app developers

Why iBeacons are becoming a Necessity for the Travel Industry

The word iBeacon or Beacons can be used simultaneously and ever since Apple launched them about four years ago, in 2013, they have been evidently successful in creating a huge buzz worldwide. These highly advanced devices that operates on the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, transmitting data over short distances. The devices broadcast their identifier as they enter into the close proximity zone of the iBeacon. The iBeacon is catering to a number of varied industries that include the retail business, education sector, museum and lastly the travel and tourism industry. We have already witnessed a significant transformation in the retail sector and so now let’s focus and observe how the iBeacon has largely influenced the travel business. But before that let’s have a look at some important stats and also know why beacons are proving to be a boon for travel business. According to a statistics, over 70% of world population are using mobile phones today and these gadgets prove to be more than handy while traveling. Now how is iBeacon helpful? Suppose you are navigating down a new road and want to visit a particular store or you are exploring a new country that you haven’t toured earlier. The iBeacon will make your navigation much easier. The travel and hospitality industry is peaking towards new challenges and in such a scenario it will be of great help if they are able to gather personal data of the customers. For instance, the hotel or the restaurant owners can collect and use the data to get more people and make up for their lost revenue. Simply, they can sent the customers best offers and discounts through alerts. Can iBeacon Rendered as Future of Travel Industry Well, although it is still in its early days, but the iBeacon is receiving a good positive response from the users. It is such like the GPS technology, but the difference is that they can be attached to movable objects. It can be used at various touch points. We can discuss it in short below: Boon for the Air Travelers There is no doubt that iBeacon is offering the best platform to the air travelers helping in their seamless transition within the airport terminal. The navigation for the airline passengers become much simpler as they are able to receive all vital information right on their mobile devices. This would include everything right from the time when you check-in at the airport, go through security checkup and collect the luggage at the time of departure and arrival. A survey regarding the changing trends of aviation industry shows that 44% of the airlines will be using the iBeacon technology by the next year i.e. 2018. It has been estimated that this will invariably bring an important change and help to improve their services. In addition to this, the iBeacon is useful for promoting aviation industry, gate updates and booking cabs. This will also very smartly gather the information and data of the passengers on the basis of their proximity. One can cite the example of Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai which released a mobile app having features of beacon to help the passengers better. Boosting the Hotel and Hospitality Industry The iBeacon is truly proving to be a great asset and valuable marketing tool for the hotel and hospitality industry. It has been found that beacons are assisting in offering uncompromised guest services to the ones staying in hotel with minimal effort. What’s more interesting to note is that it also saves money as you don’t have to employ separate staff for that purpose. We are already aware that mobile apps are one of the most necessary ingredients to boost your hotel business, but initiating the iBeacon technology will certainly be icing on the cake. The iBeacon is that priceless asset that will help you in every accord right from the time when a guest checks in at your hotel till the time he checks out. You can also send them notifications on their mobile devices guiding them the route to your hotel. Besides that, they will be pleased to receive messages containing special offers and coupons on the tariff rates on the rooms and food. You can know their preferences and in this way maintain a strong relationship with your guests. Promotion of the Supplementary Sales Supplementary sales can also be referred to as the ancillary sales and as such they are an important source of revenue for the aviation companies. The iBeacon is also promoting the ancillary sales and so they are maximizing its benefits. This heightens the experience of the customers. They can get essential information on the status of their flight as they come into close proximity of the terminal. It also promotes day pass to getting info on the lounge area and also know more about long haul planes. Helps Travelers to explore the destination The role of iBeacon specifically in flourishing the travel and tourism industry is just not restricted to only offering services at the airports and the hotels, but it also assists in travel discovery. The iBeacon can offer valuable information on a particular city exhibiting it as a tourist spot. For instance, if a tourist is visiting a particular city, he will get to know all about its past history, the places of sightseeing, major conveyances of transport, restaurants, shopping malls, amusement parks and so on. It also tells the travel about the weather forecast. Therefore, it is no less a guide for the travelers who have visited a new destination for exploration. The Benefit of Personalized Offers Travel and tour agents always are in lookout for boosting the business profitability. And one of the best ways to achieve that end is to provide personalized offers to the targeted audiences via iBeacon. The travel agents get historical and current data of the customers; utilizing which, they can send custom notifications and messages. Finally the Future of iBeacon in Travel Industry To conclude the above discussion, we can

