
AngularJS and Ionic for App Development: The Ultimate Combination

As mobile apps have already transformed our work habits and browsing patterns, the ways of app development has also been through a lot fresh changes. Of late, there are a lot of cutting-edge tools, frameworks and platforms that have eased the task of developers. Designers can now create incredibly useful and high-end mobile apps easily. Consequently, it provides plenty of user-centric and helpful app to organizations as well as businesses to improve their overall business presence through their mobile app. Ionic is a new entry in the range of hybrid mobile app development platforms. Basically, it is a front-end SDK that is built on top of the most useful AngularJS – a very popular JavaScript library. Whilst native apps still need separate codes written for individual platforms across mobiles like Windows, Android and iOS, hybrid applications offer an added advantage. It requires lesser efforts of development and reduces maintenance costs too. In addition, Ionic applications also provides companies and developers an array of benefits one single development code across several mobile platforms with the help of the most popular JavaScript framework called AngularJS. There are several features of this winning combination of AngularJS and Ionic, which includes: One App Many Platforms Technology has advanced and experts have come up with new ways to create interactive and customizable mobile apps for excellent user experience. Until recently, there were over 4 million developers worldwide having used Ionic for building more than 2 million apps. In fact, it is the most comprehensive SDK available for HTML5 mobile app development framework. It offers plenty of advantages than most native apps. With built in Sass and AngularJS optimization, Ionic also offers an entire library of optimized HTML, JS and CSS tools and components for mobile. It reduces code writing for several platforms. So, one single app can actually run on all mobile platforms like Android, Windows and iOS, without any additional efforts or development time. Ionic Benefits and Features You cannot just ignore Ionic! It is the best platform for debugging, UI, build and performance. In fact, Ionic is one platform with over a dozens of useful components and extensible options. In addition, the quality of each of these components is exceptional and offers seamless interaction. With the latest version, application layout now depends on the type of device and the platform, Ionic, follows certain guidelines on receptive platforms for perfect element display. It also follows the intricacies of transition, platform-specific behavior and transition styling. Component Creation with Ionic Most app developers complain about the efforts needed to create splash screens and icons for most hybrid apps. It is vital to consider individual parameters like height, density, width, type of device, and host. Moreover, to complete the job successfully, icons with multiple splash screens should be created. Ionic makes this job relatively easier; you need to create 2 simple files with .png, .ai, or .psd extension within the main resource directory, state the template, and sorted! AngularJS and Ionic – The Deadly Combination Experts opine that AngularJS and Ionic is one of the best matches that could have ever existed. It is a winning combo for developing one of the finest and robust SDK apt for building powerful and rich mobile apps for several app stores, which includes Google Play, Apple Store and Windows. Ionic comprises a few dozens of components extending to different functionalities. JavaScript portions of the hybrid mobile apps can be built with the help of AngularJS, and Ionic is built using Angular 1.0. Likewise Ionic 2 works together with AngularJS 2.0. Major Advantages of Choosing Ionic and Angular JS Combo Ionic, when combined with AngularJS, is a recipe for remarkable transition in the field of mobile app development. Using AngularJS front-end JavaScript framework makes it possible to build fast and scalable applications, offering various services like analytics and push notifications. There are a plenty of advantages of Ionic and AngularJS as a combination as Ionic adds to the widely preferable Angular JS features. Ionic provides one of the finest ready-made components for mobiles with extensible and beautiful themes with beautiful typography adapting to different platforms. There are plenty of JavaScript components and default CSS tools like Form Inputs, Buttons, Navigation, Sliding Menus, Tabs, Buttons, and Prompts etc. These styles are simple, functional and really stylish. Ionic has been perfectly modeled for standard development SDKs. It emphasizes more on the native apps running inside Cordova or PhoneGap to deploy apps natively. Likewise, AngularJS is easier to use while interacting with external data sources and backend services. One of the major advantages of using Ionic is the most potent CLI function that helps developers to build, create, test as well as deploy an app onto any platform using a single command. Some amazing features such as Live Reload and Logging also enhance experience. In fact, one of the potential advantages of using Ionic is to assist the existing web developers to build mobile apps conveniently and easily, and with a lot of agility. In this way, it saves money and time for businesses owners as well as companies in identifying mobile-savvy developers. Undoubtedly, hybrid mobile app development is all set to lead the mobile app development market, and even dominate it, to become better in years to come. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/angularjs-ionic-for-app-development/

