How Much Does it Cost to Develop Medical App for Finding Doctors

The healthcare industry has seen a sea change over the last decade and one of the prominent key figures that have played a major role in bringing this change is mobile applications. Yes, all credit goes to it; people no more have to schedule an appointment over phone or walk-in to the doctor’s clinic to write the name of the patient on the piece of paper. In fact, mobile healthcare apps will become one of the top revenue contributors. According to statistics, which is expected to increase to $58.8 billion in 2020 from $25.39 in 2017. Therefore, we can see that it will be more than twice during the next three years. In another important survey, it has been found that about 52% of Smartphone users avail information about the latest developments in medical science using their phones. Well, this is also applicable that if medical science has progressed than what was expected, then why should the mobile technology and users lack behind. If this is not all, there are some interesting and encouraging statistics as well. Even medical practitioners and doctors have started witnessing the positive influence of medical based-apps. As per the stat, about 40% of doctors believe that the presence of mHealth technologies will reduce the patient’s visit to their clinic 93% opine that mobile health will bring an improvement in patient’s health. How to Develop On-Demand Medical Mobile App for Finding Doctors So, now, let’s come to the main course of the discussion which is how to develop a medical app so that you can contact the doctors on an immediate basis. As a mobile app developer, you need to walk the extra mile and take additional care while developing mobile medical applications. You need to be aware that both patients, medical staff as well as physicians will rely on the app to avail data and other medical parameters. So, you need to make sure about what features and services you want to add to the app. It should also focus on your target audiences and solve their concerns issues. Make the app as simple as possible so that anyone can use it even during times of medical emergencies. It should be a user-centric app with a unique UI and UX. The customers should find everything effortlessly without wasting precious time. You have to also give special impetus to the app security as it contains all the vital data, medical reports, etc. of the patient. Moreover, it may also contain the credit or debit card details because most of the people pay bills through their devices. In addition to that, there are some other vital questions that necessarily needs an answer. For instance, the decision over the choice of the platform (Android or iOS), managing the profile of the doctors, integrating the payment system, etc. Must-Have Features of Medical App for Searching and Booking Doctors According to research, a mere 11% of the medical apps have been successful in adding useful and important features; thus, satisfying the needs of the customer. So, if you also want to get included in that 11%, then it is imperative to add these vital features to the app: Building the User Profile or Login Page First and foremost, the development of a medical app would commence with building the user profile. It is a page where the user will log in into the app after entering a few details such as name, sex, age, mobile number, and email address. Apart from that, you can also ask the user to provide some more information related to health including height, weight, whether he is diabetic or not, or if he is suffering from any specific disease, blood pressure, etc. This would act as a personal health chart of the patient. Creating Profile of the Doctor The next important task is creating the profile of a medical practitioner. It usually includes the name and surname of the doctor, the area in which he or she specializes such as cardiologist, gynecologist, or general physician, etc. Location of his clinic or the name of the hospitals with which he is attached to, the specific days and timings, etc. Besides, it is also necessary for you to include the ratings and reviews of each of the doctors that are included in the list. It is a common phenomenon that most of the patients prefer to consult doctors or specialists based on their reviews and ratings. You can also add the doctor’s photo and provide a few pics of his clinic. You can also provide information about his medical degrees and qualification as well as the years of experience he has in this field. In fact, you have to create the doctor’s list based on various locations. Finding a Specific Doctor for Consulting This is supposed to be one of the most important parts as far as creating a medical based app is concerned. In this particular section, the patient tends to search for a specific doctor or specialist according to his needs. For instance, if he is suffering from a cardiac problem, he would consult a cardiologist. You also have another section where you can refine or filter your search to more specific needs. It would include the specialist doctor, his consultation fees, and timings. Appointment Booking Now once he chooses a doctor for consulting, the next step would be scheduling an appointment. When he is booking an appointment, the patient usually has to fill out a form where he mentions his name, age, gender, a problem he is suffering from, its visible symptoms, past medical history in short, and so on. In this way, the doctor will get to know a brief history of his patient and don’t have to waste time explaining it all while consulting. According to Research, 42% of patients book their appointments online. The app developer must provide an easy-to-use calendar so that the patient can fix the schedule of appointment according to his own convenience with just one tap.

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