mobile apps

Best Practices App Developers Should Follow to Enhance Mobile App Data Security

Imagine waking up one morning and finding your photos, conversations, and more on the internet for all of the world to see. Horrific, isn’t it? Even thinking about such a thing causes one to shiver. But having our private information made public, or theft of the sensitive data stored on our mobile devices is a very real and constant fear in the advancing era of cybernetics. The Extensive Use of Mobile Apps One of the most rapidly progressing things with regards to Information Technology is the apps on your smartphone that you use regularly. Nowadays, there is no single thing for which an app has not been developed. Whether you are a hungry introvert who wants to order food online, or a desperate college student looking to pass Anatomy 101 – you can rest assured that you will find a mobile app that will assist you with your objective. In 2018 alone, there has been as much as 205.4 billion app downloads worldwide. Compare this with the 92 billion app downloads of the year before that, and you can see how the mobile app industry has been growing. An average mobile phone user spends 2 hours and 15 minutes scrolling through mobile apps every day. Keeping these statistics in mind, it is safe to say that the mobile app developing industry is blooming and flourishing. Developing Apps for Mobile Phones is Not an Easy Job But while you are using all of these insanely addictive apps, have you ever stopped to wonder what security considerations the app developer has taken to protect your data? However, prosperous and lucrative the mobile app development business might be, it is not always rainbows and cookies. Though an app developer will most likely not be out of a job for very long these days, he has to work very hard to provide us with a flawless and immaculate app. One of the most frequent complains, and primary concern when developing an app for smartphones is data security. Your mobile phone holds a heap of sensitive information that you would not want to be leaking out. From contact numbers and personal photos to your bank details – it is the data that you cannot afford to be in the wrong hands. But many of the everyday apps in your use compromise the security and safety of this delicate material. Most Frequent Security Issues With Mobile Apps Before we dive in to discuss how a qualified app developing company takes care of these sensitive security issues, let us briefly talk about what these concerns are. Some of the most common cyber security concerns in the modern era include data theft or unintentional release of sensitive data, faulty encryption techniques, substandard or absent offline authorization, and defective session handling. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss each issue and its cause in a brief manner. Unintentional Release of Sensitive Data Accidental leakage of sensitive data happens when it is stored in insecure and unsafe locations on a mobile device. This unprotected data can be picked by the other apps on the device and used in ways that the user did not intend for. Faulty Encryption Techniques When you think of encrypted data, you imagine it is safe and protected. However, this is not always the case and encryption can sometimes fail to keep important data secure. The process of encrypting data involves creating a ‘key’ through which the data can be translated to its decrypted form. The idea behind encryption is that this ‘key’ is only made available to authorized users. However, when this ‘key’ is stored in an insecure location on the device, it can be easily accessed by hackers. This is when your encryption methods fail to protect you. Substandard or Absent Offline Authorization When you are using a mobile app, it is understood that you are not always connected to the internet. At these offline times, these apps cannot differentiate between different users. When an app lacks offline authorization or has a poor version of it, unauthorized users may access sensitive parts of the app offline. These hackers can even go so far as to use the app in ways that only administrators can. Defective Session Handling Last but not least, defective session handling is a real problem with mobile apps. This becomes even more of an issue if your smartphone is lost or stolen. If your app fails to end a previous session when you have started a new one, the unauthorized person with access to your lost phone can operate the app the same way that you can. They can reach sensitive data, copy it, alter it, or make it public. In short, this makes you vulnerable to a whole lot of problems. Best Practices App Developers Should Follow to Enhance Mobile App Security Now that we have discussed what are the common cyber security threats being faced by the public in association with mobile apps let us consider the steps that app developers can take to eliminate or minimize them. Fortunately, for each security problem, we have at least one solution that can be implemented to make your mobile use safer. Let’s begin with some necessary steps that every quality app developer must consider if he or she wants to provide a safe and problem-free experience to the users. Spare Significant Resources for Security This one may sound like a no brainer, but it needs to be greatly emphasized upon when considering how overlooked it tends to get. When developers are designing mobile apps, they want to come out on top of their competitors in regards to the facilities offered. Striving for excellence, they cut corners to be able to focus more on the performance of the app. A lot of times, these app developers might make the mistake of not allocating enough resources for security. In this case, though their app may be able to perform better than any other at what it is meant for, it will compromise

Best Practices App Developers Should Follow to Enhance Mobile App Data Security Read More »

Does Mobile App for a Website Make Sense?

