healthcare app

The Advantages of Mobile App for Healthcare Industry

A dull and monotonous waiting hall, the long queues, desperation to get inside the doctor’s chamber, gloomy faces of ailing patients; this is the picture one would imagine maybe a decade ago while paying a visit to a hospital. However, in the recent times, the scenario has drastically changed and most of this credit goes to the mobile development industry for introducing the booming healthcare apps. We can put it like this that the healthcare apps have been the vital forerunner for transcending and reversing the condition of medical and healthcare industry. But, before we look into the key reasons on why healthcare apps have rather become a necessity, let’s have a glance at some of the important stats and facts. According to Statista, the healthcare sector will become one of the top revenue contributors and it is estimated to reach a figure of $58.8 billion in 2020 from $25.39 in 2017. The report by Research 2 Guidance indicates that there are 3,25,000 healthcare apps available worldwide and Android is leading the way forward in mHealth platform. Yet another survey from Accenture Consultants point out that the download in the number of healthcare app has doubled in the past couple of years. Healthcare Apps a Boon for Doctors and Medical Staff In the first instance, the healthcare apps have become a boon for the doctors, nurses and various other medical staff associated with the hospital. The apps help to update the doctors about the heath condition of their patients. In fact, according to a stat, 93% of the doctors believe that healthcare apps can bring improvement in patient’s health and 80% of the physicians are using the mobile technology to deliver the patient care. In fact even the prescription of the doctors have become digitalized, which means it can be accessed on your device. It helps them (medical professionals) to view all your reports through the app makes it easier to take quick and apt decisions in emergency cases. The information can be exchange within a wink of an eye. The apps help to prepare a customized approach for treating each of the patients because every ailing person needs a special care. HealthCare Apps are Blessing in Far Remote Areas Today’s is era of internet and with Smartphones reaching to every nook and corner, people living in rural and far-flung areas can also expect to get best health services. The on-demand apps helps them to book appointment with doctors and buy medicines online without having to travel to the hospital. In addition, they can also get information about important healthcare tips from time to time through push notifications. The Benefits Patients Receive from the Healthcare Apps The patients are the ones who receive the most benefits of the healthcare apps whether it is scheduling a quick appointment with the doctor, finding an appropriate specialist with hands on experience, viewing the medical test reports from labs online, purchase medicines and other products at affordable prices and so on. Besides that they can also have a video chat with the doctor and discuss their health issues face to face after paying a reasonable fee. The users can maintain a healthy diet by consulting the dietitian and nutritionists online. All these factors tend to enhance the engagement of patients more. Plus, they can also know which medicine has been prescribed for which disease and what its side effects are. The Internet of Things Collaborating with Healthcare Apps The Internet of Things or IoT is the buzzword today and this futuristic technology has rightly collaborated with the medical and healthcare apps to deliver out of the box results. According to a prediction, the IoT healthcare market is skyrocketing and will reach about $136.8 billion by 2021. There is no doubt that IoT is going to streamline the entire process. This driving technology has simplified the task of the healthcare professionals. They get to access all information and data on their smart devices as many of the advanced medical equipments are connected with the patient’s body to monitor the vital parameters. Apart from that, the IoT combining with healthcare has also initiated much better way to manage the resources. The medical staff can check their large stock of goods easily and maintain it systematically. Moreover, it has become easier to follow the instructions from the doctor and also helps to curtail the cost of overall treatment for the patients. The Emergence of New Business Models and Opportunities Not that the healthcare apps have also shown their special focus on doctors and patients, but it also has provided new business models and opportunities. The medical staffs no more use outdated practices but instead mobile apps such as RefferalMD for making the referrals. This is basically a cloud-based referral management system. They can also write the resourceful referrals, which in turn help the healthcare organizations to promote themselves through the upsurge in the patient information in digital form. In the recent times, the circumference of the healthcare industry has expanded by leaps and bounds and become much diversified. People download healthcare apps for various purposes such as to reduce weight, women’s health and pregnancy care, elderly healthcare etc, which creates new vibrant opportunities in the process. Reduces the Risks of Wrong Diagnosis During the earlier days, we heard a lot of cases where the patients had to even endanger their lives due to an error in the diagnostic approach. But the healthcare apps have nullified all such possibilities that became life threatening for any patient. Since the doctors receive an accurate report of the patient’s health condition, it helps them to prescribe the most accurate medicine with right dosage and chemical compositions. They can even store the patient’s notes with cloud facilities. Even the medical staffs can keep the record of the patients in more precise manner and enter the essential data without committing any mistakes. Reduction in Medical Bill and Expanses One of the major advantages of the healthcare apps have been the reduction of

