Invest in Energy Assets Using Blockchain Technology
Traditionally asset-based investments have only been available to only a small subset of qualified investors, ET is making many of these opportunities available. Whether you reside in the U.S. or live abroad, sign up to explore new and diverse investment opportunities.
A Revolutionary Funding Mechanism
About Energy Token
Energy Tokens (ET) is a complete solution trading platform using Blockchain enabled technology.
Energy Tokens (ET) is a complete solution trading platform using Blockchain enabled technology to acquire, hold and transfer direct interests in energy producing assets, including oil/gas and solar/wind.
Client Expectations
When the client came to us, they were looking for a Blockchain use case to solve a distinct issue. Our role was centered around converting the idea into a scalable solution.
There were a number of challenges associated with the energy token. The biggest amongst them was making gist of the massive data generated through empirical analysis.