web application

12 AngularJS Frameworks that Gives Extra Edge to Web and Mobile Applications

A simple technical approach is what you need to get the desired result even if dealing with a complex project. The app developers go through a tough time in building a perfect mobile application and in such a circumstance, it is the framework that comes to their rescue. They can ease out the stress and make your task look easy with the best possible end results. AngularJS has rightly been identified as one of the renowned and leading open-source JavaScript web application framework, under the maintenance of Google. It has undeniably been able to properly address and thereafter solve the issues related to development of single-page applications. It also assists in enhancing the potentiality of Model View Controller (MVC) as well as the browser based applications. It simplifies the job of the development and testing of the application. However, when it comes to selecting the appropriate framework for the development of AngularJS, the task can be tricky. One of the prime reasons that leads to a tough choice is because of the availability of a number of front-end frameworks supporting AngularJS. According to a stat published in Similar Tech, AngularJS has gained much popularity amongst business and industry, which is about 18.69%. And the fact is that ever since the popular front-end frameworks have hogged the center stage, they have been a great helping hand for the developers in creating the difficult apps. As such the app developers are gladly adopting them for working and supporting the AngularJS. These frameworks offer a number of advantages and you can develop an app more efficiently and swiftly. So, let’s explore at some of the best and potent AngularJS frameworks that developers are more than happy to work with. Ionic Framework Ionic Framework is one of the most capable and robust front-end AngularJS frameworks. It is also the first preferred choice of the web developers. If you want to build responsive apps within a less budget estimate, then it is a perfect selection. It not only helps in seamless operation of the Smartphones, but also enhances the experience of the end users. It extends its support to the HTML5 and CSS3 based mobile applications and the framework can easily be optimized using ionic. It has also been powered by the Software Development Kit (SDK) and a library of UI components for building hybrid apps. LumX When it comes to choosing the best team for front end framework, LumX, positions itself as one of the key players in developing the web based app. It follows all the specifications and important standards of the Google Material Design Documents. If you are planning to make customized apps, look no further than LumX that has been created with Sass, Bourbon and Neat. It has the potential to automatically optimize your files and improve the functionality of the apps. It is strong and can create the single page very quickly. Supersonic Supersonic is a front-end AngularJS framework that has established its name as a reliable and dynamic framework used for developing hybrid applications. It has been implemented with the REST API (Application Programming Interface) features and functions. With Supersonic within your reach, designing intuitive app interfaces will probably be the easiest tasks for the developers. You can also integrate data in the backend. The API based apps can be developed for both the iOS and Android Operating Systems. Mobile Angular UI The Mobile Angular UI has been recognized as another User Interface based framework that has grabbed the attention of the web developers. It has proved its worth in building HTML5 mobile applications. One of the factors that goes into its favor is that it’s easy to comprehend and you can easily work with it. It allows you to move the web apps into the mobile because they are highly responsive. The optimization of Bootstrap and AngularJS assists the powerful libraries including the overthrow.js and fastclick.js. You can also avail important mobile elements such as overlays, scrolling, switches, sidebars etc. You can design apps that will draw huge traffic with high responsive designs. Angular UI Bootstrap Angular UI Bootstrap as the name implies is a robust and efficient front-end frameworks Bootstrap that is backed by different components. The support of the HTML5 and CSS provides it an additional boost that helps to develop native AngularJS directive. Another noteworthy point is that the developers no more have to rely upon jQuery or Bootstrap’s JavaScript. It is advisable to go for a new directive such as carousel, color picker, dropdown and so on. In most cases, the new directives can be smaller than the actual JavaScript code size. Radian Radian is one of the popular scalable AngularJS frameworks that has been developed on Asynchronous Module Definitions (AMD) and usually regarded ideal for multi developing projects. If you need quick results and get the apps developed within the shortest possible time, then this powerful and vibrant framework is highly recommended. Because of the presence of the AMD, both the individual developer as well as an entire team can work in great coordination to create extraordinary apps. Moreover, files like CoffeeScript, SAANS and JADE etc. are well supported by it. Suave UI The choice of AngularJS framework does not end with Radian but you have one more framework; Suave UI to choose. The presence of directives, CSS definitions and services are adequately enough for the developer to create an aesthetically appealing web and mobile applications. The Suave UI can only be used in case you have added CSS & JS bundle-files and also include Suave Angular module. Mean.io If we literally define MEAN, it would mean Mongo DB, Express, and AngularJS and Node.js. It is a complete stack JavaScript framework that helps you in rapidly building the best MEAN based web apps. It also can create useful modules such as Mongoose and Passport that is configured and pre-bundled. It can help in design single or dynamic and multiple web application. Angular UI Grid Angular UI Grid is worthy when the developer

