mobile apps

Things To Know Before Developing A Geolocation Based Mobile App

Geolocation enabled applications helps in detecting users current location. It can be both mobile applications as well as desktop application that can have geolocation technology enabled. Nowadays most of the mobile applications are having geolocation technology. It is not limited to GPS maps and navigation apps that user can find the required location and way to reach there, but in most of the mobile apps nowadays are having geolocation. Applications like Yelp, Justdial, NearBuy, groupon, etc. uses customer’s current location to show them deals or places that are closest to their current location. There are certain type of apps for which geolocation is the main feature, for example, cab services apps like uber or ola uses customer’s current location to provide them cab services nearest and quickest. Weather forecasting apps also use geolocation technology to show the current temperature of the user’s current location. If you talk about social networking apps, like facebook and Instagram, it has features of select the current location to upload photographs or videos in that location. Even travel industry uses geolocation based services to give best deals to the customer. These were some of the apps that majorly use geolocation and are highly useful for daily use to customers. These days even gaming apps are coming with geolocation enabled features. The most relevant example of such a gaming app is Pokemon go, which uses player’s current location and creates images over the real environment images. Such apps are called augmented reality apps, and are currently in trend all over the world. Hence, it is absolutely visible how much geolocation is used worldwide in every domain and every field. It is the fundamental feature that every mobile app is looking forward for. Now that we understood geolocation is in trend, let us know what are key factors of geolocation mobile app development: Geolocation Technologies GPS Geolocation technology works using Global Positioning System (GPS) chip that is installed in smartphones. Generally, all the smart phones have GPS chip. This chip determines and shows the current location of the device by using the data of time and location sent by the satellites. A phone requires data from approximately 4 satellites to give accurate information. Cell ID When GPS data is not available, then phone’s cell ID is used to find the location of the phone by comparing user’s data with station’s data. Wi-Fi There are other technologies also there which are used for determining location. Like Wi-Fi connection is used to determine the location as it has small area coverage and give precise information about the location. Then Google Maps can be used to put it on real map. Google Maps offers APIs for iOS and Android mobile app development and it is easy to integrate while mobile app development and enable geolocation. Geofencing Geofencing is used to determine distance of the users from a specific location. For example, when you book an Uber cab, it shows how far is the driver from your place. Such data is provided by geofencing. There are three types of geofencing: Static geofencing that uses person’s current location by finding nearby landmarks like movie theatre, store, markets, etc. Dynamic geofencing uses person’s current location by changing data stream. Like latest offers at near by stores or advertisements Combined geofencing uses interaction with other users like recent check-ins with applications like facebook, Instagram, etc. API Integration and Availability Application Programming Interface (API) is used for applications to interact with smartphone’s operating system, like iOS and Android. For geolocation technology, there are two types of APIs that are integrated in the application. One is API that uses GPS, Wi-FI or Call ID to determine current location of the user and shows results based on the address entered by the user. Second type of API is used for searching near by landmarks on the maps like cafes or movie theater, etc. Google play services have library of APIs that can be used for integrating geolocation in the application. Mainly IntelliJ IDEA IDE or Android Studio IDE (Integrated development environment) are used for developing geolocation based applications. For iOS based geolocation apps, swift programming language is used for application development. Security Factors There are varied social media apps that displays current location of the user to all the connections. One example of such feature is in Facebook application, where you can see which all of your connections are near by your location. But it is important to consider the fact that every user will not prefer to share their current location with all the connections. Therefore, while developing a geolocation based feature in your app, it is necessary to consider security of your users and give them rights to decide whether they want to display their current location or not. The factors listed in the article proves the importance of geolocation based apps and also the key points one needs to keep in mind before developing a geolocation enabled mobile app. To keep up with the trend and give your users a seamless experience, get geolocation integrated in your app now. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/things-to-know-before-developing-a-geolocation-based-mobile-app/

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Why Need To Develop A Mobile App For Your Hospital?

