ios application development

How iOS Application Benefits Your Business to Grow Globally

Based on the survey as of June 2016 by statista, the play store of Google is ranking first having 2.2 million apps, while App store of Apple is on the second position comprises 2 million apps. Even though, the App store is on the second position, many businesses prefers iOS platform to develop their app. Nowadays, with increasing use of smart phones, Android and iOS are the major platforms choose by the mobile app developers for building apps. Both of these platforms encompass different benefits and user choose the platform based on their app idea, target audience and budget limit. In this blog, we would like to discuss about the benefits of an iOS application that helps businesses to empower swiftly and efficiently. First of all, in order to develop a new app, businesses makes analysis to research their target areas based on certain criteria such as numbers of smartphone users in particular cities, states or countries. Number of android or iOS users, different app categories most prefer by users such as game, music, education, lifestyle, and many more. Age group, literacy, income group and many other criteria are also equally important to prepare detailed analyze reports for any app marketing campaign. Once you target your potential customers, it becomes easy for you to decide the right platform that definitely benefits your business to grow. Advantages of iOS App Development to develop an innovative app for your business Previously, Apple’s iPhone becomes the dream of many smart phone users, but only people with a higher income group can afford this great device. With changing time and increase in income group of people as well as the easy availability of installment schemes, people belonging in the medium income group also have started buying iPhones. Thus, iPhone market is always booming with more numbers of satisfied customers due to its excellent customer services and support. Moreover, iOS offer unmatched benefits to businesses for developing their enterprise apps or business app to streamline their process. With highest security, easy testing and complete ROI, your investment in building an iOS application gives your business new horizons in the domestic and international market. As the Apple has earned reputation as become a market leader for offering unmatched devices including smart phones, tablets and laptops; businesses prefer iOS as their first choice for application development. Its unrivaled advantages include superior brand, flawless software system, faultless hardware, high-end security and consistent customer support. Almost all kinds of iOS app work perfectly and gracefully on the app store that gives excellent user experience which becomes essential for all businesses to convince their audience. In order to increase sales and growth of your organization, an efficiently developed iOS app helps to promote your brand or services to reach your targeted audience. iPhone comprises tech-savvy audience who prefers advanced technology and solutions to achieve their goals. Hence, the iPhone provides you great audience to deliver your product, service or brand in an innovative manner. With better device environment and user-friendly app interface helps your organization to enhance productivity with profitability. Besides, the iPhone is popularly used all across the world and become highly popular in countries such as the UK and USA. Thus, looking into the popularity and the reach of the app store, through an advanced iOS app development, you have a chance to empower your business in the global market. iOS platform offers its users high-end security which is the best part and advantage of this platform. It keeps iPhone users protected from external threats by providing a powerful shield against malware, virus and other internet threats. The higher level of security offered by iOS platform becomes a key reason for business to choose iOS for developing an enterprise app. Furthermore, apple has launched only a few models in the market that benefits iOS app developers to develop the app without spending more time on testing different devices. With the availability of the great audience of iPhone users across the world, businesses have more prospects to promote their products. In order to acquire valuable clients with assured income groups, iPhone apps accomplishing need of businesses in order to gain complete ROI. iOS app development for customized business app or an enterprise app development Developing an enterprise app using iOS such as ERP app, CRM app, HRP App or other, it helps in streamlining your business and makes it more productive and proficient. Enterprise app developed by an expert iOS development company can simplify critical processes of your organization in the most secure way. Moreover, it prevents valuable data of your company from the threat or misuse as well as helping you to make your office work paperless. It not only increase efficiency of your employees, but ease top management to get important reports just with a few touches. With smart app development, you can lead your company on a progressive path through innovation and latest technology. For transforming traditional business processes in a most modern way, an iOS based application helps in promoting the work, smartly and serve your customers quickly and satisfactorily. Conclusion As iOS has rich customer-based across the world and established reputation as the best platform with highest security, it has allure businesses to make it first and wise choice for developing their mobile app. An iOS app development can accomplish your purpose in boost sales and revenue as well as earn reorganization in the local and international market. If you are looking for an iOS app development for your enterprise need, you should hire a reliable and knowledgeable iOS app development company having experience to work with iOS platform, its security measures, app store regulations, as well as know-how for seamless app development and testing processes. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/how-ios-application-benefits-your-business-to-grow-globally/

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The iOS Application Development Trends that will remain in Limelight