12 AngularJS Frameworks that Gives Extra Edge to Web and Mobile Applications Read More »

12 AngularJS Frameworks that Gives Extra Edge to Web and Mobile Applications

A simple technical approach is what you need to get the desired result even if dealing with a complex project. The app developers go through a tough time in building a perfect mobile application and in such a circumstance, it is the framework that comes to their rescue. They can ease out the stress and make your task look easy with the best possible end results. AngularJS has rightly been identified as one of the renowned and leading open-source JavaScript web application framework, under the maintenance of Google. It has undeniably been able to properly address and thereafter solve the issues related to development of single-page applications. It also assists in enhancing the potentiality of Model View Controller (MVC) as well as the browser based applications. It simplifies the job of the development and testing of the application. However, when it comes to selecting the appropriate framework for the development of AngularJS, the task can be tricky. One of the prime reasons that leads to a tough choice is because of the availability of a number of front-end frameworks supporting AngularJS. According to a stat published in Similar Tech, AngularJS has gained much popularity amongst business and industry, which is about 18.69%. And the fact is that ever since the popular front-end frameworks have hogged the center stage, they have been a great helping hand for the developers in creating the difficult apps. As such the app developers are gladly adopting them for working and supporting the AngularJS. These frameworks offer a number of advantages and you can develop an app more efficiently and swiftly. So, let’s explore at some of the best and potent AngularJS frameworks that developers are more than happy to work with. Ionic Framework Ionic Framework is one of the most capable and robust front-end AngularJS frameworks. It is also the first preferred choice of the web developers. If you want to build responsive apps within a less budget estimate, then it is a perfect selection. It not only helps in seamless operation of the Smartphones, but also enhances the experience of the end users. It extends its support to the HTML5 and CSS3 based mobile applications and the framework can easily be optimized using ionic. It has also been powered by the Software Development Kit (SDK) and a library of UI components for building hybrid apps. LumX When it comes to choosing the best team for front end framework, LumX, positions itself as one of the key players in developing the web based app. It follows all the specifications and important standards of the Google Material Design Documents. If you are planning to make customized apps, look no further than LumX that has been created with Sass, Bourbon and Neat. It has the potential to automatically optimize your files and improve the functionality of the apps. It is strong and can create the single page very quickly. Supersonic Supersonic is a front-end AngularJS framework that has established its name as a reliable and dynamic framework used for developing hybrid applications. It has been implemented with the REST API (Application Programming Interface) features and functions. With Supersonic within your reach, designing intuitive app interfaces will probably be the easiest tasks for the developers. You can also integrate data in the backend. The API based apps can be developed for both the iOS and Android Operating Systems. Mobile Angular UI The Mobile Angular UI has been recognized as another User Interface based framework that has grabbed the attention of the web developers. It has proved its worth in building HTML5 mobile applications. One of the factors that goes into its favor is that it’s easy to comprehend and you can easily work with it. It allows you to move the web apps into the mobile because they are highly responsive. The optimization of Bootstrap and AngularJS assists the powerful libraries including the overthrow.js and fastclick.js. You can also avail important mobile elements such as overlays, scrolling, switches, sidebars etc. You can design apps that will draw huge traffic with high responsive designs. Angular UI Bootstrap Angular UI Bootstrap as the name implies is a robust and efficient front-end frameworks Bootstrap that is backed by different components. The support of the HTML5 and CSS provides it an additional boost that helps to develop native AngularJS directive. Another noteworthy point is that the developers no more have to rely upon jQuery or Bootstrap’s JavaScript. It is advisable to go for a new directive such as carousel, color picker, dropdown and so on. In most cases, the new directives can be smaller than the actual JavaScript code size. Radian Radian is one of the popular scalable AngularJS frameworks that has been developed on Asynchronous Module Definitions (AMD) and usually regarded ideal for multi developing projects. If you need quick results and get the apps developed within the shortest possible time, then this powerful and vibrant framework is highly recommended. Because of the presence of the AMD, both the individual developer as well as an entire team can work in great coordination to create extraordinary apps. Moreover, files like CoffeeScript, SAANS and JADE etc. are well supported by it. Suave UI The choice of AngularJS framework does not end with Radian but you have one more framework; Suave UI to choose. The presence of directives, CSS definitions and services are adequately enough for the developer to create an aesthetically appealing web and mobile applications. The Suave UI can only be used in case you have added CSS & JS bundle-files and also include Suave Angular module. Mean.io If we literally define MEAN, it would mean Mongo DB, Express, and AngularJS and Node.js. It is a complete stack JavaScript framework that helps you in rapidly building the best MEAN based web apps. It also can create useful modules such as Mongoose and Passport that is configured and pre-bundled. It can help in design single or dynamic and multiple web application. Angular UI Grid Angular UI Grid is worthy when the developer

