increases, so do the number of apps out there. Most businesses have taken note of that and created their own mobile app to stay on-trend. Just last year, the global sum for app development reached over $25,000,000,000. With all those apps out there, users are spoiled for choice. One great way to catch app users’ eyes is by presenting your app as reputable and trustworthy. However, in a world of scamming, phishing and even catfishing tech lovers are understandably wary. Building an excellent reputation for your app requires plenty of work before, during, and after the launch. Your best bet is to leave no digital stone unturned. Of course, you may need a bit of direction on where exactly you should start. Here are ten powerful digital marketing tricks your company can use to leverage your app’s reputation. Conclusion Crafting an excellent online reputation is no easy feat. As you know by now, it takes time, effort, and usually, money. Although, systematically working towards building your reputation is an effective way to get the job done. It’s crucial to be thorough and consistent in your prestige building practices. Never neglect your online presence and be sure to focus on your content. Good content will help ensure that users view your app are trustworthy. Be visible on social and work on engaging your audience for maximum effect. Most importantly, pay attention to reviews, feedback, and analytics to help improve your app. We wish you and your app the best of luck on your reputation building adventure!

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Rules are meant to break! 6 ways to market your app in an unusual way

Being in the marketing sector often means calling out for the unusual. You need your idea or the product to make some noise, and this doesn’t come easy. Your product must resonate with the public to avoid failure. This brings us to an important part of the discussion, that is, the likelihood of failure. While looking out for unconventional and offbeat ideas is a great thing to do, the chances of failure are also increasing in the present times. You can understand this by the fact that although apps and websites clutter the internet on every topic, only 8 to 12 items make it to the front page of search engines. Why? This is because ranking high on Google, and even app stores is not that simple. Apart from the content and quality you offer, it also depends on how you reach out? This is especially applicable to app marketing. Whether you are a small scale business or a larger one, you must have an app. And this app needs to get enough recognition to ensure a better conversion rate. A lot of people might be creating more or less similar apps like yours. You need to stand out from the crowd. Here are six ideas that you can use to market your app differently: Final thoughts The virtual world will keep growing in size. And this growth tags along with a lot of unworthy content, countless copycats, and similar ideas. Unfortunately, there are no rules to restrict people from cheating ideas. All you can do to ensure sustainable growth is to work on your products and digital existence.

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What Makes a Great App?

