app development

How to do App Market Research

How to do the research for your app In the previous lesson we talked about how to begin working on your project. We laid out the three main things that you need to understand before moving forward: your goals, your users, and the list of features for your app. Now let’s discuss the research you need to make before beginning the execution of your project. The research you’ll need to do focuses on your users, their needs and the competition. Your users The first step is researching your users. Here are the categories of information that you need to know about them: Problems users face The second step would be to write down what they need or what problems do they have. Here, start with those problems you already know and are trying to solve but try to brainstorm a bit more and come up with other problems your target users have. As you will be working on your app this will give you an idea for additional features, monetization methods, and much more. For example, if you are a ride-sharing app targeted at people in the age of 25-45 you might understand that a lot of those people have kids and therefore decide to add a feature that will allow customers to transport their kids as well in a car equipped with a child car seat. This will also help you ensure that as you implement your solutions they won’t make it harder for users to do something they already are doing. For example, launching a taxi app with motorcycles might not be a good idea if half of your users are traveling with kids. Other solutions Third, research what are some other ways people are solving the problem now. If there is a problem it is almost guaranteed that people have at least some solution for it. It might not be the best, more convenient, fastest option. But they are likely doing something already. People have been getting from point A to point B before Uber with taxis and before that on foot. Before, ordering coffee with an app people came to the store and ordered in-person and before that just brewed it at home. If people need something they probably have at least some ways of getting it in some shape or form. Make sure you understand all of your direct and indirect competitors. Write down what is good about those solutions and what is bad. Understand, what you can take and learn from others as well as what can you do better. Incorporate that into your future features. For example, one of the good things about getting coffee in person is that you can get a personal touch from a barista who will smile at you, write something nice on your cup and it will make your day a little better. If so, why not add a little personalized sign from baristas on all pickup orders placed from the app? If time allows this might make your customers a little bit happier and that’s always a good thing. Lastly, now that you have researched your users and understand your competition it’s time to adjust your features list or maybe even expand based on what you’ve learned. Make sure that your features help your target audience, don’t make it harder for them to achieve some of their other goals and make sure that your solution is an improvement from everything else on the market. Blog Source- https://messapps.com/allcategories/marketing/mobile-app-market-research/

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App Development: Native vs. Hybrid

Nowadays, 99.6% of all smartphone apps run on either iOS or Android. The two basis businesses build apps on is: using them as a channel to raise brand awareness, or the app being the business in itself. It’s important to distinguish between these two as what you choose could either save you money or trouble. There are two ways one could go about developing a mobile app: native or hybrid. These two methods vary in programming language and will play a significant role in how the mobile app will be received on each platform. Hybrid apps or native mobile apps: what’s the difference? Native apps Native apps are developed with platform-specific programming languages. The particular platform welcomes these languages with ease; if the code is correct there will be no miscommunication. For Android it’s Java, for iOS it’s Objective-C or Swift. Apps using these languages are built from the ground up with the intention to only perform on their specific platform. Advantages of developing a Native App: Disadvantages: Hybrid Apps Of course, everyone wants to develop their application as quickly and cheaply as possible. This is where the hybrid app development shines. Hybrid apps are developed with code that can be later tailored to work with the OS of a given platform. This sounds great and all but almost too good to be true. And in many cases, it is in fact too good to be true. As life has taught us, quick and cheap don’t always equal quality. Advantages of hybrid app development: Disadvantages: Blog Source- https://messapps.com/allcategories/development/native-vs-cross-platform-development/

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Should you develop for both iOS & Android now or focus on one platform?