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Which One to Choose – Native or React Native for Mobile App Development

Often the app developers; both Android and iOS are perplexed over the choice of platforms, frameworks or tools. But the key selection they have to precisely make is regarding the platform – React Native or Native. If you are an experienced app developer, you should be well familiar with both these used application tools; however, if you are a newcomer then it would be viable to upgrade your knowledge comprehensively, before diving deep into the water. As you know that both Android and iOS are strong competitors, the same can be said about Native and React Native. So, first let‘s briefly discuss both the platforms and then make a comparative study by going into the details: The Native Application is developed for a specific platform and the app developer has to make use of a particular tool for developing the apps. For instance, the Android app developers need to do coding in Java or Kotlin with the help of Android Studio as the environment. On the other hand, iOS app developers will have to make use of Objective-C or Swift. Xcode is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) here. Therefore, it has been seen that in both popular Operating Systems, (Android or iOS), you get different programming languages and environments. If we talk about the React Native, it is an open source framework that has been developed by the Facebook. It introduced the concept of web development into mobile app building using the JavaScript. React Native offers you the opportunity to create applications simultaneously at one time and so you don’t need to develop two different applications. Only a single code is enough for both the Android and iOS platforms. In fact, it can be said that the User Interface (UI) of mobile applications got better with the arrival of React Native as it brought improves the graphical elements so as to match with the platform. Which is Easier – React Native or Native as Programming Language Well, if you take an expert opinion from a professional app developer, then yes, the answer straightforwardly is React Native. The reason – JavaScript is a much simpler programming language both in terms of learning as well as debugging. The errors during the compiling tend to get hidden inside the codes, which you can detect later. Talking of Objective-C or Swift, it is considered a hard and strict language but becomes easier to catch with the faults at an early stage while compiling. And also, Objective C and Java are getting upgraded to match the standards of the modern language. React Native again is a winner as it reduces the time of app development and the cost because the app developers can develop one app for two platforms. Comparison on the Basis of Documentation Well, here in this segment both React Native and Native applications actually give a tough competition to each other. The Swift has been cordially received by the app development industry, in spite of the fact that, it has just made an entry. So, far it is doing a good job as far as documentation is concerned. On the other hand, React Native is equally matching its levels by providing code samples, tips, and regular docs. So, here the match seems to be tied. Integrating Functionality Through API or Third Party Library Well, now in this round the Native Application exceeds over the React Native. When you are developing an app using Native and adding functionality, you will get full support from API or third party library. The third party element does not require any further integration. Apart from that if you are choosing a hybrid platform for app building, you won’t face any such limitation as in case of React Native. Another disadvantage of React Native is that it does not support APIs. The issue will be only be sorted out if the native modules are embedded in React Native. But for that to happen, you first have to code Android and iOS, which is a daunting task. Again the native application is a time and effort saver when it comes to using APIs in the app. React Native provides you the option of developing a customizable app for optimal performance. Issues Related to Web App: Who’s the Winner When it comes to web app development, React Native yet again steals the show from Native Application. It has been mentioned earlier that programming in React Native is simpler. Here too, a good comprehensive knowledge of web app development will prove beneficial as debugging flows and toolset architecture becomes easier. Plus, if you are also teaming up with a React.js developer, you don’t need to do web programming. As far as Native Application is concerned, it has got no link with web development. Comparison on the Basis of Community Size You know that React Native has been developed by none other than the top-notch social media platform Facebook. Therefore, the name is adequately enough to describe the number of members active on the React Native Community, which is at present somewhat close to 32k. The React Native also provides you the scope of using the reusable components in your applications because of its open source nature. The native applications does not enjoy the support of such large community and support from peer engineers. The Battle Over Performance of the Apps So, when you compare both programming languages on the basis of performance, Native Applications outclasses React Native. Of course, you can develop simple apps using the React Native, but as soon as you try to implement the advanced technologies such as AR/VR, IoT or Blockchain, it will start creating difficulties. This is where native applications provide a smooth passage for the developers, as incorporating the techniques becomes easier. Publishing on the App Store Once the app development is complete and tested, it’s time for it to get published or released on the App Store; Google Play and Apple Store. However, if you are apprehended whether your app will be accepted

