app developers

The Road To Success in Wearable App Development With Best Challenges

Due to the rise of mobile computing solutions such as smartphones and tablet devices, the interest in mobile app development is skyrocketing as they are a fundamental element of said devices. Every fancy gadget that comes out works by using mobile apps, so it is understandable why both supply and demand for this product category are jacked up at the moment. With no sign of things slowing down, app developers are looking to cash in on the newest innovation in tech. Currently, we are seeing a return of the smartwatch sector after an underwhelming debut some years ago. With more app developers looking towards wearable app development in the near future, it is important for them to know what kind of issues may appear while creating these apps and what they should try to avoid. Purpose To succeed in a thriving ecosystem such the mobile/wearable app industry, developers must make sure that the app they are creating is more than a flashy distraction or a gimmick. The apps that will last will be the ones that have a defined purpose, with developers behind them that know exactly what they want their apps to achieve. If it’s an original idea, it’s even better. App upkeep Developing an app is only the beginning. Once the app is on the target marketplaces and available for download, it must be taken care of. App users can get attached to a particular app, but if it becomes outdated and obsolete to their livelihood they will not hesitate to delete it. An app needs constant updates that not only fix problems discovered through user feedback, but also add new features periodically so that the user base remains interested. User Interface Probably the most important element on a wearable gadget, the User Interface is the connection between the watch’s operating system coding and the use or in other words, it’s what makes these watches different from regular watches. Sure, there are some other factors to keep in mind which are revealed at a deeper glance but as a consumer, the UI is what the user will see and what they will want to see for that matter. Unlike smartphones and tablets, smartwatches come with very limited space for expression, given their nature. Fitting design elements on such a small canvas can be quite challenging as developers must find the perfect balance between adding enough elements on screen and not cluttering the display. Cross platform compatibility This one is self-explanatory. An app will manage to reach a greater number of consumers if it is compatible across multiple platforms. If a particular app works only on Android or just on iOS, it denies itself access to an entire market. And while these two are the dominant marketplaces for mobile apps at the moment, there are also smaller markets to consider such as Microsoft’s app store for Windows Phone. While individually these marketplaces pale in comparison, added up they make a good chunk of business which isn’t tapped into. Just like other smart devices, smartwatches come in various shapes and sizes and use different technologies, and developers must adapt to all these variations. Ease of access Keeping in mind that we are talking about wearable app development, it is crucial to also remember that an app must facilitate navigation on a very small screen and arrange everything so that having a smartwatch is a comfort booster, not an unnecessary hassle. The operating systems which run these devices see to that, but apps must also pull their weight and build on that concept, winning users over through simplicity and efficiency rather than overcrowded design clutters. Battery friend, not foe The bane of many apps is their inability to provide service for a reasonable amount of battery life. While some apps are efficient, they are discarded due to the insane amounts of battery that they consume. An app must be optimized so that users don’t have to choose between the app and having their phone die before noon. Keeping it simple and not adding an exaggerated amount of features greatly helps with this problem. Clock is ticking The wearable app market, in concordance with the rise to popularity of wearable gadgets, will begin to grow considerably and at an alert pace. This means that developers must act quickly and provide valuable applications to eager consumers that have just purchased a smartwatch and now want more apps for their wearables. Under the “make hay while the sun is out” principle, developers which are fast to act on the market shit will be the ones raking the greatest benefits. Conclusion Taking all that into consideration, it is important for an app developer, especially for one developing for wearable gadgets, to be ahead of the curve and fast to react on the newest hype train circling the industry. Keeping apps up to date and efficient in a space where it pleases all involved hardware parties aren’t easy, but it’s what sets apart good apps from just OK or even bad apps. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/the-road-to-success-in-wearable-app-development-with-best-challenges/

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How To Develop A Complete Bug-Free Mobile Application