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Major Node.JS Pitfalls Committed by the Developers

Today Node.js has outclassed other web applications in the competition to establish as one of the optimum server based platform. It has been predominantly developed on the JavaScript Engine of the most popular web browser- Google Chrome, which is the V8 Engine. Node.js helps in establishing the two-way communication between the client and the server in real time so that the sharing of the files, documents and data becomes much simpler. One of the key factors that has made Node.js popular within the users is its swiftness to create scalable network applications. It is light-weighted and effective application that has non-blocking I/O model and can smoothly operate on a number of distributed devices. According to statistics, Node.js is used by 0.3% of all the websites. One of the other research shows that division in percentage on how the organizations are utilizing the benefits of the Node.js. According to that 39% is getting used for backend, 36% for full stack, 16% for front-end whereas the remaining 9% for others. With various advantages under its belt, Node.js is supposedly the preferred framework when it comes to development of complex applications. Although it is known for its simplicity, efficiency and reliability, however, still the developers need to have an insight on how to maximize its utility. The Common Node.js Mistakes Made by Developers During the building of the application, the developers commit some mistakes that can even lead to an entire project failure. So, it becomes important to know about the pitfalls in advance so as to remain alert and careful while developing application. Continuously Pressing for Call Backs One of the common mistakes often committed by the developers is implementing the callback function more than once. As such even today the JavaScript relies much on the process of the callbacks and it helps in connecting the asynchronous elements, thus making them to function appropriately. In fact, call backs are identified as one of the crucial aspects of Node.js and it also assists the developers to build APIs. So if the developer is going for the call back for more than one time, he creates the problem as it affects the functioning of the Node.js. It is important to get the value of the first call function. One of the best ways you can avert this mistake is add a return keyword before undertaking the call back task. It must be remembered that most of the tasks are asynchronous and so the return call back does not make any sense. Blocking of the Event Loop As a developer you need to know that an event loop is one of the vital tasks being carried out by the Node.js in developing the complex applications. However, the problem arises when the event loop gets blocked and as an outcome the user has to wait a longer period of time for navigating the app. In simple terms the connection with the server gets disrupted. The program functions on a single line and so you cannot run two applications at the same time. Therefore, if the event look gets obstructed then it will affect the entire program. Thus, it is not a worthy advice to pair the event loop with excess payload of JSON. parse with the intention of focusing on backend files. It becomes the responsibility of the developer to identify what type of common mistakes are getting along during the coding and should remove it, so that the application can run seamlessly. Nested Callback or Callback Hell If you properly analyze the common issues with Node.js, you would know that most of the problems are associated with callbacks and the callback hell or nested callback, whatever you may term it is one of the general mistakes. In fact, this particular problem persists in most of the application development programs. The concern usually originates because the development of the application is a complex process. It also becomes difficult to maintain the codes. But you can sort out this issue by writing simple functions that are easy to read and providing them suitable links. For instance, codes such as Generators, Promises etc. will be helpful and you can keep the codes error free. The developers who expect that the call back will operate serially shouldn’t get under this misconception as everything is not carried out synchronously. Therefore, it is suggested that the addition must be done instantly after the call back to ensure everything goes smoothly. Forgetting to Test and Inspect the Codes So, once an application development is complete it’s time for some more action as the developer has to mandatorily test and inspect the codes. Well, in order to carry out this work in a smooth manner, he can take the help of various tools, which remains at his disposal. A few examples of these would include Jasmine, Mocha etc. Mere testing of the framework is not considered adequate as he also needs to conduct an inspection on different features such as how much memory is being utilized and delay in the event loop etc. For the inspection purpose, the developers can take the support of viable tools including App Dynamics and New Relic. However, in case you are doing the manual coding, then it is recommended to add a few more programs to offer the robustness to the program. Developer is Unknown to Developing Tools Often it is seen that in case the developers are inexperienced and fresher into the application development field, he remains unknown to the developing tools. It has already been indicated earlier that Node.js helps in complicated application building and if the developer is not familiar with the basic modules he may face problems. The developer should know that if any change is done at the source, he has to restart and also he needs to refresh the browser when the static codes are getting modified and affecting the performance of the application. For restarting the server, you can use modules such as nodemon and for refreshing the nodemon

