node.js development

Benefits Of Node.js And Why Startups Are Switching to It? (Infographic)

As the mobile industry is continuously blooming and presenting young developers with new opportunities, they are also faced with an important decision that will pretty much determine what their app developing experience will shape up to be. To be more specific, we’re talking about choosing a development platform. Sure, there are still developers that prefer to use another platform, but from a popularity standpoint we are seeing a blanket of Node.js users on the rise. As up and coming developers are looking at the developing platform to help them carry out their project, we are going to look at why Node.js is a great development platform for startups. With big names such as Walmart and PayPal but also smaller yet popular ventures like Slack or Uber finding their way towards Node.js, one can only wonder if the platform really is the best solution right now. That being said, check out these Node.js perks that you will benefit from if you decide to adopt the development tool into your startup creation process. It scales The capability of scaling accordingly is something that drives many developers towards choosing Node.js. This functionality comes into effect when talking about software stacks. From a server side perspective, developers choose to build their software stacks on Node.js completely. Startups aren’t the only ones that benefit from this, as it is noticeable in several established brand examples. Among these examples we can find the likes of LinkedIn, eBay or even Groupon, and thanks to Node.js they are able to distribute large workloads onto servers while displaying unparalleled performance parameters. Quick to respond The amount of time in which a server responds while being in the midst of testing is very important as it lays down the foundation for the startup performance overall. The advantage of using Node.js over another development platform can also be found in the speed with which Node.js developers are able to get a response. This is due to its light nature and the fact that it doesn’t clutter up with app servers and JARs that can otherwise slow it down. As a result, developers find themselves free to focus on writing the code and deploying it just as quick. Also an important factor in why Node.js is so fast is the fact that it uses the same language for frontend and backend, so that there’s no need to alternate between the two. For someone freshly getting a startup going, it can be a huge relief not having that extra thing to worry about. Easy to learn, easy to use Since we’re talking about startups, it only makes sense that we assume that most of the people creating them will be novices on the development scene. This can be quite daunting when dealing with other platforms which require a tremendous amount of work and will to learn, just to get down the way it works. With Node.js, the learning curve is quite manageable. In fact, you’ll be a Node.js expert in no time. As mentioned before, the front and backend use the same language which means that a substantially smaller amount of code has to be written in contrast with a scenario where frontend and backend don’t use the same language. Micro services Micro services come in the form of an architecture type and bring forth a series of perks that users can benefit from, just by using Node.js. Customer count scaling, increased speed and safety for writing code, extensive testing capabilities in an A/B format, and customer feedback facilitation. These are the features you can include in your tool box if you are to embrace the micro service architecture designed within Node.js. Community perks Getting a great service is always a good thing, but it’s always better if you have a community of peers to rely on for occasional help. When you are part of a community, problems get fixed ten times faster and also knowledge is gained at accelerated rates as well. Thanks to the overflow of great features and functionalities, as well as its smooth learning curve and easy to code nature, Node.js is rapidly garnering popularity and a strong community around it which can be a very useful tool when you find yourself in the dark as a starter developer. Conclusion That being said, Node.js is a great choice for people that want to get straight into the action and proceed to doing without having to spend huge amounts of time learning the software first. The array of functionalities give Node.js an edge over its competitors and keep users satisfied during their projects. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/benefits-of-node-js-and-why-startups-are-switching-to-it/

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Why Choose Node.js For Real-Time Application Development

