android app development

What’s the Right Platform For Your App Launch?

A crucial decision for an app company is to select a platform for app launch. Various decisions and preparations need to be executed systematically for the app launch. You will need to decide whether you would like to launch your app for Windows, Apple or Android or all the three. A few questions to consider will be, will the platform support the app, will it allow updates and help you reach millions of users for the desired cost. It is a lot of work to develop for one platform and your decision to launch will depend on understanding the app goals and each platform deeply. For iOS Most of the major apps are launched on iOS first. In fact, the reason in simple – iOS users are more likely to pay for your app than when you release it on other platforms like Android. If you are planning to create a tablet experience, then focus on iOS. It is because; the truth is transparent that Apple is the winner in the tablet market. Also consider that whether the app is free or not because iOS users are keener to pay for the app. Secondly, developing for iOS requires a skillful developer’s team and a Mac to develop. In addition, an app that runs on iPhone 5 will run on iPhone 6 as well but the same is not the case with Android. It is because Android manufacturers and distributes more than 400 types of phones. For Android If you have a freemium model, Android is a great choice. On a global perspective, Android is a dominating mobile operating system. Though iOS and Android are closer in market share, Android still beats Apple with 1 million app mark. If you are marketing your app in UK then Android is the best platform as in European market, Apple share is just 30 percent. Always understand what your customer wants, and you can make a wise choice. Android users spend on personalization, education and reading more than business and entertainment apps. Other things to consider while choosing a platform: An app needs to address the size of the market. iOS is quick and responsive, and there is less piracy. Unlike Google Play, it doesn’t have many quality issues. It is also important to understand that iPhone users are more dedicated and engaged to use apps. In addition, they are habitual to use error-free apps and, for this reason, they tend to pay more it. Finally, understanding the limitations of hardware and software of mobile phones to publish your app is vital for minimal hang-ups as you begin with alpha testing. Showing good amount of flexibility in using the tools to develop the app for different platforms is a critical decision as well. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/whats-the-right-platform-for-your-app-launch/

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What happens after you have decided to create an app and have it in the PlayStore?

If you’re launching the app in Google Play Store, you probably have a freemium model where users can buy extra add-ons to progress in the game or have access to extra features. Being optional, you can only count on a few users to actually buy the extras, and you need to look at monetizing your app. One of the best ways to earn extra revenues is to look at the different options of monetizing the app. Monetizing the app would be profitable way to earn from the hard work you have put into android app development. What are the strategies that you can use? There are three most common strategies that you can use to earn money from the app. Paid AppsPut a price on your app and let the user buy your app if they want to use it – however, statistics suggest that this is a good method only in the iOS store. It’s difficult to have Android users buying an app outright. A paid app is the most common way of generating revenue. However, it has own issues. If you are looking to raise the number of users downloading the app and generate more revenue, it won’t be easy. The most installed apps are always free and users always look from free options. Go in for a lower prices; set a price that user can pay easily. Make sure that the features offered in the app are not available with other apps. In-app purchasesThis is popularly called the freemium model by the developer. It is one of the most effective way of earning from app. The app is free to install but users can buy more value items or features from the app. This is a better model as users are able to assess your app and use it – increasing user engagement and trust. If users love the functionalities on offer, they can pay more for the extras. In this model, you provide a certain value for free; if the user does not pay for in-app purchase and they can continue to use it for long period. In turn, you always can increase the number installs. This kind of model is best for games, personalization theme or more. In-app adsIt is another way to earn revenue. You can add ads to your app. The app is free to use but you dedicate special ad slots that can come up at specific intervals. Whenever the user taps on the add you get certain revenue. This method has been used on desktop websites – if you are offering something valuable and the ads are relevant, they will not be a distraction. You can also employ other strategies like increasing subscription rates. or giving special offers time to time but opting for a freemium model or in-app ads are often the way android app developers and app entrepreneurs go to. Easy to choose and implement, they offer a constant source of revenue while you can focus on other marketing strategies. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/what-happens-after-you-have-decided-to-create-an-app-and-have-it-in-the-playstore/

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Android App Development-Effective Tips for Beginners

