iphone apps

Important Factors To Consider Before Developing An iPhone App

Both newcomers and trade veterans are experiencing a prosperous period right now, as far as mobile app development is concerned. Due to the rise in popularity of mobile devices and their continuous supremacy over the tech market in the past couple of years, those that invest time and money into creating the applications which mobile devices run off of, can see a highly profitable return. However, there are small details which make all the difference in the world. Throughout app development process, you could be making a serious mistake and not even realizing it. In this article we will go over some pretty basic but easy to overlook elements which lay at the foundation of a memorable mobile app. Let’s take a look at some of the top things you should be careful about when developing your mobile app for Apple’s iOS platform. Don’t go into development without a plan The subtitle explains it all. Many app developers embark on a journey that, as some might say, is rotten to the core. This means that from the very beginning they make a crucial mistake which might (and most time does) jeopardize the success of their app. You need to prepare ahead of time and make sure you know exactly what you’re trying to achieve. Originality This subject could take a number of turns if we were to discuss app development as a whole, but since we are restricting the topic to iPhone app development, it becomes pretty straight forward. The iOS App Store is considered by many, especially developers, a very select club. Unlike Google’s Play Store where developers can just submit their apps and get a spot on the market in a very short amount of time, Apple has guidelines that you must abide. Apple puts every app submission they receive through thorough investigation and only the very best actually get to be on its marketplace. In consequence, app developers put higher prices on their apps, and customers have to pay more. As someone paying more for an app, an iOS user wouldn’t stand for a half-original app idea that doesn’t even do a good job copying another app. That kind of approach will guarantee that you do not make profit on the App Store, and that your app will never be successful. Since the club is so elitist, there are a lot less apps in general than you would find on the Play Store. This makes it easier to spot unoriginal apps and call them out. Therefore, make sure that you come up with something original that people would have no regret pulling out their wallets for. Put yourself in the user’s shoes You might have the most amazing app idea ever stuck in your head. But it’s all for nothing if you don’t successfully translate it in the actual app that you’re developing. The idea or concept behind an app, as well as its functionality can be clear as day to you, but you have to take into consideration how a user would see the situation. You have to invest time into making the app as user friendly as possible. Don’t just limit your idea to functionality alone. A big mistake many developers make is not creating a friendly and accommodating enough environment within the app for users to enjoy or understand. Submit your app through rigorous testing It’s not enough to put in the work and then believe that your app is going to be OK. A ton of unexpected problems can occur and you’ll never learn about them until they are manually triggered. This can either happen at the hands of a consumer, when they download your app, or during one of the many testing phases you should schedule. There’s no such thing as too much testing, and it’s better to delay the app release than to taint its reputation with an embarrassing amount of bugs and issues. Any feedback is good feedback Another important mistake that many developers make is thinking that they know everything there is to know, and they don’t need any additional help. As you progress and gain experience and skill, that might get closer to the truth, but the ultimate truth is that you can always learn something new. That being said, don’t hesitate to consult your fellow developer peers, or people working in the branch. If you put your app through beta testing and have a team of beta testers, their feedback will also be crucial. Conclusion In conclusion, there is always something you could do better, and there is always room for improvement. These were just a couple of the elements a developer might overlook or misinterpret very much to the detriment of their own work. Keeping an eye on these factors can save you a lot of time, resources and effort in the long run. If you are looking for best iPhone app development company, contact us now. Our expert and skilled iOS app developers deliver high quality iPhone apps to the global clients. We have developed more than 300 iOS applications with extreme level of satisfaction. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/important-factors-to-consider-before-developing-an-iphone-app/

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How to Integrate Biometric Authentication in your iPhone Apps

