
Why Magento is an Ideal Choice for your eCommerce Business

The business models and trends keep leaping at a very rapid pace. The emergence of eCommerce websites has put the entire market scenario on a totally different track where online purchase and sale of the items continues 24×7 unstoppable. According to the US Department of Commerce, nearly 53% global consumers have already got an access to eCommerce sites. This is quite certain that the above indicated numbers will rise and so even the brick and mortar stores are embracing the online business mode without any doubts. So once you take the right decision of opting for the eCommerce so as to boost your sales and make your online presence, the next step is choosing the appropriate platform. You might ask whether the choice of the platform will have an influence on the business performance. To answer your question – yes. As such there are a number of platforms but Magento is leading the way forward as a top-notch eCommerce platform. Why Magento is The Best Option For Your E-commerce Store? Now the question is why Magento has undoubtedly become the first and only choice of large number of esteemed clients? Let’s dig a reply to this all important question. An Open Source Platform Free of Cost Magento is an open source platform which is available free of cost. This is one of the reasons why most eCommerce owners prefer this platform as it allows you to save lots of bucks. The addition of tweaks to the source codes and also adding the functions is certainly at the hands of the developers. Magento can be managed easily and it can maintain two or three eCommerce stores at one go with the help of single admin panel. In addition to that the entire list of purchases as well as the sales are managed through a single database. The Magento developers does not have to invest much time because of this feature of Magento. Makes the Product Browsing Much Easier It is a known fact that only those eCommerce business have excelled in this competitive era, which allows their customers hassle-free browsing from whichever device they are using. The client can avail all information regarding the item making it easier to buy it. Magento is that platform which never compromises on that front. The support for even the international customers, acceptance of multiple currencies, the choice of various languages and fast booking is what you can expect from this platform. Ideal Platform for Supporting All Business Sizes Those eCommerce sites having the luxury of Magento are truly blessed because of its scalability. It is not that since Magento is offering its services to some of the biggest names in the business arena, it won’t help to prosper the small or the medium size enterprises. Being flexible and scalable, it allows the entrepreneurs to shape up their business according to their specific needs. The aim of this platform has always been offering an invaluable customer experience so that the end users visit the same site every time they want to purchase anything online. It provides the facility to the consumer wherein they can zoom and enlarge the item to get a better view. With Magento you can be sure of getting clearer images and also supports app ratings and reviews. Easily Drives Traffic to Your App or Site One of the aspects that keeps hovering the minds of the business owner is how to drive more traffic. However, when Magento is by your side, you do not have to take much stress as it will help in driving traffic to your eCommerce site. This is mainly due to the fact that it is SEO friendly. Magento gets full support and assistance from various search engines as it is keyword centric and offers clear tags. This in turn boosts the sales. In-Built Powerful Tools The benefits of Magento is not restricted to only being SEO friendly but it has very powerful in-built tools which enhance the shopping experience of the customers. The platform is combined with HTML5 helping a great deal in smooth operation of eCommerce on mobile. Apart from supporting multiple clear images, it also has inbuilt video and audio facility. This acts as a guide for the customers visiting the website and navigating the products. The Support of Reporting and Analytics As an owner of the eCommerce business, you obviously want to track the number of potential customers browsing your app or the site. So, Magento is there to help you out in this regard with the support of reporting and analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Google base or Google Checkout. These vital and useful tools are better site managers and keeps informing you regarding the areas, which needs an improvement. No Concerns form the Security Perspective Magento offers a very strong and secured platform for your eCommerce app and site; so there should be no concern regarding the security. The consumers can make stress free payments online without the fear of leakage of confidential data. Moreover, it has a secured and dedicated IP and SSL security. The more secured environment you provide to the end users via Magento, the more sales will hike with each passing day. Offers Varied Options for Payments to the Customers Magento excels over other platforms in many prospects and adding one more cherry into the cake is the option of making payments through a wide range of platforms. The payments via credit or debit card or through internet banking is common but the Magento users also have the facility of using Authorize.net, Google and Apple Pay, PayPal etc. Easy Options for Making Changes Magento is such an exceptional eCommerce platform that allows the developers to make the relevant changes with great ease. As such there is no restrictions on the functionalities and you can add or remove the products without any difficulty. Conclusion This is the era belonging to the eCommerce business and choosing Magento as platform will be like adding feather to the cock.