You may think that there is an app for every single thing today. And that is nearly true, just as it is true that 80% of the time we spend on our smartphones remains for the apps, while the remaining 20% goes for the browser. Users downloaded nearly 200 thousand apps in 2017, and this number will get 75% bigger by 2021. These thoughts mainly mean that if you want to create an online business, you have to consider your users’ mobile experience. In this article, we will go through what you need to consider while working on your app and what to do to make it successful no matter the competition and market size. 1. Focus on one target feature Think of Uber, Airbnb, Dropbox — all of these apps only focused on one single feature when created. Uber was polishing its black car service until it became the industry leader in terms of luxury and business transportation. Only afterward, the app’s team decided to create a mass-market oriented feature. And that is what makes a great app, too — clearly defined target audience. Moreover, this feature has to solve an exactly-defined problem. If there are apps that resolve the same problem you are targeting, think of an innovative way to fix it. Be something Lyft became for Uber! 2. Define a clear target audience You need to understand who your target audience is. Disperse it by age groups, interests, jobs, and occupations, locations they live in, basically — every kind of factor that may describe them in a targeting campaign. (Check Facebook targeting options first). As an example — our customer, Zabit Magomedsharipov, asked to create an app for his fans so that they could be “closer” to the athlete and his performance. Therefore, this app has a clearly defined audience — people that would support Zabit in UFC fights. We, as the developers, know their ages and preferences, and that is the information we use in creating the app on most of the stages, from framework design to animations created in the app. 3. Make a stable and fast app If you want to create an app that would dominate the AppStore and Google Play rankings, it needs to be extremely stable. Thousands of possible users may approach you and your developers’ team to fix potential bugs & crashes that occur after the app goes online for the first time. That is why the fast support & update team (that we also offer here at Messapps) is also crucial for your newly-born app. Most of the great apps are extremely fast, as well. Their response times are minimal, and their users can do what they want in seconds. 4. Your app’s design needs to be polished In 2023, your app’s design is a feature, too. It needs to be responsive, fast, and beautiful, similar to either iOS or Android standards and creative at the same time.Do not forget to add extra “polishing” effects. These might include beautiful animations, transitions, sounds, and haptics that ensure an excellent experience for any device your user might have. So yes, if you are rolling out an app when the newest iPhones are out on the market, do not forget to adapt your screen sizes. 5. Trim the storage space down For most of the users, music and photos remain prioritized in terms of their device’s memory capacity. That is why when they do not get an extra 100Mb for a video to post on their Instagram, they will highly likely delete an app they do not depend on. One important note — if your app does not represent a bank or a music streaming service, that is what will happen to your product. That is why it is vital to store most of the data you use in a cloud or to use as little storage space as possible on your user’s device. 6. Make privacy first In 2019, most of the tech companies focus their attention on users’ privacy. It is a crucial issue, indeed, since digital marketing tricks can easily use your users’ devices to target some personalized ads on them. Almost 30% of users have uninstalled an app because of privacy concerns, according to a study. Do not disrupt the UX by numerous messages telling that you care about privacy, but also do not try to request too much personal information from your users. In the case of hacks and threats, update your app or inform your users that the mentioned type of malware will not influence their data. 7. Last but not least — language Unfortunately, we do not live in Babylon anymore. Most of the people all around the world speak different languages. You may be surprised, but according to statistics, 72% of app downloads remain for the clients who do not speak English. That is why you and your team need to find a localization agent for your app. He or she will be there to help you translate the main features of your app for the audience you are targeting. Let’s repeat the points that are vital for a great app: Well, of course, if you feel like being more of a business owner than a developer, there still is a solution. Contact Messapps, and we will figure out a no-worry way to develop your app.

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How To Increase User Engagement For Your Mobile App