Many appreneur success stories have risen from focusing on one platform at the starting gate. Most startups typically jump the gun when they want to make some noise and usually go iOS first, Android second. However, certain circumstances may make it wiser to develop for Android first, or in some cases both platforms at the same time. The factors listed below will shed some light on the reasons. There are quite a few elements to consider when choosing between iOS, Android, or both These elements include demographics, revenue models, development speed, building and designing UI, and Android tablet apps vs. iPad apps. Demographics Android has the largest global platform share pocketing 80% of the global smartphone market share, with its presence towering in lower-income areas and developing nations. On the other hand, iOS users are deemed more valuable. From in-app purchases to online retail to ads iOS users are known to historically convert at higher rates and have a higher average spend. And, in the U.S., Apple smartphones still hold a comfortable 42% market share. Looking solely at demographics, the Android platform seems like the obvious choice, but when you take in other factors that may not necessarily be the case. Revenue models Android typically has a greater number of ad-supported apps; on the other hand, paying for apps is still more common on the iOS platform (chart below). As a rule of thumb, iOS users are generally more valuable even when taking Android’s market share into account. Development Speed On average, Android apps take 2-3 times longer to build than iOS. This is primarily due to the operating system release cycles and Android fragmentation. However, the Android fragmentation problem has slowly been dying down. As of May 2016, 75.6% of Android users are on Android 4.4 or higher. Release and approval times also hold significant weight. The biggest problem for app developers is to get their app approved on the iOS App store. The Apple review process can take several days. Sometimes apps are rejected for the slightest errors which can prove to be very frustrating for the developer who knows exactly how they want the app to perform. The app submission process for the Google Play store is much less tedious than the iOS app store. Unlike its iOS counterpart and Andriod app will usually get published within several hours. The app developer also enjoys more freedom as concerns the general editorial content of their apps. App updates on the iOS app store are also limited to 3-4 times a month while in theory, an app on the Android platform can be updated at any time, an unlimited amount of times. Building and designing UI With things like Interface Builder built into Xcode, iOS tends to be much more UI/UX friendly than Android. Due to the ease of working with the frameworks on iOS, developers can further immerse themselves in the process of making their users’ experience a great one. If a wider range of possibilities pertaining to customization in building and design is important to you then Android is the way to go. Though it should be kept in mind that all this freedom results in being much more time-intensive. Also, the end-user doesn’t typically care about how cool the back end is, they just care about if it works, favorably in a simple and intuitive manner. Although it should be mentioned that at the 2014 Google I/O Developer Conference, Material Design was introduced, Google’s design guideline to create simpler, better-designed apps for Android platforms. So Android is on track to create a more friendly building platform but is not quite there yet. Android Tablet Apps vs iOS iPad Apps The clear winner in this battle is the iPad. With a greater number of fully optimized apps as well more supported popular apps, it takes the crown. It’s extremely common to see someone using an Android smartphone but keep an iPad at hand as their preferred tablet, which is saying a lot. When iOS is the best choice Generally, at the starting gate, it makes more sense to choose iOS. It remains significantly easier to write quality iOS apps than Android apps. Statistics show that iOS users spend 26 more minutes on their devices when compared to Android users as well as consume more data and spend more on mobile commerce When Android is the best choice If your target audience is Android, then launching on that platform is the obvious choice. This translates to an audience more concentrated in developing nations or certain segments of urban areas. 80% of the global market share is quite appealing if you’re trying to be heard across borders. When both platforms is the way to go If you want to charge into the market at full force, both platforms are the way to go. You’re going in guns blazing, confident in your app’s success. Well-established companies are generally the ones that will take this leap. They have the capital to dish out more freely so it would make sense and in turn, be beneficial. It’s also possible that an app will cause commotion on one platform but fail to get noticed on the other. So if you can scrape up the capital, go for it. Wider availability in the market increases your chances of success. The more individuals that have access to the app, the more downloads it will get. Conclusion During the first stages of any app, the focus should be concentrated on determining what is working and what is not. If you don’t have the resources to launch on both platforms off the bat, don’t worry. Instagram was initially launched on iOS in 2010 and did not launch on Android phones till 2012. The Android version was launched just a week before the company was acquired by Facebook for $1billion. Focusing on one platform and analyzing the results from there is no anomaly, in fact, it happens quite often. But if the time and resources are present,

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10 Ways to Build a Secure Mobile App

