The Key Differences Between Android Go Apps and Regular Apps

It was at its I/O Conference in 2017 that Google had initially made an announcement to introduce Android Go, that would run seamlessly on low-budget or cost-efficient Android devices. Google launched the Android Go to basically target the common users, who don’t use highly expensive Smartphones and aimed to expand its app market in the developing nations. Well, those not familiar with this lighter or the slimmed down version of Android should look at the following definition. What is Android Go? The Android Go is the slimmed down version of the Android Operating System released by Google with the aim to run the OS successfully on entry-level phones. As the numbers of smartphones are skyrocketing globally, this is a masterstroke from Google to expand its business strategy. Android Go allows all the Google based apps to occupy very little storage space. Thus, it is said to be a blessing for devices that have low RAM size. Even the preinstalled apps will also consume less data and space. Google while launching the Android Go has intently focused on three major areas including the Play Store, the Operating System and the Apps. Let’s have a close examination of each of these: The Android Go Play Store In order to make the Android lightweight and to reduce the burden of the apps, Google also unveiled a new and exclusive Android Go Play Store. Truly speaking, there’s not much of a difference between the normal Google Play Store and the Android Go Play Store as both provide more or less the same content. The only difference is that the Android Go Play Store offers a storefront that can fit best for the entry-level devices. It also helps in recommending the users the top apps that can run flawlessly on their devices and enhancing their experiences. The Apps Google has launched the same apps as found in the regular version but with the light version to suit the device’s memory. These apps mostly occupy about 50% less space and provide the same experience performance-wise as in the case of usual apps. With Android Go, you would basically come across these common preinstalled apps such as Google Go, Gmail Go, YouTube Go, Google Maps Go, Google Assistant Go and Files Go etc. The apps can be navigated at a much faster speed almost by 15%. However, you might have to compromise with some of their features that are no available in the Go version. It must be noted that most of the pre-existing apps in Android Go are Progressive Web Apps. Operating System The Operating System is based on the model same as the Android Oreo but it has been specifically designed to support devices that have RAM ranging from 512 MB to 1GB. In fact, they occupy half the space of Android Nougat, which lets the smartphone install and use more number of apps. The Android Go has one additional feature known as the data saver available in the default mode helping to consume lesser data. The Difference Between Android Go and Regular Android Let’s start with the comparative analysis between the regular Android and Android Go by focusing on some of the key apps. Beginning with Google and Google Go When you have the first look at the Google Go, you would find it simple and lighter, which is much easier to install. The most significant part of the slimmed down version is that the app size; which is only about 12 MB; whereas the regular Google occupies a large space of around 166 MB. The intensely vast difference in file size of the app also saves a lot of time while downloading or updating the app. It comprises of all important features such as voice search, Google Translate, Maps and GIF. However, the feature Google Feed remains absent here but you should be happier to receive such a compressed size of the app. Gmail Go and Regular Gmail People with low-priced smartphones also find it much convenient to check and reply their emails using their devices. So, Google has facilitated such users with the Gmail Go, which performs the same function as a normal Gmail app. Yes, you can easily access your mails from anywhere anytime with just a tap on the button. To tell you more about it, the Gmail Go have a file size of about 24.8 MB to be precise and even if you compare it with regular Gmail app on the grounds of RAM consumption, it takes up 77MB in comparison to a whooping 260 MB. Moreover, the interface of the Go version remains more or less the same and it provides all the features including the swipe gestures. Comparing Google Map Go with Google Map Well, it is interesting to note that the APK size (Android Package Kit) of the Google Go Map is merely 0.009 MB. On the other hand, if you compare it with the normal Google Maps, then the size would become as large as 48 MB. Yes, it cannot be called humongous; but comparatively there is a massive difference between the sizes of the two apps. One of the most common features that Google Go Maps share with their regular contemporary is offering the facility of real-time location sharing. However, you would also be disappointed to note that the Google Go Maps do not offer the benefit of navigation. It means that if you have to find out the right direction, user has to install another app called “Navigation for Google Maps Go” to use navigation in Android Go. But the fact that it offers you information about the traffic condition will help you in planning your journey in advance according to the traffic movements. Even in RAM consumption the Go version consumes only 3.5 MB in comparison to 183 MB for regular Google Maps. Comparison of YouTube Go with YouTube YouTube is perhaps the most visited video sharing app today and also has become one of the major sources of entertainment for

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