digital transformation

Reason Why Digital Transformation is a Necessary Asset for Business

We all have studied the Darwinian Theory “Survival of the Fittest” at some point of time in our school days. Well, you must be wondering why did Charles Darwin suddenly flashback into the memories today. This is relatively because of the scenario and the speed at which the business world is getting revolutionized. You cannot operate your business organization on the same principles and pattern but the transition to digital transformation becomes pivotal to survive the cutthroat competition. The digital transformation has literally changed the entire facet of the business operation and allowed the entrepreneurs to accelerate with digitalized technology and offer enhanced customer acquisition and retention. This streamlining technology is applicable to all the various areas of business. In fact, the digital speed is five times faster in comparison to the traditional methods of conducting business. So, if you haven’t shifted your gears yet, it’s high time to embrace digital transformation. Digitalizing the Business Operations One of the visible and far-reaching influences that digital transformation has over business organizations is speeding the pace of business operations with the help of digital tools. You don’t have to put in much effort in applying your brains to prepare the business plans as you can direct your employees in focusing on digital strategic tasks. You get all the facts and figures in hand and also don’t have to invest much of the time in manual works, which proves to be time saving. Now let’s analyze this with an example. Suppose you are transforming the IT department of your organization by bringing automation in the testing process. This will allow the professionals of your company to give more time on testing the more complicated applications accurately without much error. Thus, the human effort is also reduced and it brings more efficiency into the system. Managing the Resources Optimally The Digital Transformation has indeed become one of the most important assets for the business enterprises. It provides them an access to gather huge amount of data and information to gain deeper insights. The enterprise can avail the real-time information with the help of big-data analytics to know how their business assets are performing. This literally assists the entrepreneurs to plan the future strategies and take decisions further up to manage their resources better. Here we can cite the example of Internet of Things technology, which has been a boon as far as the big data analytics, is concerned. The virtually connected devices with the IoT provide deeper insight information on the assets, operations and process. Enhancing the Skills and Knowledge We have witnessed a number of hi-tech technologies making their way out in the middle and this scale is continuously growing. Yes, we talked about IOT playing a vital role in data synchronization, but there are others also contributing significantly in the list and have come in the category of future driving technology. You can certainly say that technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Machine Learning etc. have really turned the tables in the favour of digital transformation. According to a report, 31% of the enterprises still are not convinced about adopting the digital transformation out of fear and apprehension. But they should shun away the misconceptions and welcome this futuristic technology that will help their employees to enhance their skills and be more productive for the company. Become More Customer-Centric in Approach You must be aware of the fact that today the world population is getting more and more addicted to advanced technologies. We have seen a tremendous increase in the number of Smartphones and other electronic gadgets over the recent few years. So, if you want to engage more audiences and enhance the user experience, then implementing the digital transformation into business operations is the key to success. As we have already indicated previously that digital transformation helps a great deal in getting the real-time information and gathering the customer insights. The instance of the e-commerce platform and their enormous growth is a live example of how the customer data is getting synchronized and used for enticing the users by offering their choices and demands. In addition, you can also maximize the benefits of social media to be familiar with what people are currently looking for and what the latest market trend is. The combination of e-commerce with that of social media platform will provide you a strong base for availing, analyzing and utilizing the information and get the desired result to boost profitability. For example, you can launch a particular product based on the customer demand and which is not readily available in the market. Obviously, the greater insights pave the way for offering an improved customer experience. You can offer personalized products and services, which also act as a promotional strategy for the business. Increasing Collaboration and Empowering the Employees Well, the advantage of integrating the digital transformation in your business model is that it instigates the collaboration across the various departments and also empowers your employee’s productivity. The best example in this category is the introduction of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) technique, which has been adopted by large number of business enterprises. It allows the employees to work from anywhere irrespective of location to function to the best of their abilities. However, if you want to get the maximum output of increasing collaboration, then there needs to be a strong interaction between the different departments. The work culture of the organization gets much more improved. The employees don’t have to fix a scheduled meeting and then sit down to discuss the further strategy of the project. It saves a lot of time. Instead, they all are connected through a strong network and with digital technologies at stack they can even interact with the third-party applications. The sharing of information becomes more placid and they can also sort out a problem jointly. Growth in Digital Products or Product Engineering The rise of digital transformation has not only enabled the business organizations to

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How is the Healthcare Sector Harnessing the Benefits of the Digital Transformation?