Like all other sectors which are gaining advantage of advanced mobile technology, health sector is also in the race to gain technology advantage. It is always said that advancement in technology is boon for a human being if it utilized for benefits of them. For such reasons, mobile apps for hospitals is also becoming a boon for people looking for emergency treatment or need assistance of specialty doctors related to their disease. In present times, from multi-specialty hospitals to startup clinic, medical professionals and doctors prefer utilizing smart phones to make their task efficiently. As medical professionals need to get ready for any emergency situation, an efficiently developed medical apps offer best assistance to stay attentive anytime and anywhere. Based on one survey, approximately 52% people prefer smartphone to get health related information such as health insurance, prescription information and more. Around 33% doctors make their prescribing decision using a smartphone. Moreover, 80% of doctors make use of mobile phones and medical apps. It also says that in next five years, mobile app for healthcare plays a key role in the medical practice. The research also says that, the global market of mHealth will exponentially grow and it becomes 59.15 billion USD by the year 2020. Normally, most of smartphone users always prefer digital options for their need of healthcare, but yet only a few healthcare providers offer services using mobile technology. Hence, it becomes an appropriate time for healthcare providers, wellness centers, hospitals and medical professionals to decide to gain technology advantage in order to deliver more efficient healthcare services that also gives them lucrative profits for long terms. In this blog, we would like to highlight important reasons to develop a mobile app for your hospital. All across the globe, there are different types of hospitals available in different areas and cities. Though, there are only a few multi-specialty hospitals in every city, more numbers of small, medium or big size hospitals are available in every city. Hence, it becomes difficult for patients to seek a right place and physician to avail the best treatment. This blog provides useful information in order to develop an innovative mobile app for your hospital and how it efficiently benefits you in enhance your reputation, services and profitability. How Medical Apps Benefits Your Hospital Normally, in hospitals, there are several tasks which need to handle efficiently by the team of doctors who run the hospital or the hospital management. From admitting a patient to discharge after his/her successful recovery from hospital, there are a number of tasks which need special attention by a team of hospital staff from ward boys to nurses and the doctor. In addition, there are several departments need to handle their task efficiently. Hospital App For Doctors Nurses to attend patient as well as keep complete reports of patient right from its daily prescriptions to other medical tests, x-ray reports and other information. Hospital apps for doctors and nurses help them to stay connected and share treatment details of patients instantly. Such apps are very useful when the doctor is out due to any reason and it becomes necessary to treat the patient. With the help of hospital app for the patient, doctor can get all details of patient using an app and provide the right treatment by informing the assistant doctor or nurse. The advantage of medical apps for doctor is also useful when a patient get discharged from the hospital and looking for recovery assistance from a doctor. In such situation, the doctor can find his/her treatment history at their finger touch using an app and provide the best suggestions. Hospital Administrative App Administrative department to allocate rooms, beds to patients as well as keep proper track of when a patient get admitted and when to discharge as well as collect medical insurance documents and payment details. They also need to keep all information of each room and all equipments and other facilities are in order or not. This app helps to streamline all administrative tasks in a trouble-free manner. App for Women’s Hospital For women’s hospital, pregnancy apps give several benefits to their patients in offering best treatment. From pre-conception to post-partum, it offers an entire course to guide woman. You can design an app for hospital administration as well as an informative app that guide your patient what to follow and not at different stages of pregnancy. From scheduling appointment to periodic tests or other reports, this app helps doctors to get instant information of their patient just at a touch of their smartphone in case of any emergency. Hospital App for Medical Store In your hospital, you need to keep stock of medicines, medical equipments, and other instruments essential for operation or surgery or medical treatment. In your hospital medical store, maintaining store inventory becomes easy with mobile app. It helps you to know the all the information about stock help you to give orders of medicines as soon it goes out of stock. You can set alerts, if the stock of any medicines goes below the minimum order level quantity, it shows an alert. Hence, it makes possible to keep your hospital store inventory up-to-date and provide any medicine immediately as and when needed. There are several other types of app you can design such as informative app of your hospital that provides all information of doctors and treatment they offer, their contact information, available time to contact and many more that make it easy for patient to approach concern doctor and get immediate assistance. A hospital app for fitness, a hospital app for diabetes, and many more medical apps related to particular treatment can help doctors to manage their complex and emergency tasks efficiently and productively. Developing a successful mobile app for your hospital need to find an expert mobile app development company who comprehends your app requirement and provide you best app development solution using the right platform and technology. Conclusion There are several reasons that convinced doctors to

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How Chatbots Taking Position of Mobile Apps

