app development

The Cost Estimation for Developing App Similar to Zomato

Of the several businesses that have already occupied the center stage, the restaurant and hospitality industry is moving along smoothly. In fact, it has gained momentum and the numbers of eateries are multiplying in quick succession. And it is all because of the healthy demand from the customers who want to tantalize their taste buds with varieties of dishes. Not every restaurateur can afford to build a website as it does not fit within their budget estimate. However, considering the scenario that online business is presenting nowadays, you cannot keep it apart if you want to compete and succeed. So, there are some venerable options that you can try and one of them is advertising your eatery through online restaurant search platforms like Zomato, Swiggy or UberEATS. Today most of the people are active on their Smartphones and so whether they are searching for a particular product or looking to book a cab, they trust only one destination – the mobile application. Similarly, when they have already made up their mind to pamper the taste, most of them will root to Zomato or Swiggy. But before we proceed further let’s acquaint a bit about Zomato. Well, to start off, it is a decade old search platform founded by two Indian entrepreneurs Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah in the year 2008. At present, it is successfully operating in 23 nations that include stalwarts like India, the United States, and Australia. Online search apps such as Zomato or Swiggy is a one-stop junction that offers comprehensive information about the restaurants including its ratings, reviews and full menu with the images. What’s more, it also offers an estimate for lunch or dinner for two persons. Now let’s concentrate on some facts and figures. When we talk about the growth in revenue of food delivery, the current figure, it is at $91,701 million 2017 and it will come about $234,206 million in 2022. Of course, you can look to develop a restaurant app to reap the benefits, but taking into account the larger side of the picture apps similar to Zomato will give a major boost in increasing your sales and targeting more customers. The App Development Team The Project Manager Every app development project is completed under the guidance of the project manager who is employed on the basis of the size of the project. The UI/UX Designers When you are working on projects such as Zomato, you would need the help of UX and UI designers. It is basically related to the app design, color and size as well as content. The Android and iOS App Developers Once the client decides upon the choice of the development platform you need to rope in for the concerned expert Android or the iOS app developer or even both. Web Developers The web developers play a vital role in the development process whether it is frontend or the backend. Testers Once the APIs are developed, the job of the app tester begins. The app needs to be tested to check its usability, scalability, functionality and performance. The Pre-Development Stage or Starters If you are planning to develop an app similar to Zomato then it is important to be familiar with the pre-development stage before moving on to the main step. As far as apps like Zomato are concerned, it would basically take around 90 hours for the entire process. The breaking of the time can be summed as follows: It normally takes about 40 hours to establish a project, 14 hours are usually consumed in preparing a database model, roughly about 15 hours for incorporating the library and services and lastly the remaining 20 hours for implementing the API. The Sign-in or Login Page Whether it is the customer who is searching for a particular restaurant or the restaurateur himself will need a page where he can enter his personal details. Either the customer can login using the social media page such as Facebook as in the case of Zomato. You can use other platforms too like Twitter or Google+. It’s up to you. The second option is asking the customer to sign in through an email. Yet another alternative is via name and mobile number. Here the person signing in will receive an OTP for the registration procedure. The Home Page or the Main Course The Details of the Restaurant First thing you need to provide good detail about the restaurant that is linked with your app. It should properly include its name, appropriate address including the nearest landmark to reach the place, total accommodation capacity, what type of cuisines does it serve veg/non-veg or both, opening or closing time, does it offer home delivery services free or is it chargeable, the complete menu within each of the food categories, the image of dishes including its cost and so on. All these vital information will help the customer in finding a restaurant of his choice. Ratings and Reviews Customers always prefer selecting a restaurant based on their ratings and reviews. The higher the rating or the better the review is, the percentage of visit of food lovers also increases. User Profile Maintaining a user profile these days has become imperative because you need to collect all important data of the customer to gain more insight about their personal likes and dislikes. This will make your job easier when you want to send them personal notifications regarding discount coupons and offers. Geo-Location Services with Map Facility If you are going to build an app which is same as the Zomato, then adding the Geo-location services along with the Google API or Apple MapKit should be must implementation. The user just needs to type the relevant keyword based on the location he is present and the list of the eateries will appear. The Category of the Restaurant or Cuisine The app should first clearly mention that whether the particular eatery is a restaurant, bar, cafeteria, or a fast food restaurant offering pizzas, burgers, momos etc.

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A Simple Ideation Framework to Come up with Ingenious App Development Ideas

