insurance industry

The Blockchain Technology is Fueling the Insurance Industry

One has witnessed a huge leap in the insurance sector over the years. And with innovative technology such as the Blockchain disrupting it furthermore, it would scale to new heights in the years to approach. According to a research, it has already turned out to become the largest industry worldwide with a market share of $1.2 trillion and still counting. The Blockchain technology has started to fuel a number of industries and the insurance sector is reaping benefits from it. We have seen in the past how people claim for false insurance because of which the insurance companies had to incur huge loses. If we perceive from the customer’s viewpoint, then claiming for an insurance policy has always been one of the daunting tasks. Moreover, the customers complain that insurance companies often delay in making the payment. So, the Blockchain Solutions is rightfully there to sort out such issues. Blockchain is a distributed peer-to-peer ledger records which are known as the blocks. Every block is connected with the previous one using a highly secured cryptography that is virtually incorruptible. The blocks even have a time and date stamp recording the transactions between two parties with no involvement of any other person. The advantage with Blockchain is that it is free from controls and all sorts of regulations, plus it also maintains the transparency; means anyone can view the records of the transaction since it is stored in each of the nodes within the network. Therefore, let’s now analyze how the Blockchain is disrupting the insurance sector: Solving the Problem of Claim Process I have already mentioned clear that insurance claim process has been a problematic area for both the company and the customer. Often the consumers faced problems related to delay in payout because the companies try to drag it unnecessarily. There is no transparency factor and the process is also quite complicated. However, ever since the arrival of Blockchain technology there has been visible changes. The introduction of Smart Contracts has brought a huge relief for the user as it a contract developed on the basis of Blockchain. In this process of Smart Contracts, the rules and regulations are laid beforehand and which needs to be strictly followed, failing which you cannot precede further. Often the insurance companies add such long and perplexing clauses that are difficult to understand and if the customer is not aware of it, the company may deny making the payment. But in an insurance contract, the clauses are clearly defined and recorded in the Blockchain that both parties agree upon. So, following all the events and meeting with the entire terms and conditions, the payment is done to the policyholder. Since no third party is involved in Blockchain, so it cannot take any undue advantage of a situation. Even you can make automatic insurance claim and you don’t have to involve any other person in the process. The entire process is fast, accurate and transparent. This has indeed helped a great deal to get property or vehicle insurance. Securing from Fraud Claims We hear about fraud insurance claims a number of times and it was a difficult asks for the companies to find out which were genuine and which wasn’t. But all thanks to the advanced Blockchain technology, it has been really a savior. In fact, one of the major reasons why most of the insurance companies have already began putting money into this technology is to identify the fraud claims. Top US investigating agency Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has stated its report that about five to ten percent of all insurance claims are false. As a result the insurance companies have to incur a loss of about $40 billion a year. Now, how does the Blockchain help? Primarily it helps in maintaining a cross-industry registry of the policyholder. This actually is used in verifying the details of the person and also scrutinizing his files and documents. The Blockchain will check whether the person is holding any other past policy or not and if he is involved in any sort of illicit activity regarding claims previously. The distributed ledger of the Blockchain is nearly impossible to change and so it also provides authenticity. In addition, you can also make use of the Blockverify, which helps in keeping a vigil on the goods and items such as medicines, automobile accessories, and luxury items etc. The company will be able to detect precisely whether the goods have been stolen or manhandled or even duplicated. The Blockchain will keep a record of each of the goods and so nobody can claim false insurance in case of any damage. Enhancing the Trust Factor of the Users When it comes to building the trust on the insurance companies, we do not get a very good picture on that front. One of the key reasons is because there is a lack of transparency element in that sector. For instance, only 17% people in California have enrolled for earthquake insurance although the region falls in high earthquake prone area and loss of lives are quite huge. Moreover, the consumers often remain in dark as to what do the insurance companies do with their invested money. Yet again, it is the Blockchain that comes to the rescue and ensures a bolstering trust between the customers and the company. We know that Blockchain is basically a shared or distributed ledger and so everything is transparent here. The policyholders are aware about how the company is dealing with their amount. So, once they get the knowledge, they would be comfortable and sure that their money has gone into the right channel. Protecting the Leakage of Private Data There is always a sense apprehension amongst the policyholders regarding whether their private and confidential data would remain secured with the insurance companies. Apart from that, if a person switches the insurance company, then it becomes a tough task to get the coverage and data transfer. Blockchain is there to offer a robust security and

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Top 5 Digital Trends Transforming The Insurance Industry

