mobile app launch

Useful Tips to Get Ready for a Successful Mobile App Launch

The mobile app development is an ongoing process. From finding a fresh concept for developing a new app to its successful launch on the app store or the play store, it’s just half of the work you have done. Launching your app does not mean that your responsibility is over. The key responsibility after launching an app is its promotion to create awareness of your app among your target audience. There are millions of apps in the app store and therefore, making successful app promotion is a challenging task in order to reach your target audience and attract them to download your app. There are several aspects need to consider that let you get prepared for a successful mobile app launch. To make your app successful in the app store or the play store, it requires top ranking in the search pages of app store. Hence, you need a strategic planning to make your promotion activities efficiently in order to reach your target audience. You need to make an objective to increase numbers of download in defined time limit to improve search ranks. As app having more number of download get top listing in search results that helps in attracting more users. Create a Pre-Launch Buzz If you have completed your app or your app development work is in the process, it becomes prudent to start building an audience for your app. There are many ways that let your users inform about your app before its launch. With the help of landing page or a website, you can start collecting emails and suggestions from interested audience. A Landing Page, the Best way to Create App Awareness Create a landing page about your app helps people to know about your app. It requires for collecting leads and therefore, no need of stunning graphics. You just need an email id field and for people who found interest in your app, you can provide sign up option. Thus, you can collect data of interested people before its launch. A Website, a Supported Media to Inform Your Audience about Your App This is also one of the best promotional methods before the launch of your app. You can design a website that shows all relevant information of your app in an attractive manner. In the website, you can present your app concept, app screenshots, as well as app beta version. The website is an efficient way to provide your target audience appropriate information about the app and how it is useful to them. For instance, if you are developing a gaming app, you can inform users, how your game app gives them complete fun and engaging experience. Appealing Press Releases Helps in Attracting More Users Using the press release that informs your audience about the launch of your app helps in creating awareness of your app. Nowadays, there are several sites in which you can submit your press release. You can also send your press release to editors of popular newspaper and in a magazine related to your app subject. For instance, you need to approach education related magazines for your educational app. Approach Social Media, Get Advantage of Powerful Media You should not underestimate the power of social media in present times. Hence, take the advantage of this popular media and start marketing your app on different popular social networking site such a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. You need to create an attractive profile page for each of these sites to build a network. Provide all information related to your app, its release date and focus important features. If you have no constraints of budget, you should spend on advertising in such popular social media sites. In twitter, by creating a catchy hashtags and appealing tweets, you can enhance followers on your twitter account. Do not forget to provide links of a landing page or a website or your email id in order to collect feedback of your target audience. An Attractive Video is the Best Tool to Highlight Your App Features You can prepare a short video for your app to attract your end-users. Apple facilitates developers to use short video of the app. Presenting attractive information with graphics and sound as well as catchy slogans, helps you to build a good image of your app. Highlighting significant features of your app in video allures users to download your app. Thus, with this useful feature, you can grab advantage to boost numbers of downloads. Make Strategic ASO to Get Top Ranking in the App Store As search engine optimization is essential for website promotion, app store optimization (ASO) is equally important to make a mobile app popular. Using precise ASO methods in an ethical way, you can make your app popular in app store listing page. Selecting the most appropriate app name makes lots of difference to reach the target audience. Select app title, description using the most targeted keywords. Conclusion There are several factors that affect the success of app launch. You should get prepared for a successful mobile app launch right from its development stage. A foolproof app development and marketing strategy helps you to make the all process simple and efficient. From an agile app development method to an efficient app marketing and ASO, with precise planning, you will be able to make your mobile app launch successful by attracting your target audience and allure them to download your app. Create a buzz of your app before its launch help you to increase the interest of your users in your app using efficient app promotion activities. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/tips-to-get-ready-for-successful-mobile-app-launch/

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Top Mistakes to Avoid Before and After a Mobile App Launch

