software testing

How We Perform QA Testing at MindInventory

Testing a software application and maintaining international testing standards in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process and assuring the quality of the product to the customer is one of the challenging jobs in the IT industry. Are you really excited to know about the software testing and quality assurance (QA) process at MindInventory? In this blog, we’ll show you how the quality assurance activities are been carry forwarded in order to achieve customer satisfaction by maintaining industrial standards during web and mobile app development. Why We Need to Instill the Testing After the Development Process of Any Product? In real-world scenarios, the development process has got boom by growing rapidly where everyone focuses much on the development process. When the software is been developed by the developer, they could not able to test the application with respect to the real-world scenarios. For example, a chef who cooks a dish will never find any difficulties or issues in his own dish, someone has to taste it and tell how the dish is, and no one dares to tell and accept that there are some issues within the task or work they have done. In the same way when the software has been developed then it has to undergo a certain testing process where the developed software will be validated against the business/customer requirements. What QA Brings for Clients? The below are the some of the benefits that Quality Analyst (QA) will bring for your products: 1. QA Saves You Money If your product is having a fault then that product will cost you and your customers. If the bug is undetected in your software for a long period of time then it will be more difficult to manage and too expensive to fix it. By hiring QA, You can improve the quality throughout the development process of your product and you will save time and money. 2. QA Inspires Confidence for your Application In this competitive world, the main thing that we need to be strong enough is that how confident we are with our product before releasing it into the market. Always with corporate software, the stakes will be higher. This is colossally important for delivering quality in software and maintaining long-term relationships. So, Here QA builds confidence for your application. 3. QA Maintains Great User Experience Nowadays, the software that is being developed should be right from the User Experience (UX) point of view. As the user interface either make your business or break your business. If the user experience of any software is not good then literally users will not be showing interest and get frustrated in using your software application. So, Here QA tests the software with an end-user experience. 4. QA Boosts Customer Satisfaction If the developed product is bug-free and working fine as expected in such a way that the user really enjoys then the fame and reputation of your product will be high and customers will be satisfied and more users can be attracted. This makes good money as well. We need to give them the best satisfaction in such a way that they’ll be rewarding us with loyalty. 5. QA Promotes Organization, Productivity Instead of waiting for the whole product to be developed, organizing the QA activities at the initial stage of software development will bring you more productivity for your software, which can be achieved within your target time. Only bug-free software can bring good promotion to your products and good productivity of your projects. How the Software Testing is Processed at MindInventory? Here, In MindInventory we follow the international standard software testing process in sequential manner as mentioned below: 1. Requirement Analysis The initial phase of every software development life cycle is that the Business Analyst will interact with the client to confirm and finalize the project requirements. Then, later on the specification document will be prepared which includes detailed information about the tools, technologies, strategies that have to be exercised for the software development and this document will be transparent in order to perceive the project flow among the team. Then later on the Quality Assurance (QA) lead and senior software test engineers will determine the business logic-related challenges that might emerge which benefit the workflow of the development and testing process. We strictly followed Google’s, Apple’s developer guidelines and instructions, wireframe guidelines, user interface guidelines while developing an Application. 2. Test Planning In this phase, the Quality Assurance (QA) lead and senior software test engineers will prepare the test plan document which includes: To determine the Scope and Objective of testing. List of features to be tested. List of features not to be tested. Type of approach to be followed while testing the software either manual or automation. The number of resource allocation for testing. Type of training if any the resources should undergo. Risks that might be involved during the testing process. A schedule of tasks and milestones to be achieved. Determine test deliverables. 3. Test Case Development In this phase, the QA team will start designing the test cases (How to test) for the selected test scenarios (What to test) of the real-world scenarios for the application. Test cases will enable the software test engineers to perform a sequence of steps to be followed to ensure that a software product is bug-free and the functionality of the software is working as expected from the end-user point of view. 4. Test Environment Setup It is a test bed where the software and hardware environment come into picture on which the test cases will be executed by the testing team. This test includes hardware and software configuration, operating system settings, test terminals, and other supported tools (which may vary depending upon projects). The test environment consists of real-world business and end-user environments. As this is the most crucial aspect of the testing process, we’ll make sure that the product works fine and meet the needs of end-users on all environments which have been set up. 5. Test

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Agile Testing Methodology – Life Cycle, Benefits, and Best Practices