So far we have discussed the latest trends pertaining to Enterprise Mobility Solutions, Internet of Things, Mobile App Development and Design as well as trends related to Wearable Apps. We are also aware how important and necessary is it to stay updated with the current trends specifically for the iOS app developers. It was only a couple of days ago that one heard about the launch of Apple’s new Operating System iOS 11.3 with a lot of improvement in its existing features and functionality. This makes it more imperative to get familiar with the top iOS app development trends for 2020. The iOS app developers should keep in mind that Apple is very specific about the app updates and the changes. If not followed properly, it becomes difficult to release your app on the Apple App Store. If stats are to be believed, there are about 2.2 million iOS apps in the app store in 2017. The trends keep on changing year after year. It does have a major influence on the business of any organization. Although the Android apps are exceeding iOS. But when it comes to generating more revenue for business and best ROI, people trust iOS apps. The reason iOS apps are excelling in technology and offer better security than Android. Apple has Introduced Swift 4 If you are an iOS developer, probably you must be aware of what Swift is. It is a programming language developed by Apple that offers support to the iOS and the Linux operating systems. In addition, it can also be pre-compiled for macOS and tvOS respectively. It can be considered as an advanced version of the Swift 3. It is a powerful programming language that is easy to learn and is known for its scalability and robust security. What’s in it for the developers? Firstly, the development of the applications will become much simpler and secondly it will not consume more memory of a device. Therefore, in 2018 the iOS apps will be securer and developed faster with the help of Swift 4. Advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Siri Ever since Apple launched Siri; its personal assistant, it has gained much prominence worldwide. Siri has undoubtedly brought a major boost in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and contextual learning as it understands what people are searching and speaking. Moreover, it has helped a great deal in finding answers to important questions. In addition, it also offers a GPS pin, which helps you to get an access to the Citi Mobile App offering service as the task manager. So, now you can understand why it has turned to become favorite and will remain in limelight within the following years. What’s New about Core Machine Learning? One of the talked about trends that iOS app developers need to watch out for is Core Machine Learning or Core ML. It is a machine learning framework launched by Apple and has been proving effective for tasks related to Camera, QuickType or Siri. Now, what the developers need to do? Just a simple task of adding a few codes to enhance the security of the app and enrich its features. The Core ML will offer a level of communication applicable to all iOS devices with its robust library. Moreover, it will also be useful in face detection understanding the language and developing the AI-based games. The developers will develop highly interactive apps. Thus, one can say that it will be a game-changing asset specifically for the gaming apps. Moreover, according to a survey, games are the most popular app category by volume in Apple App Store (about 25%). Augmented Reality (AR) and ArKit Augmented Reality has been important for the mobile app developers and with Apple unveiling the iOS 11 in September last year and 11.3 very recently, the focus has shifted to ARKit. Now the question is what the purpose of releasing the ARKit is. To answer the question, it will predominantly help in developing 3D and virtual reality-based mobile applications, which have gained impetus these days. In fact, ARKit will also receive ample support from Amazon’s Sumerian application platform. And ever since Amazon has joined hands with Apple’s ARKit, other business organizations are also showing keen interest to do the same. Thus, the present year 2018 will be fruitful for the AR and VR apps. Apple Pay will be More User-Friendly As Google introduced Google Wallet, Apple has launched Apple Pay, a digital online mobile wallet using which the iOS users can make easy payments. And it will support all the iOS devices including iPhone, iPad, iOS watches and mac laptops. Please don’t get concerned about security issues; it is highly secured and you can make your purchases hassle-free. Let’s get down to some useful statistics. According to the stat, there has been an incredible hike of about 500% on transactions using Apple Pay. And the same site also states that about two million small businesses have accepted invoice using Apple Pay. You can book your flight tickets and conduct hotel reservation. What’s more interesting is that you can send or receive the money through messages. This makes it truly unique. As said before Apple hasn’t compromised on the security front. Therefore, the iOS developers can easily implement Apple Pay in their application. The robustness of security can be considered from the fact that here in Apple Pay you don’t need to store your debit or credit card information. So, it will rule for years to come. Focus on Creating Hybrid Apps With the passage of time, the cross-platform apps have faded out and they are getting substituted by new and advanced tools including NativeScript and React Native etc. This will help a great deal in solving issues related to performance and user experience. It will also support in developing hybrid apps having better interfaces and UX. iOS developers will also be focusing on creating hybrid apps as it is time-saving. Managing the Files will be Better The release of iOS 11 has brought

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