mobile app development

Top Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2022

There has been a paradigm shift in implementing the rightful business strategies. Most enterprises are switching from desktop websites to mobile applications, which is a fast-track passage to reach the targeted audiences. However, the mobile app industry is also going through one of the most competitive phases where the selection of the right framework along with an apt platform and development strategy becomes pivotal. Over the years there has been a steady increase in the number of programming languages for both Android as well as iOS Operating Systems. In fact, the cross-platform app development has also gained momentum and one can certainly credit the best of the frameworks for this major transformation. The frameworks also play a crucial role in converting an Android app into an iOS app and vice-versa. Top Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2022 Let’s have a look at some of the popular mobile app development frameworks that will become a major tool for the developers in 2022. React Native It is one of the other popular cross-platform frameworks that have been launched by social media king Facebook. Although it made its inception in 2013, it has become one of the preferred choices for the mobile app developers. React Native is basically an open-source framework offering ample support to the IDEs and the other mobile app development tools. It is supposed to be one of the optimal JavaScript frameworks for creating native apps for both Android and iOS platforms. Flutter Flutter was launched by Google and is an open-source mobile application development SDK. It is a popular cross-platform app development and is written in the Dart language. However, when it comes to the choice of framework, Flutter is best suited for the development of the hybrid apps. It makes use of the 2D rendering engine called Skia to develop the visuals. The visuals resemble like the Material Design and Cupertino style. It is also much easier to test your project in Flutter. You don’t have to restart your project if there is any mistake. Ionic Ionic is one of the widely used frameworks employed for the development of mobile apps. What’s more interesting to note is that it is free of cost. It is usually a client-side framework that helps in building native-based apps with a combination of HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript. The Ionic framework also supports the latest mobile devices and prepares a robust ground for the mobile app before its final launching in the market. The element of HTML5 helps in building hybrid apps as well. There is no doubt that it is regarded as one of the best assets for the development of the Progressive Web Apps. It can function well with the powerful Software Development Kit such as the Angular. It also works best with PhoneGap and Cordova. Xamarin Software Giant Microsoft introduced Xamarin, which is based in San Francisco. For making the best use of the Xamarin, the developers must learn to carry out the C# codebase and develop useful apps for Android, iOS, and Windows. You can even share these codes with the help of Windows and Mac OS platforms. Since it allows the benefit of code sharing, the developers can save a lot of their time. Adobe PhoneGap If there is any alternation or change in the mobile app development, you can view it instinctively with the PhoneGap. This is yet again a cross-platform app development framework using which the developers can develop apps in JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS. In case, you are planning to develop a hybrid app, it should top your priority list. This amazing framework is not only offering best-in-class performance but also offers the freedom to the developers so that they can work without any hardware restrictions. It can develop apps for almost all the major Operating systems in addition to Android and iOS. You also have the leverage to add more functionality with the addition of plugins. Corona SDK Corona SDK is ten times quicker as compared to the other mobile development frameworks. One of the important aspects is that is supported by Lua, a light-weight programming language that offers speed, ease of usage and flexibility to develop apps. So, if you have to code at a good speed without comprising the app quality, then this is your choice. Moreover, it is also free and supports Windows and Mac OS as well. JQuery Mobile The jQuery is an HTML5 based development framework. One of the facts that make it unique is that it can run across all the devices with just a single code version. You can use this framework to built both mobile apps as well as websites and get extensive supports for all types of operating systems including Windows, Mac OS, Blackberry, Firefox, and Kindle etc. You can download the jQuery version in two variants; as a customized framework or the latest stable version. This readily shows that its popularity and demand is surging higher with faster app development in combination with the plugins. Intel XDK This is also a cross-platform mobile app development framework that can help in creating meaningful apps with the presence of plugins. You can develop responsive and interactive apps for all devices. It also makes the task of testing, debugging and emulation easier apart from developing the app. The Intel XDX framework also supports the futuristic technologies such as IoT and popular framework like Node.js. You also get the advantage of previewing your project live if you are making any changes. You also get the option of drag and drop to develop the apps despite getting unwanted codes. Native Scripts This has been ranked as the top frameworks for the development of the hybrid apps. Telerik, a Bulgaria based software company, which supports this framework and the creator is Progress. The apps using the Native Scripts utilize the same APIs similar to using Xcode or the Android Studio. You will get sufficient help in the form of tutorials from the official website. Mobile Angular UI The Mobile Angular UI

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React Native: A Cost-Effective Way for Cross Platform Mobile Apps Development

