Important Tips for Developing the Applications for the Internet of Things

Technology is on a constant innovative role and with that perspective has brought a significant change in our lives. With the passage of time connectivity has improved a lot better; thanks to the smart devices, the wireless communication, sensors, cloud based computing system and much more. But the one platform that has already created the buzzword and hype is Internet of Things (IoT), enabling the organizations to take controls and manage the operations conveniently thereby undertaking the tougher projects to deal with. Let’s first Briefly Introduce Internet of Things (IoT) Before we can know how to design and create apps for (IoT), it will be imperative to be familiar with what Internet of Things (IoT) actually is. The platform enables the network, the smart device and user to get connected with internet via a definite identifier. As such IoT works on an embedded technology to communicate with all external environment. It is also been seen as one of the revolutionary mobile app development trends in the years to approach. It is probably a single top-notch control that manages everything right from an array of cohesive events to number of interconnected devices. According to statistics offered by BI Intelligence, 24 billion devices will get connected to IoT by 2020, whereas $6 trillion is expected to be invested in IoT within the next five years. Internet of Things have essentially influenced a diverse set of industries to speak of including the healthcare sector, the entertainment and gaming etc. Some other varied industries like retail and supply chain management, home automation, automotive, agriculture and logistics have gained from IoT. So, there shouldn’t remain a slightest doubt regarding its enormous future. The Three Pillars of IoT It is important for the app developers to note that the entire structure of the Internet of Things, basically rests upon three major pillars. They include: Network Things in Themselves Cloud The network usually performs the same function to what router does in connecting the network to the device. Here the devices are linked to the cloud. The information is received from the infrastructure stationed at data centers. The things provide the data stream and also manages it. On the other hand, the things are organized by software. The Things in themselves acts as an Internet Gateway is regarded as an important structure that helps in other device communication through a single or many communication protocol. The processor is not high powered and in most of the cases it gets directly linked up to Internet of Things. The Operating System is also embedded. The device that gets connected to the network normally does not have a screen. The Cloud is a server that serves as a security cover safeguarding your confidential data. During the critical juncture, the ordered data gets processed whereas the processing of a program occurs during the concluding stages. This program can be anything from a web app to a mobile app or even a software that users make use of. Developing Applications for IoT So, now that you finally sit down for developing an application for the Internet of Things, there are a few factors taken into consideration. Let’s have a quick glance at these: Choose an Appropriate and Convenient Platform The first and foremost step that the developer needs to ensure is selecting the appropriate platform for the development process. You must remember the fact that it should support the IoT applications and its components. The platforms such as Ubidots, Xively or Thingworx are IoT proven and offer the scope to design the best in class apps. Apart from that if you are choosing an authenticated platform, you are also avoiding the unnecessary exposures. With the help of these platforms you don’t have to start anything from the beginning. Consider the Industry for IoT Application Today Internet of Things does not have limited services but its scope has much widened and extended. So, it is essential to consider the industry. The industries are connected with the devices and network to offer solutions. As such there are a diverse set of industries that is optimally connected such as the healthcare, transportation, energy resources, sports, manufacturing etc. For instance, it will become easier for the people to find transportation such as connecting buses or trains. Side by side you will also have to find ways to improve in connecting the things. Segregating services from API Interface While you are developing the apps for IoT, it becomes important to separate the services from API interface. But why? This is because you want your app to smoothly run on mobile and web desktop. Managing your IoT applications well will help to provide better opportunities. IoT Data Must be Secured Strongly It becomes the sheer responsibility of the application developer to offer a strong secured environment to IoT data especially from the physical attacks. The security becomes paramount in case of GPS networks or in case of banking apps. The Different Levels of IoT Apps Understanding the various levels of IoT applications is pivotal as it gives an idea to know the system and its function. There are four different layers; the devices, the ingestion tier, the analytics area and lastly the end-user. So, first consider the devices that you will be connecting. In the ingestion tier the infrastructure or the software receives data or organizes it. In the third layer the data is mainly processed with the help of analytics area. The last is the end users for whom the app is getting developed. Keep an Eye on IoT Device Firmware Security The Internet of Things is always connected with things and keeps communicating with it. This is what distinguishes them from the traditional web and mobile apps. The hardware is always apprehended to have security based issues in the firmware and so it becomes essential keep on updating firmware. The firmware needs to be authenticated and signed before the update. Not Compromise with Speed and Quality As an app developer you need to keep in

