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Tips for Developing Mobile Apps with ReactJS

React is a JavaScript Library which is used for development of User Interfaces. The Facebook initially launched it on 4th March, 2013. Today it has become one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks even though it was introduced about four years ago. According to data, websites including Imgur, Netflix, SeatGeek, Airbnb, Feedly, HelloSign and others …

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Why ReactJS Has Gained the Spotlight Amongst Developers

ReactJS is one of the highly used open-source JavaScript Library that helps in creating impressive web apps requiring minimal effort and coding. The key objective of ReactJS is also developing engaging User Interfaces (UI) that improves the speed of the apps. One of the prominent factors that go in the favor of ReactJS is that …

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The Benefits of ReactJS and Reasons to Choose it for Your Project

Jordan Walke, a former employee at Facebook, developed ReactJS. It’s an open source JavaScript library that is utilized to create user interfaces for single page apps. The key object of ReactJS is to offer the best possible rendering functionality. It gets its strength by focusing on separate components. Rather than working on the whole website …

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