mobile apps

Top Benefits that eCommerce Apps Offer in Gaining More Traffic

There is no denial to the fact that the various eCommerce websites and mobile applications has taken the entire world by storm. The massive and enormous success of Amazon, Flipkart or eBay and others speaks volumes for itself and we need no other evidence to prove the statement. Who would have thought a decade ago that one can buy all necessary items of use under one roof and you don’t even need to walk down to the nearest store to get these products. They are delivered right at the doorstep within the shortest possible time. And to add more convenience, the eCommerce is one online shop that is available 24x7x365 days; never getting shut down. Let’s now have a glance at some of the statistics that will reveal why the eCommerce apps and sites have created a pandemonium worldwide. According to a survey, the eCommerce mobile apps usage increased by 174% in 2014. Business Intelligence, a research service of Business Insider predicts that the total revenue share of the mCommerce is expected to stay around at $284 million or 45% in US alone by the year 2020. It is the dominance of the eCommerce apps or sites that today many retailers are also rooting towards them with the intention of selling their products. Truly they have understood the fact that it is one optimal platform where they can sell all their items online and reach out to a large number of targeted customers with minimal effort. Moreover, it has also been predominantly seen that the users first check the mobile app to go through the products and if they feel, then they shift to the responsive eCommerce website. Therefore, the eCommerce apps have become a necessity nowadays if you want to compete in this stiff race. The eCommerce at Your Round the Clock Services It has been stated earlier that one of the major benefits that eCommerce apps provide in engaging more traffic is the fact that they offer round the clock services to their customers. Having said that, the customer can book his desired product at any hour of the day even at midnight and from anywhere with just a few taps of the finger. The purchases and sales goes on continuously without any interruption. Once you book the product your job is done and it will be delivered at an address of your choice. That’s it. It’s simple as that! Faster Access at the Products within Hand One can deny the fact the mobile eCommerce apps loader faster than the websites do. And the access to the extensive range of the products is also at the tip of the fingers. The users don’t have to take the pain of switching on their personal computers or laptops, they browse the different items and their prices right from their smartphones. The fast loading also helps in gaining more traffic to your app. But if the app is slow the customers may lose his interest and will switch on to some other app or website in the meanwhile. Therefore, maintaining the customer loyalty becomes very important. Widest Choices of Renowned Brands at One Junction Adobe published a data which stated that 67% of the online shoppers hook to the eCommerce apps because they get the widest assortment of their favorite brands all at one junction. They don’t need to visit somewhere else. And the icing on the cake is that most of the time eCommerce websites offer attractive discounts and offers especially if there is any festive occasion. They also entice the customers with additional rebates if the customer downloads their app and does purchasing from there. So, why should the audience look beyond eCommerce when each of the items is readily available without spending more? eCommerce Apps can be Even Assessed Offline One of the major pros that eCommerce apps provide in enhancing better engagement is that they can be even accessed when the user does not the internet facility in his smartphone. This is one facility which is not available in the case of a website. The user can choose the products he prefers to buy and add it into the cart. In fact, there has been a change of the trend. Many people do visit the eCommerce apps even if they don’t wish to purchase anything. They intend to check what new stock of products have arrived in the online store. Taking the Advantage of the In-built Tools The eCommerce apps gives you a viable opportunity to take full advantage of the inbuilt tools and features. Now you can share the pictures of the products found in the app with your friends and family through social media apps. This acts as a great marketing asset wherein your product information passes on from one person to another. In addition, the scanner helps to scan the items better through the distant codes. Above all this will enrich the experience of the end users, which is the prime aim of the eCommerce business owners. The Numbers of Smartphone Users are Steadfastly Increasing Well, it’s high time to think about the eCommerce mobile apps because you know very well that the numbers of smartphone users globally are multiplying at a rapid pace in comparison to desktop or laptop. According to TechCrunch, it has been estimated that the total number of smartphone users will be somewhat around 6.1 billion by the year 2020. So, you have to prepare for that race as the future of eCommerce apps seems to be quite an illuminating one. Apps offer the Instant Communication Opportunity If you are willing to get more traffic into your app, one of the best ways is to establish a communication with your target audiences. You will feel too blessed with the facility of eCommerce apps that provides you spontaneous opportunity to interact the user and give him the specific information whenever he requires. You can also assist him in finding a particular product within the specified budget estimate. And that is

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Mobile Apps are Greatly Influencing the Fashion Industry