The digital era and mobile technology already overtake the world. Many people are now found on their mobile devices. These people are doing random and numerous activities on their mobile gadgets like surfing the internet, connecting with friends through social media, playing games, or interacting with any mobile app. With the influx of users worldwide, mobile devices have even surpassed the searches done over desktop or laptop. This growth leads to a rise in the demand for mobile app development. Mobile applications have already become an essential facet of the daily lives for mobile users as it comes with ease of use and offers convenience. However, as mobile apps become popular, and mobile app development continues to grow in demand, many have become susceptible to possible attacks. Some of the most popular apps these days, which include executing financial transactions, uploading sensitive data, and linking with personal information, have been the target of many attacks. As an app developer, it is your job to make sure that whatever mobile app you develop will not compromise your users’ security. To ensure your user’s safety as well as your app’s credibility, here are ten ways to secure your developed mobile app. How To Develop A Secure Mobile App 1. Develop Like A Mobile App Attacker As you build your mobile app, always have an attacker mindset. Ask questions that you think would help secure your mobile app, like if you can easily exploit the developed app, is the code easy to crack, or if the mobile app can be easily hacked. No matter how small the issue you find in your developing mobile app, make sure to fortify it. Any minor vulnerability can be a passageway for cyber criminals and hackers to attack your application. Do code reviews to help eliminate any possible attack. Spend time looking for possible ways to break the app. Make sure you also address apparent flaws in your mobile app. 2. Collaborate With Your Security Team From The Start Building an app is not a one-step process. It involves planning, researching, brainstorming, building prototypes, much testing, and more. Whatever stages you have in your app development, ensure that you include security as part of its essentials. Your security team should be part of your mobile development process form the very start. Always make sure that you ask your security team for an opinion on how to make your mobile app flawless with regards to security. 3. Always Conduct Tests And More Tests Testing your mobile app is an essential step as you need to take to ensure that your app can withstand any possible attack. In a recent study, 60% of developers are not confident about their mobile app security, yet they do nothing about it. As a responsible mobile app developer, make sure that you conduct many tests to make sure that your app’s security foundation is strong. 4. Watch Out For Third-party Security Loopholes While it is not wrong to incorporate codes from third-parties, either free or paid, you have to remember that these codes are not always safe. Many developers try to avoid it as much as they can. If the need arises and you badly need to incorporate any third-party code, make sure to read reviews and make a thorough investigation of your third party modules. 5. Always Remember The SSL Certificate Mobile apps that lack SSL certificates are always vulnerable to hacking attacks. The absence of this certificate will allow hackers to infiltrate your app, intercept your traffic, and carry out a fake login, redirecting your users. Studies show that most apps do not adequately implement SSL validation and are very much susceptible to attacks like man-in-the-middle. To avoid this, ensure that your mobile app implements SSL certificates to make a secure channel between your user and your server. 6. Include User Authentication In Your App Requiring your users to create a password in accessing your mobile app is the first line of defense. However, many users tend to forget their passwords or make a weak password, which makes hackers easily crack logins. To solve this problem, implement two-factor authentication or 2FA in your mobile application. Primarily if the mobile app you are developing will be used for financial transactions, will require confidential information, or store personal data, make sure to authenticate the identity of the user. Alongside passwords, add 2FA elements like random codes that users can access using a registered mobile phone or their emails. You can also include a fingerprint scan or retina scan to boost your app’s login security. 7. Review Your API An essential part of backend programming, API are usually security threats that give headaches to most developers. To ensure the safety of your API or Application Programming Interface, make sure that it is verified by whatever platform you are using to develop your app. 8. Encrypt The Data Required By Your Device Personal or confidential information stored over an app is a recipe for an attack. If it is indispensable to collect confidential information, make sure that it is secured within the app. You can do this by encrypting all the sensitive information found on your device. Avoid compromising all the confidential data your app users have entrusted you. Make sure that you take the time to study and find the best place to store your data. This move will make it beneficial for you and your app security standpoint. 9. Minimize Permissions As much as possible, avoid too many permission grants on your app. If you do not need to access the camera, do not ask for it. If your mobile app does not use contacts, then do ask permission from it. Remember that every permission request that your app ask is another connection that can pose vulnerabilities. Design your mobile app with zero-trust security in mind. 10. Craft A Secure Code Attacks in mobile apps usually start from the codes you have written. Most attackers and hackers look for vulnerabilities in your

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5 Tips For Creating a Successful App Video Preview