Before we proceed any further, here are some facts and figures for you to chew on: The number of smartphone users worldwide is 2.71 billion and that of tablet users is 1.23 billion. By 2020, this number is predicted to reach 2.87 billion for smartphone users and 1.26 billion for tablet users. Global Internet users stand at 4.39 billion in 2019. This is 9% higher than last year. 3.986 billion users are active on mobile devices. Mobile Internet usage is surpassing desktop Internet usage. In 2018, 58% of site visits were reported to be coming from mobile devices. 205 billion mobile apps were downloaded in 2018 compared to 178 billion in 2017. Of these, 105 billion mobile apps have been downloaded via Google Play Store and iOS App Store. By 2020, this number could reach 250 billion. The mobile app industry is projected to earn $188.9 billion revenue by 2020. If you have eyeballed the figures carefully enough, you would know the mobile app industry is currently running the show. Because the market is hyper competitive, app penetration is deepening at a steady pace without any sign of slowing down. This is great news for developers as well as companies because app development in present times carries all the potential of dynamic pricing. But, are we also going to discuss the research and development costs that come along? As app makers, ask yourselves these six questions: How do we meet the rising demand for mobile apps without going over the odds when it comes to investments? How do we convince SMBs to put money in app development when they are well aware of the high costs? How do we build an incredible mobile app that does exceptionally well with the audience without breaking the bank? Do we work on iOS and Android separately or go for hybrid apps with cross platform compatibility? Is there any way to decrease the development time and use as fewer resources as possible without diluting the UI/UX? How do we cut costs without cutting corners? The answer is – with React Native! Before we explain why, let us talk about cross platform compatibility first. How is a Mobile App Developed to be Cross Platform Compatible? A mobile app created to be functional across multiple mobile operating systems with equal efficacy is known to have cross platform compatibility. Such an app can be developed in relatively less time and at a cost that is significantly lower. In other words, this one is a cost effective way of developing apps. Also, because this is the age of WORE (Write Once, Run Everywhere), the process of developing these apps usually involves just a single round of coding. In modern times, this has become a business imperative instead of a choice. With mobile operating systems diversifying and apps needing the best of all platforms, this is a middle ground that delivers neutrality. How Does Cross Platform App Development Reduce Costs? Not many years ago, app development was an idea strictly limited to platform nativeness. Whenever a client approached app development company, a quick query used to follow – which platform first? – iOS or Android? And god forbid if the client chose both the platforms, development would cost a bomb. And that did not even include the annual maintenance charges! However, times have changed now. Today, it is possible to avoid the high costs of developing native apps. With the concept of cross platform compatibility, developers can now use a single code to customize the mobile apps for both the platforms. Maintenance, too, is easy, quick, and affordable as the need to shut down operations temporarily is dismissed. Basking in the convenience of WORE, the codes are now reusable. Developers can simply use them over and over again, never writing new unique codes that complement separate platforms. This saves time and effort by 50 to 80%. It allows rapid app development at costs that do not burn a hole in your pocketbook. So, if yours is a blueprint for a feature rich app, cross platform compatibility ensures it gets developed in no time. React Native: A Breakthrough Technology Ever since programming came into being, coding has given people sleepless nights, regardless of whether they are programmers or non programmers. With programming languages and platforms rapidly mushrooming, the job is getting even more complicated. The code of native mobile applications needs to be ‘fixed’ every now and then, which makes development cumbersome and slow. Therefore, it has always been a developer’s dream to learn one language and wrap up everything using it – much like a ‘one size fits all’ formula. However, cross platform app technologies have not been able to come up with something worthwhile; only apps with funny interfaces and scrappy compatibility throng devices. In response to this chaos, Facebook introduced React Native in 2015 – a major breakaway from traditional app development tools. This open source framework comes with an amazing ability to develop cross platform mobile apps that work on Android as well as iOS devices. It makes use of collective libraries of app development frameworks such as PhoneGap and Xamarin, which lets it deliver apps much faster. Additionally, it allows developers to write the code in JavaScript and reuse it across devices. Thus, cross platform apps developed using React Native are as good as native apps. Because this framework is efficient and enables building complex mobile apps with total scalability, it is a choice among mobile application developers. No wonder it is being used by biggies like Tesla, Pinterest, Instagram, Skype, Uber, Myntra, Discord, Vogue, and Walmart! 8 Ways React Native Contributes to Affordable App Development Of all the benefits offered by React Native, cost efficiency is paramount. Of course, to develop mobile apps using the platform, a developer needs to consider multiple platforms so the outcome is an application that can manifest high performance. But, this still is a time saver! Let us study how React Native contributes to affordable app development. Reusable

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13 Things You Should Know Before You Invest in Your Next Mobile App Idea!

The inventions of smartphones and tablets have entirely changed the look of the modern era. Gadgets like cell phones largely influence the way we live and communicate with each other. Nowadays, almost every person possesses mobile devices without which life seems incomplete. The majority of businesses are shifting their attention towards having mobile applications to streamline their workflow processes and provide access to real-time data anywhere. 13 Factors to Consider Before Investing in Mobile App Idea Did you get an app idea? Awesome! Although you are propelled by enthusiasm to create an awe-inspiring mobile app, a few factors ought to be considered. For the product to be successful, you have to give all ideas a thought before rushing into development. Check out a few suggestions to get started: Begin With the End in Mind No matter how excited you are to get your app in the market, it is always essential to plan. In your mind, think about the results thoroughly and prepare for the drawbacks as well. Think about where you want to be after this product has launched and how do you want to capture the market with this app. Do Market Research Before preparing to launch your app in the market, you must do detailed app market research. By researching and analyzing the market, one can easily get an idea about the competitors, their ways, strategies, and tactics to deal with failures. This will help you in dealing with the concerns that can arise while designing your app.market research You can also do some research work on the apps, which have a similar idea like yours, but they failed. Inquire about the reasons why they failed, what was the cause of their demise. Your Idea Must Be 100% Efficient One of the prime characteristics that users expect is 100% efficiency in a mobile app. The only way you can survive in today’s competitive world is to make sure that your app provides a great user experience. For instance, make sure your app uses fewer data and uses it efficiently. Set the Budget It might be easy to determine the prices while shopping for rations, but the scenario is entirely different for a mobile app. You have to determine the expenditures you will face while creating the app. Apart from that, you also have to make sure that the amount you spend on your app development will eventually come back. The cost of an app primarily depends on the features that you want in it. If you do want to cheapen the rates, then remember you get back what you invest. You will also need to keep in mind the ways of how you are going to get the money to build an app. You might need to get in contact with some right investors who are willing to listen to you and negotiate. Set the Target Audience Keep the audience in mind. Ask yourself some crucial questions about the target audience. Questions like: Which age group is going to use this app? How is the app going to help them? Will the app meet their expectations? There is no need to rush the process because not everyone has an in-house mobile app developing system. If the questions above are answered very clearly, your app actually might be a success. Marketing Strategy This is one of the key elements in building a successful and useful app. It is a fact that almost 90% of apps are not even used after being installed. The question, which arises, is what causes the users to lose interest in the app. The answer to your question is that the marketing strategy is at fault. Marketing strategy is the decision-making process in which you have to decide what feature to keep in your app and what not. It involves the features and outlook of the app. ‘What features should the app have?’ ‘What color is it that attracts the audience the most?’ ‘What options can be nagging the customers and causing them to uninstall the app?’ Furthermore, see what opportunities the app can provide to the customers. Do not just build an app out of nowhere because you feel like it. If you have a great idea, and you strongly believe that the features in your app are better than other apps, Go Ahead! Specifications Specifications are also a key feature in mobile apps. What an app has to offer is what attracts the customers. You can come up with enticing specs for your app and attract mainstream users. The specs should be thought after careful research of what other apps are offering. You must also try to keep the specs and features up to date by continuously updating them. If the specifications are up to the mark, the app will be used and recommended to others as well. Operating System (OS) The operating system defines how computers or smartphones store files, switches between applications, maintains memory, and all work of the technical sort. Some operating systems are designed by a group of people around the world like the free operating system Linux. On the contrary, some commercial operating systems are made by companies like Microsoft and Apple. Now you have to choose an operating system for your app. Selecting a system also decides on which gadgets the app would be functional as different devices have different operating systems. You can also select more than one operating system. App Security One of the most important factors that a customer wants is that their privacy should be protected. Hence, you have to pay close attention to the security issues and viruses that attack your app. There are various methods to protect your app like static testing, dynamic testing, and mobile testing. Static and dynamic testing involves running codes at a fixed point in the app while it is being designed. This aids in encrypting the app against malware. Similarly, mobile testing is specifically designed to examine app when it runs in a smartphone.