The mobile applications have been creating one buzz after the other. There is no such industry that remained untouched and aloof from the clutches of the mobile apps. According to the stats of Business off Fashion, the fashion industry has witnessed a growth of about 2.5-3.5% in the year 2017, which was about 3.1% in 2016. At the same time, Gartner estimates that the number of Smartphones has already increased by 3.9% in 2016. The arena of fashion world is gigantic and the trend keeps on changing at a rapid pace. What’s in popular demand currently, will lose its momentum after a few days. Fashion deals with the lifestyle of the individual and the way he carries himself of. It is very difficult to define the style statement in just a few words. The advent of online shopping eCommerce apps and mCommerce has had a humongous impact on the fashion world. The style and fashion enthusiasts want to remain totally up to date with the latest and hottest trends sweeping the market. Simultaneously, it has offered a venerable opportunity to the large number of apparel manufactures and designers to reach out a large of targeted audiences. What’s more enticing for the customers is the fact that they are getting the biggest range of brands all under one roof. So, if you want to reap benefits of the changing fashion trends with the help of mobile apps, please continue reading further. Apps Help in Generating the Customer Loyalty One of the most positive influences that the mobile apps have on the fashion world that it encourages the loyalty of the customers. Once the customers installs, downloads and gets connected to your app, he would always give first priority to your app whenever he needs to make a purchase. Moreover, the apps will remember the past purchases of each of the customer and send him personalized information based on that. The customers will feel glad to received personalized service in the form of a live salesman. Apps also allow the potential audience to reach your online store at point of the day and from anywhere. They can access the clothing items and accessories at with just a tap and choose the ones to buy within their pocket. The existing customers do give their reviews that encourages others to peep in; thus increasing the customer base. Apps Help to Scan Body to Get Apt Size One of the key areas where the customers had to encounter a problem was with regard to getting an appropriate size of fitted clothes when buying online. However, thanks to the innovative app developers, this issue has been sorted out to a great extent with the help of apps that allow customers to scan their body. The buyers won’t feel frustrated anymore when they are selecting the products. Now it is obvious, that the increase in satisfaction level will lead to growth in the sales. Apps are Mandatory for Designers and Store Owners Today’s era is the age of competition. And if you want to succeed you have to keep pace with the technological advancement. So, as a designer or a store owner, it is must to have a mobile app even if you are conducting business on a small scale. It offers you the most exciting opportunity to display your fashionable items to all the people worldwide. Because your store is online anyone can purchase your product; it does not matter whether you live in small town. Reaching the Widest Zone of Niche Markets If on one hand the app is allowing you to exhibit your products to the global audiences, it is also offering the chance to reach the widest zone of nice markets for those who are dealing in used designer clothing. Many people or even several charitable organizations approach for used outfits that are especially discarded by the designers. Such cloths are still in good shape and customers want to add them into their wardrobe because they are mostly available at most reasonable prices. This allows them to save a lot of bucks in the process. Collaborating via Social Media a boon for the Designers Social media integration and the mobile apps go hand in hand with one another. And the fashion industry cannot be left behind. The social media has proved to be boon as it allows the designers to coordinate with one another and get to know each other’s design. You can also share the pictures, videos and posts to remain connected with the latest happenings on the forum of fashion and style. Allows Customer to Upgrade his Wardrobe The customers at some point of time feel that they need to give a new look to their wardrobe as the existing are no more trending nowadays. They want to add versatility and give it a refreshing appearance. So, the fashion dedicated apps will be a good asset that will help them in organizing a well-designed closet. Apps Useful in Managing Store One of the bigger advantages of having a mobile application for fashion store is that it proves useful in managing your store and keeps it updated. It may be possible that the attire that customer is asking for is not available in your stock. The app will instantly send you the message that you need to stock that item in your inventory. This will indeed help in better store management as you will be aware that needs to be added and which items need to be put on hold. Conclusion Today the fashion industry is blooming and showing a positive prospect for the futuristic world much of the credit goes to mobile applications. Millions of users today are utilizing the mobile apps to make their purchases as they are gaining from both hands. It is in terms of both reasonable prices on one hand, and also in terms of optimal quality on the other. So, if you are a retailer or a designer, it is high time to get your

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Why the Demand of App Development has Gained High Momentum