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How to Develop a City Guide App for Travelers

For all those travel freak outs, there’s some exciting news there! So if you are already planning to explore a new destination and have begun with packing your baggage, booking the flights and hotels, just wait a minute. Well, the good news is that you don’t need to depend on local guides or the tour operators anymore. Yes, your Smartphone can become your best and most reliable travel guide when travelling to a new destination. Now it’s interesting? You just have to install a City Guide App and relax, enjoy your trip. As the number of travelers and tourists worldwide has augmented in the last few years, the demand for such useful apps has also increased. We already have a few popular examples of city guide apps such as Foursquare, Trip.com, Musement, etc. doing a commendable job in serving the users. However, if you are also planning to travel to the same spot as these and build a city guide app for the travelers, then let’s proceed with this journey further to see how to go about it. The Real Motive Behind Building a City Guide App The main purpose defined behind developing a city guide app is offering comprehensive and up-to-date information to not only the tourists but even the local residents of the city. This information would include everything such as the main tourist attractions, the places of sightseeing, amusement parks and their timings, malls, shopping areas, hotels, restaurants, cafeterias etc. In addition, you also get to know about the popular modes of local transport and conveyances, their fares and proper timings. You also get familiar with the major cultural events or any other celebration occurring around the city. For instance, if you are travelling to Gujarat during Navratri festival, you get to participate in the “Dandiya Utsav”. So, even if someone is visiting the city or place for the first time, he won’t face any problem in availing the important info. It also makes it easier for the tourist to plan is trip accordingly. Who Would Usually Benefit from the City Guide App? Now let’s analyze who would basically benefit from the city guide app or you can say let’s find out who the main target audiences are. The Local and Foreign Tourists The app is readily helpful for both the local as well as the foreign nationals who have visited the place for holidaying. You can provide the relevant info in their respective language, which would be easy to comprehend. The Local Administration of the Place The city guide app would be incredibly useful for the local administration of the place such as controlling and managing the traffic in much better way. Apart from that, the people can also get in touch with the concerned officers of the government agency if they face any problem. The Businessmen and Corporate Houses Many entrepreneurs visit new places to attend corporate meetings or any other business event. The city guide app will give them the exact information on the venue and easiest possible way to reach there. In addition, if the local businessmen have come for purchasing bulk items, it would provide the address of wholesaler or stockiest. Tour Operators and Travel Agencies Even the tour operators and travel agencies are not lacking behind in reaping the benefits of the city guide app. They can get the proper statistics about the rise or fall of tourism in the city and can check the vacancies in hotels or flights etc. The Choice of the Platform Well, the important decision in developing any app is regarding the choice of the platform. And you know the options. It has to be Android or iOS or Cross-Platform. Again the selection depends on three major factors such as: The budget and timeframe of the project Your specific target audience and market The features that you want to include in the app The Key Features of the City Guide App When you are creating a city guide app, it becomes imperative to stuff it with essential features so as to put your application in the category of a great app. So, let’s have a look at the necessary features. The Support for Both Online and Offline Modes Your city guide app should offer venerable services both when navigated in online as well as offline mode. It is possible that the tourists won’t get Wi-Fi internet connectivity everywhere and they don’t want to exhaust their mobile data too. Therefore, in such scenario, the offline navigation facility will come to their rescue as they can browse the information without any hindrance. The Support for Multi-lingual Languages Well, language and communication have also been regarded as one of the forerunners of the travel based app. So, you can’t miss it; it has to be essentially included in the city guide app. It would specifically be a boon for the foreigners who are visiting your city for vacation purpose. As far as the choices of languages are concerned for inclusion into the app, it’s your call. You need to include both local as well as foreign languages. Try to implement languages that are more popular and widely spoken around the world. Full Information on Public Transport Services Next, the city guide app should have complete and full information on the public transport services. It should contain the entire timetable of the buses and their routes including their fares. In addition, you also have to include information about other modes of transport such as train, trams, taxis and ferry. Important Contact Numbers and Places of Parking The city guide app should include the important numbers of emergency contacts such as police stations, hospitals, airport, railway station, taxi operators and so on. You also have to also indicate the places, where people can tourists can park their own vehicles and inform about the charges. You must be aware that the problem of parking is becoming a grave issue and so it is essential to include it. The Addition of Geo-Location