With the invention of mobile app technology, it has taken the position of websites due to its amazing features and unmatched benefits that it offers to millions of smart phone users all across the world. But, as time and tide don’t wait for anyone, advancement in any technology also not waits for anyone. Researchers, developers and programmers, all across the world everyday strives to discover new technology persistently that creates a revolution in the field of information technology and mobile technology. Chatbots is also become a revolution in the mobile technology. Messenger bots or Chatbots is the latest services that progressively taking the position of websites and mobile apps. It is powered by artificial intelligence and some rules that one can interact with using a chat interface. It can be any kind of services from fun to functional and become live in many popular chat products such as Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Slack, Text Messages, and many others. For instance, if you need to buy any watch, you need to visit its online store and search for your desirable watch to purchase it that requires time to spend for surfing. If that store makes a Chatbot, you just have to message (the watch company) on Facebook what you are looking for and just tell it. You will find a quick reply and make an instant order to buy your desirable product without spending more time for searching on an online store. There are several benefits of messenger bots that make it popular for businesses to gain its productive outcomes. In this blog, we have discussed important information about how Messenger bots challenge the utility of mobile apps and much more useful information of Chatbots. Popularity of Messaging Apps has Lead Businesses to opt Bot Services as an Engaging Platform for Swift Business Growth Today use of messaging apps is rapidly increasing, for example Facebook messenger has over 1 billion users every month and had left Facebook behind in the race. Hence, its growth factor is higher than the Facebook. It shows that messaging apps on the top rank and thus, businesses have to choose such engaging platform helps their customers to reach their brands or services quickly and efficiently. In present times, Chatbots have established the latest technology trends and gradually building its reputation as become a captivating technology in the mobile app market. Facebook has announced about this innovative Chatbot platform that it has integrated with its messenger app. This innovative platform enables you to buy shoes or book a taxi on the messenger. Thus, the days are not far when people prefer bots to talk instead of using the website or a mobile app. The reasons are: No Need to Wait for using Bots – You need to wait for loading website or page you are looking for. Using bots, it loads instantly and no need to wait longer. No Download Require – To use mobile app, you need to find, download and install it on your app, thus, you need to spend time as well as space to download an app in your Smartphone. You don’t need to download Bots. Just start messaging it to use it. Bots Use Natural Interface, Language – It becomes very simple to use compared to other technology created before. In creating mobile application or website, you need to design layout, buttons, icons, visual interface and need new interface to introduce new products. For Bots, you don’t need to learn a new interfaces, it works on a natural interface that human understands. Yes, Bots are designed in such a way that it understands language that we use to communicate. The days are not far, when messenger bots understand us completely. Artificial Intelligence – Chatbots use superior technology, an artificial intelligence (AI) which enhances accuracy, greatly. Implementing AI techniques with a focus on text enrichments, linguistic analysis, face recognition, concept inferences as well as sentiments analysis and other techniques with an aim to provide unmatched user experience. Recognizable Platforms – Businesses prefer Chatbots instead of apps for their brands because of used of familiar platform. Chatbots use popular platforms such as Facebook Messenger which is highly popular all across the world. Moreover, the flawless and seamless integration enhances the ease of the consumers using Chatbots. Having familiarity with its operations, it becomes more convenient for the users as well as businesses. Know How Chatbots Work The two types of Chatbots are, function based that utilized a set of rules and the second one is an advanced version which utilizes machine learning. In the first type of Chatbots, there are only specific commands to respond and have limitation. It cannot understand if any wrong thing communicated. It becomes as intelligent as it is programmed. In the second type, it utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) in which it understands your language and not set of commands only. It become getting smarter by increasing its conversation with people. Few Examples of Chatbots You can get the weather information as soon as you ask Weather Bot. You can ask News Bot when you want to hear about the latest happening. With the help of Grocery Bot, you can order your desirable grocery. For your money management, personal finance bot will provide best guidance. To schedule your meeting on the Facebook messenger team, scheduling bot makes your task simpler. One of the most popular chatbot called Xiaoice in China, which is developed by Microsoft, has over 20 million users. It is a bot which becomes your friend. Do Chatbots Can Challenge the Utility of Mobile Apps? Even though Chatbots popularity is increasing rapidly, it becomes difficult to make the decision that it completely wraps up the market of mobile app in the near future. There are no doubts about the benefits of messenger bots as well as its superior technology helps businesses to provide their customers an experience like a face-to-face selling. Basically, bots are useful for mobile app development companies in order to enhance functionalities of apps. Using

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What Makes React Native the Future of Hybrid App Development?

Presently, numbers of mobile app developers have started using React Native to develop mobile apps. From a new startup to fortune 500 companies, it provides excellent experience for developers to use this open source development platform. It allows you to create an app using JavaScript. React Native is a JavaScript library useful in developing user interfaces as described by its creators. It mainly focuses on the view part of your app. It means that when you write a react native app, your view code comprises writing react components which are nothing but small portions of your code that portray the portion of your app look like based on the set of input data. Apps created using react native includes Facebook App, Instagram, Facebook Ads Manager, Bloomberg, UberEATS, Vogue, Walmart, Airbnb and many more in which some of them are React Native/Hybrid Native Apps. When it comes to developing an app, it requires deciding whether need a native app or a hybrid app to develop. Native apps include an alarm clock, an address book, a calendar, a browser and other programs which are built-in in your device by default. When a mobile app developer starts developing apps using specific platform and programming language such as Java for Android or Swift/Objective-C for iOS, the application is known as a native. It can access features of operating systems of a mobile phone such as calendar, camera, media files, accelerometer and many more. Cross-platform apps are designed in such a way that users can access it without connecting internet. Such apps support all platforms and adapted to most of the devices. The platform such as Cordova, Ionic, PhoneGap and other are used in developing hybrid apps that allow an app to access the features of software and hardware platform. Hybrid app is growing popular as it eases development as well as enhances user experience. React Native is an efficient tool from Facebook to benefits developing a hybrid app for Android and iOS. It is designed to make interaction with native API platform and based on the ReactJS library. The Benefits of React Native in Hybrid App Development Highly Portable Facilitates developer to port almost half of the app code to another platform. Developer can migrate all of the app’s logic, other than the view elements for display information templates on the screen. Firstly, it supports only iOS, but now facilitated support for both Android and iOS, the library can provide mobile UIs for these both platforms. Compatible with the Third Party App It allows integration with the third party, hence, the functionalities of the third party app can be benefited by the device. Moreover, the integrated APIs do not make any additional load on the device causes operation smoother. Memory usage also minimizes during the time in order to maintain the best performance. Reutilization of Code The key advantage of React Native is that it facilitates developers to reutilize the code which was written for a specific platform. Hybrid app developers need not to write the code from the scratch. The primary goal of React Native is ‘Write Once and Use Everywhere’. Thus, it saves valuable time of developers to concentrate more on their product rather than striving on coding. Furthermore, they can also use their code written in any platform which becomes highly beneficial for mobile app developers to focus on other things rather than writing the same code each time when developing a new app. Make the App Development Efficient Using ReactJS, high speed and responsiveness as well as agility, effectual processing and best user experience makes possible in offering app users, native app experience. React Native covers popular UI library of Facebook, ReactJS for web applications. It carries DOM abstractions, best performance of an app and makes the programming simple for hybrid app development. A Mobile UI – a Key Focus Designing a mobile UI is the key focus of the React Native. It is like a JavaScript library than just a framework that enables the UI more responsive and makes the processes to run smoothly because of the synchronization of the native environment and the framework. This makes possible for users to minimize loading time compared to a traditional hybrid app and give excellent experience to them. Better Scalability In React Native, there are wide API interaction with native elements and several modules ready-to-use of third party developers as well as the opportunity to write your own native modules. Besides, the problem of browser compatibility needs not to face using React Native as it renders native views and not Webview. It gives developers an opportunity to concentrate on other important app development process by preventing their time in solving bugs for hours or days. With native views it gives better performance and with smooth animations, it gives the feeling of native. You can also update your app anytime using ReactJS library. Conclusion React Native is popularly used for hybrid app development due to its number of benefits. Even fortune companies also use react native apps for their businesses to provide their end-users excellent experience for using their app. Reusability of code, highly portable, focused UI, compatibility for third party app integration as well as enhance the efficiency of developers has made react native popular for Hybrid app development. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/what-makes-react-native-the-future-of-hybrid-app-development/

