app development

Reasons Why Most Enterprises Love to Develop Apps in Swift

The Swift App Development has been rightly defined as ‘The Future of Mobile Application Development’. Ever since the Smartphones have become the focal point in the market and amid the users, there has been a drift in app creation technology. Nowadays, the Enterprise Mobile app development has become intensely popular because it has brought a sea change in the ways of conducting business. Swift being developed by Apple, the users have complete trust on it. Soon after its inception in the market, it has become a preferred app development for the enterprise. Swift is a new programming language which has been developed for MacOS, iOS, tvOS and Watch OS. Although it is competing with C and Objective-C today and excels both the other development languages in some areas such as automatic counting memory management, no presence of headers, embedded programming in iOS, no semicolons towards the end of the statement and so on. According to a data, there has been a steady growth in the number of Swift Users; every one out of five person is predominantly using it after its launch. Similarly, other stat by TIOBE index reveals that Swift has nailed its position as the 11th most popular language. Yet another research by the Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results claims that in 2016 Swift was the third desired mobile development language after Java and Objective C. If you are an iOS app developer, then it is a boon for you. And it is the appropriate time for you can make the shift because it has a more user-friendly coding system. There are various other advantages as well that include the best in class user experience, customer satisfaction and highly functional apps. According to Apple CEO Tim Cook, Swift is the next big programming language and he has also predicted that within a couple of decades most app developers will be choosing it over others. Advantages of Swift in Enterprise App Development There are number of factors which makes Swift as the first choice of the enterprises when it comes to selecting an app development language program. It is Still New in the Market Swift has been recently launched in the market by Apple Inc. It first appeared on June 2, 2014 but is stable release date is April 21, 2017(3.1 version). So, in comparison to Objective-C, it is still new. On the other hand, Objective-C was launched about 33 years old and was basically a continuation of the C-language. Apple had to release it separately as it wasn’t ready to support the functionalities of Objective-C. Provided with a Robust Open Source The Swift Development Language has been created in an open course which makes it easier for the user to upgrade all the source codes, bug tracker and email list at regular intervals. Because of its robustness, one can go through the technical documentation. This literally helps in developing future applications. Moreover, it also supports all kinds of Linux based platforms. Even the developers can suggest their own resolutions because of the presence of Jira, a bug tracker. The Facility of Multiple-Faceted Languages Another huge advantage that Swift has is that it has been built with a multi-faceted language program. As a result, the developers can comprehensively understand the language and also develop different types of mobile apps including the simple and the complicated ones as well as the low powered Apple watches. Comply Data at Much Quicker Rate This is another area where Swift has been able to win the battle over Objective-C. It is able to manage the data at a much faster pace. It has been using the LLVM complier for optimized native code for the operating platforms. The developer gets an opportunity to rewrite several groups as structures. In case of Objective-C there were only few classes which led to slower coding and as result the time frame also increased. It has already been mentioned earlier that Swift takes less time for coding. Optimal Language Programming for Developing Business Apps After several tests and other activities, it has proved its efficiency and therefore, is regarded as one of the best programming language for developing business apps. The Company (Apple) has got the most proficient developers on the board, who have been constantly working to make it more user-friendly. Consumes Less Memory When it comes to memory consumption, Swift yet again proves better than Objective-C. The later had an object-link and it consumed some of the RAM (Random Access Memory) of the computer. However, in case of Swift, it was a single object oriented program and switched to structures. The amount data type and SDK classes also reduced, which in turn made the memory more effective. Not restricted only to iOS Development Apps You might be under the impression that since Swift has been developed by the Apple, so it is effective for developing iOS based mobile apps. But in reality this is not true. Though it has been adapted by Linux and some other programs, but it can develop useful and fully functional apps for the Android too. Improvements in the Syntax Swift has newly developed and much improved syntax which makes it easier for a developer to create the codes and also maintain the consistency of the language. Some other Benefits In addition to the major benefits listed above, Swift also has some other advantages. It is provided with integrated storage system for safe storing of data. Apart from that, it is can be easily comprehended if you want to become an iOS app developer and all kinds of businesses can maximize its benefits whether an MNC or a Startup. Consumes Less Time for Coding When you are creating an app with Swift, you will probably require only a few lines of coding. So, not only your job becomes easier, but you can finish off your code creating work within minimum time span. Conclusion Swift, although is a new app developing program, but it has already established its firm grounds in the

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How to Develop a Multilingual App that Outshines Others