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Best Practices App Developers Should Follow to Enhance Mobile App Data Security

Imagine waking up one morning and finding your photos, conversations, and more on the internet for all of the world to see. Horrific, isn’t it? Even thinking about such a thing causes one to shiver. But having our private information made public, or theft of the sensitive data stored on our mobile devices is a very real and constant fear in the advancing era of cybernetics. The Extensive Use of Mobile Apps One of the most rapidly progressing things with regards to Information Technology is the apps on your smartphone that you use regularly. Nowadays, there is no single thing for which an app has not been developed. Whether you are a hungry introvert who wants to order food online, or a desperate college student looking to pass Anatomy 101 – you can rest assured that you will find a mobile app that will assist you with your objective. In 2018 alone, there has been as much as 205.4 billion app downloads worldwide. Compare this with the 92 billion app downloads of the year before that, and you can see how the mobile app industry has been growing. An average mobile phone user spends 2 hours and 15 minutes scrolling through mobile apps every day. Keeping these statistics in mind, it is safe to say that the mobile app developing industry is blooming and flourishing. Developing Apps for Mobile Phones is Not an Easy Job But while you are using all of these insanely addictive apps, have you ever stopped to wonder what security considerations the app developer has taken to protect your data? However, prosperous and lucrative the mobile app development business might be, it is not always rainbows and cookies. Though an app developer will most likely not be out of a job for very long these days, he has to work very hard to provide us with a flawless and immaculate app. One of the most frequent complains, and primary concern when developing an app for smartphones is data security. Your mobile phone holds a heap of sensitive information that you would not want to be leaking out. From contact numbers and personal photos to your bank details – it is the data that you cannot afford to be in the wrong hands. But many of the everyday apps in your use compromise the security and safety of this delicate material. Most Frequent Security Issues With Mobile Apps Before we dive in to discuss how a qualified app developing company takes care of these sensitive security issues, let us briefly talk about what these concerns are. Some of the most common cyber security concerns in the modern era include data theft or unintentional release of sensitive data, faulty encryption techniques, substandard or absent offline authorization, and defective session handling. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss each issue and its cause in a brief manner. Unintentional Release of Sensitive Data Accidental leakage of sensitive data happens when it is stored in insecure and unsafe locations on a mobile device. This unprotected data can be picked by the other apps on the device and used in ways that the user did not intend for. Faulty Encryption Techniques When you think of encrypted data, you imagine it is safe and protected. However, this is not always the case and encryption can sometimes fail to keep important data secure. The process of encrypting data involves creating a ‘key’ through which the data can be translated to its decrypted form. The idea behind encryption is that this ‘key’ is only made available to authorized users. However, when this ‘key’ is stored in an insecure location on the device, it can be easily accessed by hackers. This is when your encryption methods fail to protect you. Substandard or Absent Offline Authorization When you are using a mobile app, it is understood that you are not always connected to the internet. At these offline times, these apps cannot differentiate between different users. When an app lacks offline authorization or has a poor version of it, unauthorized users may access sensitive parts of the app offline. These hackers can even go so far as to use the app in ways that only administrators can. Defective Session Handling Last but not least, defective session handling is a real problem with mobile apps. This becomes even more of an issue if your smartphone is lost or stolen. If your app fails to end a previous session when you have started a new one, the unauthorized person with access to your lost phone can operate the app the same way that you can. They can reach sensitive data, copy it, alter it, or make it public. In short, this makes you vulnerable to a whole lot of problems. Best Practices App Developers Should Follow to Enhance Mobile App Security Now that we have discussed what are the common cyber security threats being faced by the public in association with mobile apps let us consider the steps that app developers can take to eliminate or minimize them. Fortunately, for each security problem, we have at least one solution that can be implemented to make your mobile use safer. Let’s begin with some necessary steps that every quality app developer must consider if he or she wants to provide a safe and problem-free experience to the users. Spare Significant Resources for Security This one may sound like a no brainer, but it needs to be greatly emphasized upon when considering how overlooked it tends to get. When developers are designing mobile apps, they want to come out on top of their competitors in regards to the facilities offered. Striving for excellence, they cut corners to be able to focus more on the performance of the app. A lot of times, these app developers might make the mistake of not allocating enough resources for security. In this case, though their app may be able to perform better than any other at what it is meant for, it will compromise

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