
Mobile App Development Company Help to Thrive Startups

Talking about the startups their numbers are significantly augmenting with each passing day. However, the million dollar question is how many of them do actually succeed? According to the Startup Genome Report, indicating the success or failure of the startups, 74% are not successful because of the premature scaling, while 29% fail because they do not have sufficient cash to carry out their ideas. But have you ever pondered how a mobile app development company can be a blessing for your startup. Well, it’s true because today mobile apps have almost become synonymous with business prosperity. Of course, your prime aim is to reach out the targeted audiences. It offers you endless opportunity with proven track record to drive you towards profitability. Let’s analyze it with a few numbers. According to ComScore research, the number of people using internet on mobile phones have exceeded over the desktop users. Similarly, another report by Statista shows that around 2 million users are connected to iOS phones, while 2.2 million are downloading apps from Google Play Store. Of course, you don’t want to miss out on such a large scale users and therefore, hiring the services of the best mobile app development company will be a wise decision. It Offers Accuracy, In-bound Experience and Speed Well, one of the most visible benefits of hiring the mobile app development services are it offers you accuracy with rich experience in this field and also values your time. They will always guide you properly in the right direction and will make your way easier after knowing the client’s specific needs. They will work on your project with accuracy within the shortest time frame so that you can maximize every advantage. You can possibly get all the solutions of your problems just under one roof. Providing a More Customer Centric Approach So far it is clearly evident that mobile app has become an indispensable tool in flourishing business and that you cannot target your customer without the presence of an app. Today the mobile apps help you in data collection of various users their likes and dislikes, which itself is very vital information. You can simply connect more customers with your brand by offering a more engaging content and establishing an effective communication. Helps in Preparing Complete Updated Strategy The people helping you out with your Startup are professional experts and have comprehensive knowledge of the market. Therefore, they will prepare a complete updated strategy about how will you launch your business with a boom and how can you surpass all other competitors. They will also focus on marketing medium to promote your new business right from the scratch. The experts may adopt different techniques such as push notifications so as to attract the attention of the customers. In addition, they can also adopt Email, SMS or Content marketing. It Works on Various Platforms An experienced and ethical app development company works on various platforms when it comes to creating meaningful and highly rated apps. The experts will decide as to which platform is best suitable to create your app. It may be either ReactJS, AngularJS, NodeJS or JavaScript, PHP or any other. However, it will depend upon whether you are developing app for Apple Store or Google Play Store. This is one advice which only a proficient app developer can provide you; so just partner with him without wasting your time further. Taking a Professional Approach Beginning a startup is never easy considering the stiffness of the competition. According to the Small Biz Trends, 46% of the Startups fail due to incompetence, while 30% fail because of inexperience in the field. But the app development firm will take a professional approach and always keep you informed about the process. It may be related to designing of the apps and websites that includes planning, updating websites, user interface etc. It also involves various other processes such as addition of content, testing the app or the site, checking its functionality, making it live on the app store and regularly improving the performance of the app. Hiring the Company Saves Time and Money When you plan to launch a new startup, you need to begin from the scratch. It involves meticulous planning at every stage that consumes a lot of time. You may think that you are spending extra by taking the services of App Development Company. But if you think calmly and more deeply, you would know that you are actually saving your bucks. By adopting the Do It Yourself technique, you are not sure whether your venture will give you the best results within a stipulated time or not, but professional companies are an exception. They provide you unique ideas to stay ahead of the challenges. Optimal Return on Investment (ROI) Another crucial factor why startups need App Development Company is that the later offers optimal return on investment. The ROI will primarily depend on how your business prospers and whether it is able to achieve the targets or not. Here since the strategies are framed by the experts you can rely on them to provide you the best possible outcome. Always There to Help you Out The App Development Firms work with a proficient attitude and provide their customer with every help they need. You can take advice from their professionals whenever you get stuck and are not able to chalk out a further plan. You can get help through online support through chat or email. You can also place your business on the same board by hiring the best company. The Final Outcome is Awfully Fast It has been seen that the App development firms have shown proven results over the years. The data published by Statista reveals that most of the Startups such as Uber, Amazon, Flipkart, etc are incredibly successful and earning in billions just because their apps are getting downloaded in large numbers. Let’s wrap it up So, we have discussed in detail the various benefits the App Development Company is

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The Major Benefits of Choosing Meteor.js for Creating a Startup