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Important Tips to Make Your Mobile App HIPAA Compliant

Are you one of those millennials who is fully convinced that ‘living’ has become a lot easier with the introduction to different healthcare apps? Well, you may require making a perception with a pinch of salt as the healthcare mobile apps have their own share of pitfalls as well. One of the major setbacks of such apps has to be their incapability to protect and maintain the privacy of the medical records and personal information of the users. In quest of plugging this loophole, Congress had introduced an act called HIPAA or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act in the year 1996. However, it’s certainly not a cakewalk to incorporate PHI or Protected Health Information into a mobile device, especially because it always remains susceptible to the risks of being lost, stolen, virus-affected or even hacked. Also, if a mobile device is running on an unsecured Wi-Fi connection, the chances of accidental sharing or transmission of a patient’s confidential medical data via social media or emails will increase by leaps and bounds. This is where the importance of HIPAA compliance comes into play. When a health app is HIPAA compliant, the risk of data-leakage reduces exponentially. Things You Need to Know About HIPAA Compliance The whole point of HIPAA is to provide a health app user with a great deal of security to his/her medical records and personal information. If a patient’s personal info is not safe, it nearly diminishes the whole utility of the healthcare app he/she is relying on. Incorporating HIPAA into a health app can vastly enhance its overall security. HIPAA came into being when the Internet just began to gain popularity and the cursory level of Java version 1 seeped into the soil of computer language. However, before unwrapping the essential facts of HIPAA, it’s important to demystify PHI aka Protected Health Information. As per the US laws, PHI hints at any information that’s related to health, payment for health care, provision of health maintenance, etc. All such information should be gathered by a Business Associate of a Covered Entity and linked to a specific individual. Privacy Rules for HIPAA Compliance There are mainly two privacy rules that describe HIPAA compliance for the covered entities as well as the business associates. The privacy rule describes what qualifies as PHI(Protected Health Information) and also the person who is responsible to ensure that it’s not going to leak any information. The Protected Health Information aka PHI refers to the identifiable medical data transmitted through a medium. This needs not be the information or medical data transmitted or stored by a healthcare provider or a hospital. Any entity, which takes part in storing or transmitting such data, will be liable in this matter. The security rules of medical data specifically associated with the electronic information and also set a guideline for safeguarding PHI. It breaks down the protection methods into the following categories: Administrative Physical Technical Factors Responsible for Securing a Health App Even though, it’s true that keeping a healthcare app protected is not an easy nut to crack, by following some certain tips and tricks this process can be streamlined easily. Here are some of the most essential facts that you should bear in your mind in order to get your mobile application highly safe and secured. These steps are extremely easy to follow and most importantly they are highly effective and 100% result-driven. Have a look: User Authentication Should Be Unique The importance of a strong password is paramount when it comes to protecting a mobile device against several looming threats. There are several factors in play when choosing a password of a mobile device. Selecting a very strong or a rare password is one of the main deciding factors when it comes to password protecting a mobile phone. Using a very easy-to-recognize password can have an adverse effect on the users, leading to a staggering hike in the risk of invasion of privacy or data leakage. Encryption of Personal Data Once collected by a mobile device, the data of a user should be secured at the moment of transmission over different networks. In order to achieve this, a user should incorporate his/her health app with a feature to encrypt the information automatically. There are two levels of creating encryption. The very first step is to store the data on a device temporarily. Another step will be to store them in a server when they are sent over a network. Automatic Logging Off is Essential Sometimes, the users might forget to log out of a health app, which could offer easy access to the PHI stored on a mobile device, in regards to data leakage, loss or theft. In addition to this, it also maximizes the chances of a user’s personal data or medical records to be misused by somebody else, especially if the device is shared. Although the market is thronging with a number of third-party mobile apps that can allow remote control or management of a device to protect a user’s personal data, these may not be accessible for 24X7. Include Remote Wipe Feature into an App Including a wipe feature into a healthcare app will help the users to access and remove their personal health information before these are leaked or misused. Upon being connected to an unprotected network, a mobile device becomes susceptible to the risk of being virus-attacked. A Regular Update Can Be Beneficial This risk could be kept at bay by offering the users frequent alerts and updates on the latest versions of a health app, which will contain the advanced fixes against different online threats and bugs. Audit Logging The importance of log is paramount, especially when it comes to monitoring different activities on a network. Inculcating this feature into a health app will help to audit information like the changes made to the data, the log-in time of the users, the inclusion of a new user, and several other important data, which can aid in the access

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