The word linguistic often associated with the language is like a vast ocean. People throughout the global arena speak N numbers of languages and we all live in a multilingual society. The same statement can be issued for India as well, which has several languages and dialects. Now according to the latest statistics issued by the Internet World Stats, English has the highest number of speakers around the world, followed by Chinese, Spanish and Arabic. However, most corporate houses encounter problems with the language. It is because not all people worldwide know or speak English. Therefore, they need to hire translators or interpreters to do that job. But the linguistic apps have come as the biggest asset and brought a drastic change in the communication process. You get the exact translation of the words or texts and thus your job becomes much easier. According to a report published by UNESCO on Global Language Diversity Africa tops the chart, while Oceania and South East Asia lies in the second and third spot respectively. In order to eliminate this barrier of language, during business communications, the app developers are developing linguistic apps. And if you are planning to create the same, then it’s essential to get some useful tips in the beginning. So, just continue reading. The Important Guidelines to Developing a Multilingual App When you are creating a multilingual app, the first and foremost step to keep in mind is providing a comprehensive and satisfactory user experience. This means that your app shouldn’t just focus on simply translating the text of one language into another, but it should also understand the symbols, etiquettes or values. It needs to be both technically and culturally sound. Remember that a successful app is that which can be familiar with the culture of that region. Framing a Strategy for the Localization When you are making your apps ready for the localization, this procedure is referred to as internationalization. When you are about to begin, the first step should be focusing on the app designing process. You can lay out your screens and don’t just concentrate on a single language. While doing so just keep in mind a few vital points such as: Leaving some space so that the user can expand the text or for the process of coding during UI expansion programming. It becomes necessary because most languages such as Hindi use more space for translating. Try writing the string using the UTF-8 encoding because it is swifter and there are less changes of committing the mistakes. When you are localizing, it would be better to use their specific formats in your software including the date, time and currency. Offering the substantial support for the local language is very essential both from the app’s point of view as well as maintenance and help guides. Each of the languages should necessarily have a customized keyboard. Preparing the Visual Layout Designs While you are laying the visual design layout, the one aspect to remember is putting everything in a properly organized manner. The app should appeal to the targeted audience. It is possible that the app during the translation process may have to use a different style of writing, diction, the spellings can also change for which the existing layout designs may not work. As a result, the app can lose its relevance. In such a case it is advisable to develop a new layout design for the multilingual app. In this way you don’t have to deal with this problem. But this solution is not appropriate in many cases. Therefore, you might have to reduce the length of your string as well. Another method is to develop different types of layouts for different languages. When you are making the layout designs it’s crucial to: Don’t use any line for UILabels and nor indicate the number of lines. The main text will not come to the forefront because the pompous language will spill out correctly. You need to fix the width of the UILabels but do not set the height. Set up the flow of the content correctly and give due importance to all the vital aspects using proportional layouts and widen the white space. Give proper names to your controls which are free from content names. The Process of Translation It has been predominantly observed that creating a multilingual app can be both expensive and time consuming when compared to other normal apps. But we all know how important translation is specifically in today’s scenario as it connects two people from different cultures. As such there are three types of translation that we usually come across:1. Machine Based Translation2. Translation done by man3. Translation done by professionals The first translation is categorically easier because it is done with the help of computer such as the Google Translate. The outcome is also quite fast and this type of translation is not costly at all. Many companies and even the government department employ translators who may be professional experts to do the job. It is expected that they have good understanding of both languages, including the source text and the translated one. These persons may also be inexperienced and so they have their own limitations. Then we have professional translators who have wide experience of the field and use their knowledge database to produce a quality translation work. They prepare a glossary of terms that basically appears on your mobile screen. There needs to be a strong collaboration amongst the app developers and translators to create a significant and meaningful app. Getting Translation Management System (TMS) Right The major function of Translation Management System (TMS) is monitoring the control of translation process in a precise manner. They are generally a platform or a program that assists in mechanizing the important steps in reducing the time span for downloading or uploading procedure and also for communication. They also make the team work better so that each of the members developing the app can work together and monitor

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Mobile App Development Company Help to Thrive Startups