Mobile applications have brought a drastic transformation globally enriching the lives of the individual users. At the same time, it has provided ample scope to the developers to showcase their innovativeness. The mobile app technology has taken a curvature that is beyond imagination. If we present a few data and statics to prove the statement that would be substantial. According to a study the total number of downloads in the year 2016 was 149.3 billion and it is expected to go up to 352.9 billion by 2021. Today mobile apps are reigning the world of business and enjoying the lion’s share in the revenue generated. If we talk about the revenue, it will also skyrocket from 88.3 billion USD in 2016 to 189.9 billion USD in 2020. There is nothing wrong in the statement if we say that people have become addicted to mobile apps. According to a reliable survey the people in United States spend 9% more time on browsing the mobile apps in comparison to the websites. Another report states that each of the users usually spend 2.3 hours on an average daily navigating the various mobile apps. Now all these figures and facts presented is a clear cut indication that app development industry is passing through its golden period and its demand is expected to go higher up the order. Apps to Offer Faster and Effective Communication Process The era of mobile apps is rightly said to be the age of digitization where communication has become faster and simpler than ever before. One of the primary reasons that is evidently led to better interaction and connection is the deep surge in the number of social media apps. According to the survey, Facebook has been identified as the most popular app (81%) on both the leading operating systems i.e. Android and iOS. In fact, it has also been seen in the same study that 29% of the users spend most of their time on social networking apps. Not only the social networking apps eased out the process of communication, but it has now regarded as one of the most effective tools for business promotion and advertising. Similarly, Whatsapp has become one of the fastest growing social messaging app with over half a billion people already using it. Even there are many business groups active on Whatsapp, where people are buying and selling their goods. The Rise in Demand for Efficient App Developers The increasing demand for useful and innovative apps both for the Android as well as the iOS platforms has also created an exceptional opportunity for the talented app developers to showcase their caliber and creativity. Therefore, most of the app development companies are in hunt for efficient app designers that can prove to be a great asset for it. And the numbers suggested by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics give a positive sign in this direction. It has predicted that number of developers will increase from 17% to 24% by 2024. So, you see new job opportunities are coming your way and you need to get prepared to grab it with both hands. It must be noted that within the near future, the companies are not only going to hire best Android and iOS app developers, but also look for proficient who expertise in Enterprise apps and IoT apps too. The Immense Success of eCommerce Business One of the probable reasons why app development has gained the impetus is because the eCommerce business has become more gigantic. It increased to 174% in 2014 itself and the number of users are growing steadfastly. The enormous success of mCommerce has even the shook the retail industry to a great extent and most of the retailers are searching for the app development firms to get an eCommerce app that can potentially get more customers and augment their sales. The popularity of the sites like Amazon, EBay and Flipkart tells you the story. More and more people are preferring the online shopping sites for making the purchase mainly due to the fact that they are readily available round the clock and are most convenient option to choose. The demand will keep on mounting because of the fact that apps will generate higher revenue for the business. Mobile Apps a Blessing for the Startups If you think that mobile applications are business strategies that fit within the shoes of only established companies, you must check the background and success record of new entrepreneurs and their ventures. At present, the work circumference of the app designing firms have enlarged as they are also helping out the new business enterprises to establish their foot in the steep competitive market. The success of Uber and Airbnb can be forwarded as the best examples to support the statement. It is through the Uber mobile application that almost all the customers book a cab for a destination and many few for the website. So, the demand for the mobile app development is certainly ascend within the time to arrive. Addition of Futuristic Features and Highly Advanced Gadgets We all know that mobile apps have exploded into the market because there is a flood of highly advanced devices. Every year new Smartphones are getting launched, which have more futuristic features and it is getting better and better by the day. For instance, this year witnessed the arrival of iPhone X and iPhone 8, which is class apart from its current contemporaries. And since people have become smarter they always keep the features on the top of the priority list when they are downloading any app. Google’s Android O and Apple’s iOS 11 are the indications to it. Not only that when the most popular and downloaded app like Whatsapp is adding new features to enhance the experience of the customers. So, one can say that as the number of devices and features will boom, the demand for app development will also flourish. Developing Apps will be Budget Friendly Another benefiting reason that will pave a

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Avoid Committing These UX Pitfalls When Designing an App

Mobile Application Development is a complex task; ask any professional app developer and he would guide you through the process. As all designed websites doesn’t get the boost on the search engines, similarly most of the released mobile apps don’t get any public attention. One can site various whys and wherefores for people not downloading and installing your app. To be honest, one of the prime reasons, which makes your apps suffer is poor User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design. Even one of the survey states that 88% of the customers do not return to a website or the mobile application if they have a bad user experience. Obviously you don’t want to fall in the same trap and so getting some valuable information on what the common user experience flaws are can prove as an eye-opener and worthy. However, it will be viable to throw some spotlight on what user experience is and why is it considered to be one of the most imperative tools for generating traffic to any app. A Short Brief Intro to User Experience (UX) As you can draw some line from its name; it is a designing tool that helps to enhance the experience of the end users while they are using your mobile application, increasing the satisfaction level. It is through the UX that accessing and navigation of the mobile application becomes simpler and hence the app becomes user friendly. Another vital reason that makes user experience is one of the must have assets is it helps in creating a brand awareness, which is necessary to compete with the competitors. But most importantly the customers tend to identify your product or service through an adorable UX design. As such UX is not just limited to offering an aesthetic and beautiful visual design, but the testing is also an essential aspect that an UX designer has to perform to check its functionality. And before beginning the designing process, the designer has to conduct a thorough research to get the innovative ideas. UX and UI are Same Sides of Coin The user experience designers tend to get perplexed considering that both user experience and user interface are the same sides of the coin. However, it is just a misconception and nothing else. While user interface (UI) can be defined as the page or the screen of the mobile app that the users view including the icon helping to establish the interaction between the user and the device. On the other hand, as already mentioned before user experience (UX) is the tool that is related to personal experience of the user while he is using the app. So, do not intermingle UI with UX. User interface is often used in the broader sense that comprises of interactive design, visually appealing design, easy to read content and eye-catching app icon. But user experience is often designed after doing a deep research and understanding the specific needs and demand of the end users. Inappropriate and Inconsistent Design Methods One of the major faults committed by the designers is choosing inappropriate and inconsistent design that adversely affects the performance of the app. This can start with taking a wrong decision on designing the interface of the app. A poorly designed UX will make it difficult for the users to navigate through the app. Therefore, your ultimate aim is to offer a design that will seamlessly operate on all types of devices without any hindrance. The mobile application has to be a consistent performer where the customers can easily understand and get through the functionality of the app. The content must be easily comprehendible; especially if the customer is booking for an item. If the designer is using the symbols to indicate something, it must be clear and must not be confusing at all. According to a research, 94% of the users delete the app within the first month of downloading it and many of them do so because of bad UX. Unnecessarily Including the Login Page You know there are a number of apps where the customers are compulsorily required to login into the page after entering a few important details such as name, email id and so on. The examples of such apps are online cab booking, eCommerce app etc. But it is not necessary that every app has to have a login page. Moreover, you must not keep on pocking the customer for the registration every time he opens your app. This will annoy him. Give some time so as to understand how the app operates and how it is useful to him. If your app requires the user to sign in, make it as simple as possible. Please remember the fact that 15.6% of the users uninstall the app due to poor registration experiences. Overstuffing and Overcrowding the App with Features It is a wrong conception that adding lots of features will generate more traffic to the mobile app and also enhance the experience of the users. The designer should always keep the point in mind that is developing the app for the customers and not for his personal usage. So, when you commence to design the interface, please sit with your team and discuss what features are vital to include in the app. If you are stuffing the app with too many features, you are actually taking the user into the zone of uncertainty and create confusion in his mind. So, better first understand what the app is all about, what products or services it will deal with and then proceed further. The users will get frustrated and it is your app that has to bear the consequences at last. It will also harm your brand value. It is advisable to keep a proportionate ratio as far as adding of the features is concerned. Not Conducting Deep Research to Understand User Demand It is evidently known that the story of a highly successful user experience begins with a deep rooted research to