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How Much an App Development Cost – 2022 Detailed Overview

The number of mobile users is expected to reach 7.1 billion by 2021. This presents an opportunity for businesses and app developers to shift their focus to the market that is growing by leaps and bounds. It also stands to reason to develop an app these days since they have become part of our daily activities. Research by eMarketer shows that 90 percent of the users’ time on a smartphone is spent on apps. Consumers also love to spend money on mobile apps. According to insights by App Annie, the global consumer spending in app stores will reach a staggering $157 billion by 2022. This shows an increase of 92 percent between 2017 and 2022. It is evident that mobile app development is a valuable investment to establish yourself as an authority in your industry. As much as you may want to build an app, there are some questions that you need to address before you begin the developing process. One question that is most often asked is about the app development cost. In this blog, we will provide a detailed overview of how much does it cost to develop a mobile app in 2022. How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App in 2022? It is hard to answer the question ‘how much it will cost to build an app’ in 2022. No one can give you a precise estimate of the costs without understanding the nature of your app. There is no fixed price because it depends on a host of factors like app features, design, app development team location, and more. Think of it as buying a car or a bike. You cannot come up with an accurate price unless you know the make, model, engine capacity, and other features of the vehicle. Similarly, there are different factors, considerations, and price tiers when developing an app. Below is a breakdown of the factors that determine the app development cost. The type of app The first factor that affects the development cost is the type of app that you are building. There are various app types, and each of them requires a different set of features that determine its development cost. Some of the popular app types include ecommerce apps, social networking apps, on-demand apps, data-driven apps, and functionality apps. Some of these app types may have similar features, but they all take different approaches to build. Additionally, your app may fall into a distinct category like gaming, music, business, health, travel, education, etc. The cost of your app will change with the app category. Accordingly to Statista survey of June 2021, Games were the most popular iOS app category, accounting for a total of 21.49 percent of active iOS apps and business apps were the 2nd most popular category in the App Store. The platform used to build an app There are two frameworks that you can use to develop your app. They are: Native app development Hybrid or cross-platform app development You can choose the native mobile app development to create an app for a specific platform like Android or iOS. The native framework uses programming languages and tools that are native to a particular platform. You can also choose the cross-platform framework and develop a hybrid app that will run on multiple operating systems without much code change. The app development cost will vary depending on the mobile platform for which the app is built. Since native applications are built for a specific platform, they can easily access programs and services within the device for optimal performance. The downside is that they cannot operate on devices other than those for which they are developed. You’ll have to build separate apps for users who are using different mobile platforms. This significantly increases the app development costs and time. Hybrid apps, on the other hand, use the same codebase across different platforms, which makes them compatible with several devices. With the cross-platform framework, you will need to build a single app and launch it on android and iOS at the same. Hence, you reach a wider audience in a lot lesser time and a lot cheaper. The problem with using the same code on multiple mobile platforms is that the graphical elements at times may not entirely transform to match the framework, hence resulting in design defects. Hybrid apps have also received flak for performance issues and app crashes, which is why the majority of developers recommend the native approach. The location of the developer The app development cost also depends on who is building the app and where they live. The average cost per hour for app development in N. America can reach up to $150. In Eastern Europe and the Indian subcontinent, it is around $30, while in Indonesia, it is as low as $11 per hour. So, if you are on a budget, you may want to outsource your work to an app development company operating in India or any other country with a lower median cost per hour. The complexity of the app App development costs rise with the complexity of the app. There are many different types of apps, but in terms of complexity, they can be categorized into three broad categories. Basic apps: These are apps that do not require remote data servers. Examples of such apps include calendar apps, diet planners, and their development costs can be anywhere between $1,000 to $4,000. Apps with web servers: These are apps that save data on remote servers and require more sophisticated programming. The development costs for such apps range between $8,000 to $50,000. Gaming apps: It is hard to put a price tag on these apps because they include apps with simple features up to those that make use of complex virtual reality. However, a broad estimate about the cost would be anywhere between $6,000 to $250,000 or even higher. App features The number of features and their complexity also impact the final development cost. Clutch.co surveyed firms about the

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Microservices Architecture: How Does it Benefit Mobile App Development?