Mobile application development is highly profitable. There were more than 205 billion downloads in 2019 and the mobile apps are expected to generate about $189 billion in revenue by 2020. Also, companies invest 50% of their marketing budget in mobile ads. However, common mistakes before and after the mobile app launch can block the app’s growth and revenue. To make your app successful, you should avoid these common mistakes before and after the mobile app launch. By avoiding these mistakes, you can save time, money and eliminate a lot of misery. Pre-launch Mobile App Mistakes to Avoid Below are the top mistakes to be avoided before a mobile app launch: Not Conducting Enough Beta Testing Mobile app crashes cause more than 70% of app uninstalls. Beta testing helps you to fix the errors that were missed during the internal testing. While internal testing catches most of the bugs, some of them may sneak through the process. Beta testing is conducted in the final stages of app development. It involves testing an app that’s almost finished. Issues such as poor design, lag, and security issues can be caught during beta testing and fixed. You can avoid poor reviews and provide customers with a great experience by conducting a thorough beta testing and fixing the problems. Beta testing can help your app receive early positive reviews and high ratings, which can lead to increase in the number of downloads. Skipping the Pre-launch Marketing Campaign Skipping the pre-launch marketing campaign can lead to slow discovery and fewer downloads of your app. It is important to ensure that your app gets enough attention from your customers. Regardless of how interesting your app is, without a robust pre-launch marketing campaign, your app may not get the right start. In fact, it is better to be aggressive with your pre-launch marketing campaign to reap the full benefit. To promote your app, you can choose from a wide range of options such as web ads, radio ads, billboards, promotional events and more. Marketing through social media is highly effective and economical too. By highlighting the unique features of your app and how it can benefit the users, you can ensure that your app can get the attention it deserves. Poor App Store Optimization Similar to search engine optimization, which helps websites rank higher in a search engine, app store optimization enhances your app’s visibility and helps you reach a wider audience. Both the iOS App Store and Google Play Store offer these options. It involves using keywords in the app description, title, and content. App store optimization can lead to a higher number of downloads and increased revenue. So, focus on app store optimization to ensure that your app is easily discovered by your potential customers. Little or no Market Research An app is successful if it offers a unique feature or offers features that are better than the existing ones. By conducting market research, you can identify the areas you can focus on and identify where you can differentiate yourself from your competitors. With no market research, you run the risk of developing an app that’s similar or non-exciting. Through market research, you can identify the areas of focus before developing the app, instead of adding the features later, which is both time consuming and costly. Market research can give you more ideas and help you to release new and exciting features regularly, which is crucial to keep your app relevant in the marketplace. Not Having a Release Date Fixing a release date in advance helps your marketing team to generate the pre-release buzz. Based on the release date, you can promote your app through social media, news outlets, articles, etc. A countdown to the release date can generate an excitement among the users. A fixed release date can also help you have a deadline and avoid the time lag with regards to the application development. Post-launch Mobile App Mistakes to Avoid Not Fixing Bugs After Launch While bugs might show up after the app is launched, fixing them builds trust among your customers. However, neglecting the bugs can lead to user dissatisfaction, negative reviews and it may undo all the effort that may have gone behind in developing the app. Some of the common bugs include application crash, UI bugs, functional bugs, slow response, and connectivity issues, to name a few. Poor Customer Support A strong customer support, service and user friendliness are important to attract and retain customers. Even though the app is remarkable, user engagement ensures that customers stay loyal. Customer support is extremely important for apps related to shopping, transport, software development, etc. The queries should be addressed with a good response. Interacting with users, listening to their queries and providing solutions, etc. go a long way in making the app successful. Neglecting User Reviews User reviews can help you to quickly fix the issues, inconveniences faced by the user. They also provide you with valuable suggestions. Paying attention to user reviews and responding to them ensures that you have support from your customers. It is important to focus on both positive and negative reviews and respond to them. It shows that you care about your customers. User reviews also play a key role in encouraging the user to download an app. That’s why ensuring that your app is highly rated is important. Not Releasing Updates Lack of updates can make the app boring and gives the impression that the developer is neglecting the app. Users may abandon the app for a more interesting one, packed with features. Regular updates enhance user experience and increase loyalty. They keep the app relevant over the long-term. The updates can focus on resolving issues, improving functionality, increasing convenience, etc. So, focus on regular updates and keep adding exciting new features. Not Tracking the Parameters Tracking the parameters helps you to improve the app continuously and increase the user base. Parameters such as daily users, monthly users, average revenue per user, etc. can help you

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