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Essential Tips to Prepare your Apps for the Holiday Season

Its festive time guys! The Christmas bells have already began to enthrall the ears with their pleasant and soothing sound. People are thronging the streets and markets to buy gifts and decorative items to embellish their homes, whereas the children are inquisitively waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus. So, just when most of the people are planning for a memorable vacation this Christmas with family and friends, the app developers need to prepare a perfect ground to serve the customer’s need. If you go through a statistics then you would know that the mobile commerce crosses the mark of $600 billion sales during the holiday season. Well, the above suggested figures are definitely encouraging and if you are into app designing business, please take maximum benefits from it. According to one of the surveys, it has been seen that downloads for the holiday based apps increases as the Christmas approaches nearer. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that even the Santa Claus have become advanced and taking the help of highly navigated mobile apps and devices for providing the wrapped gifts. Here’s what you can do to give your apps the feel of a holiday makeover. Preparing Designs for the Holiday Apps Well designing for your holiday app is the key factor to attract more customers into your application. This means you have to prepare a list of all the important tourist destinations that you will be suggesting to the targeted audiences. You can include the names of the main hotels and places of accommodations, upload beautiful pictures of the famous attractions, shopping malls, restaurants and other places. Apart from that you can also inform the travelers what activities they can indulge in while sightseeing. You can design the homepage with a beautiful background that keeps the tourists informed as how many days are remaining for the much awaited vacation. What else can be done is provide the ratings and reviews of the previous tourists who had already visited that destination. Add Features Suitable to Festive Season The App developers are quite familiar with the fact that it is the features that keeps an app always in the spotlight of the users. Therefore, when you are getting your apps ready for this holiday season, make sure to add interesting and worthy features that are suitable for the specific time. For instance, you can add one page where the users can do their Christmas and New Year shopping and that they don’t have to visit any other site or app for the purpose. Apart from that it will be interesting if you are providing them suggestions to choose their holiday destinations, the type of holidays and facilities etc. Holiday means lots of fun and games. The people are in relaxing mood and if you are adding some lifestyle elements and games, then surely the app download will boost up. Research Thoroughly to Know Customer’s Demand The Mega Christmas holidays arrives each year and after every 365 days we welcome a new year. All the things remain the same, but what changes is the user demand and the trends prevailing in the market. Therefore, it is must for the app developers to remain up-to date with the current demands that is sticking the minds of the users for which an extensive research becomes evident. Offering what people are searching for is going to prove beneficial. Let’s take an example: You are also well aware of the fact that during the Christmas and on the New Year’s eve, a number of various events are organized such as live concerts, dance, music, carnivals, fests, foods and drinks etc. where people just go and enjoy. These events take place almost in every part of the world. So, what you can do is give information about those events so that people can visit and participate in the celebrations Alluring the Customers through Contests Since it is fun time, you can accelerate the pedal to enhance the excitement and enthusiasm of the customers by introducing the exciting contests and competitions for the users. For instance, you can keep photography contest wherein you can ask the users or the tourists to upload their best photos clicked during the vacations. Similarly, you can also ask the users what they liked the most while holidaying. The best answer wins the contest. It is pivotal to pay attention on the theme of the contest and of course it should appeal to the target audience. The contest must be simple and user friendly. You can decide upon the prize depending on your budget estimate. The Discount Coupons and Offers on the Board One of the other tactics that you can employ when are making your app ready for the holiday goers, is launching the discount coupons and offers that will keep moving the customers. You can give special coupons to offer rebates on the room tariff or discount on the lunch and dinner of a particular restaurant. What more can be done in this regard is offer free passes to a specific event where the user is required to buy ticket to participate. Value added coupons are given priority and better preference in comparison to the percentage off coupons. For instance, ‘buy 2 get 1 free’ is better than 30% discount on a particular product or service. Sending Push Notifications to Get More Customers Fine that you are sending an email offer and also offering rewards and discount coupons so that more audiences visit your app. But in today’s scenario, push notifications has become a vital tool to increase your sales and promotion. It is through the push notifications only that you can inform your customers about the exciting contests and discount coupons etc. Closing the Discussion Let the Christmas Jingles brighten the lives of people and you too can play an important role to enhance the enjoyment of the people through the worthy holiday apps. The fun, the excitement and enthrallment has already begun and your app can double

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Get More Millennial Customers on the Board with the Support of On-demand Apps