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React Native Vs Ionic: The Battle of Two Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks

The mobile application market is surging up and according to the current statistics; the number of apps has already exceeded 8 million as per the first quarter of 2018. The competition for the mobile app development industry is becoming more challenging and it really has a daunting task to engage customers. Most developers would agree upon the selection of platform or framework plays a vital role in increasing the customer retention and enhancing its popularity. And there is no paucity of choices as far as number of platforms is concerned. If you are planning to develop a cross-platform app, the story there is no different. With plethora of options such as Flutter, React Native, Ionic etc., you can pick the best framework that perfectly suits your project requirements. However, here we would be making a comparison between two most popular platforms; Ionic and React Native. But before we begin with the main battle, let’s start with a short introduction about both React Native and Ionic. React Native React Native made its first appearance in the year 2015, developed, and extensively supported by Facebook. It is a JavaScript framework used for creating native mobile and web applications using JavaScript. It thoroughly supports both Android and iOS platforms and uses designs similar to React, offering an interactive mobile user interface. However, remember that React Native does not offer any support to a hybrid or HTML5 app. Ionic Ionic is one of the popular open-source platforms employed for building outstanding hybrid mobile applications. It was initially introduced in 2013 by Drifty Co. As such, the apps built with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5 basically opt for the Ionic. The framework uses Apache Cordova and Angular, which makes a preferred choice for the developers. Like React Native, it also supports the cross-platform app development. The tools like SaaS and CSS etc. further aid in the development process. The Major Difference – Native and Hybrid It is evident from the short introduction of the React Native that it only used for developing the native mobile and web applications using JavaScript. The developers can share the codes across the dais by rendering the native components. The User Experience works in close proximity with the other native apps following the models offered by the Operating System. The React Native also offers improved performance as well as seamless animations. However, you would only get the desired result if the bridge components are written for the native components and offers a default. On the other hand, Ionic is a staunch supporter of the hybrid application development framework. It usually makes use of the web-based technologies for writing and rendering the application and chooses Cordova or PhoneGap for the assessment of native features. It also comes with a feature Ionic Native. But don’t think that you can create native apps using this feature. It is also known as the ngCordova, which proves helpful in utilizing the existing Cordova and PhoneGap plugins. The Difference in Technology Stack If we talk about the React Native, it is based on the principle ‘Learn once, write anywhere’. This means that the developers will have to follow the set of rules and make use of the native components. React Native emphasises keenly on the UI with the presence of the UI components. For instance, you know that Android has a highly customizable toolbar, which is absent in iOS. So, you can use something else. A number of components have equivalents and if isn’t there you can simply segregate the platform-specific logic. The theme of the Ionic is ‘Write once, run anywhere.’ It offers a comprehensive Software Development Kit to help create hybrid apps. As told, it gets the fuel from web technology and is built on the top of Angular. You can create multi-platform apps using minimal codebase. The well-experienced Angular developers will find no problem whatsoever when working on with the Ionic framework. It also offers built-in components, which simplify the process of app development and enhances the speed as well. What about the Performance If we have to tell you who the better performer is amid the two competitors, then certainly, React Native is the winner. The reason is that it is known for its closer resemblance with native and comparatively faster. However, the developers need to make some changes in the platform-specific component. React is also known for its stability and ideally suitable for developing large-scale apps. On the flipside, building native apps are costly than the hybrid apps. Ionic is slower than React Native due to the presence of the WebView. It mainly uses the mobile-optimized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components. When you want to add that hybrid factor in your native apps, you can choose Ionic. In addition, it is also good at developing faster prototypes. The bottlenecks in the performance also occur due to the presence of a number of callbacks in the native codes. The Ease or Difficulty of the Language The Ionic framework is closely related to the Angular, which is another very popular JS framework. It follows the Mode-View-Controller model clearly and has got the logic completely separated. It utilizes the HTML view for its views. React Native also is based on JS framework and its code is similar to HTML, known as JSX. The JSX is quite an easy codebase to work with. However, if you are not working in a team or if there is a lack of collaboration, then you might find it difficult as it wouldn’t be as easy as editing the template files and writing CSS. There’s a difference between JSX and HTML as the former does not offer the theories of CSS entirely. Community and Plugins You would be delighted to note that while working with React Native, you would come across several plugins accessible on the NPM. In fact, the plugins are also available while using the PhoneGap or Cordova allowing you to straight away receive lot of plugins from other communities as well. Again, if you compare the

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