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Key Reasons Why Users Not Download Your App

According to Statista, as of March 2017, there are around 2.2 million apps available in the app store, while in the Play store, there are 2.8 million apps. In such millions of app, you will not get a second chance to impress your users to download and use your app. Moreover, the survey states that users take only less than a minute to judge your app. Thus, it becomes a matter of concern for mobile app developers to build an app that gives them success in terms of popularity and revenue. Here, we would like to discuss some important reasons that cause your app not getting more downloads. It becomes a strategic decision to build a mobile application for your business. A successful apps makes a great impact on your business and hence it need to make throughout planning right from its commencement. The app success depends on your business goals and the nature of the app. Based on KPIs (Key Performance Indicator), app success measurement reflects based on revenue goals and quantity – quantity that comprise total numbers of app downloads, usage statistics, percentage of target customers, etc. Defining objectives for revenue comprises monetizing factors, in-app purchase, paid downloads and other means to generate revenue. Developing an app without considering a clear business objective in your mind causes a failure to add business value. Inadequate Market Research In a harshly competitive app market, only a great concept or a stunning design theme will not accomplish your purpose to make it successful. You need to do comprehensive research that covers the all aspects of an app. It is essential to consider all factors such as a right target market, expectation of end users, present market needs, major rivals and many others. All such factors are vital to include in your research in order to enhance your app download ratio. If you find an innovative idea for app development and start working on it without considering its pros and cons, you cannot implement your idea to gain any benefits. With profound market research, you need to define a prime objective for developing an app for your business. Overlook Mobile OS When you initiate market research for your app, the important thing needs to consider is a mobile platform. You need to take decision based on your target audience, whether to build an iOS app or an Android App or other platforms. Developing an app using the platform based on your target market enhance the interest of your users. You can choose app development using the multiple platforms, if you want to target the large audience of all major platforms. Poor Security of App and Mobile Data One of the major factors that affect app success is app security. With increasing number of mobile threats, app users are more concern about valuable information of their mobile. They do not download any app unless they found it most secure. Thus, it becomes a key responsibility of mobile app developers to enhance their mobile app security knowledge in order to create a highly secure app. Ignoring Recent Technology Nowadays, app developed using the modern technology by implementing Augmented and Virtual Reality gives users the power of reality. A highly successful app, Pokémon has proved that utilizing recent technology is an efficient way to allure your users and make them habituated to use it. Overlooking technology may lower down your download ratio. Irrelevant UI and Poor UX For successful mobile apps, it’s User Interface and User Experience plays a vital role. Designing an app after comprehending your target audience and their behaviors helps you to select the right UI and UX that gives your users a pleasant user experience. App designing by considering the user’s point of view protects your app from failure. Imperfect App Testing When users found a single error in your app, they get irritated quickly and if it occurs more than once, they stop using it, especially, for new apps. Hence, app testing is a vital stage to pay complete attention and make it bug-free as well as secure. Testing phase also need throughout testing for app security checks. Moreover, you also need to provide an update, when you found any report or reviews regarding errors. An app that not provide any update, or add new features or response users’ feedback results in low download ratio due to poor ratings and reviews of users. Incompetent App Marketing If your app have not created pre-launch buzz or not developed a foolproof strategy prior to launch, your app will not get enough downloads. Unless and until you make an efficient marketing campaign to create strong awareness of your app among your target audience, you cannot accomplish your desired goals. App marketing and optimization need expertise and experience to work with it. App promotion activities such as a landing page, website, banners, ads, link strategy, and social media as well as an App store optimization (ASO) need accurate strategy and planning. Inadequate app marketing and optimization cause failure to generate app awareness that leads lower app ranking in the search result pages of the app store. There are several other factors such as stay uncommunicative with your users, more numbers of push notifications, security issues, failure in identifying the recent trend and many others are also other reasons for your app not getting more downloads. Conclusion When users are not downloading your apps, there are several factors you need to consider. From in-depth research and analysis of an app prior to commence app development, set a business objective, find a target market, end users’ expectation, and selection of mobile platform, technology, adequate UI and UX, app security, testing, app marketing and several other factors affects the download ratio of your app. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/key-reasons-why-users-not-download-your-app/

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How to Improve Your Mobile App Security Knowledge