This digital era probably belongs to the Millennials or the Gen X who have an idealistic approach towards life. They are keener towards electronic devices and gadgets, constantly in the hunt for the advanced version of Smartphones and tablets. It is surprising to note that according to a research, teenagers between age groups 15 to 24 check their smartphones 387 times in a day. Now, this figure is enough for the Mobile App Development Company to target the young generation. However, the most important question is what type of apps do the millennials have a nose for? We have some statistics suggesting that on-demand apps have become one of the most popular categories in the recent years. These include the sports and health based apps, finance related apps, online shopping and food delivery apps, travel and taxi booking apps etc. Well, we will see some new players joining the squad in the future. So, let’s a stand on how you can impress the young customers through the on-demand mobile applications. By Developing Apps that Value Time and Save Money Do you know why grocery apps and online food delivery apps became popular? Probably, they saved a lot of their customer’s valuable time. The millennials find it difficult to visit the store to buy products and so they prefer it ordering directly from the apps. Whatever is ordered is rightly delivered at the doorstep, whether it is grocery items for a meal from a restaurant. Also most of the customers are college or university students who do not have a stable source of income. So, they give priority to on-demand apps and install them that are offering good rebates and great deals! They want to have fun but without pinching their pockets. That’s why you must have witnessed that the system of offering coupons and loyalty rewards have increased to add more customers. For instance, if you have an app for cafe, you can offer special discounts while offering coffee. In fact, the youngsters played an important role the success of apps like Airbnb or UberEATS. On-Demand Apps have Created Several Job Opportunities There is no doubt in the fact that there has been a big boost in the economy ever since the evolution of the on-demand app solutions. One of the primary reasons is that on-demand apps have created a plethora of opportunities for the young people providing jobs in various sectors. One can cite the example of cab booking apps like Uber and Ola. Companies such as Uber has recruited a number of persons as cab drivers and this figure is increasing with each passing day. Similarly, apps such as Swiggy or UberEATS have employed a number of people for delivering the food from restaurant to the desired address of the customer. According to a report, there are over two million active Uber drivers in US alone and about 400,000 drivers in India. Therefore, the on-demand apps are offering one of the best opportunities to earn more and more money. They can work as full time or part time depending upon their choice. Develop On-Demand Apps Increasing Satisfaction Level You know the millennial customers interact on various platforms and express their views on different issues. But the app developer has to keep in mind to develop an app that increases the satisfaction level of these young audiences, listen and respond to their problems. The social apps, for instance, have become a good asset to reach out a wider number of people and thus develop apps that they are more interested in such as health and fitness, live streaming video etc. Besides that, you can build apps that provide quality education and learning experiences through live training sessions. This motivates more people to come and join the app. For example, there are apps specifically created for persons preparing for competitive exams and IITs. It contains many tutorial videos along with last-minute vital tips on how to succeed in the exam. Your App Should Motivate Millennials The on-demand apps can be innovative and at the same motivate the young minds to do something unique. In fact, it is because of this desire to walk away from the crowd that has given birth to a number of successful startups. And as more youngsters are getting familiar with the new creative ideas about startups, they are also aspiring to walk on the same path. In fact, many people have started their business such as bakery, flower decoration, and bouquet, care for the elder, sports coaching and training, academic coaching, arts and handicraft etc. All these businesses can be linked up with mobile apps. No doubt, this will attract more customers, especially the current generation resulting in the hike of on-demand apps. Millennials Want Apps Easy to Navigate This is a golden rule for attracting customers belonging to all age groups. Your app should be user-friendly, convenient to handle and easily navigable. What about offering one tap solution? Isn’t fascinating? Let’s explain it with a restaurant app. You can provide wide range of menu with clear images with cost of each dish to make the choice easier. The optimal UI and UX will offer better navigation of the app. The app having the facility to track food will give an added advantage. The customer can view the ratings of the dish and restaurant. The customer has easier payment option. The Last Words To conclude, we can certainly say that millennial customers are indeed one of the most important sections of target audiences to presently focus at. However, impressing the young generation today is not a cake walk; you have to plan a strategy to reach them. At the same time, make sure it does not hinder their privacy as they are very concerned about it. At the end of the day your prime job is to satisfy the customers and solve their problem because they want to be heard. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/get-more-millennial-customers-through-on-demand-apps/

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Grocery Business are Opting for Mobile Apps: Let’s Find out the Reasons

