mobile app

How to Improve the User Experience of your Mobile App

How would you define the success rate of your mobile application? Obviously, each of the app developers strive hard to create and launch an app, which gets the same sweet taste of success as WhatsApp, Facebook, Uber or Amazon. If you want your app to be in the same line as the as these popular apps, it has to offer an all-round performance. Choosing the appropriate platform and stuffing the optimal features is one flip side of the picture. The User Experience (UX) is another vital aspect of the coin that will determine whether it would remain on the user’s phone screen for long or the users would simply churn it out. Now, let’s analyze a few facts and figures and see how the User Experience can make your app successful or unsuccessful. According to one of the statistics, 61% of the users have positive views about the companies offering good mobile experience. On the other hand, one of the other stats indicates that 52% of the users are likely to less engage with the company offering bad mobile experience. The User Experience is considered as one of the most vital designing tools as it makes the navigation of the app easier and also user-friendly. In addition, it also helps to create the brand awareness. Most of the mobile apps have gained the public attention due to their exceptional UX designs. Making the Mobile App Navigation Better The navigation is one of the most essential aspects of the good UX design. The app navigation must be faster and easier so that the user gets the satisfaction level he is looking for. You can provide with an informative tour screen, which would be beneficial for the user when they are operating the app for the first time. The users will be able to find the information and helps in decreasing the churning rate of app. The app designers need to pay attention on bettering the on-boarding experience as according to one of the stats, after the true on-boarding experience, only 9% of the users abandoned their apps and 61% of the users will visit the apps 11 times more. However, on the contrary, if the navigation is not up to the mark, your app will suffer as it would be very difficult to engage the users. So, try to keep the tour screen short. UX Design Compliments the Battery Life The users have often alleged that some of the apps tend to consume a lot of heir phone battery and thus it drains out very fast. The users are very careful about their battery and would shun your app immediately if it is getting exhausted way too quickly. So, you have to ensure that your app does not eat much of the battery along with other important resources like data and memory. Knowing Who Your Target Audience is The familiarity of who your specific target audience is not only applicable when you are deciding the platform of the app or selecting the features, but it also becomes crucial when you are designing the mobile app UX. Thus, even before you start to develop the wireframe know your users and also be familiar whether they are experienced or first time users. It would be better and recommended to go through the user’s reviews and feedbacks thoroughly on various apps of the same category. This would probably give you an idea about what people in general are looking as far as designing of the app is concerned. Creating More Interactive Designs If you want people to fall in love with your app designing skills, then you must exhibit how you interact with the mobile app. This means your app design has to be highly interactive. By interactive design, the app designer pays attention on developing eye-catching web interfaces using the logical and creative imagination in the process. In addition, he must also use the latest trends and techniques to achieve the desired output. Simplifying the Signup Process As you must be well aware that most of the apps today have a signup process, where the user has to enter his email id or phone number along with the password. However, all users are not tech friendly and may find this step difficult to deal with. One of the major issues that complicate the problem is the lengthy registration process that can even frustrate and annoy the user. Well, this is known as the ‘The Least Effort Principle’, which means people will take the least effort in order to get a result. The users don’t like their screens slowing down and more importantly consuming more time in opening a page they want to. Remember, you have to keep the registration page as short and simple as possible because users don’t have time and energy. Avail only the most necessary information to create an account. Even if you want to get additional information, keep that for later stages when the users start using the app. Useful Tips on Building an Interactive Design for the app Matching the Industry Standards Whether you are designing an app or an Android or iOS platform, you have to necessarily maintain the best standards that match with the current trends. Avoid Unrelated Inputs Don’t ask the users the unnecessary details if it isn’t required or very necessary. For instance, you don’t need to ask the birth date or address of the user unless and until you are making an app deemed fit for the adults. Answering the feedback from Users Well, it always nice you are responding well to the user’s feedback even if it is a negative comment. Try to be quick in your response. Improve the speed of video and animation loading You have to keep in check the speed of loading especially the videos and the animations if any. Slow loading will lead to abandon the app Show the user the warning sign if they have done something wrong. Make smart use of the pop the

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Vital Features of On-Demand Home Rental App that Should be Included