Half of the potential users will decide whether they’ll install your app or not within the first 5 seconds of looking at your app’s page. Today, it takes more than a few screenshots in the App Store to attract users. You can’t forget about the ability to post a short video, one that effectively portrays the benefits your app can bring. In this short guide, you’ll get five easy tips on how to create an amazing app preview video that will surely increase your downloads. Tip 1 – Plan your video Plan your video and what you want to include in it. Script it in the way you see it panning out. Define the video’s goal, its message to an audience, and the manner in which it will be presented. Tip 2 – Enticing thumbnail The thumbnail of your video preview must be enticing in order to get potential users to click on it. Regardless of the App Store, you’re posting in, this thumbnail image may be the first image users will see on your app’s page. Rightfully so, this image heavily influences your visitors’ first impressions, so make your choice wisely. Tip 3 – Brief but informative The video should be brief, yet informative. Showcase all the benefits and advantages of your app/game in a quick, creative manner. Tip 4 – Structure The video needs to make sense. Don’t forget about the structure. Random, scattered messages that have no logical flow will only deter. Prioritize what you plan to include first, what is going showcased next, etc. Tip 5 – Sound Use music. No, you need not buy a license from Warner Music Group. But with whatever music you decide to incorporate, confirm that you have permission to add that track first. For easy access to royalty-free tracks, check out SoundCloud’s free-to-use playlists. And if you’re doing a voice-over, test your microphone to ensure its ability to capture voice clearly. Blog Posted- https://messapps.com/allcategories/marketing/successful-app-video-preview/

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App Development Methodologies: Agile vs. Waterfall

So you rounded up a crew of first-class app developers and some fortune 500 company commissions you to build an app that will change the game but you don’t exactly know how to go about building it? Well, you’ve come to the right place. And even if your case is more low-key the same practices apply. There are two main development methodologies that we use in the app development industry: Agile and Waterfall. The end goal of each is the same, to create an application, but the way they go about this feat is different. What is Agile? Agile is a development methodology that emphasizes the rapid delivery of an application. It is defined by “sprints,” a period of time allocated for a particular project component to be completed. The completed sprint results in a deliverable which in our industry is referred to as a “build.” A build is a pre-release version of an app; it is a portion of an app. The features in the app are prioritized from most important to least depending on the business value the customer places them. As work is completed and a deliverable is pushed, it can be reviewed by the project team as well as the customer. What is Waterfall? The Waterfall model or “traditional” approach emphasizes a logical progression of steps; it is a linear approach to software development. Unlike Agile which boasts its adaptability, one stage of development must end before the other commences and there is no going back to previous steps. Below is a basic model of logical progression using the Waterfall method: Project traits and Development Methodologies Next, we will look at how these models act in accordance with common project traits as well as point out a pro and con of each. Customer Involvement Agile: The customer will be weighing in on many aspects of the project. Due to the greater number of deliverables (builds) in the development process, the customer develops a strong sense of ownership by working directly with the team to progress the project. Pro Con Waterfall: When project requirements are defined it’s as if they’re set in stone. Pro Con Feature Prioritization Agile: The most essential features get developed first. As the scope in many cases is undefined this is practiced so at least a basic version of the app gets produced when funding gets low.   Pro Con Waterfall: The customer gets what was agreed upon. There is no partial package; it’s all or nothing with this approach. Pro Con Team Agile: Since the fate of Agile’s effectiveness rests upon the cohesiveness of a team, a smaller team is preferred. There is a high degree of coordination and synchronization required using this method and increasing the size of your team naturally reduces the strength of these traits. Pro Con Waterfall: With this methodology, it’s like passing a baton to the next runner on a track. Coordination and synchronization are limited to handoff points. Pro Con Funding Agile:  Since this methodology welcomes changes with open arms, fixed-funding is risky. Customer involvement is so high that if you don’t stand your ground as the developer you’ll become the slave to the increasing wants, needs, and changes. That’s why Pay-as-you-go is the name of Agile’s game. Pro Con Waterfall: Fixed-price contracts work well here. Since the project requirements are so rigid, the scope must be defined in advance and remain steadfast. Pro Con Which methodology comes out on top? The simple answer is: it depends. Across the board, Agile is implemented in projects more. A 2015 survey done by Hewlett-Packard survey puts this into perspective: Agile principles seem to fit the current digital landscape better. Evolving needs and change seem to be present throughout all projects.   But what we would recommend is developing your own hybrid methodology. Don’t look at these methodologies as commandments, look at them as recommendations. Take the flexibility of Agile and mesh it together with the rigidity of the Waterfall. You are unique and so should be your methodology. Tailor it to what suits your environment best. Blog Source- https://messapps.com/allcategories/app-development-methodologies/