Meteor or MeteorJS is one of the popular free and open source JavaScript web frameworks that are based on the isomorphic model. It is written in the Node.js and employed for building web and cross-platform mobile applications for Android and iOS platforms. The developers can also implement it with MongoDB. Furthermore, it also helps to publish-subscribe pattern along with the usage of the Distributed Data Protocol. With Meteor, the developer’s job gets simplified as he does not have to write the synchronized codes. This is because this web framework allows automatic propagation of the data changes to clients. So, it can be said beyond that Meteor.js is one such framework that offers the luxury of saving both times as well as effort. It accelerates the development process and provides access to wide-ranging libraries, which makes the prototyping of difficult applications look simple. Since the developers have to indulge in less coding, there are fewer chances of committing mistakes in the project. Let’s now discuss further the various other pros of using Meteor.js and see why it is considered the optimal framework for your web development project. Meteor.js Allows Usage of Single Language We have already discussed earlier that Meteor.js has played an important role in simplifying the tasks of the web developers. Previously, the developers had to undertake the painstaking job of using both the front-end as well as the back-end languages along with the database. However, the developers feel quite relieved after the arrival of Meteor as they have to now use only one language and that is JavaScript for implementing the front-end, backend, and the database. This can be further illustrated through an example. Suppose if we are building ‘collection’, which is equal to a SQL table using Meteor then BlogPosts = new Meteor.collection(‘posts’); Thus, it lets you develop a collection through a known syntax and you can control the collection with that known syntax as well. BlogPosts.insert({ title: ‘Hello World’, content: ‘This is the content.’, published: true }); The use of a single language to build an app is also advantageous from the point that a single line code runs on both front-end and backend to do things differently. It must be noted that if the code is running at the backend or server, it creates a collection. However, when the codes run at the front-end or the client side by default, it becomes a pure local collection. Offers Facility of Real-Time Applications by Default The mobile and web development industry is transforming with the emergence of new trends at regular intervals. One of the popular trends witnessed these days is the introduction of real-time web applications. In fact, social media king Facebook and Twitter have already started offering this benefit to their millions of users. The real-time applications work instinctively and as such the user do not need to open a separate page for carrying out different tasks. Before the arrival of Meteor.js, building a real-time application was regarded as a tough task but the framework has diminished that thought process. It has got the real-time feature built in its core. The user template data will upgrade automatically if the database gets updated. If a user is filing and submitting a form, the action takes place in real-time with much ease. So, when you are creating a web application, you get real-time apps by default. The Smart Package Option is Time Savior The Meteor.js also offers the benefit of Smart Packages that help in saving a lot of time. Let us know how. Take, for example, you are building a user accounts system using another framework where you have to follow a long process. But Meteor.js is an exception. Here the accounting system can be created by following code meteor add accounts-password When you would run the following code, the Meteor framework would add the smart package to your project. This package needs user sign through their email and password. For all Twitter, Facebook or Google the basic command remains the same and only the name changes at last. In addition, the Meteor also offers the accounts-ui package that builds the client-side for the accounts system with a single code meteor add accounts-ui Once the accounts system gets the setup, it allows you to undertake any task such as the verifying the signing of current user using your templates. Apart from that, you can use utilize the smart packages for conduction other functions such as use CoffeeScript for creating applications, the compilation of LESS files into CSS automatically, and implantation of extras including D3.js and Bootstrap. The Extensive Support from Large Community Well, if you ask any mobile or web application developer, he would probably say that his greatest support lies at the hand of the community of experienced developers related to that specific framework or language. It is a pleasure to note that Meteor.js has been in the frontline for its extensive support from the large community. The fact that it offers the advantage of detailed documentation along with rich and helpful resources turns out to be the biggest positives of using this framework. The resources include Crater, Evented Mind, and Kadira etc. Since it is an easy framework to work on, you don’t have to spend much time learning the basics and Meteor.js is there to stay in the future. Meteor.js Makes Developer’s Life Easier One of the other bonuses that make Meteor.js, the favorite framework for web developers is that it is tailor-made for them and quite easy to use. For instance, if we talk about a usual interface of the Meteor app along with the inclusion of template, it would be seen that the developers don’t need to include html tags, JavaScript files, and CSS files. Also, note that Meteor.js uses Spacebars or Handlebars-supported syntax for the template work. So, Meteor is playing a key role in reducing the work pressure off developers. And if this is not all to make you delighted, then these details would certainly bring a smile on your face. Firstly, it has a built-in LiveReload feature allowing refreshing the browser on a manual

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