Talking about the startups their numbers are significantly augmenting with each passing day. However, the million dollar question is how many of them do actually succeed? According to the Startup Genome Report, indicating the success or failure of the startups, 74% are not successful because of the premature scaling, while 29% fail because they do not have sufficient cash to carry out their ideas. But have you ever pondered how a mobile app development company can be a blessing for your startup. Well, it’s true because today mobile apps have almost become synonymous with business prosperity. Of course, your prime aim is to reach out the targeted audiences. It offers you endless opportunity with proven track record to drive you towards profitability. Let’s analyze it with a few numbers. According to ComScore research, the number of people using internet on mobile phones have exceeded over the desktop users. Similarly, another report by Statista shows that around 2 million users are connected to iOS phones, while 2.2 million are downloading apps from Google Play Store. Of course, you don’t want to miss out on such a large scale users and therefore, hiring the services of the best mobile app development company will be a wise decision. It Offers Accuracy, In-bound Experience and Speed Well, one of the most visible benefits of hiring the mobile app development services are it offers you accuracy with rich experience in this field and also values your time. They will always guide you properly in the right direction and will make your way easier after knowing the client’s specific needs. They will work on your project with accuracy within the shortest time frame so that you can maximize every advantage. You can possibly get all the solutions of your problems just under one roof. Providing a More Customer Centric Approach So far it is clearly evident that mobile app has become an indispensable tool in flourishing business and that you cannot target your customer without the presence of an app. Today the mobile apps help you in data collection of various users their likes and dislikes, which itself is very vital information. You can simply connect more customers with your brand by offering a more engaging content and establishing an effective communication. Helps in Preparing Complete Updated Strategy The people helping you out with your Startup are professional experts and have comprehensive knowledge of the market. Therefore, they will prepare a complete updated strategy about how will you launch your business with a boom and how can you surpass all other competitors. They will also focus on marketing medium to promote your new business right from the scratch. The experts may adopt different techniques such as push notifications so as to attract the attention of the customers. In addition, they can also adopt Email, SMS or Content marketing. It Works on Various Platforms An experienced and ethical app development company works on various platforms when it comes to creating meaningful and highly rated apps. The experts will decide as to which platform is best suitable to create your app. It may be either ReactJS, AngularJS, NodeJS or JavaScript, PHP or any other. However, it will depend upon whether you are developing app for Apple Store or Google Play Store. This is one advice which only a proficient app developer can provide you; so just partner with him without wasting your time further. Taking a Professional Approach Beginning a startup is never easy considering the stiffness of the competition. According to the Small Biz Trends, 46% of the Startups fail due to incompetence, while 30% fail because of inexperience in the field. But the app development firm will take a professional approach and always keep you informed about the process. It may be related to designing of the apps and websites that includes planning, updating websites, user interface etc. It also involves various other processes such as addition of content, testing the app or the site, checking its functionality, making it live on the app store and regularly improving the performance of the app. Hiring the Company Saves Time and Money When you plan to launch a new startup, you need to begin from the scratch. It involves meticulous planning at every stage that consumes a lot of time. You may think that you are spending extra by taking the services of App Development Company. But if you think calmly and more deeply, you would know that you are actually saving your bucks. By adopting the Do It Yourself technique, you are not sure whether your venture will give you the best results within a stipulated time or not, but professional companies are an exception. They provide you unique ideas to stay ahead of the challenges. Optimal Return on Investment (ROI) Another crucial factor why startups need App Development Company is that the later offers optimal return on investment. The ROI will primarily depend on how your business prospers and whether it is able to achieve the targets or not. Here since the strategies are framed by the experts you can rely on them to provide you the best possible outcome. Always There to Help you Out The App Development Firms work with a proficient attitude and provide their customer with every help they need. You can take advice from their professionals whenever you get stuck and are not able to chalk out a further plan. You can get help through online support through chat or email. You can also place your business on the same board by hiring the best company. The Final Outcome is Awfully Fast It has been seen that the App development firms have shown proven results over the years. The data published by Statista reveals that most of the Startups such as Uber, Amazon, Flipkart, etc are incredibly successful and earning in billions just because their apps are getting downloaded in large numbers. Let’s wrap it up So, we have discussed in detail the various benefits the App Development Company is

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Developing A Mobile Event App: Best Features to Include

When you open the Google Play Store or the iOS Store, you come across various types of mobile applications; designed for an array of purposes. The Event Planning App is one such mobile app that has gained the spotlight not only in the corporate sector but also it’s no less than a boon for professionals such as a wedding or party planners and event organizers. Moreover, even people, in general, can maximize their benefit, specifically if they planning for a social gathering to celebrate an occasion such as a birthday or wedding anniversary, etc. Why the Event Apps have Suddenly Hogged the Limelight? Well, the statistics related to such apps will answer the queries. According to Business Wire, the market associated with event management is expected to increase by 8.42% from 2016 to 2020. In another study by CrowdCompass, it was revealed that about 86% of event planners have got an event app installed on their mobile phones in 2016. In fact, the same agency also suggested that there has been a growth in the use of attendee mobile event apps from 85% in 2015 to 94% in 2016. So now we come to the most important part of the discussion and that is how you will develop a smart event app for the end user that can help him never miss out on an important meeting or conference. In addition to that, this mobile app is quite useful in several other requirements including establishing the connection amidst attendees, helps in sharing vital data and other documents and also informs them about the upcoming events. However, before you get down to framing some serious strategies about the app development, you should know that primarily there three types of events apps: Meeting Apps Internal Event Apps Conference Apps Therefore, whichever type of app you are building and whether you are developing the app for an Android or an iOS platform, you must include the essential features to make it successful and also increase the traffic. Feeding of Events including Date Time and Venue Event Feeds is one of the key features that you can add to your app. It is usually a list of events that will take place in a specific city. Users can check those and get a brief summary of what the event is all about, its date and time. Apart from that, it will also be a great help for the people if you also provide them information about the venue and how they can reach that place. You can add a map showing the nearest landmark to the spot and also brief them about the available local transportation and it will give them directions to reach the place easily. The Facility of Buying Online Tickets and Registration Many Events including the corporate conferences require the attendees to buy passes and register themselves first in order to attend them. It will be handy if you offer them this facility all at one junction and that is your app. They can purchase the passes and do the registration without hankering anywhere else. The Agenda of the Conference and Speaker Intro Most users will appreciate your app idea if they also get to know the agenda of the conference. Based on the importance of the agenda, they will probably decide whether to attend the conference or not. Besides that, you should also include the schedule of the event such as when it will commence, who will be the prominent speakers, what is the break time and so on. It is a good idea to also add the speaker biographies so that the people attending the event are aware of them. The Importance of User Interface in Any Event App We are all familiar that User Interface is perhaps, one of the most distinctive features of any mobile app. Thus, when it comes to event apps, you should try to offer an interface with easy navigability. It must be user-friendly and well-designed too. The user should find every feature of an app with ease. Making the App Highly Interactive Communication and interactivity are the two most vital components of any event. The audience participating in the conference should feel that they can also give their valuable contribution to the conference. Now, if you are incorporating a feature where audiences can interact with the speakers and ask their queries related to the topic of discussion, surely it will be a huge bonus for your app. Offering an Engaging Content Obviously, if you are creating an app, you want more and more people to download it. One of the viable techniques to achieve that end is offering engaging content that people can easily tell others and recommend them to download the app. They can also recollect the happenings of the events afterwards. Recordings and the Presentations One of the features that will make your app stand out from rest is providing different facilities such as recording of the event or the presentations exhibited. The recordings can be presented through a document library where the users can access important videos, PDF files, and other podcasts. They can also check out the other videos later on. Using the Social Media Platforms Effectively Your app will rather be considered incomplete without the presence of social media platforms. This is one of the most effective tools to market your app amongst the targeted audiences on one hand and an optimal way through which the attendees can share the experience of the event on different platforms through messaging, comments, images, videos, tweets etc. Offering the Feedbacks and Analytics Lastly what you can do is ask the users to provide you the feedback through your app. In this way, you will at least get an idea of whether your event app was successful or not. On the other hand, you can also plan your strategy for the future apps that you will be offering based on this experience. It definitely acts as a promotional weapon. The Conclusion Various

