on-demand app development

Top Reasons Why Business Should Invest in On-Demand Delivery App

The strong breezes that begin to flow in the online servicing sector have turned into a full-fledged storm with the introduction of on-demand apps. The users feel blessed because they no more have to squander their time anymore for availing even the common day-to-day services. We keep on hearing that the mobile app industry is going through a revolutionary phase and that no trend is stagnant here. But certainly, the on-demand apps can be counted as an exemption. The escalation of on-demand services have motivated many young budding minds and paved the foundations of various successful start-ups globally. According to a research, the on-demand economy has reached somewhere around $57 billion by the end of this year 2017. Furthermore, According to research, about 82 million Americans are widely using the on-demand apps, where around 45 million Americans are offering the on-demand services. The on-demand applications literally serve a wide spectrum of customers and their needs. In this age of technology, people are keen to make their life convenient and surely, the on-demand is a positive initiative in this perspective. The key factor that goes in the favor of on-demand apps and makes it exceedingly popular is the fact that it aims at solving a common problem, related to daily life. Hiring a cab for office, booking an appointment with a doctor, calling a pest cleaner to clean the house, sending dirty clothes to a laundry, grooming your skin and body, and many more; all these services fall within the category of on-demand apps. Yes, it is for certain that the on-demand apps are a boon for both the users as well as the business entrepreneurs. Therefore, there shouldn’t be any hesitation when you are planning to invest in such a great asset. What’s the Big Deal for Business Enterprise in Investing on On-demand Apps? Automating the Business Process Gone are the days when the business owners and retailers would maintain every record and data in files and sheets. With on-demand apps digitizing the entire process, you don’t need to keep up manual information. With the initiation of Delivery Management System or DMS, you can automate the workflow of your business and save lots of time and money. Real-time Tracking of Products and Drivers The on-demand apps also help the business entrepreneurs to keep a watch on the whereabouts of the product and driver using the geo-location and GPS facility. They would know how much distance the driver has traveled and at what approximate time he would deliver the item. Delivery Route Estimation Since the on-demand apps are integrated with the GPS benefit, you can indicate your drivers with the easiest and shortest route when they set out for delivering products. You can save them from taking the busy roads and avoid the traffic snarls. Appropriate Management of Inventory Since you have to maintain a stock of goods, therefore an efficient order management is necessary. You have DMS helping you to know which stocks of items are in sufficient and those that are falling short. You don’t need to employ any person for maintaining such records. Increased Security and Scalability With the increase in the numbers of on-demand apps, the level of security and scalability has also ascended. Today the App Development Companies have been able to win the trust of clients because of providing improved security specifically while implementing the payment gateway. Creating New Job Opportunities The emergence of the on-demand apps has generated opportunities for youngsters aspiring new job. For instance, cab booking apps like Uber or Ola are hiring drivers and paying them salaries. Improved Level of Customer Satisfaction The employees associated with the different types of on-demand industries are satisfactorily working with the same organization. According to a research, 70% workers have expressed their satisfaction over their job status, while 81% have said that they would continue to work with the same industry over the next year as well. Best ROI If you can better strategies and run your business well, there is no way that can stop you from getting the best return on investment. We have number of examples that have become an inspirational story for the others. Reasonability The benefit of price affordability will not only influence the customers but will also impact your business as well. It simply means more customer retention and that the users will return to your app if they get the item within the budget-friendly price. Benefits of On-Demand Delivery App for the End-users Let’s now analyze what the end-users gain from installing an on-demand app in their devices. Fast Services in Real-time The biggest USP (Unique Selling Point) of on-demand apps was their swift service to their customers. The customers get the services in real-time and they don’t have to follow the old traditional methods such as waiting for the service provider to arrive per his will. This literally saves a lot of time. Convenience The customers can choose to avail the required service at a time, which they feel more convenient. For example, in the case of grocery apps, the users can schedule the time of delivery at which the items would be delivered. Transparency The users can view their order summary and track the status of their online order. They receive the notification regarding the status of their order. Cost Effectiveness Cost efficiency is one of the other major reasons why consumers today are getting more attracted to on-demand apps. This is also due to the fierce competition in the market. Freedom of Choosing the Provider The on-demand apps facilitate the customers to choose their preferred service provider based on their experiences. If the customer was literally satisfied with the services of the provider, he can opt for the same company or if he wants to go for a change, he has the full freedom to do so. However, most of the users these days choose a provider based on their ratings and reviews. Ratings and Reviews Play a Crucial Role As said the importance

