mobile apps

Things To Consider Before Integrating Payment Gateway in a Mobile App

It’s a fact now that mobile shopping is gaining more and more adepts, as people tend to digitalize almost everything they are doing. Whether we’re talking about taxi rides, car rentals, accommodation, Wi-Fi access or simpler things such as clothes and food, mobile payments have become a part of our common lives. But if you’re a merchant or a developer, most likely you found yourself at least once in the situation of integrating a payment gateway in a mobile app. If you think this is not such an important thing, you might think again. This represents the final step users make when they want to buy something from within an app. There have been lots of situations where shoppers changed their mind when buying things when they encountered even a minor error in the last stage, so this is very important. Let’s have a look at some important things you should take into account when integrating payment gateway in a mobile app. Pay attention to alternatives Try to offer your users as many payment options as you can: perhaps some of them prefer to pay through PayPal, others with the debit or credit card, and others even choose the COD option. If you want to cater to as many users as possible, you should make sure that your app supports different modes of payment. It would be useful to make some research and see which are the payment options most used among your target audience. Go for a friction-less method Some app developers choose a payment gateway in the app, while others go for a web page based on the mobile as a mode of payment. Indeed, if the payment feature is part of the app, it’s easier for a shopper to pay without the friction. Moreover, it’s easier if they can save the debit/credit card details for future payments. On the other hand, a web page optimized for mobile will make them go through several steps until they finish, which is why a friction-less method is better. Analytics and statistics Truth be told, payment gateways may sometimes be really messy when you have to handle them. It’s easy to mistake something when it comes to payment details of several users or even to forget some steps in the way. In order to keep everything under control, it is useful to have constant reports, analytics and statistics to see whether you’re sticking to the plan or not. Check the security Do you have a payment gateway with a PCI-DSS certification? As of now, PCI Data Security Standard is one of the best options when it comes to maximizing security for card holder’s data. You actually need this if you want to make your app trustworthy and to strengthen users’ security. Of course, it is not compulsory, but shoppers will trust your app more if you are certified, since it offers them 100% security when using it. Make it easy and fast In this era, everybody is looking to make a payment process as fast and easy to go through as possible. Nobody likes an app that is slow or worse, that makes the device move slower. These important qualities depend on the SDKs you integrate in the payment gateway or not. Before you choose some of them, you should research those which are famous for offering a fast and easy mode of payment both for users and for apps. Quick settlement If until now you only considered the users and their need when it came to structuring and optimizing the app, make sure you think about yourself too. It’s not only about their preferences and needs, but it’s important that you also ensure a quick settlement, so that you receive the money as soon as possible. Some of the payment gateways need somewhere from 2 to 5 working days in order to make the transfer to your own account, and you might want to make sure this is the best option for you. Remember about the cost structure There are various types of cost structures available on the market currently, such as periodic, one-time or per transaction. For this, you should think well ahead and choose the one that proves to be affordable on the long-term. Moreover, it is extremely important to go for the type of cost structure that doesn’t interfere with the quality of your app. Conclusion Needless to say, if you compromise when it comes to quality, all the other efforts might be in vain and many users might quit the apps and not giving more. Integrating a payment gateway in a mobile app it’s a necessary thing for both merchants and developers. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/things-to-consider-before-integrating-payment-gateway-in-a-mobile-app/

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The Road To Success in Wearable App Development With Best Challenges