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Internet of Things has Significantly Transformed Various Industries

Internet of Things or IoT is one of the most progressive technologies that is glaring at the present moment and will continue to do so in the future. Well, if IoT can be defined in the simplest of words, it is a kind of virtual internet connection where the network can be linked with any of devices found within the surroundings. And frankly speaking it can be any device from LED lights and electronic appliances to the four-wheelers. One of the important features of the Internet of Things is that it requires no human to machine connection to form a network but it can rather establish the link with the help of a series of physical objects. As such the IoT is usually based on wireless protocols, well connected sensors, and effective processors. If stats are to be believed, the number of connected devices will increase from 15.41 billion in 2015 to 75.44 billion in 2025, which is almost equivalent to five times. It has established its key influence in almost major industries that are related to the lives of common masses. A few of these include energy, retail, healthcare, automotive, building and construction etc. The HealthCare Sector is Blessed to Have IoT There should be no doubt in mind that the Internet of Things has given a new life line to the prevailing health sector, benefiting both the medical practitioners and the patients. One of the biggest impacts that the hospitals will be able to utilize their existing resources in the best possible manner. Not only will that IoT also help to control the temperature and humidity of the different wards. Now if we look at the same from the patient’s prospective, then this new technology (IoT) will help in reducing the expenditure of the hospital bills that often burns the pocket. The patients can be monitored in real-time and as such will provide an accurate diagnosis of the illness. The information received in real-time basis from the cloud computing system will allow the doctors to take appropriate decisions and the patients will receive timely treatment. This in turn will result in speedy recovery of the patient and provide him an enhanced experience. Lastly, the IoT will help a great deal in boosting the management of the drugs in much better way; which otherwise was a costly affair. Even the hospital staff will commit no mistake while entering the data of the patient information. Farmers are Adopting Internet of Things Don’t get surprised to know that Internet of Things hasn’t even left behind the agriculture sector. It has assisted the agricultural producers to improve their yields. Secondly, the farmers are also becoming more and more aware about not using the harmful toxic pesticides and insecticides on the crops and instead go for organic products. In fact, the use of the sensors are helping them to utilize the available resources optimally. If they deploy the inexpensive sensors in their fields, it will give them useful information about what action needs to be taken at various times. Another IoT benefit that they avail is getting instant value for their produce. This means they would know what type of crops to sow and how much water is needed to nourish it and can also help in controlling the pests. They would get knowledge on water conservation and reduction of waste. The Construction Industry Welcoming the IoT The construction business has scored giant leaps in the recent few years and IoT getting associated with it, it will go further to set new records. One of the huge reliefs that IoT has given to this rector is reduction in the human effort. Having said that one only needs to connect the machine with a wireless connection and it will operate in areas where people find it difficult to reach. The use of the Wearables such as Smart Glasses will help in protecting the delicate eyes while working in hazardous conditions. It will also keep a track of the supply levels at the construction site and if anything falls short, the central system will ask to order for more. In this way the project will not get delayed and it will also save the company from spending on unnecessary supply materials. The builder can track the status of the items that have been ordered through the GPS monitoring. Even you would get to know if the machines or equipment need any repair or not with the help of sensors. The IoT will also assist in fixing the daily working hours of the workers and labors so that they don’t feel exhausted. The sensors are the best friend when it comes to building information modelling, providing info on materials affected by climate changes, the weight of the building etc. The Transformation of the Fashion and Retail Industry Over the years the fashion and the retail industry has already changed the gears and extended its arms beyond the geographical boundaries. There has been a steady increase in the numbers of buyers and investors which has provided an extensive scope to the companies. But the question is how IoT will influence this particular sector. So, the answer is that firstly, the consumers will have wider range of choices when selecting the items, quick access to the products, get more of personalized products and receive notifications when the new stock arrives. It going to be a boon for the retailers and the marketers. The retailers will remain updated about the market demand through the smart virtual mirrors and what type of products the customers are preferring. Even the marketers can take the advantage of IoT. They can share the data analytics in the real time with the IoT connected devices and this will further assist them in framing the right strategies for the future. IoT is Powering the Energy Sector It is unfortunate that even this 21st century, a number of countries worldwide are encountering the energy and power crisis. IoT can play a comprehensive role in sorting

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How the IoT is Changing Apps