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Reason Why Most Developers are Preferring Vue.js for Developing Web Applications

The Application Building has gained much impetus as the professional developers are readily involved into it. The tools and trends related to application development keeping changing and so the developers will have to keep pace with the advancement in technology. Today, we are going to talk about Vue.js, which is the latest discovery in the arena of software technologies extensively used for the development of web applications. Beyond any doubt the JavaScript is one of the most popular frameworks being employed by the developers today. It also offers a plethora of choices and Vue.js is certainly one of these. Vue.js is also getting much attention from developers and this figure is increasing with each passing day. If we talk about some stats, then according to The State of JavaScript 2017 survey, 48% developers have shown their keen interest in learning this JavaScript framework and 20% have already mastered it. In fact, 90% of the developers have said that they would be using this framework again in the future projects. These figures thus clearly indicate the popularity that Vue.js has obtained. One of the other phenomenal achievements for Vue.js in 2017 was that it has attained the first rank amongst the prevalent JavaScript projects by adding 40k stats on GitHub. Top Reasons Why Developers Choose Vue.js for Web Development We can now throw some light on why the developers should opt for Vue.js. Known for its Flexibility One of the major advantages that Vue framework offers is that it is known to be flexible. This makes it a preferred choice to use Vue.js for developing cross-platform applications. It provides you an access to a wide range of various environments. The developer can feel free to work across any other JavaScript framework or PHP without any hassle. You can also use it for any other project and develop additional components for the application. It proves to be a good asset for the Progressive Web Applications. You must be aware that adequate support and assistance is available for PWA to ensure stability and eliminate the restrictions for apps and websites. What’s interesting to note is that the component-based blow of Vue offers that extra scope to add additional features if you require to add in the application. Good Detailed Documentation It also offers the advantage of detailed documentation, which makes it simpler for the developers to write and execute the first application. You only need to have a basic knowledge of the HTML or JavaScript for developing a web page or app. This is because of the fact that the documentation features are comprehensive enough. Addresses the Drawbacks of AngularJS and ReactJS Evan the creator of Vue.js introduced this popular JavaScript framework while working on the Angular JS project during his employment at Google. He created Vue.js with the objective of addressing the drawbacks of the two most popular JavaScript frameworks- AngularJS and ReactJS. Thus, he developed a lightweight solution through the extraction of AngularJS parts without adding any other concept. He desired to combine the best features of both the frameworks and that’s how he landed up with the new Vue.js. Now which features were extracted from AngularJS? You took the easier templates having good syntax, which was easy to implement in the projects. And as far as React JS is concerned, Vue.js took the component-based approach, single way data flow for component hierarchy, virtual rendering ability, high performance, props, and the role played by state management of apps in web application etc. Vue is known for its Simplicity One of the best features of Vue.js that has literally drawn the attention of the developers is its simplicity. As said before this JavaScript framework is an easy mountain to scale as it only requires the basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript. You are just required to do simple coding, which helps in better management and maintenance of the cross-platform applications. Moreover, it also allows you to develop the apps at a faster pace and the developer also takes less considerable time to fix the bugs if any. Vue.js is same as the original JavaScript code and language but the developer cannot use it for HTML not like other JavaScript library frameworks. It also offers the advantage of providing the various developer profiles and it’s easy to begin with. The Advantage of Having Command-line Interface (CLI) The developers are also much thankful to the Vue.js development team for offering a unique advantage of Vue Command-line Interface CLI. It is a system created and supported by the Vue team that helps to reduce the time of the developers while working on the initial project setup and scaffolding. The Vue-CLI is enabled with a project generator that helps to start up new projects with ease and also release scaffolding for the development process. The latest third version of the Vue-CLI is more advanced offering further benefits. As such the developer can generate the project according to the project demands. This allows you to develop scaffolding within shortest possible time. The developers can also add extra features if the project demands. They are needed to only install the required features. Vue.js Helps in Reducing the Releasing Time Well, at times the developer is required to make several changes in the project and also rework on the application if the situation demands. This literally ends in eating a lot of valuable time and you might not even get the exact result as expected. However, Vue.js can solve that problem with the help of an adaptable ecosystem that accelerates the speed of development and also a better scope of releasing the completed project into the market to get the all important user feedback. This will offer you an opportunity to work on further improvements that are needed to make the application better. The Vue.js also helps in quicker development of the Minimum Viable Product or MVP for your application. This is all possible due to the easy setup of the cross-channel, which allows beginning coding. The interesting