Mobile apps are perceived in various lights depending on how sturdy they appear in front of the user. What that means is that an app that crashes constantly loses its value, regardless of the quality of the content inside. That is why developers take extra care to get rid of any problems that might occur during the app development process. An app that has absolutely no problem whatsoever is referred to as a bug-free app. But you won’t see any of those any time soon because it is incredibly hard to provide such a purity percentile with so many variables in play. What variables, you ask? Security problems play a role in making an app not bug-free anymore. The same thing goes for networking or validation in terms of user privacy requirements. These and many other elements can chip in to ruin your app’s perfect score. In this article we will be identifying some of the causes that lead to app bugs, and also what you can do to prevent said bugs from getting out of control. Security concerns Security is one of the most concerning aspects of app development due to the fact that most of the bugs that appear are direct results of breaches and issues that occur in this sector. So naturally, developers are extra careful when dealing with app security, because removing the chances of the app being prone to bugs in this department can drastically improve the overall product’s stability. How to maximize bug reduction? Test. Test everything. By undergoing heavy testing early on in the development process, you can identify vital weak spots and vulnerabilities in the software’s security. This is much easier to accomplish in the beginning stages of the project because it helps you fragment the workload of testing it in its entirety. Code revisions Code revisions can save you a lot of hassle as well. A very good way of ensuring the efficiency and quality of your own code is by inspecting that of someone else. Whether it’s a solo developer, your project partner or app development team altogether, you can review other code so that you will much easier identify the problems that snuck by you. As is the case for many things, a fresh perspective could be all you need to solve a nuisance. Beta testing Beta testing is a bugproofing method that has brought out the best in mobile apps time and time again. In a similar fashion as the previous piece of advice, by having different people review your app, you can pass it through multiple filters. One of them is bound to notice something you or the other beta testers weren’t able to. There is no limit to how much beta testing you can undergo, meaning that you can close in on important bugs and issues by using multiple builds and revisions. Automated testing and error reports By using tools which allow you to do automated tests as well as receive automated error reports, you can maximize the amount of feedback you are getting. Beta testing is great and all, but it would be a good idea to rely on more than the generosity of strangers when it comes to identifying problems. Not everyone will go through the trouble of reaching out to you so that they can tell you about a problem they found. That is the kind of scenario that leads up to the aforementioned theoretical error to make it to the final version of the app. Investing resources into a debugger Investing resources into a debugger will also show up in the quality level of the final build. Yes, debugging can be quite the pain when you take a common route that implies using PHP, Python or Ruby. But if you appeal to the services of a Visual Studio type of IDE, you will find it very easy to bypass some procedural steps that would otherwise “bug” you out. Conclusion After you release your app, you will have to constantly keep it updated and check in with the community built around it. Using the feedback of your users as well as doing some solo research will be required. But any work that comes after releasing the app can be so much easier to manage if you put the time in during the development process, and clear a lot of the potential bugs that would otherwise stain your product’s initial launch. There is no such thing as “bug-free” in the sense that you’re thinking of, but you can get pretty close to that status by taking a couple of precautions during the app’s creation. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/how-to-develop-complete-bug-free-mobile-application/

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Important Features To Consider When Developing A Successful Social Media App

When we talk about the social media app, most of the people think about Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube in their mind, but the spectrum of social media app is even broader than thinking of the common people. Integrating useful social features in your app make unsurpassed impact on the growth and reputation of your business in the short term. A strategically and intellectually developed social media app definitely offers impressive outcomes for fruitful revolution in your business. Based on one survey, the number of active social media users is approximately 2.3 billion. The numbers of social media app users were raised last year by 176 million and every year, more than 1 million active social media users are added. Hence, for development of successful social media app, there are several essential aspects need to consider such as most important and essential features to be included in the app. In order to build a social network or create more social experience right from a scratch, it become essential to comprehend user experience and significant features. Here we have discussed about some important features necessary to include in your social media app. Social Media Connection The trend of social media apps increasing as it offers great connectivity to people to stay connected with their friends and relatives all across the world. Allow your users to connect easily with your app draw them to proceed in your app. In order to raise social graph swiftly, leveraging existing social connections work efficiently. Accelerating login process will have more chance to reduce abandon ratio. Allowing users to perform an initial process with complete ease increase their interest in your app. Moreover, users always approach apps with user-friendly navigation with advanced functionality. Choosing the Popular Platform Nowadays, iOS and Android are the most popular platforms that widely used globally. Hence, choosing the popular platform with throughout testing on different devices becomes a necessity in order to make app seamless and increase its reach to a global audience. Customize Use Profile In social networking, people are always keen to make their profile impressive to enhance their reputation in social groups. In the social media app, normally users prefer to make their profiles with activities, interests, status, mood and other updates as well as occasionally upload photos, video and other stuff related to recent trends, festival, events, etc. Hence, with common information such as user id, nickname, name, bio data, and other personal information, customize profile picture, catchy slogan, personal interest, etc. helps users to enhance their credibility and improve identity. Moreover, app developers can offer attractive fonts, styles and combinations to make a custom profile appealing. Building a network of Friends/Followers The app allows users to easily invite friends with only a click. There are two popular models help to create connections are friends and followers, known as private and public network. For building social media app, developers should comprehend a user graph allows users to connect with friends quickly. In addition, follower helps users to increase social strength. Notification and News Feed The social app gives power to users to express their views and enhance their social capabilities and responsibilities. Enable to make user’s network activities in a single view. Allow them to share content, stories, update status, upload video/audio, presentations, images, etc. Push notifications, leave suggestions, news feed, email, rates, reviews becomes powerful tools in social networking to make an app popular. News feed increase possibilities to create rich content flow from the user’s network and followers as well as include content such as posts, photos and videos created by users. Functionalities such as comment and like increase interactivity between users. Thus, feed becomes the most essential features in social networking app helps people to motivate each other. Security, Support and updates Mobile app developers should consider thoroughly about the prime important factors regarding privacy and security of users’ personal information. Moreover, consistent support and regular update become vital for the development of a long-lasting app. Updating app with advanced features and functionalities as well as fixing bugs, if any, helps your users to stay connected for long term. Integration & Interaction of Social Media In order to established connection in social networks; groups, messages, email, content based connections, as well as recommendations, search and other features comprises key importance. Integrating existing services help in gaining excellent user experience of communication. In addition, interacting with social networks such as personal networks (Whatsapp, Facebook), professional networks (LinkedIn), multimedia sharing networks (YouTube), micro-blogging (Twitter), etc. helps users to stay connected with their existing network as well as boost their social activities in the global. Choosing the most precise feature framework make impacts on the success of your social media app For development of a successful social media app, a mobile application development company has to make strategic planning right from the conceptualization of an app to its development & intellectual marketing and successful launch. Moreover, design strategy, support and maintenance of an app plays important role. Choosing a perfect communication model to design an app makes an impact on selecting essential features for your app. Selecting popular platform such as Android and iOS helps in increase performance of an app, proffer complete access of built-in services as well as enhance user interface and user experience. Considering MVP (minimum viable product) helps in cost-effective development as well as market the product quickly. Comprehending your target audience and content becomes a prime concern while selecting the communication model to build a social media app. Make precise planning to enhance your app popularity and fix strategic plans for its periodic upgrades to implement its with recent features that gives user engaging and amazing experience. Selecting right features based on your communication model influence user engagement, retention, and overall growth of an app. Therefore, development of a social media app by an expert and professional app development company helps in setting an accurate feature framework. Conclusion Social media app development needs great expertise, experience and know-how to comprehend the