Mobile app designers typically have a favorite phase of the design process. For many, the ideation phase stands out. You can just open your mind to new ideas, explore infinite possibilities and let your imagination do the legwork. This is the one moment of the creative play you can use to the maximum, and hardly anyone complains about it. App development ideas come in different ways and from different directions. One size doesn’t fit all. You can adopt multiple scenarios for brainstorming and testing app ideas. You can do as many exercises – really, there is no limit. But if you don’t want to cut loose and forget about the next steps in the design process of app development, you definitely need some kind of ideation framework to keep you afloat. Let’s say you’ve been diligent in the research, collected precious data from end users, developed your buyer’s descriptions and journey, and you are now ready to take the next step – a deep dive into ideation. How should you go forward? Run an Ideation Workshop Start the process by getting your whole team involved. An ideal way to mix up 360-degree ideas is to invite all members to a team workshop. App designers should take the center spot in this plenary meeting. The rest of the colleagues can get incredibly creative, true, but it’s the designers who get the picture of app development in way unlike others. There hasn’t been a team who couldn’t share an anecdote about the discrepancies between design expectations and reality from people who aren’t in the niche! Ideation workshops do stick out as invariably creative meetings. At least you won’t see two- thirds of your colleagues with one leg out the door! Keep in mind that before you run the workshop, you need to spend some time preparing it. Focus on supporting the team to keep to the task at hand, and solve the problem. Provide the research data and set the room. Once this is done, you can open the ideation process by talking about some of the user personas and discussing the problem in more details. Heat up the atmosphere by setting a time challenge. In case you haven’t heard of the Pomodoro technique, now is as good as ever to try it out. Run 20-minute sessions, and don’t spend too much time on finding faults at the beginning. Just kickstart the ideas and let them snowball into better versions in the following timed sessions. Cast a Vote Using the NUF Test Collect all ideas and cast a vote. By this time, you can start thinking to involve the wider app development team, and why not, everyone on the company payroll. Post-it notes work perfectly in workshops. Instruct people to write their ideas on sticky notes and to put them on a whiteboard. Letting the full agency take part in this fun interactive exercise really makes all the difference for positive teamwork atmosphere. However, the main objective of the workshop is to apply these innovative app development tricks and solve the user problem. This will help you nail it – to quicken the pace of the final choice, use the NUF test. Take the prevailing ideas and rate them on a scale from 1 to 10, on the basis of three basic (NUF) criteria – innovation, usefulness and feasibility: N: Is this a brand new idea or one used before? U: Does the idea solve the user problem without creating a new one? F: Can it be implemented without unthinkable resources? Obviously, the decision made by this popular vote can be measured and removes plenty of the ideation concerns from the gestation process. Go for Pen and Paper Prototypes Even when you are a digital prototyper per se, pen and paper prototyping can add extra value that can take you back to early-age creative processes.The extra zing of pen and paper may arise from the fact that you are making use of your intuitive brain, which usually stays dormant when you prototype on a computer. It’s also chance to get clients concentrate on the process more than on the visual impact, as well as draw a line or two. This can be considered only if you like partnering up during the app development with whoever is pulling the strings for the final call. Paper design may not be perfect. Yet, this is not something you should worry about at this stage since the next steps will make those imperfect sketches better. Dive into Detailed Design with Wireframing Although many users think that mobile app developers just sit and play with wireframes all day long, this is certainly not true. This may be the impression due to the numerous simple and affordable wireframing tools that can be accessed with ease, even if you are a beginner designer. Once you get that ideation and sketch done, ready-made drag-and-drop wireframes make the rest of the process pretty simple. In fact, the ‘meat and the potatoes’ of app development has a lot to do with the previous stages, and less to do with beautification. If you start improving up the visuals too early, you can spend valuable hours on recreating the content and the structure later. Make a solid layout for these crucial app development elements and save the makeup for the end. One more reason why you wouldn’t want to mix up visuals with content is that of feedback. The ‘work in progress’ tag can affect the subsequent versions of the mobile app. Make it work for you by clearing any confusion before you draw down the curtain. If you’ve come up so far in the process of app development – congratulations! You are way over the ideation process and may have even come up with a ready product. In practice, however, coming up with a product takes a bit longer, despite the fact how awesome the idea was and how talented your app developer friends turned out to be. You still need to

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Planning to Develop an App: Take These Vital Factors into Consideration