If your mobile application has a high download rate, it doesn’t mean that it will bring you money. Nowadays, brands spend vast sums on acquiring users, yet getting a user is only one part of tough work. Once users got interested in your products, you have to know how to engage and retain them. Yes, your app could be free, have a friendly interface, and positive reviews. However, it doesn’t mean that everyone who downloaded your app would become your user. Top 7 Effective Methods to Engage Users to Your Mobile App As I have already mentioned above, achieving mobile app engagement is a difficult task. In this part of the article, I am going to review five working methods that will help you to keep users engaged in your app regularly. Create a quality app Build a quality mobile application with proper functionality and interface. Test your product before launching it. If you want your product to work well and bring you profit, you have to work hard on it. Proper functionality is one of the primary keys to keeping your users interested in using the app. Poor features always annoy new customers. Therefore, they quickly leave, hoping to find a better solution. Invest money, time, and effort into creating a great design. Include easy-to-read lines, convincing headlines, and different calls-to-action. Let Your Users “Try Before Buy” A lot of people get pushed away by strict limitations you may want to include. Haven’t you been bored by “you can use these features after signing up” or “get premium or gold subscription to view those features” phrases? A significant percentage of people get rid of such an app after downloading it on their mobile devices. Why? People want to know what they get and even if you are not going to give them everything for free, try to offer them a trial. By showing the real value of your app, you will engage so many more people. Give new users a taste of your app to make them interested. This is how your app should work — you have to let your users try what you offer first. Provide Instant Customer Support Within Your App Offering a competent customer support service can also be a great way to make your new app users feel more comfortable. Live chat assistance within your mobile app can solve a lot of problems for your customers. If they can’t find the necessary features, they can ask professionals for help instead of leaving the app in frustration. Have you noticed how useful live chats are at online stores? It’s incredibly convenient when you can ask a particular person about a product or service that you can’t find or don’t have time to look for. Make It Work Fast Speed is what defines an excellent app, too. If you want a big audience to be engaged in your mobile app, then your software should work correctly. Every option and feature should work fast to bring the users the desired result. Why do people choose to use mobile apps? They suppose to solve their problems fast. Pizza delivery app is there to bring you food in just 30 minutes; a dating app helps you find a romantic partner within a certain distance in minutes, as well. Use Push Notifications Even though enabling push notifications is not something new, a lot of app developers do not consider this feature relevant. If you aim to increase user engagement, then you should keep your users updated about any new message or event. This communication will help you to interact with your users properly; it will also make a lot of users more active and interested. The statistics show that about 65% of users return to the app within a month in case push notifications are turned on. Reward Your Customers Discounts and special offers are very effective methods for engaging new customers, which is why you may consider offering discounts or rewards for using your app. Depending on what services or products you use, you can offer both refunds and rewards. For example, taxi services like Uber provide their customers with referral discounts. Think of the best way to keep your users happy and provide them with better deals than your competitors on the market. Update Your App If your users have to deal with constant crashes and bugs within your mobile app, they will begin searching for more accessible and convenient options. Trust me, the choice of new, more comfortable, and user-friendly apps is enormous. By updating your software regularly, you will demonstrate that you invest effort and care to make your UX better. Try to make at least one update per month to provide your users with new solutions. Your app should work properly on all devices. Explore and add new segments to keep your users interested in spending time and money within your mobile app. Conclusion All the strategies mentioned above will help the engagement rate be higher. Consequently, this will help your app to keep its users. Therefore, your users will be more likely to spend money and time within your app. So yes, if you decided to create an app, you should remember that one-time investment is not enough since things change and evolve, and you have to keep up with trends. Otherwise, your competitors (and believe me, their number is enormous) won’t leave you any chance. Learn about your customers’ needs and wants to provide them with the product or service that they will love. Try all seven methods but not at once. Test each and wait for positive results. If your users come back, it means that you are on the right path!

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Technologies Used To Make Your Hotel Digital

Two weeks ago, we were talking about how we can make hotels more digital. In this article, we are going to dive deeper into how you can use apps to achieve that goal. A chatbot We are 100% sure that your hotel’s reception desk has a list of frequently asked questions that usually are to be answered by your personnel. However, your team’s time can generate much more value for your business if they do not have to answer those questions. That is why you should consider integrating a chatbot in your hotel app. An excellent way to do it is to create a special tab that will be only connected to the bot. There are a variety of prebuilt chatbots that can be used and customized with the help of an app development company. Door locking Magnetic card-based door locking is no longer cool! Smartphones are now in the game. With Face ID/Touch ID for iOS, and facial/fingerprint recognition for other operational systems, your hotel rooms can be more secure than ever! Users from all across the world love facial/biometric recognition technologies because these ensure an incredibly smooth and secure way to access any data. In your case, this could be a way to access their room! Apple’s portal for developers offers an extensive guide on using Face ID and Touch ID in custom apps. Google’s Android is also ready for facial and biometric recognition technologies, with more info for developers available here. Staff chat Even if you are a small boutique hotel, you are very likely to have around 10-15 people working for you. They are also expected to have a group chat somewhere in WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. You need to know that your hotel app can have a staff chat too. Having a “mirror” app for your staff can be super useful. You can also add a “Reminders” tab for your product buyers, where they will be able to understand what kind of products need to be brought to the hotel soon. Staff chat can be integrated into your app with multiple solutions; however, one of the most liked SDKs for that is the one created by SendBird. It is cheap, easy-to-use, and also regularly supported, which means that no crashes are likely to occur. Internet of Things With the 5G broadband entering the market, soon homes, hospitals, restaurants, and any other buildings and objects will become much closer to humans thanks to the Internet of Things technology. Your hotel app can use this incredible innovation with multiple SDKs available, the three very best being: All of those platforms can be connected to a significant number of devices: from coffee makers to minibars. Your hotel app can also include a feature to start the air conditioning, for example — this will not only help your visitors come to a cooled-down room after the beach, but also will help you take care of ecology since less energy will be used. Personalized entertainment An excellent way for your hotel to connect with the customers is to let them tell you what kind of series & TV they watch, or what type of radio stations and music they listen to. This is a simple feature that does not need any extra SDK to be integrated into your app. With Spotify SDKs, you can create a personalized station for the clients even before they enter their rooms! And if Netflix is connected to your hotel Smart TVs (we’re sure it is!), it can also be pre-programmed for any visitor.