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Top Reasons Why You Need to Choose Hybrid Mobile App Development

Most app developers often encounter a tripartite situation when it comes to the mobile app development. They have three choices: The hybrid mobile app development The native app development and The web-based mobile app development Out of the three the main tussle is between the hybrid and the native app development. Both have their pros and cons. But you simply cannot ignore the fact that hybrid apps are given more priority in comparison to its competitors. In fact, Gartner is of the view point that more than 50% mobile apps deployed hybrid apps in 2016. This proves a point the prominence of hybrid based applications has growing higher and will increase with years to follow. The prime objective of any business entrepreneur at the end of the day is to reach out to his targeted global audiences. And if you are opting for hybrid mobile apps, then certainly you are creating a win-win situation. You can enhance your products and services and also generate more traffic towards your app. Another aspect that will go into your favor is that the hybrid apps will be created by top-notch mobile app developers. The Simple Definition of Hybrid Apps Now before moving on further with the benefits of hybrid apps, it is crucial to have some idea about what it is. If we are to define it in a simple language, then it is a blend of native and the web-based apps. It combines a number of various technologies and methodologies and is based on a cross-platform application. It also provides a new dimension to your app; helps in business expansion and getting more customers. The Benefits of Hybrid Mobile App Development Hybrid apps have become one of the most preferred choices of users for their various advantages. Let’s discuss them and know why you should opt for it. Enhancing the User Experience (UX) So, what is the most important factor that drives traffic to a mobile app? The answer is user experience, beyond any doubt. And hybrid apps are the ones that will take you into the comfort zone because it offers an enhanced user experience across all platforms and browsers. The UX is that vital component that establishes a long term and robust relationship with your end audiences. It becomes all the more essential if they are switching on from one mobile platform to another. With the assistance of the useful hybrid apps, your users will be able to operate the functions of app seamlessly. Furthermore, it has better UX design in comparison to others and it also helps in updating the apps rapidly without any inconvenience whatsoever. Accelerating the Speed You are well aware that speed of a mobile app is a key determinant that can help in app promotion is its high speed. People don’t prefer an app that is slow to load and does not give response in apt time. So, hybrid apps will come to your rescue and overcome these drawbacks. Hybrid apps are efficiently faster in downloading even the large sized documents and files within quick time. This facility is absent in native apps. Fits Aptly Within the Budget Estimate This is one area where hybrid apps have been able to outshine the native apps. It is evident from an example. According to a post published on Hackernoon, the total cost of developing a large enterprise native app is somewhat about $2,51,000. Whereas in the case of hybrid apps, the same cost is around $1,62,000. Therefore, you can see the massive difference between the two. Hybrid apps make use of the assorted libraries and different set of tools for the development process. In fact, it also creates an app in comparatively less time. After building the app, you can submit it on the app store and release it accordingly. The Ease of App Maintenance Mobile app maintenance is very crucial aspect if you want your application to offer strengthen the functionality for long. Hybrid apps are known for hassle free maintenance. All you need to do is select the appropriate framework for the development procedure. Examples of these include Ionic, PhoneGap and Framework 7 etc. The choice of accurate framework also becomes important from business point of view as it helps in instigating quality assurance. Integration of the Application For the synchronizing of the inbuilt features of the app that includes messaging, camera, GPS etc. the hybrid apps utilizes the internal programming system of the device. It is done via wrapping or overlaying. The integration of the app is important for providing optimal services to the end users. Ease of Availability Both Google Play Store as well as iOS app store are flooded with innumerable number of mobile applications. However, not all apps get downloaded with ease and smoothness. At times, the users have to face some difficulties. But still they are getting downloaded in large numbers. If you are choosing hybrid apps, then you can relax as it will help in sorting these problems. Scaling and Development are Easier It has already been stated earlier that hybrid mobile apps are based on cross platform apps. You can develop it on various platforms as well as OS. This is one aspect that provides it an upper hand over native and mobile web applications. It can be easily scaled and created. The scaling also becomes simpler because of the framework and technology factor. It also helps in simplifying the job of the developers. If you are reusing the code, then you don’t need to create the app again right from the word go. You can easily build apps on all popular operating systems such as the iOS, Android and the Windows. Assistance from Offline as Well Hybrid mobile apps, similar to the native apps also utilizes the API of the mobile phone with the intention of securing some relevant and key information. This can prove to be a gaining situation for the audiences who don’t like to spend more money on data. This can also be