The healthcare sector is one industry, which is escalating to newer heights with the transcendence of the technology. We have already seen how the Internet of Things has proved to be a blessing for the healthcare sector, changing its overall facet. The medical science is already moving forward with new accomplishments by initiating highly modernized treatment techniques. Just imagine! If the advanced medical science and healthcare industry gets another boosting tonic in the form of digital transformation, it certainly would be an icing on the cake. But what is digital transformation and how this leveraging technology would prove a valuable performing asset for the healthcare sector is the primal question. The digital transformation is implementing the digitalized technology in almost all business facets to bring a revolution and accelerate the customer operation and services. This newly embedded technology also is a kind of a cultural change that pushes the business entrepreneurs to challenge the current state of things regularly, encouraging them to go for the experiment or accept the failure. To add more in a survey by Gartner about 56% of the business owners agreed that digital transformation has surged the level of profits. So, the point is if digital transformation is playing such a key role in scaling the organizations to upper heights, why the health sector should lack behind in harnessing its benefits. Today, we would be pinpointing on some important facts to see how the digital transformation changes the face of healthcare industry. The Power of Distance Treatment The distance treatment or the telemedicine has been the biggest surprise package from the digital transformation to the healthcare sector. The telemedicine has significantly changed the way the patients would receive the treatment offering them a new horizon, which is initiating faster recovery. As such, they are now not restricted to any limitations of scheduling an appointment with the doctor, visiting the hospital or clinic, waiting his turn to arrive and so on. They can get the best quality treatment even from the home comfort zone. The only things required here include a well-connected internet and a smartphone device. It thus saves a lot of their time as well as money. The telemedicine app allows them to consult the doctor through a video conferencing or interaction and they can receive their prescription and advice using the devices. Indeed, it has been found out that distance treatment has been also successful in healing the medical condition of the patient. You cam share all your mental stress and problems and the medical professional would help you out in the best possible manner. Better Management of the Patient Data The hospital staff management at times find it extremely difficult to store and manage the numerous patient data, invoices, and health records. However, with the entry of digital transformation and IoT technology, no more manual work is needed. It instigates the process of digitalizing the entire data and speeds up the workflow with a more effective and seamless result. Digital transformation has given the scope and space to develop intranets, workflows and centralized data storage. It would help the hospital staff to retrieve the data. Improved and Faster Interaction It is not every time that the doctor is available within the hospital premises to tackle with the emergency cases. In situations where patients are facing life threats, and the staff is required to take immediate medical attention is needed or on the spot decision, digital transformation can be a life savior. The medical staff or junior doctor can take complete advice through video communication or the VR technology. The doctor can receive the current medical status of the patient in real-time and can guide the staff based on the condition. The Cloud and Mobile Access Most of you would agree upon the fact that the most anxious and nail biting moments for a person is waiting to get the report card of the medical tests. And this is where the cloud and mobile access can prove its worth in providing the accessibility to the patients to view his report from anywhere and anytime of the day. In fact, it has been predicted earlier that during the current year 2018, about 65% of the communication with healthcare professionals would take place on phone. However, the major concern here is with respect to the security issues as data stored in the cloud. Thus, the healthcare industry has to take a serious note on it and enforce the HIPPA law and protocols so that nobody can dare to breach the cyber security. You need to protect the sensitive and confidential data from getting black-marketed. Collaborating with IoT and Wearable Devices We are already aware that Internet of Things(IoT) has created a huge hype in the tech market and has also been one of the core gifts for the healthcare sector. It is through the help of IoT connected devices that the doctors and healthcare staff are able to accurately monitor the prevailing condition of the patient. As the technology is booming, we are witnessing a dramatic change in the entire system. Yes, the wearable devices have helped a great deal in reducing the dependency on heavy and bulky medical equipments to carry out various tasks. They can perform the role of Electrocardiograms (ECG), blood tests, thermometers and other tests. The best part of the story is that the person can conduct all these tests at home. The result would be sent to the doctor in real-time to get instant feedback. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare The importance of big data cannot be underestimated in the healthcare industry. You can collect it as a means to satisfy the patient. However, its major part is to spontaneously come across the risk-bearing factors related to health hazards. Plus, it would also offer the optimum advice on the treatment solutions. According to Tractica, the healthcare artificial intelligence software, hardware, and services market is expected to exceed $34 billion by 2025. The Artificial Intelligence is the rightful combustion of Internet of

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The Important Elements of the Digital Transformation Before its Implementation