Apple had triggered the onset of the mobile era with the release of iPhone SDK, but Google had taken over it by releasing open source Android platform later on. As ensue, Android marketplace Google Play had outnumbered the Apple store in terms of numbers of the apps and total downloads. App entrepreneurs and businesses are running after Android, seeing its brighter prospects, and promising future. It has boosted the interests of developers into the Android programming and geeks are seriously sweating to learn Android app development from the ground Zero. However, learning Android app programming is not tough at all, but demands some care and planning upfront to achieve desired results quickly, so we have initiated this post in favor of the beginners who are going to establish lifelong affairs with Android. In due course, following tips and tricks may help the startup programmers at good extent. Refine Your Programming Language Expertise Google has adopted Java at the base of the Android programming and refined the latest Java libraries as Android libraries with required modifications for the mobile platform. Therefore, familiarity with Java syntax is mandatory to step into the Android development. Fundamentally, Java is one of the best objects oriented programming languages so your OOP concepts should obvious and you should know the best coding practices to create clear, compact, and comprehensive programming documents. Besides these, you should be fair about packages, objects, classes, strings, interfaces, numbers, generics, collections, and concurrency like programming fundamentals for the best Android programming performance. Another programming essentiality is the grip over XML, as it will prove your best friend for robust interface designing. Therefore, Android Studios provides a list of functions in for XML programming to bring innovations and uniqueness in the app features as well as functionality. Sharp Your Tools Skills Programming skills alone is not sufficient to embark on the rapid development process, adequate flairs in the use of tools and techniques are vital. Today Android Studios is amalgamating most of the essential tools used previously in Android programmings such as Eclipse and Android SDK so learning Android Studios eliminates to run after those tools. Other IDEs such as IntelliJ and Netbeans are useful, but Android Studios possesses the same functionality and offer similar tools as one-window shop when the selection of IDE and development environment is in question. For testing purposes, inbuilt Emulators are available in Android Studios, but you can take help of other out-of-box free and paid Android Emulators granted for excellent results. Of course, you must be familiar with GitHub like SVN repositories and their usage in programming with an active account on it. Learn to Beat Fragmentation Google and Handset Alliance have released Android OS as an open source platform for mobiles. Thus, unlike iOS, any mobile device manufacturer can use Android as OS in the products and modify it as per needs. Moreover, any user can install and keep any version of Android OS until it supports the device hardware. This democracy is good for the manufacturers and end-users, but a headache for the Android app developers, particularly when compatibility and user experiences are priorities for the clients or businesses. Therefore, startup Android app developers have to learn the tricks, tweaks, and techniques to beat the high fragmentation relevant issues during the designing, coding, and testing like vital steps of Android app development process.The hands on expertise on Android Emulators help a little, and developers or Android development companies have to invest in a wide range of Android devices according to their target audience. Moreover, not testing on various devices is only consume considerable time but also demand different pieces of code too. Solid knowledge of Android application components such as Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, and Activating Components are significant. Optimize Application Optimization of the app is essential for the better performance of different devices and OS version environments. Good optimization practices include optimization of graphics, multimedia content, code, and animations as well as interactions. If your target speeds in loading, the size of the app and its loading approaches play significant roles. If your target is user experience, tons of factors need considerations including UI designing, smart UI elements, interactions architectures, information architecture, navigation, and a lot more. Conclusion: If you passionately have decided to jump on the Android app development bandwagon and would like to know few real tricks, our seasoned Android app developers are ready to help you out willingly. If you opt for a reputed Android App Development Team with extensive experiences and superior expertise, Mindinventory is a name to refer. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/android-app-development-effective-tips-for-beginners/

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Why Should Startups focus on Android Application Development?