Home Sweet Home! Well, no comfort, convenience or pleasure can ever match the standards of the luxury that a home offers to any individual. Every person cherishes to have a dream home but the skyrocketing prices of the property, compel them to look for a suitable apartment or home on rental basis. However, even finding a home for rent is a daunting task specifically if you are a first time visitor to the city or locality. However, ever since the various types of on-demand apps have made their way out in the center, it has proved no less than a boon for the users. The on-demand house rental apps like Keyo, is one such optimal example of how the different tasks including finding a home has got simplified. Today, people are shifting more towards the urban areas where they can easily find common ammonites such as market, easy availability of local transport, school, bank, including others. We are witnessing more of residential complexes and apartments of various sizes to suit the budget estimates. Advantages of On-Demand House Rental Apps like Keyo – for Tenants Helps finding a suitable home within your pocket with ease Simplifies the paperwork formalities and other activities The Tenants can pay their rent through the app Offers perks such as credit card boosts and monthly giveaways Benefits of Home Rental Apps for the Landlords The landlords can keep a vigil and control over their property It helps them to find genuine tenants who are capable of paying the required rent for up to 40% less than a broker’s fee So, beyond any doubt we can say that the on-demand house rental app is beneficial for both the parties i.e. the landlord and the tenant. Now let’s consider the important features that you need to integrate in the rental apps. Automatic Payment of House Rent Online The on-demand home rental app is facilitated with online rent auto pay allowing the tenants or users to pay their rent with great ease and securely. Well, this is a feature of the rent app that lets users to connect their bank accounts with the ACH (Automated Clearing House) payments. So, you don’t have to take the pains of remembering and sending the rent every month to the landlord. So, you can include this feature to give you app an edge over the others. Requesting for the Home Maintenance through App Well, this is also one of the significant features of the on-demand home rental app. using this all important attribute, the user or the tenant can request for small home maintenance services such as availing the services of an electrician, a plumber, carpenter, painter, laundry, and much more. You don’t need to approach any other app for these tasks; you get everything under one roof. It saves a lot of time as well as money. The tenants also don’t have to keep requesting the landlords or make continuous phone calls for getting the things repaired. This feature will certainly become the spotlight of your app and would impress the users for sure. The Paper Work Gets Digitalized The on-demand rental apps simplify the paper work along with other formalities. Often the paperwork is considered to be a complex task that is long as well as time consuming. The tenants don’t like filling out long application forms and then finding the other important documents to be submitted with it. Instead, this task can be done with just a few taps on the screen such as checking the background of the tenant, his financial status, and rent agreement including the set of other crucial instructions. All these are available in digitalized form, which is also free of cost. This feature is very essential to include from the tenant’s perspective as it saves their money. Providing a Comprehensive Marketplace The on-demand home rental app should provide comprehensive information on the marketplace related to different listed properties. The app should contain data of the categories so that the users can choose the desired property according to their needs and budget. It should also contain one segment allowing tenants to make comparison between the rents of different apartments. In addition, the tenant and the landlord should have their separate profiles showing their interests and preferences. No Presence of Broker or any Middlemen With the emergence of highly sophisticated on-demand home rental apps, the age old tradition and concept of broker or the middlemen has faded out. Now, the users are able to choose their residential housing areas and apartments according to their choice and priorities. So, brokers please excuse, you are no more required now. So, is the entire process of renting and agreement is conducted between two parties- the tenant and the landlord. There is no other third party. Offering the Rewards and Attractive Offers Well, this is supposed to be the backbone of any on-demand app, which also is a great marketing tool. Your ultimate aim is to allure the customers for whom you have to provide attractive discounts, rewards and other offers. For instance, you can offer free membership of any local club or gym or better offer discounts on grocery items from a nearby store. This is one of the best promotional methods that you can employ and encourage more and more users to use the app for finding a good house for renting. Providing Additional Information about the Locality Well, this is an important feature of the house rent app. You can provide some additional information about the locality to the user such as nearest market for buying essential commodities, banks and ATMs, shortest way to reach nearest railway station or airport, modes of transport, schools, shopping malls, hospitals, important government offices, gym, etc. This small but pivotal information will be useful for the person who is a newcomer in the city. Conclusion At a time when more people are moving into apartments and residential buildings, the vitality of on-demand rental apps have gained popularity. People who cannot find

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7 Ways To Find Beta Users To Test Your App​

When building an app, there are many different things you need to do. Create it, market it, come up with all the right ideas and more. However, one step that many people miss (but shouldn’t) is testing it. Testing your app will make sure that it not only works in all the ways you want it to, but also that it gets market validation from your target market. Beta testing your app will make sure that once your app is open to the public, or to your employees, it will be ready and you can be confident in how people have responded. However, in order to go through beta testing, you need some people willing to test it. While this might seem simple, that isn’t always the case. This article will take a look at a few different ways and helpful tips that can assist you in finding quality beta users to test your app. Create and Use an Email List If you run a company or are releasing an app, having an email list is an incredible idea. Before you even launch your app or test it, you should be sending this email list helpful content, tips, guides, and more. From the list, narrow down the most engaged people and offer them beta access to your app once it’s at that stage. By involving them with the process early and keeping them around through development and beta testing, these users will likely be opening to offering you feedback on your app, becoming testers and more. They will also be in your target market and be familiar with your niche and industry, which both make for great app testers. Use A Burst Campaign While this is generally most common when marketing an app that is already done, it can also be helpful in finding beta testers for your app. A burst campaign is when you aggressively purchase media over a very short time period, with the goal of getting your app noticed by as many people as possible. This is instead of purchasing smaller amounts of media over a longer period of time. This method of using a burst campaign can help you get beta testers fast, as opposed to other approaches. While it is not guaranteed to work, if the ads and promotions that you run are solid, you are likely yo get some interested parties who want to beta test your app. You Could Seek Them Out Yourself in Person Depending on the type of app that you are creating, there might be a certain type of person that you are marketing to, and thus, there will be a certain person that you need to beta test it. For example, if your app ha a target market of college students, you may want to pay a visit to your local campus to recruit some students to potentially beta test your app. In addition to that, if your app is quite general and will be used by a wide range of people, you can always reach out to your family and friends to help with beta testing. They will likely be interested and would love to help, and can provide you with honest and truthful responses about your Websites That Provide Beta Testing Services In the past few years, several websites have emerged that can help you beta test your app easier than ever before. While each is different and has their own prices, terms, conditions and features, they all aim to help you beta test your app quicker and easier than ever before. The internet is full of online guides that can help you decide which to use, but many offer a free trial or something of the sort, so you will be able to see which you like the best. Also, there is no rule against using more than one, so feel free to use as many as you want. Reddit and Other Social Media Platforms Social media has changed the world in countless different ways, one of which is making it easier than ever to find beta testers. There are people of all backgrounds on social media, so finding the right type of people for your beta tests should be simple. All you need to do is either make a post, or seek out users who have shown to be interested in this kind of thing. While Reddit is the most common place to find testers, as there are literal subreddits with thousands of people willing and ready to test out apps of all different shapes and sizes, it is not the only place to go. Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram can be great places to find beta testers. Best of all, seeking out beta testers via social media can also be more affordable than traditional methods, as well. Provide Value to Early Adopters in Some Way If you want people to beta test your app, you often need to provide them with some sort of value or content in order to get them to do so. People will be more willing to help you out if you offer something to them in return. Whether it is some money, some extra content once the app is fully released or even just value in the form of an e-book or helpful guide that the community can utilize. While not everyone will need “convincing” (for lack of a better term) to help you out, it couldn’t hurt to offer them something to ensure they truly provide and honest and thorough opinion. Having beta testers who don’t take it seriously is never a good thing, as it can leave you with inaccurate information about the viability of your application. Providing something of value in return will almost surely get more people interested in beta testing your app, so be sure to consider it! Be as Personal as Possible When looking for people to review and beta test your app, you should approach it with as much of a