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How Would You Know When Your App Needs A Major Update

Most mobile apps are updated regularly, but the updates brought by developers are minor ones. They mainly focus on small tweaks, minor additions, bug fixes, some polishing here and there or adding a new small feature. As such, a major update is not as frequent as users would want, and it often implies a new version of the OS, a new UX design or new features. However, as an app developer, how would you know when you app needs a major update? Thankfully, there are some hints that may help you with this. New app feature If you want to add a feature that changes the entire user experience, then it’s time to release a major update. For example, if you want to add a social or collaborative element, to integrate a third-party service like payment gateway, to implement authentication and/or syncing across multiple devices, to change the revenue model of the app etc. You can even pair a couple of related features and thus make a major update. New design In case you are planning to completely change the design of the app, whether you are thinking about the UX or the visuals, most likely you need to release a major update. It is natural for you to want to change a couple of things, if not everything, from time to time, and truth be told, users sometimes do crave a change. One example of such a major update is the introduction of Material Design in Gmail for iOS 5.0. Performance One main concern of developers, entrepreneurs and designers is how to best increase the app engagement. Taking into account several data analysis, you can find out what you need to improve about the app, and if the improvement is a major one, it requires a specific update. Asking upfront for feedback from your users is not a bad idea either! And since we’re here… User feedback The in-app feedback is one of the most important things you have to take into account, because you’re constantly looking for user satisfaction. Check the app store reviews, the requests for support or the comparable items available on the market and in this way you can learn about what major flaws your app has and how to improve them. Some of the most often encountered problems consist in difficulties finding a certain feature, a particular button or needing a certain function which doesn’t exist. Old codebase These days technology advances extremely fast. Even a codebase created two years ago is old and obsolete now. In this case, even if everything works well in general, you might want to change the codebase. Keep in mind that a major update may imply a complete rewrite of your code, so prepare for this if you plan to do it soon. The more people work on a codebase, the more time it might take and the more complicated it may turn out to be, even if they do stick to the rules. Extending to various platforms or devices Given the multitude of the devices and platforms available nowadays, you have to be flexible if you want to cater to several types of users and reach as large a number of users as you can. Of course, expanding the app means that you have to rework the app code entirely, since you have to adapt to various design sizes and to aim for a coherent experience. Latest design trends Since technology is evolving quickly, so are the aesthetic trends. An outdated appearance is definitely a no-no for any entrepreneur, so you might want to keep in touch with the latest trends when it comes to designs. Check out the Human Interface Guidelines by Apple or the Material Design Guidelines by Google, since their advice may actually become useful. Conclusion All in all, there is a constant need for improvement, regardless of the type of app you have. Times and trends are changing faster than you might predict, so it’s extremely important to keep yourself informed, to watch out for what your other competitors are doing and what are the weak spots in your own app. Do not let yourself fooled by the fact that you temporarily achieved a great app, you have to be aware that there’s always room for improvement. Last but not least, remember that you have to take into account the user feedback, the codebase age, the current trends and technologies, the expansion and new app features when considering implementing a major update. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/how-would-you-know-when-your-app-needs-a-major-update/

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Why Need Agile Methodology For Mobile App Development?

