Top 9 UI Design Mistakes That Ruin Your Conversion Rate

UI (User Interface) is the king when it comes to designing your website and app. Generally, users first see the UI design and then interact with it regularly. Website visitors give importance to the UI a lot and a typical user can make an opinion regarding your site immediately and the same level of expectation goes for the apps as well. A site cannot develop much if it doesn’t provide a better user experience. Visitors usually leave a site if they find it’s content dull or its layout appears unimpressive. If a site’s pages take longer than 2 seconds to load, its performance also suffers. And when a website’s design is not attractive and navigation messy, it can highly affect the website’s growth. So, there is no doubt that UI is the key to the success of a site. In spite of that, we find many UI design mistakes which cause failed conversion rates of a website. Common UI Design Mistakes That Spoil Your Conversion Rate Without further discussion, we will start the blog. Here I have listed some common UI design mistakes committed by website designers and business owners. After reading the blog, you would realize the exact mistakes you are making and you can take needed actions depending on our recommendation and measurement. Messy layout Sites with messy layout annoy your clients. It spoils user experience and becomes really annoying to users. In case the layout is cluttered and unorganized, it impacts the site’s conversion rates since clients cannot get the CTA position. The usage of excessive content, colors, pictures, and insufficiency of focus to creativity can make the layout cluttered. And when the layout doesn’t ponder usability and just focuses on the beauty, it could cause UI design issues which are really bad for your site. Wrong position of CTA CTA bundles complete conversion strength of web pages into a single button. Hence, it becomes highly crucial when it comes to the conversion rate. All aspects of CTAs must define clearly to the users that it can be clicked and they must tap on it. Nevertheless, this is where people commit mistakes as they don’t pay heed to the CTA that results in a bad result. Essential features which you must ponder while building your CTA are color, design, size, shape, location, language, and length. A site’s CTA must always follow the users’ state of mind. Their thoughts and buying attitude would become effective when you will decide the mentioned features of your CTA. Hence, you are recommended to find the precise combination of features and examine your CTA many times before making it live. When you get the ideal balance, you will experience loads of conversions. Unresponsive design This is also one of the big UI design flaws which sites make. This restricts a website’s growth and causes failure. An unresponsive design shows the site useless when it comes to being responsive across platforms and devices. If the design is unresponsive, users cannot access the best features using the devices of their preference. Moreover, responsiveness is responsible for the website’s ranking and sites which neglect this important feature have to encounter lots of issues. An unresponsive design even prevents sites from offering the best user experience. Use of stock images Stock images are undervalued because they are totally false and you can easily notice that. You should already know that website branding and marketing are immensely affected by the visuals which are medium to make a site visitor associated with the satisfied face of a happy client on a picture of your site. It surely adds your site’s mood and tone which cannot be done by stock photos. Since stock photos portray falsehood, you should not use them. When visitors visit your site, they look for a specific item or service and want to believe you as well. However, if they find a false image after landing on your site, that ruins their psychology badly. You must consider the fact that site imageries should always boost users’ confidence and engagement which is possible by using authentic images only. Improper navigation In case your website’s navigation is unorganized and inappropriate, it makes the users leave your site sooner than predicted. A site’s purpose is to make users navigate easily from a place to another or through the website to have data easily. The navigation is spontaneous if there are perfect visual signs and marks for everybody to shift from one place to another. In case the navigation is unclear and menus are not put in place properly, it may annoy users and let them leave your site without thinking for a while. Inadequacy of social proof In case the uncompromising UI design is concerned, the user-produced contents, testimonials, or client feedback won’t be pondered as the essential components. However, every appropriate web page must comprise of all social proofs of your quality. These social proofs become highly important for your website or app’s branding and conversion. This clearly defines that none can make an app or website design if there is no social proof integrated. The inadequacy of social proof shows the implausibility of your products and services. If there is no credibility, site or app visitors won’t want to visit your site and they won’t trust you without social proofs. Hence, your marketing value, SEO efforts, and branding get impacted which results in the lowered conversion rate. Maximum online purchasers these days don’t buy anything without checking reviews. Give authentic messages to your promising clients to get a sigh of relief. This technique can offer you more conversion rates than the CTA or product details can provide. You must ponder the fact that authentic client reviews are believed more than the best sales pitch. The slow speed of web page loading This is another user interface mistake which many sites do and thereby suffer. If your site has an increased page loading time and takes to load more than 2 seconds, clients can possibly move

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