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Why Your Website Needs an App

Over the past decade, we’ve witnessed a fascinating shift in the way in which we all communicate with each other, and the ways in which digital data is transmitted, shared and received. The rise of the smartphone app has completely shaken up so many aspects of so many people’s lives and livelihoods, and for many of us, apps have become central to our daily existence and the way we go about our personal lives, our relationships, and our business. If you currently run a website that deals directly with members of the public, or people within your industry, there’s no getting away from the fact that you’re in need of an app. With so much of our internet-based activity now happening on the move (we’ve all seen how people, whether on public transport, sitting in cafes, or simply walking down the street use their mobile devices to stay connected), a well-designed and functional app opens the doors of so many different possibilities. Apps allow us to stay in contact with our site visitors, customers, friends, or content readers. They give us the chance to deliver updates, issue marketing material, or provide special offers and speedier services. They facilitate ease of use and allow for round-the-clock accessibility. Apps aren’t just the future; they’re very much the right here, right now; and if your website doesn’t yet have an app, you’re missing out on a wealth of possibilities that could take your site’s purpose to the next level. For this week’s blog, we’re going to look at a trio of different website types, and consider how a custom mobile app can take its usability to the next level of efficiency, convenience, and user-friendliness. While this blog isn’t going to be exhaustive (after all, there are more types of websites than we would ever have space to write about here!), it should give a clear idea of the versatility of the apps available today, and might spark some inspiration in you if you’ve been considering adding an app to your website’s arsenal. Read on to find out more! Bloggers and News Sites If you’re a blogger, you’ll be more than aware of the importance of staying up-to-date on the latest developments in your area of expertise. Whether you blog about cosmetics, wine, finance, healthcare, parenting, or anything else, staying on top of news and new trends is going to be a key part of what you do. You know what? The exact same thing is true of your blog readers and visitors. People come to your blog because they want to be updated, and they’re keen to come across fresh content which keeps them ahead of the curve. In this sense, apps become overwhelmingly important, and your readers and visitors will most likely jump at the chance to download an app that allows them to read your blog on the go. Furthermore, an app allows a whole host of other benefits for bloggers. You’ll be able to send push notifications to your readership whenever a new post is uploaded – something which is bound to be appreciated by your followers. You’ll also have the opportunity to run promotions via your app, and keep all of your social media updates in one handy place. You can even consider setting up payments for specialist or secret content via an app, and connect it to a payment service for swift, an easy, and accessible collection of funds. Blog apps are increasingly popular on the App Store, and this new trend for bloggers is only set to rise and rise. E-commerce Your e-commerce site is a place where your customers go in order to purchase your goods and your services, and the chances are that for a long time, your website was perfectly sufficient in allowing you to run your business. However, in today’s app-driven world, an e-commerce site without a mobile app is one that is likely to hit something of a brick wall in the future, as customers increasingly demand on-the-go access with a higher rate of usability and ease. Having a custom app made for your e-commerce site has the potential to see your sales figures go through the roof. Why? Because today’s customers love the ease of use that e-commerce apps bring. The faster the pace of life becomes, the more we want to be able to flick through an online store’s goods or services while on the go. What’s more, a custom app tends to be more user-friendly than a traditional e-commerce website, meaning buyer’s interest can more rapidly be converted into a sale. Apps also allow you to send reminders, push notifications, and updates to your customers far more easily than with traditional marketing techniques. If you’ve got a discount sale coming up, or you’re offering some kind of special promotion on your e-commerce store, you no longer have to worry about sending out mass email marketing messages you can achieve a much higher turnaround and ROI with a push notification. On top of this, an app allows you to link your social media feeds, blogs, and physical store finders into one convenient place, meaning your customers can get everything they need to know quickly, efficiently, and in a highly satisfying manner. Software Tools There are a massive number of websites offering software tools out there on the internet. However, more and more web apps managers dealing with software tools are looking to have custom native apps made for the app stores, in order to give their site visitors a new way of using their services, based on quicker, more user-friendly solutions. Native apps for software tools have proven to be highly successful over the past few years, as the sense of “on the go” utility has become more and more important. As our smart devices and phones have gradually emulated – and in some cases, replaced – our laptop computers, people looking to catch up on work, read documents, or anything else while on the go need more and