There was a time when people would visit the retail grocery shops in their local areas and markets to buy household essential items. Slowly and gradually this concept was replaced by the Supermarkets, where one came across more varieties of items and choices. But with the passage of time, we have seen the evolution of online grocery stores, which are also accessible through mobile apps. In fact, the mobile grocery apps have become popular and the numbers of such mobile apps are increasing. According to a report, about 43% of the shoppers said that they prefer mobile apps in comparison to the grocery shops. Often shopping for the grocery items was considered to be one of the hectic tasks which took a lot of time. And when you visit the store without any shopping list, this time gap increases. Now just imagine that it nothing more than a blessing if the fresh fruits, vegetables, milk and all other essential household items are rightly delivered at your doorstep? Now if we talk about the revenue aspect, there are some encouraging figures for the app developers. The statistics show that top five grocery apps raised about $120 million revenue in a matter of three months in 2015. As we are perceiving a hike in the percentage increase of the eCommerce apps, the grocery-based apps are also following the same footsteps. These mobile applications are also built on more or less the same architecture where the consumer can find a spectrum of items under different categories. Grocery Apps are Time Saving Folks Do you know why eCommerce excelled in this tough business competition strata? The same can be said about the grocery apps. It’s time-saving folks! Now you don’t have to visit the store personally, walk around the supermarket with a shopping basket, search for each item, pick it up and search for the price, look for the discount and offers and lastly when you have done with your shopping, line up in the queue to wait for your turn to pay the bill. According to the Time Use Institute, the average time a person spends at the grocery store is about 41 minutes and if that is multiplied by 1.5 trips per week when it comes to 53 hours in a year. Well, told you grocery shopping is a tedious job and if you are accompanying your wife, be sure to spend some more sweet time at the store. Jokes apart, you can place your order from anywhere and it will be delivered to your address. It is completely hassle-free. The Facility of Order Tracking We talked about the comfort level of the customers and convenience factor that the grocery apps are offering to the users. But there are some other important reasons why its demand has suddenly ascended. According to Morgan Stanley, the online grocery has increased to 21% to 34% in 2016. Groceries are must items and so if you get the facility of order tracking it would be icing on the cake! The customers will be able to know the status of their order and also track the delivery making sure when it will arrive at their doorstep. Opportunity to Get Aware of Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior is a term which we have probably studied in economics and is quite applicable to the grocery app business as well. Considering the scenario today it has become imperative for the entrepreneurs to collect valuable data about the customers that include their personal likes and dislikes. In addition, you can also know at what time people prefer to do the shopping i.e. weekends, weekdays. What do they choose more? Is it the cereals, pulses, bakery items, FMCG products, eatables etc. What is their payment mode; online payment or Cash on Delivery? All these information are essential to get an insight about consumer behavior. You can offer customized services to your users based on these important inputs. Grocery Apps Help in Managing Budget Well, the grocery apps will also keep a check on your budget as you will not place orders for unnecessary items. It was common at the store when people purchased products, which they didn’t require and realized that they have needlessly spent more than required. You can also keep a track record of how much you are spending on the grocery items every month and control it if it is exceeding your estimate. Avail the Benefits of Discount and Offers Ever since the number of grocery apps is increasing, the competition is getting tougher. Every now and then we find online grocery apps coming up with some enticing offers and alluring discounts for the customers. This discount is available merely on almost every product starting from fruits and vegetables, cereals and pulses, beverages, soaps and detergents and much more. And to add more they also offer coupons and cashbacks on purchases of a certain amount. Plus, they have also assigned one particular day when there is a special rebate on every item. Therefore, it is the customer that maximizes the benefits of such offers in the end. Get the Widest Range of Products and Brands The advantage of having a grocery app installed in your Smartphone is not just restricted to availing the benefits of discounts but also come across a wide selection of products and brands to choose from. May be that an item of a specific brand is costly and fitting your budget estimate. You have other options and brands to look for. So, grocery app has a product for each of its customer that can well fit within his budget estimate. Helps to Create Loyalty Program You know very well that one of the primary aims of developing a mobile app is probably to create loyalty program where you add new customers and keep the existing ones. However, before creating the loyalty program, it is better to first analyze how much revenue the existing customers can generate. You can offer your customers special offers and reward

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Reason Why Mobile Apps are Important for the Media and Entertainment Industry

Content is the King. You must have come across this popular phrase, which is copiously applicable in the digital marketing arena. And precisely this is the key driving force that is steering the billion-dollar media and the entertainment industry. The circumference of the media and entertainment sector has transcended and it has crossed the geographical boundaries to become digitalized and available online. Whether you want to watch your favorite film or sports channel, you can do so with just a few taps on your smart devices. The mobile apps have considerably transformed the way people view content. They are no more confined to their bedroom or living room lounging on the sofa to perceive the preferred channels. Every entertainment niche and news is available online. Top Reasons to Develop Mobile App for Media and Entertainment Industry Analyzing some of the pivotal reasons why the media and entertainment apps are crucial to get on the board. The Revenue of the Entertainment Apps is Escalating Now, let’s view at some of the important statistics related to the media and entertainment industry. According to Statista, YouTube app consumes the most monthly average data in the United States, which is about 3464 MB followed by Netflix, which stands at 2889.5 MB. According to one of the reliable report, the revenue spending in the entertainment apps has seen a triple-digit consumer growth over the past couple of years. China is leading the way forward in downloading the entertainment apps, followed by India and Brazil. Furthermore, the prediction of App Annie says that revenue will escalate to about $6 billion by the year 2020. The facts and figures indicated in the stats above clearly suggest that the media and entertainment industry has a vivid future ahead and it’s time you should look forward to building the app. Enhances the Opportunity of Brand Visibility The lives of people have become hectic and mostly they are following the same monotonous routine. However, with the emergence and evolution of the entertainment apps, they have something to cheer for. So, there is every single opportunity to cash and increase your brand visibility if deliver high-quality content with incredible services. You can rope in more customers and also get some loyal users as well. However, considering the fact that a wide spectrum of such apps is already accessible on various Play and App Store, gear up to face the stiff competition. Fostering More User Engagement We talked about how media and entertainment apps are playing a decisive role in enhancing the brand visibility. And it’s true that these apps have the highest engagement. It has also been seen that mobile apps have a much faster conversion rate than the mobile optimized website which exceeds from 100 percent to 300 percent. The entertainment apps can also keep the users busy even during the odd hours and people consume 50% data usage during their spare time. The fresh content will add icing on the cake and increasing these numbers more. Different types of content niche gain the user spotlight at different hours in a day. For instance, people are more inclined towards watching the news channels in the morning, while the sports related apps are more popular amongst users who use the push notifications. Similarly, the music and film based apps have high user engagement. Can Eliminate the Use of Pirated Content Every year the media and the entertainment industry worldwide have to incur huge losses due to pirated or duplicate video contents. However, the entertainment apps have come at the right time as a great rescuer helping to reduce and eliminate this problem by offering the same content at a very reasonable price. Generally people become more inclined towards the duplicated videos because they are easily accessible and mostly available free of cost. Now that the entertainment apps have arrived, it offers the opportunity to download unlimited videos and songs free or at a very minimal cost. The quality of the videos has also improved as they can be accessed in high definition with sheer originality. The Power of Social Media for User Engagement Social media is one of the most powerful medium today so as to reach wide number of targeted audiences. The social media has a number of platforms where you can promote your content on various levels. But remember that the content should be highly engaging and impeccable that your users can easily read and understand as well as share. Whether the video is funny, emotional or inspirational or informative it should have the power to connect with the audience. This leads to more and more downloads and enhance the brand visibility. The Benefit of Push Notification The media and entertainment apps have the benefit of push notifications which can prove to be a big marketing tool for the audience. You can send the bulk messages through push notifications about addition of new videos or offering discounts on premium ones. Plus, you can also offer rewards to loyal customers to enhance app retention. It also provides an opportunity to know more about your customers. You can learn about the in-app behavior to user trends, which would be helpful in framing further strategies. The data insights can help you provide a more personalized experience. The Blend with Future Technology The future of the media and entertainment apps seems to be illuminating. The apps is said to further combine with more futuristic technologies like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Internet of Things and other wearable devices to further augment the experience of the users. The Importance of User Experience in Media and Entertainment Apps It is well and good that you are paying a lot more attention on providing a rich and engaging content to entice the users to the app. However, you have to focus equally on the user experience if you want your app to land on a successful note. The design of the app should be such that each and everything right from the icon design to navigation

