Python Development

Top Reasons Why Python Development is Widely Used in Enterprise

Business firms thriving in the current market need to keep evolving through the digital transformation wave. Forward-thinking enterprises are now investing largely in enterprise application development for strengthening their productivity and financial operations. Python has been the top choice for developers, primarily due to its robust features, availability of resources and versatility. With a year-on-year growth rate of 27%, Python continues to be one of the best programming languages. Prioritizing factors like productivity of employees and resource management, business firms are counting on Python developers to build their software. Enterprise software refers to the tools that are customized to cater to the needs of large organizations. In recent years, enterprise mobility solutions also have gained tremendous demand among leading business firms. Examples of this type of software include business and database tools that are used for automated billing systems, payment processing and so on. Reasons Behind the Popularity of Python Python is among the top technologies used in bespoke software development. It is used in large organizations due it its ease in sourcing adroit developers, versatility and simple syntax. The technology is ideal for enterprises, regardless of whether you want to build a solution powered by a machine language or an internal web application. Presently, a large segment of the software developers is using Python. It has got fewer programming codes and the features are versatile enough to develop any type of software. Here are some striking features that make Python one of the best choices for programmers: Easy to learn Modular Object-oriented Interpreted Dynamic Portable Extensible in C and C++ High level Industry Giants Using Python Have a look at the big companies that are presently using Python: Both Instagram and Facebook are using Python to deal with data and processes Spotify uses Python for backend analytics It is also used by Industrial Light and Magic to power their tools and CGI technologies Netflix, too, acknowledged Python as the most popular option for software development Google uses Python as one of the four server-side languages that it officially supports Interestingly, one can use Python for web applications, cloud computing, backend support, data science tools, Big Data and much more. No wonder, why lots of companies are presently using Python. Advantages of Using Python for Enterprise Software Development Python is Highly Scalable Bring incredibly versatile, Python helps in handling different sizes of tasks. It supports several programming paradigms, including procedural as well as functional paradigms and object-centered paradigms. Python, along with its accessible approach and interpreted language ensures that the developers can code the functions quickly and create scripts on a large scale. Moreover, it does not use a different language to build a larger solution that typically takes more time to develop. In the process, the development costs are reduced. Even if the scale is increased, a corresponding increment in development time does not occur. With Python, developers can build solutions with any given scale. It is also suitable in situations that adoption or expansion. Several Libraries Support Python Developers using Python can have access to numerous libraries. This helps them to use the modules that are already tried and tested. In the process, they can develop the software much faster, without compromising with the features and quality. Some of the popular libraries that support Python include: Pandas: High-performance data structures are present in this library and the developers can use various analysis modules Numpy: This particular library is used for mathematical and scientific computing with Python Keras: The Keras library is used in Python for writing neural networks, and developers use it for machine learning Tensorflow: This library was released by Google and allows the developers to create Deep Learning features and modules like image recognition and detection Scikit-learn: This is a useful library for data analysis, machine learning and mining Python has also been written into several frameworks, including Django, Scrapy, Flask, Pyramid, Falcon and Tornado. Python Ensures Fast Prototyping Python has a rapid development speed, and therefore, it is a good choice for projects where the viability needs to be checked out first. Using this programming language, one can smoothly switch from prototype to a solution. The developers do not lose any previous work when they move ahead from the prototype phase. Python is Easy to Decipher As a programming language, Python is highly readable and is similar to ordinary English. As a result, the writing process becomes intuitive, which has made it popular among developers. Besides, Python is easy to read, which makes it simple to check the work created by others. The debugging process and code reviews can be accomplished seamlessly. It has got a readable nature, which makes sure that everything takes place as per the plans. Eventually, the product can appear on the market faster. Python has an Extensive Open Source Environment The Python developers can enjoy a vast plethora of free tools, which prove handy while developing the projects. They can work on GUI interfaces, data science, web development, game development, image processing and computer vision. The Python Package Index comes with an enriched ecosystem of tools, which is crucial for the development speed using the language. The developers can benefit from the modules that are ready to use, pacifying the development process. Python Accelerates Code Reviews In enterprise projects, development speed plays a crucial role. This can have its impact on the critical areas of big business firms. Besides, it is essential to maintain a high coding quality, so that it remains error-free. The failure to do so may have a disastrous impact on the firm. Due to the syntax of Python and a large number of available tools, it minimizes the time necessary to review the codes. Eventually, the developers enjoy a seamless experience while coming up with the solutions. They can check whether or not a fragment of code is free from bugs and well-written. Developers Find Python Comfortable to Use As a business leader, you might realize the complexity associated with enterprise solutions. The developers need

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Why and Why Not Go for Python Development?