Online businesses are moving their website based business to mobile applications. And why not? Today most of the mobile users have smart phones and like to have all the information on their handset. Not just this, there are other advantageous factors of having a mobile app. For e.g. it is easy to navigate, uses less storage space on servers, faster to operate, stronger enough to handle web traffic, etc. If we check worldwide statistics, smartphone market grew 13.0% every year, whereas Android dominates the smartphone market with a share of 84.7% giving tough competition to other OS based smartphones to survive. During last year’s Google Nexus press event, the company announced that there are 1.4 billion active Android devices worldwide. Google CEO Sundar Pichai stated during the press event that Android devices has doubled in the last year in India and Vietnam. Presently Android has become a market leader in smartphones, and businesses are making huge chunk of revenues by shifting their online business through android mobile apps. The startup mobile app development companies must target android application development for faster growth and success. Why Android App Development is The Right Choice for Startups Here are some business advantages that startups can get through android app development: Ample of Opportunities Everyday millions of android apps are downloaded by smartphone users globally from google play store. This indicates that users are looking for more innovative apps that can fulfil their requirements in easier and faster ways. Most of the companies are hiring android developers to create apps specific to their business. If startup companies focus on android app development by establishing correct resources in place, and showcase their capability of innovating using android, then there are ample of opportunities in the market to be catered to. Higher Returns on Investments Since Android is an open source platform, the development costs incurred are very low as developers can access to the SDK and development tools for free. Not just this, there is large pool of android developers available in the market with updated skills. The investment that a startup needs to do is in experienced resource and app marketing. In return, the app stands a big chance to yield profits. Higher Productivity The app developers can save their efforts by using Android Development platform, as there is a large number of code libraries that are available for use. Such readily available scripts just required to be run, which in turn saves huge amount of time in developing a particular feature from scratch. Therefore, developers can achieve higher productivity and launch app faster in the market which improves time to market the product. Open App Distribution Globally Android apps are sold and distributed over the world biggest open market that is Google Play. More than 11.1 billion apps downloaded in Q1 2016 from Google Play. It allows you to control how to publish the app, publish whenever you want to and as often as you want to. You can decide whether to publish an app to specific targeted segments or to worldwide. It lets you decide whether the app to be sold at a price or for free. Since you have all the controls to market your app, you can drive your business at your own ways. Feature Rich Applications Android app development platform offers easy in-house customization to make your app more dynamic to fulfill the business requirements. The set of development tools and open source code libraries available, an application can be made interactive and feature rich. The more features an app offers along with a user friendly design, the more customers prefer to download the same. Interoperability Every business has different processes for managing the operations. To manage various operations simultaneously, there are many systems working hand-in-hand and there is requirement of developing an enterprise mobile apps that are compatible and inter-operable with third party apps running on cross-platforms. And android is has successfully proven to be the platform to develop such enterprise mobile app that can inter-operate with apps on cross platforms. Easily Available Resources Not just the android development SDK is available easily, but even getting experienced android app developers is easy nowadays. Which helps startup companies to recruit the required skillset in a less time and start working. Even in case of attrition, the startups can easily find the replacement. Hence, human resource skills requirements can be fulfilled easily if you select android app development platform. Publicity and Customer Reach This is one of the prominent business benefit of an android application is that you can get open publicity on Google Play. There are millions of people visiting Google Play every day, which gives your application to get noticed. You can also opt for marketing plans on play store to promote your app and get higher downloads. Mobile app startups are having limited budget and resources, which is required to be used strategically to gain optimum output. Hence, Android platform suits the best development platform to develop and maintain the mobile apps. Moreover, the android app market is booming at rapid speed, which makes android even more preferred platform to launch your app in the market. Having your app made on android platform also gives you wider reach to customers around the world. So if you have a mobile app startup then focusing on Android can be your profit yielding tool. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/why-should-startups-focus-on-android-application-development/

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Android App Development Benefits And How It Positively Impacts The Industry