We all love the convenience of smartphones. The opportunities it provides are seemingly endless, from checking up on your friends via Instagram to checking up on your finances via mobile bank applications. I’d argue that very little time is spent actually talking on the phone, meaning that smartphones without apps would be virtually useless. In 2018, the number of smartphone users skyrocketed to 2.53 billion. With that in mind, you can be sure that the mobile app development field will continue to grow along with the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is helping to create a giant network where apps can thrive. Systems that once had no business being connected will now be able to easily share information. The accessibility the IoT brings to the table has created a hunger in the market for applications that utilize the technology in smarter and more creative ways. IoT Mobile Apps of Today Thanks to the IoT, apps can connect and share data from essentially anywhere, creating opportunities to expand upon the types of mobile applications we use on a daily basis. These apps can benefit us in countless ways, from our home life to our health. In this way, data sharing and IoT connectivity is proving to be a strategic advantage. Uber While it may not be the first thought that comes to mind when you think of Uber, this transportation company is considered one of the first to embrace the IoT. The app seems simple: A passenger presses a button to call a car, and a self-employed driver “claims” that ride. For this transaction to take place, the IoT comes into play. The location sensors assigned to both the passenger and the driver are constantly sending data, such as locations and ratings, to Uber’s data system in the cloud. This data is then used to connect the driver and passenger with one another. Blossom They aren’t kidding when they say there’s an app for everything. This platform was created to remind homeowners when they need to water their lawns. Blossom creates a schedule for you based off the weather forecast in your area and other general weather data that contributes to the ideal lawn care plan. The app asks you questions such as the type of plants you own, the rain levels in your area, and what kind of watering system you have. A “perfect” schedule is then generated through this two-sided data system to help both homeowners and the environment – knowing precisely when to water your lawn equals lower water usage in the long run. Whistle This isn’t your ordinary health tracker. Whistle is a device for our furry friends that can track their activity, location, and even sleep. The app keeps track of your pet’s whereabouts and can use a GPS to tell you when they’re at home, when they’re outside of their “safe zone,” and where they’ve traveled within the past 24 hours. The data collected through both the owner’s phone and the collar device work together to keep your animals safe. Whistle will also keep track of how much exercise and sleep they’re getting, which can be used to ensure their optimal health and wellbeing. Humans spend over five hours on their phone daily, with 92 percent of that time spent on apps. With findings like these, it’s apparent we will continue to see the growth of mobile phones and the apps available to download on them. The expansion of the IoT and its offerings are inevitable. Together, these technologies will have a tremendous impact on society and our day-to-day lives in the years to come. Looking To The Future The IoT is one of the most influential technologies to have emerged in our time. In essence, the IoT is made up of objects that have an IP address and can share information over a network. Setting up this network is like creating an “ecosystem” for your devices. Your cell phone, car, electric kettle, and home security systems will all have the capability to be connected through one network. This growing technology is streamlining nearly all aspects of life and will make a big splash when it comes to how we use our phones. Our need for innovation is at an all-time high, and developers must be able to keep up. In some cases, teams are created to expand on app creation and IoT integration. Before long, it won’t be enough for companies to have one developer who acts as a catchall; they will need various individuals who specialize in distinct fields such as the IoT. Companies will face considerable obstacles in their attempt to keep up with the ever-changing trends in the IT sphere. “The challenge all CIOs and their organizations face in 2018 is to modernize and simplify their IT environments in order to launch new and expanded mobile, data analytics, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and other digital initiatives,” says Oracle CEO, Mark Hurd. Integrating the IoT into mobile apps is an opportunity to simplify the lives of consumers, but the companies working to do that may face more roadblocks in the beginning when looking for the optimal system for efficient production. Because most developers don’t yet have the knowledge to create their own IoT system at this early stage, it makes sense to use an already existing IoT platform as a springboard. Using this method can save you valuable time that can then go toward creating, editing, and perfecting the platform. It’s more logical to devote your attention to the de facto production of the application once a model platform has been chosen. The IoT also proves its usefulness by delivering data that companies can use to reach broader audiences and more accurately cater to their customers’ wants and needs. Once the IoT has employed its ability to quickly collect high volume data from mobile apps, companies can store and organize this data more efficiently. In the long run, this will save companies money and time and allow them more

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Top Reasons Why IoT is the Future of Mobile App Development