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Fixed Cost or Hourly Rate: Which Pricing Model is Better for Your Project?

Whenever a business entrepreneur plans to develop a mobile or any web application, he usually takes into consideration a number of vital factors. The first aspect to arrive in the scenario is the app idea with clearly defined features. However, most of the clients today are inquisitive to know how much it would cost to develop a mobile app or a web app. They want to pre-define their budget estimate. But to tell you the core truth, it is very difficult for any App Development Company or Developers to provide you with an exact figure of app development cost. You must know that the price depends on a number of variable elements such as choice between freelancer or in-house agency, selection of the platform; Android or iOS, hybrid or native, the development team and its particular location, technical aspects, UI and UX designs, testing or quality assurance and the cost of app publishing etc. In addition, if you are developing an MVP of your app or going for some additional features, you have to pay more. Have you ever considered or heard about the different pricing models for determining the cost of app development? Most clients are actually aware about it as they undertake an extensive research before getting in touch with the professional App Development Firm. If you look at a scenario of the App Development Industry, most of the companies basically follow a dual pricing model: Fixed Pricing Model Hourly or the Time and Material Model Here, we would be analyzing the key differences between the two popular models and in which case each of these would be ideally suitable for your project. The Fixed Pricing Model The fixed price model as the name implies comes with a fixed budget estimate with very little or almost no scope of any alteration in the project. The cost of the project and the timeline is agreed upon in advance. In this model, generally, the app idea, implementation of the features and functionalities, choice of the specific platform is all pre-defined in advance. The development team as well as the client undergo a mutual understanding with crystal clear ideas as well as the end results. The client is pretty sure about the success of the app and so he’s prepared to take the risk. Another important point is usually in this type of pricing model. The project is not complex with a small budget estimate. The task is simple and you don’t require a big team to accomplish it. You have to necessarily remember the fact that no changes, not even a single one is allowed once the terms and conditions are agreed upon and the agreement is signed under any circumstance. Therefore, you should be very clear about what features you want to integrate in the app. However, the downside of this model is that you are giving more preference to your budget in comparison to quality of the project. So, you also have to prepare to take the risk and face failure if the app idea does not click according to your expectations. But the app development companies are offering a sort of financial ‘airbag’ to deal with the wrong, which is included in the app pricing. Essential Features of the Fixed-Cost Agreement The budget or the cost of developing the application is decided in advance and there is a mutual understanding between the developer and the client. It does not change and remains static. The development team is well acquainted about how to mould the project and bring it in perfect shape. They know what features and functionalities to add and how to go about designing an app icon and UI designs. Even the deadline of the project is fixed. The project has to be completed within the specific timeline. Under no circumstance you are allowed to ask for any change in the project. There is risk element involved in this model due to the deadline factor. Conditions when Fixed Pricing Model will Suit your Needs You need a simple app with not so much of complex tasks involved to develop it. You have a tight budget in hand and you are left with no other alternative. You are planning to develop a Minimum Viable Product or App Prototype to test the validity of app’s idea. You have a crystal clear idea of app with reference to adding of features and choice of platform etc. The Hourly Rate Pricing Model The hourly rate is also known as the Time and Material Model. Here the mantra is pretty much straightforward. The cost of the project is determined by per hour basis, which varies from region to region and from one company to another. The cost of the app would be the total number of hours worked by the app development team to complete the project. For instance, if the company charges $25 per hour and the total hours for completing the app development is 600, then the price would stand somewhere around $25×600, which is equal to $15,000. The hourly rate or the Time and Material Model is more preferable for clients who really seem to take a great interest in what’s going behind the scenes. Due to their flexible nature, you are most welcome to give your own verdict and also valuable suggestions on improving the quality of the project. You can make changes during the development process and go for additional features if you find the necessity. Therefore, it offers the customers a much wider scope where they can get a desired product in accordance with their requirements. Essential Features of the Hourly Rate Model The pricing model depends on the working hours of the developers and rate they charge for their effort The cost of the project is not fixed. It may exceed with the progress of development or can even decrease as well if you want to remove any unnecessary feature. Not only the cost, but the timeline of the project is also flexible.