Today mobile applications have become a necessity and not being an item of luxury. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur of a large business entity to develop a mobile app; according to a survey, about 67% of small businesses have built mobile apps by the year 2017. And even the startups are taking keen interest in getting an app. However, don’t just run behind the crowd; first, define your goal and then go ahead to execute the plan successfully. You might have an extraordinary idea but at the same, it is important that it remains unique and exclusive. Thus, you have to secure your app idea. But the question is how? You must have heard about Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). You can also ask the client to share his ideas under the Non-Proprietary Information where the details discussed regarding the launching of the app is kept utterly confidential. Writing Down the App Specification is Must So, when you are framing a plan on how to develop an app, it is crucial to take the first proper step; write an exceptional app specification that helps in encountering the tough competition. In fact, businesses that don’t have proper app specifications, fail to make their mark on the first attempt. Having app specifications offers a bunch of benefits. Firstly, you get a clear vision of who your target are, what kind of platform you want to choose for the app development. In addition, you also define your goals in a better way apart from adding the specific features in the app. Next, the app developers will give a near about estimate regarding the budget. The app specification is not an essay type long answer but it describes an outline of your app. It also reduces the risk factors if any involved during the development process. Lastly, it brings your concepts and ideas into life. Choosing the Appropriate Platform and Budget Decision Well, if you ask most of the clients often have to tackle with this tricky choice; whether they should opt for Google Play Store or Apple Store. Going by the statistical numbers, the number of Android apps still exceeds over iOS, so, speaking from that perspective, of course opting for the Android launching platform will be fruitful. Also releasing an app in the Google Play Store is relatively easy in comparison to the Apple. However, we should also look at the other side of the picture as well. If you are planning to develop an app for a startup business, it is recommended to choose iOS as it will help them to venture into the new world better. And it has also been seen that iOS users spend more time on their devices in comparison to Android users. Now let’s talk about the budget estimate of developing an app. Since it is an important part of the planning session and therefore, needs to be discussed briefly. There are a number of factors taken into account when calculating the cost of app development. First, the costing will depend on what app are you developing, the choice of operating system, the selection of the platform and charges of the app development company. The App Needs to Address User Issues When you sit down to chalk out a plan for your app, remember that primarily the aim of your app is to solve the user issues. Thus, your approach should also be in that direction. But you have to first identify the problems before you can sort it out. Therefore, an effective tool at this juncture is brainstorming the ideas; an exercise that you can do jointly with the other team members. In this way, you can frame a much better plan proving more than useful for the client’s business. Moreover, it will also assist in taking quick and apt decisions without any second thoughts in the mind. Collect Information on User Demand When you are planning to add some unique and exciting features into your app, make sure you are aware of what the consumer is looking for. Well, this is important if you want your app to sustain in the competition. You can opt for the use case diagrams to decide how users are interacting with your app and what features of the app needs more attention. You can also create a user testing focus group, which will find out what users are specifically looking in an app. You can have a regular discussion on this based on the valuable inputs of the group. The Planning on App Designing When you are planning to develop your app, equal attention needs to be paid towards the designing as well. Upon reaching this stage you need to take decisions on how many screens you want, the UI and UX designs, the selection of the color, the content of the app and much more. The user interface mainly concentrates on the page including the app icon. User Experience on the other hand, deals the personal experiences and creating the brand awareness. For bettering the functionality of the app focus on the wireframes. The architecture diagrams can be used to describe the function of the app especially to the stakeholders. Strategy for Marketing the App Well, frankly speaking promoting your app is as important as developing it. It is through the promotional strategy or the marketing campaign that you can get more traffic building into your app. Now first things first, you need to face the reality and get comprehensive knowledge on who your real competitors are and what their market response is. Emphasize on the online marketing campaigning tools such as using the social media tools for better result. Earning Money through App This should also be a part of your planning process. Here you have to think of innovative ideas on how to get more investors on the board. However, before approaching the investors, make sure you are prepared with all the details including the purpose of the app, your target customers, landing page

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How to Explain Your App Idea to App Development Team Effectively

Once you have finally made up your mind to build a mobile app for your business, the next step would be finding the right set of team for catering the project. But more than that, it is imperative to explain the details of the project and establish an effective communication with the app developers. In fact, you must know that most of the apps also fail to get the user attention because the idea of app development is not spelled out properly and as a result the app has to suffer after its release. Yes, it’s true that the app development employ their own ideas and creativity but the entrepreneur also has to provide some details regarding what type of app he is looking for. Moreover, if you fail to communicate your ideas, the app development process will also hamper and it will not complete within the stipulated deadline. This can also result in increasing the estimated cost of app development. Therefore, approach the app development team with a clear mindset and try to give as many details possible. Briefly Introducing Your Company So, first things first, you have to introduce your company to the app development team and tell them why you want an app. The developers will get to know what industry your business belongs to. The next thing is giving details about your target audiences or which age group people would be using the app maximum. Then you also need to tell the team whether you are the entrepreneur or a professional representing the company. The Composition of App Development Team Well, to start off, the composition and structure of the app development team depends on the size of the project. It mainly comprises of a project manager, android or iOS developers or both, backend developer, UI and UX designer and app tester. Thus, when you are discussing your project, you have to mainly deal with these professionals who play different role in app building process. While you explain the project, it’s important to listen attentively to their ideas too because it is two-way communication here. Segregating your Project into Different Segments If you want to offer a full-proof explanation and make the development team understand your vision, the best possible way out is to categorize the entire project into different categories and divide it into small bits. Of course, app development task is a complicated and long process, so better take it part by part. Discussing everything at one go can create confusion and this is not the right approach. Begin with the Minimum Viable Product or MVP So, when you are opting for the app development, the first step is this regard would be building a Minimum Viable Product or MVP in which a fundamental version of the mobile application is presented without much of functionalities and features. The MVP comprises the most important features of your app. However, the other features can be added later. The main purpose of creating the MVP plan is to authenticate the idea of app into the market. You also get an idea about how the users will be using your app after its release. Getting into the minute details of the project is not needed at this junction. The development team will form a core of the idea. Taking Help of the Flow Charts In order to explain your app idea more effectively and clearly, better take the support of the flow charts with the help of images and diagrams. Here usually you would focus on describing the app functionality. It means the user gets familiar regarding what takes place when he clicks or taps a function. Explaining the Functions Clearly This is a crucial part which you have to explain clearly. The functions must be clarified properly that needs to necessarily included in the app. Now this is one area where an elaborate description is required in simplest of words. You can also take suggestions from the app developers if you are missing out on some. Asking for the Quotation and Project Deadline Well, you are aware that budget is the indispensable factor when it comes to app development and most entrepreneurs keep it on the top of their list. Obviously, when you contact the app development team, you would be asking how much does the app development cost. The development team of course would enquire about your budget estimate or money you are willing to invest in the project. Ask for free quotations through emails, online video chat or even when meeting the professionals directly. You need to also take into account the deadline of completing the project. You have to mention whether you are flexible with the deadline or following a strict schedule. Developing the Graphs and Visual Mockups The visual mockup is essentially related to the designing of the app and so it has to be communicated with the UI and UX designers. In this vital step of communication, the mockups are created that will further help the development team to get an idea regarding the visualization of the mobile application. The owner usually holds talk about the app design, color, icon, fonts, etc. The Importance of User Success Stories When you are communicating with the app development team, it is pivotal to emphasize on the user success stories as well. It basically throws light on the targeted audiences of the app and their expectations from the app. This would probably help in inclusion of all important features and provide an optimal user experience to the end users. Each of the stories highlights a separate feature and increases the value of the app. Establishing a Healthy Communication with Team The app development team enjoys working with clients who value their hard work and establish a healthy and long term relationship with the App Development Company. But the communication link has to get connected from both the sides. It is important to understand each other ideas and communicate freely and clearly without any ifs