In this digital era when time’s value is growing constantly, developing apps that users can interact with in real-time has become a regulation for most of the developers. Whether it’s a web app, desktop app, or a mobile app, each has at least one real-time feature incorporated. For instance, two highly used real-time features included in apps are real-time messaging and notifications. What Does A Real-Time App Do? Real-time apps perform many functions within a period and the user feels that it is occurring in real-time or instantly. Community storage solutions, VoIP (voice over internet protocol), some eCommerce transactions, instant messaging, chatting, online gaming, and video conference apps are the best instances of real-time apps. Where Are Real-Time Apps Used? As mentioned earlier, notification delivery and messaging are two prime use cases for real-time apps. The real-time apps are used for several purposes: Real-Time Notification Delivery When it comes to increasing user involvement with apps, allowing real-time notifications has become a game-changer. This is why you would hardly find a modern app that doesn’t deliver real-time notifications to its users. Real-Time Messaging Many people know the usage of real-time messaging apps, particularly in mobile devices, in the form of Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and many other messaging apps. Nevertheless, real-time messaging is utilized not restricted to just messaging apps. You can find real-time messaging features in collaborative platforms, delivery apps, and on-demand taxi booking apps. Real-Time Tracking With the launch of on-demand delivery app and taxi booking apps like Uber, tracking the progress of the deliveries or taxi rides of users in real-time has become a necessity. Their real-time progress updates enhance the reliability and usability of these apps. Live Streaming Real-time live streaming is becoming more famous among users after social hubs integrated live video streams to their apps. Facebook and Instagram live video streaming features are the best examples of live video streams. IoT Devices Real-time features are necessitous for IoT devices. Data secured by the sensors posited in IoT gadgets are transmitted, processed, and showcased to the end-users with a minimal delay. As maximum inputs secured by these gadgets, like lighting and temperature, continuously transform with the time, apps functioning with IoT devices must be capable of sending and receiving data in real-time. Role of Node.js in Real-Time Apps The applications where speed is important and scalability is something that requires continuous focus, Node.js helps with its event-driven features and non-blocking I/O. Node.js offers constant two-way connections to applications like forums, social media, stock exchange software, and ad servers. For real-time, data-intensive apps and IoT devices, the Node.js is pondered as the technology of choice as it is scalable and quick also. A Node.js development company follows the best programming practices when it works on a project. Hence, an app built utilizing node enables the server and client to exchange data and communicate freely. Advantages of Node.js in Real-Time Application Development Here are top benefits of using Node.js in real-time application development: Event-Based Server Real-time applications deal with many real-time users. Node.js development supports response depending on the event-driven server that assists in non-blocking functioning. Data Sync A Node.js developer makes the proper use of the non-blocking I/O feature. Data transmission between server and client shifts quickly. Scalable and Fast Since Node is a JavaScript-based program, it pulls the application faster like JS. Therefore, an application with the single-threaded model and the event loop can deal with several client requests easily. Sharing and Reusing Node.js is a real-time programming language that assists the microservice architecture. It allows developers to use the library code package again and share it in many projects. Moreover, it helps developers in fostering enhanced productivity and saving time. SEO Friendliness SEO is necessitous to exist in the digital world. In case you don’t want to lose out on SEO, then you should incorporate the Node in the app development tech stack. Node.js’s backend rendering increases engagement and provides the site more visibility. The applications receive not just user experience and high speed but also a high-end performance that is important for ranking according to SEO features decided by Google. Proxy Server Node is also the best option where intermediary admins are needed. For using Node.js server as a proxy server, a developer requires adding a 20-line code and your app will become an ideal fir for assisting for streaming data from different sources. Suitability of Node.js for Real-Time Application Development The relevant framework can be Feather.JS or Express.JS. In Feather.JS, you will find good Socket.IO integration. Socket.IO library and Express.JS framework are required for developing an easy chat app by using Node.js. Socket.IO With real-time web apps, it performs like the top-notch JavaScript library. Between server and web clients, it creates a bi-directional and real-time connection by assisting developers. There is a client-side library in the browser, and for Node.js, there is a server-side library. Both elements feature the same API. Like Node.js, it is event-driven. The Socket.IO offers the capacity of carrying out binary streaming, document collaboration, instant messaging, and real-time analytics. Express.JS It performs like a Node.js framework that utilizes many effective features that help organize the routing of the app. It can simply deal with any templating solution. Node.js’s basic functionality is increased by it. Moreover, it allows a better code organization. Node.js: An Ideal Fit for Real-Time App Development While building real-time apps like gaming and chat applications, Node.js enjoys amazing features. It is perfect for the programs that require non-blocking driven servers and an event-based server. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/why-choose-node-js-for-real-time-application-development/

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Why Choose Node.js for Your Next Web App Development Project