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How to Develop a Currency Converter App?

Globalization has paved the way for a world where all of us are profoundly connected. Some time ago, borders were considered to be a restriction that was very hard to surpass, now many of us do so without giving it a thought. Think about it. When was the last time you purchased something from an international E-commerce chain? Or, expand your own business, internationally? May be, your suppliers are based outside your country, and hence there is a difference in currencies when carrying out transactions. This is why a currency converter app is a convenient invention. Why Should You Do Business Related to Currency Converter Apps? Rather than just using a currency converter app for your needs, you can also develop one as a business idea. Various trends reflect a demand for this type of app. Look at the following stats: International tourism is a global industry that is thriving. European travelers alone account for 670.6 million tourists! And when you are traveling to a foreign country, you need a quick solution through which you can compare the prices of the country with your domestic currency. People are now migrating to online platforms for shopping. International E-commerce is becoming more and more popular which is increasing the need to know about prices in your own currency. As borders get blurred, the freelance economy is booming. Here, altering your rates according to the country of your client is a given. And a currency converter app helps you in doing so. Steps to Consider When Developing Currency Converter App Do you wish to develop a currency converter app from scratch? Here is how you can do so. Select a Quality App Development Service If you think you can create an app better by yourself, there is a high probability that you are mistaken. We don’t wish to put you down. However, app development is not a piece of cake. Not to mention that you shouldn’t put this pressure on yourself anyway considering the other productive ways you can utilize time.e Anyone who wishes to match or improve on the popular currency converter apps in the market should research and find a quality app development service. Your decision should be based upon the level of expertise of the given firm, their portfolio, reputation among customers about the quality of work and price charged. Which of these factors you prioritize first depends on what your needs are? Those who are looking to create a competitive advantage through product improvement should look for companies that deliver the best quality app. However, if you want to take a cost-leadership approach and provide an app cheaper than your competitors, comparing prices of different services is an excellent way to start. Decide What You Want You will find currency converter apps that use the prevailing exchange rate to you how much a given currency will be worth in terms of another currency. At the same time, you will find apps that allow you to change the exchange rates manually. Both of them come under the umbrella term for currency converter apps. You must decide which one you wish to develop. Do you want to develop a currency converter app or a currency calculator? This decision will base upon who your target audience is. For instance, people who invest in international stocks or currency to make money find apps which offer both conversion and calculation to be a value-added feature. This is because these people indulge in speculation and decide when to sell their stock depending on the price they’ll get. Here, currency calculators can come in handy for planning. On the other hand, individuals who merely want to compare prices or know what a given product is worth in their country will be satisfied with a simple currency converter. If you were to ask us, we would tell you to create an app that addresses both types of people. This will increase your target audience and hence chances of success. You can easily develop an app that can be used for direct conversions and manual entry of exchange rates for currency calculation. Ask your app developer to do it for you. Add Value-added Features Apart from the primary function of converting money from one currency to another, your app should also have an oomph factor. Here are some features you should consider adding. A wide range of supported currencies so that the masses can benefit from your app Currency converter apps that have made it big tend to support 150 to 180 currencies. The more currencies your app will support, the more diverse your target audience can be. However, there is a trade-off between some currencies you support and user-friendliness. The more currencies you have, the more users will have to scroll to find their desired one. To avoid this trade-off, you might want to pin the top currencies on the list or deliver suggestions based on search history. Some apps even go as far as to use location to decide which currency to reflect. Real-time exchange rates. Your app should be fast enough to incorporate exchange rate changes in real time Let’s say the currency the user is converting to is prone to daily fluctuations. What would happen if your app doesn’t incorporate changes to its value in real-time? Well, your app won’t be much help to your user. To avoid this, you must develop an app that is able to reflect the latest changes and updates. Also, remember that your user’s phone might not be connected to the internet all the time. Hence, you must offer an offline mode that saves the recent changes for offline viewing. Conversion history and graphs so that it is more convenient for users to find the currency they are looking for User-friendliness should be your priority regardless of what type of app you develop. How can you achieve this in a currency converter app? Simple. All you need to do is add a quick access option and search for

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How to Measure ROI for Your App Development