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Why Small Business Should Invest in Mobile App?

Does your small business need the help of mobile application? Well, if you ask this question, then the reply would be a definite yes. Now, you may wonder how the mobile application can prove to a great support for flourishing your small business enterprise, considering the fact that mobile app is a costly affair. However, this is merely a misconception because with numerous numbers of mobile apps getting developed nowadays, availing the services of an affordable Mobile App Development Company has become easier compared to the previous years. In fact, as time is progressing, more and more business owners have started to understand the value and benefits that mobile apps offer to their existing business. According to a survey, about 42% small business already owns a mobile app, whereas, nearly 30% are planning to invest in building one. The same study reveals that nearly 55% of the millennials owning a small business have a mobile app. You Can Engage More Customers With Minimal Effort Even if you are a business owner of a small enterprise, your sole aim is to get across more and more customers. Until now, the small business have been employing traditional methods to increase the customer base such as advertisement through hoardings and pamphlets, newspaper, etc. but, times have changed and you have to adopt new techniques to each out potential consumers. The mobile apps will provide that scope where you can directly communicate with your target audience in real time. You can promote your products and services at a rapid pace. The mobile apps also help in taking the customer opinion poll, which further helps in to prepare strategies thereafter. Mobile Apps are Great Marketing Assets Indeed Ever since the concept of digital marketing has evolved in the strata of business promotion, we have seen how websites have brought a major change. However, now this place has been substituted by mobile applications that are proving to a great marketing tool for any business on the floor. Now, this marketing tool has rightly joined hands with the geolocation and beacon technology. This is helping the business owners to track their customers in real time and more importantly, they can send specific messages as soon as the customer is nearing their store location. This also helps a great deal in decreasing the cost of marketing expenses. The business can focus on their customers and deliver what they are looking for. Allows You to Take the Valuable Feedback Nowadays, you know about the stiff and hard-hearted competition prevailing in the market. It is very difficult to keep your customers interested for a long time. However, having said that if you are taking their valuable opinion and views, then you can improvise a lot and offer far better products and services. Whether you have an Android or iOS app, the ratings and reviews certainly mean a lot in the Google Play Store or iOS app store. It is a parameter that helps you to judge your products and services. If you are constantly receiving negative feedback, then you can look into the matter as to what is going wrong. You have to take the reviews and ratings of the customers seriously if you want to excel further up. Simplifies the Entire Payment Process Small businesses often mess up with payments as they basically deal or conduct business transaction in cash. But now, it’s time to go for the cashless system which will not only make your transactions simpler and stress-free but also will help in saving a lot of time. Gone are the days when you needed a calculator to doing all the mathematical operations. The introduction of payment gateway will provide a huge relief from all these hectic tasks. Whether you are receiving a payment from a customer or party, it will directly be credited into your account with just a few easy taps. In the same way, if you have to pay someone, say wholesalers, you can also follow the same process. You don’t need to maintain separate registry or book for recording the transactions as everything will be available in the mobile app. Offering the Loyalty Programs to Customers With the introduction of mobile apps, we have seen the concept of loyalty programs. This is a kind of promotional strategy where you offer rewards in the form of cash backs or coupons to all those existing customers who have been using your mobile app for a long period of time or in other ways have been loyal to you. The loyalty programs not only help in engaging the customers but also assist in collecting the valuable information and inputs about his likes and dislikes and how he feels regarding your business. The loyalty programs will enhance the user experience as well. Sell Your Products Faster and Build a Brand Image Mobile apps can change the conventional selling methods where business owners waited for customers to arrive at their store. It helps you to sell your products online at a much quicker pace and here you don’t have to convince the customer to buy your item. The customer relatively chooses the product from the concerned category, pays the amount and the product is sold. In fact, you are also creating a brand image by owning a mobile app for your business. You get to see a positive response when customer visit your app and navigate through the various items on display. Scheduling the Appointments and Reminders For those business owners, who are basically service providers such as saloon or laundry business, you can provide the facility of scheduling appointments and reminders to the customers. The customers will schedule an appointment to visit your saloon and they don’t have to waste their time in waiting for other customers. Similarly, if there is a coaching class, it can send reminders to the students that they have to attend classes at the appointed time. You can do so by sending bulk SMS at the same time. Offering the Support

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Converting iOS App to Android and Vice Versa: The Step by Step Guidance