There is always more than one single way to skin a cat. The world of mobile app development is somewhat similar. Whenever you are about to get cracking on a new project, fixing on the right architecture could be a tough choice. There’s the traditional Monolithic Architecture and then, there are Microservices – the newest way to write and ship codes. According to Red Hat, 69% of clients choose Microservices to work on new as well as existing mobile apps. We have also heard from Camuda how 63% of companies are using the latter. Their survey conducted across 354 enterprises reveals the top benefits to be as follows: Improved efficiency of employees Improved experience for the end-user Savings on infrastructure and development tools. Despite all that, it is ‘decisions, decisions!’ So, how are Microservices better than Monolithic Architecture? Let’s talk about it. What is Microservices Architecture? When mobile app developers create discrete parts of the application instead of a single one, the concept is known as microservices architecture. The idea is to combine the separate parts to come up with a single outcome. Each component is deployed separately and has its own process to run. Lightweight APIs are implemented for the different components to work together with each other. For large-scale app development projects that are super complicated, this one is a great choice. The components are not dependent on each other; one can be changed without affecting the other. What is Monolithic Architecture? The conventional way of developing mobile apps, Monolithic Architecture is the concept of connecting all parts of the application to each other. The components are interdependent. One goes wrong and affects the function of the others and eventually the end product. Every Monolithic Architecture comes in three parts: Database Client-side user interface App server-side A single code base is used to bring together back-end, front-end as well as background tasks. If anything needs to be changed, the entire stack has to be developed and deployed. If you compare the two, Microservices Architecture seems like an easier option, isn’t it? Use Microservices Architecture when… You want to develop a new mobile app from scratch. An existing app requires new functionalities. There’s a legacy application that needs refactoring. Top Benefits of Microservices Architecture As we discussed earlier, apps built using Microservices Architecture are a combination of discrete parts. This makes them easier to test and maintain. Eventually, the convenience works in favor of companies in terms of increased productivity via improved workflows. Especially, if it is about building complex enterprise mobile apps, this is the right way to do. Additionally, Microservices Architecture comes with the following benefits: Resilience Because each component in Microservices Architectures is isolated, the overall structure exhibits strong resilience especially during updates. This means if one component fails to work, there’s always a window of opportunity to use another without the downtime. Also, the entire app need not be changed to correct that one defunct component. Productivity The individual components in a mobile app built using Microservices Architecture are easy to understand. Even the tiniest piece of functionality can be deciphered without much effort. This makes it feasible for a company to expand its team of developers based on different skill sets. After all, the entire team doesn’t have to break its head in understanding one complex Monolithic app. Flexibility When you are implementing the Microservices Architecture, you get to implement the right tools for the right tasks. Each component can be built using a programming language or framework that is meant for it. Best part? The discrete components are still capable of working with each other without glitches. Such agility is not common in Monolithic apps. Scalability Once again, because the components are discrete in Microservices Architecture apps, they can be scaled up or down as required following their unique specifications. Further, because of the resilience of the isolated components, scalability is more effective, especially if the app is supposed to work across diverse platforms and devices. Speed Microservices means faster app development. Why? – Because the components in such apps work independently instead of inter-dependently. This is a huge benefit where codebases need not be altered to add, delete, or modify app features. It is just enough to change the specific components as required and then test and deploy it separately without disrupting the functionality of the app. Thus, there’s no downtime and the changes can be implemented without delay. Dynamism Technology is always changing. To that end, there’s a new mobile device coming up every day. Microservices Architecture befits developers who are unsure about the device their mobile app will run on. The concept offers them the liberty to make quick, controlled upgrades without bringing the app to a standstill, ergo faster time-to-market. Low Maintenance Small, discrete components are easier to debug and maintain. They warrant less time to implement changes, thus helping in saving costs and reducing labor. Also, detecting and fixing errors is easier without affecting the whole app. The Disadvantages of Microservices Architecture The only downside of using Microservices Architecture lies in the components being discrete. For instance, a team working on such an app and implementing varied coding languages, libraries and framework can easily get jumbled. The independence could, in fact, incapacitate the developers, thus creating mayhem. Security, high memory usage, load balancing issues, and network latency are other issues which tag along. Nevertheless, this is the best option for apps that are large, complex and planned to be scaled in near future. 4 Questions to Ask Before Opting for Microservices Architecture Before you jump onto the bandwagon and begin your app development project using Microservices Architecture, ask yourself these three vital questions: What is the Level of Independence Your App Seeks? To what extent do you want the services of your application to remain independent? This level can be defined in three layers of Microservices Architectures: Extreme: where each service comes with its unique UI and database and the functions are not merged with each other.Semi:

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The Need of Retail Apps To Stay On Track Post COVID-19