Due to the rise of mobile computing solutions such as smartphones and tablet devices, the interest in mobile app development is skyrocketing as they are a fundamental element of said devices. Every fancy gadget that comes out works by using mobile apps, so it is understandable why both supply and demand for this product category are jacked up at the moment. With no sign of things slowing down, app developers are looking to cash in on the newest innovation in tech. Currently, we are seeing a return of the smartwatch sector after an underwhelming debut some years ago. With more app developers looking towards wearable app development in the near future, it is important for them to know what kind of issues may appear while creating these apps and what they should try to avoid. Purpose To succeed in a thriving ecosystem such the mobile/wearable app industry, developers must make sure that the app they are creating is more than a flashy distraction or a gimmick. The apps that will last will be the ones that have a defined purpose, with developers behind them that know exactly what they want their apps to achieve. If it’s an original idea, it’s even better. App upkeep Developing an app is only the beginning. Once the app is on the target marketplaces and available for download, it must be taken care of. App users can get attached to a particular app, but if it becomes outdated and obsolete to their livelihood they will not hesitate to delete it. An app needs constant updates that not only fix problems discovered through user feedback, but also add new features periodically so that the user base remains interested. User Interface Probably the most important element on a wearable gadget, the User Interface is the connection between the watch’s operating system coding and the use or in other words, it’s what makes these watches different from regular watches. Sure, there are some other factors to keep in mind which are revealed at a deeper glance but as a consumer, the UI is what the user will see and what they will want to see for that matter. Unlike smartphones and tablets, smartwatches come with very limited space for expression, given their nature. Fitting design elements on such a small canvas can be quite challenging as developers must find the perfect balance between adding enough elements on screen and not cluttering the display. Cross platform compatibility This one is self-explanatory. An app will manage to reach a greater number of consumers if it is compatible across multiple platforms. If a particular app works only on Android or just on iOS, it denies itself access to an entire market. And while these two are the dominant marketplaces for mobile apps at the moment, there are also smaller markets to consider such as Microsoft’s app store for Windows Phone. While individually these marketplaces pale in comparison, added up they make a good chunk of business which isn’t tapped into. Just like other smart devices, smartwatches come in various shapes and sizes and use different technologies, and developers must adapt to all these variations. Ease of access Keeping in mind that we are talking about wearable app development, it is crucial to also remember that an app must facilitate navigation on a very small screen and arrange everything so that having a smartwatch is a comfort booster, not an unnecessary hassle. The operating systems which run these devices see to that, but apps must also pull their weight and build on that concept, winning users over through simplicity and efficiency rather than overcrowded design clutters. Battery friend, not foe The bane of many apps is their inability to provide service for a reasonable amount of battery life. While some apps are efficient, they are discarded due to the insane amounts of battery that they consume. An app must be optimized so that users don’t have to choose between the app and having their phone die before noon. Keeping it simple and not adding an exaggerated amount of features greatly helps with this problem. Clock is ticking The wearable app market, in concordance with the rise to popularity of wearable gadgets, will begin to grow considerably and at an alert pace. This means that developers must act quickly and provide valuable applications to eager consumers that have just purchased a smartwatch and now want more apps for their wearables. Under the “make hay while the sun is out” principle, developers which are fast to act on the market shit will be the ones raking the greatest benefits. Conclusion Taking all that into consideration, it is important for an app developer, especially for one developing for wearable gadgets, to be ahead of the curve and fast to react on the newest hype train circling the industry. Keeping apps up to date and efficient in a space where it pleases all involved hardware parties aren’t easy, but it’s what sets apart good apps from just OK or even bad apps. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/the-road-to-success-in-wearable-app-development-with-best-challenges/

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Best Ways To Reduce Your App Development Costs?

Everybody knows that mobile app development is a quick way of making money, but in fact there are many situations when the development of a mobile app can actually be an expensive project. Most of the times, these situations occur because people don’t plan ahead and don’t know exactly what steps to follow. It’s extremely important to have a blueprint of the app development project, because it helps in controlling the evolution and thus reduce the costs. Generally, the average cost of a mobile app development varies a lot, according to the number of features included, the type of the app or the mobile platform it is intended for. However, an important thing to remember is not to compromise on the quality of the project. Cutting down on the design or the quality of the product does not mean reducing costs, but technically destroying the project. How To Reduce App Development Cost Let’s see some useful tips and tricks on how to cut down on the app development costs! Share the costs For the noble purpose of cutting down on the costs, it is important that both the business and the developers find a way to share the expenses. This means that the developer can ask the investor for some funds where they can share the possible profit, and this strategy works the other way around, too. However, a company that runs on a restricted budget can choose to fund a developer and then gain full rights to the app, thus making sure that the development project is complete. Focus on the essential parts Think about the fact that the mobile app you are developing doesn’t need to provide everything on Earth for your users. The key here is to focus on the specific of the service and what exactly you intend to provide. Offering too many features not only will confuse the users and make a mess of the app, but it will also cost more time and money, which are very important, especially if you don’t know whether you’ll make profit or not. Do some research Though it might seem that it’s even more time lost, truth is that if you do some proper research about similar apps, about all the requirements and so on, you might save some time by avoiding mistakes. If the developer has a well-made plan, detailed with all the sketches, the goals and the requirements, it will be easier to structure the work and to finish with it faster. Take advantage of the open source app development frameworks With this smart tip, you can cut down on the development costs a lot if you check the free to use cross platform app development frameworks. Just look online for several such services and see which one would fit your project more. Don’t use to many custom processes or graphics Though generally mobile apps are different, there are still common elements, such as buttons, navigation type and other details. This happens because in general users expect mobile apps to behave in a certain way, and so do the App Stores too. For example, the Apple has set some Human Interface Guidelines which must be complied with by all the iOS app if they get approved and featured on the iTunes. For this reason, it might save you precious time and money to use buttons and similar elements that are already created. Of course, do customize your app, but draw the line whenever this is not necessary anymore. Optimize your team Divide the tasks clearly and wisely among the people working on the project, taking into account each person’s individual skills. Some simple tasks can be saved for junior developers, for instance, who might ask for a lower rate per hour, which might lead to cutting down the costs for the app. Offer feedback When working with the developers, it is important to give them feedback in time. Outsourcing the app development is a great idea, but it can turn out inefficient if you’re not handling it well. Since the developer’s time means your money, you might want to pay more attention to how they are working and offer feedback so that they know fast what to correct and what is okay. As you can see, cutting back on the mobile app development costs is not such a hard task. By doing some simple things, such as giving feedback, smartly dividing the tasks, removing the non-essential features and design elements, you will see that there is a lot of time and money that can be saved with just some planning ahead. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/best-ways-to-reduce-your-app-development-costs/