At a time when every business entrepreneur is searching for optimal strategies to counter the stringent competition, do you think the conventional methodologies will help him succeed in the long race? Nope. The business enterprises would require the digital-first techniques at some point in time to get into the driver’s seat. Digital Transformation is one such future-based approach, which has gained much impetus in the last couple of years. This is a futuristic technology that not only transcends the business strategy digitally but brings about the change in the pattern of organizational operation. If we have to define digital transformation in the simplest of terms, it means the implementation of innovative ideas and enabling creativity to drive the business forward instead of just relying on the traditional methods. It is a technique where people adopt the paperless and cashless technique to run business and various other activities. Today Digital Transformation is not only influencing the business enterprise and different other organizations but the society or an entire nation’s economy. According to a survey, about two-thirds of the CEOs of the Global 2000 Companies have integrated Digital Transformation by the end of 2017. Another research indicates that 64% of the business entrepreneurs have said that this disruptive technology is leading their ventures into the zone of profit. Some major players including Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Big Data strategy are playing the most indecisive role in initiating the transformation. However, you need to understand that there is a difference between digitization and the digital transformation. While the first concentrates on the modernization and advancement of the current techniques such as digitization of payment and banking procedure. On the other hand, digital transformation is transcending the entire process of business operation. This advanced technology plays a vital role in improving the lives of people through the simplification of tasks and activities.\ Understanding the Target Audience and Establishing Connection The digital transformation has triggered the initiation of the big data analytics, which previously was left mostly unattended. Today when most of the businesses are competing online, the real-time analytics will help them in offering crucial information on consumer behavior and analyzing their target audiences. The big data analytics also help a great deal in understanding the mood of social media and preparing the strategies accordingly. Digital Transformation also further assists in empowering the people. It is through empowering the people that you can streamline the business process. You also need to identify a suitable strategy before preparing the roadmap ahead. Digital Transformation Initiates Leadership Qualities Digital Transformation demands entrepreneurs to possess business acumen with visionary leadership quality. The top officials of the Company should be digitally adept having comprehensive knowledge of using the right set of tools to plan the execution of strategies. The management has to maintain the carrot and stick policy deciding to upscale the projects in order of priority list. However, in this case, you must conduct a digital SWOT analysis, identifying each of the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats to face the competition with full preparation. Improving User Experience through Enhanced Products Any futuristic technology aims at improving the overall user experience of the customers. In fact, when you enhance your products and services through digital techniques, you are inching closer towards the adoption of digital transformation. However, the main question in frame is product growth and evolution for, you have to build strategies for surging the customer experience instead of just depending on the real-time data analytics. It is a good strategy to opt for the customized and personally aimed user experience. But if you want to offer that you need a comprehensive perspective of the customer from every base and angle. This is what is known as customer touch points. One can cite the example of chatbot integration in the mobile apps to reach the users at a quick pace. Building a Smarter Workforce You cannot reap the complete benefits of digital transformation without converting your workforce smarter. Implementing the future technologies in any project will be vain if your employees are not digitally proficient. A modern approach such as virtualization has helped the employees to offer their services even from a remote location without hindering the coordination with the other co-workers. The communication between the different departments of the organization also gets better, thus improving the synchronization of work. As a result of this enhanced collaboration and communication, the project gets completed within the stipulated deadline without needing many corrections. Taking Risks and Trying Small Experiments The business enterprises need a proactive disruption to transform it technologically. The digital transformation encourages innovative business operation strategies coupled with the risk taking element to get the rewards in the end. If you are not implementing the disruptive techniques, the life-span of your organization is bound to get reduced. As the technology is progressing and new trends are emerging merely focusing on conventional norms and markets will not offer a satisfactory result. This is the era of innovation and out-of-the box thinking. Therefore, there should not be any hesitation in mind when planning to go for small experiments and receive the feedback from the customer. We have seen such innovative thinking when a few electronic appliance manufacturing companies have already begun to integrate Internet of Things technology in their industrial outputs. Scale for the New Technology When you have a strategy and a set business model in mind, you don’t have to think much about the digital transformation. This is because you can define the technology stack according to requirements of the project to find which possible combination is fitting best into the application. However, it is also important to find out what problems the digital technology would be addressed on. The strategy underlined through customer experience should pave the road ahead for the digital transformation. You need to harness and work on those newer technologies that can enable you to implement the digital transformation with a focus on increased workflows and improve the employee productivity. As such, the popular

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Top 9 Digital Transformation Trends for 2022