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Get an Insight on Writing an Outstanding Mobile App Specification

Do you have any idea about what it requires to have your mobile application project on the flourishing side of the bank? Well, possessing a business acumen, a well proficient team to work with, having a keen expertise in handing various projects, persistence etc. But considering the fact that the mobile app market is offering a stiff resistance from various competitors, writing app specifications becomes an important aspect of your business planning. In fact, one of the prime reasons why most of the startups or any other business fail is because they are do not know how to write app specifications for a project. Of course, you do not want to stand in that queue and thus preparing a clear, proper and comprehensive project formulation is very important. Benefits of Writing Mobile App Development Specifications It will just enhance the value of your project and you can get the best price from the app developers. It also brings your ideas and concepts into life. If your specifications are clearer, it will involve less risk during the development process. It will help in saving your bucks as you won’t charge you more. Actually an app specification write-up is a kind of a document where you describe in some details your idea about how you want your app development procedure to be like. As such you don’t have to elaborate it widely like a long essay but you just need to follow a certain structure or pattern. So, just go on reading further and you will get an idea about formulating a plan appropriately. First Prepare a Background Well, it’s the first base where you establish a communication with the developers. You need to inform them a few vital things as whether it is your first project or you have already had an experience before? Are you willing to develop your mobile app for reaching out more audiences? Do you have any knowledge on mobile app development? Answering these key questions will help in providing a background to the developer and they will understand your project requirement much better. The developer can analyze your business module and try to give a flying start. A Short Intro to the App It is actually an extension of the first part where you give a brief description about what type of app do you want. Is it going to be a location based app like Uber and food delivery or is it a health or news based app. Just tell them your requirements. Identifying the Potential Customers It is always good strategy to first identify your potential customers in the beginning. Who are your potential customers? Well, it will be viable to go for a research in the beginning to get hold of the market. Of course, the developer will throw this question at you before commencing your project. What is their age group? Based on the information received, app developers will get to anticipate the preference of the users. Creating a personal customer persona will definitely help in this regard. Defining your Goals What is your main purpose behind launching the app or why do you want to release your app? The answer will define your goal. Is it that you want to increase the mobile traffic into your app or you are creating it for just supporting your online website? You obviously want to enhance your business productivity; it’s that simple. You want to create a huge buzz on the social media. Doing a SWOT analysis will be extremely helpful in writing the app specification. On the other hand, identifying the Smart Objectives will prove quite handy. How will you make your app successful after its launch? How many downloads are you targeting within a week or month after its release. You want the users to visit your app once every day. This will help in analyzing the performance of your app after a specific period of time. Choosing the Particular Operating System Now this is important. You need to decide the type of operating system on which your app will operate. Are you developing the app for the Android users or is it directed towards the iPhone owners. Alternately, there are several apps that are available on both the major platforms. The decision will mainly depend on what your budget estimate is. Features or Functional Requirements You already are well familiar that the success of a mobile app depends largely on what features is it providing to its users and how functional is it. You need to describe in some details what type of features you want to implement in your app. How is the user interface and user experience going to be? What will be the design and layout of the app? Once you set the list of the features to be included, the mobile app development company will send an estimate quote that will have to be paid for hiring the services. The major functions can include: The login or the registration interface page The app menu, screen and fonts as well as UI Incorporating the social media platforms including the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the YouTube Channel Addition of the push notification. Do you want to send your users updates or reminders Collaborating with the app server and setting up the mechanism that involves protocols Data caching for the offline mode Geo-location for indicating specific directions Setting up the payment gateway Implementing the app reviews and ratings are vital Linking it with the website The content of the app and images App synchronization The Choice amid Native and Hybrid The selection is not only between Android and iOS OS but it is also between the two most probable rival platforms – native and hybrid. Native apps are programs that is developed for one platform only. On the other hand, hybrid apps is a combination of native apps HTML5 built with HTML5 and JavaScript. However, if you are not sure about which platform to opt for, the experienced app

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A Catalogue of Key Mobile App Features That Stands Out in Crowd