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Get An Early Scoop On How To Create A Great Grocery Shopping App

Things that in the days of old might have taken a long time to complete can now be enjoyed as a very fast and seamless experience thanks to modern day technology and an invasion of mobile app integration to a long list of concepts and services. From the Uber service taking over the traditional taxi business and pizza places all over the place making it possible for customers to order using the business’s official mobile app are just a couple example of the great role smartphone apps play in today’s society and more specifically the vendor-customer relationship. Another similar transition that you probably weren’t aware of is that of grocery stores. Yes, that’s right, grocery stores now use mobile apps to entice customers and provide a valuable set of services which can be accessed from the comfort of your own couch. The list of grocery store chains that have adopted the modern approach for getting your daily vegetables and kitchen supplies includes the likes of Trader Joe’s and Walmart. That being said, many mobile app developers are looking to capitalize on the increasing popularity of grocery shopping apps which, according to the National Grocers Association, have been installed on the smart devices of a third of America’s population. It’s important to know what to avoid and what to focus on so that your app will be not only compelling, but also useful. An app that has no purpose other than to rack in downloads won’t be accessed twice by the same user. Features to include in your Grocery Shopping App When creating such an app, make sure you include a compelling number of features in regards to how it helps customers. Grocery stores that have already adopted a mobile app seem to offer similar features, which include the ability to create a wish list, find franchise locations in town, check up on delivery schedules or rich search option for store products. Push notifications A mobile app for a grocery store is something you install when you absolutely want to know more about what the store offers and all the when, what and how that come with it. Taking that into consideration, it’s safe to assume that people who download your app have no problem receiving push notifications which will let them know what the store’s offers are at all time. Such services are what drive people to maintain a customer loyalty towards the business the app represents. App-based perks We all know that offering some kind of perk or discount based on brand loyalty is something grocery stores absolutely love to implement. The mobile app which caters to the needs of a specific brand’s customers can also implement such perks. Taking coupons for example, your app can offer some as a reward for using the app, reaching certain app milestones that you would ultimately implement, or other similar things. This will push more people to download your app and indirectly support the grocery store. Payment options The mobile app is all about facilitating the customer, right? Well, that’s important to keep in mind when developing the app, and especially when you get to the point where you implement payment methods. Adding multiple ways for people to buy the grocery store’s products, as well as well as multiple currencies will shine like a badge of trust among the store’s clientele. The level of convenience they encounter while using the app directly reflects their feedback and appreciation. Getting personal A physical store’s employees are trained to make every customer feel appreciated, and that should also be part of the mobile app. Make sure that the app’s features and structure facilitate a personalized experience for each user, making them feel important to the business and thus more likely to continue using its services. Give it structure There are several ways to go about a grocery shopping app. For instance, the app can only display helpful information about the store and act as a guide for customers before they enter the store, or it can include online shopping which means that users can shop directly from their smart devices and have products delivered to their homes. Whatever functions you wish to attribute to your app, make sure it all comes together as a structured product and not just a bunch of stuff thrown together with the grocery store’s logo on top. Your job is to guide customers, not confuse them. Conclusion In conclusion, mobile app developer that got the right idea and are looking to start working on a grocery shopping app are advised to take note of these pointers as they can prove quite essential from a bigger picture perspective. Kids, young adults or even elderly folks are probable customers at any given grocery store, meaning that your app should cater to the needs of multiple generations and adapt accordingly in terms of accessibility and ease of use. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/get-an-early-scoop-on-how-to-create-a-great-grocery-shopping-app/