Beyond any doubt in mind, the Android and the iOS platforms are indeed the two most successful and extensively used Operating Systems in the recent times. Both the OS are a great competitor of each other and you can choose either of the two platforms or even both to develop a useful mobile application. It may be that you have first developed an Android app and you want to convert the same into an iOS app or vice-versa to get more visibility and flow of traffic. It is a known fact that Android has the biggest market share in the mobile app development industry. So, obviously, you don’t want to miss out the large piece of cake by not switching from iOS to Android. Similarly, if you want to get a more sophisticated customer and robust security features, then you can move on to iOS. But the question is how to convert from one platform to another and how challenging is the job for an app developer. First, we will focus on how to convert an iOS app to Android app. Convert an iOS App to Android Well, this is not an easy task to begin with. You have to take into account a number of factors such as app porting. It means that you can port your items from one platform to another. This is easy in Android because of the Java language that is friendlier. In the recent years, some of the Android apps have been also allowed on Windows by Microsoft taking a few easy steps. Android is known for its flexibility. You can add more features as per the demands of the market and even customize it as well. It provides extended functionality. Even the Google Play Store is very supportive in this regard. It means that you don’t have to wait for too long after the conversion of app from iOS to Android. The bugs can also get removed very easily without much effort. Now when you go for the conversion, you have to mainly consider on these aspects: Developing the App Architecture So, initially the work has to get started with deciding what should be the minimum level of version, which can support the app. For example, if you are choosing Android 4.4 KitKat, then you get coverage of 90.5% of the mobile devices. But you have to choose the version according to the features and so an analysis is important. You also need to review the architecture of the along with its features and functionalities. Please study and analyze the difference between the Android and iOS platforms thoroughly. You can precisely modify and work on a few features including the push notifications, specifications about the switching of content, establishing better interaction between the other apps and touch 3D etc. The Design of the App You must know that there is a great difference between the designing of both the popular platforms. In android apps, you usually come across material design, while iOS has flat designs. Even there is a difference in the patterns used as well. So, the app designer has to redesign the Android app while converting it. Taking about the icon, Android has its own icon library while it makes use of the Roboto as its standard font. The content navigation is mainly found towards the bottom and it has two types of button; the flat and floating button. In addition, you can also find other elements and tools such as Switch, Text fields, RadioButton, Bottom Sheets etc. Another important factor to note is the metric differences that would basically involve the screen resolutions and 48 DP rule dominance in UI design, etc. the comparison of the font size becomes a pivotal job and the ratio that needs to be maintained is .075. The Framework and Code Library of Android The app developers mainly have to make use of the external elements and libraries while creating the apps. But when you are converting iOS to Android, it’s important to go through the app compatibility of the elements and if they aren’t compatible, then choose frameworks. You know well that iOS get developed in Swift language, while Android makes use of the Java or Kotlin. It is not possible to recompile the first code into the second. But both the platforms use and support C code and it can be ported with certain conditions. Thus, when converting, the app needs to be written an entire different language and you have to take into account the app architecture, the app library and so on. The Testing of the App After you have done with the conversion of the app from iOS to Android, it’s time to go for quality assurance and app testing before making it live on the Play Store. You have to check that your apps remain bug free and there is absolutely no problem in its smooth operation. It also needs to be seen that it is offering an optimal UI and UX to the end user. Android has more devices than iOS and you also have to consider the screen resolutions and OS versions. It can be said that migrating from iOS to Android needs proper planning and strategy that should be well executed. You have to access the entire project and minutely understand each of its details before implementation and then finally go for the app testing. Converting Android App to iOS In the second round of discussion, we will now concentrate on how to convert the android apps to iOS apps. It should be noted that although android dominates the market by numbers, but when it comes to revenue generation, iOS is the boss. Moreover, the users are more loyal to iOS apps. It basically involves five steps that can be discussed below. The Navigation Factor If you are aware of both Android and iOS device functionality, you should know that the biggest difference lies in the main button or the Home button. The iPhones have

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Important Tips to Consider While Hiring Best Full-Stack Developers