With the increasing use of smart phones all across the world has created demands of high-end functionality, an uncompromising handiness and extra ease with less effort by its users which has boosted demand of more innovative mobile apps. On the other hands, it becomes a key necessity for mobile users to protect their valuable mobile data getting hacked from mobile hackers. Based on one survey, mobile hackers have successfully hacked many high-end and most popular apps on the app store as well as the play store. There are several popular apps, including iOS apps and Android Apps suffering from vulnerability problems, thus, it becomes a matter of concern to make sure that what makes your app secure? Hence, as a mobile app developer, it becomes essential for you to enhance the security of your app in order to give your users assurance of complete security and let them engaged to use your app for the long-term. Most of the app users left using app due to the lack of security of their mobile information. Hence, as become a mobile app developer or a mobile app development company, you should increase knowledge of mobile application security. Things to consider for increasing your Mobile App Security Knowledge: Know about Mobile Code Security Risks Hackers performing malware activities normally tap bugs in the coding and design or vulnerabilities of their targeted app. Prior to exploit the vulnerability, hackers mostly tend to acquire an app’s public copy to overturn its functionality. They revised popular apps and re-launched it on third-party app stores with malicious code to attract the users those are not aware of such tricks to install the app. Thus, it becomes vital to use tools that help developers to find and overcome security vulnerabilities and set their apps from getting tampered or reverse engineering. Mobile app developers should know about the risks of app code which is mainly vulnerabilities and malicious functionality. The malicious functionality category is a harmful and unwanted code behaviors list that becomes cautiously positioned in an app that trapped users to install it. Users are unknown of such trap and think that they installed a game or an app, but, actually, they installed phishing UI or unknown spyware. The malicious functionality includes data retrieval, activity monitoring, UI impersonation, unauthorized dialing or network connectivity or SMS or Payment, Time bomb or system modification. The vulnerabilities of mobile security are leakage/storage of sensitive data, transmission of sensitive data unsafely, and hard-coded passwords. The mobile app developers should aware about the distinct layers of mobile code security stack that includes the infrastructure layer, operating system, hardware as well as application layers. Know about the Security of Your App Data Normally, mobile apps access data, documents and other useful information are stored on the mobile device. In case of lost of mobile, it becomes harmful for data to loss or shared or misuse. In order to prevent valuable information, encryption of mobile data is a useful way for data security within the sandbox of the app that protects it from malware and other types of unauthorized access. In order to manage app data sharing on the mobile device, it requires encrypting and controlling the individual data elements. Know about the Security of the Device The security of the device is equally important to understand. The mobile app sandbox is dominant in the recent mobile operating system design that requires being protected. Rooting the device causes the harm to the original security model and thus, it is necessary to protect the device from access important data. Besides, rapidly increasing jailbreak technology utilizes to evade detection, hence, deal with such technology is vital to prevent mobile devices from big threats. Moreover, the malware of mobile is not depends on the jailbreak technology every time, hence, in mobile apps, unnecessary use of permissions granted by the users or by default can provide rogue app access or malware to basic services such as SMS used to help scam activities. Thus, app developers should think about the up-to-date intellect sources to manage the associated risk using their app. Know About Your App Testing & Security The most important part of your app development is to make throughout testing of your app. It becomes vital not to hurry to launch your app without checking for its seamless coding and accurate testing. You can use app security tools such as AppScan to make through analysis of your app and validate its behaviors prior to its release. You can use such tools to check security issues of your app. Take help of app security expert to examine your code to identify and fix the bugs, if any in your app before its release. Ensure your app is perfect as far as security concerns. App testing using a third-party app security testing tool helps you to make your app free from bugs and helps in enhancing your app security. Conclusion Improving knowledge of mobile application securities helps mobile app development companies and developers to develop highly secure apps to prevent it from vulnerability. To secure the data of users, app security is the key concern in a foolproof system development life cycle. Improving app coding security knowledge helps you in developing highly secure apps necessary to prevent valuable information of your app users and increase their trust and interest in your app. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/improve-your-mobile-app-security-knowledge/

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On-Demand Food Delivery App – a Boon for Food Ordering Platform

