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How to Reserve an App Name

“Can I reserve an app name so that nobody else could use it?” – one of the most popular questions that come to mind when you start developing an app. And that’s a fair one! After all, you don’t want to end up creating a logo for your superfast calculator app called Uber only to find out later that name is taken. So is there a way to prevent this from happening? Yes! Let’s start with the obvious: search App Store to make sure nobody else has the same name! The short answer is that with Apple you can reserve the name so that others won’t use it. To do this you will need to: With Android everything is simpler! You cannot reserve a name but you can have multiple apps with the same name. So no need to reserve the name – you can definitely use it. Whether or not you want to have the same name as other apps is another question… In addition to reserving a spot in the app store you want to check and reserve:

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Submit Your App on Apple App Store – A Step By Step Guide

Is your app quite ready to appear in the App Store but you don’t exactly know how to do that? We’re here to help you out, at least with the first few steps. We’re assuming here that you already have an Apple ID as well as a distribution certificate, and we’re starting from there. Let’s get started. There are four steps you need to go through, so we have a lot of information to go through. Let’s get right into it. Here’s the list with the four steps: Make up the distribution provisioning profile for your application Get an iOS certification Create and include all the data in your listing in iTunes Connect Lastly, you need to submit your work for certification (using Xcode) Creating the distribution provisioning profile If you’re reading this article, you already have made your development provisioning profile necessary for your app, so this process shouldn’t be that difficult. There is a difference between the two that you should know from the beginning though: while the development provisioning profile allows you to include numerous development certificates, the distribution profile doesn’t work the same. In the first one, you are allowed to have more app developers working on the app, but the distribution certificate has to be unique, as well as the signing in information. When you generate the archive, you will need this distribution certificate to code sign your app among the thousands of apps in the App Store. Now, let’s get right down to the steps you need to follow to get your distribution provisioning profile. Start by logging in into iOS’ Developer Provisioning Portal, where you’ve already created the provisioning profile for development. Go ahead and choose the Distribution Provisioning Profile section and tap on that plus button on the right side of the screen. Here you will need to choose your option, which in the present scenario is “App Store” and click “Continue”. Go ahead and also select your application’s ID and choose “Continue”. We hope you’ve already requested a distribution certificate, because this is the place where it would be available. If you did, just select that and press “Continue”. From here on out, we’re almost finished with this step. Click on “Generate” after you’ve given a name to your profile. After this, you can download and install the profile by double clicking on it. Receiving an iOS certification The operating system has to clear your app for it go out in the App Store – they check for malicious programs, any rule breaking or other issues the app might have that the user wouldn’t enjoy very much. If you’re interested in the App Store’s guidelines for their review, you can easily find them on the internet, they are available for everyone to see. After you’ve checked your app for any issues, you can go right ahead to select the root node in the file navigator. Click on the menu “Project Settings”, then on the submenu “Build Settings”. In this submenu you need to choose “Code Signing”, and after that, “iOS Distribution”. This feature connects you automatically with your Distribution Signing Identity. If by any chance, you have numerous of these identities, you should choose your desired identity specifically. After you’ve done that, you can go right ahead to creating the Release build so you can send it to the App Store. You need to select iOS Device for your deployment target. Going further, you need to select “Product menu item”, and afterwards, “Archive”. After this, your app’s archive will be automatically created in Xcode Organizer. You will also be able to see any previous archives you’ve created in this section. Switch to iTunes Connect and complete the App Store listing with all the info needed. Switch once again to the Xcode Organizer and you can alre ady submit the app. Creating the app listing The third step you need to go through is developing the listing for your app in iTunes Connect, a dashboard which will be very helpful to you from now on. You can do various actions in this program, from managing your contacts, to checking out performance reports of your app in the App Store. Start by selecting the button “Manage Your Apps”. After that you can go right ahead to click on “Add New App”. In this section, you will have to enter various data about your app from basic info to pricing and availability. Let’s start out with app information. Press on the bundle ID you’ve created before, and write your app’s name. This will give you the SKU number of your app, which is basically a barcode for your ‘product’. It has no use for iTunes, just for you to identify your product by a unique string of characters. When you’re done with entering all the data necessary here, you just press on “Continue”. Now you’re faced with your App’s Availability: here you need to decide when you want your app to be released into the App Store. You can set it for today, if you want it to go out as soon as possible. This way, after it goes through certification, the app will be released in a matter of 24 hours. If you set it later, but decide in the meantime that you’d want it released earlier, you can manually release it after certification with the help of iTunes Connect. If you want to monetize your app by setting a price of installing, you will need to enter in the “Contracts, Tax and Banking” menu of iTunes Connect, a few pieces of information about your banking account, where all the money will go. After this basic info, you also need to provide info about the app version, contact, art assents, metadata and EULA. With all of these, you should address your developer to help you out. Submit your app via Xcode We’re finally down to the forth step which is submitting your application by using Xcode. Enter Xcode, and select the “Organizer”