Needless to say that today the software market is flooded with a plethora of mobile applications. However, very few survive this cutthroat competition as most of them fall flat soon after their launch and perhaps, are lost in the oblivion. So, if you wish to stand out in the crowd and stick to Darwin’s Theory-“Survival of the Fittest,” then go on reading further for the booming launch of next mobile app. Do you have any idea why most of the mobile apps fail to grab the attention of the users? Well, it is due to lack of venerable content and secondly because they are too intricate to handle. Hence, it becomes more than essential to be on familiar terms with the key mobile app features before releasing it and gearing up for the contest. Chalking Out a Plan and Extensive Research Every business requires a predictive strategy which commences with laying the foundation of robust planning and an extensive research. Firstly you need to decide what kind of app you are willing to launch. Before you take a plunge into the water, grab a thorough information on who your competitors are? For instance, if it is an app for E-commerce website, then you might have to compete with giants like Walmart, Ikea or Amazon. Make a list of all the successful Mobile Apps which are being downloaded by the users and take a note of their success story. An extensive research is beneficial for the long run as it will assist in sufficing the specific customer needs. For this, it is advisable to collect some useful data of the previous year’s regarding the market response and how consumer behaviour has undergone the change. Upgrading with the latest available technology is very crucial to stay afloat in this business. The other significant criteria being trends, competitors and potential customers. The Why Factor or Simply the Purpose Each of the products is launched with a definite goal or aim. It is very essential to get the answer to the question- ‘Why do I need to launch the particular mobile app in the market?’ Once you get the reply, your task will become much simpler. While defining the purpose you will get to know who your customers are and what the users can expect from your app. According to the survey, about 97% of teenagers and youngsters have Smartphone whose age group fall from 25 to 34. Therefore, you cannot neglect this target audience who are mostly hooked into their Smartphones looking for unique apps. Picking up the Best in Class Features for the App Selecting the best features for the mobile app is indeed the trickiest part of the decision making process. Its necessity is evident from the fact that it will altogether define your product in the market. This surely is a team effort as it relies on identification of problems, supporting of the objectives and usage of case scenario. All these facts need to be well understood before their final implementation. Concept of Successful App Features What is your concept behind a successful product? On what grounds do you say that the launching of the product has been accomplished? Determining the success rate of your app is important as it will help the app developers in deciding what feature they need to add before releasing it. Let us illustrate this with an example. Suppose you app is for online payment and receiving of money and the feature allows the user to do the job through a single window, the goal is accomplished. Set the Features According to Priority One of the vital areas where you need to work out is setting the features in accordance with their order of preference. You will have to think wisely and select the features which according to you can play a crucial role in the success of your app. This needs to be done based on the importance of the features. Now if suppose you have developed some app features. You can decide which needs to be launched first and others that are not as important as the earlier ones. Once you have categorically divided these features, the decision becomes easier. You might at some point of time have to make changes in the project or features based on the suggestion of the team members. This is known as Scope Creep which might also lead to the project failure. In such a scenario, the product definition becomes critical as it helps in accomplishing the target and also time saving. Adding Social Sharing Feature Undeniably, the social media has become of the most powerful and effective tools for the success of any business venture. Adding social sharing feature will certainly give you an upper advantage to connect directly with the users on various platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Watsapp and others. Offering the Best User Interface and Functionality One of the important app features through which you can engage your users is by offering the best user interface and functionality. It includes types of buttons, page accessibility and user-friendly functionality. The app must be developed in such a manner that it can help the user in day to day tasks you can add additional services such as back-end data integration, coupons and other special offers. Remember, if you fail to provide the functionality, the user may uninstall your app from his mobile. Some of the apps which have been chosen by various agencies for their outstanding User Interface in 2017 include Snapseed by Google, Pear by Pear Sports etc. Developing App Features Based on Internet Speed Now this is another vital mobile app feature that will ensure your position ahead of your competitors. You must note that not every Smartphone user uses a 4G or a higher internet speed network on their mobiles. Therefore, you need to design an application which is interactively suitable for phones browsing internet on 3G or even slower network. Here again the functionality feature will come into play. It

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How Much Does it Cost To Develop an App Like Airbnb?

We have heard and came across a number of success stories over the past few years, which have been truly inspirational. We have evidently seen how startups such as the Amazon, Uber, PayPal, etc. turned the tides of fortune in their favor, motivating millions of aspiring youth and young entrepreneurs. Today we will hold discussions about one more key player from that extensive list of ‘most promising startups’- Airbnb. It has been truly identified as a global platform, which has enhanced the experiences of travelers to a great extent. Airbnb is an online marketplace that has incredibly added a new chapter in the books of e-hospitality and rental industry. Airbnb acts as a broker helping out to lease the house or any other place of accommodation for people who desire to book them privately. Therefore, any tourist or a holiday maker out there to enjoy this vacation like a local can conduct the bookings at most reasonable tariffs. What’s more amazing is the fact that Airbnb has expanded its web worldwide almost in 192 countries to be approx. Its mammoth list includes about 3,00,000 lodge listings in around 65,000 cities. So, whether people want to rent out an apartment, a villa, a cottage or an entire house they bank upon Airbnb. And believe it, Airbnb is just a product of a brilliant innovative mind that sprung up Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia about a decade ago in October 2007. According to Statista, the total value of the company was about 31 billion USD. Airbnb is an online marketplace that allows you to make all the travel arrangements by yourself and you do not have to depend upon the travel agents or tour operators. This facility allows you to save a lot of bucks. This is one of the major reasons why young minds are diverting their attention and energy in establishing a unique entity similar to Airbnb. Factors Influencing the Cost of App Development Similar to Airbnb So, after a brief introduction to Airbnb and getting familiar with its working procedure, it is essential to know what the key factors are that play an important role in developing apps that have resemblance to Airbnb. As such you can opt for various approaches but the basic structure of the app crafting in most of the cases will remain all the same. The Choice of the Platform – Android or iOS Airbnb is a mobile application that is readily available in the Apple Store and Google Play Store. But one important point to note is the cost of development for the iOS platform will be different from that of Android. You have to consider about adding up the number of screens, which is based on the target customers and their preferences. The cost of development in the case of Android is about 20% to 30% more than the iOS platforms. The Number of Persons Employed in the Project The cost of development largely depends on the number of persons employed in the project. If the size of the development team is big, then obviously the cost will hike. So, it is recommended to keep the team size concise and not include anyone unnecessarily. The team members need to have expertise in the field of app development and they should establish good coordination. Usually, the team comprises a project manager and an administrator, UI designer, etc. The Design of the App Well, if you want to shun away from the old traditional methods and go for aesthetically appealing and exclusive design, then it will surely influence the cost of the app. You have to make a choice between the custom and the standard. The Technical Complexity of the Features and App Testing There are some other important aspects that can create an impact on costing. They include the addition of different features, the technical complexity of those features such as choosing the element ranges and lastly the testing of the app before its final launch. How Much Does it Cost to Build Apps like Airbnb? Once we have got acquainted with the major aspects that are influencing the development of an app like Airbnb, we can now focus on our actual discussion. And you must know that in most of the cases the app development companies charge the client on a per hour basis. For instance, if the cost is $25 per hour and the total time for the app development is 100 hours, the total cost would be 100 x $25 = $2500. But it is not as simple as that. The entire project of app development is categorized into different sections based on the requirement of the client and app. For every project to end on a successful note, it is vital that the beginning is appropriate. The Initial Step Therefore, taking the initial step in this regard is very important. It can be regarded as the preparation stage wherein the developer holds meeting with the team members and chalks out a strategy or plan on how to proceed with the project. Now if you are planning in to design an app similar to Airbnb, then according to the experts, the total time taken for the preparation stage for this type of app is approximately around 50 hours. It may go a little more. We can sum up the division of hours into: The first 20 hours would go into setting up a base for the project. The next 20 to 24 hours are consumed into incorporating the API. Another 10 hours are taken for the preparation of the database model. Lastly, the 10 hours are spent on implementing services and libraries. Thus, adding up all, the average cost for the first step would come somewhat around $1250 to $1500. The Registration Process For most of the travel apps, the user first requires to register through an email id or mobile number. The process of registration is complete once the user agrees to the laid terms and conditions. The estimated