The coronavirus has pressed the reset button in our lives. From social norms to shopping habits, everything has changed and adapted to a socially distant environment. In the wake of the pandemic, companies have seen their sales plummet considerably. With lockdown imposed – and everything but essential services closed – they have to improvise and develop a new business strategy. This new reality impacted retail businesses the most. They found themselves in a fast-changing digital landscape. According to Veem, 81% of U.S. small businesses expect to feel long-term impacts from COVID-19, with 87% preparing for an economic slowdown. A New Customer Persona is Emerging Even though they are financially constrained, current conditions have made buyers more digitally advanced. But it’s not only consumers who are changing. Businesses worldwide have started to innovate and accelerate their move to digital space. They are aiming to add more value to the life of their customers. With governments enforcing social distancing and lockdown protocols, the retail industry alone has suffered billions of dollars in losses. So, moving the business onto the digital platform was the only- solution during the pandemic. Bazaarvoice conducted a study showing that 49% of consumers worldwide admit to shopping more frequently online during the pandemic than before. The situation has compelled retailers to strategize their moves and take their brands on the high roads of digital success. It’s true. COVID-19 is not going away any time soon. Everyone is adapting to the new normal. If the present situation persists, it will propel customers toward ecommerce and away from shops and stores. You’ve probably already noticed COVID-19’s impact on ecommerce, from search interests to buying habits to overall business performance. Brands have also come up with new marketing strategies to attract more customers. According to research, 88% of global consumers plan to stick with the new brands they’ve tried during the lockdown. It has left retailers scrambling to cater to consumer demand. So, as a business owner, you need to prepare for a post-COVID-19 era.The customer experience (CX) has become the top-most priority for brands during the pandemic. They no longer base loyalty on price or product. It’s all about the online experience. Statistics show that 86% of people are willing to pay more for better customer experience. Just for a moment, put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. There are hundreds of online brands to choose from. Which one will you choose? Obviously, the one that offers services that enhance your online experience, whether it’s something that makes it easier to buy and gives you an accurate idea of the product. Or maybe it’s something new to wow you. In a survey of small and mid-sized businesses, it was revealed that 25% are either investing in new technologies or upgrading their current setup to adapt to pandemic conditions. The popularization of online technologies and the mainstreaming of niche industries is only the beginning. The need for retail apps is prevalent more than ever. Mobile apps were and still are one of the most powerful marketing tools for a brand. Moreover, it’s the perfect way of reaching your target audience to foster connectivity and improve interactions. What is the new normal for your business app? Businesses are now investing more in the Application Performance Monitoring (APM). It is one of the top digital transformation trends you’ll see in 2020. APM allows businesses to track and monitor their app’s performance. These metrics can be used to enhance the end-user experience, detect problems, and troubleshoot the issues. Research shows that 91% of companies that went this route accomplished excellent outcomes, such as enhanced user experience, better customization for clients, efficacy and automation of business operations, etc. Based on your business niche, you will need to develop an app or incorporate services that match consumer demand. As a retailer, I bet you’re already thinking of ways to provide your customers with the best online experience and make more profits. So What Should Your Retail App Be Offering? Here are some of the things that you should be looking into. ‘In the moment’ shopping experiences “A store has to be just as exciting or more exciting to shop online and as easy to shop,” said Tiffany Hogan, a Kantar principal analyst. Customers need to feel special, whether they are online or physically present. And as lockdowns relax, brands will need to adapt to circumstances to cater to customers on both platforms. What happens now? Retailers such as Sephora are working to fill these gaps. They’re eager to create a new type of retail experience. Even though augmented reality and virtual reality gained traction before the outbreak, it has picked up momentum since the pandemic. So instead of worrying about social distancing and sanitization, Sephora has an app that allows customers to apply lipstick or eyeliner virtually. They’re embracing COVID restrictions to amp up services, improving the chances of making sales and product recommendations. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) has become increasingly useful during the pandemic. They’re helping shoppers engage with brands and products before purchase. So the retail sector can expect to see an increase in the usage of these technologies. According to Statista, in 2020, spending on AR and VR technologies is projected to reach $7 billion, and distribution and services spending could reach $4.4 billion. Open channels of communication Humans, by nature, crave social interactions. They tend to prefer brands that interact with them on a personal level. Sprout Social reported that 76% of consumers would buy from a brand they feel more connected to. Retail brands will need to rely on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and chatbot technology as a way of offering self-support sessions to their customers and giving them access to quick, reliable answers. Chatbots are the next big thing. According to MarTech Series, retailers saw an 86% increase in customers using chatbot communications from March to May. They’re helping retailers scale down the risk of contact through service centers, yet improving customer services online. Messaging

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Top 20 Android App Development Trends to Look Out in 2022