Apple iOS always believes in implementing the latest upgraded technology in their devices. Last year, it launched the iPhone X and this year we saw the emergence of iPhone XR and iPhone XS with several new advanced features and functionalities. One of the popular functionalities is the introduction of the Touch ID and Face Id. However, Apple has introduced the Touch ID long before and its available from the iPhone 5S models. This is a unique feature, which lets the user unlock their devices with their fingerprints. Thus, it took the technology a one step further where users didn’t need to memorize the password key or the lock pattern. Initially, the iOS developers found it difficult to authenticate the Touch ID in the iOS 7 version, but with the release of the iOS8, Apple successfully solved this issue as it offered the official support of API to use the apps. So, let’s first start with the integration of the touch id authentication in the iOS app. Creating a New Project The first step would be creating a new project under the file menu and then choose the Single View Application. Then, click on the next button. You would get the interface something like in the figure below. Naming your Project In the next step, you need to name your project. For example, you can name it as Biometrics Authentication. Upon the successful creation of the project, it’s time to import the Local Authentication in ViewController.swift. Adding Privacy Permission for using of NSFaceIDUsageDescription One needs to go for the configuration of the Face ID privacy statement in the Info.plist file statement of the project. This is the privacy statement, which a user sees when the app wants to take permission to use the Face ID authentication. For the addition of this privacy statement, first, choose the Info.plist file in the project navigator panel and click on the + button that is found at the bottom of the list entry. Next is choosing the Privacy – Face ID Usage Description from the desired outcome of the previous program. Now, add the description into the desired field as shown in the figure. Going Through the Biometric Authentication Availability But wait for a minute. Have you checked the biometric authentication availability? It’s a necessary step to follow because not all iOS devices have the facility of fingerprint scan and do not support the integration of touch id and facial id. Therefore, you need to check the biometric authentication availability first. This is applicable for both integrating the touch and face id. Checking the Accessibility of Biometric It’s important for you to check the biometric availability before proceeding further. If your device can support the Biometric Sensor, you can think of implementing the fingerprint scan or the face id verification. The following code will well indicate whether the device will support the Touch ID and the Face ID and also update the text on the authButton instance accordingly. Getting the Biometric Authentication from User Once you are confirmed, that it would support the Touch Id, you can go with the following command: Facing the Error Challenges During Integration As an iOS developer, you must prepare beforehand to tackle the challenges related to errors while implementing the Touch Id authentication in your device. The error code may appear as: // MARK: Get error messagefunc errorMessage(errorCode:Int) -> String{ Now that the integration of Touch Id is over, let’s talk about the implementation of the Face ID. Till now we have sought the biometric authentication from the user. Here the next step would be the addition of the Face ID privacy statement. The Application Testing using Face ID Once you have integrated the Face ID, it’s time now to conduct some biometric authentication testing. You can follow two methodologies here; the first is using the iOS devices manually where you get the biometric support. In the second process, you need to employ the simulator environment. If you are opting for the second method to conduct the Face ID integration test, then the compilation and running the app on an iPhone X simulator becomes important. When the app gets released, you need to choose the simulator’s hardware and then select the Face ID menu. However, it must be ensured that you have enabled the enrolled option. Now, tap on the authentication button in the app. After the test is completed, you will get an option where the app would ask your permission whether you want to allow the biometric to use the Face ID. For the Face ID, it will be showing the privacy statement that was earlier displayed in the Info.plist file. Once you allow access, you would come across a home screen where you can see the Authenticate button with Face ID icon and Fingerprint icon in case of Touch ID authentication. Once you click on the Authenticate button you will come across gray simulated Face ID panel : If you want to match the face, then choose the Hardware and correct Face ID and then the Matching Face Menu option. In case of Touch ID, it will ask you in the popup to set a finger, You would then redirected on the new page with the message that the authentication is successful. You can find the complete sample for this on the GitHub link added in the end. Now, You can repeat this process and select the Non matching category menu option this time to check if the authentication fails. Conclusion We can say that both Touch ID as well as the Face ID is one of the most useful and attractive features implemented in the recent few models of the iPhone. As such, the users love it as they feel that their iPhone devices have become much more smart and secured. They don’t need to remember the password or the lock pattern to unlock the phone. It should be noted that Touch ID was introduced with the launch of iOS 8 and the face

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