Selecting the right web app development technology can be a tedious job. After all, many programming languages, frameworks, and technologies are available these days in the market making it slightly difficult for entrepreneurs or business owners to choose one. Maintaining efficiency is one of the main factors to consider at the time of web app development. If you take a longer time for completing a project, it will cost you more. Since Node.js is pondered as one of the most efficient cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment you can use for developing scalable and effective REST APIs, desktop and mobile applications, and more. What is Node.js? Node.js is not a library or framework, but a runtime environment. It depends on the V8 JavaScript engine of Chrome that helps apply the JavaScript code server-side. Primarily, businesses and many developers choose Node.js due to its amazing support of JavaScript and cool features. 43% of Node.js developers utilize it for enterprise apps and 85% utilize it mainly for web application development. Node.js offers real-time two-way flawless communication between the client-side and server-side. Hence, it divides the workload between the client and the service provider. Furthermore, it works on a single-threaded event-based loop for making all non-blocking applications. In case your business requires a tailored solution with all types of cool features, creating one using Node.js will be more cost-effective than other alternatives. Common Areas to Use Node.js Node.js is usually utilized for projects that proactively use JavaScript on their front-end and back-end. Let’s have look at the most common areas to use Node.js: Real-time chat applications Static file server Web app framework Embedded systems Microservices Command-line applications Automation and Scripting Browser games Hardware programming Data streaming applications Complex SPAs (Single page apps) Node.js has experienced many highs and lows after its first launch in 2009 by Ryan Dahl. However, the developers’ community has tried their best to make it one of the best mobile, web app, and cross-platform development environments. Prime Reasons to Choose Node.js for Web App Development Now, let’s explore the main reasons why you should invest in Node.js for your next web application development project! It Allows Easy Sharing Easy sharing of the NPM (Node Package Manager) is possible by disclosing it. This is an important reason why a web app development company prefers choosing Node.js. It is difficult to share anything while using another framework also. Organizations know that this will speed up their activities. Many Node.js developers embrace this feature to share things easily while exercising on a similar project. To maintain codes at an extent level, developers use theNode.js platform. NPM enables Node.js developers to deploy the codes easily by divulging them. The storehouse of more than 50,000 bundles helps developers make important arrangements before beginning a project. This helps them refresh, share, and reuse the code smartly. It Gives Long-Term Support Node.js’s every release gets maintained actively for the next eighteen months from the date of its entry to Long-Term Support. During this period, no new feature is found to get combined with the current version while all security updates and bug fixes are taken care of by the development team. Nearly 62% of developers ponder long-term support for the web application and Node.js is an amazing option for the developers to keep up with an app. It is a Highly Fast Node.js is swift as it is backed by Google’s V8 engines. Compare to other web development services, it compiles the JS code into the native device and makes it run faster. This is why every enterprise employs more Node.js developers these days globally. They are experts in enhancing the speed of the web development projects of a company. PayPal is one of the finest examples of this. In fact, both PayPal and Netflix saw meaningful results in performance and economically after executing Node.js. PayPal encountered a 35% reduction in average response time for web development services. It Enables Easier Data Streaming Accomplished software development would need high-end I/O management. This gets difficult with web frameworks that treat HTTP0 responses and requests as complete data objects. This is where Node.js comes into the picture as it can manage better such an I/O procedure that enables users to transcode media files at the same time when they are getting uploaded. Moreover, reading and writing stream to WebSockets allows the management of such HTTP more easily. It Enhances Productivity Node.js can enhance the output of a development project in terms of its libraries and features. It allows developers to write code seamlessly and utilize one scripting language for both server-side and client-side. You will find more tools that it features to improve a web development project’s work rate. According to the 2018 Node.js User Survey Report, Node.js can improve business productivity. However, only 4% of organizations state that it did not affect. Node.js can boost your app performance by 48%. US/CA organizations that have executed Node.js into their business strategy stated that it has helped them enhance developer productivity by 68%. It is Cost-Effective Web app development with Node.js does not need a lot of investment. According to studies, organizations that decide to utilize Node.js web development use less computing power for hosting them. Since the Node.js is faster than other development frameworks, it can reduce development cost by 56%. It Creates Real-Time Web Apps Node.js is an advantage for developers who want to ease their jobs for real-time app development like messenger and gaming applications. For web apps that need utilizing a non-blocking and event-based server, the real-time web app is ideal and Node.js offers it the best. It Allows Single Codebase Node.js enables developers to use a single codebase or scripting language to write codes for both client-side and server-side of a web development project. This is one of the difficulties experienced by a web development agency. Some frameworks need various languages for both client-side and server-side. Either the organizations require finding developers who are experts in more than a single codebase or they require finding

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The Positive and Negative Aspects of Node.js Web App Development

There shouldn’t be any second thoughts over JavaScript being regarded as one of the most popular and widely used client-side programming languages. It is basically employed as a web front-end development tool and proves to be more than a handy customer for the building of cross-development platforms. In addition to that, it has also earned reputation due to its usage in various other popular platforms including React Native, PhoneGap, Titanium, Apache, NativeScript, Appcelerator etc. In the current scenario, the area of application for JavaScript has expanded and now it is also being used for server-side programming. Node.js has indeed played an important role in this major shifting in the web development. What is Node.js? Well, the simplest definition of Node.js is that it is a Javascript run-time environment that helps in the execution of JavaScript code server-side. It is an open–source cross-platform JavaScript that helps in the development of real-time network application. Node.js offers the developers event-driven I/O APIs and asynchronous. It can also interpret JavaScript code via Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. Moreover, it operates on a single threaded event based loop to make all executions non-blocking. However, you cannot consider Node.js as not a framework and it has nothing to do with the PHP, .NET or JAVA. Let’s get down to the major benefits and drawbacks of using the Node.js as server-side programming. The Pros of Node.js Let’s get down to the major advantages of using Node.js as server-side programming: Node.js offers an Easy Scalability One of the key advantages of Node.js is that developers find it easy to scale the applications in horizontal as well as the vertical directions. The applications can be scaled in horizontal manner by the addition of additional nodes to the existing system. Moreover, Node.js also offers you the option of adding extra resources to the single nodes during the vertical scaling of the application. So, it is highly scalable and provides better option than other JavaScript servers. Easy to Learn Since JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages, most of the front-end developers have a good grasp over it. It becomes much easier for them to start using the Node.js at the backend. It is easier to learn Node.js and consumes less time to work with it. Node.js is used as a Single Programming Language Node.js offers the developers the luxury of writing the server-side applications in the JavaScript. This allows the Node.js developers to write both the front-end as well as the back-end web application in JavaScript using a runtime environment. And they don’t need to use any other server-side programming language. It also makes the deployment of the web applications simpler because almost all the web browsers support JavaScript. The Benefit of Fullstack JS Node.js has been regarded as a full-stack JavaScript for serving both the client and the server-side applications. Therefore, the advantage is that you don’t have to hire separate developers for backend as well as the front-end development. It saves both your valuable money and time. Known for Offering High Performance It has been mentioned earlier that Node.js interprets the JavaScript code via Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. This engine complies the JavaScript code directly into the machine code. This makes it easier and faster to implement the code in a effective manner. The speed of the code execution also enhanced by runtime environment as it supports the non-blocking I/O operations. The Support of Large and Active Community Node.js is blessed to have a large and active community of developers who keep on continuously contributing towards its further development and improvement. In fact, the groups of developers are well supported by the JavaScript programmers providing ready-made and easy solutions and codes in GitHub. It is expected that the developers will initiate many further developers in the future. The Advantage of Caching The open-source runtime environment of the Node.js also provides the facility of caching single modules. Whenever there is any request for the first module, it gets cached in the application memory. The developers don’t have to re-execute the codes as caching allows applications to load the web pages faster and responds more swiftly to the user. Offers the Freedom to Develop Apps Another advantage that Node.js offers to the developers is the freedom to develop the apps and software. This is one essential feature, which remains absent in Ruby on Rails imposing certain guidelines. You can begin everything from the scratch while developing applications. Getting Support for Commonly Used Tools With Node.js, the developers can get an extended support for the various commonly used tools. Let’s take an example. Suppose, you want to test the source code of Node.js application; you can do so by using the Jasmin and other such unit-testing tools. Similarly, if you want to identify and install the project dependencies, you can make use of npm, a powerful package manager. You can use grunt for task running of the project. Handles the Requests Simultaneously Since the Node.js is providing the option of non-blocking I/O systems, it relatively helps you to process several requests concurrently. The system can handle the concurrent request handling efficiently better than others including Ruby or Python. The incoming requests get lined up and are executed quickly and systematically. Node.js is Highly Extensible The Node.js is known to be highly extensible, which means that you can customize and further extend Node.js as per their requirements. You can also make use of JSON to provide the scope for exchange of data between the web server and the client. It also is facilitated with built-in APIs for developing HTTP, TCP, and DNS etc. servers. The Drawbacks of Node.js Well, Node.js also has some cons which need to be necessarily discussed. Application Programming Interface (API) is Not Stable One of the key problems that most of the developers encounter is the Application Programming Interface (API) keeps on changing at frequent intervals and does not remain stable. At times, a new API appears having a number of backwards-incompatible changes. As a result