There is no doubt that Android is the most demanding mobile OS that has 85% of the market share with more than 3.04 million applications in Google Play Store, ranging from daily tools like calendars, web browsers, social media applications, or complex games, ending with enterprise mobile apps. When it comes to building a mobile app, the Android operating system gets all the attention. Android apps are user-friendly and will lead the app industry in the forthcoming years. With the growing popularity and delivery of products and services, the Android app development solution is evolving with the most recent trends and technologies. Android App Development Trends to Watch Out in 2022 The adoption of Android has experienced radical changes, primarily supported through the improved user experience. You need to exemplify the trends of tomorrow for staying ahead in the continuously evolving mobile app development industry. Before hiring an expert app development company for creating an Android app, you should get a better understanding of the most recent Android app development trends. So, let’s delve into the latest Android app development trends that will transform business models in 2022! Android Instant Apps Instant apps are not uncommon in Android app development; however, they are still becoming popular. Android Instant apps generally permit users for trying games or applications without installing them on your device. They prevent users from downloading the app and help them utilize the web fast and directly without installing them. This technology helps eCommerce businesses and games. Instant apps don’t take extra space on smart devices and reduce unnecessary system interruption. Their significant advantages are having complete access to Android applications without downloading them, amazing UI/UX design, more storage space, and compatibility across all Android gadgets. Blockchain Technology The Blockchain technology provides decentralized app development solutions that boost transparency and eliminates unauthorized access and intermediates utilizing strong security protocols. This is a perfect Android app development option particularly for the financial segments like banks, currency exchanges, and more. A survey by PWC shows that 84% of global companies are actively engaged in Blockchain technologies. The prime advantages provided by Blockchain technology incorporate: It reduces data loss. Deploys data for better performance if there is a network failure Blockchain android apps are more secure and safer for data encryption. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Since cloud computing has brought a massive amount of computing strength for each organization, creating AI models that augment regular procedures or perform tasks (which were unthinkable before) became easier. As per Accenture, now modern AI accessible can enhance productivity by up to 40%. The versatility of solutions is both the strength and weakness of AI development. You can apply them for automating different tasks, incorporating image identification, natural language processing, or data analytics. Furthermore, just the training procedure is computing-heavy. The present trained neural network can be introduced and efficiently utilized on smart devices, without consuming the processor. Multiplatform Development (Flutter) Flutter is a new technology from Google and the future of android app development also. This framework allows app development using a native interface for platforms like iOS and Android. Many developers select this platform as a tool for building mobile apps because of its combinability and flexibility. Some key reasons to choose Flutter include: Native design Easy to learn feature MVP development Since software developers combine Flutter actively into their app development process, this makes the technology one of the most recent trends in Android app development. Applications like Reflectly, Alibaba, and Google Ads are developed with Flutter. Each of them has an amazing interface and a perfect set of features. Chatbots/Google Assistant More entrepreneurs or business owners will find an interest in combining the services and content of their applications with the Google Assistant in 2022. The prime benefit of using this integration is that you can offer quicker ways for users to use your app straight in the Assistant. With App Actions, you can deep-link to particular functions within your mobile app from the Google Assistant. Android Slices, another feature, enables developers to showcase the most crucial content from your applications to the users of the Assistant. Since the number of Google Assistant users is increasing, mobile app integration with this famous virtual assistant will become the major target among several development teams. APM and EMM Application Performance Management (APM) and Enterprise Mobile Management (EMM) are two elements of enterprise mobile app development. These technologies are utilized for reducing a mobile app’s slowness. With the rise of mobile app development, it has become an assurance tester of quality for mobile apps. It not just helps with the security and safety of apps but also allows employees a productive data exchange over mobile devices. Beacon Technology Now businesses use Beacon technology a lot as it helps them target promising clients uniquely. Beacons are transmitting gadgets that can connect with mobile gadgets accessible in their range. They help businesses send notifications regarding nearby hotels, special offers, and more to those gadgets. Due to this, the integration of this technology into android apps is becoming extremely popular. For businesses like shops and restaurants, this integration can be highly useful. The use of iBeacon and other similar gadgets for marketing is predicted to develop rapidly. 5G Technology In comparison with 4G networks, 5G technology is quicker, which is unthinkable. With the high radio frequency and the speed of 100 GBPS, 5G technology reaches the superiority of data transmission using 1.4 billion mobile gadgets worldwide. You can create a feature-rich app applying 5G to improve business performance. Internet of Things (IoT) Smartphones are becoming the core point of our regular life as they store data about emails, meetings, contacts, and more. With the advent of apps, smartphones have also become the prime center of smart gadgets like sports bands, smartwatches, smart TVs, and other wearables. However, this is not the end. With reduced prices, smart gadgets are becoming cost-effective for households. It is expected that there will be 75.44 billion connected gadgets globally

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Top Reasons Why IoT is the Future of Mobile App Development