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Mobile Apps are Greatly Influencing the Fashion Industry

The mobile applications have been creating one buzz after the other. There is no such industry that remained untouched and aloof from the clutches of the mobile apps. According to the stats of Business off Fashion, the fashion industry has witnessed a growth of about 2.5-3.5% in the year 2017, which was about 3.1% in 2016. At the same time, Gartner estimates that the number of Smartphones has already increased by 3.9% in 2016. The arena of fashion world is gigantic and the trend keeps on changing at a rapid pace. What’s in popular demand currently, will lose its momentum after a few days. Fashion deals with the lifestyle of the individual and the way he carries himself of. It is very difficult to define the style statement in just a few words. The advent of online shopping eCommerce apps and mCommerce has had a humongous impact on the fashion world. The style and fashion enthusiasts want to remain totally up to date with the latest and hottest trends sweeping the market. Simultaneously, it has offered a venerable opportunity to the large number of apparel manufactures and designers to reach out a large of targeted audiences. What’s more enticing for the customers is the fact that they are getting the biggest range of brands all under one roof. So, if you want to reap benefits of the changing fashion trends with the help of mobile apps, please continue reading further. Apps Help in Generating the Customer Loyalty One of the most positive influences that the mobile apps have on the fashion world that it encourages the loyalty of the customers. Once the customers installs, downloads and gets connected to your app, he would always give first priority to your app whenever he needs to make a purchase. Moreover, the apps will remember the past purchases of each of the customer and send him personalized information based on that. The customers will feel glad to received personalized service in the form of a live salesman. Apps also allow the potential audience to reach your online store at point of the day and from anywhere. They can access the clothing items and accessories at with just a tap and choose the ones to buy within their pocket. The existing customers do give their reviews that encourages others to peep in; thus increasing the customer base. Apps Help to Scan Body to Get Apt Size One of the key areas where the customers had to encounter a problem was with regard to getting an appropriate size of fitted clothes when buying online. However, thanks to the innovative app developers, this issue has been sorted out to a great extent with the help of apps that allow customers to scan their body. The buyers won’t feel frustrated anymore when they are selecting the products. Now it is obvious, that the increase in satisfaction level will lead to growth in the sales. Apps are Mandatory for Designers and Store Owners Today’s era is the age of competition. And if you want to succeed you have to keep pace with the technological advancement. So, as a designer or a store owner, it is must to have a mobile app even if you are conducting business on a small scale. It offers you the most exciting opportunity to display your fashionable items to all the people worldwide. Because your store is online anyone can purchase your product; it does not matter whether you live in small town. Reaching the Widest Zone of Niche Markets If on one hand the app is allowing you to exhibit your products to the global audiences, it is also offering the chance to reach the widest zone of nice markets for those who are dealing in used designer clothing. Many people or even several charitable organizations approach for used outfits that are especially discarded by the designers. Such cloths are still in good shape and customers want to add them into their wardrobe because they are mostly available at most reasonable prices. This allows them to save a lot of bucks in the process. Collaborating via Social Media a boon for the Designers Social media integration and the mobile apps go hand in hand with one another. And the fashion industry cannot be left behind. The social media has proved to be boon as it allows the designers to coordinate with one another and get to know each other’s design. You can also share the pictures, videos and posts to remain connected with the latest happenings on the forum of fashion and style. Allows Customer to Upgrade his Wardrobe The customers at some point of time feel that they need to give a new look to their wardrobe as the existing are no more trending nowadays. They want to add versatility and give it a refreshing appearance. So, the fashion dedicated apps will be a good asset that will help them in organizing a well-designed closet. Apps Useful in Managing Store One of the bigger advantages of having a mobile application for fashion store is that it proves useful in managing your store and keeps it updated. It may be possible that the attire that customer is asking for is not available in your stock. The app will instantly send you the message that you need to stock that item in your inventory. This will indeed help in better store management as you will be aware that needs to be added and which items need to be put on hold. Conclusion Today the fashion industry is blooming and showing a positive prospect for the futuristic world much of the credit goes to mobile applications. Millions of users today are utilizing the mobile apps to make their purchases as they are gaining from both hands. It is in terms of both reasonable prices on one hand, and also in terms of optimal quality on the other. So, if you are a retailer or a designer, it is high time to get your