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How Mobile Apps Benefit Construction Businesses

In a tech-driven ecosystem, business firms from all verticals look forward to optimizing their productivity. To that end, mobile apps have penetrated deep into most of the industries, including real estate and construction. A survey involving more than 600 employees from the construction industry reveals that 80% of the respondents regard mobile technology to be of high priority. Also, the reputed app developers collaborate closely with the real estate companies to build customized solutions for business. So, it is obvious that everything boils down to mobile apps and their implementation across the industry. For instance, robust apps have been developed for calculating the amount of concrete required to prevent cracking. Besides, AutoCAD enables the constructors to develop the structure virtually. You must also be aware of painting estimator and customized estimator apps that streamline the construction process to a significant extent. This apart, construction supervisors also use apps dedicated to construction management, which keeps them updated about the proceedings on a regular basis. They can maintain the records and take necessary decisions simply with a tap of their finger. Benefits of Mobile Apps in the Construction Business Depending on the type of task that needs to be accomplished the apps need to be developed in a customized way. Have a look at the following benefits of mobile applications in the construction industry: Enhancing Workforce Efficiency It is important for the construction managers to enhance the transparency and efficiency of the operational process. With powerful mobile applications at their disposal, they can carry out monitoring, scheduling and authorization of the process. Using customized apps in this mechanism pacifies the overall process as it delivers a faster channel of communication. In supplier management and scheduling, mobile apps can prove extremely handy. These days, ready-mix concrete suppliers use customized apps, through which a map interface can be shared by the supplier with the customers. This ensures active management of the agreements at the service level. Replacing papers with mobile apps is a step forward towards digitization. A clutter-free workplace keeps the productivity level optimized. Maintaining Desired Safety Levels Mobile apps can substantially mitigate the high hazards associated with operations within the construction industry. As compared to other industries, the rate of injury in the construction sector is higher. The construction managers, using mobile platforms, can keep a track of the training sessions. On ensuring regulatory compliance, they can improve the level of safety for the workers. Another benefit of using mobile apps in the construction sector is it allows an immediate reporting of injuries and safety concerns. The authorities can manage these issues with greater care, bolstering the regulatory compliance as and when required. Running Projects on Time In the construction industry, one of the biggest challenges lies in completing the projects on time. These delays are often caused as a result of rework. For instance, after the construction of a project commences, certain parts may have to be redesigned. This escalates the overall cost and the project takes more time to be completed. Using rendering tools and software, it is possible to create 2D and 3D renderings, which eliminate such hassles. Most of the construction firms use these tools to create virtual tours and renderings, which help in detecting construction issues before the process actually starts. Using customized apps for construction, the managers are able to sync and organize the operational activities. They schedule the task and ensure that the construction work takes place at the scheduled hour. This also helps in optimizing the resources. At times, a construction manager may have to oversee the process at two different sites. Using these apps simplifies the process to a great extent. Various cloud-based project management tools are available, that enables the managers to view the projects and review the completed task. They can also get real-time data, reducing delays in the construction process. Better Communication Process The lack of a robust communication mechanism in the construction industry can complicate things up. At times, communication gaps between the project managers, supervisors and owners lead to misunderstanding. A seamless communication process is necessary to ensure that all the heads associated with the process remain synced together. Through construction management apps, these three groups can get a complete view of the project and the overall communication process is improved. It is important to maintain transparency and leverage the communication process in the construction industry. The reason is, the project stakeholders get an increased visibility and they feel that they are actually involved in the process. This fosters a better relationship between the stakeholders and the other parties involved in the construction process. Integrating the right app can reduce misinterpretation of information and keep all the departments tuned together. Mobile Apps Can Boost Productivity According to a statistic, a construction worker spends only 30% of the time on the core job. The remaining time is wasted in carrying out unimportant tasks like cleaning up, transporting the materials, keeping the site organized and so on. By using mobile apps, the construction managers can optimize the work, and the workers can channelize their energies only to the productive areas. It is for this reason that optimized digital solution is the answer to a large segment of the construction firms. With the evolution of technology, IoT and other mechanisms are making their way into the construction sector. These can be connected to the mobile apps, so that people can keep a track of their operations and control them from a single platform. The construction firms can seamlessly manage all the domains within the logistical chain through these apps. Robots and drones are likely to penetrate into the construction industry in future. Dedicated apps are being developed to streamline the process, integrating technology flawlessly into the operational process. Real-Time Analytics In recent years, business intelligence and big data have grown tremendously. The task of integrating these technologies in the construction industry calls for robust apps. Previously, the reports had to be created at the end of each day. However, app