With the enhancement in the use of smart phones, the market of mobile app development grows rapidly. It becomes a challenging task to develop an app having a long life span. In this harsh competition where users experience and expectations becomes key concern that decides the failure or success of a mobile app. Hence, mandatory for an app development company to adopt the constantly changing market trend to gain the positive outcomes. Nowadays, companies utilize an agile methodology which is most efficiently used by mobile and software development companies helpful in streamlining the critical development process and make it faster. The agile approach for developing a mobile app mainly focuses of flexible planning, involvement of customer, risk management and continues evaluation. This process helps development team to design a final product precisely as per the expectation of their customer. In this blog, we would like to discuss that why you should select Agile for your mobile app development. What is Agile Methodology? Today, Agile is the product development approach in which the complete process is segregated into a number of different development cycles. In this method, it requires dividing an entire task into different sub tasks and thus, each of sub tasks become a separate module for a development team. Hence, an entire project becomes an integration of different modules or tasks. Then, each module needs to assign to dedicated specialists which act like an independent project. In the agile methodology, the role of product owner is to keep constant interaction with the project development team. In addition, the scrum master acts like a mediator who need to watch the development team and ensure that they follow the methodology properly or not. Moreover, he also needs to organize the development activities to use all scrum parts and processes efficiently. The responsibility of scrum master includes skillfully guide the team for self-organization and enhance their performance. Moreover, a development team in an Agile is a unified developers group that delivers their skill in order to achieve the project goal. The development teams are collaborative and self-organizing in which the member of the development team has right to accomplish the task and adopt the best tools and techniques in order to achieve the targeted objectives. Understand the Need of Agile for Mobile Application Development First of all, we discuss about the development process of a mobile app that becomes a challenging task and need a team of specialists. It requires numbers of discussions with customers, project manager and development team in order to comprehend the project requirement in detail and identify the key objectives. For high-end project development, allocation of task to a responsible and capable person as well as establishing communication between the development team and customer throughout the development process is becomes a foundation of the project. Handling different procedure of the project and the team becomes a complex task for the project manager. Thus, in such situation, Choosing agile for mobile app development becomes a wise decision. Agile methodology is the most effective way for the mobile application development that ensure the work coordination of experts and the permanent communication between the customer and project development team. How Agile Methods helps Mobile App Development Company to Develop a High Quality Apps Using the self organization, responsibility, flexibility and leadership, an agile method makes possible to develop a sustainable, high-quality mobile app. It also helps in overcoming several issues developers faces using the traditional app development methods such as assorted demands of users, seamless development, different operating systems, unexpected amendment from customer during project development and much more. The key advantages of using Agile in development of mobile app is it involves continues communication between and inside the group. The continuous interaction between the customer and development team make the process transparent and flexible. Hence, at any stage, if the customer raises fresh demand in the project, it makes no impact on the rest of the process. The additional changes can be carried out by the one of the concern team and thus, the speed of the development process does not affect. Agile development methodology allows many scopes for amendments all through the complete life cycle of app development. It helps in offering frequent updates with implementation or fixing bug to give a users unmatched experience. It utilized a cohesive work approach. Each stage needs testing to make the product seamless and enables to launch the product in a short period of time. With the constant interaction of the developers, customers and testers, it enhances the flexibility and transparency of the process. Proffers comfortable work conditions to team members. Regular updates to customers about project elements. Efficient and rapid application process enables increase the quality and performance of the project. It enhances design responsiveness, sustainability in app usage and the user experience. Conclusion The need for selecting the agile methodology for mobile app development becomes an effective approach for mobile app development companies as it delivers several benefits over the traditional method of app development. It enables customers to closely involve in the process, making faster decisions all through the process, allows early release of the product in the market and provides several benefits to the customers, end-users and developers. In order to meet the desirable objectives, user’s expectation and achieve the tangible results, a mobile app development company should choose the agile for developing mobile apps. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/why-need-agile-methodology-for-mobile-app-development/

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What Makes React Native the Future of Hybrid App Development?