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Most Notable Differences Between iOS and Android While Creating Apps

Apps have reached a point where they are seamlessly integrated in our daily routines. Younger generations grow up with apps and can’t imagine a time where people didn’t have smart devices full of apps. There is no boundary when it comes to app categories, as they range from casual gaming to high end business assistants. Mobile applications tend to cater to the needs of all demographics with a wide spread across several platforms. Of course, there will always be fans on each side of a debate involving Android and iOS, but from the perspective of a developer, petty fan wars aren’t of much help when trying to decide which platform would better serve and suit a venture. In this article, we’re going to explore the various differences between developing an app for iOS and one for Google’s Android. Market Places Multiple platforms mean multiple market places where apps can be listed and sold in accordance with the guidelines imposed by each particular market administrator. Currently, the largest app market is the Google Play Store, where apps for the Google operating system Android are officially sold. Android blankets a vast majority of market shares, taking the lead for the popular search engine developer. However, that being said, there is still tough competition coming Google’s way. Another tremendously popular platform is Apple’s iOS, which differentiates itself from Google’s through a number of aspects, such as guaranteed extra security when compared with an Android handset, due to its tighter policy on software alteration. While other platforms are available, with their own app stores in place, it is generally acknowledged that Google Android and Apple iOS are the market leaders, and no matter how the scale tips between the two of them, they are the two best options. Development A developer must take into consideration how an app behaves and what its characteristics are from a customer point of view, but also adapt to what they’re most comfortable working with, and beyond that, what they actually know how to use. When it comes to app platforms, Android and iOS are very different constructs. Developing apps for each of them requires knowledge pertaining to a specific programming language. Android apps are creating using Java, while iOS apps are made using Objective-C. There are pros and cons for both languages, so an important detail to factor in is which better complements your style. It is considered that Java is a newer and much easier to use language, which can also help developers branch out into PC software development. The fact that it’s easy to learn makes it a developer favorite. Objective-C on the other hand is an older programming language that most consider to be more time consuming when it comes to actual coding. However, others argue the superiority of Obejctive-C, saying that it feels like the iOS coding language is cleaner. IDE IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment, and if coding languages represent the app’s recipe, the IDE represents the bakery where the magic happens. There multiple IDEs out there, but there are two in particular that are relevant to the topic, namely XCode and Android Studio. While there several other IDEs out there, Apple and Google respectively have declared these two as the recommended solutions in terms of IDEs for developers to use when creating apps for each individual platform. Obviously, Android Studio is used by Android whereas iOS uses XCode. Google has replaced its previous IDE with Android Studio in hopes of improving all affected stats. Apple on the other hand stuck with XCode for a longer time and instead just supplemented updates to keep it relevant. Testing the app Apple’s coding platform and affiliated tools make it so that developers can more easily and effectively test apps through their development. Apple developers even get to work with UI testing feature which allows for even more control over the work in the progress. Google on the other has been rated as much lower when it comes to testing. Their setup makes it so that developers have a harder time testing than iOS developers. Requirements With the risk of sounding repetitive with the excessive use of the word “platform”, it’s inevitable that we must hear at once again, because developing apps for iOS or Android truly is a matter of platforms. Developers that want to create apps which will eventually end up in Apple’s AppStore must use a Mac computer. There is no other way about it, as Mac computers are the only ones that support iOS app development. Android on the other hand is supported on more platforms. This means that an Android app creator can choose between working on a Windows PC, a Mac PC, or even Linux. This gives Android an important edge as Macs aren’t that accessible for everyone. App design Developing apps for either platform is an opportunity to express yourself and be original. However, there are still guidelines to what your app design should include or not include, depending on the platform you choose. These app design guidelines are firm parts of each platform’s policy, both Google and Apple wanting developers to create apps in a certain style. This helps create a unified space and bring more unity between different apps on the same platform. If you want your app on the App Store or Play Store, you must take these guidelines very seriously. Google is overall way more specific than Apple when communicating their desires to the developer community. They even put a toolkit at their disposal that makes working with Material Design (Google’s UI philosophy) a lot easier. Apple on the other hand is not as specific, although it still requires its apps to be of a certain standard. In recent times, Apple has also transitioned towards a flatter design scheme, but Google manages to do a better job. Submission cost There is also money involved. Not as in receiving money, which everyone takes into consideration as an important factor before venturing into app development,