Gone are the days when you had to take the pains of searching for a good restaurant with amiable atmosphere so as to tantalize your taste buds. Well, that was a hectic job and time consuming too, isn’t it? However, today, the scenario is utterly different and you can complete this task within no time with the help of On-Demand Food Delivery App, a boon for the foodie. So, if you are busy at your workplace and finding it difficult to go and have a meal, then just sit back and relax; the on-demand food delivery app will get your favorite meal delivered right at the door step within the shortest possible time. Now let us explain this with some real time available data. According to the statistics, it was found that approximately 20% customers utilize the food delivery app once in a week. What’s encouraging here is that nearly 50% have given positive feedback about the services. Needless to say that this mobile application is gradually gaining the prominence, which has compelled a number of restaurants to develop their own mobile app. in fact, many restaurants claim that if they fail to deliver your food within the estimated time, they will offer it free of cost. Therefore, you can just take a note on how deadly the competition has turned out to be. If you are conducting a thorough research before, jumping into the market, you will be familiar that basically food service platforms has been categorized into three distinct categories: Full Service Platforms Platforms focusing on the Orders Platforms emphasizing more on logistics Here we will discuss on the logistics based platform because it has grown in popularity and will also assist in flourishing your restaurant business. If one has to elucidate the logistic platform in few words, then it combines your order and you provide delivery vehicles to your franchise or partner restaurants. But at the same it is also very important to be acquainted with some of the problems or challenges encountered by mobile app developers. While they are developing the app, their focus is satisfying three sets of different people namely, the customers, the restaurant owners and lastly the drivers or delivery boys. However, since the customer is one of the indispensable wings of your business, so, let’s concentrate on user and illustrate on developing a customer-friendly app: All Information at One Place Today people don’t have much time in hand; so, they want to get access to quick and apt information from the app. Thus, here’s your opportunity to score the goal. Just provide all the vital info about the restaurant at one place namely, the entire address, hours of operation, the full menu card indicating the price list and other stuff. This will make it easier for the clients to place their orders without wasting their valuable time. The GrubHub’s API a good example to look forward to as it contains a database of more than 10,000 restaurants. The API will help in upgrading your information and will transmit details about payment to partner restaurant. An Estimated Time of Delivery You are aware that most of the restaurants claim to offer timely delivery of the order, but how many actually comply that in reality. This is one of those crucial areas which can make the launching of your app a success or failure. So if you promptness and time accuracy, then you can surely rise above your competitors in the market. The customers are delighted and will certainly appreciate your services if their meal reaches on or before the estimated time. It will help in getting positive feedback and best reviews from your audience, which will market your app because a number of users give a lot of priority to the ratings and reviews. Some restaurants also have a policy to deliver the food free of cost if they exceed the estimated time of delivery. Well, the estimated time is calculated based on different factors such as location of the customer, availability of the drivers etc. Tracking of the Location in Real Time This is one feature which has been lately added by the on-demand food delivery servicing app companies. In fact, the real time tracking of order is used by other app developers too such as for cab booking, tracking of your item ordered from e-commerce website, courier companies etc. This simply allows the user to track the location and know the whereabouts of his order. It is essential to note that those food delivery apps which do not have this feature have fallen out and are not preferred by the customers. This will help to strengthen the bond with your loyal audiences. Give Due Importance to Ratings and Reviews One of the prime methodologies to excel in the on-demand food delivery business is giving due importance to the ratings, reviews and the feedbacks received from your valuable customers. You can ask them to give you a rating out of 10 or request them to send their important comments regarding your services. This rating will depend on whether the food was delivered on time or not, whether they enjoyed the taste of the meal etc. Uber, for example, asks users to rate their drivers and Munchery asks the same for the chef. You can plan improvements and also incorporate fresh ideas received as feedback to enhance your services. The Payment System Since the online payment grown with e-banking and there are various apps that facilitate the customers to pay for their order within the app, adopting this wise formula isn’t a bad idea. The Pizza Hut, Dominos, McDonald’s etc are some of the best illustrations that can be put forward. However, you can also keep on different options such as PayPal, Paytm, Wire Transfer, payment through debit or credit card, etc. There are many people who still prefer the conventional ways; so it is advisable to also provide the Cash on Delivery Payment to not run out of such users. Adding

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Tips for Developing Mobile Apps with ReactJS