Presently, numbers of mobile app developers have started using React Native to develop mobile apps. From a new startup to fortune 500 companies, it provides excellent experience for developers to use this open source development platform. It allows you to create an app using JavaScript. React Native is a JavaScript library useful in developing user interfaces as described by its creators. It mainly focuses on the view part of your app. It means that when you write a react native app, your view code comprises writing react components which are nothing but small portions of your code that portray the portion of your app look like based on the set of input data. Apps created using react native includes Facebook App, Instagram, Facebook Ads Manager, Bloomberg, UberEATS, Vogue, Walmart, Airbnb and many more in which some of them are React Native/Hybrid Native Apps. When it comes to developing an app, it requires deciding whether need a native app or a hybrid app to develop. Native apps include an alarm clock, an address book, a calendar, a browser and other programs which are built-in in your device by default. When a mobile app developer starts developing apps using specific platform and programming language such as Java for Android or Swift/Objective-C for iOS, the application is known as a native. It can access features of operating systems of a mobile phone such as calendar, camera, media files, accelerometer and many more. Cross-platform apps are designed in such a way that users can access it without connecting internet. Such apps support all platforms and adapted to most of the devices. The platform such as Cordova, Ionic, PhoneGap and other are used in developing hybrid apps that allow an app to access the features of software and hardware platform. Hybrid app is growing popular as it eases development as well as enhances user experience. React Native is an efficient tool from Facebook to benefits developing a hybrid app for Android and iOS. It is designed to make interaction with native API platform and based on the ReactJS library. The Benefits of React Native in Hybrid App Development Highly Portable Facilitates developer to port almost half of the app code to another platform. Developer can migrate all of the app’s logic, other than the view elements for display information templates on the screen. Firstly, it supports only iOS, but now facilitated support for both Android and iOS, the library can provide mobile UIs for these both platforms. Compatible with the Third Party App It allows integration with the third party, hence, the functionalities of the third party app can be benefited by the device. Moreover, the integrated APIs do not make any additional load on the device causes operation smoother. Memory usage also minimizes during the time in order to maintain the best performance. Reutilization of Code The key advantage of React Native is that it facilitates developers to reutilize the code which was written for a specific platform. Hybrid app developers need not to write the code from the scratch. The primary goal of React Native is ‘Write Once and Use Everywhere’. Thus, it saves valuable time of developers to concentrate more on their product rather than striving on coding. Furthermore, they can also use their code written in any platform which becomes highly beneficial for mobile app developers to focus on other things rather than writing the same code each time when developing a new app. Make the App Development Efficient Using ReactJS, high speed and responsiveness as well as agility, effectual processing and best user experience makes possible in offering app users, native app experience. React Native covers popular UI library of Facebook, ReactJS for web applications. It carries DOM abstractions, best performance of an app and makes the programming simple for hybrid app development. A Mobile UI – a Key Focus Designing a mobile UI is the key focus of the React Native. It is like a JavaScript library than just a framework that enables the UI more responsive and makes the processes to run smoothly because of the synchronization of the native environment and the framework. This makes possible for users to minimize loading time compared to a traditional hybrid app and give excellent experience to them. Better Scalability In React Native, there are wide API interaction with native elements and several modules ready-to-use of third party developers as well as the opportunity to write your own native modules. Besides, the problem of browser compatibility needs not to face using React Native as it renders native views and not Webview. It gives developers an opportunity to concentrate on other important app development process by preventing their time in solving bugs for hours or days. With native views it gives better performance and with smooth animations, it gives the feeling of native. You can also update your app anytime using ReactJS library. Conclusion React Native is popularly used for hybrid app development due to its number of benefits. Even fortune companies also use react native apps for their businesses to provide their end-users excellent experience for using their app. Reusability of code, highly portable, focused UI, compatibility for third party app integration as well as enhance the efficiency of developers has made react native popular for Hybrid app development. Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/what-makes-react-native-the-future-of-hybrid-app-development/

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An Overview of Different Stages of Mobile App Development Lifecycle

Based on one survey smart phone users spend their 90% of mobile time on apps. Fortune 500 companies generate 42% of all mobile sales as well as average time people spend on their mobile app is also increased by 21%. Many other surveys predict that the era of mobile app is growing swiftly with the development of more innovative apps. When looking for developing a new mobile app, one should make a foolproof strategy to make the app development lifecycle proficient and develop a popular mobile app. From identifying unique app concept to its successful implementation, a mobile app development company requires comprehending the recent trends, tools and technology to market an app using winning strategy. Let’s take a look at the different stages of mobile app development lifecycle: Comprehend the App Concept & In-depth Market Research Finding an innovative and unique concept for a new app leads you to make it popular and successful. The first phase of mobile app development is very important as it is associated with your target market. There are several aspects that require discovering in this first stage of app lifecycle. You need to make a list of questions and find answers to get a definite outcome. First of all decide the purpose of your app. Know what achievement you are expecting from your app? What are your target markets/end users? List out your key competitors, what best they offer to users/what users expecting more from their app? How best your app stays competitive to defeat your rivals or how you can make your app unique compared to your rivals? Selection of right mobile app platform How much time app development requires? When will you expect to launch your app? What is your app budget? Will you choose in-house app development or hire a mobile app development company? Select a team of professionals work on the project as well as assigning work to team members based on their proficiency. Which factors you will consider making your app marketing successful and boost conversion? You need to make profound research and analysis to get answers of all such questions. Without detail analysis of all such aspects, you should not move ahead to start your development process. Set up Key Objectives of Your App This is the planning phase of your app lifecycle, which is very significant. You need to make decisions about all features and functionalities require in your app. Also make sure that your app is capable to accomplish your end-users demands What features your app proffers to make it unique? What factors make your app more advanced? Without offering your users bunch of common features, bestow some out-of-the-box features attract them to use your app. When you develop an app, always consider the recent technology trends helps in making an app quickly such as Kotlin – Latest Android Programming Language. It helps proffering excellent user experience to your target audience. Wireframes & Prototyping – Important Phases in App Lifecycle This stage is very important as it gives you a rough idea about the look & feel of your app. In this phase, you need to ensure key features you wish to include in your app. There are several things you need to consider before start wireframing such as comprehending your key objectives, screen orientation, better representation of content, use of well- organizing content, use of blocks, and many more help you in making your wireframe effective. With the help of foolproof wireframe, you can make your designing and development process more efficient and fast. You should also focus on the opportunities to include in your project as well as factors that enhance user experience. Wireframe helps you to guide for the backend structure that you require supporting the app such as APIs, servers, data diagram, data integrations as well as other services such as push notifications. Any technical limitation found in the backend development process can be overcome in this initial phase. App Prototyping helps you in making the development process easier as it offers an opportunity to evaluate design ideas, collect feedbacks, realize dead links, and focus on several other important aspects. You can use online prototyping tools helps to make your app development process easier. Developing the App – Adopt an Agile Methodology It involves several processes. If you are not using backend as a service (BaaS) provider or an app development platform, you need to setup the databases, storage solutions, servers and APIs for your app backend. You should select an Agile Methodology for mobile app development as it enables to make the changes, and implement new features efficiently as well as keep evolving with the need of changing trends. You require setup an account for a developer in the app store that you choose for your app launch. It requires some days to get started hence, if you don’t have a developer account, take the steps accordingly. You should consider app store guidelines before starting development to prevent your app from rejection by the app store. In this stage, your designers will make the skins for your app that let you understand the look of your app. These actual screens represent the interface that your users finally utilize to make interaction with your app. Therefore, in this stage, you should ensure that the design includes all the feedback and ideas as defined in early phase. In this stage, UI/UX details make the difference as it impacts the appearance and functionality of an app that users have to experience. App Testing & Debugging – Require Foolproof Methodology This is one of the most important phases in order to make your app seamless. Ensure different testing such as usability testing, interface checking, compatibility, service, as well as performance, security checks, operational testing, and several more. Building well-planned testing structure helps you to reduce your time and money in the development process. Launch the App When you found your app ready for launch, you can submit it in the app store or