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Reasons Why Node.js is the Best Choice to Develop an E-commerce Website

Of late, most of the retailers are plying on the e-commerce platform, which indeed is the right business strategy to march forward. Now this is time to shift the gears and offer your customers with an altogether exuberating experience, where they have plenty of options at realistic prices. The e-commerce websites and mobile apps have certainly proved more than a worthy asset and their numbers are increasing with each passing day. According to a research-based website, there are already about 7,50,000 e-commerce companies globally and so the competition out there is very stiff. Deciding to develop an e-commerce app or website is an apt decision, but if you want your tree to offer the optimum fruits, then you have to choose the most appropriate soil. Yes, we are taking about selecting the website platform and Node.js is the most preferred choice for building the e-commerce websites. You are already familiar with the Node.js. It is an open-source cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment. Basically, it is a server-side platform developed on the Google Chrome’s V8 engine. Node.js is known for its fast and scalable applications having a rich source of JavaScript library modules. One of the probable reasons why Node.js is the first-rate choice for e-commerce website development is that it provides stability and helps in to incorporate vital features such as addition of cart, payment gateways, and shopping options. In addition, Node.js also brings the advantage of rapid prototyping. You must know that top brands like eBay, Uber, PayPal, LinkedIn, Netflix, Walmart and American Space Agency NASA is using Node.js for creating the primary application. Next, it could be your turn to shine bright amid the stars. Let’s analyze the significant reasons why Node.js is best choice to develop website for e-commerce company: Cross-Platform JavaScript Platform One of the biggest advantages that Node.js offer is that acts as a cross-platform development platform. In most of the cases, the developers need to have the knowledge about a couple of programming languages at least for the coding but Node.js is said to be an exception. It can be implemented suitably for both the client as well as the server-side application. It also facilitates the developers to opt for code reusability if there is any modification. Now, you know the reason why Node.js is reining the world of web applications today, isn’t? Optimum Performance What’s praiseworthy about Node.js to more support to the e-commerce platforms is the optimum performance. It is known to offer better results at a much lower cost in comparison to other languages such as PHP. It makes the shopping a convenient affair for the customers by simplifying the various activities like choosing the products, viewing the product features, and selecting the payment options etc. This would encourage more and more people to sneak through the website or application. Budget-Friendly The Node.js I/O model is very effective and it does not obstruct the I/O operations despite the fact that it is working in real-time. The website application can get updated at faster pace. It reduces the development cost as you don’t need to employ two different teams for the front-end and the backend development. Only hiring the experienced Node.js will suffice your job. Scalability The event-driven design of the Node.js is something that infuses the scalability into the web applications. It provides the simple and small modules that work perfectly with the websites and also the new modules can be added more efficiently to make it more scalable. The fact that Node.js can be highly customized according to the needs goes best in the favour of e-commerce platform. Large Support of the Community The e-commerce platform is a complex structure to design with a number of features, functionaries, and design etc. Thus, at times, the developers may need constructive support and help from the community members if they want a specific solution to a problem. The large community always keeps on working to bring improvements and there is something new to offer for the developers. If you face any issue, you can make use of the GitHub or the StackOverflow to get viable solutions. Known for Optimal Speed We already know that Node.js makes use of the Chrome V8 engine offering the efficient speed while running the web-based applications. And we also have told earlier that I/O model being effective; it does not block the I/O operations enhancing the seed of the performance. You don’t have to think much about the security factor, specifically in integrating the payment gateway feature in the e-commerce platform. Top-notch companies like Walmart and PayPal have taken good benefit from the Node.js speed, increasing the web traffic. Benefit of the Plugins One of the key pros of employing Node.js for your next e-commerce website development is that you would get an access to readymade plugins. The free plugins are usually available on the GitHub and free for the downloading process. They help to accelerate the process of development without spending any further penny. Uniformity in Data Streaming The architecture of the Node.js has been built in such a manner that any HTTP request and the corresponding outcome travel through a single data stream. Therefore, it becomes much easier to process the files and thus it becomes a boon for the e-commerce website that loads N numbers of items on the trot. The videos are uploaded at a great speed, helping customers to take quick purchase decisions. Benefit of the Open-Source The biggest benefit of Node.js being an open-source JavaScript platform is that receives the access of professional and well experienced developers, who can help you in code rectification and add more functionality or feature in the e-commerce website. Real-time Communication and Easy Management When you are building an e-commerce web or application, one of the essential features that you need to add is real-time interaction with the customers. Since Node.js supports the front as well as the backend development, communication becomes much easier where you can interact with the clients instantly. In fact, Node.js also