When it comes to looking at the future of digital transformation, we can see many new technologies and trendy buzzwords. However, these are just making organizations flexible and adjusting to the wave of the digital revolution. People are more interested in trends, technologies, and developments that will become the major concerns of the digital agenda of this year. From Machine Learning to multi-cloud computing, to AI, the prime focus is one an extensive array of technologies that have a similar object: to ease and enhance the experiences of companies and users. According to the MuleSoft Connectivity Benchmark Survey, 97% of IT decision-makers are supporting the initiatives for digital transformation at their specific companies. Moreover, the study recognizes the most necessitous digital transformation trends for 2022 and more, researching the perks and effects. Top Digital Transformation Trends to Watch Out for 2022 Let’s sum up the top digital transformation trends for 2022! Multi-Cloud Computing No cloud platform can fulfill the workload needs of your enterprise alone. 84% of organizations with over 1000 staff members choose a multi-cloud strategy, despite the problems of identifying the expense and complications of ownership. Studies also assess the 165% of development above the next 18 months for organizations that use containerized apps to handle their environment. Data-Driven Business Data unlocking and assessment are at the core of digital transformation. Businesses are using their data for working to boost client experiences, introduce new services and products, and organize operations. Studies show that analyzing data storehouses is associated with the performance of the company. 68% of popular organizations reported on functioning to reduce data archives and share knowledge. Organizations are using data for streamlining business operations, enhancing client service, and bringing innovations. Reducing movement and friction of resources is straight impacted by how organizations can increase data to grow their expectant power. AI Adoption According to different studies, it can be predicted that AI-driven agencies will be 10 times more productive and efficient and hold twice the market shares of companies that don’t opt for the technology by 2025. Hence, speeding up the adoption of artificial intelligence in the coming 5 years will be not just innovation, but a matter of survival. To simplify the adoption process, you need modularity. Pre-trained AI accelerators will offer this as these accelerators work as building blocks for changing procedures. These Microservices allow companies to automate and optimize basic tasks separately within a complete process. Only then they can abstain from time-consuming development and create apps fast. Teaming Up with IT To boost the future of technology, companies are placing IT as a main facilitator to the business. IT is getting more pressure for delivering quicker. All organizations should work as a technology firm, edging a combination of new and growing technologies for enhancing the experiences of the stakeholders. Hence, IT should be innovative, rapid, and agile. Studies show that IT can no more meet the business requirements. 36% of IT decision-makers could finish all projects assigned to them in 2019. Almost 7 out of 10 IT departments are just continuing to operate. Investing in APIs API (Application Programming Interface) is a kind of app that shows the performances of other apps through standard processes. This enables you to use various apps, with no replication and redundancy in programming codes. Businesses make use of APIs to boost their returns and productivity, creating a place for innovation. 91% of companies that have made a plan on private or public APIs are accomplishing great results. Benefits incorporate: Enhanced user experience Better customization for clients Best experience of digital employees Efficacy and automation of business operations Reducing obstacles to digital innovations These perks of investing in APIs are an important initiative to completely reap the benefits of the enhancements provided by digitization for the future. Security & Governance Cyberterrorism is an issue that tells about the manipulations on social hubs, the security of personal emails, and the capacity of recognizing and writing down fake news. In 2022, we can see that these problems are not yet resolved and humans are the weakest connection of every tech solution utilized for safeguarding company assets. With the increasing number of devices and systems and the growing complications of IT infrastructure, the risks of possible vulnerability increases also. Depending on partners and vendors, and the industry-best services, can’t be the single solution. Organizations must have disaster recovery plans and powerful governance practices in place, so they can run their business operations even if they need to compromise some parts of their infrastructure. Flexibility might be an important feature of security practices and staff members should be trained on the ways of recovering after the attacks or continue their work even after the failure of some tools. If flexibility is the basic aspect for staff members, the trust will be the same thing for clients. Clients are more aware of the risks that sharing their personal data involves, hence, organizations will need to establish faith with their clients to receive the worthiest data they require. They can lose this data fast upon a data breach. Applying state-of-the-art digital security and monitoring systems is essential and here AI helps in identifying and preventing. Nevertheless, the companies still need to grow awareness and accountability of every staff and sharpen their digital expertise, so they get confidence while browsing the web both personally and professionally. Connecting the Client Experience Companies should fix for growing pressure on IT for opening up frequency range for offering tailored, connected experiences for their clients-from clients to partners to staff members to developers. Since the average number of apps used in every company is approx 900, it becomes difficult for organizations to deliver a connected experience. Simultaneously, clients anticipate continuous journey throughout many channels incorporating mobile service portals and messaging services. Clients of Omni-channel invest 10% more online than single-channel clients. A connected experience includes cutting off friction in the user journey and being available anytime, anywhere. Clients are also anticipating extremely tailored experiences. 74% of clients

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