To learn about and understand how businesses work, it is necessary that you understand the set of terms related to business. Among those terms, the one which is widely used is Return on Investment (ROI) which is a method of determining the efficiency of an investment. It is a key metric used to rank the attractiveness of a number of different investment alternatives and is expressed as a percentage or a ratio. Generally, the Return on Investment can be calculated by any of the following formulae: So, if a business spends USD 1000 per month on an advertising campaign and generates USD 2000 in return directly from that campaign, you get ROI by dividing 2000 by 1000 which is equal to 2. This means that for every single dollar spent on the campaign, the business earned two dollars. ROI calculation helps you understand what is working for you and what is going against your business. Hence, you can introspect and invest in areas where you can earn and generate more revenue. ROI for App Development Think of the last few times you made a purchase. Were they in-store or online? For most of us, they were made through our phones using a mobile app. The convenience that such purchases offer has attracted many people towards online purchases which have resultantly boosted mobile commerce. The industry is only going to grow as research indicates that mobile commerce will reach USD 250 billion by 2020. This trend has also caught the attention of organizations who are now realizing the importance of mobilizing their work applications. While there are certain obvious advantages found in mobile app development for business, there are issues that make manufacturers reluctant to go mobile. The reluctance usually arises from the fact that they are not sure about the factor of ROI for mobile apps. This is quite reasonable because financial success for the mobile apps in the current complex and competitive marketplace is not an easy task. The mobile apps developed by the enterprises comes at a hefty price. Hence it becomes important that they provide a solid ROI. In the following section, we will discuss ROI in different types of apps and finally the steps involved in measuring the ROI for an app. ROI in the Development of Hybrid and Paid Apps The pay-per-download model can be the fastest way to obtain an immediate ROI for your app’s development. However, this method is not received well by users, as they are reluctant to pay an initial cost for an app that they have not tested. Customers usually hold high expectations of such apps which are often not met, hence, leaving the customers unsatisfied most of the times. Not every app is essentially designed to make money directly; there are other ways to monetize the apps rather than making customers pay for it initially. Different business models have been used for applications, the following two among them, have gained popularity among paid-for apps. Setting low prices for downloading the app: In such cases, the price for downloading the app is kept very low, so the cost of purchase for customers is not high. Such application development usually obtains a decent ROI in the long run. Setting high prices for an app: Some relatively well-known brands may go for high prices for their app because they are sure that the product will get sold. This should be the case when the ROI for the app is guaranteed otherwise it can backfire. ROI in Hybrid App Development The hybrid app provides more possibilities for monetization; hence, they are found abundant in the market. These apps focus on obtaining benefit after they are downloaded. ROI for such apps may be obtained through advertising, in-app purchases, and subscription payments. Other Kinds of ROI in Mobile Application Development ROI can be achieved in different ways in application development. Some companies sell user information to third parties to generate revenue. Others seek to analyze user behavior and patterns within a given industry. As long as the app provides a service that is useful to the customers, the app is bound to obtain a good ROI. Steps Involved in Measuring ROI of Mobile Apps Define Your Objectives The most crucial step of all is to know what you want to achieve from an app. It is important because other steps logically follow this. This must start before the designing of the screens and even before starting to write the code. Every mobile campaign can be measured by one of the two intended outcomes: Evaluate your consumer interaction: Focus is on mobile influence, user acquisition, and retention rate. Evaluate your workplace efficiency: Focus is on sales and marketing, asset management and field service. The mobile app developers must be clear about the business objectives and key metrics at all stages of app development. Without proper implementation of this step, you may not be able to effectively utilize your funds in the app development process. App Development Costs This step is important because you may need to ensure that you keep within the confines of the budget and do not consume any excessive resources in the app development process. Keeping an account of the developmental costs is necessary because you are going to need it to measure it against the key performance indicators as discussed in the next step. Development Costs generally include: Implementation costs Hardware costs Support and integration It must also be kept in mind that after the app has been developed, there is also a need for a maintenance team which adds to the long-term development costs. Give Each App a Measurable KPI Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is a business metric used to evaluate the factors that are important for the success of an organization. They differ from one organization to another as some may consider net revenue as a KPI while others might consider customer loyalty metric or retention rate as a key performance indicator. This goes hand in hand with the

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How To Create Minimalistic UI Design for Your Mobile App?