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Tips for Developing Mobile Apps with ReactJS

React is a JavaScript Library which is used for development of User Interfaces. The Facebook initially launched it on 4th March, 2013. Today it has become one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks even though it was introduced about four years ago. According to data, websites including Imgur, Netflix, SeatGeek, Airbnb, Feedly, HelloSign and others use ReactJS. However, some users might get confused between ReactJS and React Native, but to tell you the truth they both are quite different. However, in this blog we will only concentrate on ReactJS and be acquainted with how you can develop an app with this JavaScript library. It utilizes a method for rendering the web pages, which in turn converts it into highly responsive and vibrant user input. Now we take into consideration a few data and statistics related to ReactJS, before proceeding further with the discussion ahead. The stats presented by Similar Tech shows that its popularity amidst the people and society is about 17.6 %, 11% amongst business communities and 55% about others. Another report by BuiltWith states that United States ranks number one in using ReactJS, followed by Mexico and United Kingdom. Now we have to know what are the specific reasons for the popularity of ReactJS. We can highlight a few of these: One Can Grip Them with Ease One of the major aspects which make ReactJS, a preferred choice is that they easy to comprehend and you can learn their basic insights without much difficulty. This JavaScript framework is not fully featured and is a V in the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern. Moreover, you will also come across a number of video tutorials helping the developers in building the mobile apps. ReactJS Makes Easy to Write Components Another great feature which Facebook added into this JavaScript is JSX, an optional syntax extension. Therefore, the components can be written with much ease as JSX allows you to combine HTML and JavaScript. As such, you don’t have to follow the complex rules and developing custom components or high volume application becomes simpler. ReactJS Allows Component Reusability The fact that ReactJS supports component reusability offers developers various benefits. You will have to put in less effort while developing apps as it is reusable for other applications. The accuracy and speed of the app development also improves. The Advantage of Having an Open Source Library The Open Source Library is one of the great assets that ReactJS offers for the web and mobile development. The app builder does not limited impositions such as templates, patterns and complex architecture. It allows you to constantly develop and is open to contributions. The Benefit of Virtual DOM The presence of virtual DOM makes the user experience better and the developer works faster. DOM can be defined as a logical structure which is available in various formats like HTML, XHTML, or XML. You can speed up the updates using Virtual DOM. Apart from these, there are various other advantages such as building isomorphic apps, offering straight tools to the developer, great for SEO and others. ReactJS also a boon for the Mobile App Owners So far we have seen how ReactJS is helpful for the app developers, but in fact, it is advantageous for the owners of the app as well. It offers several benefits like it runs smoothly during data rendering, increases your business productivity; it can work on any device and helps establishing connection with the customers. In fact, it has also assisted the customers in a number of ways. Examples include linking the credit card with the bank account, responsive designs and advanced notification management etc. Developing Mobile Apps with the Help of ReactJS The ReactJS is supportive in case you are developing single-page applications. It also supports the virtual DOM with browser’s one. Thus, it is able to identify which parts of the DOM have changed in comparison to saved virtual DOM. The library is able to identify how to upgrade the browser’s DOM effectively. Front desk developers have work harder than those working behind the scenes. Now let’s know what knowledge and skills does a developer needs to have for creating a Mobile App with ReactJS. To answer this question, as a developer you need to posses some knowledge about HTML. However, of you are also familiar with JavaScript; it will be an added advantage. Basically when you are developing an app through ReactJS you will be working on front end UI development with ReactJS, viewing the process of rendering and application techniques, working on JSX syntax and conceptualizing JavaScript. In addition to these, the other vital tools include virtual DOM, reusability of application component and UI Designs. The MV*Pattern You will be surprised to note that React is no more a MVC framework. In fact, one is aware that ReactJS is not a two-way data binding process which takes place mainly due to events triggered by a correction in any of the part. Therefore, you will find the unidirectional data flow here, in this case. A new element has been introduced which is a combination of view and Controller. Working with the JSX syntax JSX stands for the JavaScript Extension syntax that helps in HTML quoting and rendering subcomponents. This makes the writing of pure JavaScript easier for the developers. As PHP is a popular framework, similarly, the Facebook has introduced the JSX syntax which looks like HTML. The Class System ReactJS is initiated with a class system as everything revolves around the elements. The elements have their own eco system and as such they are mainly developed with a concept in mind. This is an unexceptional method of React.createClass. But since the conventional Model-View Controller (MVC) is absent, the traditional class system too becomes outdated. Third Party Plugins This is one area where the React does not find much support as the third party plugins is lacking for this framework. However, you have to keep yourself abreast about the latest releases of plugins. The Documentation If you are