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Why Online Retailers Should Invest In eCommerce Mobile App?

The evolution of modern day technology has led to an undeniable raise of popularity amongst eCommerce mobile apps. There are several factors behind this, and one of the simplest answers is that younger generations spend a lot of time on their mobile device therefore smartphones and tablets are an amazing ways to reach massive audiences. Every good business knows that it needs to adapt if it wants to remain on top or even grow, therefore a lot of enterprises now find themselves owning eCommerce apps. However, not every business has an app yet, so in this article we’re going to look at what make eCommerce mobile apps a good idea. With the rise of such apps being predicted to further accelerate in 2017 and 2018, deciding to have on for your business might be a very smart business model. More control, stability and functions There is no denying that mobile apps are superior to web applications when it comes to marketing. All the little problems that can occur on managing a website can be far easier to remove or fix on a mobile app. In addition, the amount of control you have not only over the app but also over the way customers interact with it, it is net superior to the web counterpart. Through a mobile app, you can offer a way wider array of functions to the customer and also customize their experience into a personal one. Diversity brings out the savvy shopper in people Studies show those businesses which implement several methods for customers to shop through usually end up making more money. Through trial and error, some companies learned that the key is not to overshadow the traditional means of shopping with new age mobile apps, but rather have them complement each other and work together to offer an enriched experienced to the customer. That being said, having an eCommerce app that can make your services available day and night to people doesn’t mean you’ll lose your physical shop business, but that your overall income will be buffed by the mobile app initiative. Giving people what they want While there are clear benefits to implementing an eCommerce app into your business plan, another reason for which you should have one is that people want one. While that might seem like some head scratching material, there’s an explanation coming. Mobile apps that allow people to make purchases from their home and also get a lot of other features related to a brand are becoming more and more popular. As that is happening other brands will comply to the trend, making potential customers want to see the same thing coming from your brand. And you know what’s worst? They will take not seeing more as seeing less, meaning that it can actually be in your detriment not to implement an extra feature. Push notifications Through push notifications, you have a direct line to customers, letting them see (and making sure they see it) what the latest deals in your store are. It’s a great tool that every business with an app uses. The best part is that users enable push notifications themselves, meaning that if you send Push notifications to someone they probably want you to, so there’s no breach of privacy. Enticing features Beyond showing people what your store products or services are, you can use an app to bolster their loyalty towards your brand. Different exclusive deals, tools and helpful features baked right into your business’s app can really drive customers towards your business. Meet the people you’re selling to An eCommerce app is also a great way to get to know your clientele. Just as you can use it to offer personalized shopping experiences to people, so can you make use of an app to learn more about your customers. What they like most, what their shopping habits are, and what is more likely to spark their curiosity and appeal to their inner shopper. You can’t really do that in a store in the couple of minutes they spend there, unless you conduct a full blown interview right there on the spot. That would be weird. Conclusion In conclusion, there are many perks to having an eCommerce app. Not only is it beneficial, but depending on what your business domain is and who your competition is, it might actually save you from losing some customers. Embracing the eCommerce app trend is sort of a necessity if you want to stay afloat in a constantly changing ecosystem. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/why-online-retailers-should-invest-in-ecommerce-mobile-app/

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Important Tips To Consider While Developing a Wallet App