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13 Things You Should Know Before You Invest in Your Next Mobile App Idea!

The inventions of smartphones and tablets have entirely changed the look of the modern era. Gadgets like cell phones largely influence the way we live and communicate with each other. Nowadays, almost every person possesses mobile devices without which life seems incomplete. The majority of businesses are shifting their attention towards having mobile applications to streamline their workflow processes and provide access to real-time data anywhere. 13 Factors to Consider Before Investing in Mobile App Idea Did you get an app idea? Awesome! Although you are propelled by enthusiasm to create an awe-inspiring mobile app, a few factors ought to be considered. For the product to be successful, you have to give all ideas a thought before rushing into development. Check out a few suggestions to get started: Begin With the End in Mind No matter how excited you are to get your app in the market, it is always essential to plan. In your mind, think about the results thoroughly and prepare for the drawbacks as well. Think about where you want to be after this product has launched and how do you want to capture the market with this app. Do Market Research Before preparing to launch your app in the market, you must do detailed app market research. By researching and analyzing the market, one can easily get an idea about the competitors, their ways, strategies, and tactics to deal with failures. This will help you in dealing with the concerns that can arise while designing your app.market research You can also do some research work on the apps, which have a similar idea like yours, but they failed. Inquire about the reasons why they failed, what was the cause of their demise. Your Idea Must Be 100% Efficient One of the prime characteristics that users expect is 100% efficiency in a mobile app. The only way you can survive in today’s competitive world is to make sure that your app provides a great user experience. For instance, make sure your app uses fewer data and uses it efficiently. Set the Budget It might be easy to determine the prices while shopping for rations, but the scenario is entirely different for a mobile app. You have to determine the expenditures you will face while creating the app. Apart from that, you also have to make sure that the amount you spend on your app development will eventually come back. The cost of an app primarily depends on the features that you want in it. If you do want to cheapen the rates, then remember you get back what you invest. You will also need to keep in mind the ways of how you are going to get the money to build an app. You might need to get in contact with some right investors who are willing to listen to you and negotiate. Set the Target Audience Keep the audience in mind. Ask yourself some crucial questions about the target audience. Questions like: Which age group is going to use this app? How is the app going to help them? Will the app meet their expectations? There is no need to rush the process because not everyone has an in-house mobile app developing system. If the questions above are answered very clearly, your app actually might be a success. Marketing Strategy This is one of the key elements in building a successful and useful app. It is a fact that almost 90% of apps are not even used after being installed. The question, which arises, is what causes the users to lose interest in the app. The answer to your question is that the marketing strategy is at fault. Marketing strategy is the decision-making process in which you have to decide what feature to keep in your app and what not. It involves the features and outlook of the app. ‘What features should the app have?’ ‘What color is it that attracts the audience the most?’ ‘What options can be nagging the customers and causing them to uninstall the app?’ Furthermore, see what opportunities the app can provide to the customers. Do not just build an app out of nowhere because you feel like it. If you have a great idea, and you strongly believe that the features in your app are better than other apps, Go Ahead! Specifications Specifications are also a key feature in mobile apps. What an app has to offer is what attracts the customers. You can come up with enticing specs for your app and attract mainstream users. The specs should be thought after careful research of what other apps are offering. You must also try to keep the specs and features up to date by continuously updating them. If the specifications are up to the mark, the app will be used and recommended to others as well. Operating System (OS) The operating system defines how computers or smartphones store files, switches between applications, maintains memory, and all work of the technical sort. Some operating systems are designed by a group of people around the world like the free operating system Linux. On the contrary, some commercial operating systems are made by companies like Microsoft and Apple. Now you have to choose an operating system for your app. Selecting a system also decides on which gadgets the app would be functional as different devices have different operating systems. You can also select more than one operating system. App Security One of the most important factors that a customer wants is that their privacy should be protected. Hence, you have to pay close attention to the security issues and viruses that attack your app. There are various methods to protect your app like static testing, dynamic testing, and mobile testing. Static and dynamic testing involves running codes at a fixed point in the app while it is being designed. This aids in encrypting the app against malware. Similarly, mobile testing is specifically designed to examine app when it runs in a smartphone.

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