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Converting iOS App to Android and Vice Versa: The Step by Step Guidance

Beyond any doubt in mind, the Android and the iOS platforms are indeed the two most successful and extensively used Operating Systems in the recent times. Both the OS are a great competitor of each other and you can choose either of the two platforms or even both to develop a useful mobile application. It may be that you have first developed an Android app and you want to convert the same into an iOS app or vice-versa to get more visibility and flow of traffic. It is a known fact that Android has the biggest market share in the mobile app development industry. So, obviously, you don’t want to miss out the large piece of cake by not switching from iOS to Android. Similarly, if you want to get a more sophisticated customer and robust security features, then you can move on to iOS. But the question is how to convert from one platform to another and how challenging is the job for an app developer. First, we will focus on how to convert an iOS app to Android app. Convert an iOS App to Android Well, this is not an easy task to begin with. You have to take into account a number of factors such as app porting. It means that you can port your items from one platform to another. This is easy in Android because of the Java language that is friendlier. In the recent years, some of the Android apps have been also allowed on Windows by Microsoft taking a few easy steps. Android is known for its flexibility. You can add more features as per the demands of the market and even customize it as well. It provides extended functionality. Even the Google Play Store is very supportive in this regard. It means that you don’t have to wait for too long after the conversion of app from iOS to Android. The bugs can also get removed very easily without much effort. Now when you go for the conversion, you have to mainly consider on these aspects: Developing the App Architecture So, initially the work has to get started with deciding what should be the minimum level of version, which can support the app. For example, if you are choosing Android 4.4 KitKat, then you get coverage of 90.5% of the mobile devices. But you have to choose the version according to the features and so an analysis is important. You also need to review the architecture of the along with its features and functionalities. Please study and analyze the difference between the Android and iOS platforms thoroughly. You can precisely modify and work on a few features including the push notifications, specifications about the switching of content, establishing better interaction between the other apps and touch 3D etc. The Design of the App You must know that there is a great difference between the designing of both the popular platforms. In android apps, you usually come across material design, while iOS has flat designs. Even there is a difference in the patterns used as well. So, the app designer has to redesign the Android app while converting it. Taking about the icon, Android has its own icon library while it makes use of the Roboto as its standard font. The content navigation is mainly found towards the bottom and it has two types of button; the flat and floating button. In addition, you can also find other elements and tools such as Switch, Text fields, RadioButton, Bottom Sheets etc. Another important factor to note is the metric differences that would basically involve the screen resolutions and 48 DP rule dominance in UI design, etc. the comparison of the font size becomes a pivotal job and the ratio that needs to be maintained is .075. The Framework and Code Library of Android The app developers mainly have to make use of the external elements and libraries while creating the apps. But when you are converting iOS to Android, it’s important to go through the app compatibility of the elements and if they aren’t compatible, then choose frameworks. You know well that iOS get developed in Swift language, while Android makes use of the Java or Kotlin. It is not possible to recompile the first code into the second. But both the platforms use and support C code and it can be ported with certain conditions. Thus, when converting, the app needs to be written an entire different language and you have to take into account the app architecture, the app library and so on. The Testing of the App After you have done with the conversion of the app from iOS to Android, it’s time to go for quality assurance and app testing before making it live on the Play Store. You have to check that your apps remain bug free and there is absolutely no problem in its smooth operation. It also needs to be seen that it is offering an optimal UI and UX to the end user. Android has more devices than iOS and you also have to consider the screen resolutions and OS versions. It can be said that migrating from iOS to Android needs proper planning and strategy that should be well executed. You have to access the entire project and minutely understand each of its details before implementation and then finally go for the app testing. Converting Android App to iOS In the second round of discussion, we will now concentrate on how to convert the android apps to iOS apps. It should be noted that although android dominates the market by numbers, but when it comes to revenue generation, iOS is the boss. Moreover, the users are more loyal to iOS apps. It basically involves five steps that can be discussed below. The Navigation Factor If you are aware of both Android and iOS device functionality, you should know that the biggest difference lies in the main button or the Home button. The iPhones have