Smartphone have become such an important part of our lives and are so easily recognized in our daily activities that the business side of the phenomenon is constantly growing and has been in bloom for quite a while now. A huge part of the smartphone business is represented by the software side of things, to be more specific, apps. Mobile apps are one of the most popular way to put out content and not only provide services, but also push advertisement and expand on an existing brand. Now let’s focus a bit more on apps. Apps are usually downloaded from app stores, which pertain to different companies. The biggest app stores currently are the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. The Google market is seen as a simple platform to download apps of various natures for smartphone users, but for app developers and ventures that seek to expand into the mobile industry, the Google Play Store is a huge land of opportunities. Currently holding the most market shares, it dominates at such an extend over the competition, that not having your app on the Google app store is not only a great revenue flow that went down the drain, but also a detriment to your organization. Let’s see what are the ways in which Android app development empowers the app industry and positively affects the mobile application market: Popularity As specified earlier, Google hold the most shared in the app market at the moment, and the popularity of the platform only goes up as the name is tied to various other highly popular platforms and services such as YouTube for example. The Android operating system is the go-to in terms of mobile OS solutions, except of course, if you have an Apple device. To create an app for Android means to create an app with exposure to insane amounts of potential customers. Development cost Probably the biggest perk of Android is the fact that it is open source. To keep it light on tech and boring terms, Android is available for any wanting developer to tinker with and create an App that supports and is compatible with Google’s platform. This is a great opportunity, especially for smaller companies and ventures, to put their product on the top app market available without spending ridiculous amounts of money on app development and production costs. Easy to use Android provides a great software development kit, or for short, SDK, which allows Android app developers to more easily manipulate and use the Android environment into their favor. This not only makes the job easier, but also speeds up the process, as developers are no longer required to spend large amounts of time learning Android before actually developing for Android. The sky is the limit Thanks to the nature of the platform, developers that want to create apps for Android can express themselves freely in their creation process without bogging down on production limits and overall functionality issues. Google’s OS was based since its inception on originality and innovation, so Google has no problem with developers finding new ways to make their apps more original and groundbreaking, giving them full liberty in the creative process. Hardware galore Let’s say, for example, that you want to create an app for iOS. If that Is the case you would be limited not only to the iOS restrictions, but also the iPhone or iPad restrictions, Apple’s devices are the only ones that run iOS. With Android however, you have an array of phone manufactures lining up with new devices each year, all running Google’s Android operating system. This gives the development team incredibly leisure and ease of mind, as they have a healthy pool of devices for which they can create their applications. Multiple manufacturers on the same operating system also mean that developers can generalize when creating software, instead of having to constantly keep track of what the single handset manufacturer which your software supports does. Conclusion Android app development is an incredible opportunity, and the advantages of developing for Google’s operating system are too many to count. Both experienced and newcomers in the app development industry have something to gain by creating for Google’s market. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/android-app-development-benefits-and-how-it-positively-impacts-the-industry/

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Powerful Strategy for Android App Development for Developing Markets

Nowadays, India is the most lucrative market for smartphone manufacturers as well as many other products. Smartphone manufactures concentrate more on emerging markets to launch their new devices in order to gain higher profits more than their expectations. This is one of the reasons, businesses looking for developing markets other than developed markets. Choosing developing markets such as India, South Africa, China, Brazil, Nepal, Bangladesh and many more countries provide mobile phone manufacturers a wide scope of opportunities to expand their businesses, in a profitable manner. In a country like India, population is the key benefits for such businesses. Based on one survey, by the year 2021, India will have 810 million smart phone subscribers. Moreover, the study also mentioned that in India, only 16% smart phone users by the end of 2015 in comparison with 44% globally. It expected to increase by 58% by the end of 2021 in India and 81% all across the globe. Thus, it becomes money-making business opportunities for mobile app development companies, as well. The reason is, smart phone users all across the globe, especially in developing markets looking for feature-rich app for different purposes helpful in their daily life including fun based apps, game app, lifestyle and many more. Besides, majority of smartphones are Android-based (approximately 84% users) due to its several benefits including affordability, usability and user-friendly interface, people in developing countries prefer android smartphones as their first choice. Thus, it becomes the responsibility of mobile app development companies to define a foolproof strategy in building Android apps for developing countries. One benefit for app development companies in India is the Indian government encouraging digitalization and maximizes the use of online processes in order to make the money transaction process transparent. Hence, more and more businesses have started developing mobile apps in order to streamline their organizational processes and serve their customers in an efficient way using the technology benefits. Here, we would like to talk about the powerful android app development strategy for the developing markets. It is significant to consider as there are vast difference in the mobile app development strategy for the developed markets compared to the developing markets as there are several factors affects the strategy including the social, economic and other demographic differences. Identify Your Target Audience Needs When developing any android app, the most essential thing to comprehend is to identify your target market. Once you complete the research about your target audience, list out the features your end users expecting in your app. Remember, your app can be renowned only if it comprises outstanding features and functionalities meet your end users needs. Your app success is completely depends on your user’s satisfaction. Always remember, the first impression is the last impression, therefore, ensure your app usage gives users good returns on sparing their valuable time and money in finding, downloading and installing your app. Select The Right Application Development Platform Android and iOS are the most popularly used mobile operating systems all across the globe. You should prefer Android platform as the share of Android smartphone users are higher when you talk about the developing markets. With higher numbers of Android mobile users, your android app has more options to reach higher numbers of potential customers. Furthermore, Google frequently updates its operating system with new features to give its users benefits of advance technology. Recently, Google had announced about its launch of the first developer preview of Android O. Thus, Android developers have more scope to build a powerful mobile app using the rich features of Android O. Build a Seamless and Powerful Android App It becomes very important that your app development process need proven strategy in order to make it seamless. From unmatched conceptualization to error-free testing on actual devices, a complete process needs dominant leadership to manage the app development process powerfully and strategically. Development of Paid/Free App Based on the free or paid app, android developers need efficiency to give users engaging experience of the app. It becomes very essential to choose about to make a free android app or a paid android app. If you develop a free app with locking some attractive features in your app, and enable it only when the user make payment. Thus, it helps in alluring more users compared to a paid app. You can also collaborate with other companies to promote their products through your app and give users a good discount when they earn some points. With the help of ad banners, your app has chances to get good revenue. Using strategic app marketing methods, your android app can earn good revenue with recognition. Strategic App Marketing With foolproof marketing and optimization activities, you can increase the visibility of your android app on the play store. Remember, you need to rank your app on the top listing of the Google play store in order to increase traffic on your app. Make qualitative research to identify the reasons that lead maximum downloads. It becomes significant to create brand awareness of your app using attractive graphics, icons, features, videos, descriptive screenshots and more. In order to increase the ad conversion rates and organic growth, app localization becomes a significant marketing aspect to make mobile apps successful. Conclusion Using the powerful strategy for android apps development for developing markets helps your android app development company to increase chances to create a successful and customer-centric android app. With basic guidance about the right strategy of an android application development process ensures to earn reputation and revenue in the developing markets, efficiently and profitability. In addition to technology expertise of an android app development company, know-how of app marketing and optimization as well as the right development strategy impacts on the success of your app. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/powerful-strategy-for-android-app-development-for-developing-markets/