We have often been told that one of the key elements that drive the users into an app is intuitive design. What users prefer today is a simplified user interface with basic functionalities. But have you ever heard about the term minimalistic design? Actually, the word minimalistic design originates from the term Minimalism, which is said to be an art movement that started post the World War II. In the simple and plain language, it is clear, concise, and consistent design that brings the designing techniques to its core. It is not entirely related to app functionality. It is based on implementing the necessary design elements that takes your mobile app towards the zone of success. A highly rated app is always simple on the cards with a clear visual communication. It is easily navigable with attractive color schemes and aesthetic background. As such, the designer uses his expertise to perfection while incorporating the various aspects such as the white and negative space as well as proportionality. He allows the app to breathe with the right choice of the visual balance. Choosing the Simple Color Scheme Choosing a simple and sophisticated color scheme is a great way to user the experience of the users. You cannot deny the influence of colors in mobile app design. Some UI designers have the concept that picking up various colors can provide a rich look to the app design; but that’s not true. The UI designers are even free to select and develop their own color scheme based on the color scheme standards. As such, there are mainly two types of schemes that are popular. Monochromatic scheme When you opt for the monochromatic color scheme, you get a wide selection of tints, shades, and tones within a specific color. You can change the brightness and the saturation point of the color scheme and even create other hues and schemes that do not overpower the eyes. Analogous schemes In this scheme, the designer is supposed to pick and utilize three colors that are placed adjacent to one another on a color wheel. You have to use the same colors for carrying out the tasks and highlight the important design of the app. Here the brightest color gains utmost vitality, while the lightest hue is least important. One App, One Typeface It is not a viable idea if you blend the various font sizes and types to provide a patchy or uneven look to your app. This where you can show your skills, deduct the font numbers to make the typography consistent. You will have to pay attention on important factors to enhance your typographic skills including the style, weight, size and avoid focusing on the different typefaces. While selecting a typeface for any app, you need to note that the platform’s default font is very important. For instance, the iOS apps mainly use the San Francisco family of typefaces that improves the reading experience for the users across all the platforms. Similarly, in the case of Android and Chrome, the popularly used typefaces are Noto and Roboto. Divide by Elements and Spacing, Not Lines The designers mainly use the lines and dividers if they have to clearly outline and distinguish the different sections and categories of an app screen. However, like colors you cannot use too many lines, which can make your app interface look untidy and clumsy. On the other hand, if you are using the lines and dividers in the appropriate ratio and proportion, the appearance of the app interface would become appealing, and functional drawing the attention of the users. If you want to segregate the content part from the lines, you can use the blocks, and spacing colors etc. One can cite the example of Google Calendar App, where the lines and divisions have been spaced intelligently using the shadows rather than lines to show the different sections. Blur Effects If you want to get a minimalistic design for the app UI, then one of the best solutions is utilizing the blur effects. This is where you can work with the layers and interface hierarchy. This is regarded as the optimum possible method because when you are playing with the layered UI, you get the chance of knowing the mobile’s flow to design an engaging menu and explore for more solutions. If we want to give a perfect example of an app using blur effects, then you can see the Yahoo weather app. It shows some beautiful weather locations and what’s important is you just need a single tap to get the detailed data, whereas the important data is instantly visible. Data Spotlight Well, this is understandable. You need to highlight the most important piece of content or the one present at the center by using a bright visible color and large font. At the same time, you can use contrast colors for the call to actions, help, and others to make your app pleasing. If you are employing the bigger fonts and using dark colors, it would grab the user attention into that particular spot where you want to draw. It would easier to collect information. Making Use of the Whitespace In order to implement an ideal minimalistic design, the whitespace or the negative space must be used wisely. This is more essential as these are basically the blank spaces in any app that are left empty for the purpose of developing contracts, and create other elements. The whitespaces don’t have any color. But they are pivotal from the design’s perspective. Now, it all depends on the creativity and expertise of the designer on how skilfully he utilizes the negative space. Icons: Stroke and Fill Let’s first define iconography. Well, it is known as the visual language representing the app content and functionality. It must be ensured that the icons are identified with much ease and so there should be an element of simplicity in it. Therefore, you can use the stroke and filled icons similar to those used

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What Makes a Mobile App a Necessity for Your Jewelry Business?

The digitized business world has become highly technology-oriented. Mobile apps are being extensively used in various industries, and the jewelry business is not an exception. Mobile apps have proven to be versatile marketing tools. A powerful mobile strategy goes beyond a mobile-friendly website. A customized, business-oriented mobile app can streamline your jewelry business. Given that 80% of the internet users use smartphones, it is logical to reach out to your potential customers through a powerful mobile application. The forward-thinking jewelry entrepreneurs have already integrated sophisticated mobile apps into their business. From strengthening their customer service to leveraging the marketing strategy, mobile apps can benefit your business in a number of ways. For any jewelry businesses, investing in a powerful mobile app is a smart decision. Benefits of Using a Mobile App in Jewelry Business Let’s explore the benefits of investing in a mobile app for your jewelry business: Greater Visibility Think of mobile apps as a mechanism to bolster your point of sales marketing. An average person spends 89% of the time they use a mobile phone on apps. This enables you to get across to potential buyers through these apps. When your products are available at their fingertips, your business potential gets a boost. Eventually, mobile apps open up a new gateway, through which you can tap the customer base. It is a cost-effective way to reach out to your customers. Customers today have become tech-savvy and they prefer avoiding crowds and queues. Sitting back at home, they can comfortably browse through your collections on the apps. Even when they are outdoors or travelling, you can remain in touch with them. Informing Your Customers For any business to grow, a consistent connection between the company and the customers is a necessity. A dedicated app for your business serves as a tool to keep the customers updated about the latest offerings. In case you have a new design in your collection, you can send them push notifications. This is one of the most effective ways to make the potential buyers have a look at the jewelry. The virtual stores make the products accessible to your customers. At the same time, you can enhance the sales prospects and let the buyers engage with your business. Besides, when you offer classic and trendy jewelry along with lucrative images, customers find them attractive. You can eventually inform them and make sure that your customers return to the app in future to explore the collection. Knowing Your Customers When it comes to high-value purchases like jewelry, customers need to make informed decisions. Even if you have a physical store, it is important to have a mobile app for your business. This helps business owners and marketers to know the tastes of their customers. Often, customers want a channel to communicate with the business firm. Particularly, while jewelry, they need to convey their preferences to you. Right from the designing process to delivery, a seamless interaction is necessary. You may also carry out polls and surveys through these apps in order to know their expectations. Integrating a mobile application enables business owners to get closer to the aspirations of potential customers. An interacting shopping experiment, on the other hand, leads to a greater retention rate. Cost-effective Branding and Promotions In the jewelry business, branding and promotional activities can be expensive. Traditionally, entrepreneurs incur huge expenses and this amount can be curtailed, when you have a mobile app. A dedicated mobile application can couple up as a promotional tool, through which you can create a better brand awareness among potential customers. Developing a mobile app involves certain costs. However, this amount is reasonable, considering that a successful jewelry company needs to spend several times more while carrying out the campaigns. Besides, an intuitive app enhances the overall experience of the users. They get a good impression about your business. Enhancing the user experience is one of the most strategic ways to retain them. Eventually, you can carry out your branding and marketing processes through a single platform. Personalized Shopping Experience With a customized business app around, you can deliver a personalized shopping experience to your customers. It can lead to 42% greater customer retention and 32% increment in cross-selling and up-selling. Presently, entrepreneurs are striving to furnish every little detail about the available products to their customers through the mobile apps. This enables the buyers to make better informed purchases. Eventually, you can enhance their experience and it leads to a greater revenue generation in course of time. The robust apps offer several payment options to the customers. A flexible model for payment and seamless customer experience helps a company win the loyalty of its customers. Sharing Your Products When you come up with desirable and stunning jewelry for your customers through the apps, they are likely to share them with their acquaintances and loved ones. Particularly, with the inception of social media platforms in business, the scope of sharing has become prominent. The sharing options are available in the mobile apps, through which they can share and forward the items to people they know. This leads to an indirect marketing effect, where a greater number of people get to know your business. Fashion enthusiasts often find jewelry alluring enough to shop them. They also share these items along with their experience on platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram. Your business gets a wonderful prospect to grow, with a greater visibility. Integrating AR Through Apps A large segment of business firms has already incorporated AR (Augmented Reality) in their apps. It enhances the overall shopping experience of the customers, providing them with better choices when they make the purchase. Through AR, computer-generated images are superimposed on the user, providing them with the opportunity to check out how they will look when they wear the jewelry items. Customers find it easier to compare the products and find out the model that can suit their looks. In the virtual business world, people cannot check out the items