Digitalization has not only transformed the lives of individuals, but it has also changed the face of every industry. According to a 2018 survey, over 70 percent of companies have digital transformation strategies in place to ensure efficiency in their business. One industry that continues to be transformed by digitalization is the insurance sector. The insurance industry forms an integral part of the economies of various countries. For example, according to the latest research, insuranceand related activities contributed nearly $630 billion, or 2.9 percent, to the GDP in 2019. From the consumer’s standpoint, the effect of digitalization on the industry might appear minimal. However, the fact remains that from the operations side, digital technologies have changed the way things were done, and operations were carried out. Not only has the digitalization made the insurance industry more efficient, but it has also streamlined the functions. Top Digital Trends Shaping the Insurance Industry This blog covers the top digital trends that are currently transforming the insurance industry: Predictive Analytics Predictive analytics is used to predicthuman behavior and future events through a combination of statistical techniques. It uses a combination of algorithms and machine learning to determine the future based on past data and current trends. The precision of these assessments has resulted in the widespread adoption of predictive analytics by the organizations. According to a report by GlobeNewswire, the global predictive analytics market is expected to reach approximately USD 10.95 billion by 2022. The insurance industry has benefitted massively from its application. With the help of predictive analytics, insurers can now collect data and analyze it to predict customer behavior. In the world of insurance, predicting consumer behavior can make all the difference in the amount of profit or loss accrued by the company. For instance, let’s say an insurance company can predict how risk-prone a given customer is, they will then charge interest accordingly. Similarly, property insurance companies use predictive analytics to collect data from agent interactions, telematics, smart homes, and customer interactions to best manage relationships with their customers. Here are some ways predictive analytics can help streamline operations within the insurance sector: Selection of pricing Risk identification Detecting outlier claims Identifying the risk of cancellation To sum it up, the rise of predictive analytics has allowed insurance companies to do a better risk assessment, maximize returns, and improvethe overall efficiency. Internet of Things (IoT) IoT is set to become the next revolutionary thingin the realm of digital technology. According to Gartner, by the end of 2020, there will be over 5.8 billion automotive and enterprise IoT endpoints. Insurance companies are also leading various initiatives,and IoT is at the core of it all.For instance, health insurers can now access real-time data about their customers’ health with the help of IoT. It helps in two ways. Firstly, it allows insurers to set customized prices for their policies. Secondly, it allows them to use the data to impact the lives of their customers positively. Vitality is an excellent example of the integration of IoT in the insurance industry. Their wellness product is linked with insurance tools and offers customers rewards if they achieve goals, like walking a given number of steps, etc. The auto insurance sector has also benefited from the use of IoT. For example, Progressive Corporation, one of the largest car insurance companies in the United States, has employed usage-based insurance telematics to monitor the performance of the drivers constantly. By doing so, theycan offer better prices and returns on their policies, as well as reward safe drivers to deliver optimum customer experience. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial Intelligenceis another digital trend that is transforming one sector after the other. According to Statista, the AI market size is expected to reach 125 billion USD by 2025. In a world where consumers wish for personalization and companies want efficiency, AI serves as the perfect solution. It reduces the burden on human resources and also offers a more personalized experience to customers. AI helps insurers to boosttheir claims turnaround cycles as well as revampthe underwriting process. By churning data faster, the process of reporting becomes quicker and accurate since human error is removed from the equation. Various insurance companies have begun using AI, in some way or another. Geico, an established insurance firm, makes use of AI-powered chatbots for settling claims. PwC, in its reporttitled ‘AI in Insurance: Hype or reality?’forecasted that the use of AI in the insurance sector would automate customer-facing underwriting while also improving the efficiency. As technology progresses over time, it will help identify new sources of revenue as well as to detect risk. Online Purchases As per Statista, e-commerce sales are likely to reach a whopping 4.2 trillion USD by 2021. Oberlo reports that there are over 2 billion online shoppers. These stats showcase the shift of masses from traditional purchases to online shopping. The insurance sector has also benefitted from this change in consumer preference. In a world where most purchases begin with online searches, insurance companies are also changing their strategies to incorporate online shopping. Today, almost allinsurance firms offer free online quotes. Additionally, people can buy insurance products like business and surety bonds online. Insurance companies are striving to make the online process to buy policies simpler and more convenient. They also offer lower premiums if the insurance is purchased online. Machine Learning While machine learning comes under the ambit of AI, the trend deserves to be mentioned separately due to its sheer depth. Machine learning revolves around the idea that machines can be built to process and learn data on their own without the supervision of humans. Just like predictive analysis and AI, machine learning helps the insurance industry to increase efficiency. Here, files are made accessible via the cloud. The analysis is done using pre-programmed algorithms, and further decisions are taken automatically as well. For instance, Allstate partnered with Earley Information Science to design a virtual assistant named Able. The assistant helps Allstate agents in gathering information about their business products. On-Demand

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