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Why the Demand of App Development has Gained High Momentum

Mobile applications have brought a drastic transformation globally enriching the lives of the individual users. At the same time, it has provided ample scope to the developers to showcase their innovativeness. The mobile app technology has taken a curvature that is beyond imagination. If we present a few data and statics to prove the statement that would be substantial. According to a study the total number of downloads in the year 2016 was 149.3 billion and it is expected to go up to 352.9 billion by 2021. Today mobile apps are reigning the world of business and enjoying the lion’s share in the revenue generated. If we talk about the revenue, it will also skyrocket from 88.3 billion USD in 2016 to 189.9 billion USD in 2020. There is nothing wrong in the statement if we say that people have become addicted to mobile apps. According to a reliable survey the people in United States spend 9% more time on browsing the mobile apps in comparison to the websites. Another report states that each of the users usually spend 2.3 hours on an average daily navigating the various mobile apps. Now all these figures and facts presented is a clear cut indication that app development industry is passing through its golden period and its demand is expected to go higher up the order. Apps to Offer Faster and Effective Communication Process The era of mobile apps is rightly said to be the age of digitization where communication has become faster and simpler than ever before. One of the primary reasons that is evidently led to better interaction and connection is the deep surge in the number of social media apps. According to the survey, Facebook has been identified as the most popular app (81%) on both the leading operating systems i.e. Android and iOS. In fact, it has also been seen in the same study that 29% of the users spend most of their time on social networking apps. Not only the social networking apps eased out the process of communication, but it has now regarded as one of the most effective tools for business promotion and advertising. Similarly, Whatsapp has become one of the fastest growing social messaging app with over half a billion people already using it. Even there are many business groups active on Whatsapp, where people are buying and selling their goods. The Rise in Demand for Efficient App Developers The increasing demand for useful and innovative apps both for the Android as well as the iOS platforms has also created an exceptional opportunity for the talented app developers to showcase their caliber and creativity. Therefore, most of the app development companies are in hunt for efficient app designers that can prove to be a great asset for it. And the numbers suggested by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics give a positive sign in this direction. It has predicted that number of developers will increase from 17% to 24% by 2024. So, you see new job opportunities are coming your way and you need to get prepared to grab it with both hands. It must be noted that within the near future, the companies are not only going to hire best Android and iOS app developers, but also look for proficient who expertise in Enterprise apps and IoT apps too. The Immense Success of eCommerce Business One of the probable reasons why app development has gained the impetus is because the eCommerce business has become more gigantic. It increased to 174% in 2014 itself and the number of users are growing steadfastly. The enormous success of mCommerce has even the shook the retail industry to a great extent and most of the retailers are searching for the app development firms to get an eCommerce app that can potentially get more customers and augment their sales. The popularity of the sites like Amazon, EBay and Flipkart tells you the story. More and more people are preferring the online shopping sites for making the purchase mainly due to the fact that they are readily available round the clock and are most convenient option to choose. The demand will keep on mounting because of the fact that apps will generate higher revenue for the business. Mobile Apps a Blessing for the Startups If you think that mobile applications are business strategies that fit within the shoes of only established companies, you must check the background and success record of new entrepreneurs and their ventures. At present, the work circumference of the app designing firms have enlarged as they are also helping out the new business enterprises to establish their foot in the steep competitive market. The success of Uber and Airbnb can be forwarded as the best examples to support the statement. It is through the Uber mobile application that almost all the customers book a cab for a destination and many few for the website. So, the demand for the mobile app development is certainly ascend within the time to arrive. Addition of Futuristic Features and Highly Advanced Gadgets We all know that mobile apps have exploded into the market because there is a flood of highly advanced devices. Every year new Smartphones are getting launched, which have more futuristic features and it is getting better and better by the day. For instance, this year witnessed the arrival of iPhone X and iPhone 8, which is class apart from its current contemporaries. And since people have become smarter they always keep the features on the top of the priority list when they are downloading any app. Google’s Android O and Apple’s iOS 11 are the indications to it. Not only that when the most popular and downloaded app like Whatsapp is adding new features to enhance the experience of the customers. So, one can say that as the number of devices and features will boom, the demand for app development will also flourish. Developing Apps will be Budget Friendly Another benefiting reason that will pave a

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