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Top Reasons Why Node.js is Perfect for Enterprise App Development

Businesses in today’s world face cutthroat competition where quick action is the key to success. Thus, having a swift and secure way to develop web apps is no longer an option; it’s a requisite. Decision making has to be on point and speedy. This is where Node.js proves its excellence. Where enterprise applications must uphold business performance, employee connections, data confidentiality and so many other aspects, this server environment comes as a big relief. Let us get into the details of it. What is Node.js? Node.js is an amazing open source, cross platform server environment that can run JavaScript codes outside the web browser. Developers can use JavaScript in Node.js to write command line tools that run server-side scripts. This, in turn, helps in the production of dynamic web page content before the page itself reaches the user’s web browser. The biggest advantage of Node.js is it uses asynchronous programming. In a way, it brings web application development under a single programming language for server as well as client-side scripts. Built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, this server environment works on a non-blocking, data-driven I/O model which renders it effective, scalable, and lightweight. It is extensively used to build real-time web applications with the help of push technology applied over WebSockets. This makes it a favorite with developers who build serious enterprise apps. According to the latest Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019, Node.js is the most popular platform in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools” category. Significant Benefits of Using Node.js Quick development of real-time apps. Coding in JavaScript for server-side as well as client-side Increased efficiency of the web app development process Bridging the gap between frontend and backend development Fast execution of code in other languages Node.js is ideal solution for microservices in enterprices Node.js Usage Statistics According toa Node.js User Survey, 43% Node.js programmers use it to build enterprise apps. Interestingly, a majority of them are working for Fortune 500 companies. 70% companies around the globe believe Node.js increases developer productivity. 58% of the total development time around the world is spent in Node.js. In all versions of Node.js download has been reported to increase by around 40% every year. Top Reasons Why Enterprises Need to Adopt Node.js What is it about Node.js that makes it the best bet for complex enterprise app development? If you are looking for a reason, there’s more than one! Scalability and performance As discussed earlier, Node.js is based on Google Chrome’s V8 runtime, which is written in C++. In other words, Node.js is built to work on multiple operating systems and designed to be super speedy. Because V8, as well as Node.js, are updated regularly, their performances are always optimized. The updates make sure the security patches are always done. To that end, V8 and Node.js both support the features of modern JavaScript. Now, leveraging JavaScript means data transformation of JSON on the web is automatically fast. Furthermore, because the Node.js architecture is single-threaded and event-driven, it can manage multiple connections simultaneously and effectively. This dismisses the shortcoming that comes with web platforms that create additional threads for new requests, thus feeding on RAM to process the same. Using a single thread, Node.js implements event loop and callbacks meant for I/O operations making task delegation quick. Accordingly, a million concurrent connections can be managed without slowing down or using up RAM. Node.js is scalable from the very first point of its implementation. It is equipped with features such as Cluster module, which effectively supports load balancing over varied CPU cores, and PM2 process manager, which simplifies the monitoring, optimizing and deploying of Node applications. Cross-platform app development Node.js enables the building of cross-platform desktop apps using platforms such as NW.js and Electron. A team of developers can reuse codes from the web app to the desktop app compatible with Windows, Linux, and MacOS. Another advantage is the same developers can work on the web apps and even create desktop apps without being skilled in C#, Objective-C, and similar languages used for native app development. Node.js Developers can exclusively access Google Chrome Developer Tools and the likes, which give them the power to debug better and profile desktop versions of the apps more efficiently for client-side apps. In fact, all the significant developer tools related to Node are cross-platform, thus dismissing the need for developers to have a Windows machine to build Windows apps or a Mac machine to build macOS apps. Lack of learning curve Node.js is based on JavaScript. This eliminates the learning curve because of the relative simplicity. The syntax of the two resembles and hence, developers can easily get the hang of it. For this reason, Node.js is welcomed by Java as well as .NET developers alike. Learning Node.js and developing scalable apps that work on Windows as well as Unix systems isn’t much of a Herculean task. Beginner or seasoned developers, Node.js is for everyone who wants to build web apps at jet speed. The node package manager The Node package manager, also known as NPM, has released an enterprise version to uphold the privacy and security of large enterprises. This package manager is useful in helping programmers with installing, updating, and utilizing modules in Node. These modules are nothing but minor software packages which are open source. Because of NPM, developers have the liberty to do without writing common features from scratch. Further complexity can be avoided, which is why the app development process remains simple. NPM is also advantageous for a large organization struggling with data storage in the cloud. Thanks to the enterprise version, the NPM infrastructure can run in the background of a company’s firewall without glitches. This, in turn, enables the enterprises to gain access to private registry and other security features. Companies can thus identify vulnerabilities, control code access and automate the replacement of flawed codes. Reusable RESTful APIs Reusable RESTful APIs are the primary focus in Node.js. This is also one of the prime reasons why Node.js is the best