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Why are Developers Planning to Drift Towards React Instead of Angular

Most of the web developers, would agree upon the fact that both Angular and React are the open-source front-end JavaScript framework and library. Since Angular arrived much earlier in comparison to React, it became one of the widely used programming languages to built best web applications. One of the other factors that worked in its favour was the support and trustworthiness of Google, helping the developers to solve many issues related to development of single-page applications. In fact, there were various other advantages such cross-platform app, synchronizing the data automatically between model and view components. However, once React made up to the center stage, there was a drift in the paradigm. The developers slowly and gradually started moving from Angular to React as it was much better than Angular in terms of speed, efficiency, view library, simple API, and lightweight components. Moreover, Angular had a few drawbacks causing problems and irritation for the developers and so they began to look for other alternative. A Few Drawbacks of Angular One of the factors that forced developers to look beyond Angular was its steep learning curve. Moreover, it offered different ways to accomplish the same task, which often confused the developers to taking the best approach. JavaScript was mandatory for using Angular. Furthermore, it was also compulsory for the developers to have knowledge on the MVC (Model View Controller) architectural patterns, failing which it can be very time consuming. Although using the two-way binding can prove beneficial but if we see this in the larger context, then it only creates more complexity and affecting the performance of the web app. The dependency on DOM for the execution flow makes it difficult to test and debug the execution order. There are more than 2000 watchers that can drastically slow down the UI. React as the Alternative One of the best replacements that developers have found is to switch over to React in place of Angular. Now the question is why React? So, one of the obvious reasons is that React is basically a JavaScript Library used for creating user interfaces developed by Facebook. Therefore, you cannot put it into the category of framework as such. However, like Angular you can develop single-page applications and even write the self-contained components. Unlike Angular, it allows one-way data binding and encourages the practice of virtual Document Object Model. It also uses the lifecycle methods to execute the codes at set points in case of component failure. In addition, it allows the implementation of the JSX that helps in structuring the component rendering and makes use of known syntax. Some Reasons Why Developers Consider React a Better Option Than Angular React is Quick and Efficient We have mentioned the fact that React is more a library than a framework. So, you do not work upfront with the Document Object Model but instead go for the layer of Virtual DOM. This is something that expedites the speed of the development. If you are continuously rendering, the React would diff on the Virtual DOM. This means it only updates the particular part of the actual DOM that requires an update. In fact, the Virtual DOM is a wonderful feature to have in the bag. It also resolves the problems related to cross-browser issues. The developers get an access to unified cross-browser API, which can even run on an old browser as Internet Explorer version 8.0. React Suits Well to Component Based UI React is well fitting into the shoes of the component-based User Interface. It helps to modularize the application, separating the concerns for each of them. You can create as well as test each of the components individually. React is a library that focuses on solving a problem offering a tool to develop the component. The Advantage of JSX With React you get the additional benefit of JSX, which is its own syntax helping to develop the components. This is where the developers can blend the elements of both HTML and JavaScript using the JSX apart from implementing the inline styles as well. JavaScript basically supports the development and manipulation of the DOM but it is inlined with the HTML. Apart from that, the JSX also lets you employ the different JavaScript functionalities such as map and filter showing the DOM nodes. Single Data Binding Benefit In Angular, there is a provision of two-way data binding and that is why React outclasses it in this aspect. You must note that it is an architecture called Flux that makes this one-way data flow in JavaScript applications possible. Facebook developed it with view library with the intention of simplifying the task of development apart from easing the work of bug fixing. What’s more beneficial is the fact that you can also integrate it with other frameworks as well. Flexibility in Building Blocks React is a ecosystem that is built around developing the blocks. And it offers you the flexibility to choose your building blocks to sort out the problems. It offers the simplicity and convenience to exchange the blocks and what is what further eases out the task of the developers. For instance, you can take away Redux or MobX for the state management. In fact, the core building block can also be exchanged. For example, you can use libraries including Inferno and Preact to substitute the React. You won’t find this facility in Angular as the JavaScript framework as its own solutions. Isomorphic JavaScript One of the major disadvantages with respect to Single-page JavaScript web applications is it got restricted when crawled by the search engines. But the good thing is that the React has found a solution to this issue and it has the capability to pre-render the apps on the server before being sent to the browser. This helps in restoring the state of live application. The search engine crawlers depend a lot on the Server Response pre-rendering enhances the SEO chances. Support of the Large Community One of the aspects that compel the developers to