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Kotlin – The Latest Powerful Language to Streamline Android App Development

All about Kotlin – A Future of Android App Development Kotlin is the most recent and powerful language that overcome several problems suffered by Android developers using Java such as verbosity of source code and runtime exceptions and many others. It is very simple to get started and developers can also introduce it into existing projects. Kotlin is a the latest open source programming language for Java Virtual machine enables streamlining Android Development in more efficient way. It can compile to JavaScript Source code also. It is very similar to Java in structure such as it is a statically typed and object oriented as well as designed for similar problems that java solve. However, Kotlin comprises several superior features, simpler syntax and concepts from functional programming, it has many more enrichments compared to Java. Here, we would like to mention about useful features and benefits of Kotlin to consider it as a powerful language that streamlines Android App Development: Enhance Development Speed with Less Coding This excellent open source development platform helps developers to make their app developing process faster. It requires approximately 20% less coding compared to Java. Thus, it helps Android developers to make their task simply, quickly and efficiently. Easy to Learn for Android Developers This most modern and compatible language for Android make it possible for developers to learn it easily and quickly. It is a very simple language compared to Java and even fresher can learn it easily. It is available with lean and intuitive syntax enables developers to learn quickly. It also makes debugging easier for writing app code which makes possible app development fast and more interesting for developers. Highest Compatibility with Java This new language offers greater interoperability with Java that becomes its biggest advantages. It allows using the Java frameworks and libraries in your new Kotlin projects by using advanced frameworks without any need to change the whole project in Java. You can compile the project using both Java and Kotlin languages. Developers can use features of Kotlin without changing any code for the existing project or switch to a new project. Now with emitting of Bytecode, Kotlin complier have made possible to make the bridge between two languages. Open Source Language – Makes this Platform More Powerful As an open source language under Apache 2, you just need a Java-to-Kotlin converter tool if you want to convert your present java files. This tool is useful to change your complex codes into a simper code help you to save your time and work. Kotlin supports the open developer networks and the strength of open source makes the network strong which is not restricted to any single company. Kotlin is developed and supported by JetBrains, a partner of Google. It will also make efforts to target other platform as the language is precisely built to run as native code on Macs and iOS as well as compiles to JavaScript for the development of web. Kotlin – Just for Free This excellent programming language for Android App development is available just for free. You don’t need to spend money to use it. This open source platform offers existing and new android developers an opportunity to explore their development skills using this free language. Most Versatile & Secure Language Using NullPointExceptions, it helps developers to avoid errors. Its efficient compiler is specifically designed to auto-cast mistakes, in case you have checked a type as a right. Kotlin is a most efficient language for developers with rich features that include built-in null checking, highly compatible with Java code, extension methods to add new functionalities to existing classes and many more. Conclusion The key benefits of Kotlin include excellent code, best performance, less runtime and useful libraries which have made it the first choice for developers over Java. All its rich features and benefits have made it the future of Android App Developers. With simple and less coding and debugging, it boosts the development process as well utilization of existing codes, make it easy for developers to learn and implement in their existing projects or new projects. This first-class official programming language is intended to provide more opportunities to developers by setting up a nonprofit foundation in partnership with Google to shepherd the language. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/kotlin-the-latest-powerful-language-to-streamline-android-app-development/