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Vital Factors Taken into Consideration Before Publishing an App to The App Store

Maybe you think that you have created an outstanding mobile application. However, the end users may have contrary views. You only get to know the final result once the app gets published into the app store. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to predict anything towards the beginning whether your app will be successful or not. However, if you want to get more consumers on the board, you have to ensure a few vital steps before publishing the app in the app store. You must know that both iOS and Android have provided detailed guidelines or checklist for the developers, which must be strictly adhered to. Thoroughly Go through App Store Polices and Guidelines In fact, Apple, in its official blog has cited a number of reasons that ultimately leads to an app rejection. It follows a very strict policy related to app publication and if you don’t stick to it properly, you will surely miss the bus completely. Similarly, the Google Play Store has also given a list of launch checklist on its official blog page. All the tasks must be followed sequentially, so that you don’t miss out any step. Deciding whether it’s a Free or Paid App One of the pivotal decisions you have to take is regarding the app monetization policy. This means you have to decide whether you are offering the app for free or the users will have to pay a fee to subscribe it. If it is priced, then you have to decide upon the pricing model of the app. However, before that, spare some time to ponder whether your app is really worthy of getting a status of the paid app. It is recommended to go for the freemium model in the beginning if you are aiming to get large customers to your app. However, if you are offering any painstaking service such as live consultation with the doctor, then it has to be subscription-based app. Also, it must be remembered that most of the popular gaming apps are also not free but it’s completely your call. Extensive Research of Market and Competitors This is one of the most time-consuming jobs; but there’s no other option, you have to undertake it. The research is one of the most vital steps, which probably goes parallel with every step of development process. You have to get the impulse of the market and find your competitors when you are planning to launch the app. This will help in understanding what features and functionality of similar apps are popular and what percentage of users is using such apps. Conducting the App Testing Before Publishing Well, this goes without saying; you must conduct a test before publishing the app in the app store. It must be ensured that it meets the basic requirements and expectations of the concerned Operating System. The app should literally pass all quality checks with ease without showing any error. In case the app has been designed for the tablets and iPads, it should have flawless graphics and shouldn’t comprise on the User experience and User Interface. So, the suggestion would be to go for the app optimization. The content of the app should be apt and to the point. It should be attractive to satisfy the needs of the customers. Optimizing the App App optimization is important and it needs to be done before you are making your app live on the app store. It must be noted that both Apple and Google follow the same variables when it comes to ranking. Thus, when you are optimizing the app, you have to mainly focus on four important factors that include the branding and visuals of the app, the number of app downloads, the keyword and app description and the number of positive app reviews etc. You should remember that keywords play a vital role in influencing the customers of the app as they find your app through a particular set of words. In fact, according to a study, it has been found that keywords placed in title increased the app’s ranking by 10.3%. Building the Brand Value of your App It is important to create some hike in the market before publishing and launching an app. It is a kind of pre-promotion before actually entering the market to build a brand value. You can take the help of media tools and frame a viable social media strategy. However, the first step would be to find your target audiences, who could relate well with your app. Start searching for the bloggers, journalists, and writers who would connect you to your users. The social media could be a great platform for establishing the value of the app. Go for regular Facebook and Instagram posts and updates and tell people how your app is different from others. Choosing the Location for App Distribution The decision on app distribution solely depends on your choice. It means you have to decide which are the countries and regions where your app will be made available. You can even choose a global presence like Facebook or Whatsapp. It all depends on your business needs and the number of audiences you are targeting. This is one of the crucial aspects that you have decided early as you can finalize the app content based on it. Counting on your Web Presence So, what else you can do to spread the word about your mobile app apart from framing marketing strategies and social media platform. It is by developing a landing page or a website that gathers the emails of users, which could prove more than handy in getting the important data. In addition to that it also helps to communicate the idea of your app and the users find it easy to navigate the content. The collection of emails in the beginning would also help in driving people to download and review your app as more as possible. The Importance of Screenshots and Visuals Another marketing tactic that you can employ

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The Entire Process of Integrating Siri in the Third-Party Apps