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Top eCommerce Trends that will Revolutionize the Online Shopping Experience

It won’t be wrong to point out that this current era belongs to the eCommerce industry, which has already established its deep roots in the global market. If we believe the figures that Statista has presented recently, then the journey of eCommerce sector is rapidly moved to a trillion dollar industry. Yes, it has already reached up to $2.3 trillion in 2017 and is expected to surge towards $4.8 trillion by 2021. According to one of the studies, 71% of the consumers believe that eCommerce business is offering better deals in comparison to the retail stores. In fact, this is probably one of the predominant reasons why it is growing by leaps and bounds. However, another stat says that about 81% of the customers conduct an online research before making a purchase from an eCommerce site or app. So, it becomes imperative for the business owner to get accustomed to the latest eCommerce trends if they want to boost up their sales and thrive successfully to remain afloat in the competition. Voice Search will Enhance Customer Loyalty We have already noticed that voice assistant has become prominent ever since the arrival of Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa. Now as we have high advanced speakers, such as Google home or Amazon Echo, the voice search offers an innovative technique of gaining more traffic to your web or app. Even one of the reports from Consumer Research Intelligence Partners, suggests that Amazon’s customer loyalty has incredibly increased as the customers are making use of Echo to make purchases. According to a research, about 40% of the millennials have already begun using the voice search even before making an online purchase. It wouldn’t have been easier to find a specific product on the large eCommerce platform. The customer just has to speak the name of the product or brand and choose from the spectrum of options. It is important to upgrade your business with the voice the search facility or you won’t be able to bring a large base of potential customers who use this latest trend to shop online. One can cite the example of Walmart which, has already partnered with Google and is offering this benefit to its consumers on the Google Express. Mobile Commerce There has always been a debate over which is better mobile commerce or the eCommerce websites. With the tremendous increase in the number of smartphone users in the recent times, the mobile commerce seems to outdo the websites. In fact, a study has revealed that 62% of the smartphone users made a purchase using their devices during the last six months and this data would rise within the coming months. So, you need to shift your pattern and move towards a site that is best optimized for mobile devices. The best solution is developing a mobile eCommerce app. One of the significant features that we would probably witnesses is the introduction of fingerprint and face recognition technology. In addition, it will also simplify the payments as the user will do it with just a single click or tap. The Influence of AR and VR Both Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are no more alien terms in the technological world and mobile app industry. And as we are already in the middle of 2018, it will go further up as more and more companies will be literally starting to offer it. In fact, the experts tend to view that AR and VR will not only augment the shopping experience of the customers and bolster their sales but also it would influence the packaging of the products to a great extent. The well-renowned furniture company IKEA is also offering the AR experience to its worldwide customers in which the customers can place the 3D product at home and actually see if it is fitting in that particular spot or not. Implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning One of the popular eCommerce trends that will prove to be a major bonus for the retail sector is the implementation of Machine Learning with Artificial Intelligence. Now, the question is how the machine learning will improve the eCommerce industry? Machine learning will not assist in recommending the best of the products to your customers but also better their search experiences. AI will help you to individualize your customers with improved focus. In addition, you can also enhance the communication experience with the customers through the chatbot service, where you reply to their queries in real-time. This also allows you to tackle the complex tasks smoothly and you can find suitable ways to solve any problem. For instance, Facebook has offered the facility of chatbot to its retailers where they can handle all issues with Facebook Messenger. Research Online, Purchase Offline (ROPO) The ROPO (Research Online Purchase Offline) is an emerging tool that has great potential to convert the online research into an offline purchase. It basically targets those specific customers who are actually glued in shopping and always crave to avail the best possible discount and price. And surely this ROPO tool will largely influence the eCommerce business even more in 2018. Now ROPO not only helps the customers to craft the best deal on a product and allows them to search for the specific product they are looking for but also lets the retailers represent their offline conversion tracking. Use of Cryptocurrency in eCommerce Well, this is going to a game-changing trend in the eCommerce sector as far as the experts have predicted. The use of cryptocurrency for making the payment will further revolutionize the industry and take it to the next higher level. The use of cryptocurrency for conducting the transactions will not only make your payment more secure but also nullify the risks associated with transactions. But the eCommerce industry hasn’t really welcomed the Blockchain technology as it is still in the trial and test mode. It is taking the time to adopt the new advanced technology with careful monitoring. Amazon has taken a stride

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Reasons Why Node.js is the Best Choice to Develop an E-commerce Website