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Which One Should You Opt for Android App Development? Kotlin or Java

There is no doubt that Java enjoyed a superior position when it came to the programming language and was considered as one of the most important tools for the Android app development. However, with the passage of time, the Android developers got various other options as the programming language. Some of these include C#, Lua, C/C++, JavaScript, Scala, and Clojure etc. But there is one particular statically typed programming language that has hogged the limelight and even Google I/O is focusing on it. It is Kotlin which was developed by JetBrains. In fact, the Google I/O has announced at a conference that they would make Kotlin as an officially supportive language for developing the android apps. Soon after this all crucial announcement, there was a spur and the experts began to debate over which is better Java or Kotlin. One of the advantages that Kotlin also offers is that you can successfully be complied and run on Java Virtual Machine (JVM). To be frank and honest, we are here to witness why Kotlin excels over Java by focusing on its pros and cons. Kotlin Can be Learnt Easily in Comparison to Java The first convenience that Kotlin offers to the aspirants of Android App Development is that it much easier to learn it in comparison to Java programming language. Anyone can learn this language and you don’t need any prior knowledge of mobile app development. In addition to that, the programming language can be written in quick time. Plus, if you are familiar say with Java or C# coding, it will be icing on the cake. In fact, the developers of Kotlin did a commendable job by simplifying the language that even children can learn. Gets Full Support from Android Studio Also, the developers get extended support from Android Studio and they get aware of the adaptation tools. It is interesting to note that while working on a project with Kotlin language, the developer can also choose Java simultaneously without any second thoughts in mind. Therefore, even the Java practitioners can easily understand Kotlin and implement the same while building apps. Kotlin Offers the Best Approach for Programming When an Android Developer opts for a programming approach, he may have various options at his disposal. At times, it becomes somewhat tricky to pick a particular programming paradigm as each one has its own pros and cons. Now, you don’t have to create any confusion and rely upon Kotlin that offers a well-balanced combination of functional and procedural programming. Kotlin also offers extension functions that help to extend the competence of the class. The developers don’t have to follow the same traditions and decorative patterns, which in turn, helps to modify the class. However, those who have used Java will know that they need to make use of the utility class by using the codes from java.util.Collections. These codes are very long and complex as well. It will take a lot of time as well. But when you have Kotlin, why take the alternative route? Better use it. Kotlin Provides Precise and Reliable Codes In the dual between the Java and Kotlin over the codes, the latter offers a more comfortable experience to the developers as the codes are more concise and compact. If you have to write less codes, it will mean there are less chances of bug creation. On the other hand, Java is a programming language where the developers need to use long-winded words for the coding whereas, Kotlin uses less boilerplate code. Kotlin is known for its code reliability. Often it has been observed that the developers face problems related to runtime errors, the syntax failing to release, not using the null pointers correctly etc. the developers should know that it is the null pointers that that helps in writing an appropriate code free from errors. And all these advantages are offered by Kotlin. The compiler won’t permit to use variables that do not have assigned values. So, if you want to use the variable, then it is important to put a question mark towards the end. The job of the compiler is then to monitor the nullable value whenever the code is written. Now, what is the benefit? It enhances the security of the generated code. Controlling the Consistency of Data Another big advantage that Kotlin offers over its competitor Java is control over the consistency of data. This has indeed come as a huge blessing for the Android developers because they do not have to take the pains of going for the manual command system to keep up data uniformity. In fact, they have a couple of options to change it. The first method is to represent it via keyword ‘var’ and the second is applying the read-only option through the keyword ‘val’. It only keeps data consistent but also reduces the threats and chances of flaws if any. However, in the case of Java, the keyword used is ‘final’, which is not very helpful for the app developers. The Advantage of Higher-order Functions Well, typically speaking the higher-order functions are specific languages that can accept other functions as arguments or return it as value. However, one of the prime reasons why they are needed is that they help in shortening the programs even if it is very complex and has a difficult logical structure. The codes can be written in a graceful manner. On the contrary, this is something which remains absent in the Java. You are not getting the accessibility of these commands here. With Kotlin you also get the facility of lambda expressions in which the functions does not get announced in advance, but it gets a call from another function. Kotlin Beats Java in Data Classes Some of the other areas where probably the Kotlin excels over the Java is with respect to the data classes. To simply the fact, classes are actually the storage houses where the data is stored and it is often indicated through a prefix such