When you talk about full stack development, you probably have to take into consideration the entire cycle of software development process that includes front-end as well as back-end technologies along with database management and quality assurance. The front-end development is known as the client-side help in interacting with the users and presenting the data; whereas the back-end is concerned with server-side and usually deals with database interaction, business logic, and user authentication etc. How Would You Define a Full-Stack Developer? A full-stack developer has expertise in both front-ends as well as the back-end development. In addition, he should have a commanding power on most of the popularly used programming languages. And that is not all. He should also have a professional approach while working on databases and user interfaces. Becoming a full-stack developer is certainly a tough and daunting challenge. For this reason, the demand for such high-skilled professionals is on the hike. Although the demand for such developers is ranging high, they would provide handy only in some cases. Let’s discuss those options when the services of full-stack developers are required. While Developing an MVP or Commencing a Project It is always a good idea to start a fresh project with an individual full-stack developer who can begin from the scratch and work with all the application components to create meaningful web apps. Alternately, if you are looking to develop a Minimum Viable Product(MVP) you can bet on these experts to turn your idea into a fully functional prototype. When Needing the Technical Head Well, the full-stack developers can also fill the shoes of technical head in the project. This is mainly due to the fact that they have a comprehensive understanding of the project requirements and cater to the needs more efficiently. They are capable of taking the appropriate decisions, which proves to be effective for the project’s success. They are also at times playing the role of a technical head who is anchoring the software ship through different paths. When the Budget is Tight Well, one of the many advantages of hiring a full-stack developer is that they can literally save a lot of your money. Yes, when you are having a tight budget in hand and cannot afford the services of a specialized developer; they come to your rescue. You don’t have to pay separately to each of front-end and back-end developer, instead of hiring a full-stack developer will suffice your requirements. The Type of Full-Stack Developers We all know that full-stack developer is someone who can specialize in developing and maintaining the various aspects of web development that include the client-side, the server-side and the Dev-Ops as well. But as a client you also need to hire a professional who is competent enough to handle the big picture of the scenario and well-versed in all the three activities. However, at the same time it is important to note that the all full-stack developers are not sailing on the same boat. They possess basic knowledge of the stack and specialize in a particular domain of the stack. We can cite the examples of MEAN, LAMP, ROR and ASP.NET technologies. It must also be remembered that no person or professional can master the art of everything and so full-stack developers also have a working knowledge of all the used techniques and process. But an experienced full-stack developer is efficient to create the kind of expected result that you are looking forward to. Some developers may have strong command over front-end development while others may be the masters of back-end development. Therefore, the research becomes imperative for a business enterprise while looking for a specific kind of full-stack developer. Check the Technical Skills of Full-Stack Developer As said before the full-stack developer handles both the sides; the client and the server along with UI design etc. Considering that fact, he must possess knowledge of HTML, CMS and JavaScript, which is very necessary and in a sense mandatory. From the Client Side For the Front-end, he must be well acquainted with JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React or Vue.js. or tools such as Grunt, Gulp, and Bower. He needs to get updated on JavaScript libraries like jQuery or Backbone.js. The knowledge of AJAX and front-end CSS frameworks like Foundation or Bootstrap would certainly be an added advantage. Other Additional Qualities It is also important to understand that your web application should be visually appealing to the end users as it can be seen through eyes. The building of the front-end is based on three important pillars namely HTML for structure, JavaScript for logic and CSS for style. As a client you must go through the portfolio of full-stack developer and access his previous work. You also need to keep in mind that the full-stack developer you hire is not only talented in creating visually appealing app designs but also they should run optimally fast. Also while developing the static pages, the front-end gets distinguished from back-end on the structural level. Similarly, if you have back-end API, you would only need front-end. These are vital aspects that business enterprises need to note and verify when dealing with full-stack developer. From the Server Side From the Back-end prospective, he should be familiar with API design and development. In addition, he also needs to have a sound knowledge on back-end languages such as PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, and .Net. The understanding of database technologies like MySQL, Oracle, MangoDB and PostgreSQL etc. also becomes important. Besides there are several other things such as frameworks like Express.js, Ruby on Rails or CakePHP associated with the server-side and the web server technologies, will all come into play during the development process. Other Additional Qualities The back-end generally deals with the components that work on the serve and is not visible to the user. But if you are building an app that needs large amount of data to store such as in an e-commerce you compulsorily need the back-end. Therefore, the full-stack developer that you

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Why Do you Need DevOps Culture for your Next Project

The work culture and tradition is drifting with organizations relying more on team efforts rather than individuals handing the projects singlehandedly. The advent of the DevOps has been one such innovative thinking, which has paved the way for the two distinctive teams; development and operations come on a single board. The idea behind combining these two efficient teams is to accelerate and complete the cycle of software development with ease and improved competence. This trend has become popular and gained pace. According to Statista, the number of business organizations that have comprehensibly adopted DevOps has increased to 17% in 2018 in comparison to 10% in 2017. According to a blog published in LinkedIn, USA leads the way in using the DevOps technology, followed by India and United Kingdom. The DevOps offer agility to any business and the DevOps engineer get a better understanding of both the development and operations process. One important aspect that needs to be noted is that the small and mid cap businesses would find it easier to implement the DevOps as compared to the large enterprises, which need to opt for an incremental change approach for incorporating the DevOps. Top Benefits of Employing DevOps So, let’s highlight a few important advantages of the DevOps. Less Unsuccessful Attempts during the Development Since the Development cycles in the DevOps are shorter, so there are reduced chances of committing errors and experiencing the failures during the programming. The shorter development cycles help in introducing increased number of subsequent codes and this makes the job of the developer easier to identify the problematic areas while coding. Therefore, you would have less number of failures while using the agile programming. They can collaborate well to come out with best results. The DevOps also makes it easier for the developers to easily reverse or change their plans when something has gone wrong. The rollback in decision will only lead to change of some modules. Another good thing about using the DevOps is that it provides a faster time for the recovery process in case of any failure. This helps the development and operation teams to share their ideas at a quick pace and proceed with their work thoroughly. The Advantage of Having the Shorter Development Cycle In the previous paragraph we talked about how the shorter development cycles in DevOps are helpful in detecting the programming defects, reducing the failure and faster rollbacks etc. However, when the development and the operations teams work in isolation, it becomes a tough task to really know whether the application is ready for the operation for not. This may lead to unnecessary delay in the project as the development cycle tends gets extended. But with the arrival of the DevOps you can be sure of eliminating such hitches as there is a joint effort of two teams working in communion. Thus you can build the applications quickly with the integration of innovation. With the help of shorter developer cycle you can be sure of introducing the applications 60% faster in the market. Enhancement in the Performance By employing the DevOps culture, the business organizations can certainly bring an enhancement in their performances and gain the upper hand over their competitors. The tradition of the DevOps allows both the Development and operations team to work in collaboration thereby reducing the risk-based factors that may arrive during the development of software. It helps the Company to get a more productive result, which can influence the performance of the business. The DevOps brings more responsiveness and agility while delivering the products and services to satisfy the target audiences. But there are various other tangible and intangible DevOps pros that need to be measured so as to upsurge the organizational skills and improve performances. Improving the Overall Efficiency In addition, the DevOps also lead to increased efficiency of the organization. In fact, there are three methods using which you can automate DevOps works. The constant implementation of servers help in automating the testing of the codes and it reduces the manual efforts. The DevOps engineers concentrate their attention on areas that cannot be automated. The accelerating tools are yet another example of hiking the efficiency. Let’s explain this through some illustrations. You can create the accelerating tools that can assemble the codes at a faster pace. The cloud based platforms that are regarded as scalable infrastructures help the team to get an access to the hardware resources, which accelerates the testing and deployment operations. The efficiency can be improved by integration of parallel workflow while delivering the continuous services so that one team does not have to wait for another to finish their task and bring a delay in the process. There is no need to employ only one environment for the data transfer gets underway unnecessarily; but instead you can use a different environment for the, development, testing process and deploying the application. Better Communication between the Two Teams We are already aware of the fact that DevOps have wiped out the culture of silos, thus establishing much better and improved communication between the two teams. The combined effort has certainly provided more productive results. The two teams focus on how to produce an optimal performance rather than setting the individual goals. This also helps to solve out the problems more easily as the two teams can communicate with each and discuss the issue jointly. They trust on the abilities of one-another. The more number of professionals bring more innovative ideas and it gives them the freedom to experiment with those. DevOps Can Save your Money It has been indicated earlier that DevOps play a supportive role in automating the cyclic tasks, where you don’t have to get much concerned about the mistakes. For instance, if you are going for a rollback or decided to do a performance testing, it may bring certain changes rapidly. However, the continuous rollbacks can make the development process more robust and stable and with the automation, you can save the manual cost,