With rapid speed, the mobile app development industry is encountering innovative and crucial changes because of the rise of different modern technologies. And IoT (Internet of Things) is one of such technologies. IoT has arrived in recent years. And now, people from sectors like healthcare, retail, agriculture, and more are enjoying IoT solutions. IoT can aid communication and interaction at every level. The rising demand for such apps and ease of utilization are two basic factors why IoT app development services are growing. According to the statistics, in 2030, It is predicted that there will be approx 25.44 billion IoT connected devices. Here, in this blog, let’s discuss how IoT is the future of mobile app development. However, to understand that properly, let’s first know this technology in brief! What is IoT (Internet of Things)? IoT technology is the network of physical things that are developing at a rapid rate. Due to IoT, an IP address, the fundamental of every mobile application, has become stronger. Undoubtedly, this technology has brought the connectivity we always dreamt of. In simple words, the IoT is one of the modern technologies that help us with nearly every aspect of life. Hence, everything that has internet access can be connected by IoT. For this reason, this technology helps us control our daily-use devices, even if we are not present at home. IoT has made a meaningful effect on the app development industry, as the data sharing between gadgets makes sure a smooth user experience. Improved visibility obtained from the data sharing has been a result that has considerably improved the mobile apps’ quality in this era. So, let’s check out how precisely IoT is shaping the future of mobile app development! How is IoT Shaping the Future of Mobile App Development? Mobile app development has become important for businesses worldwide. It has increased the use of smart gadgets and smartphones. Clients can access every kind of service feasibly through dedicated mobile apps, with customized services. Thereby, businesses are giving priority to making interest from the clients by providing them with engaging and interactive mobile applications. Let’s explore the top reasons why IoT is one of the future trends in the mobile app industry! Open-Source Development This is one of the major IoT trends for 2021. With the introduction of open-source development, app development leaders like to share more programs digitally. Hence, the IoT integration in mobile app frameworks will provide the developers with such programs so it becomes simpler to create an application. Another benefit provided by the open-source development of mobile apps is the transparency it provides in the development procedure. This has enabled businesses and developers to cooperate with one another smoothly for creating high-end mobile apps. Connectivity This will possibly be a top trend in the future. In this era of IoT, gadgets will not be connected through conventional ways like Wi-Fi, cellular, or Bluetooth any longer. From now, mobile app developers need to think about how their products will connect to the IoT on their own. And for this, these applications will need integration with a getaway. Since everything in the IoT technology needs a distinct connection protocol, developers have brought this concept. However, this is still not the simplest way to change into reality. Improved Hybrid App Development Scopes The basic native mobile applications are made for working on a particular platform that is not a suitable condition for the appropriate application of IoT. Nevertheless, hybrid applications have encountered a considerable improvement in demand because of their capacity of working on different devices and platforms. This has opened a way for mobile app developers for working on building heightened user experience and increasing the strength of IoT to help users interact properly with all multi-platform gadgets. The inclusion of different advanced coding methods has become feasible for app developers because of IoT. Moreover, this has helped build some of the best mobile applications in the globe. Offering users the capacity of accessing several services in one go has been one of the benefits of IoT. Moreover, this has helped businesses obtain client data feasibly from several devices and platforms, with no additional effort. IoT is one of the biggest possessions of hybrid applications and hybrid app development is the future of mobile applications. This has made IoT a prime player in the mobile app industry in the future. More Interactive Apps and Easier Customization Undoubtedly, IoT can make mobile apps more interactive and intuitive. Moreover, this technology has come up with new customization options. Hence, your app can remain appropriate and updated with the functionality associated with IoT and other important features. Moreover, IoT will develop futuristic and feature-rich mobile applications that would help you stay ahead of the rising competition. IoT technology can offer easy personalization options for enterprise mobile apps. It is because app developers can simply fulfill the requirements of connected gadgets when they build apps for their business. Niche Building Mobile app development is perhaps still adjusting to the IoT. On the other hand, they need to prepare for a wide range of IoT gadgets and begin working towards developing products that they can personalize across all types of simulated or physical gadgets. Moreover, IoT app developers and product teams should work together for successful assignments. And, as an outcome, usually changing the way mobile app building used to appear like maximum IoT gadgets will be backed up by AI for automated learning procedures should be adjusted for complete lifecycle assistance. Usually, the prime focus is moving from apps’ functions to devices’ functions. To create an application that users can use smoothly in both physical and digital worlds, mobile app builders will need to learn the growing technology, particularly the smart connected things. Growing Innovative Businesses IoT has highly influenced the innovation in businesses. Hence, IoT has gifted the rise of more innovative businesses. Mobile applications are the best medium to enhance the benefits of IoT for businesses. Businesses are concentrating on identifying and fixing

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The Detailed Guide on How to Develop an App like TikTok

TikTok has become an unmatched and major revolution in the world of entertainment. This engaging multi-faceted mobile application is present on both iOS and Android. It has not just dominated the world of the billions of users globally but also thousands of businesses that are enhancing their presence in the platform for reaping lots of benefits that the application has to provide. This article will help you develop an immersive short video-creation app like TikTok. We will check out the monetary and technical side of the application and ultimately, the cost it takes to build an app like TikTok. Before going on with the article and looking at the technical aspects of the app and its costing element, let us first look at what this app is about, how it works, and how it managed to become one of the most popular applications worldwide. What is TikTok App? It’s a short video making and sharing application that enables users to shoot and share a 3-15 seconds video with its robust effects and filters. You can give a message, fun, comedy, dance, or everything else with these short videos. In short, it’s a complete entertainment application. It’s all about showcasing your talent to the people worldwide. TikTok is the international version of Douyin, the Chinese hit platform. It took very little time in entering and dominating the mobile entertainment industry. It enables users to re-enact their preferred scenes and lip-sync dialogs from various music videos and films. TikTok has become a handy entertainment platform for nearly every pre-teen and teen on the globe. TikTok has AI that enables its every single move and wins over a range of popular businesses globally with its revenue and engagement numbers. Let’s have a look at the key stats that prove how popular and massive the TikTok market is and how you can develop a app like TikTok. How TikTok Works? TikTok is a video making and sharing platform that helps users make and share videos on the web. It allows users to upload short videos and film content. On top of this, users can edit their videos as the app offers several filters, editing effects, and so forth. Furthermore, TikTok is an ideal platform to showcase talents and share knowledge with a broad audience. You can change a video into a live wallpaper using TikTok. Also, you can save your videos in the settings. After downloading the app, users can start using it without logging in. Countless videos will welcome you. You can register yourself for following people and watching their videos. Since the app is used a lot, it has included a remainder after 90 minutes of watching constantly. TikTok will give you notification that you have been watching videos for ninety minutes for offering you a timely reminder. The app knows that it will make you lost in it and you will watch continuously its alluring content for many more hours. Key Statistical Facts about TikTok Users spend almost 52 minutes daily on TikTok. TikTok’s has about 100 million US users actively using this app. 1 billion+ videos are watched daily on TikTok. Worldwide TikTok revenue reached $75 million in the first half of 2019. In-app purchases are the main revenues and these bring $3.5 million every month. By now, it is the most downloaded app of 2020. Almost 40 TikTok stars have over 10 million followers. This showcases how much the app community is developing. Now, let’s have a closer look at how this video-creation works and why it has become so famous! Major Features to Include When Developing an App like TikTok What makes TikTok so popular and exclusive? Here are some essential features that help you make an application like TikTok: 1. Creating Profiles Users should register and make profiles for using TikTok. The app allows the user to sign in using other social platforms. 2. Creating & Uploading Videos Creating and uploading videos are the basic features of this app. Videos are the most alluring content as users can watch, hear, and feel the content living that experience. And this is what TikTok used appropriately. It not just allows users to make videos but also be the stars. 3. Editing Videos TikTok also allows users to edit their videos easily. So, you don’t have to download other video editing apps and do the editing. The editing is easy so that you can make your video appear as if it was shot by an expert in only a few minutes. In just half an hour, you can have the ultimate product with you. 4. Effects and Filters Normal videos always look dull. Hence, TikTok enables users to use some excellent effects like reverse, slo-mo, zoom, and others for making a video with special effects. 5. AR Filters You can add this feature to your TikTok-like video app also. Add an object in a video and you can add characters, change the video background, and even interact with all characters. Moreover, you can use AR filters for shooting ad videos. This will help in creating brand awareness. 6. Adding Soundtracks The use of this feature helps you showcase your dancing and acting talent worldwide. You can use the theme song of a film or add some great background music to the videos. 7. Social Shares and Likes This feature makes TikTok a popular social channel. Every artist seeks love and encouragement and this feature does the same. Users can use the heart button for liking a video and the sharing button for sharing videos with others. 8. Making Slideshows TikTok is not just about making videos but also you can use your images for creating a great slideshow. Moreover, you can use different effects, filters, and background music. 9. Duet Videos Video creators can be connected with the help of this feature. TikTok helps you create a video with somebody who lives far away. You can use the duet feature for sharing half the screen with your partner, so