Of late, most of the retailers are plying on the e-commerce platform, which indeed is the right business strategy to march forward. Now this is time to shift the gears and offer your customers with an altogether exuberating experience, where they have plenty of options at realistic prices. The e-commerce websites and mobile apps have certainly proved more than a worthy asset and their numbers are increasing with each passing day. According to a research-based website, there are already about 7,50,000 e-commerce companies globally and so the competition out there is very stiff. Deciding to develop an e-commerce app or website is an apt decision, but if you want your tree to offer the optimum fruits, then you have to choose the most appropriate soil. Yes, we are taking about selecting the website platform and Node.js is the most preferred choice for building the e-commerce websites. You are already familiar with the Node.js. It is an open-source cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment. Basically, it is a server-side platform developed on the Google Chrome’s V8 engine. Node.js is known for its fast and scalable applications having a rich source of JavaScript library modules. One of the probable reasons why Node.js is the first-rate choice for e-commerce website development is that it provides stability and helps in to incorporate vital features such as addition of cart, payment gateways, and shopping options. In addition, Node.js also brings the advantage of rapid prototyping. You must know that top brands like eBay, Uber, PayPal, LinkedIn, Netflix, Walmart and American Space Agency NASA is using Node.js for creating the primary application. Next, it could be your turn to shine bright amid the stars. Let’s analyze the significant reasons why Node.js is best choice to develop website for e-commerce company: Cross-Platform JavaScript Platform One of the biggest advantages that Node.js offer is that acts as a cross-platform development platform. In most of the cases, the developers need to have the knowledge about a couple of programming languages at least for the coding but Node.js is said to be an exception. It can be implemented suitably for both the client as well as the server-side application. It also facilitates the developers to opt for code reusability if there is any modification. Now, you know the reason why Node.js is reining the world of web applications today, isn’t? Optimum Performance What’s praiseworthy about Node.js to more support to the e-commerce platforms is the optimum performance. It is known to offer better results at a much lower cost in comparison to other languages such as PHP. It makes the shopping a convenient affair for the customers by simplifying the various activities like choosing the products, viewing the product features, and selecting the payment options etc. This would encourage more and more people to sneak through the website or application. Budget-Friendly The Node.js I/O model is very effective and it does not obstruct the I/O operations despite the fact that it is working in real-time. The website application can get updated at faster pace. It reduces the development cost as you don’t need to employ two different teams for the front-end and the backend development. Only hiring the experienced Node.js will suffice your job. Scalability The event-driven design of the Node.js is something that infuses the scalability into the web applications. It provides the simple and small modules that work perfectly with the websites and also the new modules can be added more efficiently to make it more scalable. The fact that Node.js can be highly customized according to the needs goes best in the favour of e-commerce platform. Large Support of the Community The e-commerce platform is a complex structure to design with a number of features, functionaries, and design etc. Thus, at times, the developers may need constructive support and help from the community members if they want a specific solution to a problem. The large community always keeps on working to bring improvements and there is something new to offer for the developers. If you face any issue, you can make use of the GitHub or the StackOverflow to get viable solutions. Known for Optimal Speed We already know that Node.js makes use of the Chrome V8 engine offering the efficient speed while running the web-based applications. And we also have told earlier that I/O model being effective; it does not block the I/O operations enhancing the seed of the performance. You don’t have to think much about the security factor, specifically in integrating the payment gateway feature in the e-commerce platform. Top-notch companies like Walmart and PayPal have taken good benefit from the Node.js speed, increasing the web traffic. Benefit of the Plugins One of the key pros of employing Node.js for your next e-commerce website development is that you would get an access to readymade plugins. The free plugins are usually available on the GitHub and free for the downloading process. They help to accelerate the process of development without spending any further penny. Uniformity in Data Streaming The architecture of the Node.js has been built in such a manner that any HTTP request and the corresponding outcome travel through a single data stream. Therefore, it becomes much easier to process the files and thus it becomes a boon for the e-commerce website that loads N numbers of items on the trot. The videos are uploaded at a great speed, helping customers to take quick purchase decisions. Benefit of the Open-Source The biggest benefit of Node.js being an open-source JavaScript platform is that receives the access of professional and well experienced developers, who can help you in code rectification and add more functionality or feature in the e-commerce website. Real-time Communication and Easy Management When you are building an e-commerce web or application, one of the essential features that you need to add is real-time interaction with the customers. Since Node.js supports the front as well as the backend development, communication becomes much easier where you can interact with the clients instantly. In fact, Node.js also

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