There will always be a demand for competent solutions when it comes to financial transactions. Entering the mobile app era, banks and individuals alike are more app-oriented even when considering ways to manage and complete their payments. An app that provides services that seek to accommodate its users and their payments is Paytm. The app is recorded to house 7 million transactions. Care to guess how much time it takes Paytm to register 7 million transactions? The answer is one day. Yep, Paytm is a platform where 7 million transactions take place daily. That being said, it is understandable how a developer would want to replicate that success and incorporate a new app into the payment app scene. If you are looking to develop such an app, this article can serve as guide so that you know what to look out for and what to focus on during development. Following these suggestions will prove quite impactful down the road, when your app is complete: Keep it light The whole point of mobile applications that allow you to manage payments is that it is supposed to be easy and eliminate the hassle of more traditional means. However, if you make an app that just complicates things it completely beats the purpose of the app, so try to keep the app very simple to use. Your goal is to come up with an app that will serve its function in just a few steps. Security From the very beginning of the project you need to realize how crucial security is. Despite the advanced security perks that come with digitalization, it also opens a door for a new type of threat: hackers. Cybernetic attacks can cause a lot of harm, and when talking about a digital wallet type of app, it can be devastating. That is why security should be one of your top concerns all throughout the development process as well as after the app is finished. Location based service You should save your customers from having to go shop hunting. What that means is that they should gain access to information telling them exactly where your app can be used. By implementing a location based service that will alert them about nearby supporting stores and businesses, you can boost your app’s popularity because more people will know about more places where it can be used. Payment status Payment status will promptly update the status of each payment so that all parties involved know at each moment where their money is and what is happening to it. You can imagine that when a transaction fails or something goes south, your users will want to know what is happening. Leaving them in the dark will only cause them to have less trust in your app. Especially when talking about something as important and often times delicate as money transfer, you can’t expect someone not to want info on their transactions at all time. Redeemable coupons Redeemable coupons have seen a massive increase in the last couple of years, and it doesn’t show signs of stopping this year or next year for that matter. Through these coupons, retailers and marketers are able to pinpoint and focus on a specific group of consumers. It would be highly beneficial for your app to incorporate support for these coupons so that they can be scanned and redeemed through your service. That being said, there is a bright future ahead for those that invest in this sort of app. Thanks to the current flow of things and how apps are becoming the center-piece to many businesses’ connection to the world, you can cash in quite a pretty penny through a payment app. App developers that put in the time and effort to come with a great solution and also alternative to Paytm can find themselves raking some serious coin as well as industry rep, which can open more doors in the future. Conclusion The reason for which there aren’t as many competent solutions as you might think, could be the fact that this type of app requires a lot of attention to detail due to the sensitive nature of its objective. If you take into consideration everything that we have gone over in this article, there is no doubt that you will be able to create an app like payment that will spark the attention of important clients. It is important to keep in mind that people are always looking for easier ways to do stuff, and by accommodating this demand you can easily secure yourself a sweet spot in the app market. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/important-tips-to-consider-while-developing-wallet-app/

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How Google Play Store Does Better Than The Apple App Store