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Why Choose Node.js For Real-Time Application Development

In this digital era when time’s value is growing constantly, developing apps that users can interact with in real-time has become a regulation for most of the developers. Whether it’s a web app, desktop app, or a mobile app, each has at least one real-time feature incorporated. For instance, two highly used real-time features included in apps are real-time messaging and notifications. What Does A Real-Time App Do? Real-time apps perform many functions within a period and the user feels that it is occurring in real-time or instantly. Community storage solutions, VoIP (voice over internet protocol), some eCommerce transactions, instant messaging, chatting, online gaming, and video conference apps are the best instances of real-time apps. Where Are Real-Time Apps Used? As mentioned earlier, notification delivery and messaging are two prime use cases for real-time apps. The real-time apps are used for several purposes: Real-Time Notification Delivery When it comes to increasing user involvement with apps, allowing real-time notifications has become a game-changer. This is why you would hardly find a modern app that doesn’t deliver real-time notifications to its users. Real-Time Messaging Many people know the usage of real-time messaging apps, particularly in mobile devices, in the form of Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and many other messaging apps. Nevertheless, real-time messaging is utilized not restricted to just messaging apps. You can find real-time messaging features in collaborative platforms, delivery apps, and on-demand taxi booking apps. Real-Time Tracking With the launch of on-demand delivery app and taxi booking apps like Uber, tracking the progress of the deliveries or taxi rides of users in real-time has become a necessity. Their real-time progress updates enhance the reliability and usability of these apps. Live Streaming Real-time live streaming is becoming more famous among users after social hubs integrated live video streams to their apps. Facebook and Instagram live video streaming features are the best examples of live video streams. IoT Devices Real-time features are necessitous for IoT devices. Data secured by the sensors posited in IoT gadgets are transmitted, processed, and showcased to the end-users with a minimal delay. As maximum inputs secured by these gadgets, like lighting and temperature, continuously transform with the time, apps functioning with IoT devices must be capable of sending and receiving data in real-time. Role of Node.js in Real-Time Apps The applications where speed is important and scalability is something that requires continuous focus, Node.js helps with its event-driven features and non-blocking I/O. Node.js offers constant two-way connections to applications like forums, social media, stock exchange software, and ad servers. For real-time, data-intensive apps and IoT devices, the Node.js is pondered as the technology of choice as it is scalable and quick also. A Node.js development company follows the best programming practices when it works on a project. Hence, an app built utilizing node enables the server and client to exchange data and communicate freely. Advantages of Node.js in Real-Time Application Development Here are top benefits of using Node.js in real-time application development: Event-Based Server Real-time applications deal with many real-time users. Node.js development supports response depending on the event-driven server that assists in non-blocking functioning. Data Sync A Node.js developer makes the proper use of the non-blocking I/O feature. Data transmission between server and client shifts quickly. Scalable and Fast Since Node is a JavaScript-based program, it pulls the application faster like JS. Therefore, an application with the single-threaded model and the event loop can deal with several client requests easily. Sharing and Reusing Node.js is a real-time programming language that assists the microservice architecture. It allows developers to use the library code package again and share it in many projects. Moreover, it helps developers in fostering enhanced productivity and saving time. SEO Friendliness SEO is necessitous to exist in the digital world. In case you don’t want to lose out on SEO, then you should incorporate the Node in the app development tech stack. Node.js’s backend rendering increases engagement and provides the site more visibility. The applications receive not just user experience and high speed but also a high-end performance that is important for ranking according to SEO features decided by Google. Proxy Server Node is also the best option where intermediary admins are needed. For using Node.js server as a proxy server, a developer requires adding a 20-line code and your app will become an ideal fir for assisting for streaming data from different sources. Suitability of Node.js for Real-Time Application Development The relevant framework can be Feather.JS or Express.JS. In Feather.JS, you will find good Socket.IO integration. Socket.IO library and Express.JS framework are required for developing an easy chat app by using Node.js. Socket.IO With real-time web apps, it performs like the top-notch JavaScript library. Between server and web clients, it creates a bi-directional and real-time connection by assisting developers. There is a client-side library in the browser, and for Node.js, there is a server-side library. Both elements feature the same API. Like Node.js, it is event-driven. The Socket.IO offers the capacity of carrying out binary streaming, document collaboration, instant messaging, and real-time analytics. Express.JS It performs like a Node.js framework that utilizes many effective features that help organize the routing of the app. It can simply deal with any templating solution. Node.js’s basic functionality is increased by it. Moreover, it allows a better code organization. Node.js: An Ideal Fit for Real-Time App Development While building real-time apps like gaming and chat applications, Node.js enjoys amazing features. It is perfect for the programs that require non-blocking driven servers and an event-based server. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/why-choose-node-js-for-real-time-application-development/