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Important Factors that Determine the Cost of Developing an Android App

There is no denying that the budget estimate is indeed one of the most pivotal factors for most of the customers out there, whether, he is buying a product or availing any particular service from a company. The customers, nowadays, have become smarter and they always make it a point to research the market before making the purchase or offering a particular project. And if they are planning to launch an Android app for their business, they tend to take some additional measures and estimate the cost of developing the app. However, one would say that it is actually very difficult to provide an appropriate or exact cost of app development whether it is Android or iOS. The cost of developing a mobile app depends on a number of variable factors. Apart from that, one is also aware that the number of mobile apps has incredibly increased over the last few years and we have new and exciting apps coming up now and then. Therefore, the competition level has also significantly enhanced as N numbers of companies are offering their services. Talking of the figures, there are about 3.5 million Android apps in Google Play Store as per the current stats of December 2017.  It was 2.8 million in March 2017. So, you can notice the vast difference in numbers in just nine months of the same year. So, let’s discuss few vital determinants that play a decisive role in determining the cost of an Android app. One more important point to note here is that the charges keep on changing with the passage of time. Thus, you need to calculate the cost according to the current market rate accordingly. Hire a Freelancer or a Mobile App Development Company There have been a number of past discussions and debates over this topic on whether the client should hire freelance app developer or should approach an app development company. Well, honestly speaking, both have their pros and cons but if you were to ask an expert, then it is highly recommended that you should hire the services of an app development company. By consulting the company, you get to communicate with an entire team and come across a wide spectrum of ideas. Plus, the biggest advantage is that they are professional app developers, who have extensive experience of working on various projects. You just have to explain them your requirements and get the app developed within the stipulated deadline. Of course, hiring a freelancer would cost less, but it is better not compromise with the project and want your business to remain on the top. The Development Team Working on the Project The cost of developing an Android app also primarily depends on the development team working on the project. The number of team members assisting on a project will actually depend on the size of the project. For instance, if you are developing an eCommerce app similar to Amazon or Flipkart, or a gaming app, there will be more people compared to a simple app such as a weather app, calculator etc. If we talk about the composition of the team, then it usually comprises of a project leader or manager who guides the entire team, an android app developer, a UI designer, a UX designer, a backend and a frontend developer, a tester or quality assurance engineer. However, in many projects, both UI and UX designs are tackled by the same person. Moreover, the numbers of Android app developers may increase based on the project requirements. Cost of Development Depends on the Team Location If you have some idea about the charging procedure of the app development companies, you would know that most of the firms charge their clients on the hourly basis. Let’s explain this by an example. Suppose you are planning to develop a restaurant searching app like Zomato, you would have to pay around $18,000 to $20,000. If the app development is complicated and requires more time, then the cost would also hike. Another significant aspect that needs to be considered is the change of trends that take place in Android app development. Obviously, the app developers always try to implement the latest development trends of the prevailing year. But the most important factor certainly is the region or the country where the app is being developed. Strictly speaking, the prices in countries like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other European regions and Australia are comparatively much higher than in sub-continent countries such as India where it usually costs around $20 to $50 per hour. However, in the US the average is about $100 to $200 per hour. Taking the Technical Aspects into Account So, if we talk about the technical aspects there are a number of things that have to be taken into account. This would basically mean whether the Android app developer is including the third party integrations, the advanced AR or VR techniques, backend development or whether the app requires an essential admin panel. Some app needs third-party integrations such as implementing the payment gateway through Braintree or PayPal. If you are selling product or service then you need to incorporate payment features and also add a chatbot which allows users to communicate in real-time. Most of the apps also have social media buttons for Facebook, Twitter or Google+ besides the basic features. For Android apps like Uber or UberEATS you have to also provide geolocation feature to track the cab or food. This is also added into the costing of the app. If it is a gaming app, the Augmented or the Virtual Reality also becomes crucial for some app to offer the real look. You need to calculate the cost of developing a backend server if your app demands so. This allows API to exchange data between the device and database. Most of the apps like Uber or Paytm needs a necessary admin panel from where the entire app is controlled and managed. In addition, there are