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Your First Mobile App Wireframe

Unfortunately, when trying to turn your dream into a reality, misunderstandings and poor designs plague the industry. Fortunately, there is a way around this mess. Creating a solid wireframe as the core leader to functionality is no doubt, the best template to provide your designer to work from. This will ensure turning your appreneurial dream into a revenue-generating reality. What is a wireframe? A wireframe is a visual representation of the individual elements homed by an application or website. Wireframes are typically created in black and white but are not limited to. They can be both hand-drawn and created using software programs as well as online tools. Why is a wireframe important? Wireframes are important as a means of function and communication. The wireframe directly translates to the blueprint of the app. It represents the naked body of the app while the design can be considered clothes. Wireframes also help communicate your vision of a mobile app or website that you’re attempting to create clearly to the designer or developer you are working with. The wireframing stage is done at the very beginning of the design process and takes much less time than the bulk of the design work. Wireframes are used to point the designer in the right direction when turning your idea into a fully functional product. The Role of Paper Prototyping The terms “paper prototyping” and “wireframing” can be used interchangeably even though form and function vary between the two. Paper prototyping should commence directly after you establish the who, why, and how of the app. Today, many people will question the significance of paper prototyping. There are some who claim paper is dead and swear by the benefits of digital prototyping. But still, others argue that pencil and paper strengthen design. Regardless of your approach, the importance of the wireframing stage cannot be stressed enough. Wireframing significantly lessens the chances of misunderstandings with third-party developers. After all, your app is your brainchild, why wouldn’t raise it by any other visions than your own? Here are some steps to get you started: Treat it like a blueprint, include descriptions Take an office building, for example, without a blueprint, builders don’t have any idea of how many floors to add, where to build various offices, where to place electrical outlets, plumbing, doorways, etc. If the only resources you throw at them include a few images of other offices you find appealing, the probability that it will fall in place with your vision is one in a million. The same thinking applies to app designers. Without a detailed wireframe, your designers won’t know how to structure navigation menus and how to layout the imagery in popular design platforms such as Sketch or Photoshop. The more descriptive you are, the greater the chance of your vision being mirrored. The descriptions should include detailed information about functions within the screen, how they are carried out and what they lead to Examples from our own wireframing template: Remember The more descriptive you are, the better. A solid foundation is what can make or break the final product. The greater the detail in the wireframes, the clearer your vision will resonate with the designer and then ultimately to the developer. Hi-Fi is the way to go Hi-Fi or high-fidelity wireframing translates not only the structure of the app but also the color and tone you want the app to embody. This, in turn, leaves less to imagine in comparison to a simple hand-drawn sketch or a lo-fi wireframe. Now, this can be either viewed as a pitfall or a positive. On one hand, time can be wasted and the creativity of the designers can be subdued. On the other, since your designer has to rely less on their imagination, they can create a product that better aligns with your vision. Check the flow, interactive prototyping Go over the wireframes and make sure all functions land at their intended screens. Make sure you’ve highlighted all the possible error messages found on a particular screen. For example, “Incorrect password.” This is where interactive prototyping comes in. Transforming your static designs into fully interactive prototypes is extremely beneficial. There are great tools available to everyone that enable you to create a clickable mockup of the app. Here at Messapp’s our personal favorite tools to use are Invision and Figma. It is true that if your wireframes are already very detailed, a clickable mockup may seem a bit redundant. But truthfully, it’s not. Since you get a close feel for how the app will work at such a young stage in the development process, you can make more edits to truly perfect your app. Cite your inspirations If you have a particular app or maybe even a few that you took inspiration from, let your designer know. App elements such as design, user experience, and emotional feel are things you can pick apart and home in your own app. Your designer can use these references to better understand your intended outcome. Conclusion Translating your dream to the designer and developer is vital. The wireframing stage is the app before its glamour, a body without flesh. If you point the ship in the right direction its destination is almost promised. Blog Source- https://messapps.com/allcategories/design/first-wireframe/