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Why Choose Node.js for Your Next Web App Development Project

Selecting the right web app development technology can be a tedious job. After all, many programming languages, frameworks, and technologies are available these days in the market making it slightly difficult for entrepreneurs or business owners to choose one. Maintaining efficiency is one of the main factors to consider at the time of web app development. If you take a longer time for completing a project, it will cost you more. Since Node.js is pondered as one of the most efficient cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment you can use for developing scalable and effective REST APIs, desktop and mobile applications, and more. What is Node.js? Node.js is not a library or framework, but a runtime environment. It depends on the V8 JavaScript engine of Chrome that helps apply the JavaScript code server-side. Primarily, businesses and many developers choose Node.js due to its amazing support of JavaScript and cool features. 43% of Node.js developers utilize it for enterprise apps and 85% utilize it mainly for web application development. Node.js offers real-time two-way flawless communication between the client-side and server-side. Hence, it divides the workload between the client and the service provider. Furthermore, it works on a single-threaded event-based loop for making all non-blocking applications. In case your business requires a tailored solution with all types of cool features, creating one using Node.js will be more cost-effective than other alternatives. Common Areas to Use Node.js Node.js is usually utilized for projects that proactively use JavaScript on their front-end and back-end. Let’s have look at the most common areas to use Node.js: Real-time chat applications Static file server Web app framework Embedded systems Command-line applications Microservices Automation and Scripting Browser games Hardware programming Data streaming applications Complex SPAs (Single page apps) Node.js has experienced many highs and lows after its first launch in 2009 by Ryan Dahl. However, the developers’ community has tried their best to make it one of the best mobile, web app, and cross-platform development environments. Prime Reasons to Choose Node.js for Web App Development Now, let’s explore the main reasons why you should invest in Node.js for your next web application development project! It Allows Easy Sharing Easy sharing of the NPM (Node Package Manager) is possible by disclosing it. This is an important reason why a web app development company prefers choosing Node.js. It is difficult to share anything while using another framework also. Organizations know that this will speed up their activities. Many Node.js developers embrace this feature to share things easily while exercising on a similar project. To maintain codes at an extent level, developers use theNode.js platform. NPM enables Node.js developers to deploy the codes easily by divulging them. The storehouse of more than 50,000 bundles helps developers make important arrangements before beginning a project. This helps them refresh, share, and reuse the code smartly. It Gives Long-Term Support Node.js’s every release gets maintained actively for the next eighteen months from the date of its entry to Long-Term Support. During this period, no new feature is found to get combined with the current version while all security updates and bug fixes are taken care of by the development team. Nearly 62% of developers ponder long-term support for the web application and Node.js is an amazing option for the developers to keep up with an app. It is a Highly Fast Node.js is swift as it is backed by Google’s V8 engines. Compare to other web development services, it compiles the JS code into the native device and makes it run faster. This is why every enterprise employs more Node.js developers these days globally. They are experts in enhancing the speed of the web development projects of a company. PayPal is one of the finest examples of this. In fact, both PayPal and Netflix saw meaningful results in performance and economically after executing Node.js. PayPal encountered a 35% reduction in average response time for web development services. It Enables Easier Data Streaming Accomplished software development would need high-end I/O management. This gets difficult with web frameworks that treat HTTP0 responses and requests as complete data objects. This is where Node.js comes into the picture as it can manage better such an I/O procedure that enables users to transcode media files at the same time when they are getting uploaded. Moreover, reading and writing stream to WebSockets allows the management of such HTTP more easily. It Enhances Productivity Node.js can enhance the output of a development project in terms of its libraries and features. It allows developers to write code seamlessly and utilize one scripting language for both server-side and client-side. You will find more tools that it features to improve a web development project’s work rate. According to the 2018 Node.js User Survey Report, Node.js can improve business productivity. However, only 4% of organizations state that it did not affect. Node.js can boost your app performance by 48%. US/CA organizations that have executed Node.js into their business strategy stated that it has helped them enhance developer productivity by 68%. It is Cost-Effective Web app development with Node.js does not need a lot of investment. According to studies, organizations that decide to utilize Node.js web development use less computing power for hosting them. Since the Node.js is faster than other development frameworks, it can reduce development cost by 56%. It Creates Real-Time Web Apps Node.js is an advantage for developers who want to ease their jobs for real-time app development like messenger and gaming applications. For web apps that need utilizing a non-blocking and event-based server, the real-time web app is ideal and Node.js offers it the best. It Allows Single Codebase Node.js enables developers to use a single codebase or scripting language to write codes for both client-side and server-side of a web development project. This is one of the difficulties experienced by a web development agency. Some frameworks need various languages for both client-side and server-side. Either the organizations require finding developers who are experts in more than a single codebase or they require finding