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What Factors Influence the Cost of Web Application Development

It is true that with the escalation in the numbers of Smartphones and other devices, the mobile applications have also seen phenomenal growth in the current scenario. However, the prominence of the web applications cannot be subdued as they would also play a crucial role in generating more traffic towards your business. One of the significant reasons why mobile apps are dominating the web applications is because of the two most high-flying players; Google and Apple, which have captured the majority of the market. But it does not mean that mobile web apps are out of the race, they are still in much contention. According to a report of the SimilarWeb’s Mobile Web, around 56% of the user traffic from the popular websites has now gone mobile. The Major Gains of Web Apps The web applications can prove to be a power booster for any business enterprise with a set of few advantages. It is important to brief it out before moving on further. Budget Friendly The web apps are cost-effective in comparison to the native mobile apps development because you don’t need to develop and test all operating systems and configurations. The web trouble-shooting also gets simplified. Can Be Accessed Anywhere The web applications can be accessed anywhere and anytime either using a mobile device or a personal computer with internet connectivity. This also helps the team to coordinate with each other in real-time while working from remote locations. Customization with Ease The user interface of the web applications can be easily customized making it much simpler to update the application. Can Be Accessed from Various Devices The web apps can be accessed through various devices such as a Smartphone, tablet or a PC. Therefore, the user can reach out to your products and services using any device that suits him best. Easier to Maintain The maintenance of the web apps are much simpler than the traditional apps. In addition to these benefits, there are some other plus points can web apps can handle the increased workload more efficiently and offer better security and interoperability. The Category of Web-Based Applications We are here to throw some substantial light on the cost of developing a web app. But you should be aware of the different types of web-based projects, which summarily is categorized into four categories: Basic Web Apps As the name suggests, these apps are the entry level sites having the usual features and functionalities. They have simple landing pages with minimal content. Their UI is also quite straightforward and takes less time for development; about a month. The cost would vary according to the project. Pro-Level These web apps are more interactive and offer much more features to get developed proficiently. Yes, it’s true that you can even place someone as e-commerce web apps within this category. The difficulty level is moderate where a developer also needs to create a prototype for various small business groups and multi-functional Internet portals. The development time is three months. The Complicated Projects The third group is the complicated projects where the web apps tend to get customized as per the project requirements. It also comprises of a unique Content Management System (CMS) platform along with intuitive UI and UX design techniques. This type of web app primarily focuses on stabilizing the project and automating the business process. The time frame for complex projects is slated to be around six months. Corporation The clientele of these types of web apps are basically the corporate houses and big enterprises who are ready to invest a good sum of money and time for the development of such apps. Factors Taken into Account for Developing the Web Apps Well, once you have decided upon the development of the web apps, it’s time to think about various important factors that are taken into account. Generating the Idea Any application development starts with the formulation of the idea where you have to consider the future of your web product. Research Once you have stuck with a business idea or plan move on further with the research. You need to find out who your target audiences are, the major competitors, and market demand. List of Requirements The list of requirements usually would stick around the features that you want to integrate into the web app. Apart from that you also need to decide what type of web app will be suitable for your business operation. Developing a Prototype It is important for you to first create a prototype for the concerned web application before going on for the final development of your product. This would rather give you an idea about how your final app would look like. UI and UX Design You don’t need to be told that UI and UX design is an integral part of the web app development process. Make your app simple but visually appealing and sophisticated. The interface should be comprehensible for the users. The Web Development This part mainly comprises of developing the front-end i.e. the client-side and backend i.e. is server-side. Your experienced web development team would decide which best programming language is best suitable for implementing on both sides. App Testing The web app must be tested for sure before its final launch to verify that it is fully operational and that there are no bugs whatsoever. The App Release Once you are satisfied on all the fronts that your app is working all and you think that’s time to make it public, you can release the app. Now it is up to the audience whether they prefer or reject your app. Key Professionals Playing Role in Development When you are hiring the services of a hands-on experienced web app development company to cater your project requirement, there are some key professionals involved in the development process. The Project Manager who manages or guides the entire project and the team. The web app developers; numbers depending on the choice of platform and complexity of the project. The User Interface and User Experience Designers in collaboration

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