Throughout history, pop culture has always presented us with a few choices that would split most people into two camps. These battles would go global and often times, the side you stuck with said a certain thing about you. You probably know a couple of them and have been on one side or another in some case. Just a couple of examples would be Coke vs Pepsi, Xbox vs PlayStation, Nike vs Addidas and so on. In more recent times, we see another battle erupting at the heart of the tech market. To be more specific, we’re talking about iOS vs Android. The two leading mobile device operating systems have been brawling it out ever since they were released. But as some of you know, mobile platforms are very dependent on the quality of the app store built for them. That means that the marketplace can make or break the mobile OS, so it’s no wonder that many people want to know which platform is better and why. In this article we will shed some light on the subject and give you another perspective may be. No doubt that Apple’s iOS App Store has its strengths, but let’s see how Google’s Play Store manages to come out on top and in what departments. App developers have an easier time on the Play Store There are two sides to this argument. Let’s start off by looking at Apple’s App Store. The platform has made a name for itself as provider of nothing but top quality. Since its release, the App Store has only allowed the top quality apps to pass and thus has gained a reputation for excellence. This is something that pleases the user community, since they are far less likely to encounter bugs or problems with the iOS version of an app. However, from a developer point of view, it can get quite troubling to know that all the hard work you put into your app could be for nothing. Because of these facts, iOS versions of apps do tend to be more popular and also get priority in the development queue over the Android counterpart. However, these are also the reasons why many app developers stick with Android. On Google’s side, developers have an incredibly lower chance of getting rejected. Also, on Android you will see a far wider selection of applications, without taking anything away from Apple’s collection. Apps that significantly alter the aspect or functionality of the entire operating system are available on the Play Store whereas the iOS marketplace lacks in that department. Google Play Apps are seen easier than App Store apps After putting in the work to create an app, then getting past the admission part, developers start worrying about how many people actually see their app in the store, or how visible it is to those searching for it. It is a top concern for developers that when people search for their app, they would get a direct result that will score their app more hits. This isn’t always the case, unfortunately, and that’s to do with how each marketplace handles search queries. Let’s take a look at Apple’s model. In the App Store, developers get a special box when submitting their app. There, they put down all the keywords for their app, and if someone is to find it in the store, they would have to search for one of those keywords. Needless to say, that reduces the total number of people that find, discover or stumble upon your app by quite a lot. Google on the other hand has its store set up so that when a user is searching for something, it will match the search query with app names, app descriptions, and pretty much everything else related to apps. This maximizes the chances of you finding what you were looking for, because it checks every piece of text on the platform to find something matching what you searched for. This is why many app developers choose Android as their development platform, because they have a guaranteed larger discovery rate right off the bat. Google Play Store tells you more about the app If it’s a popular app, it’s probably available on both Apple’s App Store and the Google Play Store. You can check out one of your favorite apps on both the App Store and the Play Store to see just how much different the two app pages are. If you don’t have mobile devices on both platforms, you can always access the pages from your computer. On the App Store, you have a very minimalistic approach to app description, with just some screenshots and bits of information scattered across two columns. The only critique is from app reviews which are displayed on the page as a sort of encouraging factor for users that want to try out the app. The Play Store offers just one column, and you just scroll down to gradually learn everything there is about the app. You have screenshots as well as video (which is very important because it gives you the best pre-install notion of the app). Also, you get information about how other users are finding the app and you can filter comments so that you see them by the phone model comment leavers are using. You can even sort them to see the ones from your friends, so you can get a more personal endorsement from the app. Finances are a less stressful on Android’s store Money is a very important factor when it comes to mobile apps. Even though some of the mare free, it is no secret or surprise that all app developers submit their creations in the hopes of getting some monetary gains or at least recognition that would boost their careers and thus lead to fruitful jobs. When it comes to Play Store apps, these are a lot cheaper and often times free, in comparison to Apple’s platform. This is because iOS developers charge more

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Selecting A Right Mobile App Development Company Makes Your Million Dollar Idea More Valuable

Adopting technology based solution becomes a recent mindset of businesses from small and midsized businesses to large sized enterprises in order to explore new horizons of their ventures. Mobile app becomes a one of the most popular trend adopted by businesses, today. Based on one survey, approximately 77% business holders appreciate the benefits of enterprise apps. Moreover, around 66% of them are looking for enhancing their investment in mobile app development. The market of enterprise apps is expected to grow in near future. The trend of micro-apps is also ascending as per recent trend. In addition, m-commerce has established a new standard as the world is progressing towards digitalization. The prime goal of businesses for mobile app development is to restructure, streamline and efficiently administrate their crucial business operations. Hence, for development of a successful mobile app, a business needs to find an expert and reliable mobile app development company who comprehend throughout need of their million dollar app idea and capable to turn it in a more productive manner. There are several criteria essential to comprehend as for small and medium sized businesses, the budget is a prime concern and they cannot take any risk in trash their valuable money and time by finding an inefficient app development company. Important Criteria to Understand In Selecting the Right Mobile App Development Company Here we are discussing some major criteria that assist you with how to decide on selecting a mobile app development company for developing an innovative mobile application. Finding a company with a team of veteran professionals, including designers, developers, project managers and marketing experts helps in accomplish your purpose. A company having experienced and knowledgeable professionals with an understanding of latest technology trend as well as need of end-users can easily justify your project thoroughly. Study the Portfolio Collect portfolio of different mobile app development companies in order to find a right company with abilities to accept complex challenges. You should make a study of their work, reviews of clients, social media interactions and work approach in order to make a short list of companies to choose a good one. You should discuss with the management and development team to understand their proficiency. On the other hand, you need to ensure about your app idea and budget for development. You need to choose a company that precisely matches with your budget limit with other significant criteria. Selecting a right platform for your app is also an important task. There are many companies who proffer services for developing all types of app. They can give right suggestion to choose the right platform to make your app profitable. Comprehend the App Development Process Understanding the complete life cycle of project development is also necessary while selecting any reliable mobile app development company. As on-time project delivery gives value to your investment, you need to ensure with your hiring company regarding the timely delivery of the project. Moreover, project updates at frequent interval of development cycle helps in understanding scope of the project for its further implement to add new features and make the app seamless. Understand Work Approach Many mobile app development companies initially allures you with good promises in order to grab the project, but once they get a signing amount, they start finding reasons to escape from your work. Hence, it becomes necessary to know the work approaches of your hiring company and their punctuality in delivering work, completely. You should ensure with their list of clientele and reputation in the market. Security Aspects As security is the prime concern for any application, it becomes necessary for mobile app developers to have expertise in developing an app with a higher level of security helps in protecting valuable data of customers. According to one survey report, majority of apps has problems even in basic test of security. Thus, you need to ensure with your hiring company for all such important aspects. Furthermore, you need to assure about privacy of your app concept as well as all information related to your project. Before handling project to any company, an agreement that includes all security terms, payment terms, delivery schedule, private policy and other important terms and condition become vital to overcome any misconception at a later stage. When we talked about the technologies of mobile app, it becomes vital for mobile app developers not to depend on only outdated tools and techniques at the stage of development. They need right insight and vision to comprehend the modern trend of app market and how best they can serve out-of-box in order to make an app successful in real term. The developer team should comprise know-how to move ahead in the era of modern technology. Conclusion Consequently, finding a big or small company for your need of mobile app development depends on various factors that you should think about. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages for your search and take the right decision based on your key priorities. When it comes to choosing the right company to develop a mobile app for your million dollar idea, an expertise with the latest mobile app technology trends, prompt and reliable service and support as well as ethical and transparent work approach play an important role. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/selecting-a-right-mobile-app-development-company-makes-your-million-dollar-idea-more-valuable/

