
Tips to Choose the Right Database for a Mobile App

Mobile applications have become such an integral aspect of modern life that even the thought of fathoming a second minus them can make anyone a bundle of nerves! Being a millennial mobile user, you must have a fair share of knowledge on different apps, what they do, the way to install them, etc., but what you might lack could be an idea of the database. It may not be entirely wrong to compare an app’s database to the Hippocampus, which is the storehouse of memories in a human brain. As defined by Wikipedia, a database serves as an organized collection of data for a mobile application. While developing a mobile app, it’s important that you make a wise decision when choosing its database. But, before you proceed further, make sure to gather a thorough understanding of a database. Here you go. What is a Database? What would you do if you are enticed by an app that claims you convincingly tall? You will register yourself for using that app. Once the registration is done, whenever you will want to use that application again in the future, you just have to log in with your username and password. The app will automatically recall all the data given by you during the process of registration. Have you ever wondered how a mobile app can identify you or even remember all your data as quickly as a whip? Well, it’s the database that deserves all the hoots and whistles! The database is responsible for storing all the data or information of a user when he/she registers for an application. What are the Types of Databases? There are mainly five types of databases. Relational Database The relational database is the most common and widely used database out of all. A relational database stores different data in the form of a data table. Operational Database Operational database, which has garnered huge popularity from different organizations, generally includes a customer database, inventory database, and personal database. Data Warehouse There are many organizations that need to keep all their important data for a long span of time. This is where the importance of the data warehouse comes into play. Distributed Database As its name suggests, the distributed databases are meant for those organizations that have different workplace venues and need to have different databases for each location. End-user Database To meet the needs of the end-users of an organization, the end-user database is used. Tips to Choose the Right Database for an App Choosing the right database for an app could be a tricky deal, especially if someone lacks the right strategies to seal the deal. One should abide by these tried and tested strategies if he/she wants to select the right database for his/her app. Keep a Tab on the Data Structure It’s the structure of data that ultimately determines how one should store or even retrieve it. A database actually deals with data or information in different formats. The importance of selecting the right data structure becomes paramount when it comes to collecting or retrieving the data. Your application will consume a lot of time and ask for more developmental efforts to fix any data-related issues if you are not choosing the right data structure to persist your information or data. Data Should be Kept Safe It is essential to access, store and transmit data in a very safe manner when you are using synchronized as well as decentralized storage. You must address a few other things like authentication, data in motion, data at rest, and reading/writing access as well. Ensure that the authentication is flexible and lets the use of public, custom, and standard authentication providers. It’s equally important for anonymous access to different mobile apps. For different data at rest on both the client and server, you should support file system encryption as well as data-level encryption. For the data in motion, a seamless interaction should happen over a secured channel such as TLS or SSL. For write access or data read, a database must deliver adequate control over the data that are accessible and modifiable for the users. A Flexible Data Model Must be Used A flexible data model is required to decide if one can articulate the model requisites for his/her apps in an apt way. Moreover, it can determine if one can evolve his model as his requirements undergo any changes. The flexibility of a data model is extremely important in the case of a mobile phone mainly because most apps tend to evolve at a fast pace. The relational databases are still deemed as a wise choice when a mobile app needs data consistency or the data it owns is rational. However, a NoSQL database can provide greater flexibility if such requirements are relaxed. Data Conflicts Should be Resolved Gracefully For different mobile platforms or even any other platform that can work on the decentralized data writes, the same information or data could be modified on different devices, but by creating a conflict. The system is required to support a mechanism to resolve all those conflicts. It is important that the mechanism of conflict resolution should be flexible. Also, it must enable resolution automatically, be it in the cloud, on a device, by a human, or even on an external system. It’s a fact that conflict handling should be different for every system. Apart from being capable of resolving conflicts, it’s crucial to own the ability to keep a tab on how the system syncs. In the case of the replication strategies, one needs adequate support for polling a continuous push. For a conditional replication, one might require replicating data just under a few conditions like when a device is running on Wi-Fi or it has enough battery backup. For replication filtering, one must be able to replicate some information or data but not several other data. Scalability and Speed This refers to the speed, which is required for reading the data from a database or writing them

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MongoDB Vs MySQL: Which Database Best Suits your Business?