When it comes to popular programming languages, Python is the first name that comes in the mind of most developers. For the most part, it is a favorite of many. This is because languages like PHP, C++, or Java are much challenging to learn. Python, so, is simple to learn and an excellent choice for beginners, yet it doesn’t mean that python development is free of flaws. Some may even consider it to be a tad too old-fashion for modern programming needs. To decide whether you should go for Python development, you must see both sides of the coin. Weigh in its benefits and flaws and decide for yourself if you should go for Python development or not. Why Go for Python Development? Here is why Python Development might be the right choice for most programmers. Python web development is elementary Any developer will tell you the same thing- Python is one of the easiest to learn! This makes the language perfect for beginners. However, this doesn’t translate to the language being too simplistic for advanced developers. Instead, since Python can be used for the same things that other complicated languages can be used for, it is just as usable by advanced programmers as it is by beginners. A key benefit of Python programming is its ability to do a lot with significantly less code. The language relies on whitespace as well as common expressions to leave its mark. This is why, compared to Java, website development using Python is much simpler. It has fewer codes but more functions How great would it be, if you can reap more rewards without putting in the same amount of effort? This is exactly what Python allows developers to achieve. How so? Well, because of the simplicity of the language, Python helps you perform more functions than other programming languages, but with lesser codes! In short, if you are well-versed on the basics of the language, you can easily create a full-fledged game in less than two days. This efficiency, simplicity, and convenience are hard to find in other similar programming languages. This benefit makes Python Development an excellent choice for many. It aids in learning other codes Beginners specifically have a lot to gain by learning Python. Those who have no proper coding knowledge can learn Python by merely watching a tutorial. It is that easy! And once you truly understand the ins and outs of Python web development, it is easy for you to grasp other, more complicated, languages as well. This includes programming languages like Perl, JavaScript, C#, and Ruby. When it comes to the language itself, Python can be used for a variety of web development projects. So, not only is it a great stepping stone for beginners but within itself, it is a useful tool. Python does not let you make mistakes All programmers know and dread one thing- programming languages aren’t fond of errors. However, errors can occur. Sooner or later, most developers do encounter human mistakes. And when they do, all hell breaks loose in case of most programming languages. But, this is not the case with Python. Compared to other options, Python is much more forgiving of errors. Its codes don’t break when minor cording errors are made. Excellent for building prototypes Every idea has an expiry date. Why? This is because unique ideas are a myth. Some ground-breaking idea that you may have might have also come up in the mind of someone else. In the corporate world, the key is to be the first one to do business out of it. This is where Python might become a handy tool. As mentioned before, we know that Python is faster since it requires fewer lines of coding. In other words, it can help build prototypes at a rapid pace. The sooner you materialize your idea; the higher is the chance that you will get the first-mover advantage. Excellent cost-effective language Not every business or developer wishes to spend a lot of money on programming their projects. Some of us wish for a cost-effective solution instead. And Python is excellent for those who are on a budget. It helps you in creating your product both fast and on a budget. This makes it an ideal solution for startups and entrepreneurs alike. Endless opportunities when combined with the Internet of Things The Internet of Things has managed to deliver quite a lot of benefits. It has made smart living possible. When combined with Python, the technology further helps in providing countless opportunities to developers. For instance, platforms like Raspberry Pi have allowed developers to custom create radios, phones, games, and cameras, etc. And all through Python development. The best part is that this entire process is considerably cheap with Python programming. It has a lot of useful frameworks Python doesn’t rely on a handful of frameworks. Instead, it has quite an extensive list of Python frameworks backing it up. These frameworks play an integral role in ensuring that web development using python goes by smoothly. Frameworks provide modules and packages that, in turn, are used for given functionalities. This helps in creating application-specific software by selectively changing the functions, as required. Since Python has a wide variety of frameworks available, the chances are that every developer will find something useful. For starters, frameworks like Flask and Django help in taking care of the backend legwork while you focus on the prominent functional elements of the site or app you are creating. Why Not Go for Python Development? Python development may have its fair share of advantages. But, there are issues with it, as well. Here are the flaws of Python development. Adopting other languages become difficult It is easy to get accustomed to simple things in life. So much, that once you do, complicated things seem unachievable. Developers who get used to Python tend to find its extensive library to be a sanctuary. So, anytime they work with other programming languages, they face difficulties in

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