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The Various Aspects About Enterprise DevOps Solutions

The term DevOps isn’t alien nowadays but getting the spotlight as more business enterprises are keen to implement it. The combination of two words precisely, the development and operations have unified the culture and practice of software development. The DevOps advocates at focusing on the entire process of software development beginning with implementation, development, testing, releasing and software maintenance and updates. One of the biggest advantages of employing the DevOps is that it helps to create shorter development cycles along with the improvement in the performance. The chances of committing errors or ending up in failure reduce and establishes better interaction between the development and the operations team thereby increasing the level of efficiency. It’s fine that you are aware of the various benefits of DevOps. But at the same time, it becomes imperative to also know about the important aspects of Enterprise DevOps Solutions. The Enhancement of Architectural Models The web and mobile application development along with software engineering follows the latest trends such as building Single-page web apps, Vue.js, micro services architecture, Internet of Things, wearable app development and so on. Now as these current trends power the traditional architectural models, it would similarly also disrupt the traditional software development life-cycle. Moreover, it also must be noted that the codes and deployable units travel swiftly in uni-direction. This makes the different types of management including deployment and release, source code, etc. cumbersome. Therefore, if you want to manage the disruptions, you need to adopt DevOps and a strong platform for its enabling. DevOps Introducing a New Work Culture in Enterprises The DevOps has become synonymous with the work culture across various organization as it encourages the team effort rather than the individual task. The increase in consumer demand for a more improved product or service has propelled organizations to look for viable DevOps services. In fact, that is the major reason why the percentage of enterprises seeking the DevOps solutions in 2018 has exceeded 17% from mere 10% last year. It also incorporates the innovation agenda and that’s why it tops their priority list. When you are integrating the DevOps into your organization, you may face issues related to its technology and architecture and might also have to change your work ethics as well, but it will bring a long lasting disruption in your work culture. It also needs to be understood that mere collaborating the development and the operations team will not suffice your targets but you need to adopt a new protocol and opt for the agility while working on the projects. Enterprises that find it easier to adopt the cultural transformation, will find it simpler to work with DevOps. Enterprises Can Go for More Savings with DevOps One of the essential elements of the enterprise DevOps is that it allows the business organizations to save a lot of time and money as well. It is a cost-effective software development solution that is based on agility of work environment and offers comprehensive tool for the testing procedure. The business enterprise just needs to opt for that agile work background together with DevOps to curtail their cost and save the precious time. The cost is also decreased due to swift testing process and product release cycles. You can utilize this money for other business purposes. DevOps Tooling for the Automation As a developer, you should know that tooling is an important aspect of the automation. The DevOps offer a series of tools that makes the automation much easier than ever before. However, mere implementing the tools for the Software Development Life-cycle will not solve the issue but you need to integrate the designing element too in the DevOps. A DevOps Engineer is supposed to play the most crucial role in the entire process of software development and automation. He is the one who guides the entire development team while working on a new project deciding which are the best DevOps tools to implement and how to onboard the DevOps platform. Apart from that he also needs to view which aspects of the automation process is accessible and what needs to be further developed. He prepares the strategy and takes vital decisions on the enabling program without which it would be rather impossible to crack the deal! The automation with DevOps helps the business enterprises to release the updates at a quicker pace much to the delight of the customers. If they fail to do so, they would lose out the stiff competition. So, no more manual work now as all elements of the business has been automated. The testing of the product can go simultaneously along with the process of development. Integrating DevOps with Security Model Today, a majority of the business organizations are giving preference to the IT hybrid model that includes the on-site data centers, private and public cloud and domain-based SaaS and PaaS (Software as a Service & Platform as a Service). You would probably need the assistance of DevOps while dealing with the challenges related to hybrid models such as managing the release across a varied series of providers and entities. At the same time, you also have to tackle with the company policies and security issues and surely implementing the DevOps with the existing security models and tools can be a tricky task. You don’t all the tools working smoothly at one time. The Increase in DevOps Intelligence The DevOps are proving to a game-changer for the business organizations as it leads to smart DevOps Intelligence with the support of DevOps Services., data mining and data churning. The business enterprises can take decisions based on data analytics and insights with the help of DevOps services so that they can release the development cycle and offer final delivery of the product. On the other hand, the DevOps help to monitor the feedback bottlenecks and check the timing of the release cycle along with getting familiar with the value of each software or product release. Enterprise DevOps as an Investment Well, this question