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Top Mobile App Onboarding Best Practices

Onboarding is the brand identity of your mobile application. You can call it the first impression that defines either you will find somebody who declines to use it or get a loyal user. When initially a user launches your app, he/she should get a user-friendly, pleasant, and easy experience. Not every app needs an onboarding screen, but it’s a great tool for discussing fast to the user why the application is important and how he/she can use it. Importance of App Onboarding Before getting into the best practices of effective onboarding, let’s have a brief discussion on why an efficient app onboarding procedure is so crucial. App onboarding helps businesses optimize the first interaction of a user with the application. Making a positive and engaging first-time user experience is the key to an app’s success and maintains consistent user engagement. Sometimes users also lose interest when the app makes them puzzled and they find it hard to navigate. In accordance with statistics, almost 77% of users no more utilize an app 3 days after the first installation. The reason behind this is that they just didn’t understand how that particular product could be beneficial for them. Using app onboarding helps make the first-time user experience as smooth as possible, reducing possible pain points. The precise mobile app onboarding can save the app from getting deleted from a device and change the casual user to a serious and permanent one. The basic purpose of onboarding is to make an interactive procedure of letting the user know a mobile app to help them easily and fast utilize it in practice. Best Practices to Build an Efficient Onboarding The app marketers should consider that the onboarding begins on the app’s product page in the app stores because it’s the time when the user uses the app and gets familiar with it. Thereby, the whole onboarding procedure should be visually attractive and spontaneous. In this post, I will share the best practices for building a mobile app onboarding, alongside offering some good examples which can inspire you. Let’s dive into some recommendations to remember for an efficient in-app onboarding! Research with Login Options The friction users experience while creating an account and login is one reason behind low retention rates with mobile applications. Maximum users ponder making an account a big hassle, particularly in case they require entering lots of details and activating the account from their email. Hence, you must test with different login options for making an easy and enjoyable experience for your users. Apart from the email login, you can ponder no login at all or social media login. If you find a login unimportant for your mobile app, just leave it out. Nevertheless, you may require including other ways of gathering your users’ details. Ask Just the Most Important Things People wish to use an app as fast as possible but most apps need the users to give their personal details or request access to extra data. In case you also require this, just request the necessitous things, so you don’t have to waste your users’ time unnecessarily. You should not puzzle users with requests for accessing personal data or device activities when your app is first launched. You can always do it later when they launch it next time. Display Your Value-Add At first, users get in touch with your onboarding flow. If you don’t have a precise grasp over how your app can boost their lives, there is a possibility that they may forget your app or uninstall it. value add OnboardingFor instance, The New York Times mobile app displays what they are all about straight on the home screen. A short yet strong value proposition displays the top-notch journalism which the newspaper is famous for. Keep the Onboarding Screen Focused and Streamlined Although you need to offer instructions to your new users, ultimately you should make them encounter a data overload. Hence, try to keep your mobile app’s onboarding screen as streamline and focused as possible. Include value proposition. Add one or two sentences on the onboarding page which tells new users what they can acquire from utilizing your app. Do not forget to keep it sweet and short. Not all users prefer reading paragraphs, particularly when they want to explore a new app. When it comes to technology, people become really impatient and don’t think twice to uninstall an app just because the onboarding flow is lengthy. Give Importance to Personalization Personalization is the only thing that can make you different in today’s app marketplace. There is no exact time to go for it. You can give your users a tailor-made experience directly in the onboarding procedure. Take Spotify’s onboarding procedure as an example. After creating an account, you are prompted to choose musical artists you prefer – an onboarding procedure allows Spotify to make customized playlists for users directly. If you choose nearly 5 artists, this data enables Spotify to acquire a better insight into your musical choices, even before you start involving with the app. The way of customization may not be as precise for other applications as it’s for Spotify, but you should stay careful about scopes as they come along. Ultimately it builds great customization which will offer your brand a competitive advantage further. Indicate What the Next Step will be In case you need users to function a particular bunch of functions, inform them about the next step. Call to Action works amazingly in terms of raising involvement and audience retention as it can clarify people clearly what they should do next. Give Scope to Skip There are some users who like to sort out everything by themselves or are just very impatient; hence, you are recommended to offer them a scope to skip the app onboarding. ScopeIn a few cases, this can raise the number of users who work continuously with the app by 5 to 10%. There are some people who like to explore the product by themselves,