React is a JavaScript Library which is used for development of User Interfaces. The Facebook initially launched it on 4th March, 2013. Today it has become one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks even though it was introduced about four years ago. According to data, websites including Imgur, Netflix, SeatGeek, Airbnb, Feedly, HelloSign and others use ReactJS. However, some users might get confused between ReactJS and React Native, but to tell you the truth they both are quite different. However, in this blog we will only concentrate on ReactJS and be acquainted with how you can develop an app with this JavaScript library. It utilizes a method for rendering the web pages, which in turn converts it into highly responsive and vibrant user input. Now we take into consideration a few data and statistics related to ReactJS, before proceeding further with the discussion ahead. The stats presented by Similar Tech shows that its popularity amidst the people and society is about 17.6 %, 11% amongst business communities and 55% about others. Another report by BuiltWith states that United States ranks number one in using ReactJS, followed by Mexico and United Kingdom. Now we have to know what are the specific reasons for the popularity of ReactJS. We can highlight a few of these: One Can Grip Them with Ease One of the major aspects which make ReactJS, a preferred choice is that they easy to comprehend and you can learn their basic insights without much difficulty. This JavaScript framework is not fully featured and is a V in the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern. Moreover, you will also come across a number of video tutorials helping the developers in building the mobile apps. ReactJS Makes Easy to Write Components Another great feature which Facebook added into this JavaScript is JSX, an optional syntax extension. Therefore, the components can be written with much ease as JSX allows you to combine HTML and JavaScript. As such, you don’t have to follow the complex rules and developing custom components or high volume application becomes simpler. ReactJS Allows Component Reusability The fact that ReactJS supports component reusability offers developers various benefits. You will have to put in less effort while developing apps as it is reusable for other applications. The accuracy and speed of the app development also improves. The Advantage of Having an Open Source Library The Open Source Library is one of the great assets that ReactJS offers for the web and mobile development. The app builder does not limited impositions such as templates, patterns and complex architecture. It allows you to constantly develop and is open to contributions. The Benefit of Virtual DOM The presence of virtual DOM makes the user experience better and the developer works faster. DOM can be defined as a logical structure which is available in various formats like HTML, XHTML, or XML. You can speed up the updates using Virtual DOM. Apart from these, there are various other advantages such as building isomorphic apps, offering straight tools to the developer, great for SEO and others. ReactJS also a boon for the Mobile App Owners So far we have seen how ReactJS is helpful for the app developers, but in fact, it is advantageous for the owners of the app as well. It offers several benefits like it runs smoothly during data rendering, increases your business productivity; it can work on any device and helps establishing connection with the customers. In fact, it has also assisted the customers in a number of ways. Examples include linking the credit card with the bank account, responsive designs and advanced notification management etc. Developing Mobile Apps with the Help of ReactJS The ReactJS is supportive in case you are developing single-page applications. It also supports the virtual DOM with browser’s one. Thus, it is able to identify which parts of the DOM have changed in comparison to saved virtual DOM. The library is able to identify how to upgrade the browser’s DOM effectively. Front desk developers have work harder than those working behind the scenes. Now let’s know what knowledge and skills does a developer needs to have for creating a Mobile App with ReactJS. To answer this question, as a developer you need to posses some knowledge about HTML. However, of you are also familiar with JavaScript; it will be an added advantage. Basically when you are developing an app through ReactJS you will be working on front end UI development with ReactJS, viewing the process of rendering and application techniques, working on JSX syntax and conceptualizing JavaScript. In addition to these, the other vital tools include virtual DOM, reusability of application component and UI Designs. The MV*Pattern You will be surprised to note that React is no more a MVC framework. In fact, one is aware that ReactJS is not a two-way data binding process which takes place mainly due to events triggered by a correction in any of the part. Therefore, you will find the unidirectional data flow here, in this case. A new element has been introduced which is a combination of view and Controller. Working with the JSX syntax JSX stands for the JavaScript Extension syntax that helps in HTML quoting and rendering subcomponents. This makes the writing of pure JavaScript easier for the developers. As PHP is a popular framework, similarly, the Facebook has introduced the JSX syntax which looks like HTML. The Class System ReactJS is initiated with a class system as everything revolves around the elements. The elements have their own eco system and as such they are mainly developed with a concept in mind. This is an unexceptional method of React.createClass. But since the conventional Model-View Controller (MVC) is absent, the traditional class system too becomes outdated. Third Party Plugins This is one area where the React does not find much support as the third party plugins is lacking for this framework. However, you have to keep yourself abreast about the latest releases of plugins. The Documentation If you are

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Benefits of Having Geolocation in Your Mobile App

The mobile based technology is constantly getting upgraded with each passing day and as such the users are watching a new feature being added in the mobile applications. The Geo-Location is one such technology which helps in determining and identifying the exact location of any device such as a Smartphone, tablet, laptop, radar and so on. In fact, it is similar to that of Global Positioning System (GPS) in some ways, but there is a difference. It utilizes the cell site triangulation apart from GPS to detect the location. According to Mobile App Market trends and analysis, the 2017 will perceive the emergence of Location Based Service (LBS), besides the present GPS. This will prove to be a boon for the users as it will provide real-time information. Geo-location can be used for a number of applications. In fact, it has been rightly identified as the backbone for several businesses, without which it will be nearly impossible for the owners to operate it. One of the optimal illustrations that one can put forward in this case is cab based apps such as Uber or Ola. There is no denial to the fact that it has also brought a crucial change in the marketing strategies. In addition, the retail industry can also benefit from it by knowing the location of the customer and getting familiar with his or her purchase history. You can spot the location of a place on the map through geo-location. For instance, if you are searching for a particular address of a building on a map, you only need to put an element in the online space of the map, which contextualize it. The Google Map is based on this principle, where the site gets marked adding context to the location. Now, before we move on to the main course of discussion, and focus on the importance of geo-location in the apps, first let’s throw some eminent light on important data and statistics based on the location apps. The Pew Research Center conducted a survey on location based services and it came to the following inferences. About 74% of the adult Smartphone users use geo-location to get the directions and other information based on their current location. About 30% of people have got their social media platforms linked with their posts and this figure is expected to go up. The findings also informed that around 12% of the users use geo-location to track a certain spot or they like to share their location with the friends. So, now that we have adequate statistics, let’s find out the reasons as why geo-location becomes a necessary feature in your mobile app. The Taxi and Cab Industry If a person is booking a cab from a certain point to any destination, he uses the geo-location services with or without knowledge. The Geo-location uses your location adding value to it and refers to it as the pickup location. The same procedure is followed in the case of destination spot which is called drop-in location. The fare generated for the journey is also based on the geo-location. Today, taking rides in taxis and booking them online has become much more simplified than earlier. The Augmented Reality Games and their Popularity It is surprising to note that geo-location has had a great impact on the augmented reality games. This trend gained a good momentum in the 2016. One of the best examples that can be exhibited in this context is Pokémon Go. The geo-location based game became a huge hit and was downloaded by millions of people all around the world. It showed the effectiveness of geolocation when the user becomes more localized. Online Order and Delivery of Food Items Today we all use Smartphones or other devices to place order for online food delivery. There are a number of food delivery apps where an individual can track the status of food and know how far it has reached. You can know the exact location with the help of geolocation. If there is any delivery charge then it is calculated based on the distance travelled. Moreover, geolocation is also helpful in tracing any nearby restaurants. Tracking of Products Brought via E-commerce Site Geolocation is again very handy in tracking the location of your items, which you have purchased from any e-commerce website. You can get familiar with when your item is getting shipped and when you would be receiving it. Here also if there are any shipping charges, then it is done with the help of geolocation only. Benefits of Having Geolocation for offline business If you thought that geolocation is a win-win situation only for online business or e-commerce sites, then you might have to think again. Yes, even the offline business owners can maximize their benefits through the location based apps. It helps the retail and mCommerce industry to track the location of their customers and offer better improved services. In fact, many indoor location technologies can also be found. Helps to Flourish the Dating Industry The geolocation services also lending its helping hand to the dating industry, which helps it in flourishing. Most of the popular dating apps feature helps the user to find nearby dates. It also helps in finding the distance range in setting for the dates. All this is possible because of the location based apps. Helps connecting you to Your Neighbourhood There are some geolocation apps which help in establishing connection with your neighbours. You get to know the person living next to you a much better way. In fact, it has attracted a large number of audiences. Time Based and Memory Apps Geolocation Apps also render their service when the person reaches the location. It then works with Global Positioning System (GPS). The individual gets a reminder via push notification once he reaches the spot. They prove to be of great help when the person is not aware of the exact location he has to go. Helps to Track Sporting Activities Geolocation apps can