Important Factors that Determine the Cost of Developing an Android App Read More »

Important Features You Should Include During Android App Development

One of the crucial factors that instigates and accelerates the web traffic to your mobile application is the overwhelming features. And you must know that Android is still leading the competition with the hold on about 85.9% global market shares. In fact, last year, Google announced that there were over 2 billion monthly active devices on Android. If the geographical distribution is taken into consideration, Android dominates the race leading in major continents including Asia, large parts of Europe and South American region. The Android Apps are ruling most of the business industries such as social media, messaging apps, e-commerce apps, on-demand apps, and enterprise apps. Therefore, it becomes more than indispensable for Android app developers to focus comprehensively and devotedly while integrating the important features, They need to pay attention to even the minute details because after all, the competition is very stiff. Moreover, the mobile app development trends keeping renewing, offering a scope to add new and interesting features that draw the user attention instantly and is customer-friendly as well. There is always an option of customizing the features in accordance with the business requisites. Simple and User-Friendly Interface The first key feature that you need to implement in the Android app development is simplicity with a touch of sophistication in the user interface. It must be ensured that the app functionality is user-friendly, which means that anyone even without having prior experience of handling smartphone can operate it with eas You need to remember that most of the users form a good or bad impression of the mobile app within a couple of minutes after using it, So, it would be better to simplify the User Interface design and focus on it while developing the wireframes. The app will be rendered successful in the users get to the desired page with just a few taps without waiting too long. So, creating a shortcut for important functions would be an added advantage. With the changing trends, the gesture control has become an essential aspect of the app that allows app developers to build the blocks including incorporating newer functionality. It ultimately leads to the enhancement of the user experience. Implementing the Enterprise App Features The Enterprise mobile app development has gained pace in the recent few years and since it offers a number of venerable advantages, the organizations are gradually showing their intent towards it. One of the biggest benefits that it offers is streamlining the business process by improving the communication between the employees and different teams. Secondly, it also focuses on providing a robust security, which means that your data is safe. The enterprise apps also provide a messaging or chat-based feature so that the employees can interact with one another smoothly. The enterprise apps also have the additional features including CRM, ERP, and SAP integration. Registration or Login Page should be Simple Most of the mobile applications these days require the users to register through their email-ids and mobile numbers. They may be asked to create a personal profile allowing to the owner to collect the important data; specifically if it is an on-demand app. However, you must make sure that the registration page is simple and short. The users may get irritated with longer forms and unnecessary questions. You should just stick to name, mobile number, email id, and if necessary the address. The Space for User Feedback The user feedback is supposed to be one of the most crucial elements of your mobile application, which decides whether your brand is a hit or flop show. Allow and encourage more and more people to send you important feedback on your app either via writing comments or through the ratings. The more feedback you receive from the potential audience, the more scope you would get to improve your app functionalities. It is necessary part of the job to evaluate the performance of your Android app at regular intervals. In fact, this is also a nice and positive gesture from the app owner and developer showing his concerns about the users. Integrating the Social Media Tools The various platforms of the social media are no doubt, one of the best and most effective marketing tools for the Android app promotion. Therefore, it is important to integrate and get connected to the social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where you can promote your app and also provide information about the app updates. The users can also share their experience of using the app. Fast Loading Speed One of the prime reasons why most of the mobile applications fail to create an impact in the market is because of their slow loading speed. The users prefer applications proving quick response and so then you are incorporating the features for your Android app, you need to keep this on the top of the priority. It must be ensured that the loading speed of your app does not exceed more than 10 seconds, which can go up to more than 15 seconds. It should be high responsive as well and all functions should work well when tapped upon at anytime of the day. Supporting the Multiple Languages Another striking feature that will give your Android app the upper hand in the tough race is integrating the support for multiple languages. The implementation of the language must be decided upon the target audience and the part of the world where you would be releasing your app. It should provide the support for the majorly spoken international languages such as English, French, Chinese, Spanish, German, and others etc. However, if you are launching the app in Asian continent then Hindi and Arabic also becomes important to integrate. The language integration also depends on the budget of the client. Making it Compact is the Key The users often complain about the shortage of memory space due to which they are not able to store their vital data. Now, your role is to address this common issue while developing the

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