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Effective Ways to Encourage Users to Download your App

Close your eyes and revisit your day. Think of all the apps you were exposed to. The chances are you can name quite a few. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning to the moment we sleep, apps surround us. Whether it be for communicating, working or leisure, the app development industry has an offering for every part of our day. The Stats Say it all! When you consider the app usage statistics of 2019, you will be awestruck. Currently, there are 4.1 billion people with an active internet connection. In 2018 alone, there were 205.4 billion app downloads. An average American spends 130 hours on applications in a month and uses 9 applications daily. What it All Means for You? One thing is for sure if you are planning to develop your app, the market potential is quite lucrative. But, just because people are downloading and using apps and a high rate doesn’t mean your app will get the same response. After all, there is a lot of competition in the market. It is no longer a blue ocean. Therefore, you will have to put in the effort to encourage people to download your app. Here are some ideas that will make all the difference. Promote and Market Your App Merely making your app available on your website or App stores won’t seal the deal. Why? Well, because there are a plethora of apps already present on the web. Unless you tell your target audience that your app has been launched, they won’t even know about it! This is why you need to invest in marketing. Create an integrated marketing strategy. Use your digital presence along with conventional routes to ensure awareness and interest among users. Don’t just do so at the time of the launch of the app. Instead, keep investing in marketing to make sure that you grasp the attention of any new user that might seek the type of app you offer. Create a Solution, Not an App Nothing encourages customers to download an app as relevance does. A lot of companies make the mistake of creating products/services rather than solutions. Keep in mind that customers are not interested in the features of your app. They wish to know about the benefits the features bring. Rather than following the herd and making a similar app to ones already present, think of what your customers need. If you create an app that solves an underlying issue or satisfies a need, the buzz will be created, and people will download your app. Leverage Your Social Media Presence Whether your app is on an app store or your website, you shouldn’t just depend on people directly accessing the platform. Instead, you need to redirect them to it. Unless your app is very well known, it is quite unlikely that people will search for it. This is where your social media presence can come in handy. It can allow you to both build brand equity and resonance for your product as well as act as a redirection tool. A significant chunk of the global population is on social media. And through an advanced tool, you can send communications to your target audience only. Use such tools and your presence to engage your target customers on your social media accounts. Communicate your app’s unique selling point and differentiating features. Be creative and attention-grabbing while you are at it. The quality of your copy writing will govern your brand image. And the more favourable associations’ customers have of you, the more inclined they will be to download your app. Conduct Tasteful Telemarketing or Email Marketing If you are an app development company or a business with a pre-existing customer base, you don’t just have to focus on getting new users on board. You must also make sure that each of the current customers has downloaded the app. You will be surprised to know that not all do so. This can arise when you don’t market your app well. A great way to increase app download among current brand users is through direct marketing. Send them a personalized email or text message. Don’t be intrusive or annoying. The purpose of this email should be to create awareness and drive downloads. Give Your Customers Incentives If your app is worth downloading, the only resistance you face is in getting people to hit the download button, to begin with. The quality of your offering will easily do the rest of the job. Sometimes, people need a little more than product benefits to download an app. Reward their effort of taking out the time to download your app by offering incentives for downloading. Whether it be trial service (if the app has a premium pricing model), coupons, or discounts, incentives almost always work in getting people to download the app. To retain them, you must ensure that your application is seamless, smooth and high quality. Ensure Compatibility With an Array of Devices You can’t just create an app that works on desktop or tablets. You need to tap into the mobile segment as well. After all, most customers download apps through their mobile phones. Now many app developers are shifting their primary focus to mobile app development. People will be encouraged to download your app if it is compatible with the device they are viewing it on. So, make sure you offer a smooth experience in an array of mobile devices as well as tablets. Write a Blog Post Are you unsure about your product description? Do you think it doesn’t do justice to how great your app is? Considering how concise app descriptions have to be, this can b e true. A great way to highlight all the useful features of your app in detail, and offer potential users a proper insight, use your website to write a blog post about your app. Talk about its features. Link them to benefits and showcase how those benefits fit into the life of

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