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Let Us Define Expectations from SDK for Mobile App Development

For mobile developers, the term software development kit is not new thing because this tool define that how application can integrate features and functionality from another application or services. This process involves use of code libraries of the respective platforms its self or from the third-party. For instance, in case of iPhone or iPad SDKs, iOS platform offers its own tools and libraries in Xcode and SDKs, whilst on Android platform Android has its own libraries as well as allows access of the latest Java libraries. Fundamentally, with any mobile SDK, we have some expectations to accomplish many essential tasks in the mobile development. For instance: QA or App Testing: no doubt, our testing in mobile development begins with the end of our first code and keep continue until the accomplishment of entire mobile development project. In due course, we need various tools and technologies to find out the bug, crash, lapses in user experiences as well as usability, etc. if you have excellent tools in your SDK, it will term as more powerful one. Recently split testing or A/B testing is gaining more focus in mobile developer community. Therefore, your mobile SDK should have all the required tools so app owner and app developer either can decide that which design, features, and functionality is appropriate for their own needs. Performance Monitoring: in mobile app development, performance has paramount importance in success. Therefore, if your SDK should provide modern performance monitoring tools for various performance criteria such as loading, interactions between components, screens, etc., dynamism, connectivity (if needed), processing power, battery power, and many more in high-tech era. Extendibility and Expandability: It is true that none native technology is perfect to serve our modern intricate purposes. Therefore, we need to integrate services from third parties too. For instance, Google Map services for GPS features, Facebook like services for social media integration, and many more. In due course, we have to integrate their real-time updated services through their mobile supporting APIs and SDK should have excellent API management capabilities. Data Security & Data management: We know mobile development has always problems with ever growing databases. Fortunately, cloud computing is offer greater aid, but they need thorough integration of its service through API and other means. Since cloud is highly secure, but our thin client devices are not. For instance, iOS is imposing many restrictions for sake of security aspects in the apps running on the iOS devices, while Android is a wild card and anyone can intrude easily. Therefore, the best SDK should have tools and techniques to manage critical data and transactions security for now and then in future. Promotional Tools: Monetization, advertisement, and user analytics tools are ultimate needs for a definite success in this contemporary concepts and market. Thus, our expectations for them are some valid desires after all. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/let-us-define-expectations-from-sdk-for-mobile-app-development/

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The 7 Most Important Questions Related to App Development

Want to start making apps or do you want to hire a developer? When it comes to app development, these 7 questions must have surely crossed your mind! So here are the much-awaited answers. What is the cost of making an app? The cost of making an app can never be exactly calculated as it is depends on the scalability, technology capabilities, functionality, complexity and many other factors concerning the app. It can start at somewhere around $20, 000 and go up to somewhere around $200,000 and even more in some cases. What are the processes involved in creating an app? a. Ideation – fleshing out the idea, competitive analysis, research of market, design b. Concept Design – detailing functional requirements, creating specs and prototypes c. Processing Design – creating user interface, mapping out user experience flow d. Development – coding, functionality, operating systems e. Testing – check bugs, user experience’s quality, cross device functionality f. Marketing– launching and penetrating strategies, PR, communication and promotion How do we monetise an app best? The best ways to monetise an app without destroying the user experience are freemium, pay-to-unlock, Ad revenue, pay-per-download, free and paid versions, one month subscriptions, sponsorship and in-app purchases. What is the time taken to build an app? The approx time taken to build an app is around 4-6 months but after that it needs to regularly maintained for hardware and operating system updates and bugs. Does it make a difference if a similar product is already available in the market? We all know by now that no app is absolutely unique. What you need is competitive advantage which will help prove your app to be the best in the market. You should know what your competitor is up to and you should be able to surpass it. Do I make an iOS platform first or an Android one? The answer to this difficult and complex question is to have a long-term plan for both the operating systems especially if your app has a commercial purpose. What is the best way to launch an app? The key behind getting this right is to figure out the best communication method that will tell the users that you alone have the perfect solution for the problem. You need to use those mediums of communication where you know your target audience hangs out the most. Getting more answers to these questions will go a long way toward finding the right developer for your app. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/the-7-most-important-questions-related-to-app-development/

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