Choosing a DBMS (Database management system) may land you up in a dilemma, with too many options to select from. Relational DBMSs like MS SQL, PostgreSQL and MySQL have been dominant in recent years. Besides, you have non-relational DBMS like MongoDB, which are capable of dealing with massive volumes of data. You might have wondered which database is a better option between MongoDB and MySQL. Here is a comparison between these two database management systems, which will give you a better concept about their applications. What is MySQL? As an open source RDBMS, (relational database management system), MySQL has gained extensive popularity over the years. It was originally developed by MySQL AB and now owned by Oracle Corporation. Based on the requirements, the users can pre-define the database schema and establish rules, capable of governing the relationship between relevant fields in the tables. MySQL, like other relational DBMSs, uses SQL (structured query language) to get access to database and keeps the data stored in tables. For making any change in the schema, a migration procedure is necessary, that can reduce the performance of the application significantly. It can also take the database to the offline mode. What is MongoDB? MongoDB was developed by MongoDB, Inc and it is a popular non-relational database. Data is stored in this type of DBMS as documents in a form called BSON (a type of binary representation). For query access, the MongoDB query language is used to store the related data. The fields may be different for each document, and you need not declare the document structure to the systems. These documents are self-explanatory in nature. In case you need to add a new field to the document, you can create it, without making any change to the other documents present in the collection. The central system catalog does not require any update and you need not take the system to the offline mode. You can also use schema validation optionally to enforce the control of data over each of the collections. The document data model of MongoDB maps objects in the application mode naturally. As a result, developers find it simple to master and use. The users can also represent the hierarchical associations to the store arrays seamlessly, along with other complicated structures. MongoDB vs. MySQL: Pros and Cons Both MongoDB and MySQL have gained popularity as open-source database software. However, each of them is suitable for a particular situation. Have a look at the pros and cons of MongoDB and MySQL. Flexibility of the Schema MongoDB has a good advantage over MySQL, as the users face no constraints in terms of schema design. Some of the documents can be dropped by the developer within a collection. It is not necessary for the documents to have any relationship among each other. The supported data structures form the only drawback of this system. The schema needs to be optimized continually, based on how the data will be accessed by the application. This is because, transactions and joins are absent. Before a user can store data in MySQL, it is necessary to define every row, column and table. It is also necessary for all the rows in the table to have the same columns. This restricts the degree of flexibility, when it comes to storing data. In MongoDB, the documents are devoid any schema, that is capable of storing any data that the user desires. However, you may face issues with the consistency of data at times. MySQL is bound to make errors, as a strict schema-template is involved in the process. Query Language The query language in both MongoDB and MySQL is strong. An unstructured query language is used in MongoDB. A document specification with the respective properties is necessary, if you want to develop a query in JSON documents and match the results. During the execution of MongoDB, a set of operators is used, and these are related to JSON. MongoDB supports boolean OR queries, although the users need to use operator ($or) in the process. MySQL, on the other hand, operates on the structured SQL language, while interacting with the database. Although it is quite simple, the language is very powerful and consists of two parts: Data Manipulation Language (DML) Data Definition Language (DDL) Relationship The JOIN operation is not supported by MongoDB. Instead multi-dimensional types of data like arrays are supported by it. The term ‘embedding’ is used to define the position of one document inside another. The JOIN operation is one of the best aspects of MySQL. It executes the relational database and enables one to merge data from multiple tables using the SELECT command in a single query. Therefore, the users can seamlessly get the associated data using a single statement in various tables. Speed and Performance MongoDB can control large volumes of unrestricted data, as compared to MySQL. As it enables the users to query in a way sensitive to workload, it has a much faster speed. MySQL, when compared to MongoDB, is considerably slower, when you use large volumes of data. It cannot deal with unstructured data, when the volume is greater. However, you do not have any standard benchmark, which can help you choose the right database for your requirements. Only the data, infrastructure and your needs can evaluate what a user needs to know. Security Model MongoDB can establish its control over a variable set of privileges. In MongoDB, the key security features include authorization, auditing and authentication. You will also find it feasible to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt the ends. This ensures that only the intended client can read the documents. A security model based on privilege is used in MySQL. This indicates that a user is authenticated by MySQL and can benefit on database like UPDATE, SELECT, INSERT and CREATE. When to Use MongoDB for Business Application? You should use MongoDB for business application when you: Use cloud-based services Want to cut down the cost

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