Steps To Build a Successful Website Redesign Strategy In 2022

Deciding on building a website redesign strategy can bring life to your business. A business highly requires this strategy to thrive constantly in this competitive era and appealing web marketing industry.

A redesign project can either bring immense success or a complete failure. Basically, it relies on the methods you execute and procedures you follow with the help of a website development company.

You must have a clear vision for creating a redesign strategy. If you are better at defining your vision from scratch, the strategy will get immense success and the whole procedure will be seamless also.

This is why I have come up with this useful guide to help an inbound marketer create a successful website redesign method. I have discussed some steps to build this strategy. So, let’s have a detailed discussion on them!

  1. Analyze Your Present Online Performance Metrics

Prior to planning on redesigning your site, you should first measure the present functionality metrics of the site. Deal with some queries depending on the parameters for starting the project properly.

performance metrics

Check whether your website is receiving the desired traffic. If not, find out the reason and recognize the pages which can bring the maximum traffic.

Start by analyzing your site over its history in particular areas like:

  • A total number of unique visitors, visitors, and visits. Use Google Analytics for this evaluation.
  • Realistic targets vs. Bounce rate
  • Fresh content for your new site
  • Number of inbound linking domains
  • Total number of indexed pages
  • The target audience and their monthly average time on your website
  • Top-functioning keywords study (in terms of lead production, traffic, and rank)
  • Total number of pages which drive traffic
  • Total number of sales produced every month
  • A total number of form submissions or new leads every month.
  1. Set Your New Website Redesign Objectives

In case you have determined your new website redesign goals which you want to accomplish, fine-tune your website for reflecting that. Understanding precisely what you need will provide you a clear idea of the whole website redesign method.

The concept will also make sure that you communicate properly with your favorite website design company at every time.

Be determined with your objects why you will redesign your site and creating a connection between the measurable results you want to accomplish and the site is important for your project.
web design banner

Take these following data-driven goals into account for redesigning your website:

  • Design
  • Performance
  • Boosting present SEO rankings for essential keywords
  • Tools and technology
  • An increasing number of visitors or visits
  • The increasing whole amount of sales produced
  • Reducing bounce rate
  • Promotion tactics
  • Enhancing domain authority
  • Increasing time on the website
  • An increasing number of new form submissions or leads
  1. Delineate All Sections of Your Target Audience

Want to come up with marketing campaigns which identify your audience’s particular requirements and choices? Then, divide your target audience first. This will result in effective utilization of your investment in the campaign and more outcomes.

target audience

Here we have outlined some questions which you should ask yourself prior to planning on a website redesign method:

  • Who is going to utilize my site?
  • What will they do on my website?
  • Which pages will be visited by the visitors?
  • What do the visitors want to accomplish or receive from my website?
  • Which audience do we wish to visit the site?
  • When will they visit?
  • How will they visit?
  • From where will they visit?

Several kinds of people visit your websites such as job seekers, present clients, promising clients, competitors, students interested in internships, media, vendors, hucksters, employees, and industry people who read all blogs for know-how and for staying updated.

Here, you have to filter the most desired audience like current clients, promising clients, and the blog readers so you can make changes in your website design accordingly.

Next, you should focus on the marketing campaigns which will bring in the maximum leads. Concentrate on them for having better results.

Currently, search engine marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing are the strongest online marketing methods.

  1. Index Your High-Performing and Valuable Assets
valuable assets

While redesigning your website, always remember to keep a stock of your best-performing and precious assets. You can keep an inventory of the following assets for your new site with some smarter tactics:

  • Most trafficked pages
  • Most viewed or shared content
  • A number of inbound links to separate pages
  • High-performing keywords you rank for and related pages

In case you delete a page which has a higher number of inbound links, there is a possibility that you could lose lots of SEO credit which could result in decreased keyword rankings.

You are recommended to hire a web designer who is an expert in basic SEO and can save a lot of time and your present online value.

  1. Evaluate Your Competitors’ Websites

Check out what your competitors are doing for achieving better ranking on search engines. Find out how they are getting more leads than you. Although it’s important to keep a track of what all competitors are doing, you are recommended to ensure to not replicate or copy what they are doing in your own business.

The smart strategy will be concentrating on making better marketing tactics and unique website design. Simple enhancements will offer the best user experience to your clients.

In a nutshell, evaluate your competitors through marketing grader to know their strengths and weaknesses.

This will help you know the particular areas of your site which must be overhauled. Once you conduct the analysis, use the analysis report for coming up with a new plan and a list of things which you are going to do at several phases of the website redesign procedure.

  1. Reflect Your Brand with a Website Customization

Your site must precisely reflect your brand and the targets which you want to accomplish. Before you start designing your new site design and its content, you should be clear enough regarding your preferred branding, messaging, and your robust value proposition so its consistency across your whole site.

website customization

A new visitor must instantly understand what you do, how it associates with him, and why he must stay on your website and not go to your competitor’s website.

While making a smart website redesign method, ponder using color font and images for promoting and boosting your brand recognition. A stable brand will make it simple for your promising clients and audience to identify your business and discriminate it from the remaining.

To define branding and messaging, you need to follow these 3 steps:

  • Concentrate on the USPs of your brand
  • Consider the requirements and expectations of your clients
  • Make an inventory of your expertise and specialties
  1. Decide Your Buyers’ Character

While planning on a website redesign strategy, you must understand your buyers’ character. This will help you know the particular features and the content which you should include in the website.

Before you proceed, you must figure out those promising clients who will regularly visit the website coming from various backgrounds, continents, and countries.

At first, start with your current clients. Create a report on their profession, place, and preferences. Then, give more details of products and services according to their preference on your landing page. Next, try to meet their requirements as what they want most on your site.

Check out the latest trend. Find out what type of info they are seeking from your site. Ensure that the new website design resounds with every group of clients for continuing sales production and accomplishing your profit margins. This is why you need to research on your current clients and others who visit your existing site.

Make your site socially active. Develop your site with simple navigation which will solve the query of all kinds of individuals of various nations with several languages. Consider thinking more about trust and brand loyalty.

  1. Optimize All Website Pages

You should make an online presence to boost the rest metrics of your site. If none is visiting your site, you cannot increase new leads or generate sales. Check out these tips to designing your new site with SEO:

  • Utilize marketing analytics to point out the most search-valued pages that get maximum inbound links, traffic, convert the maximum leads, and cover the best topics in the industry.
  • Make a 301 redirect method which is highly essential for retaining the link value and traffic related to a provided page.
  • Choose a keyword which a page will focus on your newly designed website. Once you decide the relevant keywords, use on-page SEO practices for optimizing web pages.
  1. Launch Your Site with a Detailed Quality Analysis

This is the ultimate step. Hence, before launching your newly designed site, go for a detailed quality analysis which contains different steps:

  • Check whether all website URLs are working properly.
  • Find whether all preferred concepts are executed or not.
  • Check whether all pages are working in a good sequence.
  • Know whether your site is functioning on every device.
  • Check whether Google analytics is integrated into every page for better evaluation of your site functionality.
  • Figure out whether all internal linking links have error-free links.

In Conclusion

The aforementioned steps will help you create a successful website redesign strategy. And once you are done with the strategy phase, you can better prepare a perfect website redesign.

Now you are prepared for planning, designing, developing, optimizing, evaluating, and launching your newly designed website.

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