Ever since Apple introduced its voice recognition assistant in 2011, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technology is going great guns. Following its successful launch, there were further enhancements and the WWDC Apple Event in 2017 saw the vital announcement of Siri integration with the third-party apps. However, this integration was limited to a few apps only such as messaging, payments, photo search, and booking apps. With the release of iOS 11, this list was further extended and one also witnessed the introduction of SiriKit. The introduction of SiriKit has added another feather into the cap. This framework has simplified the task of the iOS app developers to a great extent. It has become much easier to add new customized features to Siri, which is then integrated with the third-party apps. But it must be noted that you can get access to the benefits of SiriKit only if you are using iOS 10 or the advanced versions. One of the major factors that have led to the increment of the popularity of Siri is that the users’ just need to give a voice command and the task is performed. So, whether it is paying a monthly electric bill, or adding a new item into your online shopping cart, use voice command to get the work done. If we talk about the stat and figures, then according to Business Insider, about 70% of the iPhone users agree that they have used Siri sometimes or rarely. On the other hand, Statista, reports that 51% of Americans comprehensively and clearly understand the usage of Siri in their devices. In fact, the addition of functionality has indeed become easier as it needs to be implemented with the help of SiriKit. Here we would have a detailed discussion on how to integrate the Siri with a third-party app. Selecting a Particular Niche First things first, you need to choose a particular domain or niche or the app based on the app activity. However, it must be noted that SiriKit does not support all app domains; so, you have limited choice. For example, you can choose messaging apps, payment, workouts, image searching, climate and radio etc. You can find more options from the SiriKit Programming Guide. Siri makes use of the intents to perform the tasks. When the user wants Siri to fulfil a task, it would send the user intent with other details to the handler of that intent. The intent comprise of its own protocol, which the manager incorporates for that intent. You also get the advantage of expanding the default User Interface in the Siri window. Building a Cocoa Touch Framework Once you have chosen the app domain, the next task is to build a Cocoa Touch framework for the application. You should remember to receive the Siri support through the integration of the Intents Extension and that you cannot use the codes directly. Therefore, you need to take the help of the Cocoa Touch framework. For this, you have to first visit the Xcode menu and then choose File–>New–>Target. This will set up the Cocoa Touch Framework. In the next step, you would be asked to choose the template that you want to use for the target. Then you would get across a window where you can change the template option and name your framework. You need to verify carefully that the framework contains the similar project and check the insert in application field. The Addition of Classes to Framework Upon the completion of the above task, the next job in hand is adding the classes to the framework. You can add the classes, which highlight your domain of the user request sending the requests for the backend development process. In case, your class is already integrated move on to the name of your framework. Now, you need to eliminate the class from the key target and add them manually to the framework target. The Integration of the Intent Handler Now we have reached the most crucial step of integrating the Siri in third-party apps. Here we have to implement the intent handler. But before you go into the details, the first job in hand is to add an intent extension target to your app. You can do this by the following process- File–>New–>Target. Next choose the Intents Extension. At this stage you will be required to fill out a name such as the SiriIntentExtension.” Now you also have to add a few data to the Info.plist” file of the “SiriIntentExtension” <key>NSExtension</key> <dict> <key>NSExtensionAttributes</key> <dict> <key>IntentsSupported</key> <array> <string>INSendMessageIntent</string> </array> </dict> <key>NSExtensionPointIdentifier</key> <string>com.apple.intents-service</string> <key>NSExtensionPrincipalClass</key> <string>$(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).IntentHandler</string> </dict> You need to denote the supported intents list. In case you are reducing the accessibility of the intents for the locked devices, it is important to detail out the restricted intents list with the help of IntentsRestrictedWhileLocked button. On the other hand, we have the NSExtensionPrincipalClass key offering the name of the class in the IntentsExtension deciding the name of the handler for the intent. You can name this class as IntentHandler. This is an easy step to follow: import Intents class IntentHandler: INExtension { override func handler(for intent: INIntent) -> Any? { return MessagesIntentHandler() } } As we can see there is a return of instance of MessagesIntentHandler for the specified intent as we focused only on a single intent type. But in case of various intents, you need to check the intent handler for if intent is INSendMessageIntent { return MessagesIntentHandler() } The name MessagesIntentHandler is a class and the happening place. So if you want to incorporate this class you can follow the code below. class MessagesIntentHandler: NSObject, INSendMessageIntentHandling { … } You need the support of NSObjectProtocol if you want to run the INSendMessageIntentHandling protocol. This protocol has one compulsory and four other optional functions. If we talk about the four optional functions then these are: The first is known as the resolveRecipients(forSendMessage:with:) where you have to specify the name of the recipient for the given intent. If you are using single intent,

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How to Integrate Apple Pay into Your iOS App?