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Best Practices for Node.js Security

Like any other programming language or framework, Node.js is susceptible to every type of web app exposure. Although the basis of Node.js is secure, third-party packages may need more security standards to safeguard your web app. The study says that 14% of the NPM (Node Package Manager) ecosystem is impacted and 54% of the NPM ecosystem is about to be impacted indirectly. What Is NPM and What Is Its Relation with Security Issues? NPM or the Node.js Package Manager is globally one of the largest open-source package ecosystems. This rich ecosystem has caused a boost in the app’s functionality and developer productivity. Sometimes, Node.js codebases comprise hundreds or thousands of these packages. Maybe developers don’t know the direct and indirect dependencies of the packages and the security risks related to them. In 2018, NPM started concentrating on security, when they launched NPM audit. This new command performs a moment-in-time security assessment of the dependency tree of a project and creates the security report of an NPM audit. This report comprises the data regarding security exposures in the dependencies and offers NPM commands and suggestions for additional troubleshooting. Why Do Node.js Projects Have Security Issues? Open-source apps derive licensing and security risks from their open-source elements. Moreover, the security detecting tools like static and dynamic code assessment cannot identify open-source exposures efficiently. To detect open-source elements in Node.js, you must assess the NPM index files that explain the dependencies. Nevertheless, these index files don’t incorporate reused open-source elements. Sometimes, the open-source community reutilizes open-source projects to lower time-to-market, speed up development, and include functionality. As an outcome, both commercial and open-source developers can launch code snippets, functions, and techniques into files. Also, numerous Node.js web development projects incorporate licensing terms other than the real Node.js license. Top Node.js Security Risks and Solution Practices The security issues related to Node.js can expose you to vulnerabilities like the man in the middle, code injection, and advanced constant threats. Here is a list of Node.js security risks that may cause these vulnerabilities and their possible solution practices: 1. Restrict XSS Attacks by Validating User Inputs XSS or Cross-Site Scripting allows hackers for injecting vulnerable client-side scripts into website pages viewed by different users. Vulnerable client-side scripts can cause data breaches. Moreover, the hacker can use the JavaScript code. The reason for this is not validating input from users. Hence, whatever users put in the search field, if not discovered in the database, will be sent back to them in the same old form. Thereby, if a hacker puts JS code rather than the product name in the search bar, he can execute a similar JS code. Solution You can validate the user input. For preventing XSS attacks in Node.js, you can utilize output encoding methods or tools like the Jade engine with in-built encoding frameworks. Also, you can opt for, XSS-filters or Validatorjs for this. 2. Abstain from Data Leaks Don’t just rely on what you get from the frontend but also what you will convey to it. You can easily send all information for a specific object to the frontend and just filter what to display there. Nevertheless, it’s quite simple for a hacker to find the hidden data sent from the backend. Solution Only send the information that is needed. In case you just require first and last names, just retrieve those from the database. This may need you to do slightly more work, but this is absolutely worth it. 3. Utilize Security Linters You can scan vulnerability automatically. Moreover, it is possible for you to catch basic security exposures even while writing the code. Solution You can utilize linter plugins like eslint-plugin-security. This type of security linter will give you a notification whenever you utilize insecure code practices. 4. Implement Access Control on Each Request This thing is usually associated with how properly examined an app has been when it comes to user permissions to various URLs or areas of it. Thereby, in case you want to have limited areas on the app, such as admin dashboard, for instance, and normal users with no appropriate role can access it by any means, then you have access exposure. Solution The best way to get rid of this susceptibility is by manually testing app modules that need particular user permissions. Middlewares and access control rules are best executed on the server-side as they reduce the chances of manipulating access permissions from the client-side by JWT (JSON Web Token) authorization tokens or cookies. Log access controlling and API rate restricting must be set up. This is how admins get alert when there are important steps that should be taken for reducing the attack and repeated failures. 5. Secure Deserialization Insecure deserialization is a vulnerability that includes deserialization and application of buggy objects through remote code implementation or API calls. This kind of attack is known as CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) attack. This attack forces end-users to implement unwanted actions on valid web apps. The objects of CSRF attacks are modifications in app state requests, as the hacker cannot see the forged request reaction. Attackers can apply tricks on users via unusual actions by using social engineering methods, such as sending links through email or chat. CSRF can force state-modifying requests like transforming email ids and then fund transferring. CSRF can compromise the whole web app for admin users. Solution To reduce such hacks or attacks, you need to prevent CSRF. You can do this by using anti-forgery tokens in Node.js. These anti-CSRF tokens are utilized for preventing one-click attacks and checking and validating the authenticity of user requests. 6. Execute HTTP Response Headers Express is one of the most extensively used web app frameworks for Node.js. Nevertheless, Express was not created with security consideration. This is why older Express versions may have security risks. Solution You need to use maintained and updated versions for making sure the security of apps. In fact, you can avoid many less common attacks by adding extra security-related

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