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Why Does Your Fitness Center Need An App?

Fitness centers and fitness clubs nowadays face a high competition level on the market. These must try to get a competitive difference from each other to acquire more clients, and having a mobile app for the fitness club’s customers is a great advantage. Most of the people use their smartphones while working out, and you can include your fitness club app into your clients’ digital fitness routine, too. In this article, we will describe several ways that would improve your fitness center, and guess what? All of these need an app: Attracting new clients By asking your potential clients to install your app and giving them a discount for, let’s say, the first training, you gain one more channel of contact with them! Do not be scared to use push notifications with the users that haven’t been in touch for a long time — this is a great way to connect to your possible clients. You can also integrate social media sharing features for existing clients to share their progress with their friends. The more people see this user-generated content, the more free ads your fitness club will get. What do I have to do with all of this? You should understand that some clients will come, some will go, and your job is to get as many of the newcomers, as possible. It is also incredibly important that attracting new clients needs to be the first task on your list, and having as many communication channels as possible makes the accomplishment of this task easier. Getting to know your audience By getting to know your customers, you can define what kind of clients are the most loyal: when do they visit your fitness club, how much time do they spend there. What is more, you can also define whether these are men or women, what is their age, and other demo graphical characteristics. What do I have to do with all of this? By having this information, you can target your ads in a more precise way. What is more, you can find out which group classes are the most functional and visited by your clients. Improving your clients’ gym experience With a mobile app for your fitness club, you can ensure that your customers have their group classes schedule ready whenever they have their smartphones in hands. They will also have the possibility to book individual training, sign up for a group class, pay for any extra services right from their phones which makes their lives so easier! What do I have to do with all of this? By showing that you care about your customers through some extra digital services, you increase their loyalty. This means that your fitness club will be on the top of your clients’ list when their annual contract is over. Finding new sources of income It is well-known that your fitness club has to have 10x more members than its capacity is to stay profitable. It is not a small number if you are working in a competitive environment, that is why your team has to think of other income sources — and that is where the mobile app comes in! It is not that hard to develop an online shop for your merchandise and equipment. You can also sell fitness foods and other healthy accessories in your app to generate the highest revenue numbers. What is more, payment methods in a mobile app can be much more convenient (for example, integrating Apple Pay or PayPal ensures these are). More than half of your gym customers are coming to you because of your gym’s proximity to either their workplace or home. If you record some online classes with the best coaches on your team, you will gain some more clients. Yes, they will only stay with you online, but who forbids you to charge for access to online courses? What do I have to do with all of this? Generating a higher income is the ultimate goal of any business. Having an additional source for that is something that isn’t bad for your team. Increasing your outreach (or making it effective!) It may be hard sometimes to stay connected to your customers — email and social media marketing do not ensure a 100% reachability anymore. It is different with the push notifications, though. Most of your app users will see the information you will send them over the app news feed. You can tell them whether there will be a schedule change or any kind, or if their contract is coming to an end soon. You may also want to surprise your most loyal customers with bonuses or gifts! What do I have to do with all of this? It is excellent that your marketing team sends (or plans on sending) an incredible number of messages to your customer database, however, you may see that the “opening” and lead statistics are not the best possible. Try to work with the push notifications — this is an excellent way for you to interact with your customers since the reachability rate will be higher. Finally, we should once again underline that there is a high level of competition in the fitness and healthcare market.

Why Does Your Fitness Center Need An App? Read More »