The era we live in is highly competitive. Organizations are in need of the tools and processes which can be used to meet the fast-paced delivery with minimum cost and excellence. The concerns raised by organizations are either on software stability, address issues before they bang the end-users and s/w release on time. With a continuous shifting of digital exemplar, organizations that are able to keep pace with rapid advancements in technology and adopting new trends are witnessing positive changes in their business environment. Software testing tends to operate in silos, challenging unification, which results in impoverished quality, speed, and cost. In such a scenario, what comes to the rescue is Agile Methodology. It is necessary to adopt a new way of working to enjoy the perks of Agile methodology, MindInventory highly recommends Agile, which is being adopted globally. The Statista report shows the portion of software developers worldwide that have embraced agile development approach and continuous integration (CI) rehearses around the world, from 2015 to 2018, based on a survey of development professionals. As of early 2018, 91 percent of respondents showed their organization had received an agile development methodology, while 88% practiced continuous integration. What is Agile Testing? The traditional development process goes through a well-laid-out series of abstraction, designing, coding, testing, and deployment that may take months or even more than a year for a project to complete and make it available to the end-users. But such an approach is thoroughly bungling to address the demands for apps. This is where the significance of agile development becomes protrustive. “Agile testing is a ceaseless procedure which is dissected in multiple phases. Features and functionalities are added with every new delivery which results in managing the product seamlessly and gives higher customer satisfaction.” Agile Testing Life Cycle While traditional methodologies require the user to provide a detailed plan of the pre-decided requirements with respect to the intended software. Agile development gives flexibility due to its iterative technique. Here given is the Life cycle of Agile Testing: 1. Planning Sprints Sprints are the core of Agile methodologies, an approach that takes large, complex projects and fragments them into smaller manageable pieces. It is the pre-agreed time period in which the team has to work upon the set of requirements and conclude within the duration. The Sprint kick-off meeting involves the product owner, developers, and testers who talk through goals that need to be attained in each of the sprints. The daily scrum needs to be kept, where the team comes to talk about the assignments they are working on, what they have finished and any issues or obstacles that are blocking the work. 2. Designing Test Cases It is important for the testing team to maintain a cadence with the development team. The testing team designs the test cases as per the requirements provided in the functional requirements document(FRS) and project design documents. A test case design enlists how you will go about setting up the entire testing technique. These designs corroborate quality tests to stick to the enacted process. The documented test cases are then handed over to the QA manager and Developers for review which helps in Defect Prevention. 3. Quality Verification and Validation This process is to check the quality of the developed software. As soon as the development gets completed and made available for QA, the testing process starts. The team works together to execute testing in an agile environment. 4. Review Product Stability Usually, a customer wants to add or remove some of the features, change their product, or even change their complete idea. Agile is equated to iterative development, that is, New requirements can be accommodated at any stage of the development process without adding to the complexities. Where it gives free hand to add or remove features during the development, it is also important to know and restrict the requirement flow and ensure product stability. The testing team’s responsibility is to validate the requirement changes and sustain stability. 5. Regression and Deployment To check the impact on the existing functionality, the manual and automated test cases are run after new user stories are added to the agile development process in order to deploy the quality product. What Are Agile Best Practices? Flexibility, Sustainability and Quality are pillars of Agile Software development. For better understanding of the Agile methods, here are some of the best practices for efficient and effective interaction on Agile teams. 1. Customer Satisfaction through Customer Collaboration When we talk of Agile, the first and foremost priority is to give Customer Satisfaction. In a traditional development method, the customer is involved in the beginning when the requirements are discussed and at the end when the project is delivered which leads to customer disappointments. Feedback is a necessity to build a great product and hence in the Agile approach, the customer is involved throughout the process, for communicating on options, clarifying expectations and collaborating on fixes. The continual communication between the team and the customer encourages inventiveness and better customer satisfaction. 2. Teamwork In Agile, a group of individuals works together as a team leading to affluent projects. For an agile team, it is significant to increase teamwork through coordination, effective communication, mutual support and contributive mindset. Together, agile teams can be entitled to take visionary moves that result in an advanced product. 3. Motivated Individuals Motivation guides creativity. It is a key factor for any organization. Motivated individuals carry a goal in their day to day work and are individuals who are focused and love their job to do better. Motivated agile teams are boon to any organization and co relate fast-paced speed. 4. Team that organize their work Agile software development is navigated through self-organizing teams who work in symmetry. Self-organizing teams are susceptible enough to decide how they will accomplish the work and who will do what. They split their tasks into small iterations and complete them within a sprint. What Are The Benefits of Agile Testing Methodology?

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