Businesses have recently developed a keen awareness of developing mobile strategies. However, the not-so-astonishing, exorbitant cost of mobile app development often comes in the way. So, before taking the plunge and developing a mobile app, let’s take a step back and ponder over the question – What if a website was enough and served a similar purpose? A mobile app or mobile site – what is the better option? You can get an answer to all of these universal questions right here, right now. Before proceeding with the blog to conclude, there seems to be an elemental question faced by companies all over the world. ‘What needs to be developed first – a mobile friendly website or a mobile app?’ Whether you are a new ecommerce company, an enormous brand, or a social media influencer, everyone that wishes to have an authority and relevance on the internet is found cogitating between the two options. The Statista forecasts predicted that the number of mobile phone users globally would cross the five billion mark by 2019. Moreover, when one compares this to Nielsen’s findings: “Adults spend almost half of the day on their smartphone” is critical for businesses. Why do You Need a Website or an App? Mobile presence is a critical need of the hour. Also, every business aiming for mobile presence has a fundamental question about the efficiency of each medium. This brings us to the next step, finding the preliminary differences between a mobile app and a mobile-friendly website. A mobile app needs to be downloaded on a smart device via app stores and have access to system resources whereas as a mobile-friendly website is a website that took the mobile-first approach in design and developed mobile-friendly viewership and interaction. Mobile app development companies are often asked a dreaded question. But most of them answer the queries about choosing to stay with a website or going a step further with an app with the same response: develop a mobile-first strategy before making any decisions. In easier words, – your content needs to be configured for mobile. There is no other way around it! Now, we shall rephrase the question asked earlier. If I have a mobile responsive website, do I also need a mobile app? Once you have the appropriate item, let us give you a list of countable reasons that need to be taken in account when you align a mobile strategy fit for your business objectives and aptly answers your question – app or website? What is The Difference Between a Mobile Website and an Mobile App? To evaluate the benefits of the mobile website vs. mobile app debate, it is crucial to understand the critical differences between them. Both of them are accessed on handheld devices and tablets (but what precisely is the ruckus about them?). Mobile websites are similar to other websites that follow browser-based HTML pages linked and accessed typically over WiFi, 3G or 4G. The distinguishing factor between official websites and mobile sites is the fact that the latter is designed for touch-screen interface and handheld displays. Increasingly, responsive web design has become a standard. Technically speaking, your website should be able to scale to any sized devices. Mobile websites can display data, images, video, text content, and can also access mobile-specific attributes such as click-to-call and location-based mapping. Mobile applications, on the other hand, are downloaded and installed rather than rendering with a browser. An app might pull data and content from the internet, similar to websites. Alternatively, it can download content without accessing the internet as well. Why make the paradigm shift? According to a study, conducted by “Statista” in 2017, mobile traffic had a share of the total global online traffic of 65.1% in Asia, and a total of 52% of all traffic is generated off of mobile devices, said Hosting Tribunal. This would give you an idea of how significant is the creation of an app. Companies need to design their app in a fashion that the content can fit the screen of multiple device types automatically. Did you know that approximately 8 out of 10 customers stop engaging with content that fails to display well with the device? Also, 57% of internet users don’t recommend a company with a poorly designed website on mobile. Mobile initially shifted the paradigm of user experience on websites and improved user experience leads to more traffic. Until and unless you are a brand name in your niche, then it is very likely for your users to land on your website first. If you wish to develop an interactive app, then you must have a thriving mobile website in place. In some cases, you may singularly need a website or a mobile app. What are the Benefits of Mobile App Development? According to Statista, consumers downloaded 205.4 billion mobile apps to their devices in 2018. This figure is projected to grow to 258.2 billion downloads by 2022. Let’s see some inherent advantages that mobile apps have over websites. Branding made easier Mobile apps directly translate to branding. Since apps are an extension of your brand and represent the values, you hold as a company. Your mobile app would gradually enter the personal space of users and claim a prominent position their device. Customized communication Apps offer tailored content that allows users to set preferences based on their location, interests, and behavior. It will enable the personalized setting of preferences that serve efficient target advertisement to the consumers. The customization of updates and recommendations, location-based promotions, and deals come handy with the personalization of data. Leveraging device capabilities and offline access Mobile apps have access to the inbuilt features of a device such as a camera and location. This helps in enhancing the customer experience. To illustrate with an example, let’s consider push notifications. These are sent regardless of time constraints, and you do not need to be surfing on the app or explicitly using the device to receive them. Whether it’s the

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