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How Would You Know When Your App Needs A Major Update

Most mobile apps are updated regularly, but the updates brought by developers are minor ones. They mainly focus on small tweaks, minor additions, bug fixes, some polishing here and there or adding a new small feature. As such, a major update is not as frequent as users would want, and it often implies a new version of the OS, a new UX design or new features. However, as an app developer, how would you know when you app needs a major update? Thankfully, there are some hints that may help you with this. New app feature If you want to add a feature that changes the entire user experience, then it’s time to release a major update. For example, if you want to add a social or collaborative element, to integrate a third-party service like payment gateway, to implement authentication and/or syncing across multiple devices, to change the revenue model of the app etc. You can even pair a couple of related features and thus make a major update. New design In case you are planning to completely change the design of the app, whether you are thinking about the UX or the visuals, most likely you need to release a major update. It is natural for you to want to change a couple of things, if not everything, from time to time, and truth be told, users sometimes do crave a change. One example of such a major update is the introduction of Material Design in Gmail for iOS 5.0. Performance One main concern of developers, entrepreneurs and designers is how to best increase the app engagement. Taking into account several data analysis, you can find out what you need to improve about the app, and if the improvement is a major one, it requires a specific update. Asking upfront for feedback from your users is not a bad idea either! And since we’re here… User feedback The in-app feedback is one of the most important things you have to take into account, because you’re constantly looking for user satisfaction. Check the app store reviews, the requests for support or the comparable items available on the market and in this way you can learn about what major flaws your app has and how to improve them. Some of the most often encountered problems consist in difficulties finding a certain feature, a particular button or needing a certain function which doesn’t exist. Old codebase These days technology advances extremely fast. Even a codebase created two years ago is old and obsolete now. In this case, even if everything works well in general, you might want to change the codebase. Keep in mind that a major update may imply a complete rewrite of your code, so prepare for this if you plan to do it soon. The more people work on a codebase, the more time it might take and the more complicated it may turn out to be, even if they do stick to the rules. Extending to various platforms or devices Given the multitude of the devices and platforms available nowadays, you have to be flexible if you want to cater to several types of users and reach as large a number of users as you can. Of course, expanding the app means that you have to rework the app code entirely, since you have to adapt to various design sizes and to aim for a coherent experience. Latest design trends Since technology is evolving quickly, so are the aesthetic trends. An outdated appearance is definitely a no-no for any entrepreneur, so you might want to keep in touch with the latest trends when it comes to designs. Check out the Human Interface Guidelines by Apple or the Material Design Guidelines by Google, since their advice may actually become useful. Conclusion All in all, there is a constant need for improvement, regardless of the type of app you have. Times and trends are changing faster than you might predict, so it’s extremely important to keep yourself informed, to watch out for what your other competitors are doing and what are the weak spots in your own app. Do not let yourself fooled by the fact that you temporarily achieved a great app, you have to be aware that there’s always room for improvement. Last but not least, remember that you have to take into account the user feedback, the codebase age, the current trends and technologies, the expansion and new app features when considering implementing a major update. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/how-would-you-know-when-your-app-needs-a-major-update/