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Fixed Cost or Hourly Rate: Which Pricing Model is Better for Your Project?

Whenever a business entrepreneur plans to develop a mobile or any web application, he usually takes into consideration a number of vital factors. The first aspect to arrive in the scenario is the app idea with clearly defined features. However, most of the clients today are inquisitive to know how much it would cost to develop a mobile app or a web app. They want to pre-define their budget estimate. But to tell you the core truth, it is very difficult for any App Development Company or Developers to provide you with an exact figure of app development cost. You must know that the price depends on a number of variable elements such as choice between freelancer or in-house agency, selection of the platform; Android or iOS, hybrid or native, the development team and its particular location, technical aspects, UI and UX designs, testing or quality assurance and the cost of app publishing etc. In addition, if you are developing an MVP of your app or going for some additional features, you have to pay more. Have you ever considered or heard about the different pricing models for determining the cost of app development? Most clients are actually aware about it as they undertake an extensive research before getting in touch with the professional App Development Firm. If you look at a scenario of the App Development Industry, most of the companies basically follow a dual pricing model: Fixed Pricing Model Hourly or the Time and Material Model Here, we would be analyzing the key differences between the two popular models and in which case each of these would be ideally suitable for your project. The Fixed Pricing Model The fixed price model as the name implies comes with a fixed budget estimate with very little or almost no scope of any alteration in the project. The cost of the project and the timeline is agreed upon in advance. In this model, generally, the app idea, implementation of the features and functionalities, choice of the specific platform is all pre-defined in advance. The development team as well as the client undergo a mutual understanding with crystal clear ideas as well as the end results. The client is pretty sure about the success of the app and so he’s prepared to take the risk. Another important point is usually in this type of pricing model. The project is not complex with a small budget estimate. The task is simple and you don’t require a big team to accomplish it. You have to necessarily remember the fact that no changes, not even a single one is allowed once the terms and conditions are agreed upon and the agreement is signed under any circumstance. Therefore, you should be very clear about what features you want to integrate in the app. However, the downside of this model is that you are giving more preference to your budget in comparison to quality of the project. So, you also have to prepare to take the risk and face failure if the app idea does not click according to your expectations. But the app development companies are offering a sort of financial ‘airbag’ to deal with the wrong, which is included in the app pricing. Essential Features of the Fixed-Cost Agreement The budget or the cost of developing the application is decided in advance and there is a mutual understanding between the developer and the client. It does not change and remains static. The development team is well acquainted about how to mould the project and bring it in perfect shape. They know what features and functionalities to add and how to go about designing an app icon and UI designs. Even the deadline of the project is fixed. The project has to be completed within the specific timeline. Under no circumstance you are allowed to ask for any change in the project. There is risk element involved in this model due to the deadline factor. Conditions when Fixed Pricing Model will Suit your Needs You need a simple app with not so much of complex tasks involved to develop it. You have a tight budget in hand and you are left with no other alternative. You are planning to develop a Minimum Viable Product or App Prototype to test the validity of app’s idea. You have a crystal clear idea of app with reference to adding of features and choice of platform etc. The Hourly Rate Pricing Model The hourly rate is also known as the Time and Material Model. Here the mantra is pretty much straightforward. The cost of the project is determined by per hour basis, which varies from region to region and from one company to another. The cost of the app would be the total number of hours worked by the app development team to complete the project. For instance, if the company charges $25 per hour and the total hours for completing the app development is 600, then the price would stand somewhere around $25×600, which is equal to $15,000. The hourly rate or the Time and Material Model is more preferable for clients who really seem to take a great interest in what’s going behind the scenes. Due to their flexible nature, you are most welcome to give your own verdict and also valuable suggestions on improving the quality of the project. You can make changes during the development process and go for additional features if you find the necessity. Therefore, it offers the customers a much wider scope where they can get a desired product in accordance with their requirements. Essential Features of the Hourly Rate Model The pricing model depends on the working hours of the developers and rate they charge for their effort The cost of the project is not fixed. It may exceed with the progress of development or can even decrease as well if you want to remove any unnecessary feature. Not only the cost, but the timeline of the project is also flexible.

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