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Why Android is Preferred Choice for On-demand App Development

The mobile applications made their appearance after the evolution of the Smartphones and the tablets. In fact, mobile applications played a vital role in popularizing the smartphones and since then it has been altogether a different story. In the current scenario, the mobile app development industry has two most stringent competitors; Google and Apple. Although the Microsoft Windows is also a participant of this race, it is lagging far behind. We are well familiar that both the Google Play Store, as well as the Apple iTunes, is already flooded with mobile applications belonging to various categories. As the numbers of mobile apps are exceeding, it has been relatively categorized into different types such as the corporate apps, the gaming apps, social media apps, messenger apps, and the on-demand apps etc. According to Statista, the total number of mobile devices is expected to reach around 4.68 billion by 2019. Well, it’s massive numbers. And with almost close to 5 million apps around the world including both Android and iOS, this is one humongous market, which is beyond imagination. One of the stats says that social media apps stand at first position amid the most downloaded apps with 29% of the users. The on-demand apps are also not lagging behind According to research, about 59% of the on-demand app users are males and 55% of them are aged between 25 and 44 years. And at a time when a user uses 40 apps per month on an average, the competition level will undoubtedly upsurge. In one of the previous blogs, we have already discussed in detail why you need to invest in the on-demand apps? Also, we are well acquainted with what an on-demand app is. To summarize it, in brief, it is an online and instant service provider, which simplifies the lives of the people, making their day-to-day activities more convenient. If on one hand, the on-demand apps are making our lives comfortable, they are also boosting the business and economy, So, now, the users don’t need to call the service centers and wait for the concerned person to offer the solutions. However, here in this blog, we would analyze the relevant reasons why Android Operating System is a better and preferred choice for on-demand app development for the business enterprises and start-ups. Android Apps Have Lion’s Share in Market Before we decide to build any mobile app, we need to first find out who our target audience is. We have already talked about the two major competitors in the mobile app market; Android and iOS. The statistics and figures have confirmedly proved that Android Apps available in the Google Play Store far exceed than the apps accessible in the Apple iOS Store. According to the latest Statista report, the total numbers of Android apps are ranging about 2.1 million whereas the number of iOS apps remains around 2 million in the third quarter of 2018. Secondly, the demography or the geographical region coverage of Android apps around the globe is also higher. The Android apps share large market bases in Asia including countries like China and India, the two most populated nations in the world. In addition, Android also finds its user base in European and South American continents as well as some parts of Africa. On the other hand, the iOS finds its user base mainly in the North American continent comprising of US and Canada besides Australia. Therefore, obviously, if you want to catch up with larger targeted audiences, then it’s best suitable to choose the Android apps. Moreover, you are able to target the common masses who are the biggest users of Android. Don’t think that you won’t find customers in USA, Canada or Australia if you have chosen Android app platform. Google is Lenient Regarding App Policies If you ask any expert, he would confirm that Google is somewhat more lenient on the Android app developers regarding the guidelines related app publishing and rejection. The reviewing time at the Play Store is much quicker and as such the developers also don’t need to follow any stringent terms and conditions. To add more, for start-ups and new business entrepreneurs developing the on-demand app for the first time will have to pay only a one-time $25 registration fee before uploading the app. In the case of Apple, this fee exceeds $99 per year. Addition of More Features There are a few must-have features in the on-demand apps such as the integration of Maps, GPS functionality and push notifications etc. which are necessary to reach the targeted customers. Now this leverage is offered by the Android and has an edge over the iOS. You need the GPS and Map feature to track the exact location of the product. Ease of Customization The important aspect about the on-demand apps is that it needs to suffice the requirements of the end users. Therefore, its functionalities keep on changing as new trends keep on arriving. This further requires the developer to update the app at regular intervals to serve the needs of the customer. So, Android offers better customization in comparison to the iOS. Since the modification of apps become easier, the app retention percentage also increases. The Advantage of Google Assistant With Android, you also get the support of voice assistance in the form of Google Assistant. You get an access to several data points, which make Google Assistant more efficient and better as compared to Siri. The Android users just have to say the command and the data gets encrypted. This makes much easier for the customers to search for a particular item. Data Storage When you are planning to develop an on-demand app and launch it on the Google Play Store, you get the extended facility of cross-platform as well as 15GB free storage capacity. You can store the data in the Google Drive. In addition, Google also has its own cloud storage besides the Google Drive making it simpler to access the data. You need a big

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