Web development can be a tedious process when you’re doing everything bare footed, so to speak. During the evolution of web development and the discovery and implementation of new techniques, it has been made obvious that acquiring a set of tools to help you in complete your project is definitely something you should look into. When a developer is looking to start a web development project, one of the first decisions they will be forced to make is to choose a framework.
Enter AngularJS
AngularJS is considered by many the go-to when it comes to web developing in terms of frameworks. There is a large demand for AngularJS tools and there is also a large collection of such tools already available. If you are going to use AngularJS, it is highly advised that you also get some of these great tools which are a defining factor in how the entire process will unfold.
AngularJS definitely has a set of strong points that continue to push people towards using the platform. It is based on JavaScript and it features extensive HTML5 support. If you’re looking for the perfect framework to help you come up with dynamic views, this web app synthesizing powerhouse will definitely put a smile on your face. It is pretty safe to say that when it comes to a healthy mix of performance and user readability, AngularJS will be a top solution regardless of its competition.
Just pointing out that you are going to need some framework supported tools isn’t that much help on its own, so we are going to provide you with some pertinent suggestions on what tools you should specifically give a try. The following AngularJS tools are bound to increase your productivity tenfold, as well as boost the overall efficiency and work quality.
- Karma
Karma focuses on testing. You can’t launch anything before it’s tested, and when testing time comes, you should give Karma a holler and enjoy its potent testing features such as real browser implementation and mobile handset support. This kind of versatility will be important in the long run and being able to test in these conditions makes a great difference.
- Djangular
What if we told you that the hassle of app content development can be skipped through the implementation of one simple AngularJS tool? The tool in question is Djangular and it does just that. You can use it and then re-use it anytime you deem it necessary, and create app content for the AngularJS platform suitable for your project and necessities.
- Ment.io
This tool is different from the others as it deals with macros, but also mentions. These often times make up an important segment of the development process, and a tool that help you input them directly to the desired element is something any AngularJS developer will welcome. And, what’s even cooler, it doesn’t come with any jQuery strings attached.
- Videogular
Videogular caters to the video necessities of the AngularJS developer. Through Videogular, your AngularJS project can feature HTML5-based video playing capabilities that translate to an easy to implement video player for your design.
- Mocha.js
This node.js dependent tool will allow you to test JavaScript capabilities in optimal conditions. This is the perfect AngularJS extension for someone that is looking to undergo a challenging, versatility demanding test fest on both browser and framework.
- SublimeText
How’s your coding? Are you enjoying yourself while you’re undergoing ridiculous amounts of tedious coding? Well, if you ever find yourself looking for an easy to use alternative that takes all the strain out of the process, be sure to give SublimeText a try. It is by far the go-to AngularJS tool when it comes to text code editors, as a large portion of the developer community will recommend it over alter similar solutions.
- WebStorm
It would be unfair to praise SubliumeText and not give its competitors a fair shot of proving themselves. One of the top contenders for the title of best AngularJS IDE and text editor is WebStorm. WebStorm comes with the expected JavaScript-ready status, but its gears have also been oiled for HTML and CSS runs, which give it a bit of an edge on some other solutions. You might want to strongly consider WebStorm if you dread the need of constant refreshes in order to see changes take effect when operating with the platform’s text editor. This can be avoided by using the live text editor featured in WebStorm, which also allows you to check coding on browsers.
- AngularUI
That taking your time and making sure everything is in order is something that goes without saying, but speed and project duration are also factors to take into consideration during AngularJS development. By using something like AngularUI, you will be able to speed up the process by replacing widgets with bone-naked directives that can be integrated with UI-Bootstrap.
If you’re just starting out with AngularJS, it’ll take you a while before you get a hold of everything that developing on the platform means, but with the help of these tools you can foresee an easy and smooth transition, with an efficient resolve in terms of project developing.
Blog Source- https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/8-useful-angularjs-tools-for-developers-to-build-creative-web-apps/