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Get an Insight into Worthy App Monetization Strategies

When you are developing a mobile application, only half the task has been accomplished; because the market today is over flooded with innumerable apps in each of the categories. So, your job is not just restricted to creating meaningful apps, but also establishing a rightful impact amidst the targeted audiences. You are already aware about the sternest competition prevailing out there; so framing the earnest app monetization strategies can boost your profitability. The users have already been pampered with assortment of choices and it will take them only a few seconds to uninstall it if they don’t find it interesting. Now, how would you define app monetization? In the simplest of terms, it is a procedure of earning money from a mobile app, where users don’t have to pay for anything. Let’s analyze in some detail the app monetization schemes that will be fruitful for your business as well. Advertisement First and foremost, advertising is one of the most intriguing tools if you are looking for app monetization. Therefore, if you are not implementing this tool, you are actually missing out the bus for earning the extra source. Digital advertising is gaining a firm ground these days and as such it has been successful in attracting a lot of customers. According to survey shows that people devote a lot of time on choosing the appropriate app, which is about 3 hours, 40 minutes in a day. Moreover, it has already been mentioned that people most likely prefer free apps. So, it is advisable to go with the audience demand and make the app free maximize the benefits of in-app advertising. The advertisements are categorized into five categories including: Full Screen Ads Notification Ads Capture Form Advanced Overlay Banner Ads After this your next job in hand is to find your target audience, who would be benefiting from you advertising. Plus, you need to also think how these ads will increase the value of your brand and so on. Advertising can be a good option because according to Gartner Research, the revenue of mobile advertising is booming at $18 billion annually. Email Marketing If you are willing to engage more customers into your app, this tactic will prove to be quite enhancing. This is because people do not change their emails very frequently and you can target more users through email marketing. You have to regularly update your emails and send to the potential customers. Wiselytics found that the total duration of an email is about 12 days whereas Facebook posts and Tweets have only few hours. What you can do is collect information users and add a subscription form into your app. Now as the users will enter the app through email subscription, it will enhance your brand and you can lure them through your schemes. In addition, you can also promote your blogs, newsletter and other content through email. Paid Downloads O.k. you know that people aren’t much interested in downloading the apps, but paid downloads can be a venerable option as far as generation of the revenue is concerned. However, this is only possible if you have a very strong PR presence and people rely on your brand. The users as such have to pay once and for all. But the real difficult task is to convince the customer to download your app after paying money. In fact, some of the apps in the Apple iOS store are not free and same is the condition of Google Play Store. Getting Sponsors on the Board Well, finding a reliable partner or sponsor can be a good experience and you can build a robust monetization strategy. It will also prove advantageous to your users because all will jointly plan a business strategy here to deliver optimal services. But it is sensible to partner with best brands who have already established their recognition in the market. You can promote your app and logo on their website or app and reach out to more people in this way. One of the benefits of this feature is CTR or (Click Through Rate), where the user clicks on your ad posted on some other app. Monetizing the Code There is one optimum method where you can monetize your app and your users will not have to pay anything for it. For this, you need to create your own code and it needs to be successful. This will tempt other brands or apps to approach you and offer to re-skin your app. One of the best examples that can be cited in this regard is Temple Run, which was re-skinned for Temple Run Oz as a film tie-in. You can actually take one step further when your business has received its full credit and value, you can sell the app to another person. SMS Marketing This is similar to that of email marketing or email subscription, where you gather the data of the customers and send them emails accordingly. In this case you can send bulk SMS at one go which includes important updates, reminders, contests and other promotional. This is very effective as it reaches the customers in no time and it can drive traffic to your app. In-app Purchases If even you are providing a free app, it does not mean that you cannot make money from it. Yes you can through the in-app purchases. Not only that, your users will get to know more about your product. The user will not have to pay for downloading the app but will be paying for gated features. For instance, if a customer is buying your product, you can take the shipping chargers or you can opt for in-app billing. Offering Free Versions of the App Well, this may also be referred to as “freemium” apps and includes the in-app purchase. Here in this format you provide free apps to your customers for a specific period of time say for fortnight or a month and when the customer understands its value, he will certainly purchase

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