How Would You Know When Your App Needs A Major Update Read More »

News App Can Prove To Be A Boon For Your Online Magazine

Online magazines are the popular entertainment content providers that people seek. In today’s world where people are addicted to mobile phones, want all information right on their handsets. Whether it is an ecommerce business or education or news or media, every type of business that has online presence are moving towards having a mobile app developed for their business. Therefore, the native patterns of selling paper magazines and online magazines are changed to more of a mobile version of magazines what we call news apps. News apps can prove to be more profitable as it can help in increasing the reader base of an online magazine worldwide. Every newspaper company in the world, let say, Time of India, New York Times, USA Today, Hindustan Times, etc. are having a mobile application to facilitate their existing as well as new readers and also make more business with online advertisement. Same is the case with magazines like Time, The economist, Elle, Discovery, or National geography. They all have a mobile app to offer the seamless reading experience to their subscribers. This article highlights the factors that can prove that having a news app for your online magazine is indeed a boon for your business: Rich User Interface A news app can have a rich user interface that is interactive as well as eye catchy. An interactive UI allows user to find the content of their choice and also let them zoom in or zoom out, highlight the sections and save for the later read. There can be many interactive features that are incorporated in a new app. You can not only put the written content for your readers, but also show relevant audios, videos, and images. It is said that visual content is more engaging than articles. The content can be dynamically managed, can be edited or deleted as required. The app can be designed highlighting the hot news in the main section. All this designing strategies makes a news app user interface rich and dynamic, giving your customers an extravagant reading experience. A New Stream of Profit Making A news magazine whether it is paper or online, have certain ways of making profit, which are through periodic subscriptions, advertisements, paid articles and sponsored events. More the reader base, more the profits. But when we are talking about smart phone revolution and need of News App, it is mandatory to study how a news app can itself become a new stream of making profits. A reader comes to your news app for getting a real and fresh content related to the topic he likes. No reader is interested in banner ads and mostly they avoid looking at them. Also if you show advertisement pop-ups, even that is ignored and can impact on your reader base, as readers are more interested in reading the content. Therefore, such requirement of giving readers a seamless experience of reading and also displaying the advertisements can be catered by a news app. You can showcase sponsored articles right below the general article, or show a video in the bottom of the page. It will note even annoy the reader, deviating them from the main content and also show up the advertisement. Push Notifications If you talk about paper or online magazines, they can be referred by reader only when he/she wishes to. But if you have your online magazine as new app, you can use push notification feature to let readers be aware about the hot news or latest trends in the market. Every time there is a new article about latest trend that reader is interested in or any hot news, a notification is sent to reader. Moreover, a reader can control if he wants a notification or not, by enabling or disabling push notification service. Only a news app can give such facilities to your readers. Connects with Social Media Those people who are use to read your magazine are your loyal customers. But what about the rest of the world. How do you reach people across the world and increase reader base. To do so, social media are the right place to promote your news app/magazine. Let us take a case of Facebook, it has 1.86 billion active users per month. Promoting your magazine article on such social media app can bring you large audience. A news app can also have a feature to allow your readers to share articles on their social media apps. This way you can improve readers engagement on your magazine and trigger sales of your magazine subscription. Easy Navigation When it comes to magazine, the objective is to give reader something new and interesting to read about related to the subject’s reader is interested in. In the news app you can create numerous categories, a reader can select from. This makes a centralized place to view articles of all genre. Moreover, in an app you can highlight the relevant articles in the bottom of an article. Moreover, you can place a section of live videos, or breaking news, reader can easily access to it. These user friendly and high intuitive experience can be developed in a news app for your online magazine. Get your magazine in the eyes of people across the world by launching a news app. With latest technologies available in the market for iOS and Android platforms, developing a mobile app is not a challenge anymore. Read also: If you are looking to build your own news app for your online magazine, then feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to assist you for the project’s cost estimation, development time and more. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/news-app-can-prove-to-be-a-boon-for-your-online-magazine/

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