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Reasons Why Most Enterprises Love to Develop Apps in Swift

The Swift App Development has been rightly defined as ‘The Future of Mobile Application Development’. Ever since the Smartphones have become the focal point in the market and amid the users, there has been a drift in app creation technology. Nowadays, the Enterprise Mobile app development has become intensely popular because it has brought a sea change in the ways of conducting business. Swift being developed by Apple, the users have complete trust on it. Soon after its inception in the market, it has become a preferred app development for the enterprise. Swift is a new programming language which has been developed for MacOS, iOS, tvOS and Watch OS. Although it is competing with C and Objective-C today and excels both the other development languages in some areas such as automatic counting memory management, no presence of headers, embedded programming in iOS, no semicolons towards the end of the statement and so on. According to a data, there has been a steady growth in the number of Swift Users; every one out of five person is predominantly using it after its launch. Similarly, other stat by TIOBE index reveals that Swift has nailed its position as the 11th most popular language. Yet another research by the Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results claims that in 2016 Swift was the third desired mobile development language after Java and Objective C. If you are an iOS app developer, then it is a boon for you. And it is the appropriate time for you can make the shift because it has a more user-friendly coding system. There are various other advantages as well that include the best in class user experience, customer satisfaction and highly functional apps. According to Apple CEO Tim Cook, Swift is the next big programming language and he has also predicted that within a couple of decades most app developers will be choosing it over others. Advantages of Swift in Enterprise App Development There are number of factors which makes Swift as the first choice of the enterprises when it comes to selecting an app development language program. It is Still New in the Market Swift has been recently launched in the market by Apple Inc. It first appeared on June 2, 2014 but is stable release date is April 21, 2017(3.1 version). So, in comparison to Objective-C, it is still new. On the other hand, Objective-C was launched about 33 years old and was basically a continuation of the C-language. Apple had to release it separately as it wasn’t ready to support the functionalities of Objective-C. Provided with a Robust Open Source The Swift Development Language has been created in an open course which makes it easier for the user to upgrade all the source codes, bug tracker and email list at regular intervals. Because of its robustness, one can go through the technical documentation. This literally helps in developing future applications. Moreover, it also supports all kinds of Linux based platforms. Even the developers can suggest their own resolutions because of the presence of Jira, a bug tracker. The Facility of Multiple-Faceted Languages Another huge advantage that Swift has is that it has been built with a multi-faceted language program. As a result, the developers can comprehensively understand the language and also develop different types of mobile apps including the simple and the complicated ones as well as the low powered Apple watches. Comply Data at Much Quicker Rate This is another area where Swift has been able to win the battle over Objective-C. It is able to manage the data at a much faster pace. It has been using the LLVM complier for optimized native code for the operating platforms. The developer gets an opportunity to rewrite several groups as structures. In case of Objective-C there were only few classes which led to slower coding and as result the time frame also increased. It has already been mentioned earlier that Swift takes less time for coding. Optimal Language Programming for Developing Business Apps After several tests and other activities, it has proved its efficiency and therefore, is regarded as one of the best programming language for developing business apps. The Company (Apple) has got the most proficient developers on the board, who have been constantly working to make it more user-friendly. Consumes Less Memory When it comes to memory consumption, Swift yet again proves better than Objective-C. The later had an object-link and it consumed some of the RAM (Random Access Memory) of the computer. However, in case of Swift, it was a single object oriented program and switched to structures. The amount data type and SDK classes also reduced, which in turn made the memory more effective. Not restricted only to iOS Development Apps You might be under the impression that since Swift has been developed by the Apple, so it is effective for developing iOS based mobile apps. But in reality this is not true. Though it has been adapted by Linux and some other programs, but it can develop useful and fully functional apps for the Android too. Improvements in the Syntax Swift has newly developed and much improved syntax which makes it easier for a developer to create the codes and also maintain the consistency of the language. Some other Benefits In addition to the major benefits listed above, Swift also has some other advantages. It is provided with integrated storage system for safe storing of data. Apart from that, it is can be easily comprehended if you want to become an iOS app developer and all kinds of businesses can maximize its benefits whether an MNC or a Startup. Consumes Less Time for Coding When you are creating an app with Swift, you will probably require only a few lines of coding. So, not only your job becomes easier, but you can finish off your code creating work within minimum time span. Conclusion Swift, although is a new app developing program, but it has already established its firm grounds in the