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How Much Does It Cost to Develop a React Native Mobile App?

Introduced by Facebook, React Native allows developers to create apps that have compatibility with Android, iOS, and other Operating Systems. Due to the features like Native-like functionality and single code reusability and the access of different frameworks in the market, React Native has excelled as the best framework for cross-platform app development. Despite being introduced in March 2015, React Native has fast become an option for 42% of developers globally because of its flexibility. Businesses worldwide are getting encouraged to begin with React Native solution because of its features like cross-platform mobile app compatibility and flexibility. Why Businesses Opt for React Native App Development? Facebook built React Native with the purpose of lowering the app development costs. React Native is integrated with JS library that works as the fundamental for developing the app UI. Hence, whether you are a React Native app developer or a web developer, both can boost this library smoothly and can tailor the feel and appearance of the app that offers a Native-kind user experience. The most amazing thing about using React Native is that an app development agency can use it directly for creating a straightforward, effective, and quick app for several operating systems by using one JS codebase. Aside, being a JS framework, it enables developers to write Native and real embedded apps for both Android and iOS. Most businesses opt for developing React Native apps just due to their cross-platform, open-source features. With assistance from Facebook, it is also used for creating iOS, Android, macOS, AndroidTV, tvOS, and Windows platform enabled applications. A few more reasons why entrepreneurs and developers choose React Native app development include: 1. Lowered Expedition Time With a single codebase, React Native app developers can create applications for different platforms. Thereby, it lowers expedition time, which makes it an affordable option. 2. Cross-Platform and Code Sharing As React Native boasts cross-platform development, businesses don’t require spending on more resources. Developers just need some particular skills to build apps for various platforms with React Native. 3. Simple UI Business owners enjoy the perks of flexibility and simplicity of React Native framework. And they want to offer their users the same. React Native applications are responsive and seamless and load quickly. 4. Lesser Workforce and Resources Unlike other similar native app-building, React Native needs lesser manpower and resources. A QA professional, 2 app developers, one creative designer, and a project manager can complete a project. Nevertheless, if you want to build a native application, increase the manpower. 5. Community Assistance Since React Native is an open-source framework, the development community can access React Native documents for free. The support from a global community is the most considerable benefit. 6. In-Built Elements and Reusable Codes It’s possible to save time and development expenses as you can share up to 90% of React Native codes between Android and iOS apps. 7. Hot Reload React Native enables developers to save a massive amount of time in building a project as they can make immediate changes in the coding and instantly can reflect it without requiring downloading the file. 8. JavaScript as Programming Language While using the React Native framework, developers need to utilize JavaScript that is one of the quickest developing and extensively used programming languages. 9. Easy to Execute Updates A developer can update a React Native app without downloading it and save a lot of time. So, these are some exclusive features and benefits that make React Native favorable for any type of app development project. Now that you know the perks of React Native framework, you might want to find the costs of developing a React Native app, right? In that case, you must learn about the factors that play a pivotal role in deciding the React Native app development cost. Factors That Decide React Native App Development Cost If you are an entrepreneur or startup and looking for cost-effective app development, React Native is one of the ideal options available out there. Nevertheless, simply like the cost estimations of other app developments, it’s difficult to unveil the actual React Native app development cost. The React Native app development cost extensively relies on the app complexity and business requirements. Moreover, per hour developer’s cost can vary according to his/her location, experience, and skills. So, the primary question is still answered: “How much does it cost you to build a React Native app?” Without further ado, let’s delve into the elements that decide the ultimate cost of React Native app development! 1. App’s UI/UX Design How an app functions and appears for users can make a huge difference in its cost and success. A mobile app’s design includes both UI and UX and these keep users engaged with the app for a longer period. An app that makes sure seamless conversion from one screen to another will make sure great user experience and effective user flow. Screen designs and user experience could simply be related to the React Native app-building costs. React Native offers different UI elements that enable you to design user-friendly and aesthetically beautiful apps without writing the codes from the beginning. 2. User Authorization It will cost you less if you are going to develop a React Native app with no login or authorization. Nevertheless, in case you need to add user authorization features, the cost of developing React Native apps would be slightly more than the apps that do not need any role-based authorization process. 3. App Complexity and Functionality If you want to estimate the time length and budget to complete your React Native app development project, remember that time and cost of development highly depend on your app’s functionality and complexity. The list of features, their newness, and the complexity can increase the development cost. A simple application with MVP is cost-effective and can be completed within a shorter time span, whereas a complex one that has modern features can take more time and cost you more. This is why apps are categorized into 3

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