Developing a payment gateway for a mobile application is the most required mobile solution that you need for selling your products online. If you set up an inconvenient procedure for your customers and a page takes lots of time in loading, customers will leave the page without buying anything. Henceforth, to make the online buying experience easier and faster for your customers, ensure to integrate Apple Pay into your iOS app. Importance of Apple Pay Integration When it comes to online shopping, people use their smartphones more. Paying through mobile is a buzzing trend that’s a reason why you need to make the process easy and efficient ever. Due to the high user base of mobile payment, you should help your clients by making an easy checkout process. According to a survey conducted in the United States in 2019, Apple Pay has been used by 51% of users to pay in stores, restaurants or other points of sale with their smartphones in the past 12 months. Apple Pay technology has made the mobile payment process easier. This technology enables us to pay for products with one touch. Integration of Apple Pay into your iOS app enables customers to process direct payments through Siri or Messenger. You can use Apple Pay in an offline store and reap the benefits of NFC technologies that enable clients to pay directly from their smartphone, reducing the requirement of carrying a wallet alongside them. Nevertheless, you must install an NFC terminal for processing this. Otherwise, integrate Apple Pay technology into your iOS app. Online security is a vital topic these days. 59% of mobile online buyers are concerned regarding their personal information. You can consider Apple Pay a highly secure method with no doubt because it uses an exclusive code and contains a particular number for every user. Your data are secure because it doesn’t store your card number on its payment terminal. This technology doesn’t get support from all merchants, but Apple Pay is encountering a continuous development every year. 43% of all iOS users use this payment technology on their mobile devices. Brick-and-mortar stores are facing issues in using this technology because they are lagging. Online use of Apple Pay technology is more in demand. iOS users would prefer the capacity of buying products and services within an iOS app via Apple’s secure gateway. Now that you know that every successful business needs to integrate Apple Pay payment method, take a look at some guidelines to know how to proceed with this integration process. Integrating Apple Pay into an iOS App To integrate Apple Pay into your iOS app, Swift is the language you should opt for. Follow the steps discussed below to process it: Create a Merchant ID To create your Merchant ID, you must make your App ID ready. So, navigate to https://developer.apple.com and sign in to your developer account. Now go to Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles. Now select App ID under the Identifier section. Ensure to check the Apple Pay box under Apple Services. Select the Continue button and submit to complete the creation of your App ID. Now click on Merchant ID and in the upper right corner, click on the ‘+’ icon. After that, a window will open where you need to enter the detail of a Merchant ID.Finally, make a Bundle ID that starts with the term ‘Merchant’. Configure Apple Pay Capabilities in Xcode for your project After you have completed creating your Merchant ID, now open up your project in Xcode and choose Capabilities under the .xcproject section. Turn on Apple Pay and enter your Merchant ID and ensure that the toggle from the right side is on. Next, you must add your ID to the developer portal and ensure that the Team Box is indicating to the right time and check all items under Steps. Create a sandbox user in iTunes Connect Once you are done with the two steps mentioned above, you need to create a new Gmail account. For this, navigate to https://itunesconnect.apple.com/ and choose Users and Roles. Now select Sandbox Testers and tap on the ‘+’ button. Choose a nation where Apple Pay is allowed and confirm your new Gmail account formed by Apple ID. Include a test card Now that you have a new Gmail account made by Apple ID, you need to change the iPhone region to the USA. For this, log out of your iCloud account and log in with your sandbox user details. Include a new test card to Apple Pay. For instance: Make a payment request in your project To create a payment request in your project, add any button from the storyboard to the ViewController. Next, connect IBAction with your ViewController.swift. To use Apple Pay effectively, you must insert the following line into ViewController: Import PassKit After this, you can configure the payment request in purchaseItem(): Deal with the output You need to add the following line to purchaseItem(): After that, make the following extension: To check whether you have done a successful Apple Pay integration into your iOS app, make a successful payment by continuing with the payment request with your selected payment method, such as MasterCard, Visa, Stripe, etc. In order to complete the payment, insert the following line in the didAuthorizePayment method: Closure So, this is how you can integrate Apple Pay technology into an iOS app. Make sure to follow the steps discussed in this post to make your Apple Pay integration a success. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/apple-pay-integration-into-ios-app/

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