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The Importance of Mobile App Maintenance

There is one common myth regarding the mobile applications that once an app is created and launched on the app store, the job of the app developer and owner is completed. Of course, you want audience to come back and engage more on the platform. And just think over it; what if the two most popular Mobile Operating Systems- Android and iOS release an updated version? Will you not offer an upgraded version of the app? So, then you need to maintain the mobile app. Well, talking of maintenance, you already know how important it is. Maintenance is a broad term and not just restricted to the upkeep of your vehicles, electronic devices, your home or the machineries. It is equivalently vital to maintain the mobile application that you have developed for a seamless and trouble-free operation. Moreover, you also don’t want to come across performance based issues and put in the best effort to provide an improved user experience. In addition to that, the maintenance of the app at regular interval also keeps it up to date. It’s time to focus on a few stats, which will reveal the importance of maintaining the mobile apps. According to an article published in the Business Insider, nearly 52% of the apps are uninstalled by the users, only after a period of three months because of its poor upkeep. In yet another survey it was found that about 30% of the app developers update their apps every month, which indeed is a good practice. And to tell you the truth, the cost of mobile app maintenance isn’t that high. According to Fierce Wireless, the app maintaining cost is somewhat around $10000 to $20,000. Getting the Latest Versions of the Operating Systems Android and Apple, both keep on updating their Operating Systems at regular basis whenever there is an advancement in the technology. You are well aware of that fact that there are a number of apps which stop operating on new versions that does not support them. For instance, Apple recently launched the iOS 11 version and as much many apps working with iOS 10 did not operate in the new version. Even Android has launched the Android 8. The operating systems gets updated once in a year. You should try to provide the proactive audit to the users when the beta version is made available. The development team will have a discussion as to what changes are to be made in the app. And it’s a wise decision to maintain the app than to lose the users, who get annoyed when the app does not support. Can Provide Financial Benefits in the Long Run When a company develops an app, it tries its level best to offer the optimum finished product into the market. However, creating a perfect and flawless app is considered something not possible. So, if you are willing to save the initial expenditure cost, then implementing the maintenance plan becomes necessary. This means you are updating the app timely and not incorporating the unnecessary features that aren’t required. A survey showed that at least 21% of firms have performed unsatisfactorily as far as Return on Investment (ROI) from its mobile app is concerned. Apart from initial savings, businesses can also save money for the long run if they properly implement the maintenance plan. You can monitor the apps in proactive manner rather than reactive way. This will bring in less technical issues and improve the robustness of app. The Improvement in Software Libraries Well, if you are in app development business, you must be well acquainted regarding the importance of software library in app creation. To start with, a software library is prewritten codes, configurations, and routines and the developers update or improve it. But all apps do not have software libraries and the ones which have must be completely up to date. Offers an Updated User Interface (UI) The User Interface of the mobile app should always be updated and advanced. Of course, what looked chic a couple of years back, won’t have the same influence in the present time. It should have a more sophisticated look. Now you can get all these pros if you are maintaining your app. Another vital point to note here is whenever the mobile phone manufacturers bring in a new model, they aren’t always of the same size. So, UI must be designed in accordance with the size of the phone. Getting a Better User Experience (UX) A study informing that app maintenance has played a crucial role in generating more traffic and higher ratings from the users. This statement is adequately enough to tell you the importance of app maintenance and the success of your mobile application. So, if you want to get more audience and be on the top, then user experience becomes more than important. It is that deciding factor which informs whether people will download your app or not. Incorporating Technical Enhancements The mobile based technology keeps on changing and after every month or two we perceive a new set of technical environment for the mobile apps. It may include the programming languages, new platforms, technology and much more. If you are going in for the app maintenance, then you will not only offer the latest version, but also make the changes very aptly as per the demand. When you are maintaining the app, you are also providing it a stable and secure platform. Today app security is becoming an essential aspect, keeping in view the increasing number of cyber threats. It will remain error free from technical point of view as well. Allows Regular App Monitoring Today app market has become stringently competitive and so in order to cope up with the high level of competition, personalized app monitoring is very important. It becomes all the more vital in cases where the companies do not have sufficient resources to undertake the maintenance work. Thus, they need the support of an external mobile app partner that

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