With rapid speed, the mobile app development industry is encountering innovative and crucial changes because of the rise of different modern technologies. And IoT (Internet of Things) is one of such technologies. IoT has arrived in recent years. And now, people from sectors like healthcare, retail, agriculture, and more are enjoying IoT solutions. IoT can aid communication and interaction at every level. The rising demand for such apps and ease of utilization are two basic factors why IoT app development services are growing. According to the statistics, in 2030, It is predicted that there will be approx 25.44 billion IoT connected devices. Here, in this blog, let’s discuss how IoT is the future of mobile app development. However, to understand that properly, let’s first know this technology in brief! What is IoT (Internet of Things)? IoT technology is the network of physical things that are developing at a rapid rate. Due to IoT, an IP address, the fundamental of every mobile application, has become stronger. Undoubtedly, this technology has brought the connectivity we always dreamt of. In simple words, the IoT is one of the modern technologies that help us with nearly every aspect of life. Hence, everything that has internet access can be connected by IoT. For this reason, this technology helps us control our daily-use devices, even if we are not present at home. IoT has made a meaningful effect on the app development industry, as the data sharing between gadgets makes sure a smooth user experience. Improved visibility obtained from the data sharing has been a result that has considerably improved the mobile apps’ quality in this era. So, let’s check out how precisely IoT is shaping the future of mobile app development! How is IoT Shaping the Future of Mobile App Development? Mobile app development has become important for businesses worldwide. It has increased the use of smart gadgets and smartphones. Clients can access every kind of service feasibly through dedicated mobile apps, with customized services. Thereby, businesses are giving priority to making interest from the clients by providing them with engaging and interactive mobile applications. Let’s explore the top reasons why IoT is one of the future trends in the mobile app industry! Open-Source Development This is one of the major IoT trends for 2021. With the introduction of open-source development, app development leaders like to share more programs digitally. Hence, the IoT integration in mobile app frameworks will provide the developers with such programs so it becomes simpler to create an application. Another benefit provided by the open-source development of mobile apps is the transparency it provides in the development procedure. This has enabled businesses and developers to cooperate with one another smoothly for creating high-end mobile apps. Connectivity This will possibly be a top trend in the future. In this era of IoT, gadgets will not be connected through conventional ways like Wi-Fi, cellular, or Bluetooth any longer. From now, mobile app developers need to think about how their products will connect to the IoT on their own. And for this, these applications will need integration with a getaway. Since everything in the IoT technology needs a distinct connection protocol, developers have brought this concept. However, this is still not the simplest way to change into reality. Improved Hybrid App Development Scopes The basic native mobile applications are made for working on a particular platform that is not a suitable condition for the appropriate application of IoT. Nevertheless, hybrid applications have encountered a considerable improvement in demand because of their capacity of working on different devices and platforms. This has opened a way for mobile app developers for working on building heightened user experience and increasing the strength of IoT to help users interact properly with all multi-platform gadgets. The inclusion of different advanced coding methods has become feasible for app developers because of IoT. Moreover, this has helped build some of the best mobile applications in the globe. Offering users the capacity of accessing several services in one go has been one of the benefits of IoT. Moreover, this has helped businesses obtain client data feasibly from several devices and platforms, with no additional effort. IoT is one of the biggest possessions of hybrid applications and hybrid app development is the future of mobile applications. This has made IoT a prime player in the mobile app industry in the future. More Interactive Apps and Easier Customization Undoubtedly, IoT can make mobile apps more interactive and intuitive. Moreover, this technology has come up with new customization options. Hence, your app can remain appropriate and updated with the functionality associated with IoT and other important features. Moreover, IoT will develop futuristic and feature-rich mobile applications that would help you stay ahead of the rising competition. IoT technology can offer easy personalization options for enterprise mobile apps. It is because app developers can simply fulfill the requirements of connected gadgets when they build apps for their business. Niche Building Mobile app development is perhaps still adjusting to the IoT. On the other hand, they need to prepare for a wide range of IoT gadgets and begin working towards developing products that they can personalize across all types of simulated or physical gadgets. Moreover, IoT app developers and product teams should work together for successful assignments. And, as an outcome, usually changing the way mobile app building used to appear like maximum IoT gadgets will be backed up by AI for automated learning procedures should be adjusted for complete lifecycle assistance. Usually, the prime focus is moving from apps’ functions to devices’ functions. To create an application that users can use smoothly in both physical and digital worlds, mobile app builders will need to learn the growing technology, particularly the smart connected things. Growing Innovative Businesses IoT has highly influenced the innovation in businesses. Hence, IoT has gifted the rise of more innovative businesses. Mobile applications are the best medium to enhance the benefits of IoT for businesses. Businesses are concentrating on identifying and fixing

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